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Shut Up & Kiss Me

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She ran from her past.

After relocating from a small town in Tennessee, Mila has been living in New York City for a year in half, more than happy to be lost in the crowd. Living vicariously through her best friend and roommate Nikki, Mila spends her day’s waitressing and her evenings at home. Then, one night, after getting exclusive tickets to a nightclub downtown, Nikki is able to convince Mila to let loose for once.

He’s running from his future.

Having lived a privileged life, William is used to getting what he wants, and who he wants. Now though, in his thirties, he’s bored, and seeking more from his life than mindless sex, and even worse—mindless women. Spotting Mila from across the club he realizes right away that she’s different from what he’s used to, an observation that proves true. One night together will change everything for both of them. Pasts and futures will collide, secrets will be revealed, and the results will transform both their lives forever.

First published June 8, 2015

About the author

Madeline Sheehan

27 books7,027 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 208 reviews
Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,351 followers
June 8, 2015
”I had tasted happiness, I had found love – real love – and I selfishly wanted more.”


Perhaps I have read entirely too many stories in the same genre because sadly, this book lacked originality, depth and for me is the true definition of a “meh” read.

Mia is on the run from her past and is living with a roommate in Queens while waitressing and lying low enough that one proposal of an evening on the town has her all dressed up (with the good old roommate fixing her outfit and egging her on) and on line for the hot Club Infinity.

At Club Infinity Mila meets a handsome guy with whom she shares a great attraction. His name is William (he’s the owner of the club) and he reveals nothing about who he is because he is surrounded and hounded by gold diggers. His parents and siblings are shallow and he is tired of the same old type of girl and wants someone to love him for him. He wears converse and owns night clubs which makes him a rebel in his family’s eye.


These two fall in love, share ice cream, dinners, kisses in the rain, interactions with his stereotypical family and do have some hot love scenes. Still, William holds back on letting Mia know who he is and Mia holds back the secrets of her past which we discover right along with William towards the end of the story when her past catches up with her… sadly eye rolling scenes follow.

Overall I struggled with the cliché-ness of the whole story and the lack of dimension in our main characters. This story doesn’t bring the butterflies or the grit all of which are the things I enjoyed when reading these authors prior works.

ARC kindly provided by lovely Claire Riley, in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kelli C .
1,052 reviews357 followers
June 10, 2015

This book was nothing like I expected it to be. That is not necessarily bad, but I admit it was just kinda Meh for me.

Quick recap: "Mila" is running...from something bad...lands in NYC and starts a new life. Her first opportunity to start enjoying her freedom brings her to Club Infinity and into the sights of one Will Townsend. Sexy, sweet, fun and just completely charming. One night stand...or something more? Neither is who they claim to be. Both want something out of life but Will is used to women using him and Mila is just afraid of "something" thus keeping her down. Yay for them that their one night of unbelievable sex has both of them thinking that this could be that something more. But first, the secrets must come out, lifestyles must mesh, and well they need to survive one another.

Ooooooh, sounds like it was gonna just rock me silly, but this story just seemed to scratch the surface of something more. I completely wanted to fall for Will. He struggled some with his emotions, he took what he wanted, and simply was in the present with Mila. She on the other hand just seems to hollow...empty. Mila's lack of depth made for a relationship of sex, coffee, ice cream, flirty texts, and light conversation. I wanted more, from both! Even the big bad "something" was a bit of a "OH, that's it"?

For me this was a bit light and easy for a tale that was seemingly headed toward deep and angst filled. Do not take this review as completely negative. It is written extremely well and it is easy to read. I just went in with a different expectation so I seemed to have let myself down in that I could not get more from a good fast love story.
Profile Image for Angie.
1,379 reviews117 followers
June 9, 2015
The best thing I can say about this book is that it was ordinary. The writing was good but the story was unoriginal and forgettable. There was nothing special about it. The storyline has been done to death - millionaire playboy meets beautiful poor girl with a secret troubled past that makes him change his ways. If she was a virgin, too, I probably would have dnf'd it.

I'm not familiar enough to have an opinion of Riley's writing but it didn't feel like the book had Sheehan's stamp. Besides the fact that the H always wore converse sneakers, I would have never guessed Sheehan had a hand in writing this. I don't begrudge her wanting to write something outside her wheelhouse but this cliché, cookie-cutter, contemporary novel was a big miss. I had higher expectations. It was disappointing.

That being said I'm looking forward to Riley and Sheehan's second collaboration of the Thicker Than Blood series. But I'd pass on this one, you've already read it a hundred times.
Profile Image for Ashley Suzanne.
Author 38 books673 followers
May 29, 2015
I'm not even gonna lie. I've read it. I loved it, from beginning to end. I'm so honored I was trusted by Claire and Madeline to get an advanced read of Shut Up and Kiss Me. I refuse to give any spoilers about this book, because you're going to devour it the moment you read the first sentence. If you love mystery, suspense, romance, flawed characters, passion beyond belief and some of the best writing you'll ever read, on release day you're going to want to get your hands on Shut Up and Kiss Me.

Sheehan and Riley knocked it out of the park, delivering another masterpiece for the masses. Together, these two weave the most intricate worlds and astounding characters. Missing out on one of their books would be a true shame.

PS ... if some of you didn't read their first co-authored project, Thicker than Blood because of the genre, do NOT miss this one. Contemporary Romance at it's finest
Profile Image for Claire Riley.
Author 88 books1,173 followers
June 11, 2015
She ran from her past.

After relocating from a small town in Tennessee, Mila has been living in New York City for a year in half, more than happy to be lost in the crowd. Living vicariously through her best friend and roommate Nikki, Mila spends her day’s waitressing and her evenings at home. Then, one night, after getting exclusive tickets to a nightclub downtown, Nikki is able to convince Mila to let loose for once.

He’s running from his future.

Having lived a privileged life, William is used to getting what he wants, and who he wants. Now though, in his thirties, he’s bored, and seeking more from his life than mindless sex, and even worse—mindless women. Spotting Mila from across the club he realizes right away that she’s different from what he’s used to, an observation that proves true. One night together will change everything for both of them. Pasts and futures will collide, secrets will be revealed, and the results will transform both their lives forever.
Profile Image for Virginia.
735 reviews41 followers
June 8, 2015
I need to start by thanking Madeline and Claire for asking me to beta read Shut Up and Kiss Me. I loved it, loved it, loved it!! Madeline and Claire have done it again. These 2- I would read their grocery lists, their to-do lists, anything they write!!

Do you know how I know both Madeline and Claire are talented writers? A sign of a talented author- or in this case 2- is the ability to write different genres of books. Shut Up and Kiss Me is completely different than Madeline and Claire’s other books. Completely. There is no horror, there are no zombies, there are no bikers. And it doesn’t matter. They nailed it. This is another winner by these 2.

Like with all of their other books, the writing in Shut Up and Kiss Me is excellent. The descriptions are detailed, there are no filler words and it is completely seamless- when these 2 write together I can never tell who wrote what character.

Shut Up and Kiss Me is a romance book but it also has mystery, drama, secrets and lies. The prologue pulled me in and I was hooked. The plot, the characters, the writing- it is all fantastic! Go one click now!
Profile Image for Jacqueline.
1,693 reviews153 followers
June 10, 2015
I love a story with good chemistry and this really delivered. OK so the plot reminded me of hundreds of other romance stories I've read and the smut wasn't the hottest but the first base action gave me happy tingles so good times. I pretty much read this in one sitting.

We were kept in the dark for a long time about the secrets in Mila's past and tbh, it did stretch plausibility a little too far when she didn't tell Will about it, but it helped to keep things interesting I suppose.

A decent read, very little angst, lots of feels and some jeopardy thrown in at the end, all wrapped up in an easy to read standalone. Plenty to enjoy here.
Profile Image for Kirsten.
382 reviews172 followers
June 17, 2015
36%, and I don't know if this is a DNF or just putting on hold.

Madeline Sheehan is one of my 1-click authors. I have been literally dying inside waiting for the Undeniable series to pick back up. I knew going in it was an atypical book for her, but I had faith I would still be smitten. Not the case.

Unsure if I'm just bored or the whole insta-stuff happening, but I'm not pulled into this one. Meh. Maybe I'll come back to this, and maybe I won't.

Profile Image for Michelle.
944 reviews220 followers
June 22, 2015
At 55% I had to mark this one a DNF. I'm sad to say that I was really bored. I also wasn't feeling the insta-love either. Love your books MS but this one was not one of them:((
Profile Image for Avid Reader.
268 reviews72 followers
June 3, 2020

Will nodded slowly. "So what you're telling me is, if the woman is worth it, no matter what happens, you fight for her."

I have to start by saying that I absolutely love this writing team. These ladies have a way of drawing you in from the first page. In fact this story had me hooked from the prologue. I just had to know what was going to happen, what had already happened! Mila is an average girl, trying to keep her head down and not be noticed, for fear of her past catching up with her. Will is ultra-wealthy but bored with the stereotypical Manhattan socialites his family would prefer him to date. When Will and Mila have a chance meeting their worlds are both turned upside down. She is determined to forget him in order to protect him and herself. Of course this does not work out for either of them, as the attraction is just too strong.

"Maybe we should just have coffee," she said suddenly, her breathing coming fast. "I mean, if that's what you want. We could watch a movie, or talk more, or-"
She blinked, sucking her bottom lip into her mouth again. "Hmm?"
"Shut up," he whispered, lowering his mouth to hers, "and kiss me."

I really enjoyed this story. Will is a great character. He is strong and wealthy and handsome, but he is not arrogant nor overbearing. He is just a normal guy. While I did find Mila frustrating at times, I could empathize with her behavior given her past traumas. Their romance was somehow sweet and super-hot at the same time. While the course of their relationship was not necessarily something we see every day, it was believable. And the end! Oh the end was just great! Super suspenseful and with just the right amount of twists to keep you on the edge of your seat. I would expect nothing less from this duo! Great for a summer read on a sandy blanket!

4 stars 

Purchase Link - http://amzn.to/1Hmw4n9

More books from this Dynamic Writing Duo:

Thicker Than Blood - http://amzn.to/1SfrASf

Profile Image for A. Walters.
Author 34 books4,293 followers
June 8, 2015
This is VERY different than the last Sheehan/Riley offering. No zombies in sight. But one thing is for sure, these two can write just about anything. Crazy post apocalyptic world? Check. Angsty, sexy love fest? Check. Heart wrenching characters? Check. Hot as hell love scenes? Check.

This book is about Mila, who is running from her past and Will, who is rich playboy. On the surface you would think this is just another rich boy romance but that's where you'd be wrong. Sheehan and Riley's gift is in their creation of characters. The complex layers that make you connect and swoon.

So don't miss their contemporary romance offering. You won't regret it.
Profile Image for FMABookReviews.
637 reviews402 followers
Shelved as 'on-pause'
June 18, 2015
EEEP I won this in an ARC giveaway from the LOVELY Madeline Sheehan! OMG! CAN'T WAIT TO START READING *deep breaths*!
Profile Image for Gail - Slitty.
84 reviews56 followers
June 8, 2015
The last time that Madeline Sheehan and Claire Riley collaborated, they gave us the horror masterpiece, Thicker Than Blood, so should you expect something similar with Shut Up & Kiss Me? When the Queen of the MC genre and author of The Holy Trinity series hooks up with the Queen of Horror, this must mean that a plague, dragons, walkers and rivers of blood will be shed? Absofuckinglutely Not! Erase anything that you think you know about these two authors, wipe it clean like your hard drive just downloaded a virus from a Spanish porn site. You should know by now that Madeline Sheehan loves to shock her fans, and she does it again, by co-writing an honest-to-God, old-fashion romance. Yep, you heard me, a contemporary romance.

Shut Up & Kiss Me is a breath of fresh air; with the romance genre market saturated with stories competing to win the title for the most sex scenes or the most shocking orifice to shove a penis, SUAKM decides to focus on the courtship. It’s similar to seeing a room of identical looking models wearing heavy makeup and professionally coiffed hair, and then you spot a natural beauty with minimal makeup and messy flowing hair, and she stands out and above the rest of the crowd. Now I’m not saying that there aren't some sex scenes, but natural beauty in this story is the courtship. I found myself grinning like a fool at these two, and my toes may have curled a time or two over Will. However, the couple, Mila and Will, are both keeping secrets, and as Will states “A forever can’t be built on lies”, and I’m going to stop right here because I don’t want to give away any spoilers. Never has the old adage “You can run, but you can’t escape or hide from your past” be any truer.

Bottom line: Will Townsend isn’t an alpha male, he brings his own different and refreshing identity to this story. Nikki is the kind of friend that every gal wants in a best friend, and she and Mila are a match made in BFF heaven. Richard caught me completely off-guard, and I found that I was swooning over him by the end of the story. If you are looking for a light summer romance, look no further, just shut up and read this book.
Profile Image for Three Chicks.
2,618 reviews420 followers
June 8, 2015
Review by Lisa Kane

Mila is 27, shy and running from her past. She's been in New York City a little over a year and a half, has a decent job and a great roommate named Nikki. Nikki's the only one she's trusted with her secrets. But Nikki thinks it's time for Mila to stop locking herself away and have some fun. Other than to buy necessary stuff and go to work in the small family restaurant where she waitresses, she rarely leaves their apartment.

She knew the sadness that lived inside of me, the fear that woke me in the middle of the night, panting and breathless. I trusted Nikki with everything, because I'd had to trust someone. Thankfully, the someone I'd chose had been her.

Nikki drags her out to Club INFINIFY, one of the big hot spots for the city's nightlife. While she's off dancing, Mila meets a gorgeous guy who can't seem to stop staring at her-Will.

He looked me over with crystal clear blue eyes that the sight of sent my nerves ablaze. Like most of the club-goers, he was dressed casual-chic, in a pair of distressed jeans that hugged his trim hips and legs, that he'd pair with a simple black T-shirt. But the most endearing thing about him was the pair of Converse sneakers on his feet. Smudged, worn-looking, they didn't quite fit the rest of him, yet at the same time gave him an approachable vibe that I didn't think he'd have without them.

Lots of flirting later, shy Mila thinks maybe Nikki's right and a one night stand with a complete stranger is what she needs to break out of her shell. Will wants her, Mila wants him and they end up spending a sweaty, hotter than hot night together. But Will has promised himself (the story is in both their POV's) that he is no longer going to do meaningless sexual encounters.

He was thirty one years old, nearly thirty two. He'd been almost everywhere, seen everything, and subsequently was no longer impressed with any of it. He wanted different. He needed different.

So when he wakes up the next day in her apartment, realizes that once again he met someone and jumped right to the good stuff, he puts his phone number on a piece of paper, and leaves before she wakes up. Total douche move.

Mila feels cheap but realizes it's probably best that things didn't go any further. She figures he really doesn't want her to call him, or he wouldn't have left before she work up. Will can't get her out of his head, but he didn't get her phone number, he doesn't even know her last name and she didn't call him. But fate steps in, he gets a hold of her and they start dating.

"Maybe we should just have coffee," she said suddenly, her breathing coming fast. "I mean, if that's what you want. We could watch a movie, or talk more, or-"
She blinked, sucking her bottom lip into her mouth again. "Hmm?"
"Shut up," he whispered, lowering his mouth to hers, "and kiss me."

Will is not who Mila thinks he is, but he has been burnt before because of his family and his social status. So he tells her a few white lies. This thing with Mila is so new, he wants to make sure she wants him for who he really is, not what she could gain by being with him. And Mila, she thinks maybe someday she can will tell him about the things she's done and her past.

They have tons of obstacles-his snobby, close minded family; her past, their insecurities about each other. And then boom-Mila's past isn't in the past any longer and is now colliding with Will's present. When Mila's past secrets are uncovered, they are pretty big ones. Ones that can get them both killed. And where will the truth lead them?

Shut Up and Kiss Me is interesting, witty, and a little simmering pot of deliciousness. The story moves along nicely, but after the build up of what could be so horrible in Mila's past that she ran scared, I thought the ending was a little rushed. The epilogue tied things up but as a reader I would have liked a little more development about their lives between the time all is revealed and what their lives are like now. But in spite of wanting that little bit more, this is a recommended read. It's my first one from Claire C Riley. I've read Ms. Sheehan's Undeniable series (very few authors can write such raw, gritty biker books like she can!) and this was a great change of pace. It's a mostly vanilla romance and one I loved. The secondary characters in this one-Nikki and Will's security man, Richard are so colorful and lively and add so much to the story's canvass that I would love to see them get their own story. (Enough of a hint do you think?)

Will nodded slowly. "So what you're telling me is, if the woman is worth it, no matter what happens, you fight for her."
Profile Image for HeatherP.
1,054 reviews25 followers
June 16, 2015

*fist bumps Claire and Madeline*

I didn't think that Madeline and Claire could top their book Thicker Than Blood. When they teamed up for that it was a match made in heaven...or hell cause that was the apocalypses. Well then I got my hands on Shut Up and Kiss me. WOW.

When these two get together magic happens people.

"How can you breathe when your entire life, everything you've ever known, has fallen to pieces in an instant."

With Mila running from her past and Will running from his current normal they meet one night and neither of them were expecting the other one to be more than a night stand.

The premise of this book may have been done before or sounds familiar but with these two behind this book it was fresh take on it. I enjoy the way these two tell a story. They hold my attention and leave me wanting more. I highly recommend you read this one.

ARC in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Irene.
204 reviews23 followers
June 11, 2015
Quite a contrast from Madeline Sheehan's other books and you would never recognise her style in this story.

I've got to say this book felt like I'd seen it all before, typical troubled heroine on the run makes a new life for herself and meets a rich handsome guy at the bar which turns into insta love.

Mila just seemed to me like a boring dull person and from the first few chapters it's repeatedly stated that Will had never met anyone like her before. Will seemed weak to me, he just kept taking insults from his obnoxious parents but still went back for more.

I would say my interest peaked in the final chapter of the book but soon ebbed away.
Sorry if I have no positives to say about the story but it's only my opinion and I'm sure some people will like it but this one was not for me.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
2,042 reviews24 followers
June 9, 2015
this was a very different delivery from Madeline Sheehan and it just shows what a great writer she is. this author can turn out dirty, erotic foul mouthed biker stories, added with a good plot and an alpha that makes you squirm in your seat - to writing contemporary romance (well written and) paranormal stories.

Yes some people might struggle with this as it is cliched but don't expect this to be like the other characters she has written about - if you do you will be disappointed. this is a straight down the line contemporary romance with a twist.

for me this author is just one of the best. I love everything she writes so a well deserved 5 stars because she can produce well written diverse stories.
Profile Image for Jenna.
321 reviews37 followers
June 15, 2015
2.5 rounded to 3 stars
I FLOVE Madeline hard but this book just didn't do it for me.
Very predictable, kind of boring, and then BOOM the end. and SOOOO MANY MISTAKES...I don't know if they skipped the editing process or what but This one needed help.
I didn't see Madeline in this book at all.
Disappointed :(
Profile Image for Toski Covey.
130 reviews156 followers
June 8, 2015
When you get asked to read an ARC of a book by any author, it is an absolute honor. When you get asked by Madeline Sheehan who co-wrote a Contemporary Romance with another amazing Author Claire Riley- YOU JUMP UP AND DOWN FOR JOY AND THANK THE HEAVENS ABOVE.

I'm a HUGE Sheehan fan. She made me a believer in not judging a book by what you "think" it's about. Reading her Undeniable series changed my views on what I like to read. When I saw this cover and synopsis, I was already counting down the days until I could get my greedy little hands on this bad boy.

And I was NOT disappointed. I didn't know how these authors would pull off a story like this. Not saying I doubted their abilities but I just knew it was out of their comfort zone and was curious to see where they would lead me.

Mila is running from her past. After leaving her small town in Tennessee for the Big Apple- she left everything behind not looking back. Waitressing and living with her best friend/roommate Nikki, she doesn't have much of a life. Nikki finally drags her out one night to a club and that's where the story truly begins.. Will is everything i love in a book boyfriend. Just enough sweet but still manly and in control. Will has his own secrets as well and after a fun night of drinking and flirting- they end up having one night of fun. Mila finally lets loose and lets her guard down after a VERY long time.

The funny thing about the past and secrets is-- They always catch up with you. No matter how good and slick you think you are, in time- the truth comes out.

This story has everything.. Mystery, suspense, love, sexy, romance, a hot book boyfriend, an amazing plot, great flow (so much you don't even remember two authors wrote this,) and fantastic supporting characters.

HUGE 5 STARS FOR THIS ONE. Absolutely amazing story and seamless writing. I devoured this book like I was starving for their words.
166 reviews10 followers
Want to read
May 23, 2015
Amazing how someone can rate a book with one star when it hasn't even been published...
Profile Image for Toni FGMAMTC.
2,059 reviews25 followers
June 12, 2015
Mila left everything behind when she moved from a small town in Tennessee to New York City. She keeps her head down, only going to work and then home. Her roommate is a bit more wild and finally talks her into going to an exclusive club. Will approaches her and she decides to give in to the freedom of whatever will happen for the night. Both already have the groundwork for completely different futures laid out for them, but this single hook up changes things in major ways.

Shut Up and Kiss Me is one of those stories that you can't give much detail without giving away the entire plot. I will say this much. It has a healthy dose of romance and some sexy times with a bit of suspense and thriller. I like that the sex was hot and kept realistic. Mila isn't a sex kitten or a virginal princess. She's a beautiful yet awkward everyday girl. Will is delicious, wealthy and honorable. He isn't an alpha or a badass. He's just looking for something real in a world of fake. There's family drama, great friendships and movie style kissing-while-the-busy-world-passes-you-by scenes. The storyline was believable and entertaining. The characters were relatable and easy to like. I read both authors' separate works also. If their previous books didn't quite work for you, but you do like contemporary romance, this is probably for you.

PS. Even though he wasn't the male lead, I really liked Richard. As far as I know, this is a standalone, but I wouldn't be opposed to more from him. #Claimed *wink*

***Copy given in exchange for an honest review***

FULL REVIEW CAN BE FOUND AT http://fangirlmomentsandmytwocents.bl...
Profile Image for Sue.
1,934 reviews22 followers
June 12, 2015
I usually read biker, rocker, dark romance, and the occasional fantasy. Every once in a while, I like to switch things up and read a contemporary romance that is not so traumatic, has a sweet love story, and a true HEA.
Sheehan and Riley and are not known for sweet, gentle or pretty…and when I read their books I’m usually slapped in the face with hard edged grit, dirty bad boys and a wild ride of violence and possibly futuristic fare. Not so with this new collaboration as they show us their girly side, their fluffy pink and gentle side and yet all wrapped up in a frilly bow of not-so-nice edges and colors.
Mila is hiding a big secret and is trying to make it in NYC hidden from the world until she meets Will, a super-hot, super-rich “player” who decides he wants to change his ways for Mila. Of course, when you are keeping a dangerous past hidden and life is too good to be true right now, you just know that ugly will return to smash your happy to bits…and that is exactly what this new adult fantasy is all about.
I am always impressed with how these two authors surprise me with each successive book they create… a new world full of very different people but with common goals. Love, life, the pursuit of happiness and the desire to be more than what you think you are capable of, seems to be the themes common to their books and although this story (a woman on the run from a dangerous man who meets her knight in shining armor) has been done before, they always manage to add their unique touch to it.
No surprises… the sex was HOT, the relationships between Mila and her BFF as well as Will and his loyal driver/bodyguard were funny, warm and honest, and the family dynamics were explosive and universal. I found myself smiling in some parts, laughing out loud at others and just praying for the best in the tense scenes...all in all a good change of pace.
If you weren’t into the zombie books, need a change from biker and dark erotica, and maybe want a steamy but sweet love story with a few tense moments, then this is the one for you!

**** 4 **** "shut up and love this book" stars
Profile Image for Eli Constant.
Author 75 books85 followers
June 8, 2015
While this isn’t my normal type of read, I found it a refreshing change. I was worried going in that it would verge on erotica; it seems that sex, sex, sex, has been the name of the game for the romance genre lately. If I wanted my sex hookup, I’d go for LK Hamilton or Kim Harrison- at least they give me some crazy good loving with a lot of intrigue and killing.

If I’m going to read a true romance story, if I’m craving that, I want it to be freaking romantic. Is that so much to ask? I don’t think so.

It seems that Riley & Sheehan agreed.

The main characters have secrets. We all do. We all have things we’d rather forget. It’s the coming together, the bonding and falling in love beyond the secrets, that helps us grow and, in that growth, or, rather, because of that growth, we are able to face our secrets, share those things that make us vulnerable and weak and then, when the walls have fallen, create in us the ability to fall truly, madly, and deeply in love.

The book has the essential elements to a great story- a supporting character best friend that somehow makes the main character complete. The mysterious man that draws interests. And the unexpected entrance into the mix that creates a secondary path. Because love and life is a journey that has multiple forks in the road. Sometimes, we think we find the right path, but fate has a different story ending for us, one that we can not predict or force.

I don't want to give anything away. I'll just say that Will, Mila, Nikki & Richard are believable characters and, combined with the plot and eloquent writing, cause you to fall into the story like a warm, bubble bath after a stressful day.
Profile Image for Courtney.
1,799 reviews201 followers
July 10, 2015
Madeline Sheehan and Claire Riley have joined forces again and given us, Shut Up and Kiss Me.

You’d think you’d know what to expect when it comes to one author of an MC series and a Fantasy/Post-Apocalyptic series teams up with the author or horror stories, you’d get one hell of a crazy-ass book like their compilation, Thicker Than Blood?!?! Nope – you get the exact opposite with this one and they will blow your minds!

I must say that I was quite surprised to read such a contemporary romance story from these two and I really enjoyed it. But what I love the most about this story, was the way it was told. This wasn’t about the hot and heavy sex scenes but more about them falling in love. Will and Mila are characters that readers are going to enjoy getting to know, their courtship and exploring their love for one another. Will isn’t the typical alpha male and Mila is just the average woman. However, they are both keeping secrets from one another that could crush everything they’ve built up.

Sheehan and Riley definitely show their true writing talents by giving us another side of them and writing this book exceptionally well. This story is filled with it all – love, fear, anger, suspense, lies and it flows seamlessly. You will completely forget that two authors wrote this. You will love all the characters, both main and supporting characters. They all add an important part to the story and make the book that much more enjoyable.

I have to applaud both these ladies for always keeping us on our toes and writing, yet again, another outstanding story and showing us why you both rock!
Author 5 books139 followers
June 13, 2015
There is without a doubt that these are two very good authors working well together. The story is fluid and uncomplicated, with a good strong standard of writing.

I'll get the bad stuff out of the way first. Please keep in mind I don't often read pure romance, so take this with a grain of salt.

First, I hate the phrase 'you're not like other girls'. It immediately puts down other women and I think I've made my stance about girl-on-girl hate very clear by now. I know how it was meant to come across here, but it still grated on me.
Second, it was all a bit cliche. Of course he's wealthy AF. It had a tad of a FSOG feel to it (I know I know, hold back the hellfire please), just in terms of the small town girl, meets a billionaire, is unaccostomed to his lifestyle. To be honest, it wasn't that bad. The characters themselves were very strong and escaped their cookie cutter molds early on.

I DID NOT see the ending coming, and to be honest, They also don't shy away from the gore, which added a very unique slant to the story.

These writers write female friendships very well, and I loved the scenes between Mila and Nikki. They sounded adorable, and I could relate to their friendship very well. Nikki was also incredibly brave, and I'm glad she didn't fall by the wayside, but her character felt secure in the hands of these authors.

All in all, I enjoyed this more than most romances. I like this pairing of authors, and will continue to seek out their work.
Profile Image for Maribel Zamora.
178 reviews8 followers
June 9, 2015
From the minds of Thicker Than Blood you’d never know that they have came together again and given us Shut Up and Kiss Me.
In this you had everything from laughs to holding your breath in suspense of whats to come. In the beginning I caught myself smiling while getting to know Mila and Will.
While running from her past Mila didn’t get to Live in the moment, always looking over her shoulder but once meeting Will she wanted to, she wanted to desperately. Will had been looking for- different. Different from all the mundane rich people; women he was used to. And he found her. Mila was what he had wanted and Will was what Mila needed.
I was yelling at Mila to just tell him, tell Will about your past! It couldn’t be that bad right? Well as Mila kept Will and I waiting to hear what the heck had happened to her in her past, Mila and I were falling even more in like with Will, possibly even love.
But for someone running from her past- it caught up to her- in a WTF moment- Will and I found out just what that was. With my mouth agape- I was thinking ‘Omg where the hell is Richard!?’ (Richard is Will’s ex-military turned personal driver and friend).
In Thicker Than Blood these authors aren’t known for your typical happily ever afters, lets hope that’s not the case for Mila and Will.

“He shrugged, and smiled crookedly at me, ‘Then I know you.’”
Profile Image for Terri (N.J.).
836 reviews44 followers
June 12, 2019
I was really enjoying this one until half way through. Not sure why but it just lost that enticing vibe and I just started skimming more and more.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 208 reviews

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