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Delta Force Heroes #1

Rescuing Rayne

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As a flight attendant, Rayne Jackson is used to cancellations, but she never dreamed her latest would lead to a whirlwind tour of London with a handsome stranger…or a life-altering night in his bed. One evening is all the enigmatic man can give her, and Rayne greedily takes it, despite suspecting it will never be enough.

Heading home after another extreme mission, Keane "Ghost" Bryson hadn't planned to seduce someone during his layover, but Rayne is too sweet to resist. Being a Delta Force member means lying to protect his identity, which is unfortunate, considering Rayne seems made for Ghost, right down to the tattoo on her back. For the first time in his life, regret fills him as he slips away the following morning.

Both are shocked when, months later, they meet again—under the worst possible circumstances. Seems fate has given them a second chance…if they can survive the terrorist situation they're in. If Rayne can forgive Ghost his lies. And if Ghost can trust Rayne to be strong enough to endure the secrets and uncertainty that come with loving a Delta Force soldier.

** Rescuing Rayne is the 1st book in the Delta Force Heroes Series. Each book is a stand-alone, with no cliffhanger endings.

414 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 13, 2016

About the author

Susan Stoker

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New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal Bestselling Author, Susan Stoker has a heart as big as the state of Tennessee where she lives, but this all American girl has also spent the last fourteen years living in Missouri, California, Colorado, Indiana, and Tennessee. She's married to a retired Army man who now gets to follow her around the country.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 760 reviews
Profile Image for Michelle.
631 reviews33 followers
February 1, 2016
Oh my!! This story blasted it's way to the top of my favorites list and (gasp!) even knocked a previous Susan Stoker hero fav down! :)

From the beginning, you felt the anticipation and build up and connection between Rayne and Ghost. Even though their relationship began as a "one night stand" - Susan wrote it so that you definitely felt the "more" that they did, even if Ghost was just too stubborn for his own good the next morning. Shoot, I even felt abandoned the next morning! But how they stayed on each other's minds... so sweet!

Then the event that brought them back together again.... It took my breath away in both a good and bad way (bad, because well, let's be honest, what they went through was horrific!! But good because of the emotions and determination that followed).

Getting to spend time with the other characters in the story was awesome -- I'm looking forward to many future stories!! Again, we have a group of guys that take each other's backs, and then enclose the women into their protective embrace. I'm almost jealous for that older brother protection IRL. haha!

The drama and tension both between the couple and from external circumstances was handled perfectly: just the right amount and no unnecessary long drawn out emotional drama. This is what I've come to expect from Susan Stoker and I have faith it'll continue to be that way!

Susan continues to deliver great stories that are a delight to get lost in. Because no matter how much she may torture us with events (um, anyone remember the last few chapters of Dax and Mack's story???), she never fails to follow through with a beautiful HEA. Oh, and just enough of a tease for the next story.

I'm already planning on re-reading this book often!
Profile Image for Melody Cox.
1,499 reviews169 followers
March 20, 2022
I really enjoyed this story. This may be my favorite so far by Susan Stoker. Rayne Jackson is a flight attendant who works on a rotation. There are times she ends up in some tough places where there is trouble and unrest in the country.

Keane "Ghost" Bryson is a member of the Delta Force which means lying to protect his identity and keeping all missions secret. They even fly commersion to and from missions most of the time to not be identified as military. These guys are the best of the best.

Ghost and Rayne end up with a layover and begin chatting. The airlines announces bad weather has now grounded the jets. They chat for a while and decided to go sight seeing together. They are instantly attracted to each other and even though he makes it clear it will be a one night stand and he will never see her again she agrees. (She has never had a one night stand before and she is hesitant.) She desperately wants to be with him but is having difficulty because he made it clear they wouldn't see each other again. But, she couldn't do otherwise because she was so drawn to him. They were absolutely perfect for each other, like they were made for each other specifically.

Their night is wonderful and he regrets leaving her but he has a committment to the military and he is one who doesn't believe he can have both his military career and a woman/marriage/family. He feels bad because he didn't even give her his real name and he doesn't want to admit it but he fell for her like a ton of bricks. He used one of his aliases so there is basically no way she can find him. They both think about each other all the time but he doesn't make a move to find although he thinks about it a lot. They took some photos on their cell phones and he had one of them framed in his apartment. Very sweet. He know he let his once in a lifetime match walk away but he feels there is nothing he can do.

Six months after their night together Ghost and his Delta Force team are sent on a mission to Egypt where there is much unrest and many hostages are being taken, held, tortured, raped, sodomized and killed. They are all but finished with rescuing the hostages out of the building when a woman refuses to go with them because they took her best friend to another room to do despicable things to her. When the soldier asked her name they were told it was 'Rayne Jackson' and Ghost about lost it. It was then that he admitted that she was his woman...would always be his. Off to the rescue he goes. It doesn't take long for her to recognize who he is.

I just loved this story! Even went back and reread certain portions. The heroine was 28 yrs old but to me she seem much younger than that. I would have pegged her at and approx. 22 yrs old. The hero was 36 but also didn't seem to be quite that old. I would have guessed him to be around 28. 32 at the oldest. It was nothing in-particular it was due to how they acted and talked.

Book Safety
1. He has been around the sexual block quite a few times but no one for awhile. He is with no other women in this story. It was in the past and we didn't have to witness it...thank goodness!

2. They were separated for six months and they both remained celibate which really says something about our hero. He had opportunities that was mentioned by one of his buddies when they questioned him as to why he didn't take that one gal at the bar home with him and he said he was tired and had no interest. He thought to himself that when the woman got close when she was chatting him up he could feel her breath on his face or neck and that was it. All he could think about were the little nips, kisses and Rayne's breath on his neck.

3. Safe read - completely.
Profile Image for Giorgia Reads.
1,330 reviews2,023 followers
April 7, 2020
Firstly, why is the book description in Italian?

Ok, now, I liked this. Mostly the action parts. After the big badass rescue, it all became very soap opera-y.

I don’t like it when it’s over the top in terms of sentimentality, it’s just not credible.

Verbose speeches about true love coming from all those hunky Delta guys.. fine I can buy one or two but really?! Everyone is a love guru?

The relationship the leads had.. I didn’t buy it.

This book is good for its action. The romance and the over the top confessions of love, they just bring the quality down.

I’m gonna try more books by this author though, as I do like the action, maybe this just didn’t hit the right notes but she has like loads so I’m sure some will appeal more.
(And I have another 4 free books by her 😅)
Profile Image for Claire.
2,319 reviews729 followers
February 12, 2016
3 - "What are the odds." Stars.

This is the first book I have read by Susan Stoker. Rescuing Rayne is also the first book in the authors new Delta Force Heroes, series, and while I found it in the main enjoyable, there was one point that I didn’t 100% feel needed to be played upon as much as it was.

Things were going really well up to around the halfway point. I knew when I started reading that the book partially would focus on the capture and then rescue of Rayne, that really wasn’t the problem, I was also expecting violence and a bit of bloodshed in relation to the whole hostage situation as well, what really turned my enjoyment down a huge notch was the fact that the author thought it necessary to then give a full blown description of something, that then never happened. I really don’t think it needed to be as graphic, and it added nothing to the story for me.

Understandable that the author would use it as a trope in the story-line bearing in mind the circumstances, but as I said does something that isn’t actually going to happen need to be that graphically described, especially as it’s almost occurrence is one of the main issues for Rayne to get over in the second half of the book. I don’t know it just didn’t sit right with the rest of the story for me, I also think a trigger warning at the beginning of the book might be wise.

"The world isn’t a fairy tale."

As you would expect, you are introduced to the rest of Ghost’s team in this book, all five men are varied, diverse and have their own set of talents, which you get to see a little of when they are part of the hostage situation at the Egyptian parliament building.

"I don’t ask for anyone’s panties on a first date."

Remove my gripe from above from the equation from the book, and Rescuing Rayne isn’t a bad story, I liked them as a couple, on their overnight and supposedly only night stop in London, and their reconnection post Egypt was pretty easy to get along with too. Plenty of sexy times between them and entertaining conversations all round pulled it back to relatively enjoyable reading levels for me.

"You make everything I’ve done, every sacrifice I’ve made, worth it."

ARC generously supplied via RockStarPR, in exchange for the above honest review.

Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,803 reviews2,318 followers
May 10, 2019
Currently Free!
Amazon US * Amazon UK

Rescuing Rayne was a quick and easy read. Rayne and Ghost had a insta-love type of romance with some suspenseful moments thrown in that added a lot of intrigue. I loved getting to meet the Delta Force team too and now I can't wait to get the rest of their stories.
Profile Image for Erth.
4,040 reviews
June 24, 2019
I was mourning the end of my beloved SEALS; but, I got over it because Author Susan Stoker had the new Delta series waiting! It helped that my SEALS made an appearance in Rescuing Rayne.

Stranded overnight in London, Ghost and Rayne meet. Rayne is not looking to hook up and Ghost does not do relationships. The more time Ghost spends with Rayne, the more he wants her---temporarily. Rayne is a good girl, but her inner bad girl is bitch-slapping the good girl into the closet! So, what happens? Do they get together or not? You need to read the book! One thing is for sure, they have made a tremendous impression on each other.

This book has world political intrigue, romance, and hot sexy scenes! Rayne is funny and is a perfect foil for the serious Ghost. The road to true happiness does not run smoothly for these two. But, if they can overcome all of these situations, they'll have an amazing love story. Ghost's teammates are sexy, funny and fiercely loyal and I am already in love with them!💜
December 15, 2016

4 ”One Night Only” Stars!!

Ghost and Rayne meet at London Airport when their flight is cancelled until the following day. Rayne is a Flight Attendant and Ghost is a Delta Force Soldier just returning from a mission. After striking up a conversation and having a mutual attraction they decide spend the day together…and the night.

Just one night, no strings and no regrets. Ghost is adamant that he is not a commitment type of guy especially with his secretive and dangerous job, he makes it abundantly clear that it will be "one night only” he has never spent the entire night with any women and he would be walking away in the morning…..which he does, and for the first time ever it’s with regret……

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Rayne is a flight attendant, she's content and happy with her life. She sweet, fun, and has a fresh and optimistic outlook on life which is the opposite of Ghost who is hard, cold at times, and no nonsense type of guy.

Their one day and night together changes something in both and it's not until they meet up again six months later under horrific of circumstances that things change for them.

All-in-all great storyline, likable main and secondary characters, action packed with dirty talking alpha, and an HEA….what more can a girl ask for in a romance book?

Profile Image for CC.
1,770 reviews229 followers
November 7, 2016
3.5 stars

I was torn over this rating. I enjoyed the story. It was pretty good, until the hero abandoned her with a lame note. In general, I like my heroes to have a set of balls, and I just do not enjoy when they do not. Now he definitely pulled it together after some serious "girl like" counseling from his badass Delta and Seal brothers (which was super weird). But he did not go after her. She was set in his path. So it is hard for me to feel the love, when I know that he should have never gone after her on his own. Then he screwed up again later. In a really stupid way.

Otherwise the story was good. It ended kind of weak though. She forgave too easily, and then was too wishy-washy. Then she forgave too easily again. I did not see her as tough for putting up with his crap. I thought she should have made him grovel. I get what she said. I understand why she forgave. But I was not feeling it so I was annoyed.

But it was still a good story that kept me interested.

Profile Image for Dani.
Author 120 books2,328 followers
February 11, 2016
5 Delta Stars for Ghost!!

Hot, sexy, and dangerous!

Rescuing Rayne

Ghost is a Delta Force soldier on his way home from a top secret mission. when his flight gets canceled in London. By chance, he meets Rayne, an air hostess that is supposed to be on the same flight as him. Once they get talking there is an obvious connection, it’s electric. When they learn that they have a whole day in London, Ghost offers to tour the city with Rayne, but he also gives her two options. One – To tour the city and spend the night with him then they go their separate ways. OR Two – To tour the city with him and they go their separate ways.

Rescuing Rayne

Of course, we all know what option Rayne decided on. And I would have done the same! Ghost promised her one night. That’s all he could give. That’s all they agreed on. So why does she feel so hurt? So lonely? And so empty?

When months later destiny throws them back together in a life threatening situation, Ghost has to make a decision. Is this woman the love of his life? Will Rayne be able to forgive his lies? Can they make this incredible connection they found work?

I LOVED this story!! This is definitely one to look out for. I can’t wait for book two. There is no cliff hanger but man you will get sucked into this incredible story. Ghost is an incredibly hot alpha male and he will have you on your knees begging for your own Delta Force soldier!

Alpha Book Club

ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review.  Reviewed by Dani from Alpha Book Club


Profile Image for ♡Tonya♡.
2,060 reviews572 followers
March 12, 2016
Susan Stoker= auto buy! I love these stories! I also love that the other series are intertwined. When I stumbled upon the SEAL series, I knew loved it. I didn't want it to end. Now that we get small glimpses or references to them I am a happy girl. you have a loyal fan in me!
Profile Image for Alyse.
318 reviews26 followers
February 12, 2016
Rescuing Rayne (Book 1)

Rescuing Rayne is the first book in Susan Stoker's new Delta Force Heroes Series. Each book will be a stand-alone and doesn't have to be read in order.

Keane "Ghost" Bryson is heading back to Texas after completing another mission with his team. He doesn't expect to meet the one woman that seems to be made for him during his layover in London. But when his flight home gets delayed until the next day, Ghost and Rayne spend the day exploring the city. Unfortunally Ghost's job dictates that he "lies" about who and what he is, so when their day is done, they MUST go their separate ways. And for the first time in his life, Ghost doesn't want to leave in the morning.

Rayne Jackson is used to flight delays/cancellations. After all, they come with the job as a flight attendant. When she meets "John (call me Ghost) Benbrook" she agrees to spend the day exploring London with him. She isn't the "one-night-stand" kinda girl, but something about Ghost just calls to her, but she knows only one day/night is all they can share together.

Six months later, tragedy bring Rayne back into Ghost's radar and this time he isn't willing to let her go. But will Rayne be able to forgive Ghost for lying to her?

Rescuing Rayne introduces us to this Delta Force Team and sets us up for future books!!

Rating: 4.5 out of 5

**I received an ARC through RockStar Lit in exchange for a honest review.**

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Profile Image for Pooja Peravali.
Author 2 books107 followers
August 2, 2022
After spending a whirlwind day and night together, Ghost and Rayne part ways, expecting to never see each other again - until they are thrown together months later in the midst of a hostage situation.

This was an odd book. I liked the first third, set in London, but the section in Egypt had some odd and horrifying things in it, as though the author had reached down to find the worst things she could think of, and the last third bored me half the time.
Profile Image for Vicky Sp.
1,456 reviews114 followers
January 27, 2020
Il genere del libro mi piace molto.
Ma di questo, in particolare, salvo solo la parte del racconto basata sul duro lavoro di Ghost, membro dei Delta Force, uomo forte e caparbio, un vero eroe.
La storia d'amore invece, come le descrizioni minuziose degli accadimenti e di alcuni particolari intimi, che ho trovato irrilevanti e poco consoni, non mi hanno convinta.
February 9, 2016
**ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.**

Rescuing Rayne is the start of a brand new series called Delta Force Heroes. Fans of Stoker's SEAL of Protection series will find an easy transition into this series. It also helps that a few SEAls drop in occasionally too. This Rayne and Ghost's story. Ghost is a love 'em and leave 'em kind of guy. He isn't that way to purposely hurt women, in his eyes he thinks he is protecting them. He is a part of a Delta Force team. He knows his missions are dangerous for himself and he doesn't want to risk put that danger on a woman. He couldn't live with himself is someone got hurt. In walks Rayne, the woman who is about to shake Ghost's world to the core. She is the opposite of Ghost but exactly what he needs. Rayne is a romantic and a bookworm. She approaches Ghost and engages in conversation that leads to something more. Always the good girl, Rayne has never thought about doing something bad. Having a one night stand with Ghost would be bad but oh so good. Once their night of passion is over, they both go their separate ways. The leave but the leave a part of themselves with the other person. It's months later before the they meet again. The circumstances are not ideal but they know it must be fate. They take the leap and begin a relationship. The road to happiness is not smooth. They have a fight a head of themselves to prove that they are meant to be.

The heat level of this book was scorching. Stoker tends to be tame in her other books compared to the hot sex scenes in this one. OMG! Melt your panties off HOT. Ghost is a true alpha male and likes to take control in the bedroom. He even has a kinky side. *wink wink*
Stoker is known for putting her heroines through the ringer. She doesn't hold back here. I think this was one of the scariest scenes that she has written for a character. She takes Rayne to the brink. As a reader you are there with her. You're hopping that she doesn't have to go through what her attacker's have planned for her. Just like Rayne, you're praying for a rescue. It's graphic but you feel the emotion that the scene is capturing. Another thing that puts the reader in the moment is that the author pulls from the headlines. Because she is writing about a Delta Force team, she is able to use the events overseas as a backdrop to the story. This just adds another layer to the story and becomes another factor that pulls you in.

Other than Rayne and Ghost, my favorite characters were Truck and Mary. The bicker back and forth but it is like foreplay for them. I can't wait to read more about them. I know their book will be hotter than this one.

Stoker kicked off this series with a bang. She proves that she is the go to author for military romance. I enjoy reading her books and always look forward to the next one. I definitely recommend that you read this book.
Profile Image for Chan.
766 reviews47 followers
August 21, 2017
This was good. Stuff was blowing up, people being kidnapped, barely escaping with your life intact. It semi-fulfilled my action need.

There could have been more action, but I'm an action junkie so take that criticism with a grain of salt.
Also, there was a lull in the book when the MC's are separated, but it was gearing up for the good stuff!

What I liked about the way Susan Stoker wrote this?
Typically after the climax, authors end the story shortly thereafter. However, Susan did not. I was excited to keep reading, after the action happened. This helped me to become a little more connected to the MCs after there whirlwind romance.
Profile Image for Annuccia Palmeri.
1,122 reviews88 followers
January 26, 2020
4/4,5 benvenuti nella nuova serie di un team di Alpha men che sfidano la morte per tenere il "mondo" al sicuro! Il primo libro va al leader Ghost e alla donna che gli ruba il cuore durante uno scalo a Londra. Il genere è quello che piace a me, nonostante sia narrato in terza persona, mi ha appassionato: come si sono conosciuti, come sono rimasti fedeli a se stessi nelle loro azioni, la parte dell'Egitto! Promuovo decisamente questo primo capitolo e mi dedico subito al secondo!
Profile Image for Elizabeth Neal.
1,684 reviews141 followers
February 10, 2016
I think we can agree that regardless of how much you love an author, that doesn't always mean you'll like everything they write, as not everything is for everyone and tastes do vary. However, Susan is one of those rare authors for me...I have loved every book she has written and this one is no exception. I love the fact that I know I'm reading a new book with each release. Yes, some of the characters will be reoccurring due to it being a series, but the character's personalities are never the same. Everyone is a distinct character. They're like a snowflake...no two are alike. Each story is unique unto itself, never feeling like it's  repackaged. That is the sign of true talent in my eyes and one of the main reasons she's a favorite.

Ghost, abrka (also, but rarely, known as Keane LOL), is in London on a layover while traveling home after a mission. (A very important one and if you read Protecting the Future you'll be in on the secret.) Rayne, a flight attendant, sees him sitting down and despite how unlike her it is, she approaches him and asks if she can sit there. I can literally picture the steam rising from these two as they chitchat and surreptitiously side eye each other. When it's announced that their layover has resulted in a cancelled flight due to the weather, they decide to go sightseeing together.

As their day progresses, they get to know each other, although Rayne knows him as his alias, John Benbrook, she calls him Ghost and he stays true to himself while in her company. It's apparent where they'd both like this to end, but Ghost is very up front that it'll only be for one night and Rayne, having never done anything like this before, is deciding whether or not she can accept his terms.

Of course, Rayne accepts them. Their day of fun and sexual tension results in a night so hot it's a wonder they didn't catch the hotel on fire. Ghost can't understand why his usual distance isn't working for him, but he accepts that Rayne is different, and upon seeing her tattoo, one that perfectly symbolizes all he is, he knows she's meant to be his, but he feels his life doesn't allow for commitment. So he does what he always does...he leaves, but this time it's different because he doesn't want to leave.

Six months later we catch up with Rayne and learn that she's having a hard time letting Ghost go, and has in fact made same additions to her tattoo to help memorialize their connection. But she also knows she needs to move on as Ghost unequivocally told her what their night meant...a good time and nothing more. Except we learn from Ghost that that isn't the case. He can't stop thinking about her and wishing things were different, and he hasn't been with anyone else since her. We get the impression that's a huge deal in his world and even if it wasnt, Ghost now carries her with him in the form of Rayne's tattoo with his own personal additions to commemorate that night. *Sa-woon ladies.*

They both know that night meant more than they agreed on, but they also know their time together is over and they should both let go and move forward. Thankfully, fate being the bloody genius that she is, decides that just won't do and events conspire to reunite them.

Unfortunately for Rayne, this reunion comes becomes Ghost and his team are sent on a mission to Cairo, to rescue hostages from a terrorist situation. Yeah, Rayne is one of those hostages along with her sightseeing group. Rayne made a mistake and she is really regretting it. She knows what not to do in certain situations as her brother, Chase, is in the Counterterrorism unit with the Army, stationed at the same base as Ghost as a matter of fact, but she mistakenly tries to get one of the terrorists, a young boy, to view her as a human, but it backfires in a big way as he singles her out and thus she becomes an unwilling participant in a ritual. A very brutal, for the woman, ritual that will result in the boy becoming a man, in front of a cheering, and leering, audience and everything is gleefully being announced by this evil as all get out man that I have dubbed "The Narrator." *shudders in remembrance* That's all I'm saying on this part as you need to read it yourself to truly experience the level of depravity they're teaching these impressionable boys.

Ghost, devastated to learn Rayne is in danger, finds her, freeing her with Wolf's help. Phew, that suspense keeps you on the edge of your seat

After an enlightening conversation with Wolf while Rayne sleeps, Ghost realizes maybe he can have both a personal and professional life and goes about getting Rayne to agree. Of course, this is made a little more difficult by the fact that Rayne now realizes Ghost lied to her the whole time they were together. She understands why, based upon his job, but it still hurts.

But Rayne agrees to stay with Ghost and give a relationship with him a chance. Two things immediately halt any hesitation she may have been feeling. Nope, I'm not telling you what they are, but oh man, the feels...

As Ghost and Rayne adjust to living together and coupledom, Rayne grows close to his friends and she and Ghost grow closer by the day. They both know they've found something true, something worth fighting for, until one stupid male action by Ghost...he tries to push Rayne away after being injured. See, stupid male action. He can't be all alphastastic when he's laid up injured in a hospital bed, right? *mentally head slaps Ghost*

Will Ghost man up and realize he was a jerk and Rayne didn't need him to protect her from his work hazards nor for him to be infallible? Will Rayne take the risk and leave her life behind permanently to begin a new one with Ghost? Will Fletch, one of Ghost's teammates, get a chance with his new tenant? *I am so excited that's the next book and yeah ladies, I already licked him, so he's mine. Hands off. Side eye being given.* Will Truck, another teammate, and Mary, Rayne's best friend, continue their entertaining banter? *Fingers crossed they wind up together.* Will Rayne be able to overcome her fears and travel internationally for her job again?

People, do not hesitate any longer, stop what you're doing and one-click this book now. It is fan-freaking-tastic and I am anxiously awaiting book two. I'm already addicted to this new series, have fallen in love with the characters, and adore this couple.

**I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I also, as I always do with a book from this author, pre-ordered a copy.**
Profile Image for Jennifer Lane.
Author 14 books1,432 followers
March 10, 2019
Delta Force Badass Falls for Flight Attendant

A solid romantic suspense from a new-to-me author. Keane Bryson aka "Ghost" is on his way home from a secret mission when his connecting flight in London gets cancelled. Lucky for him, he meets flight attendant, Rayne, at the airport, and they decide to spend the day together.

Freaked out by their connection, and knowing his dangerous career makes a romantic relationship near impossible, Ghost ghosts on her.

Fast forward a few months and Rayne's sight-seeing trip in Egypt turns into a terrorist hostage situation. I felt Rayne's terror at being captured and threatened by seriously creepy bad dudes. Delta Force swoops in to attempt a rescue, and this is the first time Rayne learns of "super spy" Ghost's actual career.

The writing is excellent, with characters that feel true. Ghost's team members and Rayne's best friend provide humor and warmth. The sex scenes aren't plentiful but they are very detailed.

I enjoyed when Ghost's friend, Penelope, observes how Rayne doesn't put up with his "overbearing protective bullshit". His nickname for Rayne, "Princess", might deserve a little more ribbing as well, in my opinion.

This is totally a personal preference but I'm not into tattoos, so I thought the use of tattoos as a point of commitment between the hero and heroine was a little cheesy at times, especially the tattoo of a ghost floating around Big Ben on Rayne's back. This I need to see. ;-)

I read chapter one of Rescuing Emily and it sounds fantastic, so I'll be back for more of this series.
Profile Image for Ashlee Lau.
233 reviews
November 19, 2017

I have tried to get through Susan's books in the past because I see these 5 star reviews. I thought "Maybe these are her first books, let me try something new"....

The writing is repatative, switches POV each paragraph, with lots of unnecessary words. And all of her characters are the same person with a new name. It just is missing....something.

Even the sex scenes the dialogue is weird, and there is too much filler. It just isn't well balanced.

I ended up not being able to make myself finish the book.

I want to like her because everyone else seems to give her books 5 stars, but I just can't.
343 reviews
March 30, 2021
The Hero Captain Keane “Ghost” Bryson is 36.
The Heroine Rayne Jackson is 28.

This is a new to me author.

There are quite a few references made to situations / events from other books / series, hence it is advisable to read the books of the series SEAL OF PROTECTION before reading this book for better understanding of the past events and also keeping track of all the secondary characters from the other books / series.

The other members of the Hero’s team make appearances thereby paving the way for each of their own books.

Hero doesn’t do relationships.
“But I have to warn you, Rayne. I don’t do relationships. So today can go one of two ways. We can spend the day together, see some sights, laugh and have a good time, then go our separate ways.”
“And the other way?”
“We can spend the day together, see some sights, laugh and have a good time, then see where this attraction between us goes. Then tomorrow, we’ll go our separate ways.”

Sightseeing in London - Have to agree with the Hero’s remarks, “London’s public transportation is one of the best, and most easily navigable, in the world.”

Trivia - There are 334 steps to climb to the top of Big Ben and only UK residents are allowed.

Sightseeing in Cairo ends in Hostage situation.

Heroine’s definition of romance, “Romance isn’t about the outer trappings society has pushed down our throats from the time we were little. It’s showing in all the little ways that you care about the person you’re with. That you’ll protect her if the shit hits the fan, that you’ll provide for her, that you’ll let her choose what she wants to do.”

Gotta love this realistic reply,
Rayne asked “What about hurting me?”
Ghost sighed. “Unfortunately, Princess, I can’t promise that. I’m a dick. You know this. I’ll most likely say and do stuff in the future that will hurt you. But I can promise not to do it on purpose. If you’ll call me out when I do it, I’ll do my best to curb it.

It made a refreshing change to read about a Hero who admits to the fact that he loves the Heroine both to himself and to others.

Heroine is not a virgin but it’s her 1st ONS.

Heroine’s brother Chase who makes a brief appearance in the book has his own book in Rescuing Sadie
Another character who’s mentioned a couple of times is Tex who’s book is Protecting Melody
During the rescue operation, the Hero pairs with Wolf from Protecting Caroline
The Heroine of this book shares her traumatic experience of being kidnapped.Shelter for Penelope
Profile Image for Veronica.
1,131 reviews144 followers
March 11, 2021
Avevo già letto altri libri della Stoker e sapevo cosa aspettarmi a livello narrativo e stilistico, ma la mia paura era il traduttore, che grazie al cielo, è cambiato!
Non avrei potuto sopportare altri libri con santa polenta, cribbio e perdinci.
Ma per favore!
Qui per fortuna sono ricomparsi i caxxx.
In tutti i sensi.
Dalla trama già si intuiva l'andamento del libro, con la notte di fuoco, la sparizione e i successivi rimpianti.
Ma il riavvicinamento è così assurdo che mi è pure piaciuto. Te pareva se tra i tutti quelli che potevano prendere la sfigata di turno non fosse Rayne.
Vabbè. Non penso di aver letto il libro per la trama approfondita, ma perchè avevo bisogno di un ragazzone sexy, soldato segreto e... no basta, solo per quello.
Mi hanno incuriosito molto Truck e Mary, peccato che saranno i protagonisti solo dell'ultimo libro.
Profile Image for Mel.
766 reviews66 followers
April 1, 2016
3 "It's fate" stars!

Rescuing Rayne is the first book in the Delta Force Heroes series written by Susan Stoker. Captain Keane "Ghost" Bryson is part of the elite Delta Force military team who is returning to Texas from a top secret mission. During a layover in London, he meets Rayne, a beautiful flight attendant who is also on her way to Texas. After their flight is canceled, they decide to pass the time exploring London and see where the night takes them.

“So today can go one of two ways. We can spend the day together, see some sights, laugh and have a good time, then go our separate ways.”
“And the other way?”
“We can spend the day together, see some sights, laugh and have a good time, then see where this attraction between us goes. Then tomorrow, we’ll go our separate ways.”

Ghost does not do relationships because of the nature of his job. Rayne has never had a one-night stand but she isn't completely opposed to it. And so they spend the day together having fun, sharing laughs, and getting to know each other. Even though Rayne is nervous and knows that this is only for one night, she feels a connection to Ghost and they end up giving in to their desires. But following through with his rules, Ghost leaves in the morning before Rayne wakes even though he feels a strong attraction to her.

I told you I didn’t do relationships…and I don’t. But this morning, for the first time in my life, I wished I was a different kind of man. Stay safe.

Fast forward six months and both Rayne and Ghost are still feeling the effects of their one day and night in London. Rayne can not stop thinking of Ghost but has no way to contact him. Ghost wants Rayne but refuses to risk her life because of his job choice. Accepting that he will never see her agian, he is shocked when he hears that she is one of the hostages in a terrorist attack. Rayne, during a layover in Egypt, joins a tour group with a fellow flight attendant. Little did she know she would end up in a dire situation. When all hope seems lost, masked soldiers come to her rescue and among them is Ghost.

The reunion does not begin on a positive note with all she went through, but Ghost is there supporting her the entire time. He decides that his feelings for Rayne are real and that he wants to pursue a relationship.

"It wasn’t by accident that I was there...No way will I ever believe that. I might not be a smart man, or even a very religious one, but when God reaches down and puts the best thing to ever happen to me right in my path—twice—I’m not going to ignore it. Not again.”

This book was my first by Susan Stoker. It was entertaining but I wasn't fully invested in the main characters. I didn't really feel their strong connection. I did like how even though Ghost was not looking for a relationship in the beginning, he still took care of Rayne, had her best interest in mind, and was very sweet. There were sexy times along with the swoony moments.

"You make everything I’ve done, every sacrifice I’ve made, worth it.”

The plot was fairly predictable and there were few surprises. Also, the conflicts in their relationship were resolved quickly and there was very little angst. I would not consider this a deep story but it was enjoyable none the less.

*This ARC was generously provided by RockStarLit PR in exchange for an honest review.*

Profile Image for 2OCC Reviews.
3,481 reviews248 followers
June 5, 2016
I absolutely adore this authors books, every time I read one I think the next one cant get better, It can and it does.

This starts of with a one night stand, but they have such a connection. Once the morning comes neither of them are to see each other again.

Rayne, I loved her, she was such a brilliant character, she was strong and independent. I loved how she was the night in London with Ghost, From the very beginning I was drawn to her character. During the terrorist situation, Rayne is in the heart of it, she's terrified but doesn't give up.

Keane "Ghost" Bryson, wow, I loved him, he was amazing, he was open and honest with Rayne as much as he could be, He was Loyal and funny. when he walked in to the terrorist situation and saw Rayne, He has the feelings he felt in london resurface, he helps Rayne through the terror, and they start a relationship.

I'm dying to read the rest of this series. we meet the team already and I know two stories that I'm dying to read already.

It was nice having Wolf and the guys back in this story.

Rescuing Rayne will be place on my re-Read shelf.
Profile Image for Romance Between The Sheets.
1,175 reviews65 followers
July 2, 2018
I actually read and loved Rescuing Emily (Book 2 of the Delta Force Heroes) first and it was great to see that story overlap with this one. Emily and Fletch were wonderful characters and I loved their story.

Ghost and Rayne’s story takes place over a long period of time, they first meet and then reconnect months later. The initial meeting I really enjoyed, there were no expectations, they had fun and enjoyed their moment in time. Their one night stand was passionate and when he leaves broke my heart.

Fast forward and Rayne’s life being in danger, that was harrowing and I was begging for Ghost and his team to rescue her. Whilst she recuperated, their relationship deepens and we also meet more of the Delta Force team, they are all definitely alpha.

Rescuing Rayne is a very easy story, has great flow, moments of tension and in the end a great romantic journey with a HEA, all the elements to make you happy.
Profile Image for Nikki Brooks.
3,227 reviews50 followers
February 9, 2016
OMG another fab series from Ms Stoker!!!!!

Hottie super secret soldiers. Flight Attendant with a streak of adventure. It all adds to the great story, with lost of action to keep me happy.

A perfect one night stand morphs into more when Ghost takes on a hostage rescue mission and finds Rayne is one of the hostages. Will he make it to her in time? Will she be as willing to be with him now she realises just what his job is? There is so much more to this book than just a love story -bearing in mind those sexy scenes could singe your skin through your kindle!!!

Brilliant read!!!
Profile Image for Gabriella.
460 reviews30 followers
October 14, 2017
I liked some of Susan Stoker's other books, but this one wasn't for me. The heroine wasn't exactly a doormat, but she wasn't far from one either. She let Ghost run over her as much as he liked! And don't get me started on all these stupid and needless(did I mention crude) sex scenes...

I only gave it 2 stars because I liked the begining. Unfortunately it couldn't hold this level through the end. The more I learned about Ghost the more I disliked him...
Profile Image for Diane (Books and Tequila Blog).
1,463 reviews67 followers
January 4, 2019
I loved this story. A one night stand that is hard to forget and then fate puts them together again in the worst possible circumstance.

“The scars will fade, but, Rayne, the scars only show the world how tough you are.”

I can already tell that I will need to read this whole series! I think I have a new addiction and it’s called Delta Force Heroes!
-5 Stars!-
Profile Image for Teresa Lara.
3,230 reviews49 followers
May 17, 2018
Love Rayne and Ghost amazing loving emotional story.Cant wait for book 2
Profile Image for J. W. Garrett.
1,641 reviews116 followers
June 15, 2018
“A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself.” –Joseph Campbell

Book 1 in the ‘Delta Force Heroes’ series. There are 9 books so far and each features a different member or hero of Delta Force. This was a free offer on Amazon and this is my honest review.

Rating MA: mature audience, explicit language, graphic sexual descriptions [soft porn], trigger warnings for violent physical acts, explicit descriptions of violent intentions… the enemy hadn’t raped her [yet] but went into graphic detail of what they intended to do. That was bad enough. There were descriptions of battle violence and collateral damage. [4.5-stars]

He was coming home from a secret mission. She was a flight attendant headed for a flight. They met at Heathrow Airport in London. Their lives would forever change.

“The only difference between a hero and the villain is that the villain chooses to use that power in a way that is selfish and hurts other people.” –Chadwick Boseman

This was a story of brotherhood. Men and women willing to put their lives on the line in the service of their country. Navy SEALS and Delta Force working together to extract hostages taken during a coup. Little did our hero ‘Ghost’ know that his flight attendant Rayne was among the hostages.

What I liked: This was a thrilling story and grabs the reader by the ears and doesn’t let go. I was so engrossed that I forgot time and where I was. I was completely lost in the story. The narrative was riveting and I CNPID [could-not-put-it-down]. The author made me love the characters and I wanted to read more about the other members in Delta Force. I want to know their story.

What I didn’t like: there was a lag where the story felt like it had ended but then took off again and went off on another venture. I was jolted from my stupor and wondered why the story kept going and didn’t end. The transition somehow wasn’t very smooth as it turned and went in another direction.

At the end of this story, there was an excerpt for the next in the series Saving Emily. I loved it and can’t wait to read it. I really like these guys. I know they are larger than live… but it’s like being drawn to read stories about superheroes. You-gotta-love-‘em.

“When your time comes to die, be not like those whose hearts are filled with fear of death, so that when their time comes they weep and pray for a little more time to live their lives over again in a different way. Sing your death song and die like a hero going home.” –Tecumseh
Profile Image for Kate McMurry.
Author 1 book110 followers
March 28, 2018

An unexpected flight cancellation leads to a life-changing, romantic adventure in London that flight attendant, Rayne Jackson, never imagined possible. After less than 24 hours spent with a handsome, enigmatic stranger, whom she is sure must be a spy or a soldier, finds Rayne falling in love. Unfortunately, the wonderful man whose tender attentiveness has captured her mind and heart has warned her, up front, that all he can offer her is that one, unforgettable day.

Keane "Ghost" Bryson is a Delta Force officer who has spent years keeping secret his identity, his job, and especially the nature of his top-secret assignments, from everyone but his team and military higher-ups. Out of long-entrenched habit, he shows Rayne one of his false identity documents, but his heart leads him to offer her his true military nickname, Ghost, and the strength of his emotional attachment to her is the most deeply authentic thing he has ever experienced. The problem is, he believes his mission of endless danger in the military would not be fair of him to offer to a wife or family, and he is determined to stay single until he retires. But destiny takes a hand in this troubled romance when, months later, fate brings the two lovers together again when Rayne finds herself the captive of violent revolutionaries, along with dozens of other hapless tourists, and all seems lost until the Delta Force Team arrives.

This is a well-written story. Ghost is a very likable, strong hero, and Rayne is an equally appealing heroine. The sex scenes are not gratuitous and are very tender. There is lots of powerful, often terrifying action-adventure. I particularly enjoyed the subcharacters. Ghost's relationships with his Delta Force team members are very compelling. I liked all these brave men, and each of them either already has or will have his own book in this series. We got a taste of the relationship between Rayne's very sympathetic best friend Mary and Delta Force team member, Truck, in this book. I am looking forward to reading their story when it is released in the near future.

If you enjoy military-hero romances, this is an excellent one. Recommended.

I rate this book as follows:

Heroine: 4 stars
Hero: 4 stars
Subcharacters: 5 stars
Romance Plot: 4 stars
Action-Adventure Plot: 4 stars
Writing: 4 stars
Overall: 4 stars
Displaying 1 - 30 of 760 reviews

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