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From award-winning author, Ilona Andrews, an original novella, set in the New York Times #1 bestselling Kate Daniels World and featuring fan-favorites, Derek, and Curran and Kate’s very independent ward, Julie.

Scarred, solitary Derek Gaunt has separated from his Pack, and is truly a lone wolf. With no family he answers to no one; but is fiercely loyal to a chosen few. So, when several of those close to him are murdered, he’ll stop at nothing to hunt their killer through the magic-drenched streets of Atlanta.

Never one to be left on the sidelines, equally determined—some might say stubborn—Julie Lennart-Olsen soon joins in his pursuit; and what began as revenge turns into a race to save the city. Their search pits them against powers they never imagined and magic so old, it predates history. It may cost Derek his life, but there are things for which even he would risk everything.

64 pages, ebook

First published December 8, 2015

About the author

Ilona Andrews

144 books31.7k followers
Ilona Andrews is the pseudonym for a husband-and-wife writing team. Ilona is a native-born Russian and Gordon is a former communications sergeant in the U.S. Army. Contrary to popular belief, Gordon was never an intelligence officer with a license to kill, and Ilona was never the mysterious Russian spy who seduced him. They met in college, in English Composition 101, where Ilona got a better grade. (Gordon is still sore about that.)

Gordon and Ilona currently reside in Oregon with their two children, three dogs and a cat. They have co-authored two series, the bestselling urban fantasy of Kate Daniels and romantic urban fantasy of The Edge.

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Profile Image for Jessica ❁ ➳ Silverbow ➳ ❁ .
1,283 reviews8,898 followers
November 24, 2021
Reviewed by: Rabid Reads

4.5 stars

A few things to know in advance:

1. You CANNOT skip this novella. I'm not saying that b/c love the Andrews (which I bloody well do). I'm saying that b/c at least three major events take place in this book. THREE. At least.

2. We finally get in Derek's head. A lot of you have been concerned about Boy Wonder for awhile now. As the series progresses, he gets more and more withdrawn, more and more . . . cardboard. This is worrisome. We know the circumstances surrounding his entrance to the Pack, and, just like his face since the rakshasas got ahold of him in MAGIC STRIKES, they aren't pretty.

What we didn't know is how much harder he struggles for equilibrium than the average shapeshifter. How useless he feels now that he can no longer charm important information out of persons of interest for Pack security. How he's reconciled himself to a Lone Wolf's existence.

In MAGIC STARS, we learn all that and so much more.

3. We learn what Julie's been up to. Besides learning to wield tomahawks and occasionally hanging out with Roland when Kate's not looking.

Dollface has been busy.

Our story opens with Derek ambushing a group of men who killed a family who were business acquaintances of Kate and co. Only his desire to know why these men murdered the Iveses keeps him from slaughtering them when he kicks their door down, and find out he does: they were mercenaries hired to retrieve a rock for a warlock named Caleb Adams.

BUT. They didn't recover the rock. *whispers* Maybe b/c they killed the Iveses rather than asking them where it was. Eejits.

Whatever. Derek heads back to the Iveses' home to look for it himself--If Caleb Adams wants it, Caleb Adams isn't going to get it.

Caleb Adams is goin' down.

Where does Julie come into all this?

Read it and find out. Suffice it to say that this is definitely a team effort, and, man alive, do they make an excellent team. *waggles eyebrows*

Mythology-wise, I loved the Fae feel of this novella's obstacles. I suspect at least two of the creatures have their roots in Russian fairy tales (probably all three), but Fae-like creatures are Fae-like creatures no matter whence they hail.

But none of that matters, b/c you have to read it anyway.

If you read Kate Daniels , I don't highly recommend this book . . . I INSIST you read it. And all the real fangirls (and boys) will. So next year, when you're gearing up to read KATE #9, and you see a bunch of posts like, "OMG, what's Hugh (<------hell, yes, I did just name drop) going to do now that _______?!" or, "Is Julie going to tell Kate ________?" you won't get to spew your righteous anger b/c spoilers, b/c NOT SPOILERS. Not if you're current.

So get current. *winks*

Jessica Signature


Maybe 5.0 stars. I need time to reassemble both my head and my heart b/c OHMYGAWD, YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW.


If you read KATE DANIELS, you have to read this novella. HAVE to. ENDGAME-changing stuff happens. I'm not exaggerating. GET READY. December is right around the freaking corner.

My other reviews for this series:

A Questionable Client (Kate Daniels, #0.5)
Magic Bites (Kate Daniels, #1)
Magic Burns (Kate Daniels, #2)
Magic Strikes (Kate Daniels, #3)
Magic Mourns (Kate Daniels, #3.5)
Magic Bleeds (Kate Daniels, #4)
Magic Dreams (Kate Daniels, #4.5)
Magic Slays (Kate Daniels, #5)
Magic Tests (Kate Daniels, #5.3)
Magic Gifts (Kate Daniels, #5.4)
Gunmetal Magic (Kate Daniels, #5.5)
Retribution Clause (Kate Daniels, #5.6)
An Ill-Advised Rescue (Kate Daniels, #5.8)
Magic Rises (Kate Daniels, #6)
Magic Steals (Kate Daniels, #6.5)
Magic Breaks (Kate Daniels, #7)
Magic Shifts (Kate Daniels, #8)
Magic Binds (Kate Daniels, #9)
Iron and Magic (Kate Daniels, #9.5)
Magic Triumphs (Kate Daniels, #10)
Curran POV Collection
October 31, 2022
The Grand IAA™ KD Buddy Rerererereread Extravaganza (GIAAKDBRE™), aka the yellow brick road to Magic Triumphs

And the moral of this particular rererereread is: this story is actually a Little Red Riding Hood retelling. It’s the truthful truth, I promise! Don’t believe me? Read this behind-the-scenes dialogue between Julie and Derek, and see for yourself:

My my, Wonder Boy, what serrated claws well-groomed nails you have!”
All the better to tear intestines out open tin cans with!” said the Former Teenage Werewolf Sidekick.

My my, Wonder Boy, what sharp fangs big teeth you have!”
All the better to sever carotids and jugulars eat my daily vegetables with!” said the Former Teenage Werewolf Sidekick.

My my, Wonder Boy, what piercing peepers big eyes you have!”
All the better to lust after your shapely legs scout for villainous scumbags!” said the Former Teenage Werewolf Sidekick.

Ha! QED and stuff.

Okay, Derek, you can ditch the Halloween costume now, we kinda sorta know it’s you and stuff.

[March 2016]

And the moral of this reread is:

① Yes, I am sticking to my 12-star rating. If I really unleashed the fangirl in me I'd probably go for 16 stars, but I'm getting desperately reasonable in my old age, so 12 stars it is.

This story is mandatory reading for anyone following this All-Hail-The-Queen-It-Doesn't-Get-Better-Than-This-Awesome-Amazing-I-Can-Die-Happy-Now series. And again, this is not the fangirl in me talking here. I'm old, wise and reasonable now, remember? You HAVE to read this story because essential, major, OMG-I-Can't-Believe-It stuff happens/is unveiled here. Essential, major, OMG-I-Can't-Believe-It stuff that will have a huge impact on the rest of the series.

If I hadn't already sold my soul to the Andrews, I would do it again. Because, honestly, who else can pack so much punch and write such perfection in less than 100 pages? NO ONE, that's who.

Sorry about that, I guess I'm not as old, wise and reasonable as I thought.

I promise to write an actual review soon. Maybe after the 10th reread. You know, next week or something.

Actual rating: 12 stars. Yep. Take that you haters who thought I was exaggerating when I gave this story 10 stars before reading it.


It's bloody amazing. So bloody amazing that it's one my favorite instalments in the whole series. Bloody hell. Bloody hell. Bloody Hell.

Derek makes me want to unleash the cougar in me. Julie is WOW. The blood-and-gore-yay factor is positively orgasmic. The things that are revealed and hinted that are just AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! Sorry. Not. Possible. Breathe. Can't. Write. Stop. Feels. Too much. HELP!

Full review to come. Whenever I recover. If I ever do.

ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for...NOTHING. No review, no body part, no soul. Nada, rien, zilch, zip. Because Ilona & Gordon are slightly awesome like that.

Book 1: Magic Bites ★★★★★
Book 2: Magic Burns ★★★★★
Book 3: Magic Strikes ★★★★★
Book 4: Magic Bleeds ★★★★★
Book 5: Magic Slays ★★★★★
Book 6: Magic Rises ★★★★★
Book 7: Magic Breaks ★★★★★
Book 8: Magic Shifts ★★★★★
Book 9: Magic Binds ★★★★★
Book 10: Magic Triumphs ★★★★

December 6, 2015: snippet available here!!!

Actual rating: 10 stars.

What do you mean I can't rate the story if I haven't read it yet? And why the hell not? This is IA, you bunch of silly people, of course I know how I will rate this story! {insert mother of all eyerolls here}

Profile Image for Anne.
4,388 reviews70.2k followers
July 31, 2021
Is this the start of a new Kate Daniels spin-off?!
*screams, flails, dances awkwardly*


I'm seeing this listed as Kate Daniels 8.5, but, more importantly, also as Grey Wolf #1.
Who's the Grey Wolf, you ask?


Ok, guess who else is in this one? Never mind, don't bother guessing, I'm just going to tell you!
Julie! Yes, Kate's adopted daughter, constant troublemaker, and Derek's biggest fan, also stars in this story. And while she's too young for Derek (and he knows it!), you can tell that he is beginning to realize that Little Julie is starting to grow up...and he doesn't like it.


I honestly feel sorry for the poor guy when she turns 18. I mean, it's pretty obvious she's already under his skin, but in a year or so, she'll probably own him.
Now, normally, I might find this sort of thing a bit skeevy, but since Derek doesn't admit or act on his attraction to Julie?
Eh. *shrugs*
Plus, the age gap isn't huge. She's 16 or 17, and he's 20 or 21.
I'm ok with that sort of thing.
Now, will there be more books with these two?
I have no concrete evidence, but there's a flame in my heart keeping hope alive.


So what happens in this shorty?
Ok, well, it centers on Derek & Julie going after a warlock who is willing to kill to get his hands on a fallen star.


Why? What's so important about a bit of rock?
Not telling you. <--read it!

I will tell you that there are some serious revelations about what Julie is capable of (magically), who she's been hanging out with, and what she knows about her blood bond with Kate.
You're gonna need want this information, I tell you!


You also get a peek into how hard Derek's life is, and how close he comes to crossing the line every day. In fact, his control is tested to the limit in this one, and it's interesting to see how...well, it's just interesting.
Bottom line: Derek is a Badass wolf.


What else happens?
Hmmm. Oh! They meet some mermaids! Yay!


Except...not Yay! because they're evil, and they kinda want to make a snack out of Julie and Derek.
Down Ariel! Down! Bad mermaid!


That's it. That's all the hints I'm giving about Magic Stars, so you'll just have to read it if you want to know more. But make no mistake, just because this one is a novella, it doesn't make it unimportant.
This one is definitely a must-read to any Kate Daniels fan!

You can never go wrong giving the gift of Andrews...


Thank you so much to Steven, for sending this to me as an early Christmas present! <---how cool is this guy?!
Answer: Very
Profile Image for Robin (Bridge Four).
1,782 reviews1,590 followers
May 27, 2018
Re-read with the Ilona Andrews Addicts (IAA) peeps

✭✭✭✭✭ - 4.75 Bacony Stars

There are novellas in series you can skip and I’d say you aren’t missing much. I have enjoyed all of the Novella’s in the KD world, but besides a few little insights into how Kate is seen by others I didn’t take much out of them to go into main story line. Then there is Magic Stars and all that changed Boom, pow, KA-Bam in under 100 pages two characters from the KD world are fleshed out and the foundations are beautifully laid and I feel like I understand so much more in the underlying arcs of the KD books and what is going on between the lines with a few of the side characters. The entire book was awesome from start to finish.
He was the Grey Wolf in the city; the one who came and found you if you fucked up and hurt the wrong people. He helped those who needed it. He stood between those who were hurt and those who did the hurting.


Derek is the main PoV of this which is only one of many reasons to read it. He is darker than the other IA main characters. We all know his past and I have loved him from the very beginning but I’ve been a little worried about The Boy Wonder for a few books now as he seems to be going to a place that I wasn’t sure Kate could save him from. I didn’t realize just how close he walks that line between human man and animal until now and I was completely riveted by it. I’m still not sure that Kate could keep him on the human side of that line but maybe….just maybe Julie might stand a chance.

THAT’S RIGHT this is a story of an adventure Derek and Julie go on together. Be still my shippy heart because I have shipped them from the moment that Derek made that metal rose for Julie in Magic Burns. I’m not saying this is a love story because it really isn’t but there are hints…and moments that lead me to think there is something there, I might have even *squeed* a bit at the end and done a happy dance. However there is no time for silly ‘letting go of a breath I didn’t know I was holding or eye color becoming darker blah blah blah. No there is no time for that because there is kicking-ass, witty banter and MAGIC.

Julie is a bad-ass.

Julie pried the tomahawk free and chopped at the woman’s bulging stomach. It split like a water skin, and a half-decomposed human head rolled out. The sour stench drenched him and he nearly gagged.

There were some hints of her awesomeness that in the last little bit of the story lines. But I didn’t realize how much of a powerhouse she was becoming until this book….and I was amazed. I was both excited and horrified to learn what Julie does with her time when Kate isn’t around. She is playing a very dangerous game and she could very well be the lynch pin in the final upcoming battles.

I totally loved every second I got to spend with Julie and Derek. The way they interact and work together, they made a fantastic team. Julie accepts Derek for exactly who he is and she seems to get him better than anyone else and vice versa. Watching them play off each other was so much fun. There were some revelations made that have been hinted towards in the main series but this novella totally clarified a few things and I was the most interested in some of the things I learned about Roland, Hugh and especially Julie.

The main plot had some of the elements I always expect from the Andrews. They seem to find a way to incorporate unusual lore into their stories and this is no exception with the addition of The Hunter, Evil Mermaids and others. This also has plenty of action with a dose of IA’s trademark humor. I don’t want to say more about the main plot other than I think it was the best of all the novellas. This is by far my favorite novella in the series

THIS IS NOT A NOVELLA YOU CAN SKIP I’m not sure why you’d want to skip any of the novellas in this series but I especially think that this novella is really a Kate Daniels fans dream story with everything it offers. And that ending KILLED ME!!!! I’m so glad this is The Grey Wolf #1 because I really can’t wait to see more of Derek and hopefully Julie as they take on the city.

Review for Beta Nov 2015:




This is my favorite Ilona Andrews Novella….yep I said it my favorite.

The other novellas are fun, I enjoyed them all. I also say you can take them or leave them and it won’t really affect your overall enjoyment of the Kate Daniels series (but I’m ocd and read them all). BUT THEN….comes Magic Stars and if you have read the series I say YOU HAVE TO READ THIS

There are answers to a few things I wondered about...some hints thrown out there….a big reveal or five mini ones that added up to a bigger one for me *squee* AND at the end of this I might have stood up and happy danced. Although you have no proof as there isn’t an embarrassing video on youtube to my knowledge

Full Review to Come on Closer to Release - thank goodness that is only a little over a months away.
Profile Image for Tadiana ✩Night Owl☽.
1,880 reviews23.1k followers
January 10, 2019
3.75 stars. Does anyone know what has happened with this Grey Wolf spin-off series from Ilona Andrews? Was Hugh just that much more exciting than Derek? Just wondering ...


Magic Stars begins the Grey Wolf series, a spin-off of Ilona Andrews’ Kate Daniels series, in which Derek, a 20 year old shapeshifter who can turn into a wolf, takes center stage, although fans of Kate and Curran will be pleased to know that they make a brief appearance. Review first posted on Fantasy Literature.

This novella gets off to a quick jump start, with Derek on the job, tracking down a group of men who murdered an entire family. Derek’s actions when he finds these men are a mix of interrogation and revenge. He elicits the information that the men were after a mysterious glowing rock in the Ives family’s possession, on orders from a local warlock, but they were unable to find the rock.

As Derek approaches the Ives home a little later, he finds more trouble: three unfamiliar shapeshifters looting the home (the warlock is extremely determined to get hold of this rock fragment) and 16 year old Julie, Kate Daniels’ adopted daughter, also looking for the rock. Dang, this is one popular rock.


And that’s only the beginning of this night’s troubles. It’s frankly astounding, how many different types of near-fatal trouble Derek and Julie get into in one brief night together.

The excitement level in Magic Stars is high, with one magical peril quickly succeeding another, although the climactic scene felt just a little flat to me. The Andrews’ urban fantasy works are not necessarily deep or profound, but they are very well crafted and action-packed. Their world-building is excellent, becoming more intriguing and complex with each succeeding book, and with characters who are tough (both mentally and physically) and sympathetic but have human — or inhuman — flaws. Derek is embittered because of some painful past experiences that have left him deeply scarred, while Julie is accepting instruction in magic from one of Kate’s most terrible enemies, rationalizing that it’s a necessary risk and that she needs to learn more about both this enemy and his magic. *cue heavy foreshadowing of future troubles*

You will want to have read at least a few books in the KATE DANIELS series before you take on Magic Stars, the more the better, since there are several spoilers for key events from that series in this 64-page novella. Not that that stopped me or anything ...

Content advisory: Pretty much non-stop violence and a few F-bombs.
3,202 reviews386 followers
March 23, 2021
May 2018 re-read. I love Derek and Julie.

August 2016 Re-read - I need more Grey Wolf.

10 December 2015: $1.99 on Kindle! - Available TODAY!

I went into this novella knowing very little, except that it had potentially world-changing events within its pages. Now that I'm done - I tore through this on my (extended) lunch break today - I can definitely say that's the dead-honest truth.

I've long wanted a Derek book, and I've been 'shipping Derek and Julie, hard, for a very long time (since the metal rose). To say I was excited when I realized exactly who this would center around is a massive understatement. I could not wait to dive into the world. I thought, initially, that it would be told in Julie's point-of-view, but it's actually in Derek's, and I think I like that better. I think Julie might have begun to sound a bit too much like Kate, not that that would be unrealistic, but it would make it harder to fall into the story.

Derek has a very different voice. Different from Kate, Curran, and just about every other character I've read from Ilona Andrews. And I love that. He's himself. If you've read the rest of the series you know who Derek is (if you haven't, stop here and go start!), and exactly how Kate describes his scars - which is minimally. I like that when we get to step into other characters' heads in this series we learn a bit more about Kate and Curran as well. Kate tends to minimize things that others would see as faults or disfigurements in her friends and loved ones, and even though I suspected that, seeing how true it is in regards to Derek's scars was a bit of a revelation. I think an even bigger revelation, though, was the scars he carries on the inside. He hides them well, until we're in his head.

Julie kicks ass. I'm not usually a fan of kids in stories, because they're generally written so unrealistically. That was never a problem with Julie, she's always been exactly who she is, and it never felt forced or fake (like some kids do). She's grown so much, and seeing those changes in her is amazing. She's strong, and powerful, and smart, and absolutely, awesomely, self-assured and confident. I love her. A lot.

I won't say a lot about the plot because it is a novella and I don't want to risk spoiling anything, but I will say that a lot of new, interesting, world-building things appear. And a few WORLD-CHANGING things are revealed. I think I'd known some of the revelations from previous books, but the extent of the implications and knowledge of that was nothing compared to what I learned here. I can't wait to see how this affects everything going forward. Considering we're in the home-stretch of the main story-arc of the series, this story just amps up my excitement - and worry - for everyone I love in this series.

This book was amazing - I always enjoy the Kate Daniels' World novellas, but this one is something else altogether. I loved every moment and read it in one sitting. Now I just want more.

And I still 'ship Derek and Julie. Harder now than ever before.

Profile Image for carol. (not getting notifications).
1,672 reviews9,170 followers
December 12, 2015
Kate Daniels is the most consistently satisfying urban fantasy series I've read.

so, take my criticism with a grain of salt.

Magic Stars, while enjoyable, just doesn't live up to it's big sister full novels. Derek the wolf is hunting down killers when he runs into Julie at the crime scene. Together, they adventure. It's all very magical with interesting creatures and lots of action, tempered by Derek's internal dialogue. However. However, the pacing feels off, going from fight to fight without much consideration. Julie's been powered up, and feels a great deal like Kate Junior, with teenage attitude. Tough talk, wealth of knowledge, magic in a pinch (beyond her inherent, rare magic), fighting skills and ingrained emotional distance.

yeah, Kate Junior.

I'm starting to see what the critics do in my fantasy--everyone's spechul and a serious plot conflict occurs from them needing to face opponents tough enough to present a threat. The other trouble is that with plot and emotion focused on the fight scenes, it lacks the underlying depth the Andrews normally bring to their stories. It's very much a 'betweener" type of tale for series fans, one you read to know the canon and character development while you are waiting for the next book's release.

Thrrrree and a half stars.
Profile Image for Carole (Carole's Random Life).
1,920 reviews564 followers
December 17, 2015
This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life.

When I saw that there was a new novella being released in the Kate Daniels Series, it was an absolute given that I would have to read it. I am always ready for more Kate and more Curran. Then I took another look at this book and found out that this one isn't focused on Kate or Curran and instead features Derek and Julie and I got even more excited. As soon as I saw some of my friends on Goodreads posting that it was available to purchase on Amazon, I couldn't click the Buy Now button fast enough. I put everything else aside to read this just as soon as I got the chance and I absolutely loved it.

This novella is a part of the Kate Daniels series and you really do need to read this series in order. I have always liked Derek in this series. He is just an awesome character that has been through a lot but always seems to bounce back better than before. I really like just about everything there is to like about Derek and the growth of his character during the series. I have to admit that I am not as big a fan of Julie. I don't actively dislike her but I wouldn't miss her if she were suddenly absent from the series. That is until this novella. This Julie is pretty kick ass and I kind of love her a little now.

I would also say that this is a novella that you will not want to skip if you are a fan of the series. There is a lot of stuff going on in the short piece that will have a huge impact in the overall story. We seriously learn a lot in this one. I am really excited about the things that happen in this novella. Getting to see this world from another perspective was very eye opening as well. Some of the things that I thought that Julie was clueless about were just wrong. Julie is a whole lot smarter than I have ever given her credit for.

Another thing about this novella that is really exciting for me is the fact that it is a part of the Grey Wolf series as well. I can only assume that this means that there will be more stories that feature Derek and I can barely wait. I would highly recommend this one to all fans of the Kate Daniels series. If you have yet to read this series, what is holding you back? Stop what you are doing and find a copy of Magic Bites right now and start reading. It is so worth it. I will continue to read anything written by Ilona Andrews that I can get my hands on.

Initial Thoughts
I just had to put everything else aside for this tonight. I loved it!
Profile Image for Sophia Triad.
2,240 reviews3,659 followers
January 31, 2017
A short adventure with Curran and Kate’s loyal wolf and with their adopted daughter.

This is the first book where wolf Derek Gaunt is the main character and he is an excellent one!
Once he had the face of an angel and girls used to throw themselves at his feet. Now he is scarred and scary, but he is still sentimental and loyal to his friends.

Julie Lennart-Olsen used to live in the streets, filthy and skinny.
Kate decided to protect her. She took her home; she gave her blood and finally she adopted her. Julie is the mini version of Kate. Her only daughter so far.

Derek and Julie are going together for a big glorious adventure, where
• they will try to avenge the deaths of four family member,
• they will fight letavitsa, mermaids, other shifters, hounds and wizards
• they will discover the "magic star" and learn its secret

Derek and Julie will help each other; share their secrets (Oh Julie what are you doing with Roland???) and they definitely LOOK GOOD TOGETHER.
Profile Image for Haïfa.
198 reviews194 followers
September 5, 2018
I think I would have read Kate Daniels earlier if the first covers were this pretty!

Does that make me a shallow person? :D

This little novella is a must for Kate Daniels readers!

We finally got the POV of one my favorite characters in the series, Derek, the Grey Wolf.
I haven't realized how much I loved Derek until one traumatic event early on in the series.
And even if he got darker and more withdrawn throughout the story, there was still something very endearing about him, may be because of his infallible loyalty or because all the horrors he witnessed and endured during his 20 years.

And this short novella did him justice in my opinion. 64 pages were enough to confirm the image I forged of him. Clever, efficient, ruthless, uncompromising, earnest and loyal to a fault. But also dark and fighting an almost hopeless internal war against the monster to whom he refuses to succumb.

source: http://danny-chama.deviantart.com/art...

Julie on the other hand was so annoying and puerile in the first part of the book and I just wanted to punch her. But, she has so much potential and I'm eager (and terrified) to see which direction she would go.

This novella was an amazing addition to Kate's world and opens for a lot of possibilities.
I'm amazed at the amount of information and character development the Andrews put in these short novellas. I usually don't read short stories but these ones are a must-read as they expand and give more depth to the main characters.
Profile Image for Karen.
129 reviews52 followers
November 20, 2016
In true Andrews fashion the book was amazing. It is about 100 pages long but it felt like 10 I read it so fast. There is, surprisingly for its length, a healthy amount of world building and yet the story feels well paced. The characters are, well it's Derek and Julie, but for those of you not familiar with the books, it has just enough of a taste to be curious about Julie and an interesting glimpse into the mind of Derek. I never really wanted a Derek book but I found myself unable to resist his dark, scarred mind. The actual story line is quick and intriguing, perfect for a novella its size. Excellent writing, transporting us to the amazing post-shift Atlanta and her interesting residence. Well done!

I received an advanced reader copy (I know!) from the author for my honest review. But don't let that fool you, this will still be a purchase.
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,474 followers
January 2, 2016

Anything Ilona Andrews writes is magic. If you ever take anything away from my years of wisdom that I am willing to share with you, this is the most important lesson.

So, I guess that's about it then.

Oh, wait, the book.
Okay, this book gives us the POV of Derek - the most awesome teenage werewolf sidekick ever. We Kate Daniels fanatics casual fans have been dying to hear from him because he is sarcastic, smart, and kickass. Then, there is the whole thing where we are absolutely dying for him and Julie to get together. And, we are always dying for the next book. In other words, we are doing a lot of dying during this series. It's great!

So, Derek and Julie end up on a case together and we get to see them interact alone. It is the best thing since the joining of chocolate and peanut butter. Seriously!

I have so many things highlighted in this book that it's basically all yellow. I don't want to type them out, though, because this book is too short to give out all of the good stuff in spoilers. (Plus, I'm really really lazy.)

So, I will just give out the most important reasons you NEED to read this story:
1. It's Derek and Julie!!!!!! Derek and Julie!!
2. Derek's POV is completely different than I expected and it's awesome.
3. Julie is hilarious and sarcastic like Kate.
4. Julie also has some very big reveals that will affect the series.
5. We learn about what happened to Hugh.
6. There is a horse named Peanut who is neither peanut-colored nor peanut-shaped.

Read the damn book!
Also, did you notice that this says "Grey Wolf #1"? Are they starting a new series starring Derek? Please, please, please!!!
Profile Image for Jen Davis.
Author 7 books717 followers
December 8, 2015
I know a lot of people skip novellas. That's ok. Most of them are just fun pieces of fluff that help us curb our appetites for our favorite series. They rarely impart anything vital. But trust me when I tell you that you don't want to skip this one. Not just because it's Derek, though, obviously you want more Derek. But as much as I love digging around in his head, it's Julie's thread in this story that you don't want to miss.

This story centers around Derek's investigation into the murder of a human family with ties to Kate and Curran. He takes it personally when someone murders children. Julie gets pulled into the investigation when the case she is working ends up tied to his.

The hunt for the man responsible ends up fraught with danger and full of action. That's cool, of course, but that's not what makes the story so awesome. This is all about the characters, who we are seeing without the filter of Kate's perspective. We learn things about them Kate doesn't know. We even see things that, perhaps, they don't even realize about themselves. Like Derek's steadfast determination to see Julie as a child. Like the fine line he walks between control and loup.

Or the big honking secret Julie is keeping from everybody.

Yes, I'll admit that I am one of those people who hope for a Derek - Julie pairing one day. But we aren't close to that yet. But we are close to Julie's secret exploding with some major repercussions. And I can't wait to see it. I've got one word for you. Now go buy this as soon as you can. Worth every penny of $1.99.

*ARC provided by author
Profile Image for Melanie.
1,245 reviews101k followers
July 3, 2023
This was sixty pages that were packed full of amazing. This was my first Kat Daniels novella and I was not disappointed. This little book probably will make me go back and read all the other novellas that I've neglected.

1.) Magic Bites ★★★★
2.) Magic Burns ★★★★
3.) Magic Strikes ★★★★★
4.) Magic Bleeds ★★★★★
5.) Magic Slays ★★★★★
6.) Magic Rises ★★★★
7.) Magic Breaks ★★★★
8.) Magic Shifts ★★★★

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Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,181 reviews595 followers
December 15, 2015
This review was originally posted at The Book Nympho


I don't know how to start this review without spoiling you guys. It was so good. So. Good.

I've had my head in textbooks the last few weeks so I didn't know that Magic Stars was even a thing. Then I see Jen over at Red Hot Books talking about it on Twitter. When I found out that story was from Derek's POV and it had Julie in it too, I was like . . .

Derek has had a rough life, he had to kill his father after he turned loup. But Curran saved and trained him. Then Derek worked for Jim as a spy of sorts because he was so handsome, he could anyone to talk to him. Then Derek almost died and was left with a scarred face and broken voice. He switched roles in the Pack and formed a close bond with Kate and is known was Curran's wolf. He has the potential to be wolf alpha if he wasn't labeled a lone wolf after leaving the Keep with Kate and Curran.
She sat up straigher. "Will you stop bossing me around?"

"Stop doing stupid crap, and I'll stop."

Her eyes narrowed. "Eat my horse's ass."

Julie is Kate's kid. Julie has had a rough childhood too. Kate found her living on the streets when she was 12. Things happened that almost cost Julie her life but through magic Kate saved her but there's a price for the magic that was used.

Derek and Julie have been close since their near death experiences. And I've hoped that their friendship would bud into a romance. Julie is 16 and Derek is 20; not a big age difference but at their ages it's still too big for anything real to happen. But after reading Magic Stars . . .


"Sorry I scared you," he said as they left the building.

She rolled her eyes. "You're not that scary."

Relieft washed through him. He bared his fangs at her, pretending to snarl.

"Ew. Drool. Nothing you do scares, me Derek. Deal with it."

"I'll have to try harder then."

"You do that."

Derek and Julie work together to find the killers of a family and found out what they were after that warranted them killing the whole family. It was like reading a Kate and Curran adventure. There was action, blood (lots of blood), snark and magic. Plus a big lead up to the future for both Derek and Julie.

These two are Kate and Curran's mini-mes in so many ways. It's easy to see Derek becoming the Beast Lord when he's older and Julie has been training in magic and she could give Kate a run for her money when she comes fully into her own power.

Andrews' has only wet my appetite for these two. I hope they have a full-length novel in the future when they've grown up and are ready for a HEA.

The Wolf and Herald are not to be missed! One click your copy NOW!!
Profile Image for Erin *Proud Book Hoarder*.
2,652 reviews1,148 followers
February 13, 2017

A generously sized short story at over 60 pages, Magic Stars gives us a lead in the mind of Derek as he partners with Julie on a seek-and-revenge job while Kate and Curran are out of town. They go from one violent exploration to the next, with some downtime talking in between them.

If you're a fan of the series, this short story is important reading because it reveals some stuff about Julie in the background that is important to the overall story (Roland, her relationship with Kate). I already knew all that was revealed regarding Derek, it was just nifty being in his head for a change. He's a favorite character of the series for many. Shippers of the two may be more content as well, depending on how you look at it.

Overall it was interesting but wasn't totally filling my series addiction. There was too much mindless action while I preferred the style that's usually filling Kate's full length novels. Kate stories may be heavy in action, too, but they have that pause and depth in between. Here the emotions of Derek came across almost as being read to us, told instead of shown, I already knew his history and background but it didn't add anything new for me. I don't think I'd care reading through Derek's head for a full-length book based on this.

The start and ending were the best parts. So much revelation from Julie when they talk, and that ending gave me a spine shiver. Excited on where that may lead, but we'll see.
Profile Image for mich.
656 reviews225 followers
July 20, 2016
EDIT - You know what I just realized? This tiny novella has made me more excited for the next book more than book 8 did. I am so fricken ready for everything to just blow up soon. I've been waiting for the actual climax of this whole series forever it seems like, and I feel like things are definitely heading closer and closer to that!


Not gonna lie - unpleasant thoughts usually run through my mind when I see authors trying to sell us teeny tiny novellas for the same amount of money that I can get good full-length books for. I mean, come on, $1.99 for 64 pages? Really? But you know what, IA has earned the right to pull this kind of crap (hehe, and I’m saying that with the utmost respect, truly) --they’ve established themselves as great writers who consistently put out quality work, and I have yet to feel like they’re just trying to milk the shit out of this series (I’ll be sure to let you know if I ever start feeling like that), so no, I don’t mind paying whatever they want to charge for however amount of pages they deem to give us.

Anyway! I know I’ve said this before about the side characters in this series, but I’ve always thought it was a little unfair when people complain about the main books that, “Hey, why was so-and-so hardly in this one, she’s my favorite!’ or “I didn’t see this-guy-or-that-guy at all in this one - that sucks, I like him the best!” I mean, come on -- we all have our own personal favorites, and a lot of them are different, and IA can’t feature ALL of them in ALL of the books ALL of the time, right?! Be reasonable, people! (and I’m totally including myself in that cuz I know I’ve made those complaints before too - I admit I’m unreasonable like dat :D)

BUT, I will ALWAYS take quality over quantity and you know what -- I’d rather not see a beloved side character at all in the main books if it’s just gonna be a bunch of meaningless facetime. I’ve been feeling this more and more with many of the supporting characters in the recent books, and most particularly, in the latest book, with Derek.

My complaint? Is it just me or has Derek lost all traces of a personality? I KNOW there’s no way the Derek now can ever be the Derek we met at the start of the series, but seeing his character more and more become this . . . blah dude. . . it sucked. Derek had a relatively decent # of page-time in the last book, but it wasn’t quality time, with any truly quality interactions with anybody. He was just. . . there.

In this novella, Derek was more than just there. We are treated to character insight that I have been sorely NEEDING of late, and I am satisfied.

Spoilers to follow -- I just want to talk to all you guys who have read it!! If you haven’t read this yet, go read it and come back here and discuss w/me!! :)

Profile Image for Renegade ♥.
1,339 reviews
February 24, 2021

Julie's back... *grin*

Can't wait to read Blood Heir in future!

aw yeah | Trending Gifs

(Just wanted to finally take a moment to share that news on this particular review for reasons that will become quite clear if you choose to read it...)

4 1/2 stars


Image result for bummer gif kristen wiig

I've just learned that IA is not planning to continue the Julie and Derek storyline and the reasons why. I had no clue and honestly thought there would be more of the 'Grey Wolf' series in future. I'm feeling a mixture of sadness, irritation, and disappointment over this turn of events.

In other words, this totally sucks.

Here's what IA had to say in response to a reader who obviously (like me) wanted more about Julie and the rest of the crew:

Reader: I’m sorry if you have already answered this but will Julie get a book/series? It seemed like a setup at the end of Magic Triumphs, but was it only to leave an opening with no set plans to continue? Please tell me that is not the case!!

IA: Julie was written as a very sensitive, vulnerable kid who had to put up a lot of emotional barriers to survive. through it all, she persevered, learning to show no weakness, and remained kind and compassionate. She is, to borrow a phrase from Yanxi Palace, a person with a cold face but a warm heart.

Some people, women in particular, aren’t willing to cut her any slack. The moment she “steps out of line” by behaving as a typical teenager or by taking independent action to protect Kate on her own terms, they react violently, lashing out.

Image result for what the hell gif


IA: I don’t know if this is because the character isn’t understood because she doesn’t fawn over Kate and doesn’t wear her heart on her sleeve [...]

Julie isn't Kate. She's Julie, FFS. She's still growing, still figuring out who she is, after all she's been through. She makes choices, she makes mistakes, she learns, and she eventually finds her way. Sure, she isn't perfect, but who is? She's an interesting character with incredible gifts worth exploring and she has a good heart. I was looking forward to seeing who she would become going forward...

IA: [...] or if it’s that trend of hero can be forgiven everything while the heroine can be forgiven nothing.

Ah yes, so many of these supposed heroes are often forgiven their numerous choices/actions/mistakes (sometimes even the absolutely unforgivable ones), whereas I've found that heroines are often crucified for their least transgressions. They somehow have to be perfect without being perfect.

Surprise, freakin' surprise.

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IA: Maybe it’s tapping into the refusal to acknowledge that our children are not extension of ourselves.

Kahlil says it far better than I:

IA: Maybe it’s catering to the mindset of telling random women to smile more, because fake happiness is more palatable than sadness or worry. Who knows?

Yes, smile, smile, smile, regardless of how you're feeling or what you're going through, because you're making us uncomfortable and, oh no no no, we can't have that, little lady.

Don't tell me to smile when I look like I've got a black cloud hanging over me.

I'll smile when I damn well feel like smiling.

Image result for don't tell me to smile gif

IA: Long story short, we get Julie hatemail. Half want bad things to happen to Julie. They literally hate her and want her to die. The other variation of the hatemail is, “I am just not interested in Julie as a character and I don’t think she could carry a book.” Right, because despite writing 12 books set in this world, all of which succeeded in being entertaining, we will lose all of ability to tell a compelling story just because Julie is the main character.

Sarcasm noted and my thoughts exactly.

Image result for nods in agreement gif

IA: It actually resulted in Brandi having second thoughts about publishing her own work. She isn’t sure she would be willing to put up with all the venom.

We had definite plans for a continuation of the storyline, picking it up with Julie as the main character We have chunks of the first book plotted. We spared some characters in Magic Triumphs so they could return in the sequel. However, I’m not going to do it.

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IA: Writing comes from the same place as play. Right now if we sit down and write Julie, she won’t be true to the original vision of the character. There is a lot more depth and layers there than in Ascanio, for example, who is at the core a simple character. I don’t feel like working with her until I’m sure we can do her justice. So that trilogy and any other work in KD world, except for Iron Covenant, is indefinitely on hold. That might change tomorrow, but probably not. 🙂

I've enjoyed everything these two have written and trust that Julie's tale and journey, the entire 'Grey Wolf' series, would have been a marvelous adventure...

I am so bummed by this news.

Image result for bummer gif
December 24, 2015
AM I DREAMING? Is this really a story about Derek...and Julie? What???!!!! I'm in heaven and you will be too...Urban Fantasy heaven but nonetheless.

Basically, this story is about a wizard who had a family killed for some magic stones. Derek and Julie team up and bring people to justice. However, all the good parts are Derek and Julie and Julie and Derek....soooo good!


And I'm not exaggerating! Okay, I lied, I am but just a little. But you can't blame me, I've (and just about every other fan of the series) wanted this since we first met Derek and Julie but never did I think it would come true! I mean, it's almost like getting a Curran POV! ;)

The only bad part is that it's short BUT it's listed as a series so that means = MORE! And that's always a good thing!

The ending with Kate was pretty funny...the ending with the "other" person, I don't know...I'm a little scared. :(

(How much longer do we have to wait for the next one?)


Favorite quote:

♥ “I can always tell when you’re thinking about food. You forget to be the Serious Wolf, and you get this dreamy look in your eyes. You know, most people would think you were thinking about a girl. They have no idea that her name is bacon.”
Profile Image for Rosa, really.
583 reviews322 followers
January 28, 2016

Great entry in my favorite, favorite, favorite urban fantasy series. I had no idea Derek was such a little psycho and I LOVE IT. I did have an idea that Julie is overconfident in her abilities (teenagers, man) and this novella only created more tension in that area. I cannot WAIT to see what happens.

Can't say I'm overly enthused by the probability of an eventual Julie/Derek relationship, but I'm sure Ilona Andrews could convince me to like anything. Even ham. I hate ham.

Thanks to my fave IA BR buddy, Otila! <3
Profile Image for  Teodora .
435 reviews2,257 followers
October 11, 2020
4.35/5 ⭐

1. I actually love that cover.
2. Derek - my boy wonder - you are such a precious jewel.
3. Julie - you clever, clever girl.

This Grey Wolf series is going to be so good because Derek and Julie? So sweet! So perfect! So sassy together! Such a good team!
Profile Image for Sarah.
3,346 reviews1,236 followers
January 24, 2021
1st read - December 2015
2nd read - August 2016
3rd read - May 2018
4th read - July 2018
5th read - October 2019
6th read - November 2020
7th read - January 2021

Original Review

It's no secret that I'm an Ilona & Gordon Andrews fan girl, I adore all of their books but I'm especially addicted to the Kate Daniels series. Derek has always been one of my favourite side characters and I love Julie too so the second I found out about this novella it jumped straight to the top of my most wanted books pile. As fans of the series will know most of the novellas aren't essential and can be skipped if you only want to read the full length books (although why anyone would want to skip ANYTHING by this couple is beyond me!) but I'd say that's definitely not the case with Magic Stars. We get a lot of insight into the series as a whole in this story and it's well worth reading even if you don't usually read novellas or short stories.

This may be set in the Kate Daniels world but it's definitely Derek and Julie's story and it's told from his point of view. Finally we get a chance to be inside the head of the wolf who stole our hearts in the first book of the series and I loved every minute of it. I'm going to assume that anyone reading this review is already familiar with the series and is up to date with the full length books (as far as Magic Shifts which is the most recent release) so please be aware that beyond this point you may come across spoilers if you're behind on the series.

I'm sure we all remember the Derek we first met, the one who was funny, handsome, charming, who could talk his way out of any kind of trouble and who women of all ages couldn't help fawning over. He hasn't been that happy go lucky boy for a long time though and I've been getting increasingly concerned for him as the series has continued. Getting tortured and having your looks destroyed is bound to change a man and Derek has lost his joy of life, his wolf is closer to the surface than ever and he's very lucky he didn't end up going loup. It's kind of heartbreaking being inside Derek's head, from Kate's point of view he's only ever been the boy she loves and although we know he is scared and damaged she's never made a big deal out of it, but Derek has all kinds of issues with the way things are now, especially the way other people treat him because of it.

I don't want to talk too much about the plot of Magic Stars so instead I'll focus on how much I loved seeing Derek and Julie working together, I've loved them both from the beginning but I always thought of them as more like brother and sister than potential love interests but I have to say I think I might be shipping them now. Julie is still a little young for anything serious but I definitely want to see more of them working together and who knows what the future might hold for the pair. I love seeing how far Julie has come from the young girl we first met and through her we get a little more insight into Roland and what he's currently up to. It was also really interesting to see how Kate's magic is effecting Julie and her abilities too and I think that's going to have a big impact down the line.

For such a short story Magic Stars sure packs a lot in, there's plenty of action and a lot of character development that you really don't want to miss. This has made me more eager for Magic Binds than ever but it's also made me desperate for more books starring Derek. The fact that this is listed on Amazon as Grey Wolf book 1 gives me VERY high hopes that we might have a spin off series to look forward to and that would be absolutely perfect!


2nd Read

2016 Kate Daniels series reread with my fellow Ilona Andrews Addicts!

I think I've run out of sensible words to say about this series. I love the characters, love the world building, love the mythology, the action, the friendships, the relationships, the humour. Everything is just pretty much perfect. Kate and Curran are my favourite fictional couple and the series has some of the best side characters you'll ever come across so rereading these books is like catching up with old friends.

Love, love, love, love, LOVE Derek and Julie in this novella! I really want an entire spin off series about these two, I want to see them a couple of years older so they can act on that chemistry that's building between them <3
Profile Image for ♥Rachel♥.
2,081 reviews898 followers
January 3, 2016
I didn’t know Derek struggled with such darkness. I guess I forgot he almost turned loup when Curran found and saved him. I was thrilled when he moved on with Kate and Curran, outside of the Pack. It wouldn’t be the same without him.

Oh, Derek and Julie!! I’m hoping we get a book two or at the very least some more short stories. Julie was kickass and awesome, and I loved being in Derek’s mind! There’s a lot brewing between these two and I can’t wait for more!

This is a must novella for the fans. Here’s a few of my favorite quotes:

“Shut up. If I decide to ask for your opinion, I’ll say, ‘Hey, dickhead,’ so you don’t get confused.”

“Sorry I scared you,” he said as they left the building. She rolled her eyes.
“You’re not that scary.”
Relief washed through him. He bared his fangs at her, pretending to snarl.
“Ew. Drool. Nothing you do scares me, Derek. Deal with it.”

Stupid wolf. Her stupid, stupid wolf.

Profile Image for Ferdy.
944 reviews1,258 followers
December 21, 2015
Pretty standard Kate Daniels story, there's some bad guys doing bad things and there's some weird magic and creatures thrown in for good measure, so of course Derek/Julie have to save the day. Not very original, but still fun.
The best part was Julie's revelations about Hugh and Roland, not to mention the fact that she knows about the whole Kate/blood/obeying thing. She seems to be really good at lying/hiding things.
Not sure how I feel about the Derek/Julie foreshadowing, Julie still seems way too young for Derek, she needs some life and relationship experience before anything happens between them.
Profile Image for TJ.
995 reviews120 followers
June 20, 2016

Why this book?

I'm a fan of the Kate Daniels series

What I thought

Well this was a interesting fast paced read! This was great addition to the series and nice little novella. Just wished It was longer. Derek and Julie has always been two of my favorite characters. I admit I do ship them just a little bit even with the slight age difference. This was full of action and magic and I recommend to every Kate Daniels fan.
Profile Image for Maja (The Nocturnal Library).
1,016 reviews1,920 followers
December 18, 2015

It’s not Christmas just yet, I know, but doesn’t it feel like it every time Ilona and Gordon publish something new? Yes, yes it does. Magic Stars came somewhat unexpectedly, having been kept secret until about a month ago, and the second we learned the protagonist, we were collectively consumed by an overwhelming feeling of pure joy. After all, Derek Gaunt deserves no less, and neither does our Julie.

Finally, we get a glimpse of Boy Wonder from up close. We’ve been waiting a long time for it, and it’s easy to understand why. Derek’s head is a dark place and his voice must have been very difficult to achieve. Even now, we only get 3rd person narrative, albeit a very insightful, intimate one. Looking back on his life and how he came to be a member of the Pack, it’s a wonder than he stayed not only relatively sane, but loyal and kind-hearted above all.

Magic Stars is relatively short, but it packs a strong punch. What starts as a vicious murder and a hunt for revenge ends up being a much more dangerous plot against Atlanta. Derek and Julie are the only ones standing between the city and total destruction and as usual, they do so fiercely and with heaps of sarcastic remarks.

Aside from being filled with action, Magic Stars brings new on the romance front, just a tiny hint of something I’ve been hoping for for a very long time. With these two, a mere hint is enough, a subtle promise of more to follow somewhere down the line. I’m sure it won’t be simple or easy, but that’s half the fun. Whichever way the tide turns, Ilona and Gordon will make it endlessly entertaining.

There are just two words one can say after a novella like Magic Stars. You all know them, you all say them often enough. MORE, PLEASE.

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher for review purposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced the opinions expressed in this review.

Profile Image for Kira.
1,262 reviews138 followers
June 26, 2018

I'm at a loss for words. It was too good to be coherent after reading it. Derek and Julie! Wow! This pulled on all the heart strings. Could two people be any more perfect for each other? I've always shipped Derek and Julie, but now I really really ship them extra hard.

Ilona Andrews are UF gods. I bow down to you and pledge my undying devotion because you can do no wrong. I loved this novella! It was 10 times better than most books. I usually hate short stories and novellas because they don’t feel completely fleshed out. But this was amazing! I cannot believe they packed so much awesomeness into one small story.

I don’t even know where to start with how much I loved Derek. He is definitely my new book boyfriend. He’s much darker than most of IA’s characters. I hadn’t realized how deeply troubled he is until getting this glimpse inside his head. I knew he was bothered by his physical scars but had no idea the emotional ones went so far back. No matter what was going on in his head, he was still completely devoted and loyal to the people he is close to. There is hope for him, and I think it comes in the form a 16 year old girl named Julie.

Julie kicked ass! I was seriously impressed with her fighting skills. She’s turned into a mini Kate. They even have the same sense of humor. She’s way more mature than I had ever expected. I like her a lot more after reading this. Her behavior in the recent Kate Daniels books has had me worried, but it makes more sense after she discussed some things with Derek.

Magic Stars is not some random novella. This is a must read for the Kate Daniels series. Some important stuff was in it about Roland and Hugh. I’m freaking thrilled this is the start of a new series! It didn’t end on a cliffhanger, but it definitely left me wanting more.
Profile Image for KaleidoscopicCasey.
337 reviews165 followers
December 11, 2015
I read this story twice yesterday.



And on my second read I told myself that I was going to go slower and post updates.
But I didn't.
Because I didn't want to stop reading long enough to share the super amazing quotes!

I'm not going to tell you what happens because I went into it not knowing and I LOVED it that way so all I will say is
You should read this!

If this is the direction that the Andrews are going with the KD world then I just need to send them a blank check to cover all of my pre-order expenses.

Pre-read "review"

OK for real though, I don't have hordes of friends on GR but FOUR of the friends that I do have either got to beta this or got an ARC.

I'm super excited for them.
...I really am.

Meanwhile I'm sitting over here all...
Hey Beautiful Book!
Profile Image for Aisling Zena.
634 reviews507 followers
December 20, 2015
4.5 stars

Usually I don't read novellas. But it was Derek so I couldn't resist. If you're a fan and you've been following Kate Daniels from the beginning I recommend you do not pass this novella. It's a must read! Not just because it's that good but there's a few revelations in it regarding Derek and Julie that you have to know. I believe the information will have an impact on the Kate series. Do NOT miss out!

Profile Image for Yodamom.
2,087 reviews209 followers
December 19, 2015
Derek has a staring role in his own series ! Sweet beautiful Derek scarred and nearly lost forever has gotten most of his mojo back and has taken on a new role. He is Kate's wolf and he is on the path of a killer. He runs into Julie, sweet 16 and full of magic she's not really supposed to know or practice, but hey, she is a teenager. She has been a sneak, sneak, sneaking that all I going to say. Weird that it is that just ran into each other it turns out to be a very good thing. They are wonderful teamed up, each filling in for the others weakness.
When Something really bad happens Derek goes all super commando wolfie, he is wicked good at what he does but the past is still shadowing him.

There are some juicy tidbits you do not want to miss, no you don't ! I can't tell you, you will have to find out on your own. I can tell you you will be screaming for the next book in the series when you finish.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,580 reviews

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