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My name is Larkspur, and I am an Elemental.

My people use the power of the earth to sustain life and defy our enemies. I should be at my father's side as a royal princess. But as a half-breed, bastard child, that isn't going to happen.

The King is missing and his mind is cracked. It is up to me to find him before the Rim is taken over by the bloodthirsty heir to the throne.

But the path to finding the King is anything but straight, and I find myself in the human world facing possible banishment. All to find a Tracker who happens to be on the run from a demon, yet she is my only hope in bringing my father home.

Nothing is as it seems and I'm uncertain who is friend or foe. My impending punishment threatens to suffocate me as I defy our laws and fight to bring peace to my home. . . and fight to keep those I love the dearest alive.

How will I get both my father and I out of this one unscathed?

Welcome to being The Chosen One.

346 pages, Kindle Edition

First published February 1, 2016

About the author

Shannon Mayer

118 books6,573 followers
A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I was born into a family of Star Wars nuts. I have a lot of siblings (somewhere I lost count but I think there was more than could be numbered on one hand) and being one of the young padawans I was subjected to Star Wars marathons, on a regular basis. If you've read any of my books you'll see there is often a reference to said movies as a small homage to my upbringing. May the force be with you and all that jazz.

I started writing when I realized I didn't want to grow up not believing in magic, or not believing in creatures everyone else said didn't exist. That being said, I have never seen a fairy, unicorn or dragon. I had a neighbour who swore they fed the leprechauns in their garden, but I never caught the little buggers no matter how long I lay in wait. (And consequently had to help the neighbours plant new flowers to replace those I killed waiting for the leprechauns to show their faces.)

Along the way, I found my husband who is the rock that keeps me from floating away into my dreams, and we have a little boy who is the centre of our world. Living on a farm keeps us busy (as if the writing wasn't enough) and I have more than my share of stories about wrestling with cows, helping birth calves and ending up in the creek during the process, falling in the mud (we'll call it mud but we all know that on a farm, mud is rarely mud) and chasing escaped livestock in the hopes the four legged convicts don't make it to the highway.

I've taken up archery, and the goal is to move into horseback archery in time (you know, when I can hit the target on a consistent basis) and when no one is looking, I love to bake (this doesn't happen often as it's hard to keep the sweet treats in stock with two boys in the house.)

As to what's coming next for me? More stories (since those never stop inside my head, I might as well share them with all of you!) and more adventures. Pretty much, when the fancy strikes, I'll jump on it. Leap before you look I'm sure that motto was created for me.

Or was that . . . think big and dream bigger, ready, set, pull the trigger . . . yeah. That one is a good one too. But only if you have a gun. And are hunting elephants. Which is not cool because of so many reasons. Let's stick with the first one with an addendum.

Leap before you look and let your dreams carry you on their wings. And that, my friends, is me in a nutshell.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 274 reviews
Profile Image for Denisa.
1,313 reviews319 followers
January 29, 2020
3.5 The fun goes on!

If you've stuck to the series so far, it's definitely worth continuing.
The plot gets more and more complex and, one of the things I really appreciate about this series is that it's fast-paced. True, maybe more details would be good from time to time, but I don't really care about that.

It's a fun series, it has me hooked, I love the characters, so on we go!
Profile Image for Hollie.
1,676 reviews
August 16, 2017
I have really liked this series so far, but I have to admit, after finishing book 4 and a novella in this series its starting to get a bit repetitive. The heroine goes on dangerous mission, risks her life to save others and do good, and then gets punished for her deed. Over and over again. I am also starting to tire of this drawn out love triangle. If the next book in this series doesn't have somewhat of a different feel to it I may consider myself done with this series. They are just starting to all feel too similar.
Profile Image for Carmel (Rabid Reads).
706 reviews392 followers
February 3, 2016
Reviewing by: Rabid Reads.

Fans of Shannon Mayer’s RILEY ADAMSON series will appreciate this installment because it fills in some of the blanks of what happened before PRICELESS, and there’s a bit of character crossover, but nothing too major, so regardless of whether you’re in-the-know on Tracker happenings or not, you’ll enjoy WINDBURN. This was however the bottom-of-the-pile volume out of the four, at least for me it was, on account of it being a transition book, and the fact that compared to the other three elements, it felt like air drew the short straw.

If it weren’t for all of the links to the author’s other ten novels, I don’t think that I would have liked this story nearly as much due to the threads being a little jumbled. Lark is searching for her father, sampling the Cactus/Asher goods, fulfilling her favour to Elle, and making her mark on two of the ELEMENTAL families among other things. I enjoyed discovering why Giselle gets paid in stuffed animals, how the protagonist earned her nickname, and Blackbird’s identity, but there were no big aha moments to speak of other than maybe that last one.

This series started with earth, then moved on to water and fire, so I’d anticipated that air would receive an equal amount of attention. Sadly, I found that the world building for the fourth power type was rather light. Lark’s stay in the Eyrie was short lived, and the Sylphs didn’t get anywhere near the attention that the other Elementals did which was a letdown because one of the highlights of these books has been the many and fascinating differences between the families. The two-year time jump certainly didn’t help either.

Mayer has a real talent for fleshing out characters that you’ll either love or hate; the heroine is moving away from the vulnerable girl of RECURVE, and towards the formidable force who helps to save the world in BLOOD OF THE LOST. I believe that the next title will center around the lead’s second ability which has me all kinds of excited! Peta was her usual delightful self, and Shazer is growing on me too. On the opposite side of the spectrum we have Lark’s entire family (except Bella), Cassava, and the Mother Goddess herself. *shakes fist*

WINDBURN was about what you’d expect from a bridge novel. Good, but not great. ~3.5 Stars

** I received this book as an ARC for an honest review. **
Profile Image for Shakuita Johnson.
Author 44 books494 followers
January 18, 2016
Windburn to me felt like a book of transition. There was so much going on this book that at one point I felt like I was being pulled in several different directions.

We start where Firestorm left off. Lark has been tasked by her sister to look for their father. Personally I would have left him to rot but Lark is made up of firmer stuff. We are quickly thrown into the action but this time it's Lark, Peta, and Cactus. Ash stays behind to give Lark a head start. Blackbird is back and boy was I shocked when his identify was finally revealed. No one is who they seem in this book and even the Mother Goddess was out of control.

The journey to find her father was not an easy one and in the end he's still an asshole of epic proportions. But I'm starting to see it's not all his fault and I can honestly say I HATED the Mother Goddess this time around. Free will is but an illusion.

Tom was hilarious and the Slyphs leave a lot to be desired. I don't know which elemental family is worse. They all seem self centered and vicious for no reason. The take offense where none is really given and they lash out. I don't know why Lark keeps trying to save them or why she feels bad when she can't. I say kill them all but that's just me :)

We also see why some things were the way they were in Blood of the Lost and everything is starting to come full circle. I enjoyed meeting Elle and Bram and seeing a bit of them in Windburn. Mrs. Mayer can weave a story like no other still. I just felt for all the transition a few things should have been fleshed out a bit more to keep your head from spinning with how quickly things were bouncing around.

All in all I am looking forward to book 5 and where these new developments will take us in Lark's journey.
Profile Image for Theresa .
1,622 reviews78 followers
March 22, 2018
4.5 Stars....This series continues to impress me with it's Elemental world building, the dynamic relationships amongst the characters, the complexity of Larkspur and her complex and complicated background, and the intertwining of this series with the Rylee Adamson series (Which I loved!!!)...we are beginning to see characters from Rylee's life pop up in this series, creating a stronger understanding of the connection between Larkspur and Rylee as well as the intertwining path these two characters have traveled to face their destinies...Shannon Mayer provides us with strong female leads that are smart, witty, courageous, powerful, and rebellious, however, they are also vulnerable, conflicted, fearful, and desire to be accepted...these women fight against insurmountable odds that lead them to troublesome decisions and painful regrets...I truly enjoy the world Shannon Mayer creates for my reading delight:)
Profile Image for Tamara.
407 reviews25 followers
June 20, 2016
2.5 stars

This book went downhill halfway through.
Profile Image for Latisha Bramlett.
362 reviews41 followers
April 21, 2016
I have received an ARC from the author in exchange for my honest review.

Windburn picks up right after Firestorm ends. Bella asks Lark to find their father. In order to do this, Lark has to find a Tracker which is against the rules. Stupid rules. Along the way, we meet several characters from Rylee's world. After all Lark has done for her family she gets screwed again. The Mother Goddess is not exactly a nice person. Her father, is as always, an ***hole. If you have read the Rylee books, you will know that everything that happens has to happen for a reason. It still sucks for Lark though. I hope she has something good to happen to her soon. I can't wait till the next book comes out.
Profile Image for Anade.
89 reviews
January 29, 2016
I received this book as an arc for a honest review...
I loved this book..

Windburn is the 4th in the series and continues on exactly where Firestorm finished.. There is a twist in the story that will have you gobsmacked...

I Love that Shannon is going back to the beginning of Larkspur story and giving us a picture of how Larkspur and Rylees lives intercept and how big of a part Larkspur has played....

This book answers a lot of questions, but there are plenty more questions that need to be answered.. I can't wait until book number 5...
Profile Image for Heather Rainwater-Alvarado.
399 reviews15 followers
March 3, 2021
Wow. The range of emotions in this next installment of the Elementals Series is limitless. Be forwarned though; this series starts taking some DARK turns. Mayer has been very open by now with the knowledge that this is NOT going to end well. If you prefer cute & cuddly stories; choose another author. It is what it is. I really think this story is the most pivotal one yet, and you can really see how the whole world is coming together between Lark, Rylee, and Pamela. It just amazes me how intricate the plot and this world Mayer has created are. Everything appears to be so well thought out that it’s an amazing journey to be on. Even though this is a world of magic, it’s so easy to get lost in the story and feel everything the characters do.

Though the characters are well developed by now, they keep on diving deeper and develop in ways you didn’t think was possible. There are plenty of twists and turns along the way. The part regarding Rylee was nothing short of magical, and brought me to tears though I don’t cry often. When she says there was a stillness as if the whole world stopped to take note of the pivotal moment (paraphrasing), it gave me chills because it felt for a minute the real world also stopped. I think this is my favorite book so far in the series, and the series had already been great to begin with.
Profile Image for Kimberly #Audiofile.
2,528 reviews27 followers
May 12, 2022
3.5 star listen via graphic audio full cast narration.
In this one we first meet Tom the fairy,
Astrid and Orion the demons, the bastard (Pegasus).
We meet Elle, Riley’s mum. Bram Riley’s dad and his dragon who is Riley’s dragons mate.

And see what happens to Riley as a baby.
And griffins involvement with lark and her abilities to forge weapons.

I am now up to the point of just before the Rylee series starts. (Or at least the cross over) I think now I’ll listen to the final book in rylees series! Exciting!!!!

Great author this one.
However I would prefer more smut and less fade to black scenes. Very similar to rylees books all sexual encounters seem to be fade to black.
Profile Image for LJ.
424 reviews39 followers
August 17, 2018
Well written, intensely passionate, another well written entry in this saga.

The depth of the characters written in this series continues to impress. Strongly written with passion, done with forethought that blends seamlessly and progresses naturally in the story being told. That is a trait in this series that I rarely encounter, much less as well woven in the story as is done here. Another strong book in this series. Thank you Shannon Mayer.
123 reviews2 followers
April 23, 2021
Really enjoying this series! Much in keeping with the Mayer's other works, gripping and really interesting and almost impossible to put down!
Profile Image for Louise.
767 reviews3 followers
March 1, 2023
Oh dear

Well, that was all very dramatic. Poor Lark. She's really not having a very good time of it, is she? I'm excited to see what happens next though.
Profile Image for Melissa.
412 reviews5 followers
December 4, 2017
Great story. I love this series so far. Larkspur's trials and everything she does for the people she loves.
Profile Image for keikii Eats Books.
1,077 reviews54 followers
November 8, 2018
To read more reviews in this series and others, check out keikii eats books!

76 points/100 (4 stars/5) [Revised from 5 stars].
Warning: Cliffhanger (status: why you gotta end it there, huh? I tell you, no respect for the readers)

Lark's King has gone missing, and she takes it upon herself to move heaven and earth to find him. She isn't going to be able to do it alone, though. She is going to need help in the form of a Tracker - a Tracker who has her own issues and is just as hard to find. Lark knows this can only end badly for her, but her people need their King.

This has been the best full book in the series so far. It managed to make me cry a little. It made me interested what was going on. I just plain cared.

The back 40% of the book is really, really strong. If you've read the Rylee Adamson series, these events probably aren't as big a surprise as they would be to someone who hasn't read that series. Yet, even if you know what was going to happen it is still really, really powerful. Knowing doesn't prepare you for the impact they'll have. There are so many things happening at once, so many feelings to feel. It really makes the experience enjoyable.

The first 60% of the book is a bit weak. Like, the back 40% makes up for the weakness, but it was still a bit of a slog to get through. This first part was mostly a tie in to the Rylee Adamson series, though it is set something like 25-30 years prior to the start of that series. It kind of meanders a bit. It has a purpose, I know it does, yet it feels like it doesn't have any purpose because of what is going on and how everyone is acting. We just have to get through these parts to get to the part of the book that matters, because the part that matters hinges on this meandering journey. I was bored. Everything felt like it just didn't matter.

Which is basically the entire point of the book. I mean, I guess I'm not surprised that Lark is the one who has to look for her crazy father who has been nothing but trouble. I'm still a bit confused on why we have to be searching for him at all, to be perfectly honest. He causes nothing but trouble every time he is around because he just isn't stable. He doesn't feel like a leader at all, and they're getting along fine without him so far. It still feels like a cop out on the part of every other earth elemental to just let Larkspur handle it. Why do the Enders even exist if not for this very purpose?

Also, this love triangle has changed from unnecessary to just one of my many nightmares. While Ash is pretty okay, Cactus is just a nightmare. Every single person knows that he will not handle being told by Lark that he isn't the only one she cares about. He is filled with a jealous rage. Even when he finds out himself, he causes all sorts of problems throughout the plot. All over the place he feels slighted, acts out, constantly badgers, and is just a plain nuisance. Again and again he has to be told by everyone (except Lark) that he just isn't good for her, that he isn't capable of being what she needs. AAAAAA! Enough already!

Overall, Windburn has been the best in the series. Incredibly emotionally powerful. I wish all of this series was so easy to connect to as the end of Windburn.
Profile Image for Boundless Book Reviews.
2,242 reviews78 followers
January 20, 2016
I was provided and ARC of Windburn in exchange for an honest review. I was excited to be accepted on Shannon Mayer’s ARC team; I consider her one of my favorite authors and just knowing that I’m a small part of bringing her worlds to life, makes my world brighter.

Windburn is book four in The Elemental Series, featuring, Larkspur as the main kickass character. It picks up pretty much right after Firestorm; so no, you can’t read these as standalones, go back to the beginning, and start with book one, Recurve.

Lark is back at The Rim, and needs to find her father, who has disappeared. In order to do this, she needs to locate a Tracker. Now, this is where all the good stuff comes into play. Hopefully, you have read the Rylee Adamson novels; if not, you are in for such an exciting ride! Rylee’s present is Lark’s future in the Elemental books, and the Rylee books are Lark’s past! I know wrap you mind around that! Its freaking mind blowingly awesome!!!! I don’t even know if I can explain it correctly! OMG! The two stories intertwine in a HUGE way, I mean Huge, and it really starts in Windburn, for The Elemental Series! In the Rylee books we only got little snippets of what actually happened to Lark, never the whole story. Well this, my friends is the start to the whole story, and it does not disappoint one iota!!! So what am I telling you? First you NEED to read the Rylee books. You can wait and read them after this, but you absolutely NEED to read them! I am just so freaking excited on how the story and series is turning out! I can’t fathom how Shannon can keep everything strait, and makes it easy for her readers. She is a brilliant writer! I can’t explain it correctly, but when you read it, it totally makes sense!

It is hard to write a review and not give anything away, because I just want to gush about the entire brilliant story! I will say that, Windburn is the best story to date in the Elemental Series. Lark is the epitome of heroines I love, she has the biggest heart and soul you have ever seen, and she is repeatedly tested. Through it all, she stays true to herself, but remains the kick ass, tack no names, Ender I want to see succeed and find her true happiness and peace, but not too soon, because I’m not ready for this series to end yet....Sara


Profile Image for Stacy.
1,335 reviews63 followers
June 6, 2016
I gave it 3.5 stars

I have already read—and finished—Mayer's Riley Adamson series and have been waiting for some events to happen in Lark's storyline. WINDBURN brought the two story's together in Lark's timeline and ended on one of the events that I have been waiting for.

After the amount of time spent in and the major events that happened in the Rim, the Deep and the Pit, I was a little surprised by how little actually happened in air's neck of the woods. In fact most of the story happened anywhere BUT in the Eyrie and most of the major events of the book didn't really have anything to do with them. What's up with that? We got some set up for some things in future books, but I can't help feeling like the Sylphs got gipped a little bit.

The love triangle isn't my favorite part of the Elemental Series. I don't really know why, but I don't care much for Cactus. His jealousy I can understand, but he is a bit of a child when it comes to not getting his way. I have to agree with Peta's assessment of him. Ash on the other hand I love. He is always there for Lark and they seem to fit together really well. He has my vote all the way.

WINDBURN answered a lot of questions I have had after not only reading the previous books in the series, but also from reading the Riley Adamson series. I'm very excited to see what ROOTBOUND will bring us and see Lark back in action.

* This book was provided free of charge from the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jamie Davis.
90 reviews26 followers
January 28, 2016
All the Feels and Then Some

Paranormal lovers are absolutely missing out if they don’t inhale every word of this series. Larkspur’s journey of evolution and self-discovery not only continues in Windburn but picks up a momentum that takes you to the last page feeling wrung out and wrecked.

Lark’s metamorphosis wouldn’t be complete without Peta, and a surprising new companion came into the picture and quickly won over my heart. I’m so excited to see what role he has to play in future books. Peta is always going to be a favorite of mine, and I don’t believe Lark’s personal journey would’ve progressed as far without her feline friend. She’s truly more than a friend or companion -- she’s her heartmate.

The young girl who entered Ender training alone and unloved is becoming the nucleus at the center of an unconventional family. She has so much to endure in Windburn, and my emotions ranged from heartfelt warmth to anxious fear to heartbreak and relief. In some ways it feels like the journey is just beginning, but looking back Larkspur has already come so far.

No matter where Shannon takes Larkspur and her friends next, I’m loyally along for the ride -- even if I am biting my cuticles in anxious anticipation!
Profile Image for Brandy.
Author 8 books33 followers
February 2, 2016
I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I love the whole series and have been eagerly awaiting this installment. I was not disappointed.

I love the individuality of each of the characters. They each have their own skills, and positive and negative qualities.

Also, I really enjoy that Lark is a rebel. She does what she needs to do, and knows is right, even if it is scary or difficult.

The Elemental Series crosses over with the Rylee Adamson Series and that takes a lot of intricacies and attention to detail. Mayer does a great job of weaving the two stories together. It is fun and interesting to get more bits of Rylee's story as Lark's story unfolds. It really sets up a complete fantasy world that is well developed and believable.

**Spoiler Ahead**
The only part that I didn't enjoy as much, was the time jump when Lark is first locked away in the oubliette. This is just a matter of personal preference. It seems like a lot should have happened in two years and I'm hoping we get to hear more about it.

Regardless, I'm looking forward to the next installment--a lot!
1 review
May 3, 2018
I really liked this series until this book. I tried to ignore the "love triangle" aspect of the book, but found it to be quite impossible.

Larkspur seems to unravel in this book in several ways. She begins to question the mother goddess, she gets closer to Cactus despite being involved with Ash, she even considers "going to the dark side", or at least wearing that mask to learn more about Cassava's plans.

I'm guessing she's supposed to be an anti-hero type or something, but it just seems to get very vague and less interesting (in my opinion) when shes constantly making decisions that only make sense because shes unkillable, and yet she doesnt know she is.

Sad, i really liked this series until this book. I was worried about it turning into a "twilight" style book where the fantasy and action take a backseat to the "romance". It's possible my bias is unique, but i think many would agree this book falls short of the previous titles in the series.
Profile Image for Mary Lee.
499 reviews10 followers
May 10, 2017
IBanishment didn't make sense

The banishment didn't make sense to me. If she wasn't banished for seeking help from a supernatural, which is what I thought she would be banished for, then what exactly was the reasoning? That she had killed people? Yep, in other kingdoms saving the heirs and she was either punished or praised in those kingdoms. She did nothing that the king should have actually been able to banish her for. Especially as she was his heir a few moments before. I guess we have to accept she us just banished by crazy daddy because daddy is crazy. I also didn't know they could control where you are banished to, just where from. It makes no sense that they can banish you to anywhere they want to. Banishment itself is supposed to be the punishment that drives people crazy.
Profile Image for Megan.
3,349 reviews43 followers
March 5, 2018
Oh my god.

This has to be the best book so far. Have I said that before? I feel like I have.

This tugs at all your heart strings. Every little part makes your heart break and then soar then break again! What a roller coaster of emotions and out comes... I'm not sure whether to read this series in parallel with the tracker series which I had started before and then started reading one of that series and another of this but I only have 2 books and a novella left on that one.
121 reviews8 followers
February 9, 2016
I was given this ARC in exchange for an honest review.
Larkspur, Peta, Cactus, and Ash are still trying to fix what is broken in the Elemental world and this includes trying to find Lark’s father…again. Along her journey Lark makes a new friend and runs into someone from another universe, well another book universe.
I loved this book and it helped to explain some of the back story of another of Mayer’s books. If you have loved any of her other books then this is the series for you. But as always, it’s best to start from the beginning to get the full effect.
As with all of Shannon’s books I would definitely recommend this book to everyone!
Profile Image for Ashlee Lau.
233 reviews
July 4, 2017
Another well written, fast paced look into the world of the Elementals. Of course Lark is back in trouble, and struggling to find her way out of it while continuing to help those around her stay safe.

I struggle with making this review state how much I love this book. How about this, right now the books are only available on Amazon. I use Barnes and Noble, but am 100% willing to betray B&N, go buy a Kindle PaperWhite for the sole purpose of owning this series. That is how good these books are.

Shannon Mayer nails it again and really just develops amazing characters and paints worlds in such a way you can't help but become immersed and invested.
June 24, 2018

There are a lot of good ideas here... and more than a few bad ones, but the plot is so choppy, disjointed, and haphazard that it's almost unreadable. It was as if several books were put into a blender and the plot was cobbled together from whatever pieces didn't fully liquify. The characterizations were contradictory for the returning players, and the new additions are one-dimensional and one wonders why they are there at all. With only the tiniest of changes, they lift right out. I enjoyed the first three books quite a bit, but this one isn't up to their standard.
Profile Image for Donna Bossert.
166 reviews21 followers
January 23, 2016

Just when you think you know where the book was going, she throws in a twist that knocks you on your butt.This is how all of her books are just when you think shes going right, BAM she goes left!
A fantastic crazy ride that left me holding my breathe till the very end.

I can't wait for more!
I received this book as an ARC for an honest review, and also purchased it.
we have to support our authors.. Buy the book ...read the book.. review the book!
Profile Image for Anne.
302 reviews45 followers
February 14, 2016
I really like The Elemental Series, and Windburn is just another reason why.

There is so much good to say about this book, but I will be brief.

Larkspur is trouble -- like moth to flame, she can't help it.
And that's good for us as readers, because we don't want to read boring books.
We like to be surprised, so as you are reading this novel, and you think you know what's going to happen (like I did), get ready to be surprised!
In a really good way!

Keep 'em coming, Shannon!
You're awesome!
Profile Image for Kelly Clare.
Author 58 books3,123 followers
March 15, 2016
I have been a massive fan of this series from the start. So happy to see Lark finally getting those fists out, she's had such a hard time of it all!
This installment has left me hanging out for more Ash. But at the same time I love that this story is about a strong woman who relies on herself. I'm impossible to please. Give me more Ash.
221 reviews3 followers
January 23, 2016
I received this book as an ARC. I could not put it down. The best book yet in the elemental series. If you are a fan of Shannon Mayer's Rylee Adamson and Elemental series this is a must read. So many of your questions will be answered, but will still leave you anticipating the next book!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 274 reviews

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