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Flight & Glory #3

Beyond What is Given

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Lt. Grayson Masters is focused on graduating the Apache helicopter course, and the last thing he needs is his gorgeous new roommate Samantha Fitzgerald distracting him. While her smart mouth and free spirit are irresistibly irritating, he can’t deny their off-the-charts chemistry, no matter how hard he tries.

Having just been expelled from college, Sam has no business digging for Grayson’s secrets while she’s hiding her own, but that doesn’t stop her from trying to tear down his walls. Each barrier she busts through drops one of her own, though, and she’s not prepared for the truth: another woman laid claim to Grayson’s heart long ago.

Falling in love is something neither Grayson nor Sam can afford, and when that line is crossed and secrets are exposed, they’ll learn that sometimes it’s the answered prayers that will put you through hell.

380 pages, Paperback

First published September 12, 2015

About the author

Rebecca Yarros

49 books108k followers
Rebecca Yarros is a hopeless romantic and coffee addict. She is the New York Times bestselling author of over twenty novels, including Fourth Wing, The Last Letter and The Things We Leave Unfinished. She’s also the recipient of the Colorado Romance Writer’s Award of Excellence for Eyes Turned Skyward. Rebecca loves military heroes and has been blissfully married to hers for over twenty years. A mother of six, she is currently surviving the teenage years with all four of her hockey-playing sons.

Want to know about Rebecca’s next release? Check her out online at www.rebeccayarros.com.

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Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,352 followers
September 30, 2015
4.5 Stars

"She’s all fire, and sass, and a touch of insanity, I’m pretty sure. But she does something to me, makes me see the world again.”


Do they even make guys like Grayson Masters? Seriously this guy is the bomb! Sexy, broody, Apache pilot in training, who has always been tight lipped about his home life in Nags Head, North Carolina. Grayson seems to live two different lives one at home with his family and one with his classmates and roommates. Samantha Fitzgerald, friends with Ember moves in with the guys as she works for a fresh start since her college stay in Colorado fell apart.

Grayson and Samantha’s interactions from the start were intense, sexy and consuming. I loved these two together. Grayson helps Sam get back on her feet and Sam starts to bring a smile back to the stoic hottie’s face.

”She makes me feel like I’m flying my helicopter. Free. Like I’m standing on the edge of something I can barely control, and it could be the most amazing ride of my life, or I could burn one into the ground.”

Grayson opens up to Samantha about Gracie and his family. Samantha gets a front row seat to this pretty dysfunctional group and the misguided guilt Grayson has carried around for the past five years.

”I am so sorry for what’s happened to you. For what’s happened to both of you. Neither of you deserved any of this. From what I heard, I know that in his life, you are the love story. And I know that I’m standing here in with a second-place ribbon stuck to my heart, but he’s worth it.”

There were several things in the story that fell under the drama-rama category. Things that should have been nixed before going to print (Things that I should really take a star or more off my rating for.) completely over the top drama that didn’t stop from 58 percent on.


List of Over the top drama which is all spoilers…

Truth be told, I totally fell for Grayson Masters and if aliens or the Kardashians showed up in the damn epilogue, I would have happily read on. Yes that’s how hooked I was for Sam and Grayson, so please take that into consideration.

”He was at war with the two sides of himself. I could see it as clearly as if there were literally two of him. I just didn’t know which one would be coming back to me. I was also too far gone to care. Maybe I could save both sides.”

Grayson’s love for Samantha stayed true even when constantly tested. As for the sweet and sexy things that came out of that man’s mouth were just yummy.

”Between us? You have all the power. All the control. You always have. I’m hard for you the minute you so much as smile, or curse, or walk in the damned room.”


“Show me.”

Overall, Grayson and Samantha are my favorite couple of this series to date. However, the truck load of drama dropped on them wasn’t. I enjoyed Josh, Jagger, Paisley and Ember’s presence in the story and would love a fly boy of my own!

“I’m in love with you, Samantha. You own me, body, heart, mind, soul, what there is to give, it’s yours.”

Profile Image for Aestas Book Blog.
1,059 reviews75.2k followers
October 2, 2015

So, I've literally been meaning to read one of this author's books for over a year and I'm so glad I finally did because I loved it!!!  I finished reading this book with my heart racing and SO full of happy feels!!! Even though the story started a little slow and on the light side, oh-my-gosh did it ever get ANGSTY!!!!! There was this whole complex "situation" going on that kept me flipping pages like crazy!!!!!! And I loved that the story kept surprising me too!! If you're looking for a romance with a swoony, sexy Alpha hero with a heart-breaking past and quite a unique storyline, then definitely try this book!! 

I'm actually going to share the blurb with you first to give you an idea for the story...

Be careful what you wish for...

Lt. Grayson Masters is focused on graduating the Apache helicopter course, and the last thing he needs is his gorgeous new roommate Samantha Fitzgerald distracting him. While her smart mouth and free spirit are irresistibly irritating, he can't deny their off-the-charts chemistry, no matter how hard he tries.

Having just been expelled from college, Sam has no business digging for Grayson's secrets while she's hiding her own, but that doesn't stop her from trying to tear down his walls. Each barrier she busts through drops one of her own, though, and she's not prepared for the truth: another woman laid claim to Grayson's heart long ago.

Falling in love is something neither Grayson nor Sam can afford, and when that line is crossed and secrets are exposed, they'll learn that sometimes it's the answered prayers that will put you through hell.

Sam and Grayson may have gotten off to a rocky start, but it brought a smile to my face, because you could easily feel the sexual tension between them. There were definitely sparks between them, that’s for sure!

His lips quirked up at the corners. Almost a smile. “Right. I’m not going to say that I’m not insanely attracted to you. I don’t lie. Ever. Plus, I’d have to be dead not to realize the way you affect me. But I’m not in any position to act on it, and let’s be honest — you’re not, either. But I think we can stop picking each other apart and be friends.”

“Friends that are insanely attracted to each other?"

But I was so curious about this 'other girl' in his life. Who was she? What was their history? And more importantly, what was their current situation like? I needed to know. But then when it was revealed, my heart broke even more for Grayson. I mean, what a difficult and emotionally taxing situation to be in.Like really, what an amazingly good guy. The strength with which he handled everything just made me melt.

Don't ask me why but tortured Alpha heroes have always stolen my heart just a little bit more than any other kind of guy. More than bad boys or rock stars or any others you can think of. But if you throw in a tortured past, my heart just goes right out to them. The contrast between the pain and vulnerability in these strong, good, protective men never fails to tug at my heart strings.

I will say though out of honesty, that I found the first third of the book to be a little slow. Not bad at all beacuse I was enjoying it from the start, but I actually did put it down at one point (maybe around 17%) for a bit because I was looking for something a bit more intense at the time. Well....... All I can say is that I'm SO glad I picked it back up because around the half way mark (or a little before), things start to get angstyyyyyyyyy!! Ahhh! This whole heart-wrenching "situation" was brimming with it!!

“She’s this wrecking ball who tears down my defenses and makes me feel, forces me to live. My need for her is about the same as my need for oxygen."

Now here's the thing, I've been debating whether or not I should mention what exactly this "situation" is in the review because I mean, it's a wee bit of a spoiler for those of you who like to know nothing. But at the same time, before I started reading, I personally had wanted to know what it was (I just like to know these things, don't judge) and I couldn't find reference to it anywhere soooooo, for those of you who just like the comfort of knowing, you can click the spoiler below. Totally up to you.

I really loved the way the second half of the book was like this non-stop ride with surprising turns, intense feels, and just a lot of genuinely difficult things for everyone to work though... hard choices with a lot of people's feelings on the line. I was totally into the story and completely emotionally invested.

“You kick-started my heart and brought me to life the minute you opened your mouth and dished my own shit back at me. You gave me something to fight for, a reason to see beyond the shit hand fate had given me, and start imagining a future. And when I think about my life, you’re all I see. You’re it. You’re my miracle.”

Oh, now just to address the whole series/standalone thing. This book is a standalone within a series of standalones. There are crossover characters between the books but the author has really set them up in such a way that you can genuinely read any book completely alone. Technically, there are two other standalones before this one and, while they are very highly ratings and I've heard amazing things about both of them (readers love them!!!!), I also haven't read either one personally and I was 100% fine diving straight into this book. The couples from the two previous books do show up in this book but I was never confused by anything I read so the choice is totally yours whether you want to read all three books or just this one alone. Again, I was totally fine reading this alone, but if you want them all, I've listed them below.

All in all, this was a great read, especially for fans of military romance! It had everything I could want in it -- swoon, hotness, intense feels, strong angst, a tortured Alpha hero, a strong heroine, and a story with twists and turns, and characters I fell in love with. It's definitely a new favorite!

Rating: 4 -- 4.5 stars! Standalone contemporary romance

Standalone #1: FULL MEASURES


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Profile Image for Patrycja.
639 reviews4,057 followers
August 26, 2015

Title: Beyond What Is Given
Series: Flight and Glory #3, can be read as a standalone
Author: Rebecca Yarros
Release Date: 28 September, 2015
Rating: 3.5 stars
Cliffhanger:. no

I fell in love with Rebecca Yarros writing after reading her debut novel Full Measures last year. Her story was perfect, gut wrenching and emotional. It was so good that it pulled on my heartstrings. Since that time, I managed to reread it twice. The next book in the series was really good too, so I was waiting impatiently for another story from Rebecca. You can only imagine how excited I've become when ARC of 'Beyond What Is Given' landed on my kindle.

As previously, Rebecca Yarros created solid, emotional and full of intense passion story. The journey of two main characters, Sam and Greyson, was not an easy one and it was full of angst.

Both of MC's had some serious issues to deal with and they were not easy ones. On the bright side, the romance was very sweet and sexy. The couple had great chemistry and they were ideal for each other. I must say that Sam and Greyson grew and developed much during the novel. I believe that love has matured them.

Sam was very nice, sassy character. She was very likeable and I connected to her instantly. She's made some mistakes but she decided to fix them and fight for her future. I admired her for that.

Grey was... wow. He was very intense character. He had a lot of going on and his past was painful reminder.

Unfortunately, I cannot say that Beyond What Is Given ticked all the boxes for me. A very big part of the plot wasn't doing it for me. It had a lot to do with Greyson's family involvement. They were tiring and at the end of the book I almost have had enough of their bullshit. Sometimes it was just too much.

Overall, Beyond What Is Given is strong addition to the series. I enjoyed it very much as some parts made me swoon, others made me teary eyed. Although it doesn't hold a candle to the epicness of Ember and Josh's story I still spent a very nice evening with a good book. I think that many other fans of Flight and Glory series will be more than satisfied with it.


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Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
September 3, 2015
4 Stars

Orbit. That was the word for it. She was the Earth, full of life, raging rivers, erupting volcanoes, mysterious oceans, and breathtaking views. I was a satellite in her orbit, witnessing from a distance while she bloomed.

Rebecca Yarros and her Flight & Glory series has been on my radar for a while. In my usual way of doing things backasswards, when I got the chance to read Beyond What Is Given, I jumped on it, even before I read the previous books. With that said, I never found myself lost and had no problems getting into the story. BUT, I do wish I read the previous two books simply because I completely adored those characters in this book and found myself curious about their story. So I plan on going back and reading the previous books immediately.

I love a book that will tug at my heart strings and really make me feel; truly capture my interest in not just the romance but both the characters' individual growth. Considering the baggage both Sam and Grayson carried around, I certainly didn't expect anything less than I got, even if it was incredibly frustrating at times.
There are broken people in the world, Samantha. But you're not one of them. Dinged up maybe, but not broken, and definitely not beyond repair.

Sam essentially ran away from her home in Colorado after a mistake cost her everything; a mistake that still continues to haunt her today. Moving in with 3 male roommates to a different town, she's hoping for a fresh start. But then she meets Grayson, her new roommate that's less than thrilled to see her since he was expecting a guy Sam. Grayson is temperamental, broody, too gorgeous for his own good, and hiding scars that may run much deeper than Sam ever imagined.
The man has walls you'd need a miracle to break through."

Grayson's secret begins to come to light little by little, and you soon realized that the baggage that this man carries may be too much for even self-assured Sam. But you also can't help but fall for him completely. The push and pull dynamic between them grabbed me from the beginning. Grayson clearly wants Sam, but he knows he can't have her. His secret prevent him from giving himself fully even when Sam is quickly falling for him.
I love you, " she whispered against my mouth, and I was lost.

As much as I love angst in my books, and the angst here was thick. At the same time, I prefer the angst to come from the couple and not added from outside influences. What am I talking about? Grayson's family. Sweet mother of all that's holy but the last time I hated a hero's sister this much I was reading an Abbi Glines book. I absolutely HATED Parker. And the further the book progressed, the more strongly I began to hate her. And that only got so much worse when the whole truth was revealed. In addition to her sticking her nose into Grayson's business there was also his father. All of it combined with the already heavy subject of Grayson's secret and Sam's past and it was almost too much. Don't get me wrong, the author did make it work, but for me it was just a little too much.

I loved the romance between Sam and Grayson, even if it was filled with enough bumps and turns to make for a hell of a rollercoaster ride. I've been thinking on my rating for a few days now and what I can definitely say is that I loved the writing and I truly enjoyed the story as a whole, minus a few minor quibbles (Parker being the biggest). Ultimately I liked how everything was dealt with in the end, and I absolutely adored the ending for the couple. While it may have been bumpy, it was all wrapped together without being too cliche or predictable and that's always a plus for me. Rebecca Yarros is definitely now an author I will gladly read in the future.
Samantha. You own me, body, heart, mind, soul, whatever there is to give, it's yours.

ARC courtesy of author in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Beverly.
1,005 reviews791 followers
September 30, 2015
A love story that rivals other love stories, that is what Beyond What is Given is to me. This story made me feel so many different things. It broke my heart in two, made me question myself and almost drove me to drink. I see people say that a lot and I laugh, but I don’t think I have really experienced it until now. If it wasn’t 9 am when I was reading this I would have definitely drank!

"One mistake doesn’t define your life.”

Samantha Fitzgerald is on the run from her past and her mistakes. Her life has taken a complete detour after getting kicked out of school. Her life has lost direction and she is struggling with her guilt and feelings of failure. Where do you go when the life you had planned goes up in flames, to your family. Since her only biological family, her mom, is in Afghanistan she decides to run to her chosen family. Josh and Jagger have a room open and offer her a place to stay in Alabama.

Grayson Masters is closed off and isolated, no one knows who the real Grayson is, even his roommates and closest friends. I have been intrigued with Grayson from the very beginning. He is always running home to North Carolina, he doesn’t date, and is completely focused on being the best Apache pilot. I always admired his dedication, but didn’t really understand it. Now that I do, I love Grayson, for serious, he is my favorite. Grayson is driven, compassionate, caring and self-sacrificing.

"She’s all fire, and sass, and a touch of insanity, I’m pretty sure. But she does something to me, makes me see the world again.”

When Sam moves in with Jagger, Josh and Grayson it seems like a recipe for disaster. At first the two appear to be complete opposites and despite their attraction to each other, are not fans of the other. Regardless, they can’t help the pull they feel towards the other. From here, have your drink ready. I swear when these two started to fall my heart was breaking, but in the most wonderful way. I was in, completely invested and dying for more.

Beyond What is Given is not the kind of book you put down, no it’s the kind of book you start and finish in one day. It’s the kind of book you stop and breathe, but then jump right back in. It’s the kind of book you rush to finish because you want to see what happens next, but then immediately regret rushing when you finish. This book gave me a massive book hangover and I just wanted more. If you haven’t read this series yet, stop waiting and jump in!

The Flight and Glory Series features different couples, but are all related.

ARC kindly provided in exchange for an honest review.

Profile Image for Wendys Wycked Words.
1,581 reviews3,923 followers
September 1, 2020
4-half-stars.png (1152×296):

Looks like I'm on a Rebecca Yarros streak right now and this book, like the others I have read by this author, didn't disappoint !! The angst killed me a little, but what can I say...I love torturing myself a bit ;)

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Samantha has left her life in Colorado, because of a major fuck-up and now she is trying to make a fresh start in Alabama. Her friends Josh and Jagger (book 1 /2) offered her a place to live, with them and another guy. She is also trying her hardest to get into another college, which is proving to be a bitch. But Sam is nothing but determined and she isn't ready to give up.

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Grayson is a bit of a loner. He is friends with his roommates Josh and Jagger but their friendship doesn't go very deep, because Grayson doesn't give away much of himself. He puts all his time into his studying because he really wants to graduate top of his flight class. He comes off as a bit cold. But Grayson is carrying some heavy secrets himself and maybe the right person will be able to tone his broody demeanor.

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When Grayson and Sam meet, he is struck speechless, because he was expecting Sam to be a guy. He also wasn't expecting the shimmer of lust going through his body, while looking at her. He knows he shouldn't go there, he knows the best thing would be to ignore his feelings, but neither of them can ignore the sparks that fly between them for long...

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One by one, secrets get revealed, and while Grayson and Sam fall deeper and deeper for each other....something unimaginable happens...My heart freaking broke !!

Sam was such a great heroine and yes she may have been fooled a bit in her past, but as far as I was concerned, she really didn't do anything wrong. She was so sweet and caring and funny and I felt like shit, right along with her.

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This book also had one of the most hated characters in it, I think. Usually, the sisters are the good ones and in this case, there sure were some of them, but Grayson's sister Parker wasn't one of them. I wanted to smash her face in so bad !!

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Grayson's father was also a major asshole !!! Thankfully Grayson had a mind of his own, and he isn't afraid of fighting for what he wants :)

"This is not a temporary thing between us. There is no deadline. I. Am. Always. Yours. ....So go ahead and fall. I've gotten really good at catching you". 

This book put me through the wringer, but I loved every single second of it !! I can't wait to read more by this author. I am definitely on a winning streak here !!

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Profile Image for Ⓐlleskelle - That ranting lady ッ.
1,012 reviews917 followers
October 7, 2015
⭐️⭐️⭐️3 STARS⭐️⭐️⭐️

“One mistake doesn’t define your life”

Samantha Fitzgerald is running away from a mistake that cost her everything, respect from people, her place at school. A mistake so heavy that she can’t apply to any university without getting rejected. Still, she tries her luck in Alabama, where her friends offer her a place to stay.

Grayson Masters is a loner in a golden boy package. He seems dedicated to achieve his pilot training, never indulging in partying or social activities a man his age should be, he doesn’t date either. He’s a bit of mystery.

Grayson wasn’t expecting the new roommate, Sam, to be a girl. Definitely not a girl that has his blood running. Full intent to stay focused on his goal to be top of his Apache Helicopter training class and whatever secrets are waiting for him at home, Grayson is trying is damnedest to ignore the pull he’s feeling toward Samantha.
“She makes me feel like I’m flying my helicopter. Free. Like I’m standing on the edge of something I can barely control, and it could be the most amazing ride of my life, or I could burn one into the ground.”

I really enjoyed the tension between Grayson and Samantha as they tried to know each other, trying to maintain a friendship despite their mutual attraction. The pull however was so strong, inevitable and I enjoyed every minute of it. I loved witnessing the brooding and secret Grayson opening up to Sam like he never did with his own friends. The evolution of their relationship going from friends to lovers effortless, but a slow burn nonetheless.

Secrets on both sides eventually will come to taint their yearning feelings, Grayson having scars he’s not ready to share. But opening up to someone for the first time, he’s soon confronted to his new reality, something that could probably cost him everything he’s building with Sam.

As much as I enjoy some angst in my books, the subject involved here, and the way it was stretched with Grayson’s little sister meddling, was a bit too much for me.
I couldn’t accept that people from his own family kept adding guiltiness and weight to his shoulders.

Overall I enjoyed the book, mostly the friendship to romance part and secondary characters but I was annoyed with Grayson’ sister—Parker. She was the designated bad guy of the book, wielding more drama than necessary.

Arc offered in exchange for an honest review

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Profile Image for Wil Loves Books!.
1,345 reviews488 followers
May 3, 2019
5/19 - re-read: Still love Sam. Still hate the whole Grace storyline with a passion and can’t chase the second best feeling away. Still think the last chapters and the epilogue are the best part.

Original 9-2015 Review

God, I'm so conflicted about this book. I hated it and kinda loved it too. I love Rebecca, I love the Flight and Glory series, I love my flyboys, but I just could not connect with this book. I could not and I'm so sad and disappointed! And since I promised myself to be nothing but honest with my reviews I have to review this one as a 3 star.

Unlike others, I have read the previous two books, although this could be read as a standalone, I think both Full Measures and Eyes Turned Skyward should be read before this one. Full Measures is a solid big 5 stars for me, that book brings all the feels. Eyes Turned Skyward is also beautiful and an instant favorite. You see where I'm going with this I had ridiculously high expectations for this book.

I will try to review this without spoilers as much as I can, not sure if I can though. We first meet Samantha (Sam) in Full Measures, she's Ember's best friend and she's awesome, we find out in ETS that something happens with her and she gets kicked out of school. Grayson we meet in ETS, he is Josh and Jagger's roommate, quiet, reserved, loyal, great friend when he needs to be. We know he cooks, has 4 sisters and travels back home a lot. I was intrigued, I wanted to know what was up with Sam and what was Grayson's reason to go home that often.

But I just did not expect this storyline. I thought this book was about a different theme. Had I known this book was all about second best and second choices I might not have had these expectations, so yeah I did not see that coming. Everyone that knows me and my book preferences knows I hate books where one character is made to feel like they are the second choice and where there's a perfect and beautiful third person lurking at the background and conflicting one of my MCs for way too long. It confuses me, I want to feel without a doubt love between my MCs. God knows how much I hate Colleen Hoover's Ugly Love and how much I disliked a very similar theme on Maybe Someday as well.

I'm obviously a rational person, I know people could fall in love with more than one person in their lifetime. I'm a sucker for second chance love stories where the characters have messy pasts. I just don't like the past to be in my face, hate this kind of story where a third person was so present. And boy is this character present in this book. Not gonna lie, I hated it, I thought Sam and Grayson deserved a better love story than this. I was really close to DNFing this various times, but I love Rebecca's writing and I was invested enough to see this through.

And just when I thought this whole second best, third person deal was solved, at the 60% percent mark, this book takes a turn for the worse, and it turns into a soap opera. The plot got a little soap opera-ish unrealistic for my taste and well, that's another pet peeve of mine. I didn't think Rebecca would go there, but she did. And let's not start with Grayson's ridiculous sister Parker and his dad, no words for those two and the unexpected and unnecessary drama. I feel like this backstory and this third person takes over this book in an unnecessary way up until the very end and so it turns it into a quasi love triangle IMO. I honestly didn't care about this character at all and felt like it shouldn't have appeared or been mentioned that much, especially so close to the end.

So, what can I say. I love Sam, she's such a strong, amazing character. I loved that she faced her troubles right on and came out on top. And above all, I love that she refused to be second choice, she refused to be the doormat. Gosh, I simply loved Sam. Grayson on the other hand had me conflicted, frustrated and mad throughout the book. His thoughts and words never matched his actions so it was hard to totally love him. He obviously redeems himself in the end but I just wish it would've been sooner or that the unnecessary drama would've been less. I think the book would've benefitted from more Sam and Grayson chapters towards the end instead of all of the Grayson scenes without Sam, especially the ones with him and Grace,ugh. I loved that my other flyboys Josh and Jagger and their awesome girl Ember and Paisley were very present in the story. Love the part about Jagger and Paisley's engagement. Love them!

The last two chapters and the very, very necessary Epilogue totally saved this book for me. Had it not been for that, I would have given this book a lower rating. I'm sure many people will love this one and this is probably a case of it's me not the book, but I'm sadly not one of them and it totally breaks my heart. I still recommend this series with all my heart and I still love Rebecca and her books and can't wait for the second Josh and Ember book Hallowed Ground.
Profile Image for Claire.
2,319 reviews729 followers
October 3, 2015
1 - "Sometimes steady is just stuck." Star.

DNF @ 64%

I really don't know where to start with this one, I know I am going to totally be in the minority with my thoughts of Beyond What is Given, and the fact I haven't finished it is as much of a shock to me as it will be to all the reviewers that have given it 4 and 5 star reviews.

"One mistake doesn't define your life."

In all honesty, I had my doubts as to whether I was going to enjoy Grayson and Sams' story back at the 25% mark, I could not put down the first two books in the Flight & Glory series, in fact Rebecca Yarros' writing, characters and story-lines in both put me through the emotional wringer whilst reading and left me a hot mess for sometime after finishing them, and I just didn't have that feeling or feel the connection this time.

"The only constant is change."

My main issues are the pacing of the story-line, it is so slow to move along, I was approaching the 50% mark before anything of any real importance really happened (to me anyway). You know with this book like it'd predecessors, the true secrets and full backgrounds of both Grayson and Sam are going to be revealed as the story progresses, sad thing was I kind of worked out what they were going to be beforehand this time, and it dulled the impact, that and the overblown familial drama, interference and emotional blackmail on Graysons' side on top of everything else, and it just seemed too much, especially as it was all moving along so slowly as well.

This won't stop me reading more from the author, and this is just my own opinion of the book, if you love her writing (as much as I do) then I hope that the book works for you. I wish it had for me, I have been waiting a while for it, and it's a disappointment to me as a reader, that it didn't live up to the expectations I had on this occasion.

ARC generously provided via Netgalley, in exchange for the above honest review.
Profile Image for AJ.
3,093 reviews1,035 followers
December 11, 2015
Such a beautiful story!

4.5 stars.

The third book in the Flight & Glory series, these books are focussed around a group of friends who are training to be military pilots. They feature strong characters and engaging stories with just the right amount of drama, lots of feels, some laughs, and fantastic (and sexy) romance. And this book, featuring Grayson and Samantha, certainly lived up to my expectations.

While this book is technically a standalone, it does tie in very closely with the previous books in the series. Grayson is roommates with Josh (book 1) and Jagger (book 2); and Samantha is best friends with Ember (from book 1), and as a good friend to Josh and Jagger, she moves in with the boys as their fourth roommate. It’s very much Grayson and Samantha’s story, and while you can easily follow it as a standalone, you’ll probably get more out of it having read the other two books in the series first.

Samantha is new to town, having just moved from Colorado. She made a mistake which threw her life into disarray, and she is hoping to make a fresh start. But the hope she had of moving on is scrapped when her past follows her and she is kicked out of College before she even makes a start.

“I’ve crumbled my entire future, shredded any hope of finishing college, and killed off who I used to be. And I don’t…I don’t know how to come back from something like that.”

Grayson is a strong and silent tormented hero… *swoon*. A little quiet and closed off perhaps, but absolutely focussed on his future and dedicated to his flight training. But privately, he is nursing a devastating secret from his past. He has been through hell, and hasn’t been able to drag himself out of it yet, and for five years he has lived his life consumed with guilt and hopelessness.

From the moment Grayson and Sam meet, they are attracted to each other, but with neither of them in a position to start a relationship – or even a ‘friends with benefits’ situation – neither of them act on their feelings. But their connection to each other cannot be denied and they become good friends, and even though they are both guarding their pasts, they are there for each other, they have fun and laugh together, and their friendship cracks their shells and starts to bring them back to life.

“There are broken people in the world, Samantha. But you’re not one of them. Dinged-up maybe, but not broken, and definitely not beyond repair.”

She shone like the sun, fiery, a little temperamental, and she was burning away the darkness I’d lived in for so long.

The secrets of their pasts are hinted at, and I had guessed the actual story with both of them before they’re revealed, but it doesn’t take too long before they’re ready to open up to each other. The secrets of their pasts are tied in with the reasons neither of them have made a move towards something ‘more’, and their situations are definitely complicated, but they soon reach a point where they can’t hold back any longer.

“I’m going to tell you every bad, ugly think about me. You’re going to tell me every bad, ugly thing about you, and then we’ll decide what to do about this insane pull between us.”
I licked my bottom lip. “Oh, you think there’s a pull between us? I thought we were just friends.”
His gray eyes sliced through me, cutting me all the way to my soul. “Samantha, if we weren’t about to discuss our deepest secrets, I’d lay you across the table, strip those sexy little capris off your ass, and bury my tongue between your thighs. God knows I’ve thought about it enough. How’s that for
friends. Really, it’s more of a force of nature, but I’ll settle for you admitting that there’s a pull.”
My mouth was suddenly dry. I was never going to look at this table the same way again. “There’s a pull,” I admitted softly.

Holy hotness!!! Yes, Grayson has a surprising (but welcome) dirty side, but this is definitely a relationship based on emotion, and I love, love, love the way things progress between them. Completely open and honest with each other, the strength of the connection between them is beautifully explored and though it’s slow, it’s done really well with lots of sweet and funny moments, a nice amount of sexy time and of course lots and lots of heart.

“Samantha, take the chance. No matter what’s happening between us, whether we’re friends - or more – whatever we decide, I will be here for you. I will not abandon you, no matter what you’ve done, or what you do. If you can still trust me, take a chance on me, and I’ll prove it.”

“You’re the only girl I want.”

But then just when they are finding their happy, their world is pulled out from underneath them again, and OMG, the feeeeeeeels! It’s shocking and super emotional, and though I had predicted some of the events, I still read with my heart pounding as it all unfolded. It’s angsty reading – but the good kind of angst – and Grayson and Samantha definitely have a difficult journey ahead of them. Their relationship is put to the test, and individually they are forced to confront the demons of their past in order to find a way to move forward, and their journeys are amazing.

“She’s this wrecking ball who tears down my defences and makes me feel, forces me to live. My need for her is about the same as my need for oxygen.”

All that they go through (past and present) is s heartbreaking reading, but it’s so beautifully written, I loved watching it all play out.

“You kick-started my heart and brought me to life the minute you opened your mouth and dished my own shit back at me. You gave me something to fight for, a reason to see beyond the shit hand fate had given me, and start to imagine a future. And when I think about my life, you’re all I see. You’re it. You are my miracle.”

Rebecca Yarros has a real talent for this kind of story. She mixes romance, drama, angst, heartache and heavy emotion without it overwhelming the story or reaching a point where you get irritated or annoyed with the characters. Yes, they go through a lot, but they handle it honestly and realistically, and I could empathise with both Grayson and Samantha and all that they went through. The emotion drew me right into the story and I felt everything, and I love when a book does that!

I really loved this book, and am definitely looking forward to more from the series.

4.5 stars.
Profile Image for Molly Lee.
Author 18 books991 followers
July 21, 2015

Beauty in tragedy, Hope within despair, and among it all...Love.

There are moments when I’m absolutely certain this author can’t push the depths of my emotions any further, and then...

She releases another novel.

The Flight & Glory series is one of my all time favorite compilation of books. I fell in love with Josh and Ember’s strength in Full Measures, fanned myself over Jagger and Paisley’s passion in Eyes Turned Skyward, and now I’m losing it over Sam and Grayson.

Yarros’ characters are crafted with the upmost care and true attention to human nature. She breathes life into them with action and passion and brilliantly placed dynamics. It’s as if this isn’t a work of fiction, but merely a documentation of real people’s lives occurring just outside our own homes. The raw emotions she pushes into them are what makes them tangible and the effortless companionship created between each character is what continues to bring readers back to the pages again and again.

And Sam and Grayson are no exception. With each new duo of perspectives a new bond is formed between reader and character, and it is truly a beautiful experience. Sam is a spark-plug, readers have known that since the first novel, Full Measures, but, Beyond What Is Given invites readers into her mind and what is found there is nothing short of admirable. She is fierce, but in a way that is unique to her two female counterparts (Ember & Paisley) She is a firecracker embodied in a beautiful woman still struggling against strenuous circumstances outside of her control and her actions throughout her struggle are what make her incredibly endearing.

Grayson. Ah, Grayson, le sigh. He is true to the Flight & Glory fashion, not just an incredibly sexy male (though he is that) but much much more. He’s a stoic figure who breaks only under the right person’s touch. And that person is Sam. They are alike in so many ways--both dealt raw and heavy hands from life--and neither one of them takes it sitting down. They find stores of strength through knowing each other and they’re dynamic is explosive. Grayson and Sam are like gasoline and a lit match, all consuming and hot as hell, and it’s hard to look away for even a second.

Yarros compiles these amazing characters right alongside vivid and engaging plot. She effortlessly weaves together action, heat, depth, and mystery, constructing a plot so on point readers will feel as if they’ve lived it themselves. With cameos from beloved Flight & Glory characters and that special look into the military world only an expert can give you, BEYOND WHAT IS GIVEN is the perfect third installment, packed with fantastic, real, and completely swoon worthy characters, intense and heart-tugging circumstances, and fanning yourself passion.
It’s a wonderful addition to the Flight & Glory series that gives fans a new couple to fall in love with.
Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,052 reviews357 followers
October 20, 2015
3.5 Two Loves in One Lifetime Stars

Rebecca Yarros can definitely tug the heartstrings and get the emotions rolling. She has such a great insight into the "military" genre with her palpable feels for the men and women who serve and the bond with those who love them!

I fell hard for this author with Josh and Ember's forever love and she did not let me down with Jagger and Paisley. I had high hopes for Grayson and while I loved the "feels" and the heat...I'm not in as much love with the story as the prior reads in the series.

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Sam and Grayson...both characters have heavy baggage...no they have anchors holding them hostage. While Sam is running from a past toward no certain future, Grayson is trying to make his own future anything other than what is expected. Attraction? Definitely, but why? Perhaps it was Sam's lack of anything, her freedom and fire that drew Grayson to her. Perhaps it was the constant, solid state of Gray that made Sam want more. Either way their time together is a constant struggle of past and future.

While I am 100% a lover of angst, I just didn't enjoy Grayson's family involvement. I struggled with the flow of the tale and the constant "right people/wrong time" concept. Dammit! How many times can someone say they are all in...they pick you...they want you? Too much uncertainty. Too much back and forth by the last half of the book.

Overall, I still really enjoyed the book. Again, I think Yarros can do PROFOUND love like no other. Maybe Josh and Ember and Jagger and Paisley just cant be topped in my opinion!

Profile Image for Jenny••Steamy Reads Blog••.
987 reviews1,936 followers
January 6, 2017
Beyond What is Given is a sweet, loving, emotional story. Grayson and Samantha's journey was not easy and yet so very frustrating at times, many times to be honest. But their story is also sexy, funny, hot, and has some sweet moments that melted and warmed my heart. I loved the storyline. The previous books in this series gave us a head start into loving Grayson. But throw Samantha into it and I fell in love with this couple. Their struggles brought out so many feels I couldn't help but fall in love with them both.

Samantha was a smart, sassy girl who made some mistakes in the past which left her vulnerable and looking for a fresh start. She wanted to prove her worth and prove she could do it on her own. I loved Samantha's strength and determination to get her life back on track, she wasn't going to let her fears ruin the rest of her life.
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Grayson is such a deep character, I absolutely loved watching this quiet passionate man slowly bring down his walls to let Samantha in.
With Samantha he found the strength to open his heart and let himself feel again. He was finally able to start putting his past behind him and find the comfort and love with someone who deserved him, something he didn't think he would find or have again.
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Grayson and Samantha had such a wonderful deep connection, from the first moment they met you could feel the attraction between them. I loved watching them become friends then finally giving into the passion that was consuming them.
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Profile Image for this_cat_lady_reads.
680 reviews79 followers
January 30, 2024

Book three is still the least favourite of mine in this series. I like it, a lot, but not as much as the others. Though, I adore Sam this time around, she is fierce!

I am still not sold on the whole Grace storyline but I guess there had to be some kind of skeleton in the closet here.

”Beyond What is Given” by Rebecca Yarros

Book three of Flight & Glory.

Book three is usually a do or die in a series for me. You either do it so well that I as a reader does not get bored or the interest dies. My interest died a bit but I hope it will recover with the next book.
Nothing will compare to the first book of this series. But I still enjoyed this book so much, that I will continue with book four.

I got so attached to all the characters, present and returning. This book is Sam and Grayson’s story.

Sam’s life has been falling apart and she comes to Alabama because she is out of options. She moves in with the crew and steals untouchable Grayson’s heart.
The story is like always touching and heartbreaking. But maybe I feel a bit like I have read two books that are very similar in concept. Strong, perfectly build men, seemingly weak females who turn out to be stronger than expected at first. The concept could use a bit of a change/.

Even the spice didn’t do it for me anymore. I enjoyed it, yes, but this is not the strongest of the series. I can’t wait to continue along with Ember and Josh, who are my favourite couple.
Profile Image for Casey Reads ✨.
293 reviews162 followers
January 8, 2024
So many conflicting emotions with this one.

I couldn’t imagine being the FMC Sam. She braved feeling like the second choice woman & if I were in her shoes, I think I probably would’ve left him. She decided to stay and in the end, it gave her a beautiful life. But the whole time I was thinking- oh goodness I would leave. Those thoughts were what made it such a captivating story though.

Grace, the ex-gf, I felt so bad for. Everything that happened to her and then he is with someone else.. I know in the end it was the right thing, but I still had so many conflicting emotions about it since they were close all growing up and I felt so bad for her.

There was so much going on in this story, so many different plot lines that pulled at my heart. I loved every minute of this. So much action- multiple traumatic incidents.

I fully believe this series should be read in order, because again we see the characters from the previous stories fully involved and it makes more sense if you have read them in order.
Profile Image for Fanny.
2,386 reviews52 followers
May 17, 2017

" Ambos son las personas indicadas en un mal momento. Las posibilidades estan en su contra ... Pero Sam nunca se ha echado para atras frente a un reto ni a tomado la ruta facil. "

Beyond What Is Given es el tercer libro de la serie Flight & Glory de la autora Rebecca Yarros y narra la historia de amor de Samantha y Grayson ( personajes secundarios en los libros anteriores ).

Este libro era uno de los que mas esperaba poder leer, no solo porque la serie es increible, sino porque Grayson, el protagonista masculino me llamo mucho la atencion en el segundo libro, ademas tenia la sensacion de que ocultaba algun secreto y ¡ vaya ! lo que ocultaba era bastante grande.

Desde el comienzo la historia empieza de una forma que es casi imposible que no te enganches desde el primer capitulo, tiene un inicio ligero, tierno y muy atrapante.

Segun fui avanzando me iba enganchado cada vez mas, cada vez que pasaba algo impresionante pensaba que nada podria superar esa escena pero luego pasaban un par de capitulos y volvia a ocurrir algo increible y asi sucesivamente.

Tengo un nombre para las historias como estas, las llamo enredaderas porque te va a atrapando poco a poco, cuando necesitas un descanzo te das cuenta de que estas tan enganchada que no puedes dejar la lectura a medias, NECESITAS terminarla.

Reconozco que hubieron momentos en los que la trama decayo un poco y tambien que algunos aspectos de los personajes me sacaron de quicio, pero al final fue una historia hermosa, profunda, dulce y con el toque justo de drama ( aunque haya gente a la que le parecio demasiado dramatica ).

Sam, la protagonista femenina fue increible. Valiente, divertida, decidida, fuerte, muy simpatica y con una madurez que no muchas protagonistas tienen.

Grayson fue un buen protagonista, pero hubieron momentos en los que me saco de quicio con su indecision, ademas tenia tantas expectativas puestas en el, que en algunos momentos me senti decepcionada porque no era de la forma que yo pensaba que seria.

Me encantaria que la autora escribiera otro libro de ellos, como ha hecho con Josh y Ember, quizas cuando ellos sean un poco mas mayores.

Beyond What Is Given tiene el epilogo mas hermoso que he leido en todo el año!! es simplemente perfecto y admito que al leer el epilogo le subi media estrellas a la historia. * sonrojo *

Ahora a esperar por Hallowed Ground, que saldra en enero. Solo he leido el prologo y el primer libro y ya me muero de ganas por devorarlo, espero que tambien haya escenas de Paisley y Jagger y de Grayson y Sam.

" Cuanto dolor podia soportar una persona? De cuantas maneras se podia destrozar un corazon hasta que se secara y muriera? Queria que muriera. Al menos los sentimientos que venian con el. "

5 Estrellas!!!
Profile Image for Annika.
461 reviews115 followers
December 17, 2015
Huh. What to say, what to say...

Being a huge fan of the previous books in the Flight & Glory series (Full Measures is in fact one of my all-time favorite NA novels), I had great hopes for this one, too. Unfortunately, I have to say that Beyond what is given couldn't live up to my expectations.

What I did like:
The premise: I've always been a sucker for the whole roommate-to-lovers trope, as for hot guys in uniforms (who isn't?). And I loved that we got to see so much of Josh and Jagger, and even Ember and Paisley, the main characters from book 1 and 2. At one point, the storyline even overlapped with the epilogue from Eyes Turned Skyward. That was pretty cool.
The chemistry: From their first encounter, there was this palpable pull between Grayson and Sam. Rebecca Yarros has an undeniable talent for portraying that sizzling attraction that will make you want to fan yourself pretty much all of the time.
The ending: One thing you can count on when reading a Rebecca Yarros book: you won't be left hanging with a half-assed attempt at a happy ending. No, you get the real deal (not necessarily in a married-and-2.5-kids kind of way, but you just know it's a HEA) and the most beautiful epilogues.

What I didn't like:
The protagonists: Okay, I didn't exactly dislike Grayson and Sam. It's just that I couldn't seem to warm up to them. I did enjoy them in the beginning - Gray, the protective, silent hero and Sam, the troubled yet sassy heroine. It all went downhill when they eventually started to pursue their feelings for each other. I hated Grayson's indecisiveness and his constant hot-and-cold behavior towards Sam. And I hated Sam for being such a pathetically needy pushover when it came to Grayson and her willingness to accept that she's only second choice (though I did admire her courage and determination regarding her personal issues).
Parker: What a bitch.
Too. Much. Draaaamaaa: There was sooo much going on! Seriously, was all of that really necessary? I'm aware that Rebecca Yarros likes herself some angst, and I do too when executed well, but wow... Too. Much.

Despite my dislikes, I can't say I didn't enjoy this book, though it was a far cry from its predecessors.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews887 followers
October 5, 2015
Beyond What is Given is the third in the Flight & Glory Series, but can be read as a standalone. Having not read the first two in the series, I can say that the author did am amazing job not spoiling the major plot points of the first two books, I feel like I can go into both stories without anything being ruined. And believe me, after reading this, I am so going to have to go back and read the first two books.

BWIG is the story of Grayson and Sam, one is a closed off and the other is trying to run from the past, both marred by past mistakes. Sam has left Colorado after being expelled from college for a fresh start, moving into a house filled with three guys, two of which are coupled with her friends... the third, well that’s where it becomes complicated.

Grayson has lived a shell of a life for the last five years. Splitting his life between Alabama where he lives and struggles to be the best in his training and back home in the Outer Banks of NC, where a part of him has been frozen in time. No one knows his past or really anything about him, but once Sam gets under his skin, all of that begins to change. For the first time since his world stopped spinning, he’s knocked off his axis and it’s all Sam’s fault.

Sam is in a downward spiral, something that Grayson knows all too well. He knows he can’t fix his mistakes, or change his own fate, but he knows he can help Sam from falling into the same darkness. The only problem is that he finds himself unable not to fall for her in the process.

There is a lot of secrecy to both Sam & Grayson’s past that need to be discovered for yourself. I can say without a doubt that Grayson’s past is horribly sad and tragic. My heart not only broke for him, but for what Sam had to endure while standing by his side.

Parker.... Grayson’s sister. I hate her. Even towards the end of the book I did not feel anything for her but pure hatred. So selfish. Even worse after everything is fully revealed.

I loved this story. Sam was this spitfire of a heroine that although a bit stubborn, I get where she was coming from for the most part. She was trying to be selfless and do the right thing and Grayson had a lot of closure he needed to find before he could prove to her where he stood.

There was no way not to love these two characters. Grayson, although he hid the most tragic and damaged parts of himself, was so honest. I loved that he said what he felt, even when it made him cringe. They had the best chemistry, the early moments were spectacular to watch unfold and then when they got past the bulk of the hurdles, and we got to experience them in all their glory.

I can’t wait to go back to the start to discover the two prior love stories that I missed.
Profile Image for shirley ♡.
309 reviews176 followers
January 15, 2019
I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it. I loved it.
Profile Image for Tessa Teevan.
Author 43 books1,612 followers
September 4, 2015
Absolutely adored this book!! Grayson made me swoon in so many different ways, and Sam is going high up on my favorite heroines shelf. Review to come!!
Profile Image for Esmee.
371 reviews19 followers
May 21, 2017
4,5/5 De laatste 100 pagina's alleen maar zitten huilen, wat een pracht verhaal!
Vond het iets minder indrukwekkend dan het eerste deel, maar man wat voel ik mij nu vol liefde!
Profile Image for 1-Click Addict Support Group.
3,749 reviews485 followers
September 20, 2015
Lt. Grayson Masters is rock solid, hot as hell, and as emotionally locked down as they come. While he’s grudgingly accepted the friendship of his roommates (Jagger and Josh), he’s not exactly emotionally available. So when Samantha Fitzgerald comes crashing into his world, he literally has no idea what to do with her.

Samantha Fitzgerald (Sam) has just crossed the country to escape the mistakes of her past and attempt to start over. She’s a hot mess, but she’s trying to put herself back together. She’s not particularly won over by Grayson’s lack of charm, personality, or sense of humor – but she’s also not the type of person to let any of those things stand in her way. She's determined to figure out what lay behind his stony silence and stoic expression.

What happens between them is a sweet, tender friendship that builds with a slow burn—which is not to say that the book is slow or that it lacks heat. The chemistry between Sam and Grayson is white hot, and their story was literally unputdownable. I felt a physical pain every time I had to put this book down to tend to my real life responsibilities. Everything about this book was compelling, gripping, and beautifully written.

I've read this entire series and have loved every single book, but Grayson Masters is one of a kind. He's solid, strong, loyal, and honorable. My heart ached, burned, and overflowed all over the damn place for him. He's the ultimate hero—in every sense of the word. Sam is all fire and passion and courageous beauty. She's hiding behind some walls of her own, learning to trust herself again, and working to overcome the mistakes of her past. Watching the two knock each other's walls down and then hold each other up as they work through their issues—it’s a thing of beauty. I don't even have words, just feels. ALL the feels.

This book did things to my heart that I don’t even know how to recover from right now. I literally ached throughout almost the entire book. There were actual tears about how beautiful these characters were, how exquisitely tender they were with each other and how unfair and tragic and just…emotionally brutal their entire situation was. "Good" doesn't even begin to describe how good this book was—more like beautiful, heartbreaking, wonderful, amazing. That's a start, anyway.

My God, you guys, this book is going to leave a Grayson shaped mark on my heart for a long, long time. ~ Shelly, 5 stars
Profile Image for Britt Marczak.
506 reviews37 followers
July 9, 2015

These books, though. Every one of them is the perfect amount of heartbreaking and full of love. And each book is better than the last. Love, love, love Grayson and Sam's story. So much love.
Profile Image for ✦ Ellen’s Reviews ✦.
1,657 reviews342 followers
October 9, 2015
3.5 - 4 Stars!!

Fans of strong Alpha heroes and military romance will like this one. There is lots and lots of swoony romance and a very dramatic plotline. If you want to lose yourself in a romantic story then this is the book is for you.
Profile Image for Irene.
1,885 reviews128 followers
September 26, 2015
5 stars

I seriously loved Beyond What is Given.

Loved the storyline, the characters were likable and very relatable. Their struggles brought out so many feels I couldn't help but fall in love with both Grayson and Samantha.

Samantha was a smart, sassy girl who made some mistakes in the past which left her vulnerable and looking for a fresh start.
I loved Samantha's strength and determination to get her life back on track, she wasn't going to let her fears ruin the rest of her life. I really connected with her character, I admired her strength and honesty.

Grayson is such a deep character, I loved watching this quiet passionate man slowly bring down his walls to let Sam in.
In Samantha he found the strength to open his heart and let himself feel again. He was able to start putting the past behind him and find comfort and love, something he didn't think he deserved or would ever have again.
So much love for Grayson, damn that boy made me swoon!


Grayson and Samantha had such a wonderful deep connection, from the first moment they meet you could feel the attraction between them. I loved watching them become friends to finally giving into the passion that was consuming them. Dear lord the chemistry between Grayson and Sam was off the charts! *fans self*


From the moment I finished reading the first book Full Measures in the Flight & Glory series I knew this was going to be a must read series.
Rebecca Yarros is a talented author who writes with passion and gives her readers powerful emotional story-lines with characters that will pull at your heartstrings and leave you with a heart full of love.
I highly recommend this book and series.

Thank you Entangled Embrace via Netgalley for the advance copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.
Profile Image for Linda.
870 reviews
February 9, 2017
Beyond What is Given is the 3rd book in the Flight & Glory series, which is a military romance series. This is Sam (Samantha) and Grayson's book.

I am really enjoying this series. This book was a little bit angsty and had some serious drama, but the love story was so good. I wasn't that big of a fan of Sam in the previous books, but that totally changed in this book! Sam was a fantastic heroine. Grayson has a very tough exterior, but when his true character was revealed, I fell for him, too.

Overall, I recommend this series if you like the new adult romance genre. I'm personally looking forward to starting the last book- which is about Josh and Ember, who are my favorite couple in this series.
Profile Image for Rachel(Ray Ray).
160 reviews9 followers
May 30, 2024
This book was actually really good,it was kinda going to fast and I felt like the romance was the only thing surrounding the book and other than that there wasn’t anything interesting.
Profile Image for Paula .
704 reviews232 followers
October 27, 2015

Beyond What is Given is such an emotional story. Grayson and Samantha's journey was not was not easy and oh, so very frustrating at times. But it's also sexy, funny and had some sweet moments that melted my heart.

When I finished this book, I had a hard time deciding on a rating. At first I wanted to give this book 3.5 stars because I thought there was too much over-the-top drama that I wish was toned down a bit. But I truly think the book deserves 4 stars because of Grayson and Samantha. The chemistry between them was fabulous. I adored this couple.

Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,205 reviews

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