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Troy Brennan

Every southie in Boston knows that name. The son of a dead mobster. The heart throb with steel blue eyes. "The Fixer" who can make or break you in this city.

Oh, and my new husband.

Sparrow Raynes

That's me. No one seemed to remember my name up until he barged into my life.
But then he caged me.
Kidnapped me.
And killed every chance I had to runaway from the place where we grew up.
Put simply, Troy Brennan clipped my wings.

I have dreams, big ones, but I doubt he'd ever let me chase them. I have no idea why he'd decided to take me as his wife. But I do know this: pissing off this man will not do me any good. At all.

Sparrow is a standalone, full-length novel. It contains graphic violence and adult situations some may find offensive.

312 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 1, 2016

About the author

L.J. Shen

60 books50.8k followers
L.J. Shen is USA Today, WSJ, Washington Post and #1 Amazon Kindle Store bestselling author of contemporary romance books.

She writes angsty books, unredeemable anti-heroes who are in Bill Gates's tax bracket, and sassy heroines who bring them to their knees (for more reasons than one).

HEAs and groveling are guaranteed.

She lives in Florida with her husband, three sons, and a disturbingly active imagination.

Keep up with L.J. on all platforms:
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Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,963 reviews33.8k followers
May 8, 2023
3 Everyone Loved it But Me...Again Stars *Spoiler-ish*

This was me when I finished this book:


Now, let me get one thing straight before I say anything else:

L.J. Shen can fucking write.

I totally jived with her composition style and I loved me some Shen metaphors and analogies.

Because WITTY.

Need some examples?

I am here but to serve, people.

"I settled in my seat on the wooden bench, my ass hitting the scarred pew with a bang. At 6'4", I looked like a giant trying to fit into a Barbie Dream House."

"Troy Brennan was never on my radar, but he was on everyone else's. He was like the IKEA canvas pictures of London and New York in bachelor apartments, like fast food, like Starbucks, like a freaking Macbook Air for a preppy student--mainstream and well liked."

Elllll. Ohhhhh. Ellllll.

Now, with that said, I didn't hate this book.


But I didn't love it either.


And here's why:

1) Inconsistent, Sometimes Gross, Push/Pull Between Troy & Sparrow

Holy shit, did these two have some hate/fuck going on, which was kinda fun for a while...

Until it wasn't.

Troy resented Sparrow for reasons that are revealed to us later in the book.

As a result, he treats her like a Grade-A ASSHOLE for...most of the book.

Now, I LOVE me the assholes. LOVE THEM. But in this case, Troy says and does mean things to her through the vast majority of this thing.

And when he DOES say something nice to her...he admits to the reader during his POV segment that he made up what he said.

AND only said it to shut her up.





Now, normally this would be a deal breaker and I would have dropped-kicked this things across the room.

But, somehow Shen was able to write it so that I didn't HATE Troy for it, but still...



Something that actually bothered me more than that (if you can believe it) was how inconsistent Sparrow was.

She would say in her inner narrative that she cared for Troy despite his "deeds" (especially a big one that she finds out about at the end) but then immediately after that she would verbally tell Troy she didn't think she could overlook those same deeds...


...it just seemed like she was constantly contradicting herself...and not in a way that always made sense to me.

Plus, when she got so mad about

2) Some Plot WTFs

WTF #1
At one point, Troy is "cleaning up" a location after an "incident" and he makes it clear that he "scrubbed the cabin clean, everything [dead guy] touched..." (meaning he cleaned away fingerprints)

But later, about the SAME exact location, he says, "[Dead guy's] grave was found by the police, but so...[were bad guy's] sloppy fingerprints [which were] all over the cabin..."


Okay...now, I'm not a CSI expert by any means...but let's just say that I know a little bit more than the average bear on this subject...

And if Troy wiped down "everything dead guy [could have] touched," that pretty much encompasses the whole fucking interior. Because any "cleaner" worth his salt - and Troy is supposed to be the best of the best - is going to be fucking thorough and wipe down every surface.

Now. Unless Troy has some wazoo x-ray fingerprint vision and thus the ability to separate dead guy's prints from bad guy's prints, EVERYTHING would have gotten wiped down...including BOTH sets of prints.

So yeah, that kind of irritated me a tad.

WTF #2
Sparrow is supposedly a badass chef.

She is constantly experimenting in the kitchen and, at one point, makes this uber ridic French meal that takes three hours to make and astounds them all.

Now, we are supposed to believe that someone who likes to experiment like that and proves herself to have a drive to make awesome food is going to be happy stirring pancake batter as a career?


For fucks sake, I am the WORST cook on the planet. My microwaving skills are surpassed only by my stellar ability to boil water.

But even I can make a fucking pancake that tastes good.

I'm sorry, that just seemed weird to me.

3) Sudden Changes in Romance and Plot

Both the romance and the plot had very abrupt "A-HA!" moments that seemed a little too...forced and unrealistic.

Troy's realization that he has feelings for Sparrow comes very late and very sudden. And that, when paired with his behavior and inner thought process up until that point, just made it feel...flimsy.

I didn't believe in their love.

Second, the whole moment where Troy finds out the identity of the baddie he has been looking for throughout the book felt very Sunday Night Murder Mystery to me.


Like seriously, it was almost like someone said:

"It was Colonel Mustard.
In the Billiards Room.
With the candlestick...!"

Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to tear this apart by any mean.

Like I said, I really enjoyed Shen's writing style and the plot was super engaging up until about the 25% mark...after which all of the above things kind of started unraveling for me.

But again, I think Shen is really talented and - being that this is one of her only two books at this point - I think she is only going to get better and better and I look forward to seeing what she has in store for us in the future.


***ARC provided by author in exchange for an honest review***
Profile Image for ✦❋Arianna✦❋.
790 reviews2,598 followers
February 10, 2017
4.5 Stars!!


Well…this one turned out to be so much more than I had expected. L.J. Shen delivered an intriguing tale that held my attention from the very beginning. A great mix of steam, action and suspense with a little bit of drama, 'Sparrow' was fast-paced, entertaining until the end and also written pretty well because to be honest, I couldn’t put it down. I other words, I devoured it!

“…he was the kind of guy to show up in the local news for all the wrong reasons. He was trouble—hot trouble, flash-fire-on-the-stove hot trouble…”

Troy Brennan is well known in Boston. Not for his kindness, but for his cruelty. He’s not a nice man, he’s feared and even if he’s called ‘The Fixer’ you don’t want to be ‘fix’ by him. He’s the son of the former Irish mafia boss and even if he took a different path, his hands touched blood, weapons and of course dead bodies. The fact that he has to marry a girl he wants nothing to do with, doesn’t please Troy. This is his new mission and he can’t do anything about it.

“I was completely trapped, a caged bird with clipped wings.”

Sparrow knows very well who Troy is. They grew up in the same Boston area and they have known each other for many years since Sparrow’s father, worked for Troy’s dad. She has to become Troy’s wife and even if she doesn’t understand why Troy wants her since she’s not exactly his type or why her father agreed to it, she will do it. At first sight Sparrow is just a regular woman, but Troy will realize that there’s more than meets the eye when it comes to his new wife.

“Troy Brennan was the devil, but sometimes, even good girls wanted a healthy dose of evil in their lives.”


This was my first book by this author, but certainly won’t be my last. The story was not exactly dark, because it’s not a mob book like I’ve expected. However it was gritty and like I mentioned above pretty addictive. The storyline was interesting for the most part, even if some events were predictable. (like the suspense/mystery aspect)

Both Troy and Sparrow were interesting, well developed characters. Sparrow is well portrayed as an innocent, inexperienced girl, but as the story progresses you will find out that she is more than that and you will like her more and more with every chapter because despite everything I mentioned above she is not stupid, doormat kind of girl. Not at all! Even from the beginning she gives as good as she gets. She’s a tough, smart cookie and I simply loved her sassiness and the fact that she was a total firecracker.

“…I was intrigued. So much so, that I tried to test her boundaries, scare her. Play with her a little.”

You can bet you’re a$$ Troy knows how to ‘play’. This insensitive little prick is that kind of hero anti-hero you’ll love to hate and hate to love. I enjoyed the fact his character was so layered and I honestly liked every one of these layers. He’s dangerous in a sexy way and for sure you will be charmed by his good looks and also by his brutal honesty and also by his 'very nice' personality.

“…if I can’t eat it, fuck it or kill it I have no interest in it.”

Troy and Sparrow’s relationship progressed in a very natural way. Firstly, because there was no insta-lust or insta-love between them and secondly because the entire story centers around their relationship. And let me tell you, their dynamic was entertaining as f@ck. Everything between them was believable, nothing felt rushed and that’s why I enjoyed every single one of their interaction. Every scene with these two held me captive for one reason or another. Their connection wasn’t instant, but progressed gradually as the story unfolded and I enjoyed this aspect of the story very much.

“I wanted to snap that little spine of hers. Have her begging. Leave her wanting and lusting. Wanted to prove to her that she wanted me no less than I wanted her.”


“I was a liar. I was reckless. I was an idiot. But I was his. “


“We didn’t make love, we made war. When she was pulling, I was biting. When she was scratching, digging her nails into my flesh, I slammed harder, faster. Our sex was furious, it was raw, untamed, wild…”

Needless to say, in the end these two worked together in every possible way and I truly enjoyed that.

I have to say I really enjoyed the writing. A little bit descriptive at times, but flawless and very engaging. That being said, I have to say I have only two complains – personally I would have preferred a little more dialogue. Also at times I felt there was a little more telling than showing.

All in all, 'Sparrow' was an entertaining read from start to finish, one I would highly recommend if you are looking for an enjoyable read with a feisty heroine and an charming anti-hero with alpha-male tendencies. I’m looking forward to read more books by this author!

“Even villains have a happy ending every now and again.”

Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,731 followers
July 7, 2016
This was a nice, Irish Mafia love story. Every once in awhile, I like to read a mob love-story and this one fit the bill. It wasn't the best I've read, but it was still good and worthwhile read.

Sparrow is pretty much abducted by Troy Brennan, an Irish mob boss. Her father works for him and she isn't really in a position to resist Troy's demands. When he tells her that they are to be wed, she soon finds herself a reluctant participant in her own wedding.

Now, you might imagine that Troy was some sort of predator, taking advantage of a much younger girl for his sexual kicks. However, for most of the book Troy made it clear that he didn't really like Sparrow all that much. Sure, there were some heated moments between the two, but Troy's commentary on Sparrow is mostly negative. It is clear that he doesn't find her particularly attractive.

In fact, for most of the book, Troy is a major A-hole. He forced Sparrow to marry him, but it is clear that he isn't interested in having a wife. In time, his motivations for marrying her are revealed and then, everything makes much more sense.

Despite her situation, I found Sparrow to be a strong and admirable character. She gave as good as she got, not letting Troy steam-roll over every interaction they had. She knew that she wasn't coming from a position of power when going against Troy, so she picked her battles carefully.

Throughout the book, there is building suspense around the nature of Troy's big secret. The anticipation was huge. Unfortunately, the big secret wasn't all that "big" in my opinion. It was a "That's it?", type of moment for me.

Even though the big reveal was a bit underwhelming for me, I thoroughly enjoyed this book. There was plenty of suspense and mystery, aside from Troy's big secret, to keep things interesting. Troy wasn't the only one with an agenda.

I also appreciated the slow-building romance between Troy and Sparrow. There was no insta-love here, despite the mutual lust. I enjoyed watching their relationship evolve over time. When they finally connected, it was all that much more believable.

This was my first book by this author, but won't be my last. I enjoyed the writing and the original storyline. Overall, it was a good read.
Profile Image for Sara ➽ Ink Is My Sword.
584 reviews467 followers
May 4, 2018
1 “Feed this to a sparrow, I wouldn’t care. Well maybe because they would die from poison.” Star

“I was completely trapped, a caged bird with clipped wings”

Buddy-read with new adult babe 😏


Well, no news to anybody, but I think I need to highlight again the fact that I HATED THIS BOOK. but is totally fine if you like this, just be aware I have a strong opinion against it

I am relieved by two things: I didn’t spend money on this book thank amazon free deals. and second I know now to never trust blindly a 4. Something average rating in GR. Is fucking amazing how many people love this, but who am I to judge, everyone has different tastes.

WARNINGS: romanticization of Stockholm syndrome, psychopath as hero, violence, ugly sex scenes, stupid af heroin, cheating. Way more messed up than 50 shades. Also, the author warns that they may be adult scenes that people can find offensive, yes they are offensive.

If you love dark, messed up in the head reads, try this. It wasn’t for me, maybe it is for you.

If you want to know why I hated this book without getting spoiled down below, I will be brief and say the warnings. I usually can take a dark read and enjoy it, but this one was a bit too gross and problematic for my taste. Also, I didn’t feel there wasn’t real love involved, at least the development didn’t justify it. Summary, this book is not of my taste.

Now from this point on I am gonna bring quotes and spoilers from this book, so you may as well leave if you don’t wanna hear my rant. *blows kiss*

I will structure this in a list of things I hate because I am sorry pals but there was nothing I loved or even liked from this. Well maybe just give a point for the fact I was able to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

1. I hated everyone on this book. Nobody was safe. Not our mc, nor the friends, not cat or brooks, not even maría. I also somehow hate the kid which didn’t do anything wrong, I am just making a point.. FEEL MY HATE FOR YOU ALL.

2.Fucking romanticization of Stockholm syndrome. Look I have read other books, who did this and I could pass it a bit. But in this book, our main guy is not a bit remorseful or even empathic. Is not redeemable and it was just pretty fucking bad. Especially this quote had me seven kinds of fucked up because WTF. “what if it’s not Stockholm syndrome, Lucy? What if it’s the real deal?” “Then my darling…..destiny will find a way to get you two back together. Real love doesn’t disappear. It can turn into hate, and hate can turn into love, but those feelings won’t ever turn into indifference.” So, she is basically admitting she has Stockholm syndrome, but who gives a fuck right. Like true love is stronger than anything. I would just love hearing her say the same stuff if Troy was a 68-year-old man.

3.Age difference. Look, is not the fact they have a 10-year difference because I was made by a marriage with more age difference than that. BUT IT KIND OF DISGUSTED ME the fact he knew he was gonna marry her when she was 9 and he 19. And then he said a quote like I would have asked you to marry me when you were 9. Hold up bro, I bet many of the readers swooned at hearing that but was just petrified.

4.Did I mention I HATED EVERYONE?

5. The period blood scene. Do I need to explain further? Oh yeah maybe because some of you would tell me, but Sara it wasn’t actually period blood. IT DOESN’T MATTER. It was disgusting the way he just made him showed her the blood and then swipe a finger in her vagina and drink it. LIKE HELLO, WHEN DID WE TURN IN VAMPIRES? I felt violated.

6.Troy Brennan. THAT ASSHOLE. He was a psychopath, he admitted everyone knew it in the novel and yet it was romanticized. Hell no. I may get you if you tell me “well at least he was a front asshole and didn’t hide it", yeah cool too. But have you realized you have fallen for a psychopath?

7.Troy Brennan. THAT FUCKING MACHO MAN. “oh sparrow you are my property you cannot have sex or relationships with any other man but me. But hey while you have a sad life and follow my orders I will just go and fuck Catalina because why not. I am a man.” He also referred to her as “having a leash”.

8.Troy Brennan. AND HIS DISGUSTING DIRTY TALK. “Eat her, fuck her, lick her, toes to skull, and ride her in every fucking position until every bone in her body hurt. She was a kid and I still wanted to do very grown-up things to her” yeah my man, you sound like you are fucking a cadaver. Skull? Really? Also pretty pervy and it feels that instead of telling her you will fuck her hard, it sounds like you are gonna murder her hard. BYE.*I was very turned OFF* And addition to Hayley's suggestion, you sound like a pedophile.

9.Troy Brennan. Do I need to say more? Don’t think so.

10.Sparrow. TELL ME ABOUT A PRETTY FUCKING BAD TRY TO MAKE A TOUGH HEROIN. She was all sassy and all I hate you, and I was living for it. Until she was turned on and swooning after he said he had murder people. Also, she kept complaining about how she was still a virgin and nobody had desired to go further with her, but when she discovers Troy was the one responsible for it, she was just OKAY.

11.Sparrow and her reasoning. “A cheater, a criminal and perhaps even murderer, my husband wasn’t exactly a catch in my book. And sadly, I still wanted him around.”

12.Cheating scenes, both of them, but this one in particular. It was the most disgusting thing I read in my life. He fucked her like an animal, she was talking to him with cum dripping out of her mouth and the best of all the kid of like 3 years was outside of the room. #TRAUMA.

13.So I feel the author was running out of ideas and she asked herself “well what about adding another psychopath and another kidnapping scene, wouldn’t that be great?” NO, IT WASN’T.

14.I hate everyone.

I am surprised by the use of imagination of this author, truly. Like I just couldn’t even imagine how some of this scenes were inspired, I just now I hope I never have to live them. I am sad this was my first book by the author, because Chandler loves her other books, and I feel I had been disappointed. But I will try again and inform you all how does it go.

I am just not a fan of jackasses as romantic interest anymore. I outgrew them if they don’t have a justification I can swallow. Specially murderers and psycopaths AND I AM REALLY WONDERING NOW IF DARK READS WILL NEVER BE FOR ME.

SO THAT’S IT, PALS. I am sure I have more reasons to hate this book, and probably will add it as I cool down a bit. If you ask me if I recommend this book after reading my review I will probably die inside.

Pre reviewing reactions:


Halfway through update: now I know and believe me I wish I was still clueless.

Little bit over halfway through update: I am already making a list of friends I need to sue. 19. Dammit, I need to save money for the lawsuit.
Profile Image for  A. .
1,163 reviews4,936 followers
February 10, 2019
4 Stars

What a pleasant surprise!

I knew I was borderline obsessed with mafia books but what I don’t understand is why I love assholes so much.

Why are women attracted to jerks?

On the one hand, we want super sweet, caring, and polite guys who give us stability. Sounds... boring, right?

Jerks are so much hotter and more exciting. And unable to commit. It’s incredible how much hotter someone becomes when they’re off the market, isn’t it? Women want some chase, some drama, some intrigue. Our inner drama queen requires more intensity. My, my, aren’t we complicated creatures?

And Troy fits the perfect asshole profile.

Troy. The Fixer. Cleans up the mess. Cold, ruthless, emotionally unavailable and easily annoyed. Rough, not romantic or considerate in any way.

I’m an asshole, was an asshole, and have every intention of staying an asshole. It’s the makeup of my fucking DNA.

A jerk with only one weakness...

Sparrow. Just like her name suggests, free-spirited and independent. Doesn’t care for superficial things. Not impressed by power, status, job or bank account. Inexperienced, innocent and always good to people but passionate, rebellious and strong at the same time.
She was the kind of woman to lead a revolution, not to be kept in a luxury penthouse with a cheating husband.
I was clipping her wings, and I knew it.

I loved the chemistry between Troy and Sparrow. Their relationship was passionate and intense and they complemented each other perfectly.

There was nothing romantic in what we were. We didn’t go out, share gifts or watched fucking Netflix together. We didn’t make love, we made war. When she was pulling, I was biting. When she was scratching, digging her nails into my flesh, I slammed harder, faster. Our sex was furious, it was raw, untamed, wild…but it wasn’t selfish.

I highly recommend this book. The writing is great, the storyline is gripping, the characters are lovable. And I really hope to see more books by this author.

Overall rating: 4 stars

Writing style: 4 stars
Story: 4 stars
Flow of the story: 4 stars
Character development: 4 stars
Hero: 4 stars
Heroine: 4 stars
Secondary characters: 4 stars
Tone of the book: 5 stars
Emotion evoking: 3.5 stars
Originality: 4 stars
Enjoyment: 4 stars
Effect on me: 4 stars

Profile Image for Jessica ❥Chatterbooks Book Blog❥.
845 reviews3,207 followers
February 24, 2020
4.5 stars

I decided to read this book on a whim. I was browsing Amazon, saw the cover, read the first few lines of the description, and clicked buy; mostly because I am total cover whore, and it was free with Prime Reading. I'm happy to report that I made a great decision. I love antiheroes, hate to love romances, alpha males, and strong, sassy heroines. This ticked off all those boxes for me.

Everybody is afraid of Troy Brennan, the son of a deceased Irish mob king, and with good reason. He is smart, dangerous, and callous. Tales of the brutal murders he has committed are common knowledge all over Boston.

Troy is what is known as a professional Fixer. If you have a problem, he will take care of it...by any means necessary. He lends his services out to the rich for a sizable fee. When he isn't "fixing" things for clients, he is seeking vengeance for his father's death, or screwing everything with two legs.

Sparrow Raynes is a culinary student that aspires to one day own her own food truck business. She shares an apartment with her alcoholic father, an employee of Troy. Her free time is spent hanging out with her two best friends, or cooking food for the local homeless shelter.

Troy and Sparrow have little in common other than the fact that they were both primarily raised by their fathers in the same blue collar Boston neighborhood. Troy comes from money, and Sparrow grew up poor. Troy sports expensive hair cuts and fancy clothes, while Sparrow loves her boyfriend jeans and Keds. They don't share the same values, or morals. In fact, they barely know each other. This is why it's so shocking when Troy decides he wants Sparrow to be his wife, and practically forces her to marry him.

From the beginning, it's obvious that Troy isn't any more happy about their union than Sparrow is. She wants to know why he married her if he really didn't want to. He doesn't want to give her any real answers. She vows to find out why.

I loved pretty much every minute of this romance. There was one thing that happened between Troy and his ex-girlfriend Catalina that made me angry. It almost made me lower my rating, but the more I thought about it, the more it made sense to me. It was true to his character at the time it occurred.

Troy was a character that made me feel a whole range of emotions. I didn't know whether I wanted to kiss him or kick his ass half the time. He is sexy, cocky, and alpha all the way. Through much of the book, he is a total asshole to Sparrow. Just when you think he won't be able to redeem himself in your eyes, he does.

Sparrow won my heart from the minute she entered the book. She may have agreed to marry Troy out of fear, but she wasn't about to submit to him completely. Sparrow is a spit fire that stands up for herself, and demands respect. She doesn't cater to Troy's every wish, nor does she allow him to change who she is. She calls him out on his shit, and I loved her for it.

I enjoyed the way the author had the relationship between Troy and Sparrow evolve and build gradually. There was no instalove. It takes a while for their feelings to develop, and even longer for them to admit them. Their sexual attraction certainly didn't take long to progress. From the first night they spend together, the sexual tension is off the charts. When they finally start having sex, it is intense and passionate.

Aside from the romance, there is a good bit of mystery going on in this book. Troy keeps all kinds of secrets from Sparrow throughout most of the story. Why did he marry her out of the blue? What does he know about her mother's disappearance? He is also looking to find some answers of his own. Who ordered his father's murder? Why? We get answers to all of these questions by the end of the book.

Overall, Sparrow took me on an emotional roller coaster and left me with a satisfied smile on my face. The story is gripping, the characters are multidimensional, and the writing is beautiful. This was my first book by L. J. Shen, but I will make sure it isn't my last.
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
March 9, 2016
4.5 Stars

My father had sinned. But I was to be punished.

Sparrow Raynes grew up the daughter of a drunken father who happened to work for one of the most feared men in the Boston underground. But now that man is dead, and his son who's known to be even more ruthless is to be her husband...and she has no idea why other than it's been arranged and her father agreed to it. So she'll do it, but she won't like it. In her eyes it'll be a marriage in name only because no way can she give her heart to the devil with the steel-blue eyes that's known as The Fixer. He's ruthless, he's cold-blooded, but she refused to cower from him like even the most deadly of the deadly underground seem to...

Troy Brennan doesn't hold any allegiances to anyone. His father may have been top dog in the Irish mob, but he's dead now. There's a reason Troy is know as The Fixer. He's the one the rich and powerful call on to "fix" things. He's infamous in the Boston underground for his ruthlessness and just as feared. But now he's stuck marrying a girl he wants nothing to do with out of an obligation that she's doesn't know of. But the woman that he thought is a demure tomboy has a whole lot more spark to her that begin to slowly change the way he wants things to be...
Love and hate are similar in a lot of ways."
"Is there a way to love you away from me?"
"No, but you could hate-fuck me all you want."

Sparrow was exactly the kind of gritty anti-hero that I needed. L.J. Shen was not afraid to stick true to her characters and pulled no punches to do so, and I respect the hell out of her for this. Yes, Troy did some things that may not sit right with some readers, but for this reader, I loved to hate it. See I love when an author takes risks to stay true to the characters and that was definitely the case here. This is no insta lust, insta-love, or insta-anything. Troy and Sparrow's connection formed over time and it felt authentic because of that. Considering how Troy is and where he came from, I wouldn't have bought it any other way.
I’m saying if I can’t eat it, fuck it or kill it I have no interest in it.”

It was entertaining as hell to watch Sparrow really come into her own throughout the story. She has a backbone to begin with, but I just loved watching her give as good as she gets and she just gets stronger with the progression of the story. What was even better was that she wasn't stupid. She doesn't instigate or make silly decisions out of spite, she's smart about it, which is a refreshing change of pace. She doesn't want to like her husband, but watching him unknowingly get under her skin and grow on her was so entertaining to read. As for their chemistry? That was though the roof hot!
My monster, my capturer, my corrupter. My lover.

L.J. spared no detail to make her story gritty and real. It was action packed, super sexy, and filled with twists and turns. It was enough to keep me at the edge of my seat the whole time and eagerly turning the pages to see what will happen next. The romance was sizzling hot and together with the plot it all came together perfectly.
...the rumor is you like it kinky."
"I like it interesting...
I like it delicious...
I like rough...
But most of all, I like it with you."

My only minor quibble with the book was that it went a little much and too creative with the analogies at times. But that was such a minor thing compared to everything that I loved about it that I barely batted an eyelash at it.

The story was quick paced and kept me reading well into the night. I couldn't seem to put it down until I finished. It's not often when an author can surprise me with a hell of a twist but boy this one did! I loved every page of it.

This was my first book by this author, but I can say with utmost certainty that it will definitely not be my last. L.J. Shen clearly has a talent to write one hell of a punch with her romances and I can't wait to see what she comes up with next. If you're looking for an anti-hero read with a great heroine to boot and a believable romance, you need to be one-clicking this one right meow.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,349 followers
March 9, 2016
4.5 Stars

”He has a troubled past. A disastrous future. And I’m about to become part of his present, whether I liked it or not.”

[image error]

This new to be author delivered a fast paced, exciting story. It's about the son of a mob boss, Troy Brennan, crossing off names on a revenge hit list and making good on a promise he made to his deceased father.

”I knew that the road to success was paved with sacrifices. Sparrow Raynes was my sacrifice. I promised I’d marry her, and I had.”

Troy marries Sparrow Raynes, the quirky daughter of one of his lower level employees. Sparrow isn’t like the usual type of women Troy is used to associating with. Sparrow was a wonderful heroine and I adored her POV, her feisty and tender heart. Sparrow is very confused as to why she is forced into this marriage.

”Deep down, I knew we would never be equals until he’d let me in on why he’d married me in the first place. I also knew that no amount of sex and small talk was going to prod the truth out of him. If I was detached, his heart was practically on another planet, nowhere near my own.”


Sparrow and Troy’s interactions and their fall was very well paced, addicting and pretty sexy. There are a few villains in the story and one evil witch who was pretty amusing in her desperation.

”Troy had a mistress. And there she sat, in front of me, telling me that they were in love, no less.”


The two main characters are both guarding their hearts from one another while the truth of their marriage and the final name to crossed off is revealed. I adored the writing and had several passages highlighted.

”I hated liking her. In a sense, it was like handing her the keys to the pit of my soul while she was tanked as hell and telling her to drive carefully. No one fucking promised me that she would.”


The story’s mystery/suspense portion sadly was very predictable. However, the couple was written perfectly for this reader. I was left on a smiling high from the ending which was so well done!

”Even villains have a happy ending every now and again.”

Profile Image for TheCrazyWorldOfABookLover.
362 reviews914 followers
April 16, 2017
The premise of the book is a mob boss’s son marrying the town tomboy. He is kind of forced by his father to do so, but we aren’t told why exactly until the end of the book.

What didn’t work for me:

1. The hero was an a-s-s-h-o-l-e. Don’t get me wrong, I love an asshole with a heart of gold, but this guy did not have one endearing quality. He spends about 70% of the book lying, cheating, and every somewhat decent remark that comes out of his mouth is later taken back when he talks about it in his POV. He basically admits every compliment he gives the heroine is a blatant lie to shut her up. So by the time he DID change his tune and started to fall for the heroine, it just wasn’t believable to me. The author took too long to show any redeeming qualities of his in my opinion and it made liking him hard. I didn’t care or swoon or lust for him when he finally started to show some decent behavior.

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2. The heroine was so indecisive and so all over the place with her feelings, it became quite annoying to keep up with. One minute she hates the hero, one minute she wants to ride his face, the next she’s utterly obsessed, only to go back to wanting to stab him.

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3. This had the classic “telling not showing” thing I really really really don’t like in books. Obviously the MCs are going to wind up falling for each other, and I think the author was going for a slow build with this, BUT, once again I didn’t believe it when they finally did. And I think this was mainly because the MCs spend a good portion of the book talking about how they’re falling for the other via inner monologues but we don’t get to actually SEE this happening. So all their talk about becoming obsessed with the other just didn’t work. I'd rather read situations/dialogue depicting them falling in love rather than being told that is what's happening.

4. I am not even going to get into the heroine's unrealistic though whiney acceptance of her forced marriage.

5. The book lagged too much for me. It started strong, bored me from about 15-70%, and then slightly picked up again.

6. Slight Spoiler – The heroine is a virgin. By the time they finally had sex it was extremely anti-climactic. She talked a lot about how she couldn’t wait to have sex, and decides to finally have sex with the hero AFTER HE HAS SEX WITH HIS MISTRESS, and then it just kind of…happened. I was expecting and hoping for this scene to be amazing, but sadly for me it was not.

Overall, this book had potential but it fell flat for me. I think a lot of it came down to personal preference so others may enjoy this a lot more than I did. I kind of forced myself to finish even though I never do this and usually just DNF. The main reason I picked it up was because of the whole mob aspect. I have been looking for amazing mob books that are even remotely as good as JM Darhower’s but have yet to find any =/ * and the search continues *

*ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Dee Montoya.
942 reviews596 followers
May 10, 2016
5++++++RED HOT Stars************

(ARC kindly provided by author in exchange for an honest review)

I love discovering new authors, and last year I read the debut novel by L.J Shen and I was very impressed with her work. She writes the kind of stories I like to read, strong and complex characters, passionate plots, with a hint of humor. Now, with this new book I was in total awe. Sparrow had all the components I look for in a story and more. I fell head over heels in love with Troy and Sparrow's story. This book is what I like to call, book-crack, totally addictive!!!!

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We start the book meeting Sparrow Raynes as she stares back at her reflection in the mirror on her wedding day. She is marrying the extremely sexy and dangerous Troy Brennan. She's supposed to say I do to the man people call "The Fixer", he makes situations and people disappear. He lives a life of extreme chaos and he owns the streets of South Boston.

Sparrow can hardly believe Troy Brennan bullied her into marrying him. He could have any woman he wants, why her? She's just a simple girl. Sparrow is not a fan of fashion or style. She's happiest wearing a pair of boyfriend jeans and sneakers. What she is full of, are dreams and goals that she wants to fulfill far away from the town where she's been an invisible girl, until the day this mountain of a man showed up at her house and stormed through her life, changing everything.

Troy Brennan's father was one of Boston's Irish mob kings, Troy grew up in the life of luxury and crime. After his father's murder, his views and priorities in life have changed, and just like Sparrow, he has many goals, but his might require bloodshed by others to be fulfilled.

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Sparrow and Troy start their arrangement hating each other, but soon a sizzling passion develops and their fights become passionate and the interactions turn burning hot. Once these two give into their deepest desires, the rules of the game they've been playing start to change and the flames caused by their love will scorch every single page of this novel.

I loved Sparrow's character so much, even though she was married to a scary, sexy mobster, she never showed him weakness, she fought him tooth and nail. She is smart, and sassy, a total firecracker type of heroine. Troy was my favorite type of Alpha Male, a bit of an anti-hero, that sexy man that you will love to hate. These two characters made a deadly combination, taking us for one super wild ride. So, buckle up, put your hands up in the air and be ready for the thrill!!!

Sparrow is a standalone novel, told from both the MC's POV and it releases on March 8th. Make sure to pre-order to take advantage of the amazing price.


My Sparrow music playlist:
*Renegades by X Ambassadors
*Bad Girl by Avril Lavigne
*Pillowtalk by ZAYN
*Bonfire Heart by James Blunt

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Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,374 reviews1,342 followers
April 25, 2016
~4.75 Stunning Stars~

Check out the link here:

"Sparrow had me now, and I wasn't letting anyone harm my little lovebird. If she was going to be ruined, it would be by me."
Sparrow was a nail-biting read full of passion, suspense, and fury! This is my second L.J. Shen book and once again she has captivated me with her witty dialogue and endearing characters.

"Troy Brennan was Boston's master manipulator, pulling strings like we were all his puppets."
Troy Brennan is the KING of BOSTON! The son of a mobster, he is known for his ability to rule the streets and own anything and everything he wants. Driven by the desire to seek revenge for the death of his father, he is focused on blood and destruction. When it comes to the ladies, Troy is quite the player. However, he made a promise to his father that he would marry a spirited young redhead named Sparrow.

"He has a troubled past. A disastrous future. And I'm about to become a part of his present, whether I like it or not."
Sparrow is most definitely NOT Troy Brennan's "type". And yet, she is, in fact, everything he needs. With a solid head on her shoulders and a "take no prisoner" attitude she is one heroine that knows what she wants and isn't afraid to get it.
"Is there a way to love you away from me?"
"No, but you could hate-fuck me all you want."

Sparrow is uncertain why she is required to marry Troy, and he works feverishly to guard her against the truth. The tension between the two characters is extreme and the passion that builds throughout each moment of suspense only compounds their desire to either "come together" or "break apart". That is the question that lingers throughout the entire read.
"I'm a good runner."
"And I'm an excellent chaser."
"I was spiraling down, fast. Drowning, sinking, free-falling. I was defenseless, helpless, completely exposed. A sitting duck waiting for him to fill me with a buckshot and strip my feathers clean."
Told in dual POV, Sparrow is full of action, mystery, and suspense. The friction between the two main characters makes the physical connection intense, raw, and utterly perfect. The tempo of the read is well paced, and the dialogue is well crafted throughout. Although I was able to figure out certain elements of the plot, the plight of the characters kept me engaged the entire read. The truth is, I love an alpha hero with a dash of "asshole". I adored Troy, and Sparrow was a good match for him.
"We didn't make love, we made war. When she was pulling, I was biting. When she was scratching, digging her nails into my flash, I slammed harder, faster. She was a blank, clean, white sheet for me to scribble on."

Overall, Sparrow is the perfect read for fans of romance, action, and suspense. The characters are well developed and remarkable together. I adore this author's ability to write natural dialogue (with ample humor) all while driving the suspense throughout each moment. This is one stand-alone book that will leave a huge smile on your face and your heart overflowing with feels! Bravo Ms. Shen. Bravo!

*This was a BR with my girl LOYDA!

*ARC graciously provided via author in exchange for an honest review!*

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Profile Image for Yeasmin Alo.
199 reviews352 followers
January 5, 2021
Re-Read 5th January, 2021

This is me reading the Prologue for the first time even the second time

And I am pretty sure that will be my reaction Everytime I re-read it 🙄

Hands down Troy Brennan is my most maniac Book Boyfriend till date 🤧
didn’t stop this toxic bitch from loving him tho

24 August, 2020


StarBoy by Weekend 👁 👄👁

I am crying and laughing
Trust L.J to write shady stuffs and she will get the job done! 💅
This is the Type of Dark romance I've been looking out for 😍
for a while I would say

L.J Shen can write 😶!!

If L.J Shen can make me like Dean (Ruckus, Sinners of Saint #2) which I obviously haven’t read yet, then I am adding her to my favorite author list
Mind you I've not added any author there 😋

(Edited 12 September 2020: Yes I've read Ruckus and Loved Sassy Mr. Hothole Dean Cole 😁 and even before that I've added L.J as my favourite author 😇 in GR)

First things first can I Just take a moment to appreciate L.J Shen's comic timing 😂
How come the characters you create can be so serious but also funny huh 😂
Gurl you always make me laugh

So far after ending all the chapters in this book just like other books of hers I had to hold my breath with anticipation
Thrilling read with touch of comic timing 😍 hell yes good for me 😎

Sparrow is my most favourite not only L.J heroine but my favourite fictional female lead so far

It would be a tough task to beat her
She is brave,fierce, independent, smart and sharp but mostly I liked how she handled every obstacles throughout the book
She takes zero sh*ts
No one can manipulate her

On the other hand my friend

Troy is the biggest manipulator of planet earth
the biggest mobster in Boston
He had a purpose in his life
It was killing three men who killed his father
The name of the first two men he knew and but the third one was a screct which was yet to reveal
Unfortunately third name was predictable I was sure it was Him and Bam it was Him
But that doesn’t make the story any less good or less enjoyable
It was really good

And if I say Troy is Hot it will be an understatement he is Fire 🔥🔥🔥🔥 he literally burned me 😂😂😂 and I enjoyed every second of it

At this point I love all of them Wolfe, Vicious, Troy

I love villains Periodt sis

Who needs pretty faced Prince Charming?
I got my Broken Knight with shinning armor to savour 😌

Profile Image for Lo Bookfrantic.
808 reviews591 followers
August 10, 2017

4.5★★★★ Lovebird Stars

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Type: Standalone
POV: First Person – Dual

"Even villains have a happy ending every now and again."


Troy Brennan son of an Irish mob; was powerful and full of himself. Everyone knew not to mess with him; however he used his mob power differently. He decided not to follow on his father's footsteps but do whatever he wished for instead. The death of his father had him thinking about his life and he was bound to avenge his father's death.

Sparrow Raynes young and naïve was given to Troy for marriage. She was devastated but her father had no money and way too many debts to pay. Her mother left her at a young age and she had no one other than her low life father. Her relationship with Troy the "Fixer" was intense. She was stubborn and hard headed and he was the same way.


Troy never intended to fall in love again yes, his heart and trust was broken and he told himself never again. Well like the saying goes never say never; because he completely utterly falls for Sparrow and becomes protected over her. At first he was such an ass I was so angry and frustrated with him I wanted to hurt him. I sure had a love/hate relationship with Troy. However; he sure made it up for it and oh boy this book was hot and steamy and full of suspense. This book was sexy, suspenseful with a bit action and drama; when you thought you figure out who the killer of his father was and who is after him and hurting his wife; better think again. The author takes you on a wild twisted journey it was just incredible. Fans of mafia and romantic suspense stories this book is for you.

"Reality, though, was really quite simple. I was his, he was mine, and everything else we did and didn't do to each other was just that. Our past."


Book Order Series: Stand-Alone
Sparrow by L.J. Shen

Purchase Link:

Amazon: http://goo.gl/8sNnCU

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Profile Image for SueBee★bring me an alpha!★.
2,417 reviews15k followers
Want to read
March 14, 2016

I am so curious by this story. It’ll be my first by L.J. Shen. Buddy-reading with TS!

Wow, only 99 cents for a full-length novel!
Amazon: http://goo.gl/8sNnCU

Troy Brennan
Every Southie in Boston knows that name. The son of a dead mobster. The heart-throb with steel-blue eyes. "The Fixer" who can make or break you in this city.

Oh, and my new husband.

Sparrow Raynes
That's me. No one seemed to remember my name up until he barged into my life.
But then he caged me.
Kidnapped me.
And killed every chance I had to run away from the place where we grew up.
Put simply, Troy Brennan clipped my wings.

I have dreams, big ones, but I doubt he'll ever let me chase them. I have no idea why he decided to take me as his wife. But I do know this: pissing off this man will not do me any good. At all.
Profile Image for Corina.
780 reviews2,488 followers
December 21, 2020
Because of being in a  bit of a reading slump last week, I decided to reread Sparrow. In the hope that a beloved favorite of mine would get me out of my funk.

In this case it's with great pleasure that I can report that Sparrow was as entertaining and fascinating this time around as it was when I read it two years ago. While it's amazing to find a novel that truly worked for me, it's even more satisfying if a reread is as good the second, third or fourth time as it was the first time around.

I love the mob and mafia trope.

I love it when the hero fits the image of a mobster in not only reputation but also character. If I read about mobsters I need the characters to act accordingly. Troy Brennan had no trouble getting his hands dirty. He might not have been a hitman, but he had the balls and guts to get things done when needed. He ruled with an iron fist and had the attitude to back it up. 

Sparrow was feisty. She teased, spoke back, disagreed and gave Troy hell when needed. She stood up to him, and surprisingly the more she and Troy spent time together the more Troy saw himself in her. In all honesty, Sparrow was the perfect woman for Troy. She didn't care about his money, but she also didn't nag him about toeing the line in regards to his work, especially the outside the box coloring Troy did. All she cared about was honesty, which of course didn't come easy to a man like Troy.

I absolutely loved above all, how Troy and Sparrow's relationship changed over time. How from hate and disregard, their mutual feeling grew to respect and a deeper understanding about who they were to each other.

This story is the opposite of insta-lust/love.

Real relationships are hard work and don't happen overnight, and that's what I loved about SPARROW the most. SPARROW definitely fit the mold of forced proximity makes for explosive times, and the forced marriage trope worked wonders for this mafia focused novel.

Profile Image for Cristina.
342 reviews332 followers
March 3, 2016
Let me tell you how I spent the day after receiving this arc from the (amazing!) author L.J. Shen:

It was late at night when I got it and I had a "bad" feeling (as in "I'm not going to get any sleep if I start this book now") about starting it so I decided to postpone it until morning...and that's when it all went to shit (no pun intended :P)...


Well...I made the "mistake" of starting the book bright and early...


And from then on I was unable to put it down...so of course I was late to work (but only by one hour :P)...


...didn't get any work done once I got there and sent my baby boy at my parent's house for the afternoon...all so I could feed my addiction for this story...

So basically this novel should come with a warning sign...and all this because of a freaking sparrow :P


Troy is the son of the former Irish mafia boss and even if he didn't follow in his father's footsteps he is well know for his ability to fix anyone and anything...so he isn't shy about breaking the law...Ohh...and did I mention he's cocky as hell, self-centered and treats women like Kleenex tissues?


But he's also freaking hot and with a body to die for (even if our little Birdie doesn't seem to think that at the beggining)...to bad he's such a jackass...


Sparrow (or Little Birdie as I prefer to call her) finds her life turned upside down after being forced to marry Troy (out of the blue) and shortly finds herself as his bride. But living in a cage isn't what she had in mind for her life.


You all know what a big mafia slut I am and because I don't want to spoil all the fun I'm going to stop right here...but not before I tell you what I loved about this book.

First of all I hated Troy's guts and how he treated Birdie...he was an insensitive son of a bitch that kept disrespecting her and . So yeah...I hated his guts...and I loved that about this novel...


Secondly I just loved Sparrow...she was so strong under that little body and she didn't try to change for him...she stood up for herself even if she was scared of him and tried to make the best of a fucked up situation...

You all know how much I hate so if not even that kept me from giving this book 5 stars the you can guess how much I loved it :D


That being said...L.J. Shen although I loved your first novel (Tyed ) you truly outdid yourself with this one and I see great things in you future :D


Are you dying to have it? Well then preorder it HERE so that on March 8 you can find it on your reader :D

*ARC generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,048 followers
March 18, 2016
4 my monster stars

Troy Brennan was the devil, but sometimes, even good girls wanted a healthy dose of evil in their lives.

Me, Sparrow Raynes. Twenty-two. An avid runner. A tomboy. A lover of blueberry pancakes, hot chocolate, sweet summer air and unapologetic boyfriend jeans. That kid.

Troy Brennan made a promise, one he unenthusiastically complies with. Tying the knot was never on his plan but a promise is a promise. His young-bride-to-be, Sparrow Raynes, is the complete opposite from the women who usually get on their knees for him. Being the boogie-man pretty much grants him control over everything and everyone, including Sparrow. His little birdie will soon learn what it means to be Mrs. Brennan.
“Dear future wife…” He smirked in a way that made me want to beg for mercy. “If you think you’re going to give me trouble, think again. I invented trouble. I stir it, I mix it, I fucking fix it. Don’t try my patience, because you’ll discover I have absolutely none.”

Just because Sparrow has no choice in the matter, doesn't mean she's going to be the wilting wall flower who bends at his every whim. She has a mouth to get herself in trouble, and instead of pissing him off, she amuses him...standing up to him when no one else dares.
“You know, Sparrow? Maybe we could play together after all. There’s some fun hiding underneath your layers of goodness.”

But they both have a lot to learn about each other and about being married, and some truths are better left unsaid.

Sparrow is a sexy mystery, and not only because of the plot line but my reading experience as well. Confusing I know, but have you ever read a book where there are some things that go down that your not a fan of, but have the writing be so engaging that you almost forget that your not a fan of said things!?! Well that is what happened to me, I hated Troy but found myself forgiving him almost just as quickly, it was crazy! I can just chalk it down to authors skill.

This story is told from both their point of views, it was sexy, wild and crazy and so much fun to read. This is a story where you gotta take it as it is, don't try and over think it or analyze it, or else you may miss what makes this book a great read. Sparrow was the second book I've read from this author and it's been nothing but a good ride, looking forward to more of her work.

ARC kindly provided by the author, in exchange for an honest review.

***Quotes above are taken from the ARC version of the book and may differ upon put blication.
Profile Image for Sabrina.
3,800 reviews2,317 followers
June 6, 2017
*Amazon US*Amazon UK*

Troy Brennan is not a nice man, and the residents of South Boston know to stay clear of his path if they want to keep their life. Troy's name is synonymous with death for those that cross him, so they stay away. But for Sparrow Raynes, she didn't have that option since Troy came looking for her. Somehow she finds herself married to him, and trapped in a life she wants no part of, and has no idea how she started living.

When LJ Shen asked if I wanted to review this book I jumped on the chance. The blurb had me hooked right away and I couldn't wait to find out more about Troy and Sparrow. I was not disappointed at all, and I'm really glad I read this rollercoaster of a story. There was a lot of pain, angst, lust, and emotions that were involved in this story.

I was a little nervous about Sparrow because I don't like weak, shy type heroines that much, and I didn't want her to be the type that just bows down to Troy, but she was the complete opposite. She had her innocent moments, and there were times when she wasn't too sure of herself, but she also had a backbone. There were many times that she stood up to Troy even though he was this scary mob guy that basically kidnapped her. I loved that about her, that she stood up for herself and had some fight in her.

Troy wasn't an easy man to like, and the majority of this book I actually really wanted to punch him in the face. But there were parts of him that I loved, especially when he showed how much he wanted to protect Sparrow. He may not have openly showed how he cared for her, but in his own, bloody, way he did, and that's what made me swoon over him.

Sparrow was the perfect mix of sweet vs. dark, and I applaud the author for being able to take such different characters and make them into this explosive mix that just worked together, somehow. I would have liked if I got to see the connection that Troy and Sparrow had earlier into the book, because I was waiting for it, but when I finally got to see it, my amount of love for this book went up even higher.

Overall, this is a book worth reading. It was my first read by this author but I already plan on going back and reading her other book, because she's got herself a new fan now! I highly recommend Sparrow for my fellow mafia lovers, and anyone that likes a heroine with backbone that isn't afraid to go against her stubborn husband.

ARC kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for ~♡AB♡~.
974 reviews691 followers
March 8, 2016
★★★★ 4 Stars ★★★★

Amazon US | Amazon UK

The cover and the blurb lured me hook, line and sinker into this book, so when the author sent me Sparrow to review, I dove straight in whilst trying really hard not to have any high expectations. I have to admit that it's been a long while since I read a Mafia type book that I have enjoyed that's felt authentic, without being over the top and gratuitous for the sake of it.

My first impressions were that the writing was absolutely fantastic, I love the authors writing style and you can definitely tell that LJ Shen is very dedicated to her craft. The book flowed so well for me and from the very first chapter I was hooked with the story and the interesting characters that she created.

The book begins on the wedding day of Sparrow Raynes, a quiet and innocent woman, she has the unfortunate fate of being the daughter of a mobsters lackey. She has been kidnapped and coerced into marrying Troy Brennan, and for the sake of her father, she agrees to become the wife of a criminal.

"He has a troubled past. A disastrous future. And I'm about to become a part of his present, whether I like it or not."

Troy is the only son of one of Boston's most notorious Irish mobsters, and vows to avenge his fathers murder, and the meek and plain woman he's know all his life just happens to be a part of his master plan. He soon finds out however that Sparrow is far from the plain Jane she first appears to be and loves that she stands up to him and those around her.

"Tory Brennan was the devil, but sometimes, even good girls wanted a healthy dose of evil in their lives."

As husband and wife get to know each other and find out what makes the other tick, we learn of all the secrets that have been kept hidden and the intricate way that their lives have been interwoven all this time, culminating in the final act of revenge.

I really enjoyed the story, and whilst it didn't end up being completely mafia-esque in its theme, it definitely had the mafia vibes which made this dark and edgy enough for me to keep reading. Troy is someone who grew on me, he is an anti-hero who makes no apologies for who he is, but it was fun to watch him fall for the red headed spitfire who was the complete opposite to what he was expecting.

Overall, a very impressive read and I urge anyone who likes a semi-dark unconventional romance to pick this up, you won't regret it.

Sparrow is a standalone novel, told in dual POV.

ARC gratefully received from the author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,117 followers
February 25, 2016
Well, I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised by this book! This is the first time I have read anything by this author, but I can honestly say that I will be eager to pick up her other work as I enjoyed this one very much! I will admit that the first half of the book I wasn't quite sure what I was thinking or feeling; by the second half I was all in, and fully invested in the characters.

Troy Brennan's father was a member of the mob and had been killed. Troy had only vengeance on his mind, oh; as well as he needed to marry a young lady named Sparrow according to his father's will. You heard right...the only way that Troy could keep his inheritance was if he married Sparrow. There are a lot more layers to this tale, and like any good mob story...there are a ton of lies, betrayal, and passion floating around between characters. It is hard to know who is good, and who is truly bad.

Sparrow is an interesting heroine. There were parts of her I liked, and then parts of her that just plain annoyed me at times! She did stand up quite well to Troy though, which couldn't have been very easy considering he radiated bad vibes. In fact, he intimidated a ton of people...but not Sparrow!!! She refused to back down to this husband of hers. This was an arranged marriage; and she wanted absolutely nothing to do with it! So, what happens?? I am not telling...not even a bit! I think it is important to go into this book not knowing too much. I felt it was more enjoyable not knowing what exactly was going on, and who were the real villians in this story.

All in all, I very much enjoyed how the story played out. I also slowly came to love a few of the characters. I also was impressed with the writing style as well, there was a lot of depth to L.J. Shen's writing and I quite liked the uniqueness to it too. I for sure recommend this to readers whom like their stories on the darker side of life, with a little mystery and sex thrown in!!!!

Received an ARC from author!!!! Thank so much, and I'm very excited to be starting it...Due to come out March 8th..
Profile Image for Patrycja.
639 reviews4,057 followers
February 27, 2016

Title: Sparrow
Series: Standalone
Author: LJ Shen
Release Date: 8 March, 2016
Rating: 4.5 stars
Cliffhanger:. No

Some time ago I’ve read and really enjoyed LJ Shen’s debut novel titled Tyed. I was curious to see how her next story will play out. The blurb of mysterious ‘Sparrow’ revealed very little so I didn’t know exactly what to expect. I thought it would be rough mob story (and it was in many ways) but it turned out to be super angsty love story with a twist! And I loved it! I’m impressed. Awe-struck even.

Sparrow Reynes has no idea why she was chosen to become a wife of the most dangerous man in Boston. She’s not unusual in any way… she’s neither rich nor model like beautiful. She has absolutely nothing that a man like Troy Brennen should be interested in. Yet, here she is in a wedding gown being forced to marry a man without morals… a criminal, a murderer… She’s scared and even though she’s forced to say ‘yes’ she refuses to play nice, little wife and let that dirty man touch her.

“Mr. Brennan’s here to see you.”
She announced in her syrupy-sweet, insincere voice.
“It’s bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.”
“Trust me, it’s even worst luck to piss off your future husband.”

This is an arranged marriage type of story. There is a lot of lust/love/hate going on, lots of lies and dramatic situations. It’s crude and sometimes violent while still being very endearing and entertaining. Fans of unique stories will love this book. It is definitely surprising story, fast paced and real.

What I really liked about the main heroine was that even though she was very innocent and nice girl, she had a strong backbone. She fought hard, didn’t let Troy intimidate her and was not a cry baby (thank god for that!). Maybe I didn’t agree with everything she’s been doing but I appreciated her.

Troy Brennen is one big mistery. He’s rough, coarse and dangerous. He has a secret vendetta and nothing will stop him from finishing his mission… I won’t be telling you more about his secrets you just need to find out yourself.

"I’m saying if I can’t eat it, fuck it or kill it I have no interest in it.”

On the one hand, I liked Troy and found him sexy as hell but… there were times when I was absolutely disgusted by his actions. He was not a good man and definitely not a decent husband. I guess it made his character more real. No flowery bullshit or insta-love from him.

“Pretend to be happy, or I will provide you with a real reason to be sad.”

Sparrow positively surprised me! This story was far better and definitely more complex and angsty than I’ve imagined it to be. I ate it all up. The burning chemistry, lust and the love/hate thing that’s been going on between the main characters- it was all perfect for me. Job well done!



Profile Image for chan ☆.
1,179 reviews56.7k followers
March 22, 2018
"I'm an asshole, was an asshole, and have every intention of staying an asshole. It's the makeup of my fucking DNA. But I want to be YOUR asshole."

This book was a train wreck, start to finish. Which GREATLY pains me, since LJ Shen writes some of my absolute favorite new adult books. But I think I can explain to you why this sucked so bad.

Someone asked lovely partner in crime for this read why anyone would like an asshole main character. And it really got me thinking about the psychology behind that trope. The quote I picked pretty much showcases what I think it is. Romance is wish fulfillment, and having a guy who is sexy and a total asshole is appealing in a lot of ways. He hates the world... but also would do ANYTHING for you. Hell, he can even be rude to you in the beginning and still be redeemed depending on how good the writing is. And 90% of the time Shen is an absolute master at the redeemable douche. But this time not so much.

The main issues were that the basis of the relationship was never consensual & that the male lead never really develops/changes. I don't want to spoil the book but take a look at these quotes:

"The way Troy touched me was worth every horrible, self-loathing feeling that I would have tomorrow.
"My love for Troy Brennan wasn't romantic or sweet- it was violent and needy."

To me, that doesn't read as a female character being won over by a douche. It's justification of a shitty, abusive relationship & stockholm syndrome. And most of Sparrow's sentiments about Troy read exactly like this. There was no point while reading this that I thought "oh I can really relate to her." She wasn't reluctant to fall in love she was just a victim to her shitty circumstance. So not sexy.

And then Troy as a whole: also a major book killer to me. I'll be the first one to tell you that I "get" gray morality, and that I really love it in my romance. I don't like sugary sweet dudes in literature or otherwise. But if he treats the heroine bad in any respect, that behavior does need to change throughout the course of the book. And it didn't here. Troy has seriously sociopathic tendencies (which he admits to) and there is no evidence that his love for Sparrow has changed him. Instead we're left with a lackluster epilogue that's supposed to convince us that a murderer & kidnapper essentially, is so so happy and welcome to ready his kid into the world (even though all prior evidence pointed to him hating children!!!!).

Last but not least, there is a really big lack of HONESTY in this book. If you have secrets, you better come clean in the end. Didn't really happen here. Troy's secrets are told to Sparrow by someone else and we're supposed to accept that. And it might be dumb to put this much thought into it but is that really foundational for a successful future in a relationship? Hell nah.

So yeah, this was a total disappointment. Seems that me & Sara seem to have all the luck in picking books to buddy read lol. But yeah, if you are an LJ Shen fan I'd suggest you skip this one.
Profile Image for Maria✦❋Steamy Reads Blog❋✦.
662 reviews2,730 followers
April 16, 2017

➦I'm normally not a huge fan of anything mafia/crime related or dark, for that matter, but this has an arranged marriage trope and I loooooved Vicious (Sinners of Saint, #1) by L.J. Shen so I decided to give this a shot. Well, it was more of a "forced marriage" trope. Because when you're a powerful mobster you do what you want, k? :D

➦Here I didn't really feel a gradual development in the relationship. Just seemed like these two were hating each other until one day they didn't. I might be talking nonsense... Whatever, this is not really a proper review, just some babbling. I liked it, didn't love it. But to each their own and all that jazz :D
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Profile Image for * Meli Mel *.
856 reviews676 followers
March 17, 2016

♥ ♥ ♥ 4.5 STARS ♥ ♥ ♥

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'I was feeding myself even more lies. Because I told myself I didn’t care. While slowly, he crept under my skin. Piercing through layers. Clawing his way deeper into me. And I knew it was only a matter of time before he reached the most dangerous place in my body. My heart.'

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Troy Brennan is quite known in the city of Boston. Troy is his father's heir, the notorious Irish mob boss. Like his father, he isn't exactly on the good side of the law even though what he does is different from what his father did. After his father is murdered, there is only one thing he lusts for, that is revenge. His father has left him some instructions he is to follow and that is to marry Sparrow Raynes, a girl he has known almost all his life.

Sparrow Raynes' life has been anything but perfect. She was abandoned by her mother and left with her drunkard father who worked in the Irish mob. Despite her father not being the best parent, he is all she has and is very important to her. She aspires to make a life for herself, one where she is finally happy. Her plans are thwarted when she is taken and forced to marry Troy.

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'My monster, my capturer, my corrupter. My lover.'

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Sparrow won't go down without a fight, and fight she does. Troy likes a challenge, and Sparrow just made things a whole lot more interesting. They loathe each other. But the more they hate, the more they feel, and soon that turns to a want they can no longer resist.

This book was so freaking good. I could not stop turning the page, I was that consumed by it. After reading L.J. Shen's debut novel Tyed, I wanted to see what she would come out with next. I'm glad to say that her second novel did not disappoint.

I loved Troy, he was the best anti-hero. He was one of those pricks that you can't help but sort of love. I may not have been happy with everything he did, but I loved that he was himself with no apologies. It made the whole story more gritty and entertaining. I am very happy with Sparrow as well. She was feisty and snarky, something I was really content about. She held her own against Troy which made the whole dynamic between them more electric. I enjoyed the quick pace of the story, and the slow burn between the main characters. And can I say the sex scenes were really freaking hot!

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'We didn't make love, we made war. When she was pulling, I was biting. when she was scratching, digging her nails into my flesh, I slammed harder, faster. Our sex was furious, it was raw, untamed, wild...but it wasn't selfish.'

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This story was a pleasant surprise, because there was so much more going on than I had originally anticipated. It kept me on the edge of my seat. It was sexy, realistic, steamy, suspenseful, with loads of twists. L.J. out did herself. I highly recommend this one who love a great anti-hero. I can't wait to see what else this author releases.

~A.R.C. kindly provided by the author in exchange for an honest review.~
Profile Image for warhawke.
1,440 reviews2,160 followers
March 8, 2016

Genre: Contemporary Romance
Type: Standalone
POV: First Person - Dual

Troy Brennan was the heir of a well known slain Irish mob boss. But unlike his father, he took a different path and left mob life. However, he wasn’t far from being an angel. He had a mission to accomplish and one of them was marrying a girl he known most of his life.

Sparrow Raynes was just a plain, regular young woman when she was unwillingly plucked into a different life. Having a hard time adjusting to a new environment, she fought her new husband with nail and tooth. But the stronger the resistance, the stronger the attraction as secrets and lies started to loom over their existence.

Before starting this book I thought it’d be a mob book. It’s not really exactly. It has mob elements, but it wasn’t the main element of the story. With that said, I did enjoy this one.

I fixed everything. That was me. I was The Fixer.

I really like Troy. He was a pain in the ass, insensitive prick, but that was part of his charm lol! I like his job as a fixer. It made him subtly dangerous than, than advertising it out loud.

I have to say I love the name Sparrow (but not her nickname Birdie lol!) She understood her “responsibility” because she was not a stranger to life in the mob business. Though she accepted her fate, I like how she still not taking it lying down.

Cat showed up at my bedroom door, leaning her shoulder against its frame, wearing nothing but a suggestive smile and her fuck-me black dress that was tight like an undersized condom.

The story was entertaining, even though it was predictable. I like the evolution in the main character’s relationship. I like how the author’s writing was very descriptive and it has some sass. I especially like the many amusing analogies used.

Sparrow is a story of two people in a reluctant marriage and how they tried to make it work (in their own ways) despite all the odds against them. It has a very mild dark undertone, but in general a light read that is suitable for the masses.

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June 24, 2023

OK, let me be honest. And please don’t judge. We all do this….I went shopping in my own Kindle…… I couldn’t believe how many books I had on there that I’ve not read yet! Just sitting there…… and here I’ve been asking people for recommendations.

Sparrow Raynes aka Red . Twenty-two. The child of Abe and Robyn Raynes. An avid runner. A tomboy. A lover of blueberry pancakes, hot chocolate, sweet summer air and unapologetic boyfriend jeans………. I mean Sparrow had her ups and downs …….. The daughter of the drunk, the spawn of the runaway mother, had pride and wits.
So I ask you this simple question ……..What would you do if you are Inform that you are getting married to a perfect Stranger basically…… oh you have seen him around the neighborhood over the years, and you have heard all the dirty Lil things said about him…… I mean come on Troy comes from money, and Sparrow grew up poor. You know your future husband is a bad man and that he is linked to the Mafia……. Oh, kay your father-in-law was the head of the Irish mob in Boston. and your new husband
Troy Brennan is the “fixer” (for a lot of money) he’ll basically fix anything for the elite in Boston.………

Sparrow had no damn clue why the hell he wanted her in the first place. ………And Troy keeps all kinds of secrets from Sparrow throughout most of the story……. And damn does Troy carry some heavy baggage with him ……. Mind you, he was A sexy grumpy., who could be bit heartless at times Kind of man. ……I loved the banner between these two …….. let’s just say that Sparrow was feisty. She teased, spoke back, disagreed and gave Troy hell when needed…….. Which was pretty much everyday ……..

Even villains could have a happy ending every now and again……. Or can they?

Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,599 followers
May 27, 2018
This was just one of those situations where nothing worked for me, neither the plot nor the characters.

First of all, it was too boring for my taste and far too long, longer than necessary, which causes it to drag.

Actually, it may be me, not the book, because I never liked mafia romance but I wanted to read this book after loving Vicious by the same author, hoping I may find something to like in it.

In this book we have an arranged/forced marriage between Troy & Sparrow. Troy is 10 years older than her and he knew about this arrangement when he was 19 whereas Sparrow did not.

While she is growing up, Troy falls in love with another woman, gets an apartment with her. Troy doesn’t want any other guy to touch Sparrow because he wants her a virgin in his bed so he scares them all away. However, he is f*cking someone else all this time and his relationship with this woman that starts before he marries Sparrow continues after he gets married to her.

There are bad boys that have redeeming qualities and some attractive traits that make us love them and there are as*holes with nothing attractive about them and Troy falls in this second category. There is nothing to like about him.

Our idiotic heroine goes and falls for this as*hole of a guy. He lies, he cheats and then, he gets away with it… oh how nice! He also goes around killing and torturing people, which contributes to his awesome character!

I honestly can't tell when or how they fall in love but they are said to have fallen in love. I just didn’t feel it or didn’t buy it…

I couldn’t continue to read this unpleasant mess of a story, sorry… DNF!
Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,052 reviews357 followers
March 11, 2016
4.5 Stars for My Capturer. My monster. My savior.

*ARC generously provided per author. Please note quotes used may differ from published work*

Credit to LJ Shen on a story well done! I was totally on board with a new mafia read but after just three pages, meeting Troy Brennen, I was ready to block the world away and focus on this dark and bad man!

I admit I was thrown off the track when the story began with a new setting…a new characters…ummm…a wedding? I had no idea what was happening or even why, but then, enter Mr. Troy Brennen…again!

It was quickly realized that this story was 100% about vengeance. Doing everything…living every day for the sole purpose of his deceased father. Troy is Boston’s baddest, richest, and most notorious descendent from the mob. His dark good looks and piercing blue eyes “fix” everything that his cunning actions don’t.

I had no idea that a quiet, self-driven, poor, good girl from the block would be the impetus for so much more. Sparrow Raynes is just a lost little bird and has no idea why Troy Brennen has chosen her. Kidnapped her? Semantics at this point as she stands at an alter and takes on the title of Mrs. Brennen. While she may have taken certain vows, she refuses to fall for a man whose touch and wealth are tainted…dirty.

He gave me lies, and I ate them from the palm of his hand. He gave me lies, and for him, I closed my eyes.

Hold onto your seat as the little VIRGINAL minx goes toe-to-toe with Boston’s worst. I cannot say that I completely loved Sparrow but I appreciated her backbone. This young woman never backed down and continued to surprise me. I suppose I can say the same thing about Troy…he is a hard nut to crack. I found myself cringing on one hand and melting on the other. His actions are at times awful and he will push the limits on more than one occasion. Oh, this arranged marriage was so much more than either bargained for…and that is NOT necessarily a good thing!

"I’m saying if I cant eat it, F*** it or kill it I have no interest in it.” ~ Troy

"Have a good meal. Find a hooker. F*** her. Kill her. Do your little homerun of fun. Just don’t expect me to sit here and wait.” ~ Sparrow

Yep, just a bit of the fabulous dynamic this author delivered! Overall, Sparrow was both sexy and dark as the author toyed with taboo emotions from a man who didn’t want and a woman who shouldn’t feel. LJ Shen really impressed me with both her writing and her intricate tale of romance within a constant of death and betrayal! If you are a fan of the mafia genre, strong-arming and corruption all around, then Sparrow will rock you. If you are fan of the dominant man whose actions are often as dark as his looks, then again Sparrow will deliver. I for one have made LJ Shen and automatic one click author!
Profile Image for S.M. West.
Author 43 books1,222 followers
March 3, 2016

This was a really enjoyable and at times dark but not in a deep and depraved way, more in angst and despair.

“…he was also cruel – a savage in a tailored suit – but at the same time, he’d never hurt me.”

I went in blind, only knowing that Ms. Shen had written Tyed and I really enjoyed that one! This was good with a bit of the whole captive/captor thing as well as a revenge plot, an alpha asshole anti-hero, spunky heroine and a nasty bitch to hate. Seriously, there was lots to keep me entertained.

This story is about Troy Brennan, the fixer. A dark, scary, sexy and brooding man with the Irish mob as his family legacy who is now the fixer for the rich, famous and underworld of Boston. He marries Sparrow Raynes. The daughter of an alcoholic who was once a soldier for the head of the Irish mob, Troy's father.

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There are many mysteries in this story like why Tory married Sparrow that slowly reveal themselves as the plot unfolds. Troy is also driven by vengeance. He has a kill list to avenge his father's murder, with two names crossed off and the mastermind behind the kill unknown.

Sparrow and Troy's relationship develop with a wide range of emotions from indifference to tolerance to hate to lust to love.

“I’m a good runner.”
“And I’m an excellent chaser.”

“Is it possible to feel your heart breaking, even when you’re falling in love?”

This story had angst, anger and a captivating push and pull between Sparrow and Troy. Like Sparrow, I started out really hating Troy for the way he treated her yet slowly over time, it morphed into more of a love-hate thing and eventually, I was a goner for Troy. Let’s face it, Troy was one of those men that’s a through and through jerk but despite that, he’s got heart and some redeeming qualities that you just can’t deny.

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The secondary characters were also interesting and added to the layers of the mystery and the overall dynamic of Troy and Sparrow's relationship. Among them was Cat, Troy's ex-fiancée and all around bitch!

But she was certainly good for a bit of drama and a whole lot of claws!

I'd recommend this book. The story took you on a journey. It kept me putting the puzzle pieces together and I also loved how I was able to relate to the Sparrow, move through the emotions with her and ultimately fall for the jackass that Troy was!

**ARC generously provided by LJ Shen in exchange for an honest review.**
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