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Ridgeville #4

Head Over Tail

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Being kidnapped sucks…but then you find your mate…

Maddy Lane did not enjoy the whole “being kidnapped” thing. Then her knight in tight leather showed up to rescue her lioness-y ass and he turned out to be her O-M-G mate. Rawr. Sure, she’s a Sensitive. And, yeah, Sensitives are usually pushovers. But Maddy has been getting “badass” lessons and she’s got no problem telling her hotter-than-hell mate where he can shove his orders and domineering attitude. Of course, it’d be a lot easier to be growly with him if he wasn’t so damn sexy.

Ricker Croft, council tracker and ferocious tiger, can’t figure out what to do with his deliciously curvy mate. She’s a study in contradictions and he never did well in school. As a Sensitive, Maddy is supposed to be sweet, pliant, most importantly, his. She sure as hell wasn’t supposed to be a vicious she-cat who sliced and diced a man attempting rape. And she shouldn’t have disregarded a direct order from a more dominant shifter. Even more, the words “get the steel rod out of your ass” should have never passed her tempting lips.

Ricker knows that mating doesn’t equate to love, but he’s going to do his damndest to convince the woman who holds his heart that she can’t live without him. Even if it means turning his life upside down and embarrassing himself in the process.

Pages: 158 ~ Words: 37000

First published October 7, 2012

About the author

Celia Kyle

253 books2,803 followers
Celia Kyle would like to rule the world and become a ninja. As a fall-back, she’s working on her writing career and giving readers stories that touch their hearts and *ahem* other places. Visit her online at http://celiakyle.com | http://facebook.com/celiakyle | http://twitter.com/celiakyle | http://pinterest.com/celiakyle

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 85 reviews
Profile Image for Aղցela W..
4,207 reviews304 followers
June 22, 2018
I really liked this book and this series and this is a funny series. Maddy Lane was kidnapped by the freedom leader Allister so she could calm his men. What they didn't realize that Maddy has been taking lesson's from the prides Prima Maya on how to be a badass. Ricker is the elusive master tracker Tiger shifter who has been trying to hunt down the leader of the Freedom group for a while now. Fate ended up showing him his mate, Maddy, in the process too. The book also introduced Elise the fox shifter who had been held by Allister for two years Maddy saved her from being raped again by a hyena shifter that she killed. This book had me crying, laughing and rooting for these two. I loved reading this series and I can't wait to read the next one and to find out if Maya gets her ring. This book was well written. This book was a lot of fun to read.
Profile Image for Erica Ravenclaw.
366 reviews97 followers
September 12, 2014

No spoilers and colorful language abound!

 photo c27cd497a9391e5a5cb29a280f6390d499ef5d65_m_zps90d2270d.gif

So truth time, three stars might be a little too generous, but I'm just going gut reactions here. Ok so yeah this is smuttysmuttysmutsmut but I really enjoy the whole little world Kyle has created and how each book is building to a bigger story arc. Most of the characters are pretty awful, these really exaggerated personalities get on my nerves. Be more complex and shit. As I've said it is much easier to deal with in smaller doses.

I have legit good books to read, but they are mostly all paper ARC's so unless I plan on camping out on the couch to read, smuttysmut on my Kindle it is.

Profile Image for Hollie.
1,676 reviews
March 24, 2015
Almost too short - made for a bad case of insta-love

~2.5 stars~

I love Celia Kyle and the Ridgeville Series, but the last 2 books I've read from it (books 3 and 4) just seemed to be missing the chemistry. This book was around 100 pages, and I never really felt the connection between the hero and heroine. The insta-love was almost an overkill. I get that they can find their mate with just a sniff, but come on, can't they also get to know one another?? They sniff, they have sex, and live happily ever after. It was just missing any sense of foundation for me personally. It lacked character and plot depth/development. The sex was hot, but even that wasn’t enough to redeem this story because I felt nothing for the characters. I also feel it to be quite overpriced at $4.99 - it's a short book where very little happens. At this point I'm not sure I will even continue reading this series. At very least I'll be taking a break from it for a while.
3,455 reviews4 followers
December 22, 2019
Sexy Alpha tiger shifter, Ricker, as your rescuer and mate what more could Madison ask for in this a hot and humorous shifter tale.
Profile Image for Shay.
1,267 reviews40 followers
January 2, 2017
Mandy and Rickers story starts off with a bang....kidnapping. Edge of your seat story for me seeing these two find each other...mated. Smutty and sexy with an interesting storyline. Can't wait to read the next one!
50 reviews1 follower
July 12, 2016
They are all the same character.

I've read these first 3 books, and it's the same every time. Weak, mouthy, snarky girl characters with the exact same personality. Even the male characters sound like the same snarky people. Cheesy lines, cheesy jokes, and too many pop culture phrases. The characters personalities are all the same (annoying), not to mention every one of them is a mass of contradiction to who they're supposed to be. Not all curvy females are annoying, mouthy b**ches.
41 reviews
February 27, 2020
Great potential, the opening chapters set the scene for an exciting and enjoyable read with pleasant tension between the Hero and Heroine. The idea that she can "feel" other characters as a Sensitive, versus her trying to discover her backbone, had great potential. He's your standard hot dominant male with a love for his lucious mate.

And then meh. Bunch of erotic scenes, mind melding, I feel what you feel. Meh.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Impy.
560 reviews1 follower
January 3, 2017
I like the characters and the plot. My problem isn't just with there being much more sex than story, but with the fact that well-written characters all do, say and feel the same things during sex. The sex is cookie-cutter filler from one book to the next, when I believe the author could be putting out higher caliber books.
Profile Image for Tia.
Author 7 books138 followers
October 11, 2012
I thought this novel was kick ass good. I love Maddy and her quirks. I was waiting to find out more about Maya and having her twin cubs though. Maybe in the next novel?
Profile Image for Tamara.
Author 16 books365 followers
January 22, 2014
While I loved this story and thought that Maddy and Ricker were an awesome pair, the "mayaisms" at the start of each chapter were the highlight of the book!
That is one snarky, BA lioness!
Profile Image for Wendy Hodges.
2,631 reviews38 followers
December 6, 2021
Loved it. Maddie was awesome and Ricker was growly. Well written and exciting. Started and finished 6/12/21
37 reviews3 followers
October 24, 2012
This book was really cool. I don't normally read stories on the paranormal and fantasy side of erotica (I typically stick to more women's journal type stories like Erotic Women's Journals - The First Three Books in One Volume) but a friend loaned this to me on Kindle and I really enjoyed the read. The scenes were hot, the characters fun (now I want a tiger shifter hottie), and it kept me up last night turning pages long past my bedtime. I think I will have to check out some more titles in this series and by this author. I may have just discovered that I like paranormal more than I thought!

If you are looking for another great read that was recently released, I recommend EROTICA- THE THEME PARK (Erotic Adventures - Women's Journals). While not paranormal, it is a great read and has lots of fantasy and fun to enjoy. The author writes very well and is on my "favorites" list for erotica books. Happy reading!
Profile Image for Emmie.
1,277 reviews3 followers
January 29, 2015
My review:

Loved this book! I loved how a scared woman (lion) came into her own with the help of her big scary mate and how they complement each other. I love the quotes at the start of every chapter. So funny!


Maddy Lane did not enjoy the whole "being kidnapped" thing. Then her knight in tight leather showed up to rescue her lioness-y ass and he turned out to be her O-M-G mate. Rawr. Sure, she's a Sensitive. And, yeah, Sensitives are usually pushovers. But Maddy has been getting "badass" lessons and she's got no problem telling her hotter-than-hell mate where he can shove his orders and domineering attitude. Of course, it'd be a lot easier to be growly with him if he wasn't so damn sexy.

Ricker Croft, council tracker and ferocious tiger, can't figure out what to do with his deliciously curvy mate. She's a study in contradictions and he never did well in school. As a Sensitive, Maddy is supposed to be sweet, pliant, most importantly, his. She sure as hell wasn't supposed to be a vicious she-cat who sliced and diced a man attempting rape. And she shouldn't have disregarded a direct order from a more dominant shifter. Even more, the words "get the steel rod out of your ass" should have never passed her tempting lips.

Ricker knows that mating doesn't equate to love, but he's going to do his damndest to convince the woman who holds his heart that she can't live without him. Even if it means turning his life upside down and embarrassing himself in the process.
Profile Image for Carrie.
2,403 reviews18 followers
January 26, 2014
I really can't get enough of these short, sex, fun reads! This one got a bump in the star ratings from me because something about the combination of Maddy and Ricker made it feel more like a full length story and less like the "quickies" before it.

This book (obviously) involves Maddy and Ricker. We saw that Maddy was kidnapped at the end of the last book by the Freedom group. This Sensitive has been working on her backbone along the way, and this situation just forces her to grow up a little quicker than originally planned. Ricker is the elusive master tracker Tiger shifter who has been trying to hunt down the leader of the Freedom group for a while now. Fate ended up showing him his mate, Maddy, in the process too.

Yes, this book takes a little detour into a slightly more erotica place, but I think we get a good romantic balance, too. We get a touch of darkness in the form of the rescue and that horrible house, but this larger story continues to grow with each book. These aren't long books, but they are like little yummy pints of ice cream. It's a guilty pleasure that I'll keep enjoying until they run out!
Profile Image for Leiah Cooper.
745 reviews90 followers
January 28, 2015
Book three, and Maddy and Ricker get their turn. And what a turn it is! Head Over Tail equates, in my life, with ‘laugh your ass off’ crossed with ‘Scaryville’ as we get more deeply involved in the story of Alistair and the ‘Freedom’ group – a group that bases its idea of ‘freedom’ on the idea of kidnapping, torture and murder – especially when they can commit said atrocities, as well as rape, against women.

When Ricker Croft, the council tracker and big scary bad-ass is sent to rescue Maddy Lane, a Sensitive, from Freedom, he gets the shock of his life – for Maddy isn’t the submissive, timid sensitive he expects. Instead of kowtowing to his orders, he is knocked on his ass when she instead shocks him stupid when she attacks and rips the balls off of a hyena rapist attacking another sensitive, Elise, a fox shifter, during Ricker’s “save the woman who turns out to be your mate” attempt. What do you expect when Maya has been giving her lessons?

Everyone dies at some point. I just help things along every once and again.”
Profile Image for Emily.
5,497 reviews526 followers
June 27, 2014
Maddy Lane is in the process of finding her inner bitch, as a sensitive lion shifter it is not in her nature to fight back, but it sure came in handy when she was kidnapped.

Ricker Croft is the best tracker out there, as a tiger his dominant nature and skills have sent him to rescue the prima's best friend Maddy. Just a catch of her scent though has Riker realizing it she is his mate and will do whatever he can to protect her. Of course the accepting sensitive mate he is expecting is not what he gets. Maddy is a complete contradiction and while she wants to mate with Riker, she is not willing to let him call all the shots, no matter how gifted he is in trying to coerce her.

I thought this was a lot of fun, did not read in order but was thoroughly entertained and easily caught on with what the series was about. Maddy is sweet and Riker is pure bad ass but together they are hot hot hot.
Profile Image for Charlene.
335 reviews15 followers
November 3, 2013
This is Madison's (and Ricker's) story. Maddy is a Sensitive-a usually gentle/laid-back/omega personality who can calm raging emotions among shifters. But Maddy has been getting in touch with her inner bitch as Maya (friend and Prima) offers her own brand of assertiveness training. When Maddy's kidnapped by a shifter militia group, Ricker (Ridgeville Tracker) is sent to find her and discovers that Maddy is his mate. He's stunned when she refuses to follow his orders and insists on risking the operation to rescue an endangered fellow captive Sensitive. It doesn't get any easier when they get back to Ridgeville!

We get to watch Maya's pregnancy progress as she threatens to give the twins her last name if Alex doesn't step up with a ring. And this book is the source of my favorite Mayaism-"Live by the three 'F' rule: If they don't fuck you, feed you or finance you, they don't matter".

You can't beat the PNR three-erotic romance, shifters, and humor!
Profile Image for grumpyoldbird.
302 reviews15 followers
April 21, 2014
I love this series, it's just a really good, light-hearted, easy read. Scorchio hot and it's filled with kickass shifters. This series never fails to put a smile on my face.

The 'Maya'isms' just crack me up. Prime examples: "Live by the three "F" rule: If they don't fuck you, feed you or finance you, they don't matter." - Maya Josephs, Prima of the Ridgeville Pride, who is getting fucked. Regularly. Without a ring. Bastard."

"You can like a guy, but you can't love him. At least, not until he says it first. Or, if he's a furball, not until he brings you something dead and drops it at your feet." Maya Josephs, Prima of the Ridgeville Pride, who, in addition to no ring, hasn't had anything dead dropped at her feet. What-evah."

"Another classic Maya'ism: "Of course you can. It's a woman's prerogative. We get our way. Why else would god give us pussies if we weren't supposed to use them to control men? It's in the Chick Bible."
Profile Image for Tera.
142 reviews4 followers
November 4, 2012
Another story from the Ridgeville pride. This story is about Maddy and Ricker. Maddy is kidnapped by Alistair and Ricker is sent to rescue her. Maddy is the "Sensitive" of the Ridgeville pride. She was a pushover but Maya has been giving her kick butt lessons to help her b**** come out. (BTW I love the Mayaisms in the book - my fav parts - cause she my fav pride member) There are humans and the Freedom fighters between him and her but nothing a focused tiger can't handle. Finally he rescues her with a few bumps and sidetracks along the way. They find out they are mates but have a few things to contend with to accept each other as they are and make their mating work. Story wraps up nicely in the end.

Wondering if there will be another story?? Maybe Grayson is next? I like how she has kept the key members in each story line.
Profile Image for Kimberly Walter.
1,637 reviews15 followers
October 6, 2014
Maddy is a lion sensitive and because of that she was kidnapped.
Ricker Croft is the council's tracker and a ferocious tiger.
While Maddy is trying to figure out a way to save herself because doesn't think a white knight will be rescuing her anytime soon, Ricker is on the way to do just that.
Her sexy as sin rescuer turns out to be her mate, but she wont put up with his domineering attitude. So she tells him where to shove it.
Ricker is going to do his damnedest to convince his maddy that she can't live without him. He is going do everything he can to show her that she has his heart and he'll do anything to make her happy.

Head Over Tails was another entertaining book in the Ridgeville series by Celia Kyle. You can't read one of her books and not want to laugh your ass off. But lets not forget about the hot steamy moments that make you blush.
Profile Image for April.
2,626 reviews174 followers
October 3, 2014
Another yummy yummy book in the series. I love all of Maddy's spunky attitude. All it took was a few lessons from Maya and the quiet sensitive turned into a sassy tease! I love the whole dynamic with Ricker.

One of my favorite parts is the Maya quotes at the beginning of each chapter. Fabulous and they will have you laughing out loud!! I may just have to live by the 3 F's rule!! Definitely stellar advice.

I am very excited to see what will happen with the little fox shifter they saved and all the other shifters on the guard!

Smexy as heck!! Oh yeah, I am talking chapters with loads of naughty detail! From now on I will only read this series while sitting in a bathtub of ice. Whoa mamma!!
Profile Image for Erin Kyle.
357 reviews
June 19, 2013
Hmmh... this isn't my favorite one though I do like Maddy's feisty-ness. A lot. No, I'm not quite a fan of this because the "danger" tapers off around the middle of the story and from then on? It's mostly sex, sex, dominant and possessive male, and more sex. (Let's be honest, those certainly aren't bad things, but picky readers like me have to have a little more meat in their story sandwich).

Very hawt steam.
This story can be a stand-alone, though you won't be able to fully appreciate the characters without having read the books in order...
My one complaint is that Maddy and Ricker have it *way* easy. Shouldn't true love be harder to find/fight for/win?

But it's a great paranormal romance; it's got great steam (ahem) and I really like the characters.
Profile Image for Dotti Elrick.
1,325 reviews15 followers
September 1, 2016
Head Over Tail is book three in the Ridgeville Shifters series. These are all fairly short stories. Well written, love is in the air with a bit of humor thrown in.

Maddie is the Prides sensitive, the submissive of all the lions. She has been kidnapped by the leader of a faction of shifters wanting to do away with the structures of "organized" shifters. When her rescuer shows up it only takes each of them one sniff to know that they are mates. Unfortunately for Maddie, her new mate, Ricker is as dominate as they come. But sweet little Maddie has been taking lessons from her Prima, and learning to grow a backbone and stand up for herself. Something that does not sit too well with her new mate.
393 reviews
April 25, 2019
2 1/2 - 3 stars
This story started with a kidnapping & contained talk of all forms of abuse, but once this situation is rectified the story becomes much lighter.
Again I love that a curvaceous women is the ideal. But there were way too many Maya-isms. This was a fairly short story but even so, there was very little real/deep emotion between the MC's. The leads issues seemed too easily understood & overcome, this can only be somewhat explained by the length of the story. Unfortunately the more you read of the series the more you realise that the characters are interchangeable along gender lines. The series stories are fairly witty & sexy with light erotica & a touch of shape-shifter paranormal romance & should be enjoyed as such.
Got tired of all the Mya-isms.
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