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Heal Your Body: The Mental Causes for Physical Illness and the Metaphysical Way to Overcome Them

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Heal Your Body is a fresh and easy step-by-step guide. Just look up your specific health challenge and you will find the probable cause for this health issue and the information you need to overcome it by creating a new thought pattern.

96 pages, Paperback

First published May 1, 1976

About the author

Louise L. Hay

544 books2,624 followers
Louise Hay was born to a poor mother who married Hay's violent stepfather. When she was about five, she was raped by a neighbor. At fifteen she dropped out of high school without a diploma, became pregnant, and on her sixteenth birthday gave up her newborn baby girl for adoption.

She moved to Chicago, where she worked in menial jobs, before moving in 1950 to New York. At this point she changed her name and began a career as a fashion model. She was successful at this, working for Bill Blass, Oleg Cassini, and Pauline Trigere.

In 1954, she married Andrew Hay, but after fourteen years of marriage Louise was devastated when Andrew left her for another woman.

Hay said that she found the First Church of Religious Science on 48th Street, which taught the transformative power of thought. Hay revealed that here she studied the metaphysical works of authors like Florence Scovel Shinn and the Religious Science founder Ernest Holmes.

In the early 1970's Hay became a Religious Science practitioner. In this role she led people in spoken affirmations meant to cure their illnesses. She also became popular as a workshop leader.

She studied transcendental meditation with the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi at his university in Fairfield, Iowa.

In 1977 or 1978 she found she had cervical cancer, and she concluded that its cause was her unwillingness to let go of resentment over her childhood abuse and rape. She refused medical treatment, and began a regimen of forgiveness, therapy, reflexology, nutrition, and occasional enemas, and claims she rid herself of the cancer. She declared that there is no doctor left who can confirm this story, but swore that it is true.

In 1976 Hay wrote a small pamphlet, which came to be called "Heal Your Body." This pamphlet was enlarged and extended into her book You Can Heal Your Life, which was published in 1984. As of February 2008, it is still on the New York Times best sellers list.

Around the same time she began leading support groups for people living with H.I.V. or AIDS that she called Hay Rides. These grew from a few people in her living room to hundreds in a large hall in West Hollywood. Her work with AIDS patients drew fame and she was invited to appear on "The Oprah Winfrey Show" and "Donahue" in the same week in March, 1988.

You Can Heal Your Life immediately landed on the New York Times Best Sellers List. More than 35 million copies are now in print around the world in more than 30 languages and has been made into a movie.

Louise Hay established Hay House Publishing. It is the primary publisher of books and audio books by Deepak Chopra and Doreen Virtue, as well as many books by Wayne Dyer.

In addition to running her publishing company, Hay runs a charitable organization called Hay Foundation that was established in 1985.

Information courtesy of Wikipedia.org.

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Profile Image for Heather.
296 reviews113 followers
April 14, 2010
What can I say about a book written by a woman who states that babies are born with birth defects because they CHOOSE to be born that way?? Nothing good! At all! Shame on you Louise Hay!
Profile Image for Jenger.
63 reviews4 followers
August 9, 2008
In dealing with chronic pain a friend referred this book to me as an alternative to the traditional medicine that wasn't as effective as necessary. It's just a short book which lists different diseases and physical ailments and what are perceived as the psychological reasonings behind those pains. I've always believed there is some connection between mind and body, I just never considered the specific relationship between each part of the body and the psyche. It was actually a very enlightening book for me. I find myself reaching for it often when I'm not feeling well and get curious as to what might be the true underlying issue for the physical pain. Just that knoweldge allows me to think through what's happening in my life and make some adjustments. Now, where Louise Hay and I part ways in this thinking is with her remedy - affirmations. I realize that there's logic behind this concept but my mind just doesn't play along. It laughs at affirmations and refuses to be so easily manipulated. I realize it does work for others so I'm not discounting it, just saying it's not the solution for me. Regardless, the book is still illuminative and helpful. If conventional medicine isn't working for you or you just dislike the traditional remedies to headaches and such, this book is worth a peek.
Profile Image for Big H.
408 reviews3 followers
October 8, 2015
I understand that positive thinking can go a long way in improving your general health, but please don't insinuate that it can fully cure slipped discs, cystic fibrosis, AIDS...if positive thinking and chanting, "THIS MOMENT IS FILLED WITH JOY. I NOW CHOOSE TO EXPERIENCE THE SWEETNESS OF TODAY" would cure my Diabetes Mellitus, trust me--I would've been able to toss my needles and meters a long time ago!
Profile Image for لميس محمد.
529 reviews378 followers
March 18, 2019
كتاب اِشفِ جسدك يتألف من ٩٦ صفحه قصير جداً إلا أنه عظيم و قيّم و مهم جداً في حياتنا...

أستطيع أن أستنتج بعد إنتهائي من قراءة الكتاب أن معظم الأمراض التي قد تصيبنا سببها الخوف و الخوف و الخوف و الغضب أيضًا ..
و هذا ما وجدت الكاتبه قد ركّزت عليه في صفحات الكتاب ..
ولكي نُشفى من هذه الأمراض و نبعدها عنّا و نعيش بسلام و صحة و عافيه لابد أن نطرد مسببات الأمراض " الخوف و الغضب " و نزرع في ذهننا أفكاراً إيجايبيه جديده...

التقييم الفعلي للكتاب ٤ نجمات ونصف ❤
Profile Image for Joanne.
40 reviews2 followers
July 11, 2012
This book is my health bible - dare to tell me you have an ailment and I will be flicking through the pages to tell you what the emotional cause could be. Battered and bruised I carry it with me always. It helps you understand the emotional roots for ill-health and support the idea that we really can heal ourselves more often than we think
Profile Image for GlobeRunner.
85 reviews
May 24, 2012
I read this booklet right after the popular science book “Microbe Hunters” (Paul de Kruif), in which I found this statement, as true now as it was when the book was written in 1926: "Murderous germs are everywhere, sneaking into all of us, yet they are able to assassinate only some of us, and that question of the strange resistance of the rest of us is still just as much an unsolved puzzle as it was in those days of the roaring eighteen-eighties when men were ready to risk dying to prove that they were right." That “strange resistance” (or an increased susceptibility, which would be the other end of the spectrum) is what I hope alternative medicine can help explaining. Despite my scientific background and profession (both in medical research), I believe that the only way to get a full picture is to listen to both sides, i.e. study the traditional scientific explanations of disease as well as the alternative spiritual ones. I’m hoping that the addition of alternative medicine literature such as this booklet (and of course, personal experience and observation) to the scientific study reports, patient records and medical textbooks I read will give me this full picture.

Hay is often criticized for arguing that all disease is caused solely by unhealthy mental attitudes. Personally, I don’t think there is any reason why this booklet should have to be interpreted in that way. In the preface of this 67th (!) edition of “Heal Your Body”, Lousie L. Hay writes: "[f]or us to become whole and healthy, we must balance the body, mind, and spirit". Later on in the text, she states that “[t]he mental thought patterns that cause the most dis-ease in the body are criticism, anger, resentment, and guilt". My interpretation of that hyphen is that it’s there to differentiate “dis-ease” from “disease”, which usually refers to the end result of increased susceptibility (“dis-ease”) coupled with physical causes. It’s hard to disagree with such a holistic view!

After the short introductory chapters, the booklet is a kind of encyclopaedia where the reader can look up a specific health problem to find its probable mental cause and a suggested “healing affirmation” to use as a remedy. I found some of it almost comical (“Problem: Bug bites, Probable cause: Guilt over small things., New thought pattern: I am free of all irritations. All is well.”), but surprisingly much of it made sense to me when I “tested it” on myself and others I felt I knew well enough. I’m sceptical to whether the affirmations can make much of a difference, but I can obviously not refute it without having tried them. To someone stuck in a negative thought pattern due to depression (i.e. low serotonin levels), this booklet certainly doesn’t give much hope for the future! I’m still hoping that it can be a useful complement to scientific explanations and, who knows, maybe I’ll find that it does this job well enough for me to give it another star.
Profile Image for Julie.
Author 1 book3 followers
December 6, 2016
Potentially very dangerous book that tells people you can cure very real and very dangerous illnesses (such as cancer) by ... forgiving people? No thanks ...

Anyone who is ill should stay away from this book ...
Profile Image for Laura Cantu.
Author 9 books30 followers
December 5, 2018
Louis L. Hay presents a useful and seemingly accurate perspective on why our bodies may express discomfort. I highly recommend this book to anyone that is in need of healing. This book encourages us to use the power of our minds to influence our healing processes. Heal Your Body can help you gain insight into your purpose, the obstacles you face, and sheds light onto those things that can be difficult to face. Using this clear and easy to use "manual" can help bring not only healing, but joy and peace to one's life.
Profile Image for Najati Matrook.
607 reviews206 followers
September 5, 2018
اسم الكتاب: #اشف_جسدك
المؤلف: #لويز_هاي
نوع الكتاب: تطوير ذات
مكان الشراء: من الجميلين @box_of_reading
عدد الصفحات: 95
الدار: دار الخيال
😊 يومي في (5 سبتمبر) أفضل من أمسي 😊
الدواء .، سواء كان طبيعياً .، أو كان كيميائياً .، فهو يعمل على تحفيز بعض المقاومات الذاتية في نفس الجسم .، أو أنه يضيف عليها ما يقويها لمهاجمة المرض وطرده عن الإنسان .!
كل هذه العملية لن تكون ذات فائدة ما لم يُحركها الذهن وتحييها النفس .!
هنا بالضبط يكمن سر الشفاء .، فلو أن الإنسان يغير من نمط حياته النفسية .، بتقوية روح الثقة بالله والتفاؤل بحبه لعباده .، وأن كل ما يصيب به المؤمنين لهو خير لهم وصلاح .، لتحفّزت قوى الجسم بمحاربة أعقد وأصعب الأمراض وطردها عنه بكل عنفوان وحيوية .!
شفاؤنا في أنفسنا .، وما علينا إلا أن ننتبه لآيات الله تعالى فينا .!
كتاب خفيف جداً لـ #لويز_هاي وكما تعودنا في جميع كتبها .، إيجابية .، وحب .، وسلام .، الكتاب عبارة عن الأسباب الفكرية للأمراض الفيزيائية والطريقة الماورائية للتغلب عليها .، هذا الكتاب يوقظ في داخلك القدرة على المساهمة في عملية شفائك .، عليك فقط أن توازن بين الجسم والتفكير والروح .، عليك أن ترعى جسدك جيداً .، وأن يكون لديك موقف إيجابي عن نفسك وعن الحياة .، تحتاج لوجود اتصال روحي قوي .!
معنى الكتاب #اشف_جسدك .، أي غيّر نمط حياتك .، تفكيرك .، ذاتك الداخلية .، ثق بنفسك .، اجعل إيمانك بالله وبنفسك قوياً .، تقبل ذاتك .، عِش /عيش الحب .، والسلام الداخلي لخلق بذلك الأمان .، عِش بهجة الحياة وفرحها .، وستزول عنك بإذن الله الأمراض والتجارب غير المريحة في حياتك .، كما توضح #لويز_هاي بأن لكل مرض فكرة سلبية رددتها بينك وبين نفسك .، لذلك فقط غيّر من نفسك ومن تفكيرك وتقبل ذاتك .، وكن إيجابياً .!
🔶 رؤيتي في العلاقة بين العنوان وتصميم الغلاف وموضوع الكتاب:
العنوان مباشر لما يحويه الكتاب وما تريده الكاتبة .، ومن خلالها تستعد ذهنية القارئ لاستقبال موضوع واضح المعالم بشكل جميل.
أما الغلاف .، ف تدرجات اللون البنفسج أعتقد بأنعا تدل على الهدوء .، الراحة .، وتبعث في نفس القارئ السلام .!
🕯️قَالَ أَمِيرُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ (عليه السلام): "أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ، كُلُّ امْرِئٍ لَاقٍ فِي فِرَارِهِ مَا مِنْهُ يَفِرُّ، وَالْأَجَلُ مَسَاقُ النَّفْسِ إِلَيْهِ وَالْهَرَبُ مِنْهُ مُوَافَاتُهُ"
#مثقفات #قارئات #محبي_القراءة #أصدقاء_القراءة #أصدقاء_الكتاب #كلنا_نقرأ #القراءة_للجميع #الحياة_بين_الكتب #تحدي_القراءة #تحدي_100_كتاب #كتبي #مكتبي #أمة_إقرأ_تقرأ #ماذا_تقرأ #القراءة_عالم_جميل #البحرين_تقرأ_10000_كتاب #الغرق_في_الكتب_نجاة #أحلم_بشغف #تحدي_الألم_بالقراءة
#najati_books #ichooseabook #أنا_أختار_كتاب
Profile Image for زكرياء.
Author 3 books786 followers
November 9, 2019
إنه كتاب عن الشفاء الذاتب تقول فيه الكاتبة أن جميع الأمراض هي نتيجة للخوف وللغضب لهذا يجب التخلص من مسببات المرض
بكل خلاصة يجب تغيير نمط التفكير من أجل العلاج. يركز الكتاب على الحب والسلام والبهجة وتقبل وتقدير الذات
إنه عبارة عن جدول طويل جدًا جدًا يعرض الكثير من المشاكل الصحية (الأمراض) وسبب مشاكلها وبعض التوكيدات الإيجابية التي تساعد على تغيير نمط التفكير

الزوائد الجلدية سببها الشعور بأنك طفل غير محبوب
الرؤوس السوداء سببها نوبات غضب خ��يفة
الإمساك سببه التعلق بالأفكار القديمة وصعوبة التخلص من الماضي
السيدا لها علاقة بفكرة الشعور بالذنب الجنسي

حسب ما فهمت جميع الأمراض لها هي الخوف والغضب وعلاقة بقلة تقدير الذات والتعلق بالماضي. لهذا أي مشكلة صحية تحدث لك، ابحث لها عن السبب الفكري وقم بتغيير طريقة تفكيرك والتحرر من البرمجة السلبية وتكرار توكيدات إيجابية والتأمل اليومي من أجل تدفق الحب والسلام عليك.. إنهما في أعماقك ومركز وجودك بشكل غير محدود ويجب فقط أن تسمح لهما بالخروج

للأسف لم يعجبني ليس بسبب المحتوى ولكن بسبب بنية الكتاب التي تعتمد على ذلك الجدول الطويل الممل. كما لاحظت أنه يوجد تطرف في الدفاع عن فكرة الشفاء الذاتي، شخصيا أعتقد أنه مساهم في عملية الشفاء وليس كافي.. مع التأكيد على أهمية الرياضة والنوم الصحي والأكل الصحي والراحة النفسية لكن طبيعي جدا أن نشعر بالخوف وبالغضب من حين لآخر.. لا يمكن التخلص من مشاعرنا لمجرد أنها سلبية أو تسبب لنا السوء.. أظن أنه سنظل نشعر بالحزن وبالغضب وبجميع المشاعر دون أن ندعها تتحكم بنا بالطبع

مرحبًا بكم في قناتي "أصدقاء الكتب" ستجدون فيها مراجعات، مناقشات، ماراثون البوكتيوب، قراءات شعرية، وأشياء أخرى
Profile Image for Allison .
399 reviews1 follower
January 18, 2014
Wow. I've known about affirmations and that they work for promoting behavioral changes since I was very young. I can remember doing affirmations when I was in middle school (I was born in 1967). I can't remember having actively used them in the past 15 years. That is about to dramatically change.

I've suffered from clinical depression for decades and I feel like Louise Hay's insights may profoundly change IMPROVE my day-to-day life. I know this for certain, it will not hurt or make things worse.

So many of the connections she makes between "mental causes" and "physical illness" have rung true for me (in conditions I once suffered from but are not presently experiencing as well as with conditions I am currently experiencing). And, some of those revelations aren't easy to acknowledge or accept either.

Here's to self-exploration, growth and healing. There's no better time than the present.
Profile Image for Anna.
936 reviews110 followers
February 6, 2009
I would love to say that I believe in this stuff (there's a HUGE "but" coming) BUT while I do think there's some truth to the "mind over body" way of thinking, I don't think you can really wish away a cyst or cancer. I wish you could and I do think a positive attitude can go a long way but when I get sick I want to make sure I have a good, qualified physician taking care of me, not this book.
Profile Image for Donna.
54 reviews
January 4, 2021
It's very toxic to tell people that saying affirmations can get rid of certain health issues. The whole book is basically just an index for ailments with some affirmations that are supposed to cure them, even AIDS. I didn't read much of it before I stopped.
Profile Image for Mai Mohamed.
Author 1 book285 followers
March 26, 2023
اول مرة اقرأ كتاب ميعجبنيش ل Louis Hay واللي هي كانت من أوائل الناس اللي سمعتها ف مجال الشفاء الذاتي وكلامها أثر فيا اوي .. بالذات التأملات الصوتية ليها ع اليوتيوب
الكتاب صغير ..هو عبارة عن تقسيمة الأمراض ف الجسم وسببها النفسي وجمبها توكيدات affirmations
لأن كل مرض جسدي أصله نفسي ، اتفق مع ده
بس معجبنيش فكرة أننا نقول شوية توكيدات احنا مش مصدقنها اوي ف هنخف .. لازم شغل أعمق من كده
يمكن لو قرأته من كذا سنة كان عجبني بس دلوقتي تفكيري اتغير
Profile Image for Gina House.
Author 2 books101 followers
August 6, 2024
Incredibly helpful in so many ways! I'm usually not a huge fan of affirmations, but this little book goes way beyond that. I've had a few long standing illnesses and some more recent health "mysteries" and Louise Hay's book has given me a lot to think about.

It's quick and easy to read, but full of information about the mental causes for most (if not all) illnesses. I've highlighted symptoms from the past (as well as for the present) because seeing them all together makes a discernible pattern—which gives me more information about myself and my thought patterns.

Heal Your Body has given me additional hope and comfort through some hard times. Although nothing in this book is an "overnight fix", it's certainly made a difference in my life. I like to keep it by my bedside and read the relevant affirmations each night.

A wonderful book to have by your side if you're searching for some unconventional answers that make a lot of sense. Highly recommended!
5 reviews
April 24, 2014
I was referred to this book by a famous hypnotist named Steven Parkfield. This book is a companion book to heal your life, which is by the same author. This book is amazing, and may sound somewhat OUT THERE at first, just start examining others around you who suffer from problems, you will then start to see how right this book is. I was a cigarette smoker for awhile, and after reading this book I quit. Now, this had nothing to do with "reading" the book, but everything to do with implementing the lifestyle into my own. I had a lot of anger and resentment toward my parents and people from the past, that I had never dealt with. I have now realized the phrase from the book, "outward symptoms are the result of inward conditions", is 100% true. BOOK HIGHLY SUGGESTED!!!
Profile Image for Noha Gad.
218 reviews9 followers
November 10, 2022
Just bullshit

فكرة الكتاب أن الأمراض الجسدية مرجعها إلي أمراض نفسية
أنا متفقة تماما مع الفكرة من حيث المبدأ

و لكن طرح الكتاب مبتذل لأقصي درجة
علي سبيل المثال
عدوي فيروسية
كيف أرجعها إلي فكرة داخل عقلي أو حتي سبب نفسي
يمكن أن نرجعها إلي ضعف المناعة
و لكن لم أقتنع بفكرة أن شخص تمت أصابته بعدوي فيروسية
بسبب إنه يحمل الغضب تجاه نفسه و العالم
فكرة جيدة و لكنها خرجت بشكل مبتذل و ردئ
Profile Image for Thebookvamp .
145 reviews8 followers
September 29, 2013
This book gives the positive waves to our body... "YOU ARE WHO YOU THINK YOU ARE" is the basic of this book. Its about how we can mentally heal our physical body "metaphysical". It gives a detailed healing method for every pain and suffer u have in ur body and mind, with no medicines or treatments but by Your Thoughts. I think its very useful to have it in our hands. Physical pain goes or not, am sure... if we follow, we feel Positive.
Profile Image for Allirock.
53 reviews
June 9, 2008
Well, if you know me, you know I am into ways of natural healing and all that hippie crap. So, Bev gave me this book and I really did love it. Even though it is more like a guide than a book, I really learned a lot from it. Saying the affirmations in it really have helped me with my anxiety.
Profile Image for عبدالعزيز زايد.
Author 19 books60 followers
March 6, 2021

كتاب اشف جسدك
للكاتبة: لويز هاي

فكرة الكتاب جديدة لم نسمع بها، رغم أنها قد تكون مفيدة لجلب الصحة، إلا أننا لا نرى أن هناك علاقة بين الأمراض الفيزيائية والتفكير أو الماورائيات، الكتاب نرى أنه يقارب الهرطقات التي لا صحة لها، ولم تعرض الكاتبة تأسيسًا جيدًا لهذا الإدعاء.

لهذا لم نرغب في اكمال قراءة الكتاب،
رغم أننا اطلعنا على كتب جميلة للكاتبة
نشرت فيها الإيجابية في جو معقول.

نتطلع لمطالعة كتاب آخر للمؤلفة
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jen Halligan.
502 reviews253 followers
December 18, 2020
I first got this as an audiobook and though it was interesting, it is not the right format for this book. Be sure to get a physical copy that you can reference when you need it!
Profile Image for Bioquímica da Leitura.
178 reviews7 followers
January 20, 2024

Este é um livro de auto-ajuda na área da saúde, no qual a autora estabelece relações entre a causa metafisica e as enfermidades físicas, como algo do género, o indivíduo tem o problema X, causado pela emoções Y e Z.
Do mesmo modo que a autora faz essa associação, ela igualmente escreveu afirmações, no sentido de encontrar a cura através do pensamento positivo.
Esta pareceu-me uma temática interessante, que despertou curiosidade em mim. Nunca li algo do género antes, pelo que não sabia bem que tipo de coisas eu viria a deparar-me, sobretudo porque este livro foi lançado inicialmente há mais de 35 anos.
Um aspecto cativante, foi a autora falar um pouco de si e da sua experiência e dar algum contexto à narrativa. Ela falou brevemente sobre os passos a tomar. O restante do livro são páginas de tabelas nos quais estão enunciados os problemas, as causas e o pensamento que a pessoa deverá adquirir.
Profile Image for Lady An  ☽.
713 reviews
March 3, 2018
Un librito cortito, que se lee en una hora, aunque estate preparado para no sentirte hipocondriac@. Muy ciertas las razones de los malestares, en muchos estaba consciente de que así eran. Recomendable para aquellos que quieran cambiar sus vidas.
Profile Image for ash.
51 reviews2 followers
May 5, 2019
I want to tell you why I even began to think about this sort of thing. I was very skeptical at first. In fact, I was one of those people who are really obsessed with science and “facts” and whatnot. But I see people attacking this woman for claiming cancer is a mental process and I want to defend her.

We discovered my grandpa to have stage III gastric cancer. I loved him very much, he was an important male figure of mine and man, I just love him endlessly. Cancer became a very sensitive subject for me. My grandpa lived for 4 and a half years, which was amazing odds for him. The interesting thing is this cancer seemed to develop right after he had this huge fallout with his sisters, which he never quite “digested”.

Another story. This acquaintance of mine, a woman of 65 was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer around the same time. This was ten years ago. They tried everything, but the cancer worsened to stage IV. She finally attended a couple healing sessions. Miraculously, her symptoms disappeared one by one and her cancer went into remission. She’s still alive and well to this day. I believe the five-year survival rate for stage IV cancer to be around 20%. This woman is now 75 years old, 10 years later. She even did some healing on my migraines on me when I was ten. My cheeks flushed and the migraines retreated.

What I’m saying is, don’t call this author off. I’ve seen this shit work.
5 reviews
November 17, 2017
I don't know, I couldn't get into this book. I'm always looking for good books on positive manifestation / the law of attraction, but I read her biography and the very beginning of the first chapter, and, I don't know....is it me, or is she really judgmental? Not just towards others, but to herself as well. I also think she's taking the law of attraction waaaaay too literally. While I get the concept, I found some of her notions to be rather far-fetched (not EVERYTHING is our fault - and I doubt we choose our parents).

A much better book on the law of attraction is Shakti Gawain's Creative Visualization - it just seems to make much more sense.
Profile Image for Mamey.
244 reviews28 followers
March 15, 2013
I LOVE Louise Hay! This book is a great addition to those particular books that you will go back to often. Reference books, is what I call them. I love her philosophy and her concepts of what you say becomes your life. Very powerful. As I read through some of the health issue's I've experienced, I had to really be honest with myself and admit alot of uncomfortable things about myself. It was eye-opening and hopefully will stick and remain with me forever so I can continue to grow and improve my life.
Profile Image for Sara.
375 reviews
January 18, 2013
it was interesting to say the least, but not my cup if tea. well i do agree with some things she says, but not with everything else. i.e. about eye sight in regards to near sightedness? i've had bad eye sight since i was a child. as a child not even 10, i was not afraid of the future? the future was allicould think about andhow exiting it would be growing up. and i accepted guidence and i knew i was safe...

well... i guess its each to their own.
Profile Image for Nancy Mramor-Kajuth.
Author 1 book4 followers
June 14, 2016
Louise Hay offers an explanation for illness that is different from the medical perspective and takes into account the whole person. She is a ground-breaking author and spiritual teacher with a wealth of wisdom to offer.
Profile Image for Mohra.
139 reviews31 followers
August 12, 2018
مختصر لطيف وبسيط عن الاسباب الفكرية وراء الامراض،، الفكرة الرئيسية للكتاب انه اذا غيرت نمط تفكيرك وحديثك الداخلي مع نفسك... راح يختفي العرض او المرض ..ولكل مرض هناك فكرة سلبية انت امنت بها ورددتعا كثير مع نفسك حتى تسببت في ظهور المرض،، لكل مرض فكرة مرتبطة فيه
وسلامتكم 💜
Displaying 1 - 30 of 429 reviews

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