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Fallen #3.5


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Shelby und Miles. Roland und Rosalinde. Arriane und Tessriel. Und nicht zuletzt: Daniel und Lucinda. Sie alle sind untrennbar verbunden mit dem Universum der Engel. In diesem Band vereinen sich die Geschichten dieser vier Liebespaare an einem Valentinsfest vor sehr langer Zeit zu einem kunstvollen Ganzen und somit zu einem weiteren Puzzleteil in Daniels und Lucindas Zukunft.

254 pages, Klappenbroschur

First published January 24, 2012

About the author

Lauren Kate

28 books26.2k followers
Lauren Kate is the author of novels for adults, teens, and children, including the rom-com BY ANY OTHER NAME and the young adult series, FALLEN. She lives in Laurel Canyon with her family.

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Profile Image for Cait.
76 reviews1,731 followers
July 2, 2012
Post-review: I feel like, after reading almost all of this series, now, including the in-between book that I was in no way obligated to read, I am allowed to write a letter. I feel as if we have grown......so much closer over this series. So much closer.....:

My dearest Lauren Kate; my honey-bun, my up-and-downer; my peach,

I regret to inform you that your writing has gone all-out bipolar on us all, and this book is prime evidence of that fact. Passion was the worst book of this series to date before this book was published, in my honest opinion, and I believe that Fallen In Love was your honest attempt at rectifying the train wreck that your last book was. You were trying to follow that old saying:

I think that the lawn mower really makes the scene. Take some notes, Katey-waty.

Sad to say that you tried, and you failed. Your lawn mower never even got off the ground; it kind of wobbled off into the air just a little bit, but when you had your excerpt of Rapture in there it just exploded into a fiery blaze. Seriously. It was so huge it burned my hands. Be expecting the medical bill from the hospital either also inclosed inside this envelope or as a later package a couple of days after.

Let's go over your first story in this little four-story headache extravaganza. To be blunt with you, dearest, it really was not good. The whole romance with Shelby and Miles was so awkward, not well-written and just......plain old shit. Don't get me wrong, my little cup-Kate, I'm extremely glad that there isn't a love triangle anymore (although you either purposefully or accidentally decided to hint at Luce with Cam again in the Rapture excerpt shoot me now ) between them, but it was just bad. Here's some of those awkward first-story gems:

Then I realized it was just me and Miles.

And another gem at basically the very beginning:

"I thought we were home!" Shelby cried, her voice landing somewhere between a bark and a whine.

Why, Katie boo-bear? Why?

Did you just realize that, Shelby? After, even in your own words, an "eternity" of jumping through time with mainly just Miles that little light-bulb of thought finally entered your character's dim little brain? Just because you feel the need to write another story and milk out this series does not mean that you can randomly write a relationship between two characters that was never even hinted at before! If you're going to write a love triangle and dig yourself into that terrible, dark, hole then you'd damn well come up with a fantastic way to get out of it! The whole passage was just Shelby having a fetish for Miles' damned hat and a really random make-out sesh at the end. And what the hell? A bark and a whine? What is Shelby, a bitch dog? I tried making that noise myself and it either sounded like I had a speech impediment or, well, a dog. I understand what you were trying to say, but you didn't say it at all correctly, sugar. I feel as if, Katie dear, if you had just left out that story I could have given this book possibly even three stars even with the Rapture-disaster at the end!

I'm sorry, Katydid. I didn't mean to get mad, because you really did redeem yourself in the middle two series.

Now, mon petit chou, I want you to guess why I liked the next two stories. Really, just guess. No? Okay, then I'll tell you: BECAUSE IT WASN'T ABOUT LUCE OR DANIEL! I'm sorry, sweetie, I couldn't keep it in. I was actually about the side characters that I could stand, and I honestly think that their stories, if they were elongated, would be better than this whole Fallen series. I'm not even kidding right now. Now, Kate, I am still not in any way saying that the two other stories you wrote (omitting the one about Luce as the last story which was still decent in comparison to some other Luce's.....other visits to her past) were fantastic, but they were still tolerable and readable, and actually had a good kind of message and Arianne and Roland actually learned from what happened to both of them because of love and had decent character development with an again somewhat decent moral/lesson at the end! Those two stories (which I may or may not elaborate on some more when it isn't so late and I know where the damned book is ) were just another concrete example as to how what you think is someone being pessimistic and foolish are the people that are actually decent; not the ones whom you think are the ones in "real love"

I just wish you had written the rest as you did with Roland and Arrianne, Kate.

With dearest regards your amazing, intelligent, beautiful, incredible, and ineffably sagacious,


Oh, and as an added aside: I would write about Rapture in this review, but I have so much rage for even those first damned fifteen pages or so that I'm going to write about all of my feelings in a Rapture pre-review in the next couple of days, so be ready for that one, folks.

And I just added this gif because I can. Good day to you all.

Pre-review: Bhahahahahahahaha! This quote.....oh this quote..... (this was the synopsis before my dear Goodreads friend-and librarian- changed it to what it is now)

This book is about the only Valentine's day that Luce and Daniel ever had together. How romantic and heartbreaking is that?

*picks up the supposed "book" *


How romantic, and *splutters* heartbreaking?

This has got to be one of the best practical jokes I've ever heard of in my life!! Now, come on, someone 'fess up. It was funny while it lasted, but come on now. Somebody own up. Was it you, Cillian?

*looks around and sees nobody*

Okay, if not Cillian, than maybe Mocha?

*still sees nobody and grows panicked*

Anyone?! Come on; this is just way to corny to be an actual book!

*cricket cricket*

Wait.....so this isn't a joke?

Oh my God I am officially horrified. This is actually a book?!?!?

I am........astounded. Is Lauren Kate seriously this greedy desperate for money that she writes about Luce and Daniel.....on Valentine's Day, no less? That is seriously the epitome of cliche and horribleness! I can't....I can't......understand.....brain.....fried....

Profile Image for Steph Sinclair.
461 reviews11.3k followers
Shelved as 'unlikely'
February 4, 2013
This book is about the only Valentine's day that Luce and Daniel ever had together.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

How romantic and heartbreaking is that?

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

Profile Image for Saniya.
360 reviews872 followers
Want to read
November 26, 2011
Fallen in love?
Fallen 3.5?
Is this a very nasty joke?
*looks at the reviews* O_O Shit.
Awesome. Just freaking awesome. Now I got to read this '3.5' book too.
God! is this just me who wants to just finish this fucking series already so I could know the end due to my big mistake of even starting reading this series? I seriously want to finish and get over with this.
Anyway, pretty cover. -.-
Profile Image for Liepa .
129 reviews21 followers
June 4, 2024
pre read: So I thought this would be part 4, but it turns out that's just novellas.

8 different people. 4 different love stories. 4 angels. 4 humans. 1 Valentine's day. Not everything ends beautifully and not everything is perfect. But that's still THE Valentine's day.

Why do I love novellas more than the actual books? It was just a cute, short (ended it in a day) and enjoyful read. This is the first time I'm sad the movie was based just on the 1st book. Loved seeing those stories just filling each other in the end, which reminded me of Let It Snow

🖤 One day from different POVs
🤍 Forbidden love
🖤 Time travel
🤍 Romantasy
Profile Image for Kiriaki Sandy.
29 reviews
Want to read
November 7, 2011
To all of you people out there,
there is one thing I don't quite understand; if you have already read the other books in the series, and didn't like them, why do you really have to go and search about this book? And then, why do you have to "review" it, since it hasn't even been published yet? Even if you have no other interest in your life other than being all mean to authors and books, I suggest you keep it to yourself. You can write in your diary.

(Okay, the tagline was a bit lame indeed, but still...)
Profile Image for Elena Salvatore.
220 reviews118 followers
May 26, 2017
This is a novella you can just skip. It doesn't add anything important to the main books other than the details of how Ariane came to her scars.
There are only 4 little love stories.


If you wish to read this novella on your own, without knowing anything about it... stop here.
Do not push the View Spoiler button.


Profile Image for Roohdaar.
165 reviews1,928 followers
February 22, 2012

Okay. So maybe I knew what I was getting myself into. Just maybe. But I still gave it a try. I was sane enough to. But boy. Boy, oh, boy. The first story was incredibly idiotic. Miles and Shelby are nincompoops.


I don't know why I just did that. Anyway, Shelby is so annoying. Miles is such a wuss. All they talked about was Luce and Daniel. And it just amazes me how those two tolerate each other. I mean, I have to be pretty insane to not want to beat the crap out of them.

Pretty. Insane.

Like jacked up.

So after I couldn't stand those two, I skipped to the next story.

BORING AS HELL! How can anyone stand reading this? I skipped the other story as well. Completely ignored it.

Now it's all about Luce and Daniel's perfect Valentine's Day. Yay! Let's party! Cheese over cheese. By now it seems like my body is stuffed with every kind of cheese out there, which is awkward because I love cheese, but only if I can eat it. Not the term that is used to describe "Ugh" scenes in love stories. Okay...

Oh, and the writing was creeping me out. It was so immature and childishly written. I could almost see Luce in it. It was horrible.

By the way, I noticed Kate's picture again in the back.

[image error]

This woman seems to know her books are bad to the bone. I mean, does she not know how to smile? For God's sake! She looks like she needs a big hug. But not from me. Never. I just might squeeze her to death.

Lauren Kate. Don't listen to me. I'm just a silly teenage girl who clearly doesn't have any idea what a good book is, right? Just don't listen to me.




Now be gone.
Profile Image for Prabhjot Kaur.
1,063 reviews199 followers
May 13, 2021
I liked this mini-read. It consists of short love stories and I liked them all. It doesn't add to the actual Fallen series which I already expected and I didn't mind.

We are taken to Medieval England and learn of Valentine's day. We also learn some things about Roland and Ari's past which I had been wanting to know throughout the series so yeah that was great.

A lovely short read.

3.5 stars
Profile Image for Donna.
1,052 reviews586 followers
January 19, 2012
Fallen in Love is a novel which tells the tales of Miles, Shelby, Roland, Arriane, Luce and Daniel finding love on Valentine’s Day in Medieval England. With four different stories and each one completely different from the other, it was nice to see them all come together at the end to help Daniel and Luce have their perfect Valentine’s day. I did enjoy the single stories, some more than others but I don’t think it’s something you have to read in order to continue with the series. So read it or don’t read it….it’s your choice but I’m glad I did and here are my thoughts.

Love Where You Least Expect It: The Valentine of Shelby and Miles.
I’ll be honest Shelby and Miles have never really been my favourite characters because I always felt they were quiet bland and were just put into the story to fill the pages. But after reading their story, I do feel more connected to them than before. Did I feel their story was necessary to the series? Not really. With or without it, it doesn’t make much of a difference but I guess it was nice to see them both falling love with each other. What I did enjoy was that they were as loyal to Luce as ever during this story and a girl always needs friends like them around.

Love Lessons: The Valentine of Roland.
Roland’s story actually surprised me. Talk about HEART-BREAKING! Poor Roland. He tries to come to terms with the fact that he's fallen in love with a mortal girl and knowing that they don’t have a future together. So, he does the only thing he can think of that will be for the best; he leaves but he does try to return a few years later only to see the girl happily married to someone else. The sacrifice Roland makes to keep this girl happy is unbelievable and it made me fall in love with him. What I really enjoyed about this story was getting that extra insight on Roland as a character because you don’t see that in the series and mainly how deeply he cares for Arriane whose friendship means more to him than anything.

Burning Love: The Valentine of Arriane.
I’ve always been a fan of Arriane, I really like her and her character is so unpredictable. Well, let me tell you this story definitely is unpredictable. Like all the others it’s Arriane’s love story but you would think it would be with a guy? WRONG! It’s with a girl named Tess and Lauren Kate definitely pulled out all the stops with this story. I think I enjoyed this story the most because it was fantastic to see Arriane in a different light but her story sure was heart-breaking. Falling in love with a girl that follows Lucifer is bad enough but when the girl asks you to changes sides for her is even worse. Good thing Arriane knows she belongs on the good side of the fight but it means her relationship with Tess is doomed and they don’t have future together. It’s a sad story but still good but I’d recommend you have a tissue ready.

Endless Love: The Valentine of Daniel and Lucinda.
This was the story I was looking forward to most of all because it’s more time with Daniel and Luce, but I didn’t enjoy it as much as I would of thought. Luce goes into Lucinda’s body so she can spend one Valentine’s Day with Daniel but she doesn’t really get to spend that much time with him. You read about her speaking with Bill, you read about her getting ready and all the while I was screaming for Daniel to come into the story. However, when he does it’s just like old times and it reminded me why I enjoy this series so much but it was just kind of the same old – the same information we’ve read previously about their relationships, except they do kind of get a happy ending on that one day. Overall it wasn’t really anything new and it’s not really necessary to the actual story but overall enjoyable.

Sneak peek into Rapture; Yes, there’s a sneak peek into Rapture at the end of this book but I didn’t read it. I’m crazy, lol….I’m dying to know what happens next but I didn’t want to start the story and not be able to finish it off because I��d have to wait another 5 months……that’s torture. So I’m going to bare with it and wait until June.

Thank you to the publishers for providing me with a copy for review.
Profile Image for Sophia.
2,275 reviews354 followers
July 22, 2021
Reading this for the second time made me realise just how much I had forgotten!
It was so good being able to delve back into these little side stories to see the different kinds of love and relationships. There was heartbreak but there was also joy and comfort.

We were able to learn a little more about a couple of characters plus see a new relationship blossom!
Overall, if you have any interest in the Fallen series, definitely check this novella out. It is not essential reading but it does give more backstory to some really great characters.
Profile Image for Veronica Alvarez.
337 reviews20 followers
May 21, 2021
It was an entertaining book
I really enjoyed all the stories, and as always I like to see more of each character
I also like that one of those was actually a LGBTQ+ relationship because in those years it wasn't that popular to include those kind of relationship but I was surprised and I think that one is my favorite
I was really into Miles and Shelby relationship I think they were so cute
And Ronald Oh, poor Ronald but I'm happy he did better
Luce and Daniel I don't know we still follow the part where Lucie can own the body from a different period of time so we see that which I wasn't a big fan of, but they were just regular with a regular story
Overall I don't think is a necessary book, if you are enjoying the series or want to know more about you should try it, but they're just love stories it doesn't affect the storyline
Profile Image for Mary ♥.
458 reviews115 followers
January 18, 2016
4 stars

Miles and Shelby: 4/5 stars

I really liked the story but it was not like...something to wow me, it was quick and funny.

Roland: 5/5 stars

Roland is my fave<3 I never expected him to have such a story. It was really painful and proved that he is not heartless

Arianne: 5/5 stars

Even more heartbreaking. OH MY GOD. Arianne's story was my favorite because it was so cute and sad and a million other things

Luce: 3/5 stars

This one wasn't the best. To be honest, I loved how cute it was but not much happened, it was all flowers and love. I wanted SOMETHING to happen!!

I am almost finished with Fallen too, the series is really good<3<3<3
Profile Image for Ninoska Goris.
270 reviews167 followers
February 27, 2017
"...cada alma debía estar satisfecha consigo misma antes de lanzarse al amor, porque uno nunca sabía cuando desaparecería la otra parte. Era la mayor de las paradojas: las almas se necesitan, pero también necesitaban no necesitarse."
Este libro está totalmente de mas. Creo que solo lo escribieron para no dejar a Miles y Shelby sin parejas, pero quedó forzado. Que posibilidad hay de que ángeles y humanos tengan experiencias románticas al mismo tiempo en una era lejana? Yo digo que cero.
Profile Image for Cecilia.
320 reviews470 followers
August 19, 2023
1,5 ⭐️

Peroo que fomedad este libro de relatos, son 4 de San Valentin, pero cual de todos es más fome que el anterior.

El primero es de: Shelby y Miles, dos nefelym, amigos de Luce, relato que se lee muy forzado, en los tres libros anteriores jamás se vislumbro algo más que con suerte amistad entre estos dos personajes, es solo para que no queden solos.

El segundo es Roland y una mortal, resultaba interesante saber el interés amoroso de este personaje, pero la historia ultra aburrida y esos diálogos peor aún 🤢.

El tercero es de Arriane con otro ángel caído, también interesante lo que plantea la autora, pero pésimamente ejecutado.

Y el último, igual de aburrido que los anteriores, de Luce y Daniel, los protagonistas, que de romance carecen, solo diálogos clichés y absurdos 🤢.
Profile Image for Kirsten.
12 reviews2 followers
February 11, 2012
Read this... woooow


I gave this piece of shit "book" five stars because of Arrianes story. She should have just wrote a really long even more interesting version of that and called it Arrianes story and this would be awesome.

So all of you curious little love birds that like to read spoilers like me.. i give you a rap of each one.YAY REAL REVIEW TIME!

Love Where You Least Expect It: The Valentine of Shelby and Miles:
this story blew my mind. no actually it made me want to blow up my mind it was so mindless and boring. So while sweet miles and bitchy Shelby are off looking for Luce they get lost in a little town where its almost valentines day and they fall in love. woo hoo. not. they have no sparks.. the love Kate forced on them is so unnatural.. i thought miles was all uber obsessed with Luce and now all of the sudden he and Shelby are doing it next to a medevil Calderon while Roland rides up on his white horse all golden dreadlocks and pissy. And whats with every single character being white, skinny, and american. sure we got one black guy and some half mutilated gargoyle devil... still

Love Lessons: The Valentine of Roland:
this story was okay.. apparently Roland loved some rich white girl in old times where black dudes are today's ghetto white trash. anyway they had planned to run away together (how sweet) but while she was miss rich white girl, she was also a HUMAN rich white girl. Roland says to cam he could change with her, but Rosaline (white girl) doesn't know about his demoness, so Roland does the noble (kiss my ass, nobleness) and breaks her poor rich girl heart by leaving her to live a normal demon free life. well Roland comes back from present day to get her back to find she moved on and has a family (hubby and kids) and just as poor white girl is going to loose her other lovely love (white version) to battle; Roland comes and makes it so white lover boy can stay with his family. how nice of Roland. (no offense intened with the whole "white girl" thang :))

Burning Love: The Valentine of Arriane:
Awww this story was amazing. And here is what happened in my biased opinion of these tragic love stories for all of you who just want to read Arrianes story! so it all starts off with Arriane and Tess (yeas Arrianes long lost amazing love is a GIRL which makes it so much more beautiful in my opinion)hanging out in a meadow thing braiding hair and telling stories. Then they begin to fight [:'(] because you see, Tess is a demon, a very powerful demon who is very close to Lucifer. And as we all know sweet, but crazy little Arriane is not. They fight about the fact that Tess has to go back to the devils side and she wants Arriane to come with her. They start to physically fight and when Arriane leaves after saying goodbye, she senses something wrong and she goes to back to find that poor love struck Tess has tried to rip off her wings with (i think) a star shot (not sure). And apparently angel blood is like acid to another (not entirely sure if its for angel/ demon blood or just all angels in general) and Tess in bleeding, Arriane is bleeding from fighting with Tess and when Arriane trys to help Tess she gets burned.. that's how she got her scars. Since shes so weak she has to leave Tess and send someone to help. that's really the end. Its so tragic and sad and beautiful and I LOVED IT!!

Endless Love: The Valentine of Daniel and Lucinda
And finally.. this is practically just Luce and a old version of Daniel making out in a forest. that's all that really happens! WAIT.. she dances with Cam and he says some MYSTERIOUS things. wtf else is new. and this is supposedly the only valentine Daniel and Luce will share.

And you get a sneak peak of RAPTURE. I really hope Kate will give us all the fucking answers finally.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for catherine ♡.
1,431 reviews166 followers
August 19, 2020
This was...okay? It wasn't as annoying as the original books, that's for sure — and honestly the romance was less cringy, but it still lacked the oomph factor and everything felt low-stakes.
Profile Image for ☆☆Hannah☆☆.
3,182 reviews43 followers
October 29, 2016
I gave this a poor rating due to the fact that two of the stories had terrible endings. I like the characters in the book but when you don't give happy endings in love stories you make me mad. I get that real life isn't always happy but this is books. Authors should just know that more times than not the person reading it wants a happy ending.
Profile Image for Heather.
314 reviews63 followers
April 9, 2012

*Spoilers from now on!!*

'Love where you least expect it'
(The valentine of Miles and Shelby) :

This story follows Miles and Shelby as they step out of an announcer and into Medieval times, or more specifically, into the middle of a Valentine's faire!

I really enjoyed this as it gave more depth into the two's relationship and saw it develop more without any distractions/life-changing missions.

'Love Lessons'
(The valentine of Roland)

This one was heart-felt and beautifully written as it also gave more depth into Roland. The story follows how he remembers the one mortal girl he ever loved, Rosaline. He too is also in the same time as the Medieval Valentine's fair and briefly bumps into Miles and Shelby. I personally LOVED how all the stories flowed into one another easily and without confusion.

The valentine of Roland was one of the sad stories though and teaches him a lesson of losing love. It ends with him seeing Rosaline after 5 years but he does not show himself as she is happily married and with a child.

He fights with her husband as he is a knight and her husband was leaving Rosaline to fight in the crusades. Roland wins the fight and tells him to go home and be with his family whilst he will take him place as a knight. It was such a sweet action and i admit, I almost cried.

'Burning Love'
(The valentine of Arianne)

Okay so this one was also quite sad and emotional and like I said before, it was nice to read from the charcter's perspective and give an insight as to how they act/feel.

The story follows Arianne (also near the faire) and how her love, Tess, who sided with Lucifer and is a demon. The story follows how Tess wants her to join her and Lucifer so they can tell everyone about their love and won't have to hide anymore. Arianne, however, does not want to side with him and does not want to become someone else just for love.

This story also almost made me cry as Arianne leaves Tess near the end but then returns when she gets a feeling Tess is in trouble, or injured. As it turns outl Tess, broken-hearted from loosing Arianne, had self-inflicted almost fatal injuries to her wings using a starshot (the only weapon that can kill/hurt an angel or demon) and is bleeding severely. Arriane tries to help her but Tess's blood touches hers accidently and burns Arriane's body badly, hence the name of the title.

Definately one of the more rememberable stories.

'Endless Love'
(The valentine of Daniel and Luce)

Finally, we reach the valentine faire and we get to see Luce go '3D' into her past self (go into her body) for the faire. This Lucinda is heartbroken as Daniel, a knight, has not appeared at the faire. Luce, whilst looking for Daniel, bumps into Cam whilst dancing. Although this is the medieval Cam so she cannot share her problems with him.

Eventunally, Daniel turns up and the two go off and share treasured time in the forrest together.

My favourite part was the epilogue as the musicians who had been playing at the faire, lifted their masks at the end of the day and were revealed to be Roland, Arriane, Miles and Shelby! It was just a surprise to me and I thought it made a nice ending that they had been watching over Daniel and Luce.

Overall, I loved all the stories!

I recomend this as a quick read and any fan (like me) who is waiting VERY impatiently for the final 'Fallen' book to be released!!
Profile Image for James Tullos.
369 reviews1,642 followers
July 31, 2020
This is just a few short stories about side characters in the Fallen series. Roland's story was great and gave him some much needed development, Shelby's was the same, though not quite as good, the other two are horrendously forgettable. If you're a fan of this series then read this one (before the final book). It's not needed but it's a good look at some other characters that don't get enough focus.
Profile Image for Ale Rivero.
1,267 reviews115 followers
October 1, 2018
Estas 200 y pico de páginas están plagadas de amor y drama, y obviamente para que eso quede bien está ambientando en una fiesta de San Valentín en la Edad Media, y la ambientación es lo único que realmente me llamó la atención.
Es un librito entretenido, porque se pueden ver algunos nuevos aspectos de personajes que hemos observado previamente a lo largo de tres libros.
Sin embargo, no creo que sea para nada indispensable al momento de continuar con la saga, ya que a lo largo de estas páginas tenemos alguna que otra referencia a lo que sucedió en el anterior libro, pero no aporta detalles de lo que pasará a futuro.
En definitiva, creo que es un libro que podría ser necesario para los que tengan algún apego a esta saga, pero al final no aporta detalles imprescindibles.
El avance del primer capítulo del cuarto libro sí ha estado la mar de interesante.
Profile Image for Amy Lignor.
Author 10 books224 followers
February 4, 2012
True Love Never Says Goodbye… Except for the reader, who reads these books with such intensity and passion that they almost want to strangle the publisher for having the nerve to offer an excerpt to the final Fallen book that they won’t be able to get their hands on for a few more months.

The Fallen series has become one of the largest and most well-known when it comes to the “winged ones” of the world, and Lauren Kate has managed to captivate and enchant all of her fans. Having this new novel that offers four separate stories about our beloved favorite characters - just in time to make a very nice Valentine’s Day gift, by the way - is lovely. And the excerpt from Rapture - the fourth and final installment? Mouthwatering.

As everyone knows who reads Ms. Kate, her characters have been through many lifetimes. There are present and past Daniel’s and Lucinda’s wandering the Earth in their own time periods, living out the inevitable moment where Luce will once again die the death of a passionate love that’s simply never going to be possible.

The first story is all about one of my favorite duos - Shelby and Miles. Stepping out of their Announcer, they find themselves in medieval times where all Shelby wants to do is give Daniel and Luce just one day - one Valentine’s Day where they can be together, seeing as that for the rest of their lives it will never happen again. But what comes through is the sweetness and humor between the two characters as early signs of a relationship appear on the horizon.

We then head into Roland’s word - the tough, the steel-spine, the man who is following Daniel in order to make sure the boy does NOT screw up in this lifetime. Roland’s not nearly as worried about Luce, seeing as that she seems to understand far more than the angel she’s in love with. This story, however, turns away from the path of the ‘Romeo & Juliet’ couple, and offers fans a whole new look at the ‘Redemption of Roland.’

Arriane and Tess, a relationship that tugs at the heartstrings, comes next. If not for a simple miscommunication, perhaps things could’ve been different. But a story where one will sacrifice for the other - no matter what the pain or agony is for punishment - is a true gift.

And, of course, Daniel and Luce appear in story four to offer their fans a look at yet another ‘day in the life of.’ But this time, a day that meant beauty and joy on the one day devoted to love.

Bad part of the book? The excerpt. No, before everyone goes getting all beside themselves in anger - I mean the fact that Rapture already sounds magnificent; a fulfilling ending to a stunning ‘out-of-the-box’ series…yet it’s not OUT YET! I know, I know, patience is a virtue. However, I’m more of a Cam, myself. Patience is one virtue I simply can’t get a handle on, no matter how many lives I live.

Until Next Time, Everybody.

Profile Image for Rachel.
1,440 reviews154 followers
March 1, 2019
3 stars.

I usually don't have a single page that stands out to me but in this case, with this book, there is that 1 page. Page 87 where we discover Cam has turned up in the city I was born in! It doesn't state the name of the city but its clear from the description.

"He found Cam at the southern tip of the Islands that would one day be called New Zealand" ohh yes. My home, my heart. Forever. Which is interesting as this is a book about 4 love stories. And my real home, is my love.

Anyway. I'd have to say that story 3 was my favourite, easily. The story of Adriane and Tess. Heaven verses Hell. This story was 4 stars where as the other 3 were between 2 'just ok' to 3 'good' stars.
Profile Image for Sierra.
374 reviews18 followers
July 25, 2023
I actually liked this book more than any book in the series I have read so far. Luce and Daniel's relationship is still getting on my nerves, but I absolutely loved reading about everyone else's relationship. It didn't matter if it was talking how the two people fell apart or how they grew together. I loved Miles and Shelby's relationship, and I loved watching it blossom. Miles finally got out of his funk, which was thinking that he was in love with Luce, even though he never had a shot when it came to the love between her and Daniel.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Louisa.
7,973 reviews84 followers
March 6, 2017
So very fantastic, loved these stories of love, whether is's starting, ending, hard times or easy times, and now to read Rapture!

*First read July 8th 2012*
Lots of great short stories of romance, some sad, some not, but all of them great, and the excerpt from Rapture was amazing! Can't wait for my library copy of it to come in!
Profile Image for Elisya Nazman.
307 reviews
November 14, 2015

"And in that moment under the stars, a simple understanding passed among the four. Sometimes love needed a lift from its guardian angels, to get its feet off the ground. But once it made its first early beats toward flight, it had to be trusted to take wing on its own and soar past the highest conceivable heights, into the heavens,and beyond."
Profile Image for Ronda.
887 reviews166 followers
January 31, 2012
I loved this book!!!

I had no idea it contained 4 separate love stories with our favourite characters and yet the 4 love stories were combined as one...

What a fabulous delight!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,030 reviews

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