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Creepy Hollow #3

The Faerie War

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Driven by action, suspense, and a strong heroine, this deliciously detailed, bestselling YA fantasy will keep you turning the pages right up until the epic conclusion...

Violet Fairdale is in big trouble. Her home is gone, her beloved forest lies in ruins, the guy she gave her heart to has deserted her-and she doesn't remember any of it. The powerful Lord Draven is taking over, brainwashing guardians into fighting for him. No one is safe from the evil spreading throughout the fae world.

As alliances are forged between the remaining free fae, Vi struggles to reclaim her identity and figure out where she belongs in this new world. When someone from her past shows up, life gets more complicated. He brings with him a long-forgotten weapon and an ancient prophecy that places Vi at the center of the fight against Draven. With the future of the fae world at stake, can Vi carry out the prophecy's instructions before it's too late?

380 pages, Paperback

First published October 1, 2013

About the author

Rachel Morgan

48 books1,757 followers
Rachel Morgan spent a good deal of her childhood living in a fantasy land of her own making, crafting endless stories of make-believe and occasionally writing some of them down. After completing a degree in genetics and discovering she still wasn’t grown-up enough for a ‘real’ job, she decided to return to those story worlds still spinning around her imagination.

These days she spends much of her time immersed in fantasy land once more, writing fiction for young adults and those young at heart.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 449 reviews
Profile Image for Ben Alderson.
Author 27 books13.9k followers
August 17, 2015
this book is everything to me.
this series is everything to me...
i can not cope! I love Vi and Ryn! so so much <3 the magic, war and action in this was FANTASTIC!
Profile Image for Norah Una Sumner.
869 reviews511 followers
January 3, 2016
I'm actually crying.

Oh,man.This series.THIS SERIES.Emotional roller coaster,that's what this book is.It had everything I needed - romance,action,heart wrenching moments,bittersweet plot...and an epic ending.MORE PEOPLE NEED TO READ THIS SERIES.READ IT.
R E A D . I T .


Rachel Morgan is a freaking boss.
Also,she tweeted me and now I love her even more.


Favourite quotes:

“Getting all philosophical on that side of the wall, are you?” I tease.
“Well, there isn't much else to do on this side. You telling me your side's more exciting?”
“Totally. I've got loads of entertainment here.A pink troll riding a unicycle and juggling fire sprites.”

“Can't sleep without a wall between us?”
Yeah, I'm really missing that wall.I now get the loud version of your snoring instead of the muffled version.”
227 reviews254 followers
October 21, 2013
The Faerie War was absolutely amazing! I devoured it and loved every second. I am so sad it is over though. The Creepy Hollow series is one you all should be thinking of adding to your library!

The Faerie War starts off with Violet... only she is a little different. Yep, she lost her memory. Everyone is preparing to go into hiding from the mysterious being destroying Creepy Hollow. The beginning was very exciting as you are plunged straight into the world with no time to be bored! Also, lucky for us, we get the second section from Ryn's point of view. I loved reading from his perspective, especially since he is such a unique and awesome character. We all fell for him in The Faerie Prince, but I promise he will impress you even more in this conclusion!

I can not not mention the wonderful humor. I laughed and smiled countless times. The banter between Ryn and Violet is so entertaining! Also, the readers were introduced to some awesome characters such as Em of the London Guild. She was so cool! Her job is to provide comic relief for the team, as she put it! Em perfectly balances out Fin, who is very serious and subdued. Also, we meet Jamon, a Repticilla, in the beginning. At first, he is kind of unlikable, as he has an understandable-ish grudge against Violet. Eventually I grew to really enjoy his character.

We also meet Tilly, who has an important part in the book, but I won't tell you why in fear of spoiling the book! Tilly is also a pretty awesome character who, like Em, had some pretty awesome lines. Here is one I could relate to, this is said while she is welcoming Ryn and Violet into the house: "My mom would probably say 'Please excuse the mess' but, honestly, I think it looks fine." That line made me laugh inside. (Also, that line is from my memory so it may not be the exact quote.) In the beginning, we are led to believe that Tilly might not exactly be all there upstairs. Yeah, that scene was very entertaining!

The ending was epic. My mind was blown by the excellence of the final scenes. My emotions were running high as the darkness and climax approached and the very, very last chapters were so sweet and powerful. Overall, The Faerie War is an action packed read with an amazing romance and unique characters that have a special place in my heart. I know I will reread the series again and again!

*I received this book for free in exchange for a honest review. My thoughts above are 100% honest*

4.5/5 Stars
Profile Image for Kevin.
1,601 reviews34 followers
June 19, 2017
This wraps up the first arc of Creepy Hollow series, I like that it has a fast moving plot and a kickass heroine.

I don't like
Profile Image for Cally Jackson.
Author 6 books52 followers
November 11, 2013
I was a little nervous about reading this book, because the finales in the last few trilogies I've read have all disappointed me (cough cough, The Hunger Games, cough cough, Delirium). Thank goodness, The Faerie War bucked the trend and did the rest of the series justice.

In the previous books, Violet was my favourite character, but Ryn stole the show for me in this one. All of my favourite moments were either when he was narrating or at least in the scene. I think my absolute favourite part was

When I started reading The Faerie Guardian all that time ago, there's absolutely no way I could have predicted what happened throughout the series, and I think that's a real testament to Rachel Morgan's skills as a writer. She really kept things fresh and had me guessing right till the very end.

The only part I wasn't totally enamoured by was . But that's a small gripe, really. Overall, the book was wonderful and the series was fantastic. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anybody who enjoys a good faerie tale. It's so nice to be able to recommend a series without having to say, 'But the ending is a let down.'

Hooray for The Faerie War!! :-)
Profile Image for Marianna.
479 reviews127 followers
March 11, 2018

The Faerie War is the concluding novel of the Creepy Hollow Trilogy that follows the faerie Violet Fairdale.
I felt that this last book fell a little flat. It was shorter than the other two and it showed. The events were happening at an incredible speed which made me feel like it was all rushed, and the problems did not get solved with the right speed. There was this IMMENSE issue somewhere during the end right? And in like 2 pgaes they had already solved it and moved on to the next obstacle. I don't know, I think the author should have taken her time instead of rushing to meet all loose end, cause the ideas and the plot were solid.

Anyway, I really enjoyed this trilogy and if you're looking for something fast-paced, full of action and romance then definitely give this a go!
Profile Image for Amarilli 73 .
2,488 reviews86 followers
May 2, 2021
3,5 - Arrivata alla conclusione della trilogia, devo osservare con rammarico che questo si è rivelato per me il volume meno incisivo, quello che mi ha lasciata con un retrogusto amarognolo in bocca (ben più del secondo che, invece, mi era piaciuto, anche nell'ultima parte).
Non posso dire che LA GUERRA non sia stato un romanzo vivace; anzi, ci troverete tanta azione, combattimenti, sorprese, agguati e missioni per trovare un'Arma in grado di fermare il temibile Lord Draven.
Tuttavia è come se l'autrice ci invitasse a un banchetto, cominciasse a servire pietanze in crescendo e... quando arriva al dessert, decide all'improvviso che è tempo di mettersi a dieta!

Ma come? Bastava un capitolo conclusivo più sostanzioso.
Insomma, Nate meritava due parole due in più e dopo tanto combattere Vi poteva prendersi una pausa di conforto e smettere di fare la guardiana in perenne missione, per qualche scena con Ryn e gli amici ritrovati.
Credo che fosse legittimo aspirare a un LUNGO capitolo per riannodare i tanti fili, consentirci di fare mente locale e comprendere appieno la portata della storia.

Nel complesso, ho apprezzato questa trilogia Young Adult, l'ho trovata interessante, con buone ambientazioni e personaggi validi.
Però alcune parti potevano essere sviluppate maggiormente (mia opinione), dal momento che la Morgan poteva contare su un buon impianto iniziale.
Detto in soldoni: more Oryn, please.
Profile Image for Kayleigh {K-Books}.
1,085 reviews33 followers
March 30, 2016
The Faerie War Review on K-Books

Holy Crap!!!! This book was absolutely blow your pants off fantastic! After the ending of The Faerie Prince I genuinelly could not wait to read this book and find out what was going to happen. The Faerie War did not disappoint and a part of me is devastated that Violet and Ryn's story is over. I'm going to miss them so much!

The Faerie War was a little harder for me to get into than the previous two books in this series. A part of me was dying to find out what was going to happen but with Violet's memories of everything gone I found it harder to get into as I just wanted the old kick-ass Vi back. Saying that once I got used to this new memory-less Vi I still loved her. She was different but still the same Vi that I loved from the previous books. The more I read the more I loved and I couldn't believe what was happening with the new big bad villian.

Nate... what the freaking hell Nate. I get that Vi hurt your feelings but seriously??? That is no excuse to do what you did. Considering I really liked Nate in the first book, I started to dislike him a lot in book 2 but after this one??? Yeah I hate him. I spent the majority of this book just wishing he would be killed already. I feel slightly bad for him but still hate him. Stupid Boy!!!!

Ryn.... oh be still my heart! I adore Ryn. He is officially one of my all time favourite characters ever. He's amazing and he was so much more amazing in this book. Once he found out about Vi's lack of memories he was devastated but he seen became determined to make her fall back in love with him *swoon* He is totally the best.

The Faerie War was an explosive and amazing finale to Vi and Ryn's story in the Creepy Hollow series. This is without a doubt now one of my all time favourite series and I am so excited to read Calla's story in the next 3 books and as much as I want to devour book 4 and 5 right this second (and they are waiting on my bookshelf ready) after the book 2 cliffhanger I am waiting for book 6 to be released so I can binge read Calla's story as I did Violet's.

The Faerie War was phenomenal and I cannot recommend the Creepy Hollow series enough. It was utter perfection and one I know I will re-read again and again. Definitely one for the favourites shelf. I adored every moment of it.

"It was about growing up together. It was about knowing your fears and dreams. It was about forgiveness. It was about making you laugh and being there when you cried. It was about knowing that even if we lived for centuries, I'd never get tired of having you at my side."

Profile Image for CARLA.
992 reviews40 followers
May 20, 2017

I felt this was a great ending to a wonderful series. Even though it shows it is a seven books series, this is the last story with our MC's in them. The others go on and focus on other players in the same world. I will probably read them in the future but not right now.

For those of you that pay attention, this is one of my all time favorite series, I have read it about three times so far and I'm sure I will read it again in the future. Violet is just my kind of gal! She is smart, stubborn and shows real growth throughout really making me love her all the more. There is nothing more crappy than a stagnant MC. It kills my enjoyment of a series.

And Ryn is my kind of love interest. He is patient, supportive and passionate about Violet without being domineering and possessive. He also exhibits a life outside of their relationship which is sooooo refreshing. In fact, they aren't really with each other for most of this book.

The ending was wholly unpredictable for me (the first time I read it) and I really enjoyed the twists throughout the story. Highly recommend this series for those who love YA Paranormal.
Profile Image for Crystal Collier.
Author 5 books185 followers
June 1, 2017
This was a great story with wonderful tension and a great cast of characters--especially the new ones. As the conclusion of the trilogy, I loved how the story took us to new grounds, new environments, and greater conflicts. My only issue is that the reader is more in the know at the beginning of the book than the characters, and we just have to wait for them to catch up. That doesn't last for too long, but if you go in expecting that, you'll be prepared to enjoy a wonderful book.

I found the conclusion satisfying. It was a great series and I very much enjoyed reading it.

Content warning: Cussing, significant violence, some steam.
Profile Image for Devann.
2,458 reviews176 followers
July 1, 2017
This was pretty good but I'm not a huge fan of the amnesia trope and while I do like Violet and Ryn's relationship I just spent the LAST book watching them fall in love so I really don't also need to spend this one watching them do the exact same thing only Violet has amnesia. Also I figured out who the spy was like right away so that wasn't terribly riveting. Still it was a good story and I do like this world.
Profile Image for Becky Moynihan.
Author 15 books323 followers
December 3, 2018
What a ride! I was so nervous to start this book and had many moments of panic while I read it because I discovered something: Rachel Morgan likes to spring unexpected surprises on her readers!! I won’t spoil anything in this review though. Let’s just say that my heart had ALL the feels by the end!!
Profile Image for What Makes Patri.
298 reviews203 followers
October 29, 2013
We are The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club, to know more about this book, go to the post in our website:

The Faerie War (Creepy Hollow #3) by Rachel Morgan

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The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club

The Unofficial Addiction Book Fan Club's Review:


I have to confess that after finishing the second book in the Creepy Hollow series I was afraid. Well, to be more accurate, I had a hard time reading the last pages of the second book. I knew what was going to happen and was all too devastating.
However, I also have to say, that I was beyond anxious to know what was going to happen, finally! And I am definitely team Ryn, so I wanted to know everything related to Violet and Ryn and Creepy Hollow.
At the beginning of the story, Violet doesn't remember anything, and gets to see the devastation of what was before a forest, her home. It was really sad, both parts: for Violet not being able to remember a thing and for the forest. I pictured myself, thanks to the other two books, what Creepy Hollow was like and couldn't imagine that being burnt.

"The forest is dead. Silence makes the air feel heavy. No movement stirs beneath the blackened leaves and twigs that litter the ground.. The trees left standing are naked. Even the sunlight filtering through the skeletal branches is dull and weak. I wish I could remember what it looked like before."

Once again, Rachel Morgan did an excellent job. Reading her books is easy and you jump into the story, being one more character in Violet's life. Without knowing what's happening, you can easily finish the book in one day and want more! And the only thing that makes me truly sad is that this book was the final one in the Creepy Hollow series. I feel like it could go on forever and I couldn't complain! I am definitely on team (if exists) "I-want-more-Creepy-Hollow".

"You will stop at nothing to rid the world of his evil because you have everything to make up for."

As I said, The Faerie War is the last book in the series, so everything is more on edge. Violet needs to defeat Lord Draven, she has no memory and, most important (for me), she doesn't remember Ryn! Why? How could you, girl?!
I loved their relationship and were heartbroken when Violet didn't remember a thing, including my her beloved Ryn. Despite this we get to forgive her because Ryn's on a mission to find the weapon that would save them all. And he hasn't lost his memory like Violet, but he doesn't know if she's alright or even alive. But I cannot tell you more, because I am afraid I'll do some massive spoiler.

"You're telling me I have to win your heart all over again?"
I shrug. "I guess."

Back to the story, The Faerie War is a mixture of good versus evil, having the final and brutal battle everyone's expecting since the second book to happen. In the middle of this chaos, Rachel Morgan creates a romantic relationship making it even better, if that was possible.

"The kiss only lasts a few seconds, but my brain has time to register several things:
Once, his lips are softer that I expected. Two, the eerie, hypnotic melody clears from my mind, and the sounds around me seem to dim for a moment. And three, the adrenaline spike I wish was running through him right now, jolting him awake from his enchanted lethargy, seems to be shooting through my own body."

I am definitely re-reding this book until I know every word! And I highly recommend it to you.
Because it's an epic fantasy story worth reading it, we are giving to The Faerie War five gorjuss dolls and telling you, Book Addicts, that this is a must read book. And that if you haven't read the other two books, this is the perfect chance now that you have the whole series available. You are gonna love it!
Profile Image for D Call.
665 reviews28 followers
September 24, 2019
Rating: PG13 for magical violence
Sex: steamy kisses 
Language: none
Violence: it's war, no torture though
HEA or Cliffhanger: HEA 
Do I need to read books before this one: yes
Would I read more of the series: yes, I did

I did not expect this trilogy to affect me so much! Violet, Nate, and Ryn are so well developed, and the plot is so well thought out and character driven. I can't think of anything that happened that wasn't because of a character making an understandable choice for him/herself. The pacing was good. Adding new characters and having familiar characters die was so realistic (sad, not gory). I had other things to do today, but it was more critical I finish so I know what happened! I wish the ending had been different…. I wept. 

It's been 1 month since The Destruction Reptiscillas are treating Violet. Farah found her, Jamon (grandson) was the first to try to kill her. Draven has brainwashed all the faeries and wants to rule all races. She and Jamon are above ground, hoping to find something to trigger her memory, when they hear other faeries saying that only unmarked faeries set off the Draven's sensors. Jamon uses camouflage magic on them both, then they run back, and he puts a blindfold on her again after a little fight. Just before they're about to go Underground, those guards find them. She instinctively fights back after taking off her blindfold, shooting one of the guards with an arrow to save Jamon. Because he'll heal if the arrow is taken out within an hour, they take him prisoner.

The reptiscilla leaders meet to decide what to do with Violet. They've decided they can't let her go, but is she guest or prisoner. Jamon thinks they should get her help. They ask her to be a warrior as they move spots, hiding from Draven. She meets Jamon's mother. She's the reptiscilla Violet intercepted trying to kill Nate. They will work together to rid the world of the evil. 

After the meeting, Jamon says he doesn't think of her as a guardian anymore. He doesn't like guardians because they protect humans, faeries, sometimes other fae, but mostly end up killing other fae for not evil crimes, and who judges the Guardians?

Violet transports stuff because reptiscilla can't. She can't transport people because they'll die in faerie paths. Just as she almost done, Draven's forces arrive. She barely gets away. At the new home, the group with the children arrives. They had been attacked until attackers saw the children and backed off. Natesa, Jamon's girlfriend, is severely hurt. 

Violet and Jamon take a hike. Draven's power had turned summer to winter, no fall, over the entire realm. The prisoner revealed that followers have a snake-eating-its-tail tattoo on their right palms, the full insignia on the shirt. As soon as brainwashed, mark appears. He's got the Guardians and the special army of fairies with extra powers. 

Violet visits Natesa. Jamon is intended to marry another Leader Supreme's daughter. Afterward, Violet re-reads Ryn's note. He's away undercover. 

Ryn is on a mission from Kale, Violet's dad. No communication devices allowed. He's searching for members of the Order of the Guard, a group hiding a weapon capable of bringing down Tharros. He's not aware of The Destruction. He misses Violet. 

He finds the way in! Tryce tells Ryn about storms inside the faerie paths, making travel that way impossible. Tryce and Yale, his father, have been waiting centuries. The sword has the words of a prophecy on it, received while it was being forged. "Two halves in one have more power than a whole. The fae world will bow beneath his mark. Only the sword can stop him, and only one can wield the sword: the Star of the high land. She is hidden, but the finder will find her. She will break the whole in half. By the strike of the sword, and the death of innocence, evil will be laid to rest." The 18 members will accompany Ryn and the sword back. He opens up, letting their excitement + enthusiasm overrule his anxiety. A few days later, they come upon a ruined faerie community with a Guild. Finally the faerie paths are working.  His home is destroyed; Violet's is, too. He almost cries. He collects her ribbon bracelet and father's ring. Then he finds Filigree! Draven's people find them, fight ensues. Ryn learns the faerie paths are monitored now. After they knock everybody out, they run for an hour. The Order gives Ryn leadership because it's his world. They meet Oliver (Tora's boyfriend) and Em, two unmarked guardians. 

5 days later, they arrive at their headquarters. Linden, Ryn's dad, is there! Calla and her mother are safe at another hidden base. They don't know about Ryn's mom.

Weeks later, a group reports they attacked reptiscilla children and then backed off. Ryn says we have to work with everybody, even those from Underground. Kale summons Ryn, even past the tattoos on his wrist. Kale says he hasn't found Violet, but he did find Tora. Didn't see Zinnia, does know Zell is dead. Ryn reports he got the sword, but only one person can wield it and that person has to be found by the finder. Which no one can find right now. 

Natesa tells Violet why Jamon hates Guardians. His best friend learned human alcohol had greater effect on fae, got drunk, Jamon was trying to get him to come home, a guardian killed the friend. Jamon surprise attacks her so she'll learn how to call her weapons, fails. Jamon and Violet are off to recruit mer-people in an Underground bar. Violet hopes to stir memories. 

They talk with the bar owner, who says mer-people and sirens have an agreement. The elf and pixie populations do, too. Then marked guardians arrive. But they're off the job and looking for a different bar, so they leave. Later, Violet and Jamon leave. The Guardians catch up. It's Ryn, except she doesn't recognize him. They all go back to Ryn's base via magic carpet; she thinks it's her first ride. He takes her to his room. He accepts she remembers nothing, and he's glad she kept his letter. She doesn't recognize Filigree. They've got to get her fixed. They bump into Oliver on the way to Uri's. She overhears Ryn express his feelings (love, frustration) to Uri. Uri tells her she must have taken the Forget potion. 

Ryn found Violet's mother's box and gives it to her. In it is a letter from Rose. While pregnant, she was told by an elf that she'd received a vision that her daughter would cause the great evil of Tharros to be reborn but she would also be the key to removing the evil forever. The letter identifies Nate as the person. Ryn explains to Violet her finding power; that if she touches the sword, which technically belongs to the Star, should be able to find the Star. Then they have a fight because he's hurt beyond all belief. She apologizes and asks about their relationship. “Arguing and kissing,” I say slowly. “Was our relationship about anything more than that?” "Way more. It was about growing up together. It was about knowing your fears and dreams. It was about forgiveness. It was about making you laugh and being there when you cried. It was about knowing that even if we lived for centuries, I’d never get tired of having you at my side.”

Em volunteers their group to go find more marked people to test Uri's new potion that removes the branding and the brainwashing. They split up at the Creepy Hollow Guild. Ryn and Violet are attacked, and one of them is Zinnia, Ryn's mom. Em, Max, and Fin stun Zinnia and capture the big guy. The potion doesn't work on Zinnia. They barely get away, but Zinnia got the bag of cures they were testing. On the way back, they find Amon, the librarian, who knows about the weapon's protectors.

They talk with Uri about the cure not working, and there's a round object on the counter that wasn't there before. Later that night, there's an explosion. Ryn gets Violet out on a dragon named Arthur. Ryn gets a message from Em, and Violet feels jealous. Ryn looks happy. They're flying over the ocean toward where she sees the Star is, and two manticores chase them. During the battle, Arthur gets hit and Violet and Ryn end up in the ocean. The other faeries, unmarked, capture them in a net, then stun them. 

They wake in prison. No sword. Ryn asks that there be no weird silences between them, that if all they can be is friends, he'll be happy with that. Their captors want to be left to their own business, so they've made a deal with Draven to be bounty hunters for unmarked fae. Ryn and Violet get separate cells, thanks to contained lightning. Ryn is injured, she's worried. When he finally wakes up, they talk and he tells her about his feeling other people's emotions. He fills her in on her life, that she loved him but was too afraid to tell him, and she wishes Tharros's power had never been released and they could have had their happily ever after.

For 5 days, they talk while captured. Then they're knocked out again, Violet wakes up in a cage in a winter wonderland being taken to the Unseelie Court. They're rescued by Tilly, a girl who has a lightning container and also has Arthur. Ryn is still stunned, and Violet is injured, so she kisses him in an effort to wake him up. It wakes her up, too. 

Tilly saw them get captured, followed Arthur and made friends with him, and was on her way back to rescue them. She stole a lightning container and followed them through the faery paths. Tilly takes them to her home, which is a floating island untouched by Draven. They land, Arthur shrinks small enough to be on Ryn's shoulder. Her home is in a tree. She had stolen their bags, including the sword. Tilly touched the sword and it glowed. Her full name is Estelle, so she is the Star of the high land. The island measures time differently. A day here could be a month there, or a day here could be an hour there.

Violet's leg injury isn't healing. They tell Tilly her destiny, she accepts it, but her parents don't and eject their guests. They wait at the lake to see if Tilly is able to convince her parents. Ryn shares the story of when he healed Violet's broken leg because he still feels protective. He leans toward her, she likes that he might kiss her, and the drawing he had been making with his stylus in the air bursts into flame. We know what that means! Then Tilly arrives, and they all leave.

They get to the base, and find out it's been a month whereas they think it's only been a week. They're going to war tomorrow. Oliver takes the sword and Tilly to keep them safe. Ryn and Violet meet up with Em and Max, Violet feels jealous of the attention Em is getting from Ryn, and she finds Jamon. Jamon saw Ryn's face fall when he realized Violet didn't remember him or her love for him, and Jamon decided right then that he's marrying Natesa because they love each other. Violet feels bad. Ryn comes, and he's friendly to Jamon, apparently over his jealousy. Uri arrives with the cure to her memory problem. She's afraid, but Ryn says take it, so she does. The potion doesn't work because of Violet isn't ready for it. 

Violet puts the healing potion on her leg, and talks to Filigree about her fears for tomorrow night, her feelings for Ryn. Ryn visits, nervous. He's afraid for tomorrow too, and wants to spend tonight with her. They go to the training area to the Fishbowl. He's made it into a beautiful forest with a river, a boat, and lots of fireflies. He reassures her he feels nothing for Em, that she's the only one for him. In the boat, he says he was upset about the potion not working because she deserves to have her memories back, not just because he wants her to love him again. He's accepted that that might never happen. She is still the same intelligent, stubborn, ass-kicking, beautiful Violet to him. She feels a burst, a glowing inside her, and he asks her to feel that again. They kiss, and it turns into an incredible makeout session that brings back all her memories. 

Tora died because of her! She takes the Forget potion but it doesn't work. She walks away from the destruction of her home, and Nate is there. He explains about the two comm glasses, that he could see her through them, that he used her need to be the best and prove herself to bring about this destruction. He's going to destroy everything she loves because she destroyed everything he loves (Zell killed Nate's parents in front of him as punishment for seeking Violet). He was lost and afraid, and she wouldn't forgive him for what he tried to stop; all he wanted was her acceptance, and she rejected him.

When she wakes up in her room, Uri is there. Ryn had been very angry because the prince is supposed to wake the sleeping princess with a kiss, not put her to sleep with it! Uri knew she needed to feel love for that potion to activate, because it was love that activated the other potion. She's got to find Ryn now to tell him that she loves him with all that she is. Before everything happens. She finds Oliver instead, and apologizes that Tora is dead. His eyes tear up. She sees where Ryn's team is on surveillance. She runs out there to talk to him. Armed men carry his motionless body away. Then she sees Draven's armies attacking. Oliver can't find Tilly, he gives Violet the sword. She realizes Amon is the traitor. Violet is trying to find Tilly; she's hidden from her mind. She's racing through corridors, staving off attacks. Asim, Jamon's dad, is injured by a mind-reading villain. Violet recognizes that talent, and lets her body take over the fight. Jamon finishes the villain off, and Violet rushes away. She recognizes it started with Nate and her, and it has to end with Nate and her. She goes to the Unseelie Court, is taken captive, and taken to Draven while still keeping the sword. 

Draven has marked Tilly and Ryn. Violet remembers Nate, works to experience his life, and tearily says I forgive you. And I'm so sorry for turning my back on you. It appears Nate is completely gone, leaving only Draven. He ties her up, brings in Tilly and Ryn. They're prisoners in their minds. Draven tells Ryn to say goodbye, he does while cutting her bonds and Tilly winks. Ryn attacks Draven, Tilly gets the sword and stabs him. Nothing. Draven kicks Tilly down the stairs and Ryn over the balcony. Violet fights with him, notices he's wearing a necklace. Kale was hiding in the ceiling, jumps down to protect her from storms. His shield fails, and it's just Draven and Violet. She realizes it's her who has to break the whole in half. She is dying, she remembers the connection they once had, and says, “I loved you and you broke my heart and I’m SORRY!” He stops killing her, the green leaves him, surrounds him as a fog, she and Tilly take the sword and slice down through the green and Nate. Chaos, then Nate and the sword are gone. She sees in Nate's screen that the marking is lifted from everyone. Ryn gets back to the tower, she shows him her memory is back and tells him she loves him. 

They have a celebration-of-life ceremony. Flint and Violet put a lei in the river for Tora. Violet puts in one for Nate, the real Nate who looked down at her. Lost. Confused. Alone. Fin died, as did Asim. The potion had worked on Zinnia; she took the bag of cures and went back to Draven a traitor. She healed Ryn and Tilly. 

Because Tharros's evil is gone, Creepy Hollow heals. Violet doesn't feel right at the new Guild, she wants to work with Jamon to get non-faeries as guardians. Ryn's not sure where he wants to work yet. He kisses her and returns her bracelet and ring. She thinks about a future ring and Ryn feels her excitement. They walk. Ryn suspects Zinnia and Kale might have a thing, started after Reed died. Unseelie Court is ruled by King Savyon. They finish walk by old obstacle course. They make a bet on who wins. 

Ryn's point of view when he finds Jamon and Violet: Ryn watched the two of them and wanted to yell, tear his hair out, pummel the nearest tree, something to express just how utterly, horribly, painfully cruel life was. He finally had her back, the girl he loved more than anything else, and all she saw in his place was a stranger. He couldn’t look at her anymore. It hurt too much.

Amon: He became a traitor because guardians cared only for physical prowess, not knowledge. Zell appreciated knowledge and paid for it, too. Amon liked moving pieces in the game. 

Ryn's point of view of being Draven's: Finally free to serve Draven. Zinnia comes in, and he apologizes for fighting her earlier. She stuns him and feeds him the cure. Zinnia explains the war is on and Draven expects Violet to come to him. Kale arrives, says to follow Draven's plan (Zinnia is curing Tilly). Ryn is confident Violet will come and will bring the sword. He knows her history with Nate and the guilt she carries over what she's done because of her. 
Profile Image for Megan.
171 reviews
June 10, 2015
A few spoilers will exist in this review, so read at your own discretion.

I will start by saying I loved this series. While I immediately loved book 1 &2, book 3 was a more of a challenge to love. We were left with a big time cliff hanger at the end of 2 that I was curious on where it was going to go.

With that being said, I was frustrated for a few reasons. I felt like the memory loss part just dragged on a bit, and I really didn't like the scenes with the Reptiscilla. I thought her connection to Jamon, which didn't seem to go anywhere was odd, and was extremely worried about where that was going. Additionally, I felt like her losing her memory was fine and all, but let's just say if it was not a huge part of the story and had been shortened it wouldn't have changed the outcome. I get why she prolonged it, and showing that Ryn would fight for her regardless, but it seemed like it was kind of pointless all together in some ways. Even when Violet regained her memories, her strong character voice was lost, at least to me, in a lot of ways.

Again, I understand that Vi's character went through some loss with friends in the story which can change a person in real life, but something was just a little off with her character. Ryn liked a girl that challenged him in a lot of ways, and Vi began to not seemingly be challenging (minus the memory loss), but again, something was just missing and I can't quite pinpoint.

Regardless, I loved the series and what it had to offer. I would have enjoyed getting more of Nate's scenes becoming Draven, as we touched on why he became who he became. Some of the story was just a little jagged and not as fine toothed as the 1&2. I am looking forward to the 4th, but great reads regardless. I flew through the first two, but had a harder time with this one. Probably because I was apprehensive to read it anyway, but I was thoroughly pleased overall. Great series!!!
July 23, 2015
Vi thinks someone made her forget LOL! there's someone, Violet, meet Violet xD

I was really confused by how the faerie prince ended. I didn't know what to think of Vi's decision. I know she was hurting but it kind of prolong the story more than it should. However, getting into the story of the third book, there are new characters who were easily likable as this is the case with this series. But Violet meets these people and they form an alliance to take down Draven who is on a destructive path in the fae world. He's destroying their homes and killing people and the guardians need to find the weapon to kill Draven but as the story progressed it's not an easy thing as it seems.

There are many parts I liked especially the Ryn and Violet reunion .. or semi-reunion. It really broke my heart but . Violet has to face the truth she's the one who took the "forget" potion. And she has to deal with her grief as she should have from the beginning. And this is why I think now the forgetting might not be a bad thing but it made Violet's character grow.

The meeting with Nate/Draven and Violet was very anticlimactic. I expected it to be more intense but it fell short of my expectations.

Overall, this is definitely one of my favorite series this year and I'm glad I picked the books up and went for them. I can't wait to read the next!
Profile Image for Ellen.
90 reviews31 followers
May 21, 2017
I am totally in LOVE with this series. This book is the one where the real action kicked in. This whole book is just packed with action, drama, love, forgotten love and love that returns. Sneaky people are a big part too and nobody seems to be who they pretend to be. Some turn out positive, some turn out to be assholes.
I'll have a really hard time to say goodbye too Ryn and Violet. It'll be hard to accept Calla taking over in book 4, but I'm happy Ryn and Violet will be living happily ever after in the end.
I'll be re-reading this series once I get my physical copies and I'll love this series forever. AND I'll force everyone in my literature course this school year to read this book too and they'll be forced to love it as much as I do!
So far I've experienced all possible emotions with this series. Rachel Morgan makes me feel everything the characters feel like Ryn is able to do.
Pure awesomeness!
Profile Image for Szinna.
412 reviews12 followers
January 13, 2015
Imádtam a sorozatot. Tulajdonképpen nem is gondolkodtam azon, hogy szeretem-e, csak azt vettem észre, hogy bekuporodtam a fotelba, és elfelejtettem mindent körülöttem. Szinte egyhuzamban olvastam végig. Az akciójelenetek, a karakterek jók. Nekem egy picit hiányzott az a „pillangók a gyomromban” (ahogy az angol mondja) érzés, de ez az egész sorozatra érvényes. Tudom, hogy abszolút ifjúsági, de olvastam olyat, ahol nem történt egyetlen csóknál több az egész történetben, mégis szinte izzottak az érzések a sorok között. Ennek a sorozatnak viszont az akciók voltak a hihetetlen erősségei.
Profile Image for Cocktails and Books.
4,111 reviews325 followers
October 17, 2016
I enjoyed the ending to Violet and Ryn's story. A lot happens to these two, but they grow and come to understand their circumstances, themselves and each other so much more as this portion of the Creepy Hallow series closes out.

I wasn't sure from book 1 where this series was going to end up, but I'm glad I read through these 3 books this weekend. The characters grew and became characters I wanted to get behind while the storyline moved quickly through the trails and tribulations these two would need to endure.

If you get a chance to pick up this series, it's worth the read.
Profile Image for Amanda.
11 reviews
September 14, 2018
I still loved the story, and it felt like a satisfying conclusion to Violet’s story. But I can’t get past the annoyance that everyone lets the heroine take the blame for someone else’s choices. All along, I kept waiting for someone, anyone, to point out the obvious, that no matter what we do or say, we cannot be held responsible for someone else’s bad choices. But through the whole book, and to the conclusion, it’s all her fault. Ugh, drove me crazy.
Profile Image for K.K. Summer.
Author 10 books73 followers
October 18, 2016

well I Really liked the romance in this one but other than that I must say it was a bit of a throwback in the action and character development department. and the ending was a bit too rushed and easy for my liking but I think this trilogy was really cool and I will definitely read the second trilogy as well!
Profile Image for EmmiK.
268 reviews
January 31, 2017
The closest series to Chanda Hahn's Unfortunate Fairy tales series. This is where I ended with the series. I felt like I was fine with the ending of this one and wasn't interested in continuing/spending more money on the series. These things can go on forever.
Profile Image for Annette.
3,329 reviews156 followers
January 16, 2020
The second book clearly was an in between book, crafting relationships and friendships and moving characters from A to B so we could get ready for the epic finale of Violet's tale. And as soon as I started this book I already knew that it was truly going to be epic. I started reading and I actually didn't want to stop anymore before I finished.

Everything we've learned and seen, everything that happened, every part of the world we've discovered and heard about, every item, every even minor character we've interacted with: It all comes together in this last book. The pieces of the puzzle click and I even cried a few tears at the very end, even though I wasn't that aware that I was so emotionally involved.

I mostly loved how this truly was Violet's tale. Yes, there was a big war and the big bad was on the brink of destroying the world as we know it, but in the end, it was all because of Violet. She was the one who started this story and we soon figure out that there will probably only be one person who has to play a big part in finishing this story: Violet. I was however glad that we also got some chapters from Ryn's Point of View, because he clearly saw a different part of the conflict and the world and his information really helped to get a clear image of what was really going on.

However, the most satisfying part was when their storylines came together again. Because somewhere during these three books I've started to ship them. And I'm not even a shipper. But somehow their relationship really works and works well. I was so rooting for them and watching them struggle and fight and search for each other again was both painful and amazingly wonderful.

I can't wait to dive into the next book and read Calla's story! We didn't see that much of Calla yet, but I don't doubt she'll make an awesome heroine!
Profile Image for sm.
12 reviews
July 22, 2023

I hated the whole memory thing. I just wanted to get her back to normal bc I felt like it added nothing monumental to the plot. Like it added but did I think it was a good addition? No.
I found myself a little bored waiting for draven to show up idk probably just me.
I still like ryn’s and violets relationship so at least I liked that.
I just felt like while the main finale fight was somewhat good I think the overall ending left me with so many questions. Like where did amon go? Bro got his bag and left apparently. What does the mention of violets father and ryn’s mother potentially having a relationship added to the end there?? The seelie queen just made no appearance? Where did Nate’s mother go??? Like she was mentioned that she was proud her son is doing this and yelling at her mother but she just disappeared?? It would’ve been nice to see her affect on Nate/draven. Could’ve explored something deeper as to why he choose to do what he did.
Lastly I felt like Nate’s/dravens reasoning as to why he hated violet and did what he did was kinda lame like okay so violet saved your life? So what? The guild sent her in the first place. Also I don’t understand how he was alone before his parents died. Where is your birth mother? Also you parents are still alive at this moment maybe go and see them? Idk. I wish that fact th at he choose the power for himself could’ve tied into his mother more like I said before. Since he was now alone with just his birth mother he wanted to please her and he had influence over him for sure as we saw in other books. But noooo she was nowhere to be seen for this book.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Lindy.
798 reviews199 followers
October 29, 2013
My Thoughts:

The Faerie War, by Rachel Morgan, is the third and final book in the Creepy Hollow Series. I have been a huge fan of these books since I began the first book in the series, The Faerie Guardian. I think all of the book covers in this series are absolutely beautiful, magical looking, and reflect the "feel" of the series itself. Whenever, I read a book from the Creepy Hollow Series, I am transported to another realm. Creepy Hollow might have come from Ms. Morgan's outstanding and creative imagination, but it has taken root in my heart, and I can see it clearly in my head. Imagine a beautiful place, lush with green plants, and majestic trees, colorful flowers, waterfalls, bugs that glow, various magical creatures. There is a variety of fae, from faeries, pixies, elves, Reptiscilla's (Reptile looking fae) etc. There are other creatures that live in the distance such as mermaids, "shrinking dragons," shapeshifting pets, creatures; half man, half Lion, etc. This is the beautiful place Ms. Morgan has created, and it's a place that I've loved since I first discovered its existence.

The Faerie War continued where The Faerie Prince left off. Vi has completely lost her memory of everything that she has ever loved, and doesn't realize that she is responsible for her current state of being. She had been captured by Reptiscilla's, an enemy of the faerie guardians, but has found a temporary home in the underground with a sweet, older, and wise Reptiscilla, Farrah. She is the grandmother of "Jamon," who will be the leader one day. At first, Jamon and most of the other Reptiscilla's didn't trust Vi, until the day she saves Jamon's life from one of Draven's (the enemy's) brainwashed followers. Then, she becomes a part of the community, grows closer to Jamon, and establishes a friendship with Natesa, a sweet and friendly Reptiscilla female that is around Vi's age.

A month has passed since, "The Destruction," which is where Draven came into unbelievable power, and destroyed Creepy Hollow along with most of the Fae Realm. Many of the Fae died, or were captured and brainwashed with a powerful spell, which made them do Draven's bidding. His goal is to take over the Fae realm, and eventually the human world as well. So, Vi and Jamon go off to get other Fae and magical creatures to ally themselves with, in the hope of eventually overthrowing Draven. In the meantime, Ryn was sent on a special mission and wasn't around when "The Destruction" took place. When he achieves his mission, he learns about what happened, and visits Creepy Hollow in the hopes of finding his family and Vi. He is astonished to see the state of his home, and is determined to locate his loved ones. In the meantime, Ryn joins forces with the faerie guardians that survived, and are in hiding, going on search and rescue missions. While on one of his missions, he locates Vi, but he is devastated when he realizes that she doesn't remember him. Vi is part of an ancient prophecy, that states that she, along with another person, referred to as "The Star," are the only ones that will be able to bring down Draven. So, Vi and Ryn embark on a dangerous and adventurous journey to find "The Star."

The Faerie War was quite an adventure. This story had an amazing setting, was full of crazy and imaginative plot twists, with never-ending action and suspense! Whew! This story was a thrill ride a minute. I loved the element of romance in this story too. I've been a huge fan of Ryn, since the first book in the series. I haven't been able to stop swooning over this kick-Butt, Snarky, Flirty, loyal and romantic character. However, in The Faerie War, my love for Ryn grew ten-fold. It was so hard seeing him sad and in pain after he realized Vi didn't remember him. However, I respected how he went out of his way to make her feel comfortable, and cared about. He didn't want to rush her or put pressure on her, but just by being himself, he made her fall in love with him all over again. Vi made a huge amount of character growth in this story. She grew wiser, more mature, learned patience, and a bit more about sacrifice. I've always loved how Vi is a strong, female lead, who can kick butt. Yet, the changes she made in this book made me love her even more. Whereas before "The Destruction," she was always obsessed with competition and being "The Best," at everything; in this book she finally grew up, and turned into one amazing faerie guardian.

My Rating:

I give The Faerie War, by Rachel Morgan, 4 Fantastic, Romantic, Suspense-filled, Action-Packed Stars! The Creepy Hollow Series is phenomenal! It is a great young adult, fantasy series that has kept me quickly turning pages, and this adventure has kept me completely hooked. It is creative, imaginative, fun, romantic, and takes me to another place. A place where magic is prevalent, beauty is everywhere, love and friendship blossom, and danger lurks around every corner, ready to destroy it all. If you love YA Fantasy, the Creepy Hollow Series is one of my absolute favorites!

My Favorite Quotes:

"I smile, but I feel hollowness forming inside me. Is that all I had with this guy?Arguing and kissing, I say slowly. Was our relationship about anything more than that? Of course, he says with a laugh. Way more. I watch his face grow series. Maybe he can tell I don't really believe him. He comes closer and gently takes my face in both his hands. His eyes won't let me look away. It was about growing up together. It was about knowing your fears and dreams. It was about forgiveness. It was about making you laugh and being there when you cried. It was about knowing that even if we lived for centuries, I'd never get tired of having you by my side." (eARC, Loc. 2055)

~Vi & Ryn

"Are you telling me I have to win your heart all over again? I'm pretty sure that's not what I'm telling him, but when he smiles at me like that I think it might not be such a bad idea. So I shrug and say, I guess. The smile curls higher, making his eyes sparkle. Challenge accepted." (eARC, Loc. 2062)

~Ryn & Vi

*To Read More Book Reviews, Visit A Bookish Escape at http://www.abookishescape.com

Profile Image for Carol.
947 reviews80 followers
April 29, 2019
THE FAERIE WAR (Creepy Hollow #3)

• ⭐️:4,3/5

💬: After the end of the previous book I was dying to read this one, specially because after the destruction of Violet’s guild she also has no memory of the people and things she loved. Ryn is away doing a secret mission and I just knew that there would be angst between them on this book, afterwall, she forgot the guy she loved and he has no idea until they met each other after weeks of thinking she was dead.
I really liked the way Violet reacted to Draven being Nate deep down and his downfall made a little redemption to the Nate under the power, the fact that she acknowledge that she loved Nate but she is in love with Ryn it was everything. I liked Nate before his whole transformation and for Violet to have to deal with having to face him once again but now as someone she doesn’t know...it was heartbreaking for both of us lol.
There is something about the way the writing flows that is always magical even with not so many descriptions, or even complicated ones, and it made me so happy. I expect to continue the series even though V and Ryn will not be the mains, because I’m curious to see where the author will go with this magical worlds she created <3
Profile Image for JenBsBooks.
2,172 reviews64 followers
March 14, 2018
I'm not sure why the cover image with the guy (Ryn? Draven?) is featured, MY Kindle edition has Violet on the cover, which matches with the first two books, and I like that much better. For the consistency, and because Violet is the star here.

I'd been a little nervous when I saw there were were so many books in this series. Once upon a time, I loved that, way back when I was struggling to find good books to read. Now, with hundreds of books waiting in my Kindle Cloud, I'm just not sure about committing myself to a series with so many books, especially when I would have to buy them (not on Kindle Unlimited, not at the library beyond the first two books). I'd snagged the first two books in the series for free, and I did buy this one, and was very happy with the closure here of this first trilogy.

Book 2 had ended with a cliffhanger ... and book three felt quite different as it started up. I mean, they were dealing with a faerie apocalypse. Things were different. Violet was different. It was just a little harder for me to get into, but I still sped through the story.

I'm really NOT a fan of Faerie tales ... but I really enjoyed this trilogy.
Profile Image for Amy.
2 reviews
November 22, 2017
THIS BOOK!! I mean, my oh-my-flipping-god face when The faerie prince ended?? It did not disappoint! It did not disappoint all!! Ugh! I loved everything about it! Loved Ryn and Violet, their love, the war, the thrill, the climax, the epic last chapters and oh! the emotional ups and downs? Goodness! My heart broke when Ryn and vi met and all the rest of time until there was hope but then there wasn’t oh but then there was and then it was gone again! I love how Rachel Morgan wrote everything.
I loved all the characters, loved the plot and its end. I binge read all the three books these past days and I could not put them down. This book wrapped the story well. I am sad vi’s story ended but I’m excited to get to know calla’s next. I’m definitely going to read the series again, definitely in that list. I absolutely recommend it.
Profile Image for Hetal.
767 reviews110 followers
November 8, 2018
Eh, arround 3.8 stars.

Its fun, but the whole memory thing annoyed me and was ,quite frankly,a completely unnecessary plot device that really didn't accomplish a whole lot. Otherwise, good writing as always, funny dialogue, and heart-warming characters.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 449 reviews

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