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The Happy Medium: Life Lessons from the Other Side

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The world-famous medium and star of Lifetime Movie Network’s #1 rated show The Haunting Of . . . tells her story, shares some astonishing, never-before-revealed details of her celebrity readings, and teaches you how to harness your own energy and access the world beyond our own.

When she was nine years old, Kim Russo discovered she had an amazing gift—she could communicate with the dead. Deeply skeptical, she denied her talent for years. But as she gradually reconciled her ability with her religious beliefs, Kim embraced who she is—and what she can do.

Known as the “Happy Medium” for her authenticity, warmth, and her honest, positive readings, Kim has helped people from all walks of life to connect with those who have passed on. Now, this world renowned medium demystifies the world of the dead for everyone. The key to understanding, she contends, is energy, which cannot be destroyed.

The Happy Medium interweaves experiences from Kim's life with some of the best, most astounding behind-the-scenes stories of her celebrity readings from episodes of her Lifetime show, The Haunting Of . . . . In addition, she gives you the tools to access the energy that is all around us, including the experiments and lessons she uses in many of her sold-out appearances and courses around the world.

Following her mantra, “Let them lead you,” Kim shows you how to let the world of the dead guide you to greater understanding of life’s biggest questions.

240 pages, Hardcover

First published May 24, 2016

About the author

Kim Russo

2 books159 followers
Kim Russo, also known as The Happy Medium, is a psychic medium who has been able to see the spirit world since the age of nine. She is a certified by The Windbridge Institute for Applied Research in Human Potential. She has appeared on hit TV shows including Paranormal State, Psychic Kids, Celebrity Ghost Stories and she hosted Psychic Intervention. As of 2016 she is the host of the long running series The Haunting of… on the Lifetime Movie Network. Russo takes a celebrity back to the place of their haunting to uncover the true story of why it took place and who may be responsible. She also provides private readings, lectures, workshops and seminars.

Russo is originally from Long Island, NY and is the mother of three boys.

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Profile Image for Lee Hanks.
36 reviews2 followers
June 11, 2016
Oh my, where to start. Kim has done a wonderful job relaying the truths so many of us believe in. Kim book will make an unbeliever take a closer look at what he/she believes and why. As I write this my mouth is smiling thinking about how much I loved the part about being good to ones self. Treating yours e of with respect, love, and knowing that all roads will eventually get yourself to the path you determined before you were born. I love this book. My husband bought one for himself. Thank you Kim for helping me along with my journey.

I loved this book and I know I will devour it again in order to get every nugget of gold Kim wrote about. I am so thankful to Kim for her words of wisdom concerning how to treat ones self with love and respect. What joy to know we will reach our souls destiny even if we go down a road we did not originally plan before birth. Thank you Kim, I really love your spirit.
Profile Image for Linda.
271 reviews
May 29, 2016
I've read several books on mediums and spirituality, and this book was really good. Kim has such an easy writing style that when reading the book you feel like she's sitting right next to you talking with you. The stories are personal, relevant and lead to a lesson or insight for the reader. There are also lots of extras on how to develop or reflect on ones own abilities. How to ground yourself, what the chakra system is, different guides one can have,etc. are bonuses that relate directly to her stories. I really enjoyed it and it was a fast read too.
Profile Image for Erika Powers.
322 reviews
May 30, 2018
I enjoyed the first half of the book but quickly lost interest at the half way point. It's a kind of memoir/how to book but lacks specific examples of how to do stuff. She claims to be a Christian, yet believes in reincarnation.... and that she can read the Book of Life, and that souls are continuously sent back to earth for do-overs and opportunities to get it right. Apparently before you're born, you pick your family and pre-choose your life. I don't understand why anyone would choose anything but being flush yet there are billions of poor and starving and suffering people. Sounds like a load of shit.

I DID get something very important from the book though. The souls she's heard from who have dies by suicide have ALL told her they regret it.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Tracy.
770 reviews16 followers
October 21, 2019
The Haunting Of... series made me curious to know more about Kim Russo. I love that show, I lover her on the show and I love what peace she brings to visitors to the show. I loved this book even more. She explains her life, and how she struggled with the strange gift she found herself dealing with. She's grounded in God and faith, and I just loved every single thing she shared in this book.
Profile Image for Diana-christie Biancardi.
1,655 reviews32 followers
March 30, 2017
"In time you will get where you're meant to be...we are not in this life to suffer and sacrifice. Instead, we are here to inspire others by utilizing the gifts from our soul and exercising our unique creativity."

"We are not human beings having a spiritual experience, but rather, we are spiritual beings having a human experience."
Profile Image for Jessica.
762 reviews
February 24, 2023
I’m having a hard time with this one. I love her show, and find her psychic readings to be compelling and believable. I do not consider myself to be religious, or even spiritual (although I definitely believe there are spirits in the ghostly sense). Therefore my big struggle with this was all the talk of God and heaven and angels. I did find the subject matter interesting, but the religious and spiritual parts were too much.
Profile Image for Lorna Jensen.
9 reviews1 follower
July 11, 2023
Love "The Haunting Of...", love this book, love Kim Russo. I found it fascinating to hear stories of her experience. What a gift, and sometime what a burden! Great book...kept me wanting more all the way thru so a quick read for sure.
Profile Image for Sally Kilpatrick.
Author 17 books279 followers
December 26, 2020
I can't even remember where I picked this book up. It was totally a whim. I started reading it on Christmas Eve because I'm going through my books to see which ones I'm keeping and which I'm tossing. Earlier this year I read a book on exorcism that was definitely headed to the latter pile, and i was pretty sure this one would end up there, too.

Nay, nay.

This is one of the better--if not the best--of the books I've read about being a medium. Its intention felt...purer? More heartfelt? Definitely, the ending where Russo exhorts all who read the book to reach for their higher callings and to use their gifts.

I did appreciate how she reconciled Christianity with her gifts, although I'm sure many will disapprove. I feel more as she does, though, that restrictive beliefs do more harm than good. Either way, I put down this book quite glad that I had picked it up and read it.
January 14, 2018
This was a wonderful read! Kim planned out the chapters well covering her early years and how she became e medium. She explains the types of psychic abilities and now they can be used together to enhance a reading. After sharing few of examples of her past readings she explains how you can develop or find to your own. I particularly enjoyed reading about her own fears, how they related to a past life and now she resolved it in this one. Thanks Kim! I also enjoy your real time chats on Facebook that's so much fun! God bless!😇
Profile Image for Perrin.
Author 5 books3 followers
October 24, 2016
There were a few things I didn't quite agree with, but overall, the experiences and tapping into our inner talents to connect with those on the other side rang quite true. I believe there are more of us out there with these gifts and talents who fear them, and thereby, turn down the blessings available if only we'd open our hearts and minds. Insightful and thought-provoking read.
Profile Image for Melissa.
27 reviews
July 15, 2016
It seems like she's repeating a lot of what Sylvia Brown wrote in her books :/
Profile Image for Kat Starwolf.
237 reviews11 followers
September 9, 2020
The Real Deal

A medium is a medium is a medium. One would think. But after seeing this lady in action I’d have to say that she is definitely NOT like any other psychic medium of whom I’m aware – at least based on the testimony of her clients, many of whom have allowed their accounts to be televised on her television shows such as the Lifetime Channel’s The Haunting Of … or A&E’s most recent iteration of Celebrity Ghost Stories. If you haven’t seen them yet, do yourself a favor and catch one or two. Or do what I did and binge-watch them (they’re that addictive!).

According to her clients she seems to be as spot on and mind blowingly accurate as the Sleeping Prophet, Edgar Cayce whose psychic abilities were so well known in the early to mid part of the 20th Century. However, while Cayce slept during the readings he gave, this lady is wide awake and engaged.

The primary attraction for me is how she ties the reason for the haunting into the client’s life and essentially helps them understand how they can heal themselves. In other words, it’s typically something that’s going on with the client that draws restless spirits to them. Ms. Russo is not just a medium, she is definitely a healer, since most of her clients walk away from their encounter feeling that their questions have been answered AND often that they’ve been healed from some emotional trauma (which manifests in the form of the hauntings) that may have followed them the majority of their lives.

This is not the only attraction for me, however. Although I’ve primarily been an astrological counselor for several decades, I’ve also been extremely drawn to learning channeling and mediumship. Especially after experiencing not only my own eerie occurrences, but also having been told by several psychics that I had that ability. However, while there are numerous practicing mediums, there are very few who teach the ability or are adept at doing so. And although I’ve read a few books by authors who purported to teach channeling, there has only been one other besides Ms. Russo who actually seems to teach channeling/mediumship, but even then the information is not arranged in as concise a manner as it is in this book.

So, is Kim legit? Even though I haven’t had the pleasure of one of her readings, based on her television shows, her books (both of which I’ve read) and the huge number of positive testimonials, I’d say that she’s definitely The Real Deal. And what’s more, she shows us how we can be, too.

Kudos to Kim Russo and her Spiritual Team for this contribution. It is greatly appreciated and so desperately needed.
Profile Image for Jose Perez.
3 reviews
February 6, 2021
Kim Russo's medium abilities can see the dead in her mind. In addition, she communicates with the dead more than the living as she stated her story in the entire chapter. I truly recommend to those who are skeptical in the after life that in our life is a full of mystery and possible that mysteries come into existence. Spirits DO exists without a doubt, and some are good and bad. Bad spirits can feed up your energy, and make their presence known (if you are scare of them or even if you are skeptical). Good spirits may come in your that in most instance, they can relate to them from the living. In general, spirits never crossed away because they get earthbound or they need to solve that never solve in the first place. Overall, you will be surprised in the end, that Kim Russo is all about closure and move the spirits to crossed into the light, and inspired many livings who are non-believers in the paranormal that our soul can also be earthbound. I truly recommend to those who's interested in the after life.
April 22, 2023
Just what I needed to know

It's true that when we're ready to learn something that can move us forward, the right information arrives. I'm not sure of what my contract entails yet, but Kim is a practical, logical, & down-to-earth teacher. I've had experiences communicating with the decreased but I'm not sure if that's my "thing" or main thing I'm here to do in this life. She has shown me how to quiet my mind and observe inside myself and my surroundings for the guidance I'm constantly being given but missing. Using herself as a great example helps me to see more places where I may find my clues. I bought her next book about finding our purpose so I should have a better idea of my path soon. If only Kim would be my mentor in person. For now she feels like my big sister who lives in my heart. This book is best for everyone who is ready to escape old trapping and critically judgmental ways of thinking. Also great for those grieving the loss of a loved one.
Profile Image for David.
1,630 reviews154 followers
March 16, 2019
In The Happy Medium, author Kim Russo details how she discovered and later developed her gift of being able to be a medium between individuals who have passed on to the afterlife and their friends and relatives still living in this life. Unlike most other books by and about mediums that focus more on examples of readings they have done, the author also provides a lot of detail about actually becoming a medium. She explains that everyone has the ability to some extent but most people never acknowledge or develop their ability; somewhat like strengthening a muscle through exercise and use. While I still consider myself skeptical on this subject, I do think there are things that happen that cannot be explained with logic and science. If you are a believer or just interested for entertainment value, in my opinion this is one of the better books on the subject.
Profile Image for Amanda Sexton.
155 reviews4 followers
February 13, 2024
DNF. I was really excited to read this book since I was told it’s not like all the other books by famous, psychic mediums. Spoiler…it is. Same statements. Same misinformation that can be found in a Sylvia Browne book. Russo lost me when she said that her sister didn’t get kidnapped as a child because her guardian angels were working overtime. I’m still waiting for a famous, psychic medium to discuss where our spirit guides are and where our angels are when bad things happen to people. Horrible things happen to people daily. So if we have a spirit team constantly watching over us then, how can Russo say that some people have a spirit team who helped them not suffer a horrible fate while others did not? It seems all psychic mediums are great at telling stories about people who have lead “blessed” lives.
Profile Image for Maurya.
756 reviews14 followers
February 14, 2019
I like these kinds of books - so I may be prejudiced. What I enjoyed about this one is the idea that we should remember to talk to the spirits that are continually around us. Ask for their help.

She also discusses how different people have different levels of empathy and the impact of taking that energy on and the importance of managing that. (I am fortunately or unfortunately not an empath, but I have people in my life who are.)

I would love to see her live... but not sure she comes to Australia.
Profile Image for Lisa.
752 reviews3 followers
August 16, 2024
When she was nine years old, Kim Russo discovered she had an amazing gift—she could communicate with the dead. Deeply skeptical, she denied her talent for years. But as she gradually reconciled her ability with her religious beliefs, Kim embraced who she is—and what she can do.

I should have done my research before getting this book. If I had known she was heavily into past-life regression and reincarnation, I would have passed on it. She seems really high on herself as well. I couldn't finish it.
Profile Image for Rosalinda Sepeda.
148 reviews8 followers
August 5, 2019
WOW! very well explained of a medium. I have taken other classes basis on medium, psychics but this one is well explained, prayers, samples of pass lives, getting in touch of yourself and inner self. Maybe this book is not for everyone but it sure was for me. We psychics, mediums tend to live in the higher self and forget to come back down to human life. Kim Russo is living in both worlds. Which is what I learned to live in both worlds.
Profile Image for Cami.
Author 2 books16 followers
December 27, 2021
I'm not sure exactly what compelled me to read this book, as I am not a believer in mediums, but I did find much of it fascinating. I had never heard of Kim Russo but enjoyed her writing and the story. I believe that spirits live on after death, and I appreciate how Kim brings peace and hope and comfort to those seeking it. I don't fully subscribe to all the things she presented as fact, but that's okay.
Profile Image for Amanda.
44 reviews3 followers
February 28, 2024
Took a while but I finally found the time to sit down and read this book. And it did not disappoint! I have loved and admired Kim since I first caught her show The Haunting Of... I will need to keep this book handy as she recommends some exercises to help you develop your psychic abilities. She covers concepts the I have run across before but she writes so clearly - the words just flow - and its easy to understand. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for Slaa!!!.
701 reviews19 followers
March 16, 2017
I love Kim! I love her energy and her heart. This was a really enjoyable read. I liked hearing about Kim's life and especially how she learned about her different abilities and how she got from one place to the next - and I enjoyed her general info about soul stuff, psychic abilities and her advice and exercises. A fun read!
142 reviews2 followers
May 26, 2017
This book isn't for people who think mediums are out to have fun. Kim Russo lets people know that she did not choose her path. She warns against dangerous spirits and how important it is to protect yourself when asking for help from the other sides. I don't want to mess with them, but I enjoy reading about people who do.
Profile Image for j_Fantastic.Reading.
10 reviews4 followers
June 6, 2018
I had a reading by Kim and she told me I needed to read her book. I downloaded the Audible book and would sit down and listen, as I followed along, with Kim. I couldn’t put the book down, I couldn’t get enough. Kim was right, I really did need this. I learned so much from her lessons and stories. This is a book I will absolutely pick up again.
Profile Image for Yahriel.
1 review
June 24, 2018
Kim does a wonderful job of sharing her journey into discovering her spiritual gifts. I especially love how she linked in her church experiences and eased the religious guilt of those who have also discovered their gifts, but have been taught through religion that it is demonic. I am thankful that I read this book.
Profile Image for Aisha.
15 reviews
May 25, 2024
I Am not a complete believer nor a complete skeptic, I started reading this book before I had known she had a tv show. I enjoyed reading about her upbringing and how she started her family. It is hard to explain non-empirical terms to people but I think she tries her best to be thorough and has a sense of humor about it.
December 18, 2016
It was a good book....she is easy to read and understand.....although I thought there were times when she went off track and I had to re-read to get the gist of what she was trying to get to. She did give me some new ideas to pursue, however.
May 14, 2017
Best book of this genre I have ever read.

Very enlightening and educational. Best book I have read in this genre. I recommend this book to anyone looking for a path to self-growth or understanding unconditional love.
Profile Image for Heidi.
10 reviews
April 10, 2018
Kim has a way of writing that makes you feel like you are sitting together, talking over a cup of coffee! I thoroughly enjoyed reading every word in this book. If you are a fan, as I am, or just want to know more about connecting with your own abilities, this book is a must read.
Profile Image for Lisa Hollenbach.
38 reviews2 followers
August 6, 2020
Fascinating Read

This book was so interesting, and the way Kim discusses her abilities reminds me so much of a very good friend with similar gifts. She makes the impossible seem possible for anyone willing to trust their intuition and have a little faith...
Displaying 1 - 30 of 88 reviews

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