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Clyde's Corner #2

The Stolen Suitor

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His future was set until a thief stole his heart.

All of Clyde’s Corner, Montana, knows local dandy Chris Ramsey will marry Trix Stubben, young widow and heir to the richest ranch in the area. But one woman isn’t too keen on the idea. Mabe Crassen wants to get her hands on that ranch, so she sets her older son to court Trix, and her younger son, Jeremy, to distract Chris and lure him astray.

Jeremy Crassen thinks his mother’s scheme is crazy. But he wants desperately to go off to college, which Mabe will agree to—if he seduces Chris. How will shy, virginal, secretly gay Jeremy attract Chris, who seems determined to do the right thing and marry Trix? Jeremy can’t compete with a rich female widow. Or can he?

270 pages, ebook

First published February 1, 2016

About the author

Eli Easton

70 books2,754 followers
Having been, at various times and under different names, a minister’s daughter, a computer programmer, the author of paranormal mysteries, a game designer, an organic farmer, an avid hiker, and a profound sleeper, Eli is happily embarking on yet another incarnation as a m/m romance author.

As an addicted reader of such, she is tinkled pink when an author manages to combine literary merit, vast stores of humor, melting hotness and eye-dabbing sweetness into one story. She promises to strive to achieve most of that most of the time. She currently lives on a farm in Pennsylvania with her husband, three bulldogs, three cows and six chickens. All of them (except for the husband) are female, hence explaining the naked men that have taken up residence in her latest fiction writing.

Her website in www.elieaston.com
You can email her at eli@elieaston.com

See what's in the pipeline here: http://elieaston.com/work-in-progress/

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 193 reviews
January 4, 2016

I read The Stolen Suitor in one sitting. I find Eli Easton's writing accessible and engaging, and this story is no exception.

Jeremy and Chris are charming MCs, and I liked the romance between them. I just wish they'd been given more page time to grow as characters. Their relationship lacked momentum. Many of their interactions happened off-page, and the steam level was quite low (the one truly racy scene in Jeremy's bedroom was HOT, though).

Jeremy is a dreamer, a writer, a quiet and thoughtful young man. He's also a (sexual and emotional) virgin, which sadly wasn't explored in any meaningful way. I liked Jeremy and wanted to get to know him better.

Chris is described as a "dandy" in the blurb, but I didn't really see that. Wearing a purple shirt and putting gel in your hair hardly makes you a dandy. I understood Chris even less than I understood Jeremy. Chris just seemed wishy-washy and unfocused. One boyfriend cheated on him, and he's done with men and all set to marry a woman, even though he's gay.

While much is made in the blurb of Mabe's, Jeremy's mom, scheme "to get her hands on that ranch," this is nearly inconsequential to the story. Mabe initially comes across as a bitter, old woman. Imagine my shock when she turns out to be 42!

42, people! Forty. Two. And she has two grown sons. Who are dating. And having sex.

What is the world coming to???

The multiple POVs here were distracting; besides Jeremy and Chris, we get the POVs of four secondary characters, including Mabe and Mabe's old flame Billy.

Eric, Jeremy's brother, and Trix, Chris's best friend's widow (whom Chris is determined to marry), get nearly as much page time as the MCs. That's not to say I didn't like these two, because I did (especially Eric), but I'm not a fan of having a M/F romance inserted in the middle of my M/M novel.

By the way, there is no cheating in this story. Chris and Trix are never engaged or physically involved. They're sort of dating, but it's a friendship, a relationship of comfort.

The dramatic scene at the end related to Trix's 4-year-old daughter: Sorry, but no 4-year-old, however precocious and bright, would do that. I don't buy it.

The HEA is there, and it's a lovely one at that. This is a cute, quick read. Everything comes easily, and everyone wins. I think that's the point of the Dreamspun Desires series. I've just decided that I prefer more meat in my stories.

If you like 'em light and fluffy, with some family drama on the side, you'll like this one. Eli Easton's stories are always fun to read.

P.S. What is up with the dude on the cover? He's creepy.
Profile Image for SheReadsALot.
1,840 reviews1,246 followers
August 12, 2016
4.5 HEARTS--I think it's official.

I'm in lurve with the Dreamspun Desires line.

So much so that even the shaky narration of my cherry popper narrator, one Mr. Rusty Topsfield, couldn't deter the great story. [Thankfully, I had a personal copy to read along]

If Harlequin/ Boon & Mills like tropes ain't your deal, just walk away from this line.

This was a homage done right.

I loved just about everything. The premise, pace, plot and especially the characters. Eli Easton's New Adult just keeps hitting the win columns on my list.

Twenty year old shy, redhead virgin Jeremy Crassen is from the wrong side of the tracks. With a good looking but lazy older brother, a father who died while incarcerated and a scheming mother who the town painted as a slut, life has been constantly giving Jeremy lemons at his trailer park. Jeremy's mother cooks a plot for both of her sons to break up Trix Stubben and Chris Ramsey, children of the wealthier families in Clyde's Corner, Montana. Eric, the sort of dimwitted older brother needs to seduce and marry Trix and Jeremy needs to seduce Chris.

Jeremy is not out and though the town has an open gay couple, he doesn't plan to start gallivanting across town with any man. Nor does he think any man would want him. Only that the older Chris is straight...or so Jeremy thinks. Jeremy sort of goes along to steal Trix's suitor but the plan backfires...due to shared feelings.

The story is more from an ensemble cast POV, the Crassens being main players just as much as Chris is.

I meant to listen to the audiobook in piecemeal, stretch out the read/listen for a few days. But two things happened.

1) I'm too used to Rusty Topsfield's style of narration after 2 books. Meaning his characters sounds just about the same with his limited vocal range. There were about 10 or more people he had to voice and they sounded about like the same 3 or 4.

After the first chapter, I had to add my ebook to my reader or I'd have gotten lost. It's not a good look when I had to read or laugh at the melding voices.

2) I devoured the story in less than 24 hours. Even with the shoddy narration. Because Easton fleshed out her characters, made the plot interesting and reeled me in by dangling tidbits of feelz here and there.

It's clear to say after our first time, me and Rusty will have to take a lengthy TO.

(Unless he narrates another book I really need to listen to, then I'll have to reevaluate my need)

There were a few typos that Rusty didn't read over (Kudos for him) But sometimes his inflections and pauses he added, didn't fit the scene of the story. I don't think he's the worst narrator ever but I've listened to better. The narration is in the 2 Hearts range.

The story? I'm not adding the narration rating in my average of the story. It was that entertaining.

Jeremy, who kept his hair long and tried to have no one notice him due to a crap child hood and living with the bigger personalities in the Crassen household was a scene stealer from get. Easton showed his growth without changing who his character was drastically. He was an intelligent young man and aspiring writer that lives in a small town with limited resources and no encouragement from his closet supports to grow. Chris's attention? It was alike a spotlight on watched a neglected flower finally shine after a little TLC.

Chris? He was bisexual and honest with his feelings. Was he dating Trix while falling for Jeremy? Technically, yes. But their dates were platonic and both tried to force feelings that weren't there. Probably due to grief, Trix's dead husband was Chris' best friend.

Eric Crassen? He started as a lovable jerkwad and ended up being my second favorite Crassen. He never thought he should amount to anything because lazy. He saw his potential when he started working for it. And we get to see his romance! That's right there's a secondary MF plot happening concurrent to Jeremy and Chris's budding romance. (I read MF romance too)

Definitely warranted and added to the overall plot.

And Mabe, the schemer and hussy of Clyde's Corner? She has a secret that knocked everyone's socks off. But she's a good person at the heart of it. I was hoping for a little more showtime on her romance or possible rekindling.

There is a little mystery tied in. And even a little "OMG, you almost died!" action.

(My only quibble is Trix. I loved her and then disliked her as her and Eric's story line got more intense. Plus, during the action section, something about her reactions rubbed me the wrong way. When it was her problem, she was all guns ablazing. But when it was someone else's, her actions seemed a little cold.

The story has a slightly dramatic ending and a sweet HEA.I couldn't stop rooting for all of the characters from start to finish. It was a little sweet, a lot of enchanting writing and solid story all around. Sweet, sexy with a realistic build to the romance. Ah, Eli Easton done right.

Definitely my favorite so far from the Dreamspun line.

P.S. What's up with Henry Atkins? The town degenerate seems to have a story itching to be told. What's up with the change?

Profile Image for Chelsea.
917 reviews7 followers
February 25, 2016

LOVED THIS!!!! God Eli Easton is amazing. Every time I see one of her books I hesitate and automatically think, ‘this will be to young adult and two cutesy’, and EVERY time I read the book I give it 5 stars and fall in love. I have officially learnt my lesson. I LOVE Eli Easton!!!

I think what won this book over for me so utterly was the fact that every single character had depth, and every single character was someone you fell for and fell in love with. This story is predominantly Chris and Jeremy’s story but we also get POV’s from Eric, Trix, Billy and Mabe, each having their own story within this book. Don’t worry M/M lovers, no girly bits in this book.

I actually really just want to talk about the four main characters because these guys are the ones who captured my heart.

Jeremy - He is my favourite! Jeremy has such a funny quirky personality. Someone who is stuck in the stories that fill his head, he draws confidence from the characters that he creates. He had me laughing ALOT throughout this book.

”He tucked his shoulders back and stuck out his chest. Girls do that, you dork. You’ve got nothin’ to stick out.
Right. He squared his shoulders and stuck out his ass instead. It looked like he had to go to the bathroom.”

Jeremy is quite shy, and just wants to save to go to college, but is always overlooked for being a Crassen, the trailer Park trash of Clyde’s Corner.

”And Jeremy wanted nothing more than to get out of this stupid town and move someplace where people didn’t know his past, where he could just be Jeremy and not Jeremy Crassen. He couldn’t even hear his own name in his head without the sneer that typically went with it.”

Chris - Chris is so intent on looking after Trix and Janie after his best friend (and Trix’s husband) dies suddenly, that he plans to marry Trix even though he’s gay (not that anybody at Clyde's Corner knows that).

At first I was a bit annoyed with Chris, because this is obviously a very bad plan, especially when he starts feeling more for Jeremy. However as we learn more about his insecurities and see him become more smitten with Jeremy, I couldn’t help but root for him.

”Jeremy just winked at him and left the store. Chris was unable to think of anything else for a good three hours.”

Trix - Trix broke my heart. Having lost her husband and being left with her 4 year old daughter and a ranch to run, she worried about being alone and Janie not having a father, so she gratefully accepts Chris’ attentions and see’s marrying him as her best choice.

When it’s Trix’s POV you get a glimpse into her depression and the everyday struggle to appear ok, as well as helping her daughter, who is confused and angry that her father isn’t there any longer.

“Her mother reached over to pat her hand. “Don’t let anyone rush you. You’re gonna be fine.” Was she? What did that even mean? What was the definition of “fine?” Not committing suicide? Being able to smile again and mean it?”

She definitely had the hardest story out of the four, and I may or may not have….*whispers*.. definitely did… cried when she got her Happily Ever After.

Eric - Argh, I wanted sooooo much more of Eric, he is the character that went through the most changes but we saw him the least. Eric is a dead-beat. Never had a real job, smokes, drinks constantly and generally dresses and acts like a homeless person. Then he gets a nudge in Trix’s direction, the girl he’s had a crush on since he was eleven, and completely turns his life around to help her out and win her over.

Like I said we didn’t get a lot of Eric’s POV and he deals with a lot in this book. Some is spoilerish, so I won’t mention it, but his is the character I will remember the most when thinking of this book.

LOVED LOVED LOVED IT!!! I was laughing and crying and felt frustration, loss and helplessness, as well as hope and determination, and it was all wrapped up in a sweet Eli Easton story. Win!!

Profile Image for Darien.
861 reviews322 followers
March 12, 2018


The Stolen Suitor, or what I’m dubbing as The stolen story-line. While I enjoyed the writing, and realizing that I like Eli Easton’s style, in no way did this book deliver on what I was expecting. What is it with this series that be giving so an amazing start and then disappointing you towards the end. This one had it all until it didn’t.

Jeremy Crassen had to just listen to his mom tell him about how he’s going to steal Chris Ramsey from the girl he’s dating because she can’t allow him to inherit a ranch. To make matters worse she’s also pulled in his older brother to do some seducing of his own. Jeremy can’t quite comprehend why his mom would have him seduce a guy unless she’s figured out that he’s gay. He’s sure he hadn’t been given off any vibes, he just moves quietly through the town knowing that no one ever sees him.

One thing is for sure he can’t deny his mom and so he puts himself to the task of seducing Chris Ramsey. Chris Ramsey with his college education, town charm good looks, and the fact that he’s dating and will most likely marry his dead best friends wife (the small town crazy is real). Downside Chris is doing all this dating out of a sense of responsibility, upside Jeremy Crassen has caught his eye and he’s most definitely not married yet.

Now the story continues with so many POVs of people falling in love it becomes such a chore. But in all honesty, I didn’t completely hate it. I liked Jeremy he was super sweet and shy. I liked Chris with his hometown boy vibe, and together they were adorable. My problem lies with how all this love shit began with a seducing plan, it all began with a lie. In no way does the book even bring that up again, it all gets swept under the rug. I know the whole “what you don’t know won’t hurt you” thing is a good idea, but I didn’t like or appreciate it.

The writing and the flow was good and I enjoyed it, but there was too much going on and I couldn’t get a feel for the overall story. Who and what this story is about got lost sometime in the middle and this book became everyone’s story.

Zero conflict mostly apart from that one thing there at the end that was working ok, until another aspect of it makes it way into the storyline. That part wasn’t needed and another overwhelmingly plotty device bites the dust.

The Stolen Suitor with its excellent writing, turned into a Suitor for everyone and it took away from the story. Seriously, so much shit going down!!

Profile Image for DaisyGirl.
1,203 reviews66 followers
January 1, 2016
1.5 Disappointed Stars

I love Eli Easton's writing and I've rated a number of her books 5-stars. So it deeply saddens me to say that I. Didn't. Like. This. Book.


First, I was wholly unimpressed with Jeremy. Desperate to escape the bad reputation associated with his family name, he quickly agrees to his mama's bad-intentioned plan to seduce Chris Ramsey and then publicly out him. Is Jeremy tricked into it? Nope. Threatened with bodily harm? Nuh-uh. Is he coerced into helping out of fear for the well-being of someone he loves? No! Rather, he agrees to Mabe Crassen's asinine plan because she dangled a carrot in front of his fat face. Granted, his dreams of going to college are admirable but at what cost? Does he ever question the ethics of Mabe's stupid idea? Nope! He and his dickhead brother, Eric, are all in. That's a tough premise from which to launch an m/m romance book because it makes it very hard for me to respect at least one of the MCs. Granted, at some point prior to the end, Jeremy decided he wouldn't out Chris. But did he tell Mabe? Nope. Did he come clean with Chris? Nuh-uh. Frankly, Jeremy's lack of integrity from the start was shocking but I rallied on.

Sadly, things just got worse. Understandably, Chris eventually gave in to his irresistible attraction to Jeremy (hello, this is m/m romance after all) but Chris did so while still dating and engaged to Trixie. Isn't that cheating?!? I certainly thought so but Chris didn't consider it cheating since he and Trixie weren't yet sleeping together. Huh?!?!?!??! Sorry but dating/engaged and taking it slow does not equate to unattached to me! Strike two.

Third, Trixie. *sigh* Trixie, the widow, was acceptable - slightly likeable, even - until she showed herself to be a selfish ingrate! After she tanked, I had little hope for any redeeming characters or plot lines to hold on to. Strike three.

Unfortunately, EE added insult to injury when the evil Mabe came out smelling like a rose despite her initially malicious intent. (How, you ask? I dunno but that's the picture painted in the epilogue!) Holding hands with her new/old sweetheart, baking pie, and playing house. As if! Stick a fork in me, I'm done!

In the end, the character I liked most? Eric. He was initially an alchy loser but admittedly so and he worked hard to clean up his act. He was the most honest and respectable character of the lot of them.

Bottom line: I cannot recommend this book. Skip this one and read one of Eli Easton's other wonderful offerings.
Profile Image for Meags.
2,324 reviews591 followers
August 7, 2021
3 Stars

Well, how 'bout that.

I'm not sure if the synopsis was misleading in some way, or whether the opening scene simply resulted in my mind forming false assumptions of what to expect, but either way, The Stolen Suitor actually came as a bit of a surprise to me.

If I'm being honest, I spent the first 50% fairly disinterested in the plot and the multi-pov cast of characters that were driving the story. Instead of getting a simple M/M romance told through the perspectives of one or both of the MCs (Chris and Jeremy), in actuality this story featured up to six separate narratives and multiple romance arcs (two of which were M/F in nature, which might come as quite a surprise to those readers who solely read M/M - ye be warned!).

The Stolen Suitor turned out to be a bit of soap opera, which I have nothing against, as I often enjoy a good full-cast melodrama, especially when set with this kind of cowboy/ranch/small town backdrop (The Heart of Texas comes to mind). It was complicated and fun and drama filled, just like a good soap opera should be.

I really liked the character of Jeremy. He was kind and shy, and so eager to see the world and learn as much as he could. His feelings for Chris were sweet and promising, and I enjoyed his tentative journey into his first gay relationship. Though, unfortunately, I wasn't sold on Chris. I guess I never got over his random need to marry his best friend's widow (Trix), even though they had no romantic feelings towards one another and Chris himself identified as gay. It was meant to come across as selfless, but once Jeremy was on the scene and Chris kept insisting that he would still marry Trix, I just found his thinking selfish. Thankfully, he pulled his head out of his ass before it was too late, and no real relationship drama ensued, but I couldn't help but still feel indifferent towards his character throughout.

If I'm keeping it real I'll admit that my favourite character in this story was Jeremy's brother Eric. I found myself more interested in the outcome of Eric's feelings for Trix than any other aspect of the story. Honestly, I probably would have been pleased as punch to just get a full novel about Eric and Trix! (This won't be the response of many readers, but it's how I felt).

All in all this was a solid 3 star read for me, but I added an extra .5 last minute because the events in the final 15% had my heart in my throat, reminding me how much I love Easton's skills as a writer.
Profile Image for Amy.
1,030 reviews102 followers
February 5, 2016
**4.5 stars** I thought this was really cute! Predictable and tropey, yes, but a lot of fun! I love Eli Easton's writing and find it so easy to read. I loved all the main characters and it was great to see Ben and Joshua again. One of my favorite things about this author is that she shares her inspiration desktop. It's great to be able to picture the characters and setting just as the author did when she wrote the story:


Profile Image for BWT.
2,214 reviews241 followers
January 2, 2016
Part of Dreampspinner's new Dreamspun Desires series, Eli Easton offers a sweet long-angst romance to warm up your nights.

Fun fact: For fans of Easton, this romance is actually set in the same small town as her 2013 novel, A Prairie Dog's Love Song, idyllic Clyde's Corner, and it's nice getting to see Ben Rivers and Joshua Braintree are still living their HEA.

The premise, and plan, is simple: now that Trix Stubben's a widow, she, and her successful ranch, are ripe for the plucking. Mabe Crassen is determined her twenty-four year old son Eric will be the boy to marry Trix in order to get his hands on her ranch. The only thing, in Mabe's mind, standing in the way is Chris Ramsey, the mercantile owner's son who's been seeing Trix and is rumored to be getting ready to ask her to marry him. But Mabe knows Chris likes girls and boys so she gets her twenty-year old son, Jeremy, to seduce Chris. Jeremy doesn't like the reasons behind the plan, but he sure does like the idea of being with Chris so he goes along with it. Mainly because getting Eric to marry Trix would mean getting his Ma and Eric set up so Jeremy can leave Clyde's Corner behind and finally go to college.

This one took me three tries to get into it, which is pretty unusual for an Easton story. I'll admit the set-up bored me a little, but once it got into the groove it was on like Donkey-Kong. It delivers a sweet, hot, low-angst, romance that's all about the happily-ever-after.


Advanced Review Galley copy of The Stolen Suitor provided by Dreamspinner's Dreamspun Desires series in exchange of an honest review.

This review has been cross-posted at Gay Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Line.
1,082 reviews164 followers
April 9, 2018
I'm calling this one for now...
I'm quite uncomfortable with this trope, and the lying for monetary gain makes it REALLY hard to believe that Jeremy has a heart of gold (heart of a gold digger more like); even though it's not his idea, he still goes along with it.
I understand that he wants to get away from his horrible life and the rumors and his history, but going along with his mother's scheme seems REALLY iffy to me.

I might give it another chance later on, but for now I'm not in the right headspace, though I didn't get very far which is why I'm leaving the rating alone.
Profile Image for Jennifer☠Pher☠.
2,916 reviews261 followers
April 1, 2016
Can I just tell you how relieved I am that what I thought was going to be "the big misunderstanding" wasn't?

I was nervous the entire time I was reading that shit was going to get ugly. And, I would have agreed with the ugly.

Thank goodness that is not how it went down.

Can I also mention how glad I am that Chris did have a brain?

I liked this one. It was a little odd that we kind of got two stories in one but it worked.

Fit the Harlequin formula perfectly.

And cowboys, kind of.
Profile Image for Eli Easton.
Author 70 books2,754 followers
February 1, 2016
This book is set in the same universe as "A Prairie Dog's Love Song" and Joshua and Ben, from that book, are also in this one, though this is an entirely new romance between Jeremy and Chris.

Check out my desktop post with images and inspiration for this book on my website:
Profile Image for Tanu Gill.
575 reviews262 followers
March 25, 2016
Ohhhhhh!!! This was sooooo sweet!!! I just LOVED Jeremy! And a little bit Chris too. But Jeremy!!!<3
Such a cute story, and starring a writer too! Whoooaaaa!! Loving the feels!!!:-*
Profile Image for NicoleR.M.M..
612 reviews146 followers
August 19, 2021
DNF @ 30%. I’m sorry, but it’s not working. Too many side plots distracting me from the main mm romance, with m/f thrown in between, and I really don’t like that in the mm books I am reading. It’s not the writing, because Eli Easton is a fine author, but this story just doesn’t hold my interest.
No rating.
Profile Image for Sara .
1,516 reviews154 followers
February 2, 2016
Hey, wanna know something? I am a hopeless romantic. Are you shocked? You shouldn’t be. I adore romance, it’s my jam, it’s my comfort zone with reading. From the quiet romance to the erotic and even all the way to PWP, if you give me a shot of feels, you have me hooked.

What I have come to expect from the Dreamspun Desires series are the feels, the feelings of my first introduction into reading, or rather stealing my sister’s romance novels and devouring this thing called love. It fuels me, it gives me hope and it makes me happy. This series, it’s bringing on the nostalgia and it’s making this hopeless romantic ginger freaking fracking happy.

The latest installment of the series was a blast to read. See, I not only love reading romance but I love watching it and one of my favorite things to watch are the romances on the Hallmark Channel. Sure, they lack the skintastic bump and grind you’d find on other channels but they give me what I want and I adore them. This book, fits right into that category and I fell hard.

The blurb for this gives a hint of a scheming mother, Mabe to get her sons into a wealthy rancher’s family with a plot of the youngest son, Jeremy wooing away the possible suitor, Chris from the newly widowed Trix and having her oldest son, Eric sweep in and marry Trix to get the Big Basin Ranch. Phew… *takes a breath* What the blurb doesn’t tell you is that this story is so much more than that. It’s a romance, yes but it’s a romance story of couples and family. Look up romance in the dictionary and the first entry for it as a noun is: a feeling of excitement and mystery associated with love. That right there is what this story is about and Easton delivers the romance in abundance.

The Stolen Suitor has a six pack of POV’s and I loved all of them. It’s not just a story about shy virginal Jeremy pretending to be one of the characters he writes to get Chris Ramsey’s attention, it’s about Eric coming to terms with his adulthood and where he belongs, it’s about Trix healing from the death of her husband and being okay with a new love and life again and it’s about Mabe, the boy’s mother and her past catching up with her and the man who ends up right in front of her. The head hoping in this was fun and it read as if were playing on the screen as I watched the story unfold and people fall in love.

I adored Jeremy and loved that not only was he a ginger of the darker variety but his eye color. So often gingers are paired with blue/green eyes and the fact that his were compared to the color of his hair –as mine as a ginger often are – scored points with me. Plus, Jeremy and his career choice and all that he is. I loved him and I found pure joy as he attempted to steal Chris away from Trix… and then, there is Chris. Again, LOVED his POV, he was so conflicted on what to do with his need to be noble and honor his best friends widow, to take care of her and her daughter. But while Chris is bisexual, he prefers men and his attraction to Jeremy is too strong to deny. Jeremy and Chris were beyond adorable and sexy and I will not be looking at baguettes in the same way for quite some time.

Eric and Trix… sigh. I unexpectedly fell hard for Eric. I thought he would be the rude but lazy older brother to Jeremy and I would eye roll so hard when he came on the page but that never happened. Eric is a wonderful character full of life, love and loyalty who just needed the chance to find where he belonged. I really enjoyed Trix as well, her inner conflict when it came to Eric was giggle worthy while squirmy but her love for her late husband and her daughter was what hit me in the feels. I can’t imagine the thought process and emotions it takes to move on after you husband has passed or the guilt of wanting another man but I loved how it all turned out.

Jeremy and Eric’s mom was a total mess but when you think about her life, you get why. She read so much older than her 42 years but living a hard life, ages you quickly. Stress of income and being a single parent with all the rumors in a small town, it doesn’t make you look like an 18yr old, that’s for sure but I like who Mabe was even if her idea of her boys scheming with Chris and Eric was not so much a plot of the story as a whole, but I am good with that.

The Stolen Suitor was a fun ready full of cowboys (I really need to go back and meet Ben and Joshua…), ranches, boys who don’t know how to fully take what they want but ready to take a chance on love. It was a great story about the family you are born with, the family you create and the ones that you keep close to your heart.

Oh and one last note, I love the cover because it could be either brother, but if the intent was to be Jeremy, I would have liked to see his long hair tucked behind his ears because… it was so endearing. But really, hey Jeremy… where is Chapter 17 my dear boy? Hmm? I wanna know too!

Gah! Okay, I’m done gushing now.

Profile Image for Sandra .
1,865 reviews338 followers
January 12, 2016
The third offering in DSP's new Harlequin-like series, The Stolen Suitor, takes us to Montana and pits young Jeremy Crassen, gay and virginal, against Chris Ramsey, gay and in the closet, whose daddy owns the local mercantile store.

Chris is expecting to marry his best friend's widow, Trix Stubben, because he wants to do right by his friend, and because he doesn't really want to be gay. Jeremy's mama wants her older boy Eric to marry the widow, which means that Jeremy has to woo Chris away from her.

I didn't quite get why Jeremy just agreed with his mama's scheming, but his characterization as a dreamer, as an aspiring writer (which he keeps secret), was sufficient to make me believe that he didn't have much of a backbone when it came to his mother, and he just went with her demands.

What I also didn't like so much in this book is that the developing relationship between Eric and Trix took up so much page time. I mean, I was reading an M/M romance novel, and I didn't expect there to be so much M/F on page. While Eric cleaned up his act and tried hard work for a change, I didn't like him much in the beginning, though he grew on me as things moved along, and his courageous act toward the end clinched his character for me.

The book jumps around quite a bit, as the narration takes us from Jeremy's mind to Chris', to Eric's and to Trix's, plus Mabe and her one-time paramour, which wasn't a deterrent, but not what I'm used to anymore. I found Jeremy's attempts at enticing Chris amusing, and Chris' attempts at resisting were humorous too. Unfortunately, they didn't get enough page time for me to really believe their romance, and with all these POVs being used, none of them allowed for sufficient character development to make them believable.

While the blurb hints at a super sekrit scheme Jeremy and Eric's mother hatches, it seemed not important during most of the book, as not much mention is made of it after it's initially hatched. While the scheme is the catalyst for Jeremy's pursuit of Chris, it doesn't get much page time until it's used again to cause additional drama.

The climatic and very dramatic scenes at the river surely helped them all along, but it was all tied up too neatly for my taste, what with Mabe and Mr. Stubben Sr., and Eric and Trix, and Jeremy and Chris all getting what they want. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to really connect with any of them to the point where I cared.

Eli Easton's books (the ones I've read) have good flow and excellent writing skills setting the scenes, and in that, this book was no different. And overall, this book meets the requirements of this series as slightly OTT (read: unrealistic) and giving a feeling of an old-fashioned Harlequin novel.

As with all of these books, the heat factor is low as expected, though we do get a lot of UST. Again, this fits the Harlequin feel of what this series is trying to accomplish. And there is no cheating here - Chris and Trix do not have a committed or physical relationship. Theirs is more of a friendship, a relationship to comfort after the loss of her husband.

** I received a free copy of this book from its publisher. A positive review was not promised in return. **
Profile Image for Tess.
2,051 reviews26 followers
August 1, 2021
4.5 stars

Jeremy was ... adorable. He's a really shy guy who uses his hair and baggy clothes to hide from the world. While working as a short order cook, he dreams of making it to university one day and of getting his novel published. His brother, Eric, was pretty awesome too. Really, the Crassen brothers were the best and I so wanted them to get their HEA.

I didn't warm up to Chris as much. It's just the story line -- him wanting to marry his best friend's widow and help her raise the daughter and run the ranch -- is so out of date. Sure, I could see this in a historical and it would show that Chris is really just this super nice, responsible guy. But in this day and age we know they wouldn't be happy together because they're never going to be in love so this ended up only making me think less, not more, of Chris.

I was also really confused by Billy Stubbin. At least three years before the story starts, he and his wife gave their ranch to John and Trix, essentially retiring from ranching. There was some mention of Billy's bad back. I was picturing them being in their 60s. However, if you do the math, it appears that Billy would have been about 38 at the time?? At the time of the story, I think Billy is only 42. Why isn't he helping Trix with the ranch? What does he actually do with his time? This just seemed odd to me.
Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books769 followers
August 27, 2021
Talk about a complicated situation with multiple romantic entanglements. I mean, the title already made me suspect this wouldn’t be a straightforward story, but the reality was a lot more fun than I expected. This soap-opera-like emotional drama is set in Montana, in my mind not known for being the most exciting state out there in terms of city-based entertainment, but blessed with beautiful mountains and great opportunities for outdoor activities. Add quite a few cowboys and a variety of really likable small-town characters, and I was happy to sit back, rub my hands in anticipatory glee, and get stuck right in. From the opening scene that had me laugh out loud at Mabe Crassen’s crafty scheming, to Jeremy��s endearing attempts to be “slick and sophisticated” so he can trap Chris, to Chris’s determination to do “the right thing” – or what he perceived to be right – it quickly became clear to me that all these people had a thing or two to learn. And I had a front-row seat!

Please find my full review on Rainbow Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Cadiva.
3,755 reviews378 followers
July 28, 2021
Enjoyed this one a lot, it didn't turn out to be quite what I was expecting and it was a pleasant surprise.

I thought there would be more to the "evul plot" to get the ranch than there was but, being honest, I'm glad there wasn't as it would have felt out of place.

I also guessed fairly early on that Eric was going to turn out to be more than just Jeremy's older brother and so it turned out.

Eric and Trix, subject of the ranch plot, were actually both well developed and so I didn't mind too much that they had almost as much page time as the two main characters.

Chris was described as a bit of a dandy but I don't think that came across at all other than it was mentioned he wore purple shirts so that puzzled me and it didn't really add much to his character.

Still, having said all of the above, it was still an enjoyable read, as is the case with Eli Easton, I enjoyed the developing relationship between Chris and Jeremy and it was a fun read in the end.
Profile Image for Heather C.
1,480 reviews218 followers
February 15, 2016
I really liked this story!! There were multiple romances happening: Jeremy/Chris and Eric/Trix. I really liked the tension between Jeremy and Chris and both of sex scenes were hot, but I found myself more interested in what was happening between Eric and Trix!! I just wish I could have gotten a little more told from Eric's pov.

My biggest complaint is the author made out like Mabe and Billy were elderly, when they are both in their early 40's!!

This could be read as a stand alone, but I strongly recommend reading A Prairie Dog's Love Song first since Ben and Joshua show up a lot throughout this book. I do hope there are plans for more stories set in Clyde’s Corner.
Profile Image for Ezi Chinny.
2,625 reviews524 followers
September 23, 2016
I liked this one. It started off kind of slow but it picked up about halfway into the story and ended on a high note.
Mabe Crassen was determined that the newly widowed Trix Stubben could use a better candidate for remarriage than her best friend Chris Ramsey. So she asked her youngest son, Jeremy, to distract Chris Ramsey so Mabe's older son Eric can woo Trix.

The Crassen brother's begin trying to working together to attract the object of their desire. In the beginning, it took awhile to get going but I eventually enjoyed Eric and Trix's connection more.

The narrator Rusty Topperfield was okay. I can't say he added anything to the story. The pace was also a bit erratic. The last 1/3rd of the book was actions leading up to the HEA, so that's really what cinched the story for me.
Profile Image for Andi.
Author 15 books245 followers
August 26, 2022
Re-read 8-25-22

I still enjoyed it. I'd probably rate it 4.5 stars now. Jeremy and Chris are so cute together.💜
Profile Image for Aerin.
594 reviews1 follower
February 5, 2016
Yikes, I usually love Eli Easton’s books, but like the most recent release (Midwinter Night’s Dream), this one fell short for me. I know exactly what the issues were, and I’m going to address every single one.

Chris’s best friend and Trix’s husband was killed in a freak accident, leaving behind a heartbroken wife, a confused, needy 4 year old daughter, and a father who lost his only son. Chris is bisexual, but he’s leaning heavily towards the gay side of the scale. His decision to marry Trix is not derived from sexual attraction or love, but more from heartbreak in his personal life and the need to be the support system for his best friend’s broken little family.

Mabe Crassen has other plans in store for Chris and Trix, and none of those end with them happily married to each other. Eric, her older, lazy, couldn’t-give-a-fuck about anything son is to charm the pants off Trix, while Jeremy, her youngest, is given the task to distract Chris by any means necessary. Jeremy and Eric are very different from each other; while Eric doesn’t really have any passions or motivation to become someone successful, Jeremy is a very smart, quiet and a talented writer who never had the opportunity to go to college and follow his dreams. Jeremy has always kept his sexuality a secret for fear of being treated like a freak. His relationship with Chris seemed forced to me, especially since there wasn’t much focus on it and the chemistry was pretty much inexistent for most of the story.

There are two things that have absolutely no place in a book, and those happened both in Midwinter Night’s Dream as well as in this book: multiple POVs and a MF relationship thrown into the mix (it was a FF relationship in Midwinter Night’s Dream, but it was unwelcome nonetheless). The multiple POVs distracted from Jeremy and Chris’s story to the point where I didn’t feel like they were the main characters anymore. Everyone and their cat had a POV, including Trix, Eric, Mabe (Jeremy and Eric’s mother) and Mabe’s old sweetheart Billy, who’s also Trix’s father in law. They all got a lot of page time people, and I was disappointed by that!

The writing was pretty good, and I’m happy that’s one thing that doesn’t change in Eli’s books. I sincerely hope that future books will be MM only, with only two POVs that belong entirely to the main characters.
Profile Image for Vallie.
690 reviews79 followers
January 14, 2016
3.5 stars

Come on, admit it. You’ve secretly watched soap operas or the more modern equivalent of Lifetime movies with great satisfaction. No? Maybe I’m just projecting. I haven’t read anything else from the Dreamspun Series, but Eli Easton’s contribution to it was just what I needed. Like cuddling on a couch on a cold winter day with the lights dimmed and warm blankets and the cheesiest fluffiest movie ever playing on TV. This is the mood that this book put me in and I absolutely loved it!

The premise is ridiculous –a mother putting her two sons up to seducing the widow with the 4 year-old kid and her best gay friend respectively so they can “climb the social ladder” so to speak. But. The story is woven like a fairy tale. Simple, yes, but sweet and emotional at just the right amount. Jeremy is supposed to seduce Chris, which he does, and the slow-burn is just delicious. I honestly don’t have the energy to get into the plot because there are so many characters and so many plot developments, that it’s best to just get on with it and read it for yourself. I will say that the more I read the more consumed by the drama I got –always low-angst, fear not.

I do have a complaint though. It’s becoming a pattern with this author to have multiple POVs in her books. And I mean at least 4-5. In this particular story it actually worked because while the main couple of interest was Jeremy and Chris, there were side characters who got big parts in the plot. But come on. I don’t want to count but do we really need to be in the heads of sooooo many people?

The romance itself was more of the sweet and tender variety than explosive and raunchy but there were some memorably hot moments. The finale was uber angsty and action packed, culminating to HEAs for everyone involved. And I mean EVERYONE. Can’t go wrong with this one, man, can’t go wrong.


ARC of The Stolen Suitor was kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. This review has been cross-posted at Gay Book Reviews.
Profile Image for Therese.
564 reviews8 followers
February 17, 2016

I was expecting a „standard“ M/M romance, but what I got was, in the end, a quite entertaining soap opera. This is the first book I’ve read in this Dreamspinner series, and I guess they are all supposed to be a bit OTT.

So all in all, a good, well written story with some great characters. Still wondering what Henry’s deal is though .

Profile Image for Heidi.
950 reviews2 followers
June 6, 2016
It's definitely a "meh" from me. M/M with M/F and a story based on deceit. A suggestion by Jeremy's mother in an attempt to get their hands on the farm. :/. The whole story just seeming so confusing at times. Normally one of my go to authors, this one did not work for me.
Profile Image for Marge.
963 reviews3 followers
February 21, 2017
I really liked ALL the characters in this book--at least after we got to know them and their motivations better. It took a while for them to wake up and see what was really best for them, but it was fun having two (or three!) HEA's. I loved seeing Ben and Joshua again, and for several scenes, too.
Profile Image for Morgan  Skye.
2,772 reviews27 followers
February 11, 2016
Jeremy’s mother – Mabe – wants Jeremy and his brother Eric to disrupt the “romance” between Chris and Trix so that Eric can win the hand of Trix and inherit the ranch her late husband left her.

Jeremy is to seduce the “obviously” gay Chris even though Jeremy himself is not exactly “out”.

In the end things end up quite differently than anyone planned and through many twists and turns everyone ends up exactly where they need to be with a delightful HEA.


Eli Easton is a terrific writer. She always makes me laugh (and sometimes cry!) with her moving characters. Jeremy is far more than he seems on the surface and though I really, really didn’t want to like anyone in the Crassen family, I ended up loving them all – perhaps the “loser” Eric the best!

I didn’t ever get quite a good handle on Chris, however. He had some bad experiences in college that made him look upon all gay relationships in a bad light and is now determined to settle in to a sexless if not loveless marriage all before he’s even 30!

Trix turns out to be a dark horse in this story. She ends up showing a lot more depth than I originally thought she was going to have and I really ended up rooting for her part of the story more than even Chris and Jeremy!

There were some parts of this story, however, that just didn’t sit well with me. I wanted to see more of Jeremy and Chris together on page than we did and maybe a bit fewer POV shifts. Though I enjoyed Trix and Eric’s story as well as Billy and Mabe, I really wanted to understand Chris more and follow him with Jeremy after the big “drama”.

Janie didn’t ring true to me as four year old, Mabe felt far older than her forty-two years and Chris also seemed far more jaded than his years would account for. Maybe if everyone had been aged a bit more some of their actions would have felt more authentic and age appropriate.

The other thing that really didn’t set well with me was John and how “replaceable” he felt to both Billy and Trix.

I still cried when Billy was out searching for Janie and that tells me the story was well written even though the shift was to a different set of character.

3.5 of 5 stars
Displaying 1 - 30 of 193 reviews

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