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Carlisle Cops #3

Fire and Rain

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Carlisle Book Three

Since the death of their mother, Josten Applewhite has done what he’s had to do to take care of his little brother and keep their small family together. But in an instant, a stroke of bad luck tears down what little home he’s managed to build, and Jos and Isaac end up on the streets.

That’s where Officer Kip Rogers finds them, and even though he knows he should let the proper authorities handle things, he cannot find it in his heart to turn them away, going so far as to invite them to stay in his home until they get back on their feet. With the help of Kip and his friends, Jos starts to rebuild his life. But experience has taught him nothing comes for free, and the generosity seems too good to be true—just like everything about Kip.

Kip’s falling hard for Jos, and he likes the way Jos and Isaac make his big house feel like a home. But their arrangement can’t be permanent, not with Jos set on making his own way. Then a distant relative emerges, determined to destroy Jos’s family, and Kip knows Jos needs him—even if he’s not ready to admit it.

200 pages, ebook

First published January 11, 2016

About the author

Andrew Grey

240 books1,959 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 110 reviews
Profile Image for Erth.
4,040 reviews
June 12, 2022
This is the third in the series and again Andrew has successfully introduced new characters to his growing community in Carlisle.
The story arc brings together a new couple and a new family...the story teaches the reader the strength of love and trust...and how hard it can be to get it right!
Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books769 followers
January 12, 2016
The first two books of the ‘Carlisle Cops’ series are both about men who have had to overcome the odds before being able to live a normal life and find love. This third volume has the same central idea, showing how determination and courage can overcome any obstacle, yet is very different. After physical disfigurement in book one and a dark past causing abandonment issues in book two, Andrew Grey focuses on homelessness and its effect in this third installment. And as devastating as it is for an adult like Jos to deal with the helplessness and hopelessness of his situation, the suffering is different and in many ways worse for his four-year-old brother Isaac. Finding the right way to help, without crushing Jos’s self-confidence even more, is a tough job and Kip, a cop and colleague Of Red and Carter’s, faces more problems than he suspected.

Jos has had a hard time since his and Isaac’s mother died. She was an alcoholic and never really provided more than a basic home for them, but they had a fixed address and a roof over their heads. Now that she is gone, and Jos has lost his job and the apartment he found but was barely able to afford, he is living on the streets. Both he and Isaac are constantly hungry, never feel safe, and have discovered that shelters are not the solution because when they are full, anyone not there in time is out of luck. Jos does the best he can to keep Isaac fed, often giving him his own food as well, but it is a losing battle. When Officer Kip finds them in a doorway where they can’t stay and ends up helping them, Jos can’t believe his luck. It takes him a long time to be able to begin to trust that Kip is not going to abandon him and Isaac. Fighting for independence becomes Jos’s most important goal.

Kip never expected to get involved in a homeless guy’s case the way he does when he saves Jos from an attack by a lowlife taking advantage of people who have no choice but to live on the streets. Kip is a cop because he wants to help, but he has never taken a personal interest before. As they get to know each other and try to make sure Isaac can legally stay with Jos, Kip begins to develop feelings for Jos. He is hesitant about expressing them, trying to make sure he doesn’t take advantage of Jos, but when Jos takes the initiative, there is no stopping them. Kip does a great job supporting Jos, to the point where he lets him move into his own apartment despite the fact he wants both guys to stay with him – and almost loses everything.

If you like stories about men who defy the odds by never giving up, if you want to know more about the effect of homelessness on young children, and if you’re looking for a story full of emotion, heartbreak, desperation, and an indomitable will to survive, then you will probably like this novel as much as I did. I found its message of hope very uplifting.

NOTE: This book was provided by Dreamspinner Press for the purpose of a review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Roger - president of NBR United -.
712 reviews27 followers
January 27, 2023
This story bring back some of my favorite character in the series of Carlisle Cop and also the Taste of Love series. Kip Rogers is the cop who find love when he rescue a homeless young man and his 4 year old brother, Josten is the homeless 19 year old who recently lost the only family (Other than Isaac, his brother) he knew. like any one who bad luck has taken to the street it is hard for Josten to believe that there are good people who are willing to help because it is the right thing to do. it was so good to see Red and Terry, Carter and Donald, Billy and other familiar characters from previous books set in Carlisle. the only flaw is that I wanted more story .

4.75 star rounded up to 5.
Profile Image for Denise H..
3,116 reviews251 followers
February 8, 2016
***** Andrew Grey brings us to a town that has a caring, loving amazing group of openly gay men, who take their lives seriously, and always strive to be better. *****

Here we have Jos and little brother Isaac, homeless and struggling. Strong, muscled Kip is the cop who finds them, and helps them out. Jos is about the same size, but undernourished and with less muscle, Isaac is a delightful little man, and Kip and his friends in the department and
in social services are there to help. Jos is afraid everything will be taken from him once again, but Kip tries to show him there are good people in the world. It's a wonderful story of compassion, caring, trust, and finding love. There is erotic, hot sexiness, and a smooth flowing tale that will hold your attention, and keep you reading.
Highly recommend ! ENJOY !!!
Profile Image for Morgan  Skye.
2,772 reviews27 followers
January 26, 2016
Kip is a police officer who finds a young man and his much younger brother hiding in a doorway during a terrible rainstorm. The young man is Jos, recently homeless due to an apartment scam.

Jos is wary of help of any kind and determined to do right by his brother, Isaac, by himself. When Kip opens his home to Jos, little does he know he’ll be opening his heart, as well.

Jos has an aunt who is after Isaac for some inexplicable reason and determined to prove Jos incapable of parenting.

Kip and his friends (from the previous books in the series) help Jos land on his feet and fight for Isaac. Kip and Jos eventually find themselves in love.


This is one of those happily sentimental and sappy series full of Hallmark moments. Underdogs making their way to the top. True love conquering all. Kids, family and home. Do-gooders all around. Happily Ever Afters abounding!

Andrew Grey gives us another wonderful addition to his Fire and Ice series, fans will surely love Kip and Jos as a couple!
Profile Image for Dani Elle Maas.
957 reviews13 followers
January 24, 2016
4.5 rated up
wonderful addition to a fantastic series!
one of my favorite series by andrew grey!
Profile Image for Penumbra.
1,074 reviews14 followers
April 27, 2018
Fire and Rain is the third book in the ‘Carlisle Cops’ series. The main characters are Officer Kip Rogers, Josten aka ‘Jos’ Applewhite, and his little brother, Isaac. This is told in third person from both Kip and Josten’s povs.

Profile Image for Esmée D'Costa.
286 reviews14 followers
November 10, 2022
sometimes you just don’t wanna review a book. I just wanna enjoy this feeling without thinking too much about it and picking on things I “enjoyed less” and things I “enjoyed more”. 😌
Profile Image for T.M. Smith.
Author 27 books317 followers
January 9, 2016
Kip Rogers is out on patrol when he gets a call of vagrancy at a local store, what he finds under the awning of the store will change his life forever.

Josten Applewhite is far too young to have dealt with all the lemons life has given. His nor his little brother’s fathers were ever around, only dead beats their mother drug home to keep her company. Speaking of mommy dearest… emotionally unavailable is an understatement. At least she had the smarts to draw up a will, so when she dies, Jos is awarded custody of his four year old brother, Isaac. When it rains, it pours, and the two wind up homeless, sleeping under the awning of a store rather than in a box or under a bridge. Then in a strange twist of fate, a kind Police Officer extends an olive branch, an offer to help Jos and Isaac get off the streets and find a home.

Kip is pretty much done as soon as he sees Jos’s scared, but beautiful, blue eyes that night in the rain. Jos, well he takes a little bit more convincing. He may be young, but all he has ever known in his short life is misery, disappointment and pain. Day by day, Kip and his close knit group of friends manage to give Jos and Isaac the things they have never had. A home, family, security, loyalty and friendship. Just when Jos starts to let his guard down and smile, another lemon hits him square in the face.

This latest installment in the Carlisle Cops series came dangerously close to de-throning my favorite Grey book, Seven Days. Both these guys, Jos and Kip, were dealt the worst hands when it came to family. I think seeing something of himself and what he had to deal with growing up was part of the draw to Jos for Kip. They really understood each other from the start, and I liked that Grey let Jos get comfortable and start to settle before there was any romance. Even still, there wasn’t a lot of romance, it was more touches, tender caresses and conversation; but it really fit for this story.

There was so much character development and growth for both men, but especially Josten. I think it was Kips love and faith in him that gave him the courage to stand on his own two feet and not allow anyone else to bull doze over him. And oh my gosh, little Isaac. Have you seen the movie Shelter? Jos and Isaac remind me so much of Zach and his nephew in that movie. The scene where Zach is flying his nephew through the grocery store, there is a scene in the book where Kip is flying Isaac around and I had a flash of that scene in Shelter. I guess it’s a given that if you like that movie, you’ll surely like this book.

Life is what you make it, and family is the most important thing, I think these things are the moral of this story. So what if the family that Kip and Jos create for themselves and Isaac doesn’t fit someone else’s moral code? To quote Zach in Shelter, “Every boy should be so lucky!” But you see, that is part of the story as well. The families that Josten, Isaac and Kip were born into weren’t a family at all. The life, stability and security that Jos and Kip provide for each other as well as Isaac are the true definition of family.

Do I really have to say that I highly recommend this read? Definitely, a must buy? I just loved this book and I want to read it again already.

* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review through http://mmgoodbookreviews.wordpress.com *
Profile Image for Jaime.
1,762 reviews308 followers
January 28, 2016
5 Stars - Andrew Grey will amaze you!

Andrew Grey continues to amaze me with his ability to write stories that will pull at your heartstrings and draw you into the world in which the characters live. This story like many of Grey's others has some moments where you are going to feel the pain of the characters and your soul will cry out to them on a very basic human level. However, while Grey's characters who usually have a very rough start or past they are also very resilient and that is the case with Josten Applewhite who is one of our MC in this story. Josten or Jos has been dealing with blow after blow since his mom died and he has tried desperately to keep a roof over his and his little brothers head but situations just keep getting worse and worse until the brothers find themselves homeless in the cold with little to no resources. It isn't until Officer Kip Rogers responds to a call regarding vagrants that Jos' life starts to slowly turn around.

Kip is immediately drawn to Jos, his brilliant blue eyes and his angelic voice as he hears Jos singing to his younger brother in cold dark alley. Kip knows he should call a social worker. Yet, instead he takes the brothers to his house and gets them settled. These two men find each other through tragedy and despair and slowly they get to know each other and learn to take care of Jos' younger brother and provide a stable home for him. They stand together when outside forces who were not around when times were tough decide to try and step in and they eventually fall in love with each other. It is in typical Grey style a wonderful love story; with well rounded characters, emotional upheaval, series character cross-over, and lots of "feelz" that will leave you turning the pages faster than you imagined and wanting more when the story ends. I recommend this story and the entire Carlisle Cops Series to anyone who is looking for m/m contemporary romance.

Review also posted at: Alpha Book Club
Gay Book Reviews

*ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Jaime from Alpha Book Club
and Gay Book Reviews
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1,787 reviews24 followers
January 14, 2016
Sweet Family Network

In this series Andrew Grey has allowed us to come to know that the police force of his hometown of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, is a hotbed for ripped, openly gay, cops. Well, whether you believe that or not, he has crafted three superb romances so far, the latest of which brings the characters from the first two into the mix at the right times, and the result is a delicately paced, beautifully developed, tale of loss and found that will keep you riveted because of Isaac.

Isaac is a four-year-old whose brother Josten has nurtured and protected all his life, and now has added burdens because their mother died and they are homeless. That scenario is the basic premise of this book, and its heart wrenching twists and turns begin when the hunky copy Kip finds them huddled in a store doorway on a cold night because all the shelters are full. At that point Andrew Grey takes your breath away and forces you to still your heart and stanch your tears, but he doesn't allow you, or his characters, to give up hope.

Those characters are headed by Kip the cop and Josten the young man whose life purpose is to take care of his brother Isaac. Both Kip and Josten are damaged by their pasts, but we get more exposure early on to how life has affected Josten than Kip. Only when Kip overcomes his reluctance to get involved in a relationship after the one he has had falls totally apart, do we learn how similar both men are in background and in hopes and fears.

By weaving in the principals from the first two books--Red the cop and his lover Terry the Olympic swimming hopeful, Carter the cop and his lover Donald the social worker, as well as the setting and characters from Café Belgie, from the "Of Love" series--Grey has fashioned and developed a story about family and extended families. With its side plots involving some pretty selfish characters to deal with along the way, Grey gives us the gift of a tale that will tug at your heart and leave you with hope.

Profile Image for Daniel Mitton.
Author 3 books37 followers
January 11, 2016
(Originally reviewed for Love Bytes Same Sex Book Reviews with a copy provided by the author / publisher for an honest review. Rated 4.5 out of 5.0 stars.)

This Carlisle Cops series just keeps getting better! Fire and Rain is by far my favorite of the three, and I loved the two previous books. If you haven’t read this series, get caught up!

Kip Rogers is a police officer in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. He has just discovered what a shallow jerk his occasional boyfriend, (or maybe hook-up would be a better description), is. Kip has finally faced up to the fact that the guy was obviously just using him.

Then while on patrol one rainy night, Kip responds to a call to investigate a homeless person sleeping in a store doorway. When Kip arrives, he discovers not one person, but two. Kip is instantly mesmerized by the eyes looking back at him.

Josten (Jos) Applewhite and his little brother Isaac are on the street. Their mother is dead, and Jos has full custody, but due to a stroke of bad luck, they are now homeless. Can Kip help these two? Jos is determined to make it on his own. Will he be able to accept help from not only Kip, but all the men we’ve met in the previous two Carlisle Cops books?

As I said at the top, I love the story that plays out on these pages. As I said above, this is my favorite of the series, and I really enjoyed the way that Andrew brought these guys to life on the pages. The characters, as usual, were very well developed, and I loved how he tied them back to the characters in the previous books. It isn’t necessary to read the other two first, but it would definitely help for background information on the extended cast!

I highly recommend this book, and the series. Why not hit one click on all three before you forget about it?
Profile Image for Anne.
729 reviews
January 26, 2016
I love this series! As both previous books in this series before, Kips, Jos's and Isaacs story is touching, sweet and awww-worthy all the way. Between fighting for his little brother and their secured future together, Jos has to finally come to the conclusion that sometimes an allie is important, and when he looks as hot and is as adorable as sexy cop Kip, even better. To see both getting closer is amazing and sweet. If you loved Red and Terrys story as well as Carters and Donalds, this book will hook you immediately. Just thinking of Kip rescuing Isaacs little cuddle buddie, teddy bear Weeble, awesome. you'll love it, believe me!
Profile Image for Debi.
653 reviews
February 13, 2016
This story is too simple, sweet and predictable for me. Plus, it ends with so many unresolved points and/or events that were unnecessary to the story line. The ending is completely rushed and lacking in explanations and HEA. I struggled to give it 2 stars. Only because I really like Kip and how he is with Isaac. That relationship is well-written and adorable. Otherwise, disappointing.
Profile Image for Melissa.
621 reviews3 followers
January 14, 2016
I really love the Carlisle Cops series. As with the previous books, Fire and Rain was great. The plot and character development was great. I know this book was just released but I really need another one now.
Profile Image for Nerea.
688 reviews34 followers
May 14, 2016
This series is one of my Andrew's favorites!!
In my opinion the best is still the #2 but I really liked this one! Cute and touching love story <3
Profile Image for Melanie~~.
997 reviews24 followers
October 14, 2017
A good basic story. Probably a 3.5 rating because the ending felt a bit loose. I guess I'm feeling generous to Andrew Grey.
Profile Image for Melissa Mendoza.
2,581 reviews50 followers
January 15, 2016
Title:Fire and Rain
Author: Andrew Grey
Series: Carlisle Cops, Book #3
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Release Date: January 11, 2016
Genre(s): M/M Romance
Page Count: 180
Heat Level: 4 flames out of 5
Rating: 4 stars out of 5

Since the death of their mother, Josten Applewhite has done what he’s had to do to take care of his little brother and keep their small family together. But in an instant, a stroke of bad luck tears down what little home he’s managed to build, and Jos and Isaac end up on the streets.

That’s where Officer Kip Rogers finds them, and even though he knows he should let the proper authorities handle things, he cannot find it in his heart to turn them away, going so far as to invite them to stay in his home until they get back on their feet. With the help of Kip and his friends, Jos starts to rebuild his life. But experience has taught him nothing comes for free, and the generosity seems too good to be true—just like everything about Kip.

Kip’s falling hard for Jos, and he likes the way Jos and Isaac make his big house feel like a home. But their arrangement can’t be permanent, not with Jos set on making his own way. Then a distant relative emerges, determined to destroy Jos’s family, and Kip knows Jos needs him—even if he’s not ready to admit it.

“When Kip’s lips touched his, it was like a shock went through him. He had been contemplating getting the blanket because he’d been feeling a little cold, but within seconds he was warm.”

4 hot and cold stars!!! What a fantastic book! Loved every page!

Josten wasn’t dealt a great set of cards when it comes to life. He’s been left to take care of his little brother after his mother dies. Jos and his brother end up living on the street after severe issues arise. Officer Kip ends up finding both of them and he takes them in. Against his better judgement of course. Jos ends up building his life back up with the help of Kip, but Jos knows that some things are just too good to be true. Sparks start to fly between Jos and Kip and things start to look up. But when someone from Jos’ past shows up, it threatens everything Kip and Jos have together.

I really loved this book and the characters. It definitely kept me on my toes and I couldn’t put it down because I needed to know what was going to happen next!! Really loving this series!


Alpha Book Club
ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review. Reviewed by Melissa from Alpha Book Club
Profile Image for Cat.
379 reviews3 followers
January 19, 2016
Andrew Grey is an amazing writer, and that was again ever so clearly demonstrated in this novel which earned a solid 4.5 stars. The third in the Carlisle Cops series, Fire and Rain continues to build the community in which these characters live and thrive. Officer Kip Rogers is sent on a call for a vagrant in the entryway of a store, where he discovers the bluest eyes he’s ever seen in the face of Josten Applewhite, who is softly singing his four year old brother to sleep. Jos and Isaac lost their mother, and circumstances continued to deteriorate until the pair lost their apartment. After a series of events, he takes the two to his own home as every shelter in town is full due to the inclement weather. From here, the two men begin getting to know one another while circling the orbit of a precocious little boy that you can’t help but fall in love with.

As is standard with Mr. Grey’s writing, every character tugs at your heart, but in this case, by the time I was a mere eighteen percent into the book my chest physically twinged for the pain Jos has had to endure and the bleakness that is his outlook on life. The resilience of youth is nearly outweighed by the travesty of Jos’s life. Wanting to trust, but waiting for the proverbial other shoe to drop, Jos slowly works toward opening himself up to the potential for happiness, and Kip is right there waiting with arms wide open. Will they find love everlasting, or is the gunshy Jos irretrievably broken?

Enjoyably, the characters from the previous two books are interplayed here with rousing success. If you have read book two, Fire and Ice, you will be particularly interested in discovering the progress of the little boy from that book, demonstrated here with smile-inducing scenes and heartwarming innocence.

Without giving away too much of the story, let me say that I enjoyed every single second of this book. I tore through all 200 pages in just two hours (I read ridiculously fast anyway, but I just *had* to know how it would play out), then read it again on the spot. Filled with dynamic characters, gritty realism, and engaging scenes, Fire and Rain was yet another brilliant novel with characters that will capture your heart.

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ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.
Reviewed by Cat from Alpha Book Club

description      description
Profile Image for Jenny Wood.
Author 26 books307 followers
January 15, 2016
I was so excited for this one, I'm kinda sad it's over!

I don't think anyone will top Donald and Carter for me, but this one comes a very very very close second. I love the way Andrew writes these stories, this whole series has been amazing.

Kip, who we've previously met that works with Carter and Red, is on patrol one night, just like any other night but gets a call of a loiterer in the doorway of a mens warehouse....it's cold and rainy but part of his job to move people along their way. On this night though, he meets Jos and his little brother Isaac. We never really found out how old Jos was, but in my mind he was early 20's, but after his mother being murdered he'd gotten custody of his little brother. Unfortunately, a sting of bad luck, losing his job and being evicted from an apartment by a terrible landlord, (whom I wish would have gotten his karmatic kick in the teeth he deserved) was forced to live on the streets. Starving and cold and not having another option, Jos quickly picks up Isaac and leaves. Kip didn't feel good about it, especially after trying to find them a place to sleep and keep warm for the night has no choice but to let them go. Later in the night, they run into each other again and Kip knows he can't in good conscience let them go again..... this is where the cute starts..

At first, I think Kip was genuinely just trying to help them, but it didn't take long for him to develop feelings for Jos and become attached to Isaac, he was so cute and sweet and needed someone to look after him. They both did. With the help of Donald and some apperances from Red and Terry, they made friends and got the help they needed to get Jos and Isaac on their feet again.
At one point we get a visit from an Aunt who didn't care about anyone but herself and it was painfully obvious how awful she was, I also wish she would have gotten the kick in the teeth that she obviously deserved but I guess it was good enough how that whole thing cleared up thanks to Carter :)
Everything went at a steady pace, although the feelings were developed quickly, but Kip let Jos do things for himself and let him do things that he thought that he needed to do without any interference, even when he wanted something different. He knew that Jos, although appreciative, wanted to stand on his own two feet and prove that he could do it and take care of Isaac and Kip understood. I loved how he didn't push and truly wanted what was best for them. In the end though, they both realized the best thing for all of them was to be together. And thus... the HEA that we so love from Mr. Grey :)

I absolutely loved this story, I loved this series and I can't wait to read more!
Profile Image for Chris Kottner-Kirschner.
1,086 reviews13 followers
January 12, 2016
Seit dem Tod ihrer Mutter geht es für Josten und seinen kleinen Halbbruder Isaac bergab. Absoluter Tiefpunkt ist nun die Obdachlosigkeit, in der sie sich seit einigen Tagen befinden. Nachdem Josten auch noch seinen Job verloren hat, schmeisst ihn ihr Vermieter aus dem Haus und behält ihren kargen Besitz ein. So landen Jos und Isaac auf der Strasse. In einer regnerischen Nacht werden sie von dem Cop Kip Rogers gefunden. Kip hat Mitleid mit den Brüdern und stellt den Kontakt zu Donald her, der bei der Jugendfürsorge arbeitet.

Ausserdem nimmt er Jos und Isaac bei sich, in seinem Haus, auf. Während Isaac sich relativ schnell mit den neuen Umständen abfindet, bleibt Jos zurückhaltend. Die Erfahrung hat ihn gelehrt, dass es nichts ohne Gegenleistung gibt. Doch Kip überrascht ihn. Denn der Cop fühlt sich zwar mit der Zeit zu Jos hingezogen, hält sich jedoch zurück. Stattdessen kümmert er sich um ihn, leiert Hilfe bei seinen Freunden an und lässt ihn weiter bei sich wohnen. Jos fällt es nur schwer Hilfe anzunehmen und er fühlt sich unzulänglich richtig für seinen kleinen Halbbruder sorgen zu können.

Langsam lichtetet sich das Grau und Hoffnung keimt in Jos auf, der mit Donalds Hilfe Zuwendungen und die Chance auf Wohnung und Arbeit bekommt. Doch dann taucht plötzlich die Tante von Jos und Isaac auf. Eine Frau, die Jos kaum kennt und deren Erwartungen und Forderungen ihn schlicht überfordern und ängstigen.

Auch im dritten Teil der Carlise Cops weiss Andrew Grey wieder zu verzaubern. Die Geschichte ist flüssig, fluffig und sehr berührend geschrieben. Der Polizist Kip hat eben eine unschöne Trennung hinter sich. Wobei es wohl keine richtige Beziehung war und sein Ex ziemlich manipulativ agiert. Doch tiefere Gefühle scheint Kip für den Anwalt nicht gehabt zu haben, der ständig versucht hat ihn zu verändern.

Josten ist scheu, misstrauisch und vorsichtig. Kein Wunder, nach den Erfahrungen in der Vergangenheit. Ständig sorgt er sich und hinterfragt Kips Verhalten und das seiner Freunde. Es dauert eine Weile bis der junge Mann Vertrauen fasst und sich schliesslich sich mit seinen wachsenden Gefühlen für Kip auseinandersetzt. Dabei gibt der Autor seinen Helden aber wirklich viel Zeit und die Beziehung wächst nur langsam und zaghaft. Kip, wie auch Josten stammen aus schwierigen Familien. Alkohol und Verlust ist dabei immer wieder Thema. Doch auch wenn die Geschichte ihre tragischen Augenblicke hat, überwiegen die positiven Momente.
Profile Image for Cookie Moretti.
Author 9 books172 followers
February 3, 2016
Fire and Rain by Andrew Grey (MM/Romance)

A copy of this book was provided to me by Inked Rainbow Reads in exchange for an honest review.

**** 4 STARS***

This is book 3 of the Carlisle Cops series...

Okay, I'm gonna admit that I haven't even read the first 2, but that's because I wasn't aware of them til I saw this. And it's an Andrew Grey book so I couldn't pass it up.

Book 3 is about Officer Kip, who just got out of a bad relationship with a soul sucking twink. He's out on patrol when he gets sent to check out someone sleeping in front of a store. That someone was Josten and his little brother. They've been recently kicked out their home by a slum lord and had no where else to go since Josten had also lost his job.

I was cheering for this couple because they both needed each other so badly. They each had what the other wanted/needed and together they made a family. Not perfect, but a family anyway. I'm glad that they didn't start boinking each other's brains out as soon as they met. I would have been like "eeeeeh, no." I like Andrew Grey's books cause they're more realistic than most.

The only thing I didn't much like was Josten's attitude in the beginning. Yeah, I got that he was down on his luck, he didn't want to be separated from his brother, but come on...his brother was like what? 4? 5? That kid shouldn't have been in the streets. He should have thought of his brother's safety and well being first, and if they had to get separated for a little while until Josten got his life back in order, than so be it. Still, I got that he was just scared so I couldn't hate him for trying to keep his brother with him. I kinda think he should have looked up more resources to begin with. There are a lot of programs out there for single parents.

Ah well, I liked the story. Liked Kip. 4 STARS.
Author 68 books491 followers
January 2, 2018
This is my 3rd book in the Carlisle cop series and my least favorite. I didn't hate the book. It was still good and I don't regret reading it but it isn't as great as the others. I read the others in a day but this took me a few days to read it. First up, I like that Grey takes time to build intimacy between this couple. Jos was in a vulnerable place and if he had acted sooner, it would have come across as taking advantage of him, so I understand the slow pace leading up to their first intimate scene. I also enjoyed that aspect of the book. A new element explored in this book which isn't found in the others (and I like how Grey handled it) is Kip, a top, bottoms for Jos when Jos needed that moment to be in control. Why I rated this 3 and all the others 5, I sense too much similarities with this book and especially the one before this. Some of the dialogue in this book reminds me of similar scenarios in book 2.Grey seems to like to foreshadow things which sometimes makes you wish he wouldn't because the plot then ends up being predictable. Once the aunt mentions that she inherited money, it was obvious what the end of the book would be. I enjoyed that I got to see my favorite couples show up in this novel, especially Red and Terry. I also feel a little disgruntled by some of the unsolved mysteries at the end of this book. In book 2, I noted that not everything ends perfect which I like because that's depicting reality. However, in this book too many bad people get away. Tyler gets let out of prison, the aunt, we know not what becomes of her, the landlord also is still out there getting away with his bs and whoever hit Jos then ran, is still at large too. This gave me a sense that bad prevailed mostly. I did enjoy the epilogue and the get together with all the men from the previous books.
Profile Image for Becky Condit.
2,377 reviews67 followers
August 17, 2016
Imagine being a young man whose never had much, including love, and suddenly you’re not only responsible for your four year old brother but also out of work, food, and money, and having to live on the streets. It’s cold and raining and all the shelters are full. On top of all that, the young man is attacked, leaving him and his brother in peril. Then an angel in the form of a kind policeman takes pity and decides to go above and beyond the call of duty to help you.
This is the situation Jos, his little brother Isaac, and Kip, the police officer, find themselves one cold night. It’s also the beginning of a change in their lives that none of them expected but will ultimately redefine the work “family” for everyone.
This may be my favorite Carlisle Cops book. I’ve loved all of them and particularly enjoyed seeing the men and little Alex from the previous books. Alex, whom you may recall from Fire and Ice, was found in squalid conditions hiding in at attic, is thriving, so it was particularly delightful to see him and his two dads Carter and Donald again. Red and Terry, from Fire and Water, also are important secondary characters in this story.
There are several nasty characters in the story adding angst by threatening Jos and Isaac’s safety and slowly building happiness. It makes you realize the threats that homeless people and those without some kind of safety net face daily. Mr. Grey writes love and happy ever after beautifully. As always, I’m looking forward to his next book, whether it’s a Carlisle Cops story or something else. They’re always a joy to read and I treasure each one.
Profile Image for Avid Reader.
1,752 reviews
January 28, 2016
Fire and Rain (Carlisle Cops #3) by Andrew Grey
5 stars
M/M Romance
I was given this book for an honest review by Inked Rainbow Reads.

I have not read any of the previous stories in this series, but I LOVED this one. I am usually a huge fan of Grey stories in general and this one didn't disappoint.

Jos, Adam and Kip make a wonderful trio. I loved how devoted Jos is to Adam. It makes me so happy to see a brother taking care - as much as possible.

Kip meets these two at their worst and not only is he non-judgmental, he is compassionate and caring instead. It broke my heart how skittish Jos was.

The story was not heavy on the romance, but the gently guidance of friendship, trust and eventually love was written well. Nothing seemed rushed or off balance and the secondary characters helped to create an overall methodical feeling for the story.

I also really enjoyed the back story of his grandfather. You could feel the love that Jos had for his grandfather and how much mutual respect they had for each other. Again, such a sad story, but it made Jos the man he is today.

Finally, the wench of an aunt - Kathy - while she was a character I loved to hate, Grey wrote her beautifully. She melded to the story well and even though she wasn't my favorite, she certainly added to the story.

I would love to read the previous stories and any more that come from Andrew Grey.
Profile Image for Virginia Lee.
1,964 reviews31 followers
March 4, 2016
This was a wonderful story of falling down on bad luck and there is a silver lining waiting for you. Jos has been dealt a bad deal. Losing his mother & talking care of his little brother. In the process he is scam out his apartment after losing his job and they lose all their possession. One night Jos is trying to keep him and Isaac warm and dry, that is when they meet Kip. Kip is a police officer that has been called to business with someone being where they are not supposed to be. When Kip see them he can’t get them out of his mind. When he stops assault on Jos, the attraction starts between them. Even when they try so hard to fight it. Donald helps Jos get back on his feet. Slowly Jos is getting back to normal for him and Isaac, because there is always going to be something to put a wrench in all their happiness. When their Mother sister comes to town and try’s to cause trouble by saying she will take Isaac. Jos see that all the friends he has made that are willing to help him fight to keep his brother. The support and caring that Kip gave to Jos was wonderful and see their journey together. Highly recommend this book

How would you describe the plot of this book? some twist
Which of these words best describes the mood? Suspenseful
How would you describe the pace? steady
How would you describe the characters? developed
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review *
Profile Image for Book Review Virginia Lee.
95 reviews29 followers
March 4, 2016
This was a wonderful story of falling down on bad luck and there is a silver lining waiting for you. Jos has been dealt a bad deal. Losing his mother & talking care of his little brother. In the process he is scam out his apartment after losing his job and they lose all their possession. One night Jos is trying to keep him and Isaac warm and dry, that is when they meet Kip. Kip is a police officer that has been called to business with someone being where they are not supposed to be. When Kip see them he can’t get them out of his mind. When he stops assault on Jos, the attraction starts between them. Even when they try so hard to fight it. Donald helps Jos get back on his feet. Slowly Jos is getting back to normal for him and Isaac, because there is always going to be something to put a wrench in all their happiness. When their Mother sister comes to town and try’s to cause trouble by saying she will take Isaac. Jos see that all the friends he has made that are willing to help him fight to keep his brother. The support and caring that Kip gave to Jos was wonderful and see their journey together. Highly recommend this book

How would you describe the plot of this book? some twist
Which of these words best describes the mood? Suspenseful
How would you describe the pace? steady
How would you describe the characters? developed
* I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review *
Profile Image for Mel.
627 reviews8 followers
January 22, 2016
Rain and Fire was book 3 of Andrew Grey's Carlisle Cops series. This is a complete standalone and will be very enjoyable as such. I do believe a reader will get greater pleasure out of this book after reading the previous 2 books and get to know all the characters so far. Mr. Grey delivered another emotional book, one with a plot unlike any I have read. I will admit I thought he was leading up to something totally different and when it didn't happen I was let down, but then realized he is leading towards that in other books. This one is one of his less suspenseful and It was a great read.

Josten is a homeless man with a very young brother. Kip is the cop who tries to save him. A serious run of bad luck and more caused Josten and his little brother Isaac onto the streets and Kip is determined to help them even when Jos is so suspicious of any kind of help he refuses it. These two have a slow courtship, but Josten learns to trust in real kindness and Kip learns he doesn't want to be alone. This is a great story, and a great addition to the Carlisle Cops series. I recommend it to anyone who loves a super sweet romance.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 110 reviews

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