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Disney Twisted Tales

Once Upon a Dream

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What if the sleeping beauty never woke up?

It should be simple—a dragon defeated, a slumbering maiden, a prince poised to wake her. But when said prince falls asleep as soon as his lips meet the princess', it is clear that this fairy tale is far from over.

With a desperate fairy's last curse infiltrating her mind, Princess Aurora will have to navigate a dangerous and magical landscape deep in the depths of her dreams. Soon she stumbles upon Phillip, a charming prince eager to join her quest. But with Maleficent's agents following her every move, Aurora struggles to discover who her true allies are, and moreover, who she truly is. Time is running out. Will the sleeping beauty be able to wake herself up?

Once Upon a Dream marks the second book in a new YA line that reimagines classic Disney stories in surprising new ways.

440 pages, Hardcover

First published April 5, 2016

About the author

Liz Braswell

41 books5,820 followers
After the sort of introverted childhood you would expect from a writer, Liz earned a degree in Egyptology at Brown University and then promptly spent the next ten years producing video games. Finally she caved into fate and wrote Snow and Rx under the name Tracy Lynn, followed by The Nine Lives of Chloe King series under her real name, because by then the assassins hunting her were all dead. She also has short stories in Geektastic and Who Done It and a new series of reimagined fairy tales coming out, starting with A Whole New World—a retelling of Aladdin.
She lives in Brooklyn with a husband, two children, a cat, a part-time dog, three fish and five coffee trees she insists will start producing beans any day. You can email her at me@lizbraswell.com.

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848 (3%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,842 reviews
Profile Image for Stacee.
2,874 reviews747 followers
February 29, 2016
2.5 stars

I was disappointed by the first book in this series, but Aurora is my favorite princess and Sleeping Beauty is my favorite story, so I was willing to try this one. Yet, I don't even know what to say about it.

First off, I loved the premise. The fact that it wasn't a traditional sort of retelling was exciting. I liked the fact that it was all a dream and that Aurora needed to figure out how to wake herself up. To me, that means learning things and getting stronger and maybe magic. Sadly, it was filled with childish brattiness, odd interactions with Phillip {who was fairly adorable}, and STRANGE YELLING FOR EMPHASIS.

I kept waiting for some sort of amazing spark to happen that would make me fall in love with the story, because I REALLY wanted to love it. I tried so hard to love it. Overall, it was a clever idea, but not the best execution.

**Huge thanks to Disney Hyperion for the NetGalley invite to read**
Profile Image for Dannii Elle.
2,146 reviews1,737 followers
February 2, 2018
This is the second instalment in a series of Disney-inspired retellings by Liz Braswell. Once Upon a Dream is the tale of a Sleeping Beauty who might never wake up. Or, if she does, it probably won't be true love's kiss to awaken her.

I was immediately more invested in this, than the first book, from the very first line of, "A dragon was dead." The prologue set the story up nicely but I did not, however, appreciate all of the character traits and found the main character, Aurora, to be a little vapid, shallow, and ungrateful, which had me struggling to empathise with her plight.

This had such an intriguing premise and had such potential to be a completely bad-ass book. Whilst there was nothing inherently wrong with it, it just didn't fill me with any feelings. The story-line was, in theory, a compelling one but I found the pacing too slow for me to care overly much. I adore slower-paced reads with slow building, suspense, intense character studies, or evocative depictions of the landscape. This did none of that. I can't point out what prolonged this story, at all. There was just a repetition of already known events and inconsequential filler scenes without which this would have been a brilliant read and only half its current length.

I did like how this padded the two-dimensional Disney characters and how it gave Aurora more awareness, over the course of the novel, and Phillip more flaws. It was also a really unique device to use the dream within a dream concept, which was cleverly executed and had me second-guessing much of the action. Everything in between, however? Not for me.
Profile Image for Fafa's Book Corner.
514 reviews346 followers
April 4, 2016
Review posted on Fafa's Book Corner !

Beware spoilers ahead!

I received this E-ARC via Disney Hyperion and Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.


I have read one of the authors books The Nine Lives of Chloe King. This was before I started reviewing and blogging. I ended up DNFing that book. You can imagine my surprise when I found that the author was writing dark fairy tale retellings for Disney. I saw this book on Netgalley and read the synopsis. It sounded interesting so I requested it. But unfortunately I did not enjoy it.

The book begins with a prologue in Phillips point of view. He has just defeated Maleficent. He has no idea where the dragon's body is but assumes that someone must have double checked for it. He makes his way to Aurora's tower. He begins to explain that for the most part he has no idea what's happened. Phillip was in a cell when the 3 fairies saved him. They told him to kill the dragon and wake up Aurora. He's reached the tower and kisses Aurora. Then he starts to get dizzy and realizes that no one checked on the body.

A few years before Aurora's birth her parents got married. Together they ruled the land. But they were greedy and terrible people. They spent a significant time of their ruling eliminating good witches and fairies.

Once Aurora was born they invited everyone who was evil and the whole kingdom. When the guests started arriving the Queen immediately requested Aurora's presents. The three evil fairies arrive. Two of them give Aurora a gift (singing and a good heart) and third fairy promises the King and Queen an army of monsters. They also mention that once Aurora turns 16 they would take her. Maleficent arrives and is shocked that the King and Queen have made a deal with the evil fairies. Maleficent's a good fairy. Before she leaves she promises to save Aurora.

For the next 16 years the King and Queen neglect Aurora. They instead chose to focus on conquering their fellow neighbors. At this point the King and Queen have messed up epically. Their land is dying and so are their people. When the fairies arrive to take Aurora they demand their help. The fairies deny helping them mentioning it was the King and Queen's fault for making a deal with them. Before Aurora is taken away Maleficent arrives. She now has enough power to save Aurora and the land. She saves the people and becomes queen.

I'm starting to realize that I don't enjoy fairy tale retelling's. I was amazed at the amount of changes that were done from the Disney movie. I couldn't imagine the King and Queen being awful and the fairies being evil. I loved those fairies! I also couldn't imagine Maleficent being 'good'.

Aside from that I really didn't like the writing style. It felt choppy and misplaced. And there were more words than necessary to describe something. When I read the authors previous book it was written in first person. Whereas this book is written in third person. I think had this book been written in first person it would've sounded better. If it had just been because it was different I would've written it of as 'It's not you but me'. But that's not the case.

Overall I did not enjoy this book. But I still recommend it. It would definitely be interesting to read about Maleficent being a Queen and that for being a 'good' fairy she still puts the sleeping curse. And how with all these changes Aurora meets Phillip. I would recommend it to fans of dark fairy tale retelling's and fans of the author.
Profile Image for Cora Tea Party Princess.
1,323 reviews863 followers
April 7, 2016
Before Reading
We all know how much I loathed the last one (I hate Aladdin, OK?) so fingers crossed I like this one!

After Reading


DNF @ 13%

I think it's time I gave up trying to read Liz Braswell, I just don't like her style at all.

This promised to be amazing, the premise was just so wonderful and intriguing, but I don't think this author is the best one to exercise this amazing idea. I found the prose to be stilted, so much that I couldn't settle into the story. It lacked maturity, was overly simple to read, and the descriptions were bland.

I wanted to like this (I love Sleeping Beauty, OK?) but I couldn't. I couldn't even finish it.

I received a copy of this for free via NetGalley for review purposes.
Profile Image for soph.connects.the.dots.
128 reviews77 followers
December 13, 2018
There is a pain that comes from reading these books....

A death toll is always high.

It's the realistic side of fairytales.

But I don't always love it.

Aurora could be a bit mopey sometimes, but it's understandable--you see her life's perspective like never before, cringey as a few of her actions may be. Four stars because I really liked it, even if the characters could have had better reactive moments. But they're incredibly well-developed.

The plot arrives just on time and in startling ways. I was sucked in from the beginning.

Perhaps the reason why I like this book is because I didn't like Disney's Sleeping Beauty. (I mean, the girl had like eighteen lines in the entire movie) THIS story takes THAT one to a whole new level. Whereas with the first book, A Whole New World, I actually liked Disney's Aladdin and didn't want the original story to be messed up.

Here's the secret to this series I've found, personally: The idea for this series is clever, and can be excellently executed, but we don't always want to read the twisted version of our favorite fairytales.

We want to keep our favorites! It's understandable... Aladdin was a classic masterpiece and I didn't like the twisted version. I wasn't thrilled with Sleeping Beauty, so this book's twisting just made it more interesting for me. I didn't gripe about losing my favorite story's integrity...because it wasn't my favorite story to begin with.

My advice to anyone starting this series: Choose the stories you weren't especially fond of and start with those. (It's true, you can read these books in ANY order you want)

If you liked Aladdin, don't read that. If you didn't like Sleeping Beauty, read this. I think it'll change the whole series for you. That way, you can see the tales you weren't fond of in a new light--one that might make them better, instead of making your favorites worse.
Profile Image for merina rey.
47 reviews50 followers
April 22, 2018
Blimey, this book!
First let me say... this book put me in a three month reading slump😖 and as you know, if you follow my reviews, I cannot DNF a book. My extreme medically diagnosed OCD will not allow me too. I’ve never come so close to DNFing a book as i did this one. I literally made my husband read me the last 7 paged because I just couldn’t lol.

So, Merina, why not a 1 star rather than a 2? You ask.
Becauseeee the idea of it, is great.
Even the writing Wasn’t so much “bad” as it was mediocre.
I could’ve read this and been content rather than repulsed IF.....
The characters weren’t so unlikeably (not a word) BORING!!!! 😫😫😴
Y’all, they put me to sleep!
The concept, good.
The writing, okay.
The plot, not horrible.
The characters, absolutely the most unlikeable portrayal of a Disney princess I have ever encountered in my life.

She was petty, she was annoying, boring, and a damsel in distress til basically the last 3 chapters of the book... where then they tried to portray her as a hero and frankly it was just unbelievable.
I couldn’t even like Prince Phillip.🤭 I found Maleficent to be ten times more interesting than any of the other characters.
Profile Image for Jessie The Librarian.
1,526 reviews78 followers
October 18, 2022
I wanted to love this so much. I adored the premise, "what if she didn't wake up?"

But this story truly didn't do well in execution. I'm not saying this to be rude, but more along the lines of like a disappointed mother vibe.

I honestly went four different directions mentally with what I expected this novel to look like and it featured none of my preconceived notions, & while that isn't bad most of the time, this time it led to a book I had to drag myself through to finish.

Perhaps it is just me, but it felt like Braswell wasn't a big fan of Aurora's story to begin with so it portrayed itself through this novel as a book that felt barely glued together.

All of this to say, I'm glad Aurora struggled with the realism of taxes and how difficult ruling a country truly is, but the rest of the book just wasn't my vibe.
Profile Image for Alaina.
6,683 reviews213 followers
September 6, 2018
Not my favorite (so far) for this series. I really hope that the next book is way better.

Once Upon a Dream is a retelling of Sleeping Beauty. The beginning of this book definitely had potential. I liked how the there was this whole mystery as to why the prince fell asleep in the after kissing Aurora. Then the whole dream-like world was another interesting point. However, it definitely fell flat and was kind of dragging on and on.

Aurora, or Rose, was just meh in my eyes. She was completely boring in my eyes and at one point I just didn't care if they came out of this world. I was kind of rooting for Maleficent to win towards the end. Then besides Aurora's petty ass.. there was the prince. Honestly.. I liked the cartoon character way better. I would rather watch the movie on repeat for the rest of my life than read this book ever again.

Overall, I heard that the third book is way better and a favorite for a lot of people. So in other words, I can't wait to dive into it.
Profile Image for Jennie Damron.
562 reviews67 followers
May 13, 2020
I enjoyed this more than I thought I would and that delights me. Sleeping Beauty is my favorite Disney princess movie. I think Liz Braswell paid homage to the true crux of the story nicely. I enjoyed the banter between Phillip and Aurora. Their relationship felt believable which is not an easy thing to do with the whole 'love at first sight' concept. What I loved the most is Liz got Maleficent right. Maleficent is my favorite villain. The sarcasm, evil, and yes pettiness were all on point. I am so glad I dove in to the bottom of my TBR pile and dragged this baby out. Great read!
Profile Image for Jessica.
Author 24 books5,803 followers
July 22, 2022
Sleeping Beauty has always been one of my favorite Disney films. I love Aurora, I love her meet cute with Phillip, I love the three fairies, and I LOOOOOOVE Maleficent! I cannot believe I didn't snatch this up immediately, I have been wondering why they didn't do this one right at the start of this series . . . and lo, they did! Took it on a Disney Cruise to read poolside, and it was wonderfully fun, and quite a bit darker than I would have thought!
Profile Image for Amber | TheFireKissed.
44 reviews160 followers
July 1, 2024
I absolutely adore the twisted tale series but this isn't my favorite one. I really liked the beginning and the end, the middle ended up being boring and even lost my attention entirely. I skipped over parts by just skimming so I could get through it. The ending twist was a nice touch! it was pretty confusing going back and forth between all of her memories & figuring out what's real or not. I think at some point I didn't like Aurora and other times I thought she was being dramatic. Ultimately this book was good, just not a favorite of mine. I would still recommend this to people who love Disney.
Profile Image for Cristina (My Tiny Obsessions).
473 reviews103 followers
April 5, 2016
DNF 32%

Read full review HERE


I hate to DNF books, and it’s something I very rarely do. And honestly, I did try, but ultimately I just couldn’t put myself through the rest of this story. I had a huge problem with the first book of the series, the spin on the Aladdin story, but because that story had a little more action, I felt it was more bearable.

Once again I had a big problem with the writing of this book. It has long descriptions, short and nonsensical dialogue and it sometimes tries to hard, and other times it’s just too much “in your face”. It did nothing for me.

My other huge, ginormous problem was Aurora… I’m not a fan of Sleeping Beauty, but this girl… OMG!!! I understand that her pleasant personality is a condition of her situation, but this girl can’t count, likes to be ordered around, and her favorite thing is to sleep or watch the dust…. I mean, seriously?!

  “Actions are tiring. She mostly found it better to lie on her bed and think about actions. Just the thought of getting up these days seemed exhausting and unreasonable."

This was slow and frustrating and nothing was actually happening. But I convinced myself to wait a bit, see if things got interesting when she and Phillip met, and then there was this pearl:

  “Maybe… Maybe let’s get back to the part where we were in love.”

“I met you in a clearing deep in the wood,” Phillip said eagerly. “We fell in love. Instantly.”

“That sounds nice.”

I can’t, sorry, just no. I love Disney, I really do, but these twisted tales are not for me at all. Some things might work on the animated movies, but for me they don’t work on the page.

So, sadly, I DNFed this book at 32%. Did you read this book? What did you thought of it?
Profile Image for Fernwehwelten.
353 reviews240 followers
September 29, 2021
3 Sterne | Pluspunkte: interessante Prämisse, schnelllebig| Minuspunkte: unausgereifte Umsetzung, wankelmütiger Schreibstil

Ach, Leute, ich weiß es doch auch nicht. Ich wollte dieses Buch wirklich lieben. Ich meine: Dornröschen, die durch Maleficent in ihrem eigenen Traum gefangen gehalten wird und sich einen Weg aus ihrem verfluchten Geist suchen muss? Das klang so verdammt cool! Nur leider hat es für mich ein wenig an der Umsetzung gehapert.

Das Buch ist schnelllebig, lässt sich super runterlesen und bringt durch die spannende Änderung des altbekannten Märchens eine grundlegende Spannung mit sich. Das waren die Gründe, aus denen es mir Spaß bereitet hat. Mein Problem war aber vor allem folgendes: Ich glaube, es hätte so viel besser sein können.
Nicht nur, dass mir die Charaktere an vielen Stellen überzogen und dadurch unrealistisch sowie unausgereift vorkamen, auch der Schreibstil hatte in meinen Augen so seine Defizite. Ich bin mir nicht sicher, was davon dem Original und was der Übersetzung zuzuschreiben ist, aber während einige Stellen überraschend temporeich geschrieben wurden, zogen sich die nächsten merklich in die Länge. Auch die Beschreibungen waren wankelmütig. Stellenweise werden schwerwiegende Themen angesprochen (leichte TW in Richtung Depression, Suizidgedanken), die in meinen Augen dann aber nach der Einführung nicht genügend aufgearbeitet, sondern recht lapidar zur Seite gewischt wurden. Es kam mir beim Lesen ein wenig vor, als hätte ich einen ungeschliffenen Diamanten in Händen gehalten, aus dem man mit etwas mehr Zeit und Überarbeitung noch wesentlich mehr hätte machen können! Ein ganz netter Read, aber leider nicht mehr, obwohl das sicherlich drin gewesen wäre.
Profile Image for Amanda Hupe.
953 reviews63 followers
December 22, 2019
Sleeping Beauty is my favorite Disney princess movie. So obviously I had to read this book. Once Upon a Dream by Liz Braswell begins with the defeat of Maleficent. Prince Phillip goes to wake his princess with true loves first kiss. When their lips meet. Prince Phillip collapses and Aurora does not wake up. Little does Aurora know that she is trapped inside a dream world. Her parents are evil, Maleficent is Queen but treats Aurora like a niece. No one is allowed outside the castle and it is surrounded by thorns. Aurora starts having memories–memories that don’t make sense, and the only way to discover it is on The Outside. The only way to escape is to discover who she truly is and who she can trust.

So…because this is my favorite Disney princess, this book will be held to a higher standard. So I actually love the premise of the book. More than I liked the movie, Maleficent. (Angelina Jolie made a great Maleficent until the final 15 minutes when she turned into Maleficent tomb raider. Sorry, not sorry. ) I love the fact that Aurora has a voice in this book. In the Disney movie, we don’t actually get to know her that much after she gets cursed. So this book we get to see her courage and her frustrations with just being gifted with beauty and song.

So the things I did not like…the dialogue. The dialogue felt childish and immature. However, I felt like I was reading about two random characters. It did not feel like I was reading about Aurora and Prince Phillip. I understand this book is meant to put a twist on the story, but the characters felt entirely different, unrecognizable. Sigh.

I did read this book in just a few hours during an afternoon storm. It is a book that Disney lovers will enjoy. So I rate this book 3 out of 5 stars.
Profile Image for Heather (The Sassy Book Geek).
362 reviews150 followers
May 1, 2017
Originally Posted On The Sassy Book Geek

****Thank you to Disney Press and Netgalley for providing me with this ARC in exchange for an honest review****

DNF @ 35%

This was a huge disappointment for me I was very eager to read a twisted retelling of Disney’s Sleeping Beauty and what I got instead was a snoozefest. I usually never DNF books and I feel terrible for having to do it to an ARC but honestly no one should have to force their way through this book.

I should have known better than to attempt reading through this when the first in this series of Twisted Tales got less than stellar reviews from reviewers I trust. Alas, the Disney lover in me could not grasp the idea that a twisted version of a Disney movie could be bad. “Once Upon A Dream” definitely proved me wrong on that.

My main problem with this book was the narrative and writing style it was dull and overly simplistic. There were far too many long descriptions of everything that went on longer than they should have. Dialogue between characters was few and far between and what dialogue there was, was very short and immature.

The plot was excruciatingly slow and boring, there was almost no story to even speak of within the 35% I read. Now if absolutely nothing is happening for 35% of a book then there’s no way I’m finishing it.

Everything about “Once Upon A Dream” (the plot, the characters, and the writing) were one-dimensional and flat. Nothing was developed and nothing was explained. You’re basically expected to have knowledge of Disney’s Sleeping Beauty before starting, which for the most part I’m sure isn’t a problem since why would you be reading a twisted version of it if you haven’t seen it, right? The only problem with that is if you haven’t seen Sleeping Beauty then you’d have zero idea of why or what is going on in this story. Even I was wondering what the heck was happening and why and I’ve seen the movie!

The most disappointing part of this book were the characters. Aurora was such a wasted character, she was way too boring and naive. Not to mention her favorite thing to do was sleep, I mean really? Sleeping is her favorite? Because she’s “Sleeping Beauty”? How original……

Maleficent was not nearly as wickedly evil as she could have been and Prince Phillip was foolish and a little spineless. Any other secondary characters were bland and expendable.

Overall I really liked the general idea of this boo, I mean twisted version of our beloved Disney movies? Come on, who wouldn’t get excited? Alas, it was executed very poorly and feel extremely short. “Once Upon A Dream” is a big disappointment and I won’t be reading any other books in this series unfortunately.

Nope, even if you’re a Disney fan I can’t recommend you this book. It doesn’t do Disney’s Sleeping Beauty any sort of justice. In fact, instead of reading this book just go watch the movie, you’re much better off.
Profile Image for Elaina.
340 reviews199 followers
May 30, 2017
So first off, I think my rating of 2 stars is being generous...I was tempted so many times to just dnf it (Which you know means I thought it was pretty bad if I'm considering not even finishing it lol because I always feel the need to read a book until the very end just in case it redeems itself :P lol) I definitely feel like this book wasn't worth my time though and I wouldn't really recommend it :/ I didn't care for the writing, didn't like the characters...I don't know, something just felt off about this book. There were some weird things in it too. Maleficent was really creepy and the things she did were pretty gross. At times, it was also confusing to me, which I guess it was supposed to be? I am not sure haha but yeah, not a book I would recommend to my friends...but who knows, you may like it more than I did...I personally didn't care for it though :/
Profile Image for Jenn.
1,885 reviews316 followers
September 8, 2018
I'm going to preface this by saying, I probably hated this so much because this is my favorite Disney movie so I hold everything in higher esteem. But to say I hated this with every fiber of my being would be putting it mildly.

After the disaster that was A Whole New World, I knew this was going to have issues. Once again, we have what sounds like an amazing idea but the execution was just not there. The writing was not up to par and the characters were bland.

What would have happened if Aurora never woke up when Phillip kissed her? Apparently, just a bunch of nonsense in Aurora's head. This book dragged while Aurora just twirled through hallways having balls thrown by her "aunt" Maleficent. But then weird things start to happen and suddenly Aurora realizes she must defeat Maleficent to get her life back! It was all very jumbled and not too well thought out for me.

The backbone of any story should be its characters, right? Let's start with Aurora. Now yes, in the movie she doesn't really give you a lot to work with personality wise which means that this should leave interpretations wide open. Yet the author just went with the easiest characteristics ever that just made the character bland and completely unbelievable. And don't get me started on how she ruined everything about Phillip and made him this dumb annoying puppy dog with no personality of his own.

But the worst was probably the author's interpretation of Maleficent and her evilness. Again, so much could have been done here. But instead of giving her substance, the author again just went with the easiest explanation: she's petty. It was so dumb.

I'm just at a loss so far with this series. And yes, I keep reading this because I love Disney and the ideas intrigue me and I just keep hoping one will be well written and what I'm looking for.
Profile Image for Shelleen Toland.
1,434 reviews79 followers
August 1, 2020
I would have liked this more but it felt confusing on what was real and what was the dream world. Are they in the real world or not? It bounced back and forth so much. This is a retelling of Sleeping Beauty and I liked the whole mystery of the story.
Once Upon a Dream by Liz Braswell begins with the defeat of Maleficent. Prince Phillip goes to wake his princess, Aurora, with true loves first kiss. When thei Prince goes to kiss Aurora,. Prince Phillip collapses and Aurora does not wake up. Little does Aurora know that she is trapped inside a dream world. Her parents are evil and Malifacent treats Aurora like a niece.
I received this from NetGalley for review plus I own the hardcover.
Profile Image for Dianne.
6,794 reviews602 followers
February 26, 2016
What a fabulous premise! What if the prince’s true love kiss never happened and he didn’t wake Sleeping Beauty? Would she remain trapped in her dreams and nightmares? What would her world be like if an evil fairy trapped her and kept her as a pampered princess in a world where nothing is real? How would Aurora feel to find out her life had been a lie, all because of a deal made when she was born? How would Aurora discover she is in a living nightmare and find the courage to find a way out, possibly discovering the powerful woman she was meant to be?

Once Upon a Dream by Liz Braswell has the makings for a fabulously intriguing read! A modern and much darker version of Sleeping Beauty, gone is the sweet and simple tale we all grew up with. Aurora does meet her prince, but he has fallen into her world, and now they must escape.

Follow along through their trials, tribulations and the shocks of discovering the truth and manipulation Aurora has faced at the hands of Maleficent. The depth of each scene was often vivid, but the characters lacked that spark of life. I’m not really sure I cared for the portrayal of Aurora until the final pages when she seemed to come into her own. Philip was, at times humorous and he definitely can slay dragons, but he lacked that larger-than-life feel that a fairytale prince should have. Philip would make an excellent boy-next-door, though. For me, this was a stupendous idea that just didn’t come through for me. There ARE great action scenes, and they ARE well done. I just didn’t fall into the story and live with the characters.

I received an ARC edition from Disney Press in exchange for my honest review.

Series: A Twisted Tale - Book 2
Publisher: Disney Press
Publication Date: April 5, 2016
Genre: Fairytales retold
Print Length: 448 pages
Available from: AmazonBarnes & Noble
For Reviews & More: http://tometender.blogspot.com

Profile Image for lunisneptune.
61 reviews
October 10, 2020
“It’s not bravery if you don’t feel fear, right? If you’re not afraid, then you’re not really forcing yourself to do something brave.”
― Liz Braswell, Once Upon a Dream

Growing up, Sleeping Beauty was one of my most favorite fairy tales. When I heard and saw that Liz Braswell was creating alternate versions of how the fairy tales could have happened, I was beyond excited and I want to read all of them.
I definitely did not expect this book to be one of my favorites but it is and I'm very happy that I picked this book up a few years ago. I bought this book a few years ago and only got to around page 90 before DNF-ing the book. Little did I know that the proper action started like 20 or 30 pages after that. I deeply regret that and it's completely my fault.
The beginning of the book was a little slow but it turned around and smacked me in the face. Literally. I dropped the book on my face once, maybe twice...
The creativity behind this is amazing and I wish I could write like this. This isn't the only book with an amazing world but it's definitely one of them.
The idea behind the book and how Liz Braswell 'twisted' the fairy tale is amazing. I probably would never have come up with something like this.
I love the book and I can't wait to read Liz Braswell's other books.
Profile Image for Books_and_Crafts.
402 reviews1,884 followers
January 11, 2022
✨Book Review✨

Once Upon A Dream by Liz Braswell

Off the bat, let me just say this may be someone’s favorite book, and that’s perfectly ok. This is just my opinion and I fully support others who love it 🤍

✨That being said, I did have a big problem with this book for several reasons and going forward these are my opinions so please leave them at that✨

I almost DNF several times. I unfortunately couldn’t get into this one and when I was reading it, the disrespect for women was too much.

At one point the prince compares Aurora to a mans toy that stopped working properly and when he learns her name, asks to call her Rose instead because Aurora makes her seem too unattainable. 🙄

Young girls have enough problems with self esteem and this did nothing to help. The men in this book were not written great. Way too degrading for me and I lost all hope for the plot about halfway in. I did finish it, but it was not my cup of tea. ☕️

One star from me 😕
Profile Image for Rissa.
1,462 reviews45 followers
October 19, 2018
Once upon a dream 3.75⭐️

Maleficent is the queen.
Auroras parents evil as they were are sentenced to live the rest of their pitiful lives in prison.
Aurora is still the princess still treated wonderfully but everything is different.

Mal is well the ruler and her magic brought the kingdom to their knees only to build the kingdom back up. Mal isnt evil per say but she is a different ruler.

Maleficent though isnt all nice and rainbows now. She traps Aurora in a sleep and sucked prince Phillip in with her. Maleficent wants to rule unquestioned and Aurora was getting in the way. Aurora was the rightful ruler. Maleficent gets Aurora stuck in her slumber trapped by her ‘gifts’ that the fairies gave her.
It is up to Aurora and Phillip to save the world from Maleficents wrath.

This was really cute and a new take on sleeping beauty
Profile Image for Nicola Michelle.
1,555 reviews10 followers
January 21, 2021
I tore through this book in record timing as I really couldn’t put it down! I was in the mood for a little magical Disney adventure and I certainly got that... sleeping beauty is one of my favourite stories and I absolutely loved this spin on it and the authors story telling on such a well beloved tale.

The way Aurora Rose was written was great and it was lovely watching her character grow, work through her flaws and grow into an amazingly strong and sweet princess! And the romance between her and her Prince was a lovely read too.

I really enjoyed this book a lot more than I thought I might and was hooked right until the ending. It was great!
Profile Image for S.S.G. Danvers.
Author 5 books119 followers
November 18, 2019
Abandono, llevo un mes con él y no avanzo. Me aburro, me aburro mucho. La narración es bastante soporífera. No digo que hace 20 años me hubiera podido gustar más, pero actualmente el hecho es que no es para mí. Es más, diría que ni siquiera es "juvenil" como indicado para lectores de 16-18 años, sino que sería más bien "infantil", para lectores de unos 12.
Profile Image for Roro.
116 reviews15 followers
November 4, 2018
4.8 / 5

Como en el libro anterior, la autora siempre utiliza las películas Disney como punto de partida a la hora de desarrollar su historia, es por eso por lo que muchas cosas serán similares e iguales que lo que cuentan las pelis, pero no sabéis los giros que le da a todas las cosas, dándoles puntos de vista diferentes e inimaginables, haciendo de lo que puede parecer una historia infantil algo mucho más adulto y real.

Una trama original (dentro de unos parámetros, ya que es un retelling), rápida de leer, con unos personajes bien desarrollados y dándole a Aurora un papel que sin duda se merece, el de heroína.
Para mí el trasfondo que veo en esta novela es de lo más común e importante, no pensaba que podría llegar a tener un tema de ese calibre como es la tristeza, depresión, inseguridad... Quizás lo dice muy pocas veces de manera tan clara, pero si logras leer entre líneas y darle el verdadero significado a lo místico y sucesos que aparecen en el libro, verás que tiene más chicha de lo que puede parecer.

Toda la reseña aquí --- https://threecrystalbooks.blogspot.co...
Profile Image for Книжни Криле.
3,192 reviews181 followers
October 3, 2019
„Какво ли щеше да се случи, ако Спящата красавица не се беше събудила?”
На този въпрос отговаря Лиз Бразуел в книгата „В моя сън” (изд. „Егмнот”) – вторият роман от поредицата „Сбъркани истории”, която изследва алтернативни сюжети на обичаните приказни класики на Дисни. Потопете се в омагьосващия свят на любимите си герои, за да преживеете отново техните приключения… по един напълно нов начин. Прочетете ревюто на "Книжни Криле": https://knijnikrile.wordpress.com/201...
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