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Holy Hockey Puck!
Weston Matthews is twenty-one, a senior in a prestigious, Ivy League College, and has a tongue like Gene Simmons! He's a frat boy, hockey jock, and all around ladies man. He does have one problem though: he has to ace his Early American Lit class in order to graduate and stay eligible to play hockey for Hardwick University.

Weston is provided a tutor to help with his senior Lit class. Enter Penny Lane, also a senior at another local college, doing part-time status at Hardwick. She tutors to earn money, but her aspirations go far beyond just that. Penny is plain, nerdy, brilliant, and has a hidden agenda. She and Weston get off on the wrong foot, and from there, things will only get crazier.

Fasten your seat belts, and hold on for dear life as you take this roller-coaster ride on the Walk of Shame!

Adult Content; Sexual Situations, 18+

330 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 15, 2015

About the author

Andrea Smith

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 153 reviews
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,360 followers
December 31, 2015
Copy provided by author in exchange for an honest review

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As a fan the G-Man Series, I was thrilled to read the spin-off Walk of Shame by Andrea Smith. One of my favorite characters from the series hands down had to be Easton Matthews and so I couldn't wait to read the story of Easton and Darcy's son, Weston.


Walk of Shame is definitely a little more tame than The G-Man Series but other than that I did enjoy this book quite a bit. It definitely left me with a big fat smile on my face on how incredible sweet Weston Matthews is. And of course, Andrea treated readers to snippets of Easton and Darcy.

Rich, athletic and good-looking are three words that immediately describe Weston Matthews. As a senior at a prominent Ivy League University and one of the star players in his hockey team, Weston seems to have it all. The perfect family, the friends, and endless amount of puck bunnies and soritity sisters at his beck and call. But there is one problem, Weston needs to ace his Early American Lit class in order to graduate and stay eligible to play hockey for Hardwick University.

Penny Lane is assigned to be Weston's tutor for Early American Lit. Penny isn't easily charmed by Weston. She means business when she is tutoring him. What also makes Penny Lane different from the other girls is that Penny has a secret. And it's a big secret. Well in this case, Penny Lane doesn't actually exist. Penny Lane is demure, quiet, and a geek but once you remove the wig, fake teeth, glasses, contact lens, and old lady clothes, readers are introduced to Peyton Lang. So why the disguise? Well Peyton needed this tutoring project for her research thesis. So what will happen when Easton discovers that Penny Lane is actually the hot girl that he is attracted to?

Walk of Shame was your sweet college romance that was able to weave heart, family, friendly banter and emotions but with an added twist of secrets. What I really liked about this book was that Andrea Smith was able to show character growth with Peyton's character. She was able to showcase Peyton discovering that that not every rich male is pompous and arrogant. Weston was able to show us that he is not your stereotypical jock. He is smart, kind, sweet and an an all-around guy with a heart of gold. As an added bonus, Weston doesn't need any tutoring in the pleasure department because that is one subject he can ace blindfolded. Overall, I enjoyed Weston and Peyton's story and I HOPE that Andrea Smith will write a story for Weston's sister.

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Review can also be found on Four Chicks Flipping Pages: http://fourchicksflippingpages.weebly...Andrea Smith
Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,052 reviews357 followers
January 25, 2016
4.25 Walk this Way Stars!

I am a huge fan of the G-Men series and while he wasn’t an actual bad-ass agent, Easton Matthews was my favorite of the bunch. I was thrilled to see the series going forward with no other than his son Weston Matthews!

Just as much arrogant swagger of his father, Weston is the epitome of confident. Having his pick of any woman, skating his way to success in the hockey rink, he is a force. The only thing getting in the way of his “perfect” life is one pesky American Lit Class that he must pass to keep him on the ice!

What better way to get this story complicated than to throw a sassy, frumpy and feminist extraordinaire, “Penny Lane” at the young Matthews! While most are thinking of a hot guy falling for the average gal, Smith creates an intriguing tale where Penny isn’t what she seems. Penny has her own assignment and while Weston may be her focus, she is completely unprepared for him to get under her skin thus questioning everything she may believe in regarding the opposite sex.

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This college set story is a bit complex with the direction and the characters. There was always a sense of “something” more with the G-Men series and Smith has always created men who were smart, protective, and completely commanding when it comes to intimacy. She has not disappointed with Weston Matthews! He is witty, smart and a bit comical, yet at the same time he is sweet and grounded. My most favorite thing about this read is the overall character growth! I applaud the direction of the as for once it was a female creating the wrong and the female accepting change. I also loved that Weston stayed true to himself and while he may have found something he wasn’t looking for, he still appreciated a good thing!

On a side note, I was really excited this tale started with Easton and Darcy, yet a bit saddened that they seemed a bit strained. Through Weston’s tale, it is clear that Easton kept his hard armor and Darcy continued to push him! I know this tale was Weston’s’ but I was completely blown away by Carson Matthews, his younger sister. She captivated me and I NEED her story! There is no doubt that more G-men are G-woman are coming!!!!
Profile Image for Jamie.
1,022 reviews967 followers
March 13, 2016
I really enjoyed the first book in the G-Man spin off series!

If you've read Night Moves, the main H in this book, Weston, is their son. And he certainly gives dad a run for his money in the HOT department. I loved Weston.... everything about him.. hockey player, man ho, funny. He has no artifice, what you see is what you get. However, turns out, he needs a tutor...

That tutor turns out to be Penny Lane .. a frumpy, nerdy, pain in the ass that gives no lenience to Weston.. she's not going to fall for this playboy. However.. Penny is not what she seems AT ALL. Turns out that Penny is in disguise .. a really good disguise. She's also Peyton, the hottie at the local bar n grill where Weston and his team hang out. Former beauty queen that's under cover doing a research thesis at her school... she's got the deans approval at Weston's school to do her research there.. using Weston as her study focus.

What follows is the story of how two opposites fall for each other.. it's a trope were all familiar with, but Andrea added another layer with Peyton playing two parts in this story and I loved the premise. The chemistry between Peyton and Weston was HOT.. but honestly, I really enjoyed his scenes with Penny. Peyton's alter ego Penny did have a stick up her ass.. but I still liked her. Peyton, herself, came off a bit bitchy at times, but that didn't last though the whole story. I loved her finally really SEEING Weston. Now it's not all easy... once Weston finds out.. now that's when the real meat of the story happened for me!

So, I really enjoyed this one.. we get an epilogue which is a big deal for me.. but I wish there and been a little more too it and a little further into their future. But I'm definitely looking forward to the next installment in this series.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews887 followers
December 16, 2015
Weston... Oh, come to mama. I have to say, Easton was one of my favorites in the G-Man Series (so all over that accent), so getting my greedy hands on his son, let’s just say new fantasies were born from this book!

Failing his class could land him off of the Hockey team, enter nerdy tutor Penny Lane. She is everything opposite from the girls he dates and takes to bed – but he can’t help but feel a friendship forming (even if she is fighting it at every turn). But just like Weston isn’t the dumb jock, Penny isn’t quite what she appears. Enter Peyton.

Turning from sexy to geek, Peyton is working her way through her thesis and using Weston as her guinea pig. But what happens when the one point you thought you had already made in your head proves to be wrong. Can Peyton undo all the damage that is done once she realizes that not everything is always as it had seemed?

Although I did enjoy this book, I did have a lot of problems with Peyton/Penny because I am so 100% the opposite in my personal views on feminism. It was a bit of struggle to see her beyond that but I did. I grew to appreciate her as her story was finally told. And I have to say, Weston was so much less of a douche than I imaged he would be. I think my crush on the son surpassed the one I had on his father (Easton I wanted to shake you).

I am a sucker for the hot jock finding love and falling for the unlikely girl and although Peyton was not really the ugly duckling that Penny was, I loved that Weston not only fell for Peyton, but that he fell for Penny too.

Another great release by Andrea and I am hoping that a certain someone’s story is eventually going to be told, because she left me completely intrigued.

Profile Image for QuinnReads.
3,344 reviews168 followers
January 6, 2023
A Lesson in Women

Andrea Smith G-Man bk 06 Walk of Shame

Peyton / Penny Lane has got Weston's number. Or so she thinks. I do like how he occasionally surprises her - like him looking out for the seemingly less desirable Penny when he thinks she's being two-timed. He slowly grows on her, and she manages to get under his skin from several angles.

I finally knew what all the fuss was about. Thank you, Eva!
-- Peyton

Gotta love a bestie that recognizes when you're faking it and takes measures to help you figure it out. Enter B.O.B. 🍆🍌

I mostly loved Peyton's first confrontation with Stuart. The fact that she finally stood up for herself was awesome, but her letting him get under her skin with his own nasty was unfortunate. I did laugh at him thinking the reason they weren't sparking was because she might be gay, instead of it just being him. 🤣🤣😂😂

The back-and-forth between 1st and 3rd person writing isn't my ideal read, but that's my biggest complaint.

There are a couple of sexual assault scenes. One is more detailed than the other. Both situations leave their scars.

I am in need of Carson's story and will have to wait as I'm reading in release order. Hmm.... I want to skip but just can't do it.

I received an author's copy of the audio book. The narrators are Tor Thom and Charlie Ongel. I've enjoyed both narrators many times and look forward to many more.

Story: 4 stars
Narration: 4 stars
Listening Speed: 1.6x
Profile Image for Jessi McMullen .
179 reviews71 followers
January 31, 2016
Fantastic book! I couldn't put it down once I started and was sad when it ended. I love her books, and as usual she does not disappoint with this one. Peyton and Weston were amazing. I loved the romance storyline with all the humor worked into it. The whole time I was reading, I was on pins and needles thinking Weston was going to figure it out and bust Peyton. I honestly don't have one bad thing to say about this book. Read it you wont be disappointed!
Profile Image for Dhini.
189 reviews61 followers
December 20, 2015
5 i love the sad clown stars

It was sooooo good.
I Loved it.
The "drama" flowed beautifully
The story hooked me up from the very first page
This book has it all, "values" about love, friendship, understanding, accepting and forgiving someone unconditionally

It wasn't just a story about Weston and Peyton.
It was more, it gave you a journey about who they were, what they were behind all the masks they wear

One of the best books ever
Profile Image for Eva LeNoir.
Author 21 books560 followers
December 20, 2015
I had the immense honor of watching this novel come to life little by little. I watched week by week as Weston and Peyton evolved into extraordinary characters. Everything I love about reading is imbedded into the pages of this book: humor, sass, sex and profound internal reflection. It doesn't hurt that I loved Weston's parents (Easton and Darcy from the G-Men Series: Night Moves) and his sister Carson that I'm hoping we'll see in a future installment.
The secondary characters were just as enthralling as the main with quick wit and well-developped character flaws. I'm also hoping that Eva and Marcus will be having their own story to tell us.
Andrea Smith's writing is pure entertainment with realistic dialogues and full-on laugh out loud moments. But when she decides to touch the strings of your heart, she won't do it half-way...she'll leave you breathless.
Bravo, Andrea, on another beautiful tale of love and self-discovery!
Profile Image for Ashley S..
572 reviews24 followers
December 18, 2015
Walk of Shame is a fabulous and very creative story as told from the college student's point of view. Don't be fooled though because, in this book. we deal with real issues and travel on a journey of self discovery and find out just how it feels when you find the "one" you were always meant to be with. It is, for a lack of a better word, wonderful.

There are many reasons why I love this book.

First and foremost is that I absolutely fell in love with the H from the second that we met him. Sure, he is a complete egomaniac, but he has character - you can just feel it as you read the words. The one liners that he doles out are amazing and it makes me wish I knew him in college. Come to think of it, I did know him in college...many times over! One thing that always amazes me with Andrea's books is that she truly connects with the characters that she writes. It's almost like she is living vicariously through them, which - especially in this case, is not an easy feat. Weston, my new book boyfriend (I guess that makes me a Cougar now, sigh), is the most fratastic guy who you originally think is an a**, but then surprises the hell out of you and becomes one of the most beloved characters you will ever read. He is perfect because he is flawed and he owns it. What more could you seriously want in a guy? Plus, he is hot as hell, so that's another check in the "pro" column!

Secondly, I love how the author makes me work for the acceptance of the other MC, which, in this case, is our h, Peyton/Penny. She definitely took me a while to get used to because of her extreme feminist beliefs. In reality I hate people like this, but this is a book after all and I shouldn't be taking is so personally, right? Well, that is where Ms. Smith comes in again. With the way that she writes, she has the power to make you fuming mad when you disagree with a character, cry when that same character is hurting, and laugh with them when they finally figure out that they have been looking at everything...and everyone the wrong way. The story behind Peyton/Penny is very interesting and kept my attention throughout.

Lastly, the book was fantastic, the writing was on point, and the sex scenes were hot with a capital "H!" I know that I will never look at clowns the same way agin!

Overall, I loved this book and will definitely be giving it a second read soon. I just hope we see Weston and Peyton again - maybe in Marcus and Eva's book?!?
Profile Image for  ♥  Barb ♥.
155 reviews223 followers
January 6, 2016

Walk of Shame: G-Man Next Generation

I was super excited to read this book...Hockey players are my thing!

For those of you who have read the G-Man series, this is about Easton's son...Weston. He plays hockey for Hardwick College in Cambridge, Mass. and there he meets his tutor Penny (Peyton).

Peyton...feminist, beautiful, intelligent
I didn't like her at first, I love the strong heroine, but she was over the top. She grew on me though as I saw her open up about why she was the way she was.

Weston...goalie, bad boy but is sweet, hot
I loved him from the start. he was your typical bad boy jerk, which are my favorite.

This was a great story. I really really enjoyed reading this one. I hope we see a book with Eva & Marcus.
I give this book 4.5 stars

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ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review
Thank you Andrea :)
Profile Image for Jean.
801 reviews49 followers
January 18, 2016
Well, what an unexpected surprise!  I loved this book.....devoured it over the weekend!  And thank you to Andrea Smith not only for sending me this book for an honest review, but especially for a great read!

My, my, Peyton, the tangled web you got yourself into from the get-go had my anxiety at a heightened level. I knew your deceptions would catch up with you and damn, I felt sooooo frigging bad for Weston. 

Okay, so Peyton is working on her senior thesis for college in socio-economics.  She has the brilliant idea to pull off a charade in her attempts of proving that most rich spoiled brat males are basically selfish, materialistic, and shallow.  I won't go into detail of how she went about this, but trust me when I tell you, you need to read this book.  It has a totally different spin and I just loved it!  Peyton has high hopes for her future and has been that way since a child.  While going to school, she's working at a bar making some extra money, and living with her friend, Eva.

Enter Weston.  The rich spoiled brat male.  But, was he?  He is hot, popular, an outstanding hockey goalie, has lots of friends, and obviously has no problem finding women.  But he doesn't want to keep them.  He is the typical player and not looking for any commitment.  But his father has higher expectations for him, and he struggles with his relationship with him.

Weston then gets set up with a new tutor named Penny, who was not the typical woman Weston was used to, somewhat homely, overweight, glasses, and fashionably challenged.  But, there was something about her, and Weston just couldn't pinpoint it.  She is relentless with Weston, not giving him any breaks, and basically a slave driver when it comes to getting the work done for English Lit. 

And then there's Peyton's friend, Eva, who meets Weston's friend, Marcus, and they hit it off so quick!  They were in a whirlwind romance for sure, and Peyton fought the pangs of jealousy which coursed through her.  She wanted to be happy for her friend, but how could she wheb she was basically stuck in a relationship (if you could call it that) with Stuart, a pompous ass if you ask me, who really wasn't what she needed or wanted.  I think she fell into a routine and didn't know how to get out! 

This book had everything....secrets, deception, love, hate, hope, and emotional relationships with family members. It made me laugh, cry, stomp my feet, smile, and seriously, I wanted to shake some sense into Peyton a few times!  She was definitely in for a few surprises! But, in the end, everything seemed to come full circle. But seriously, there was so much going on in this book, I just can't give anything away!

Special shout out to Carson, Weston's sister. She was wild, outspoken, and I loved her relationship with her brother.  But, she was also one broken soul and it is my hope that her book will be next.....Andrea??  Andrea?? Don't mean to bug you, but when's the next book come out????

Oh, and silly me, I should mention that this book was a spinoff from the G-Man series, which, even sillier of me, I haven't read yet.  I definitely will be going back to read about Darcy and Easton, Weston's parents, and how they came to be.......especially since that broody, silent Easton had me squirming a little in my seat!  Haha!
698 reviews2 followers
November 30, 2016
An overall good story

I enjoyed Weston and Peyton's story, but not as much as the original G-Men series. It was a unique storyline, but I struggled to connect with the heroine in the beginning. I also felt that the story was rushed in places, especially when it came to the two main characters getting together after everything is revealed. The writing was good and the storyline kept me engrossed in what was happening. There were some minor details that confused me (why he's reading English authors in an Early American Lit class), but overall a good story.
Profile Image for Donna ~ The Romance Cover.
2,817 reviews321 followers
January 13, 2016
Walk of Shame by Andrea Smith
4 stars!!

“Own it. Say it out loud, say it proud, but stop playing games if you ever expect to be taken seriously.”

So…it is Weston’s turn…would this be a case of like father like son? I loved our Cocky Brit Easton, while he was reserved and aloof in his own way he had a great heart so I had great expectations for Weston. I have to say East and West…total opposites, however Weston was a perfect blend of both his parents, he had the best bits from both of them.

Weston on the outside seemed like the atypical rich jock. He was cocky, arrogant, loved himself, was a bit of a player and he was a star of the college hockey team. He was quick witted in a conceited way at times but this was a front, he played to the people he surrounded himself with but when he was alone or in this case in the company of a geeky tutor we got to meet the real Weston and he was a treat to read about.

Weston had failed his American Lit class the previous semester and needed to pass it. He was intelligent but this one subject matter just didn’t hold his interest until he was paired with a private tutor called Penny Lane.

Penny was a geek, but she had attitude when she needed it. She gave as good as she got and she had a lot of ammunition. She had been burned in the past and her misconceptions have led her to believe men are the enemy and she was doing a thesis to prove it. Would Weston be her latest experiment? Would he prove her statistics correct or would he be one of the men that broke the mould?

These two, after butting heads a few times do actually form a friendship surprisingly and Weston certain leaves Penny confused for a majority of the time. She soon sees through Weston’s façade and actually loves the man that she sees underneath. This is certainly going to be a lesson for both of them.

“And I watch as he stands up, gives me one last look, and then walks out of the room and, ultimately, out of my life.”

I have to admit that Penny was hard to like in the beginning…you will understand once you read but I cannot give too much away. However, I loved the way that Andrea Smith basically unwrapped her like a pass the parcel and as each layer was removed you ended up loving the Penny that was revealed underneath. As each layer was removed, you related, you understood and fairly soon you are chomping at the bit as her biggest supporter.

Weston was adorable, his wit had me in stitches at times and the banter was an extremely welcome addition to some fantastic dialogue. It is this relationship between the two of them that kept those pages frantically turning anxiously wondering how this was all going to pan out.

“Hey, Peyton…want to hear a joke about my dick? Aww, never mind. It’s too long.”
“Oh really. Well, do you want to hear a joke about my pussy? Never mind, Weston, you won’t get it.”

This was a hottie god meets geek with a difference and I welcomed the twist on the story that Andrea Smith delivered. I loved the relationship between both sets of roommates and I could actually see myself firmly amongst these bunch of friends.

I absolutely adored Carson, Weston’s sister and I am itching for her story. I am hoping that Andrea Smith can see it in her future to pen her story because I am sure that it will extremely interesting but most of all emotional. Some of us wear our scars and insecurities on the outside, but hers are firmly hidden.

I loved this book, not only was it a great college read but it was also a voyage of discovery for both Weston and Penny. Sometimes people cross your path for a reason and it is up to the individuals involved to realise and grab that opportunity with both hands. This book also went to show how peoples prejudices and misconceptions can cause you to pigeonhole people that certainly do not fit. Take time to get the know the person, make the effort and you may be surprised by what you find underneath. Fab book, loved it!

“I have just recently had first-hand experience with such manipulation and duplicity for the sole purpose of someone’s need to prove her moral and intellectual superiority over a male she evidently regarded as shallow, dispassionate, and undeserving of basic respect.”

641 reviews2 followers
July 25, 2018
Didn't finish after page 44. This book just isn't written very well. I was so confused by who penny and Peyton were. Because from the synopsis this is about a nerd, penny and a jock, Weston that fall for each other. But the book starts out with some girl named Peyton. Who isn't a nerd and the author is sure to make sure we know that she's super hot etc. but she's also supposedly smart? Or is she? She does not sound intelligent at all. She works at a bar or a diner maybe? So She isn't doing anything that shows me she's intelligent. Not that someone working at a diner isn’t smart, but the author needs to character build. She needs to have her character saying or doing things that make me feel like she in fact is very intelligent. She’s just written so average. Which would be fine if the book wasnt telling us that she is super intelligent but showing us something different. But then who is this penny girl? I had to come to the reviews to see what characters I'm supposed to be following and it turns out that penny is really Peyton in disguise. Okay so now I'm mad because the synopsis says this would be about a "nerd" and a jock getting together but it's not. It's about two hot people that get together. Typical cliche romance. And the way it's written is not drawing me in at all. Like I said, I was confused about what was going on and who the main characters were. Like, what is peyton doing when she's in disguise and tutoring Weston? Why is she in disguise? She says she's working on her thesis and that Weston is part of her thesis but in what way? What is she trying to prove or do? All she's doing is tutoring him. I know her thesis has to do with feminism or something like that. But The author does not make this clear but she also doesn't make it clear that it's something we arent supposed to know at this point either. We will probably find out as the story goes along but just the way it's written isn't making me connect to the story. I need to know what's going on to a point so I can be drawn in. . I just really have no idea what this book is even about. It starts out with hot Peyton wanting approval to do a thesis at a new school, then all of the sudden in the next chapter she's apparently in the middle of this thesis she was just talking about starting and we don't even know it's actually Peyton either at this point. It's just all of the sudden these 2 other characters, penny and Weston. Then it goes to Weston meeting Peyton and their meeting is just not sweet or cute or angsty or indifferent or any other interesting thing. It's just lame. Peyton is kinda bitchy and Weston is smirky and cocky and obnoxious and the story is all just so jumbled. But the real deal breaker is that I don't like Peyton/penny. She knows she's hot. She says so several times. She's not friendly or warm or kind or anything. At one point she gets mad at Weston because she thought he was being an ass for a reason I can't even remember and literally in the next paragraph she says this about herself "yeah, I can be an ass myself. I'm allowed." Oh my hell! What the!!!?????? Is this author for real with her. Hypocrite much! Plus it just reinforces my poor opinion of her. She's pushy and uptight and un-fun. She complains about everyone including her current boyfriend. And oh here's a shocker! Her current boyfriend doesn't please her sexually. The author makes sure to emphasize this part. So now I know the author was trying really hard to give us a set up in where the reader shouldn't like the current boyfriend and then we know that Weston will then be the one to be able to please her sexually. Another romance novel cliche. Oh here's another cliche...Weston feels that Peyton is different from any other girl he's ever met. And he just doesn't know why he thinks she's so different because they've only exchanged like 10 words! Yeah guess what Weston? The reader doesn't know why either! It just isn't believable. The author cannot just have the guy tell us that he thinks the girl is different and have us just buy it. At least not this reader. I need way more substance in a book. I never take anything at face value. I need to see why he'd find her different. Especially when I find her obnoxious. And totally unlikeable. Sorry Weston but if you've talked to her for 30 seconds there isn't a way that u should be able to feel anything about his girl besides maybe initial attraction. Which of course he does that too because this is a cliche romance novel so that has to be in here. I think I just felt a little tricked by the synopsis. This isn't about two opposites falling for each other. Again, its 2 hot people who go to the same parties and act the same way falling in love. And Here was a part in the book that I straight laughed out loud at, and not in a good way: 'He(Weston monologuing) loved a pussy that clenched his cock. And Leanne's pc muscle was phenomenal.' Hahaha Oh brother!! That is just not pleasantly written. Of course every guy likes it tight but don't write it that way, especially because he was talking about his friend who had had sex with the same girl as him and his friend was complaining about this girls "pc" muscle squeezing him too tight. Oh man I'm sorry I am just cringing at this writing. Anyways I just need this book to have more focus and direction. It's too all over the place and I don't like the characters.
Profile Image for Michelle.
319 reviews17 followers
January 25, 2016
Wow!!! I loved this book! I was up past 4 am finishing it because I just couldn't stop reading it!

Peyton is a fantastic and complex character. She's beautiful, a 1st place winner in the Miss RI competition, a non party girl who wears skimpy clothes at Big Daddy's as a waitress and highly intelligent, having two majors in college. Yet, from the beginning of this book through to the end, her character grows and grows with self discovery. Self discovery she didn't even realize she needed. You'll love her!!! She's a bitch sometimes lol but she'll tell you why she is! You'll see some mistakes she's making before she does, so you'll be screaming at her to stop! She's also crazy hilarious!!! Her inner monologue will have you laughing out loud! Lol And then you'll also learn a tragic event that happened to her. I cried. It's described in a lot of detail and with that you'll totally "get her" and understand all her contradictions. You'll want her to get her HEA!!!

Ah... And you'll meet Weston. "Peyton's" first meeting with him is at Big Daddy's while she's working. He's there with a few of his Hockey team mates. He's extremely cocky and pretty crude! He makes some joke to her while trying to hit on her that goes something like this... " Hey, you wanna hear a joke about my dick?" At her raised eyebrow he said "never mind... It's too long!" Ha! What an ass! lol but her reply was " you want to hear a joke about my pussy?" At his shocked look she says something like "never mind... YOU'LL NEVER GET IT" lol

Needless to say, Weston is great! You'll love to hate his cocky smart mouth to really falling in love with him. You will get to to discover that his arrogance and crude mouth are only superficial. And underneath he's really a great guy. And you'll get to learn that along the way with Peyton! She'll realize she was very wrong about him in a very entertaining train wreck kind of way! Unfortunately I can't say more without spoiling a huge part of the story.

READ this book! Highly entertaining! And it will keep you turning the pages late into the night because you just have to know how everything will play out! Very engaging and fast paced with a lot of dialogue. Sex scenes were hot! Even during one that was funny :)

One side note, don't be scared of the ending! I was like "what!? That's it!?" Lol BUT The epilogue will make up for it!
Profile Image for Kimberly.
684 reviews35 followers
February 16, 2016
I have to start by saying YA is not usually my thing, but this book is an exception. I loved it!

Weston is just your average, every day, hot as hell hockey playing hunk who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, doing his thing and trying to pass all his classes at the Ivy League College he is attending. Well, he needs a little help with his Early American Lit grade so his dad hires him a tutor named Penny Lane. Penny Lane is smart, tyrannical, sarcastic and a hot mess! Despite their differences, her and Weston slowly become friends. But, what Weston doesn't know is Penny is also Peyton, the smoking hot girl of his dreams that works at a local hangout. Peyton has a theory to prove, and poor Weston is her guinea pig of sorts. Two people from two entirely different worlds, what will happen when they really get to know each other? Can a guy that comes from wealth really fall for a girl from the poor side of town? Read and see!

This book had me rolling with laughter, but it also touched my heart. There is so much more to both Peyton and Weston and getting to know these characters was a delight. Of course there are plenty of hot love scenes and some angst to keep it all interesting. A great cast of supporting characters and plenty of witty banter and hilarious situations round out this story and make it a perfect YA romance.

If Weston's name sounds familiar, well, that's because he is the offspring of Easton and Darcy from Night Moves. Easton and Darcy along with their daughter Carson make an appearance in this book. And I have to say that thrilled me! I love Easton Matthews!

Andrea Smith knows how to tell a good story and she creates the most engaging, funny, flawed, and completely endearing characters that will stay in your heart forever.

P.S. After you read this book you will never look at a clown the same again!
Profile Image for HeatherTX.
712 reviews102 followers
December 30, 2015
4 Stars - Only because I want more!

I will not recap the synopsis since you can read, so here is my take on "Walk of Shame".

We all loved Easton Matthews in Night Moves, well move over Easton your son Weston is making his presence known! We have ourselves another hot, sexy alpha male here ladies!

Weston is your typical college jock, he's cocky and a player and he makes no excuses for it. In comes Penny, she's the nerdy tutor with lots of secrets and baggage. Penny is a feisty female that happens to give as a good as she takes. Throughout the course of Weston's tutoring he comes to realize there just maybe more to life and Penny Lane. What an hot and interesting journey these two take, so come along for the ride.

I thoroughly enjoyed the secondary characters of Eva, Marcus and Carson. Carson also happens to be Weston's little sister and I do hope she gets her story told down the road. We get cameo appearances from Darcy and Easton here and there throughout the book, however Easton comes off as a jerk (IMO), but he had he reasons and you'll need to read the book to know why!

I cannot really say more combined with the synopsis without giving too much away.....sorry folks!

***A review copy was kindly provided by the author for an honest review***
Profile Image for DawnMarie  Carpintero.
Author 2 books19 followers
December 15, 2015
5 Stars

I was given this book for my honest review

As the merry go round goes about in a circle without any beginning and no end so does our lives. The beginning of the ride is just the start but as the ride picks up momentum so does our lives as the ride slows to pick up people along the way that will influence the ride it so does as with us. The perspective of the ones along the way come to influence us in so many ways that fathoming it is hard to comprehend at times but as the ride persists on so does the lives of whom come in contact with our everyday. The trueness of our lives with whom has touched us along the way becomes evident. Our hearts become full, our laughter blossoms as we see the trueness of life with one. This is Weston and Peyton’s true journey to find what they have been searching for without even knowing it.

Author Andrea Smith brought us to a whole new plain within this read. She created the drama that we love, the twisty yet desirable knots that we come to expect but mostly she gave us a looking glass into what could be, what shouldn’t be and what will be with the right amount of sarcasticness and two characters that you will grow to love.

Happy Reading

Profile Image for K.  Ramjohn.
2,282 reviews
February 11, 2016
This was a college/sports romance. A jock meets geek story. I did not care for Peyton at the beginning of this book. Her attitude was a little annoying and her endless internal dialogue dragged a bit. On the other hand Weston was such a charmer I could not help but like him.
It wasn't until about half way through this novel that I really started to enjoy it. The secondary characters also added to my enjoyment and I really liked seeing another couple's romance play out in the story. What was interesting was that there were two different takes to romance and relationships in the book and Andrea Smith did a good job with it. Apart from romance, relationships and friendship, there were other themes in this story inclusive of abuse and stalking. The sex was HOTT and there was a HEA ending. Overall it was a good story.
Profile Image for Renee.
4,521 reviews63 followers
January 4, 2016
I received a copy of this book as a gift in exchange for an honest review.

Walk Of Shame is a G-Man Series spin off. Easton and Darcy's son Weston is all grown up. This is his story.

Weston Matthews is a 21 year old senior in college. An excellent hockey player with a big future ahead of him, and a big problem. He's failing American Lit and could lose his eligibility to play hockey and graduate. Weston is a playboy with a cocky attitude and a foul mouth. He doesn't do relationships and girls are falling at his feet.

Peyton. She refers to herself as a nerd, excellent at academics and determined to get into the graduate program of UC Berkley. Peyton may consider herself a nerdy girl but she's beautiful and a girl with a troubled past she's never shared with anyone. This past has affected her thinking and she's out to prove her point. What happens when what you thought you knew was true isn't and is proven from the most unlikely source?

Penny Lane....tutor of Weston Matthews and boy oh boy she cuts him no slack and Weston gives as good as he gets at times. She's determined to prove Weston is the rich entitled playboy and therefore certain things in life come easier to him. But Penny amd Weston both surprise each other and things are suddenly not what they seem.

I loved this book. It's got everything you want a great read to have in it. Love, lust, secrets, emotions, hotness and the sad clown everyone needs in their life.(yep I said clown and you just have to read to see what I'm talking about) I loved getting to know Peyton, Weston and Penny. The internal self reflection in this book is worth the read alone. I love how we got into the characters heads so deeply and I fell in love with everyone of them. Andrea Smith certainly knows how to grab your attention and hold it to the very last word. I don't want to say to much about the story and give something away.

If you are a lover of hot jocks, self reflection, what the heck is going to happen moments and don't forget the clown, then this is a book you don't want to miss. It's a book I'm sure I'll read many more times. I am really hoping Andrea Smith gives us Carsons story. I'll be the first in line to read that book.
Profile Image for Nadine Bookaholic.
3,584 reviews486 followers
March 13, 2016
What a great way to keep the characters from the G-Man series going. Weston is the son of Easton and Darcy Mathews From Night Moves and let me tell you the apple doesn't fall far from the tree. There are quite a few similarities between Easton and Weston, especially the cocky attitude, but I think that makes him more endearing.
Weston is falling behind in some of his college courses so his father is paying Penny to tutor him and help him get back on track. Penny is a plain Jane, average looking, a little overweight, nothing that would have Weston interested in her. Now Payton on the other hand is a hottie that works at the bar where Weston and his frat brothers go for a few drinks. I had to laugh at the stupid jokes that were made when Weston meets Payton for the first time and then when he left her a little note on her tip...yep a sweetie just like his daddy. Payton is a double major and splits her classes between two colleges. She works two jobs and is in a relationship with a real jerk. The girl has her hands full that's for sure. Payton and Penny are both likable characters and I was rooting for each of them but the person I wanted gone right away was Stuart aka Stewie (the jerk of a boyfriend).
There is a horrible incident that leaves Carson (Weston's sister) in the hospital and it forces Weston to blow out of school and head home for a few days. Things are very serious in the Matthews' family and it was rough watching. I loved Carson and I really hope we get to see her story soon.
I cannot wait for the rest of the books in this series to come out!
ARC image

**I have received a copy of this book from the author in exchange for my honest review**
Walk of Shame (G-Man, Next Generation, #1) by Andrea Smith
Profile Image for S.
326 reviews55 followers
January 16, 2016
Whenever I want to take a break from my current reads because of too much seriousness/too boring story development, I turn to YA/NA contemporary romance reads/light reads. I somehow consider them good and reliable ice breakers. And this was how I found Andrea Smith's Walk of Shame.
I was wrong to expect it'd be nothing out of the ordinary/common light reads I've found. I was kind of expecting a cliche plot, characters, dialogues, etc. typical in a contemporary new adult romance genre. Quite the opposite, it's been a shock and awe experience. I admit I was I was in for a treat.

Smith is an intelligent writer. I'm not so big on using and reading big words unless they're necessary. Smith utilizes both the simple and big words to relay her points. The big words don't carry pretentious and 'I-need-to-prove-I'm-knowledgeable' vibes.

The thesis topic of Penny is quite interesting. The 'rationale' is equally interesting.
The story presentation and development are commendable. It's done creatively and again, intelligently. I like the conflict-resolution parts of the story; it's mature and quite unexpected. The characters are absolutely something. If anything, this book was able to capture the stereotyping of people based on social class, gender, and status.

Hint: Penny's thesis will make the feminists proud.

I love the quips and the smart ass retorts. If you cringe at common cuss words then this might not be for you because it has fucking lots of it. Smith also did not hold out on the 'steamy' scenes but it was not written in a way that you'll feel violated.

The unraveling of past issues (which led to Penny's thesis) was a good one if not dramatic (in a good sense). So all in all, I liked the story and it was a love at first read with Andrea Smith. Will check out her other books.
Profile Image for Kristi.
117 reviews10 followers
April 7, 2016
I really enjoyed this book. The story idea was new and interesting to me. I felt it wasn't the typical "jock - meets - nerd" that we have read before. Peyton's interest in feminism was appealing to me, as well as the fact that she was from the other side of the tracks. Weston is the hot hockey player with money, who is a typical jock with an attitude. I enjoyed the characters so much, and their passion was HOT. Plus, they are adorable and funny! And I LOVE it when the BFFs are equally as fun to read. I adored the movie quotes and references. Such great banter between Payton and her friend, Eva!!! This book also had some heavy subject matter, and I was moved by the depth of the characters and their ability to open up and share with one another.

This author always writes a great story, and this book is no exception. I highly recommend!!

My favorite funny quote:“Umm, what exactly is bootay?” I ask, quizzically. “Oh, Dear God, Peyton! It’s French for ‘bootie.’ Can you please get with the program ” -Eva

HOT quote: " I’m soaking wet for him, because of him. His kisses are deep and caring, and my hands brace each side of his face, the female in me wanting to devour him as if he’s the prey. I can’t explain it. It all seems so…primal. But with him it feels totally natural."

*ARC generously provided by the author in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Erin Lewis.
5,189 reviews187 followers
October 21, 2019
4 star Review Walk of Shame (G-Man #6) by Andrea Smith
Audio Review:
Andrea Smith is a relatively new author to me. The narration from Tor Thom and Charley Ongel was good and certainly enhanced my enjoyment of the story.
I don’t usually listen to YA or NA stories that often, but I did enjoy Walk of Shame. Weston Matthews is your typical cocky, at times arrogant hockey player who loves to play the field both on and off the ice; although having said that he certainly grew on me. When his grades fall and he is in danger of not graduating, therefore not being eligible to play hockey, he is assigned a tutor to help him.
Penny (Peyton) Lane is not exactly what she appears. She is writing her thesis and has decided that Weston will be the subject of her paper, although he has no idea. Walk of Shame is quite an emotional story and both the narrators did a credible job in expressing a variety of emotions. I think you are in for a bit of a surprise as the story has a few twists and turns which will keep you guessing.
December 15, 2015

Weston and Penny are from two different worlds. Weston needs help with one of his college courses and Penny is his tutor. They butt heads all the time, but slowly form a tentative friendship. Peyton is the hot girl he would like to hook up with, but he has no idea that Peyton and Penny are one in the same. Can these two come together? Can they see past what they perceive each other to be and form a lasting relationship? I loved this book from beginning to end. It has it's laugh out loud moments and the emotional ones that will pull at your heartstrings. You will see Penny/Peyton come to terms with things from her past and Weston will melt your heart. While the main characters are absolutely lovable you will love the secondary ones as well. I love all of Andrea's work and this one is no exception. I loved this book.
Profile Image for Christine Stanley.
210 reviews22 followers
December 19, 2015
Right out the gate I knew I was going to thoroughly enjoy this one. I have loved many of Andrea's novels but this one was a totally different kind of read than what I'm used to from her and I'm very happy to say that it was a happy surprise.

I loved the twist on the jock falls for nerd story line. The way the Author made it her own and not your typical cliche was extremely enjoyable to read. The banter between all of the characters was hilarious and I found myself bursting out laughing numerous times throughout the story. For myself I typically have a hard time falling for humor in books so this was another huge bonus for me.

At the end of the day I highly recommend this one. Not only will you laugh, you will swoon at the same time. This is far from the typical romance novel stereotype and I loved every second of it!
Profile Image for Picky_Book_B1tch.
623 reviews55 followers
February 7, 2016
Jock meets nerd and sparks are ignited. I love books with unlikely match ups. Unfortunately, I didn't make a connection with either of the main characters. I wanted too but you can't force what just isn't there. This was just an okay read for me. It just lacked the angst and emotion I expect out of a a college romance, probably due to the my lack of connection.

I love and respect Andrea Smith's writing and have really enjoyed some of her other books. I will definitely be reading more from this author.
Profile Image for Issa loves to read.
63 reviews7 followers
December 24, 2015
ohhhhhhhh miiiiii gawddddd this was awesome. Andrea you did it again. This book hooked me up from the beginning . it was soooooooo good i mean i don't have words right now. And weston my god he is sooo hot and eva i love her everybody needs a friend like her. overall it was amazing book.OH and are we going to get a book on carson??
61 reviews8 followers
December 20, 2015
it was an awesome book. Weston and Peyton dnt have a good first start. Weston & penny dnt get along that we'll when penny was tutoring Weston. then Weston took penny home for thanksgiving. then Weston went to Halloween party as a clown & Peyton went as a witch & they both hooked up together. then Weston found out Peyton was actually penny. then the two of them started dating.
Profile Image for Renee at Book Happiness.
1,485 reviews36 followers
January 15, 2016
I received this for an honest review..

I have to say I really enjoyed this story.. Talk about being sucked right into a story..

Peyton and Weston were just awesome together. They had this awesome push and pull together....

I have not read the G-Series and I didn't feel like I was missing anything.. Such a good story!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 153 reviews

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