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Dukes Behaving Badly #2.5

No Groom at the Inn

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In this Dukes Behaving Badly holiday novella, a young lady entertains a sudden proposal of marriage—to a man she’s only just met.

What does a lady do when a man she’s never seen before offers his hand in marriage? Lady Sophronia Bettesford doesn’t scream and run away. Instead, she accepts the shocking proposition. After all, what’s her other choice? To live with her cousin, caring for six children and a barnyard full of chickens?

James Archer has roamed the world, determined never to settle down. He’s faced danger and disaster…he fears nothing and no one—except his mother and her matchmaking ways. So when ordered to attend a Christmastime house party filled with holiday cheer and simpering young misses, he produces—a fiancée!

Sophronia and James vow to pretend to be in love for one month. But when they promise to give each other a Christmas kiss, it becomes clear that this pact made out of necessity might just be turning into love.

173 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 10, 2015

About the author

Megan Frampton

39 books1,037 followers
Megan Frampton's love affair with books began when her parents moved her to a remote town in New Hampshire where there was only one television station. And then the TV broke. She devoured every book of fiction in her well-read parents' library, finding special joy in Georgette Heyer and the fairy tales collected and translated by Andrew Lang. Megan majored in English literature at Barnard College and worked in the music industry for fifteen years. She lives in Brooklyn, New York, with her husband (her former intern) and her kid.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 101 reviews
Profile Image for Lily (Night Owl Book Cafe).
624 reviews491 followers
November 19, 2015

James Archer does not want to settle down, he likes roaming the world, and he has no plans of giving that up. So when his mother stages a house party for a couple of mothers and their eligible daughters, James accidentally blurts out that he is already engaged.

Lady Sophronia Bettesford has no where else to go but to see to her cousin, her six children and chickens. So when a mysterious stranger throws her an unexpected proposal, Sophronia can't help but see this as an opportunity to get what she wants and get away from a lifetime of raising her cousins' children and chickens.

I felt the story was refreshing. There was no mention of dukes, just Mr.Archer and Lady Sophronia. The house party was amusing watching one of the eligible ladies' mother practically shoot daggers at Sophronia for stealing Mr.Archer. I hated the woman for being so cynical and treating Sophronia for the way she did, but I guess she and James deserved it. Their deceiving ways was kind of hurting James' mother, who was over the moon that her son is actually engaged. All she wants from him is to get married and stay rooted so she could see him more often and that is in fact that last thing James wants.

As any novella this suffers from being too fast, too many jumps ahead, it felt like a skipping record or watching a movie on fast forward. The romance unfolded much too quickly, as well as the attraction between these two.

But I did enjoy it. I thought it was sweet watching the two fall in love, even with James struggles to accept the fact, a little. This was also a nice introduction to the authors writing, which is another reason I do find myself enjoying novellas, despite their length. I already know they aren't the strongest piece of writing, and I take that into consideration. But, it told a story of two unlikely people who might have been missed out on a book, and that I was okay with.

Also, there is holiday cheer as the house party is preparing for Christmas, and a contest of who can bring in the best Christmas tree. I loved watching these two work together. So if you are looking for a quick Christmas read and love historical romance, I would give this one a shot. There are also plenty of moments to chuckle over.

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 This review was originally posted on Night Owl Book Café
Profile Image for Mara.
1,824 reviews4,185 followers
November 21, 2019
Sadly, while the elements of this are intriguing, this just feels like a first draft on every level-- writing, characters, pacing, etc. I'm glad this wasn't my first encounter with the author, because I likely wouldn't have read more based on this
Profile Image for Becca.
685 reviews114 followers
November 23, 2016
No Groom at the Inn is a short novella that stands as book 2.5 in Megan Frampton's Dukes Behaving Badly series. While I've enjoyed Frampton's work starting at Book 3, everything before this point, including this novella, is meh :(

Frampton has a quirky writing style that I thought she perfected in Book 3 of this series (which is why I'm looking forward to reading the other books later in the series) and also in a separate novella she did in the Dressed to Kill anthology. However, here, the voice still wasn't polished and so I instead read stream of consciousness narration, especially on the part of the heroine, that I found to be annoying and hard to connect with.

The low rating is almost entirely due to my lack of connection with the writing style. The actual story itself is well paced for a novella and I enjoyed the secondary characters. However, I just couldn't bring myself to care about the central couple and this took me almost a week to read.

I think Frampton brings something different to the historical romance party and I look forward to reading her latest stuff, but anything before Book 3 of this series has been disappointing and worth skipping. I personally think she really found her voice in Book 3 and that is where I became a fan. If you've read earlier works by her and you enjoyed them, you will probably like this installment for the holidays. If not, I recommend you skip it.
Profile Image for Sombra.
342 reviews43 followers
January 15, 2020
Para ser un relato corto ha tenido bastante dosis de humor y romance, con lo que me doy por satisfecha. La autora ha sabido jugar bastante bien con el romance de los protagonistas poniendo situaciones que duraban semanas, lo único que ha sido más insta - love, como se suele decir, es que tras estar juntos por solo un mes el ya se asienta sim necesidad de que haya ningún conflicto, pero oye, es Navidad, no hay que pedir mas! Ahora a por el ultimo relato de la colección!!
Profile Image for Angie Elle.
884 reviews109 followers
November 5, 2015
Thank you to AVON and Edelweiss for providing a review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

4.5 stars

There’s something about Historical Romance that’s so magical. Throw in the holiday and a charming hero, and it’s bliss for this gal! No Groom at the Inn was a delightful read. Sophronia is dreading making her way to her new destination where she’ll be in charge of chickens and children when a handsome stranger approaches her and asks her to marry him. Jamie is desperate to dodge his matchmaking mama, and he fears the only way he can do so is to produce a fiancé. Of course, there’s the matter of killing her off once the holiday season is over, but Jamie will worry about that when the time comes.

I adored this little story. The banter between Jamie and Sophronia was playful – it wasn’t about one-upping each other. (Except during game night.) They just enjoyed being together. They had chemistry from the get-go, and while Jamie was more experienced than Sophronia, it wasn’t something that overshadowed the story. In fact, it was barely mentioned. (Yay for a non-roguish charming hero!) This was a quick, light read overall. I do wish it had been a bit longer. It seemed as though Jamie may have had some sort of ADD, and I would have liked to see that be explored. Aside from that, he was such a sweet hero, I would have loved to read more about him. I adored the way he treated Sophycakes. But it’s like I always say – I’d rather be left wanting more than wondering when the heck a book is going to end!

Megan Frampton is quickly moving her way to the top of my favorite HR authors. Her books are engaging and her characters have a simplicity to them that I enjoy very much. No Groom at the Inn was a wonderful holiday read.

This review was originally posted at Badass Book Reviews.
Profile Image for SmartBitches.
491 reviews633 followers
January 9, 2017
Lightning review at Smart Bitches, Trashy Books

No Groom at the Inn is a delightful holiday Regency novella. It’s like the perfect little macaron–a pop of sweetness, but not so much that your teeth ache.

The reason I liked this book was that I enjoyed being part of a Regency holiday house party. Because there wasn’t a ton of drama or angst, I felt like I was on vacation with the characters. I loved the descriptions of the word games that everyone played after dinner. Also the sexytimes felt like a natural part of the book and flowed with the story — in a lot of romance novellas the sex feels wedged in (har!) without a lot of build up due to the shorter length of the book.

No Groom at the Inn is short and lovely, and if you love house party settings, then I recommend picking it up.

- Elyse
Profile Image for Phoenix77.
347 reviews44 followers
November 23, 2015
It’s beginning to feel a lot like Christmas(!) in Romancelandia. Megan Frampton’s No Groom at the Inn uses its Christmastime setting to good effect, borrowing some of the season’s spirit to bring a wandering soul together with one looking for a place to belong.

Please read my full review at Romantic Historical Reviews
Profile Image for Christi (christireadsalot).
2,309 reviews929 followers
December 7, 2021
Am impoverished Earl’s daughter who was left with nothing when her father passed, Lady Sophronia stops at an inn on the way to her cousin’s home. Her cousin wrote to her needing help with not only his 6 kids (after the death of his wife), but also help overseeing the various village Christmas celebrations including the annual Tribute to the Hay (which was apparently the highlight of the year) and taking care of the chickens…27 of them! Sophronia is contemplating all of this when a handsome stranger comes over to her and proposes marriage. This stranger’s offer looks a lot more appealing than becoming the keeper of 27 chickens…

Mr. James “Jamie” Archer always craved adventure and has been busy bringing back treasures to sell, but every time he returns his mother is asking when he plans to marry and settle down. He ends up blurting out that he’s betrothed and dashes out of the house to find a drink…and a fiancée. He comes across Sophronia at the nearest tavern/inn and proposes his idea of a fake engagement…which she accepts because 1 month pretending to be his fiancée and then he’ll buy her a cottage is better than being the chicken-keeper for her cousin and his brood. 😆

This one was okay, I feel like it had some cute moments but most so not involve the hero. 😅 I definitely feel like all the women characters in this were amazing but the hero was kind of not my favorite. He’s very into getting deals/cheating others on artifacts around the world to then return to London and sell for high-profit which just felt ick. And he’s too busy to settle down or be in a relationship because he must continue to adventure. Some memorable moments: class difference romance, country holiday 2-week house party, her sweet friendship with his mother, lots of party activities (games, cutting down a tree and decorating it, mistletoe smooching).

2.5 stars 🤷🏼‍♀️
Profile Image for Jaci.
464 reviews20 followers
November 10, 2015
Book 2.5 in the Dukes Behaving Badly Series is a winner!! Two people who have views and desires that are not remotely the same, encounter each other a an Inn. Sophronia is an impoverished daughter of an Earl who is on her way to her widowed cousin to take care of his six children and his twenty seven chickens.
Jamie is a gentleman who has had a compulsive need to never stay in one place for any length of time. He has felt this restlessness since he was a young boy and he sees no end in sight. It is just weeks to Christmas and his mother wants him to accompany her to a house party for Christmas, where he is certain there will several young ladies of marriageable age He doesn't want to hurt his mother's feelings so he agrees to go but only if he can bring his betrothed. The problem is he doesn't really have a fiancee. When he spots Sophronia at a Inn he walks up to her and asks her to marry him.

Sophronia is shocked to say the least. This tall, very good looking man that she doesn't know and has never seen before just asked her to marry him. When he explains his reasons, she agrees with some conditions of her own. She will pretend to be his fiancee for the house party and when the two weeks are over he will buy her a cottage somewhere so she doesn't have to take care of her cousin's children and chickens.

As the house party progresses they find themselves attracted to each other and as they get to know each other they find that they like each other even though he doesn't want to stay in one place and she just wants to belong somewhere. He realizes that she has a calming effect on him that he has never felt before. They both realize how lonely they have been so far in their lives.

Can she fill the place in his restless soul and can he finally make her feel like she belongs?

Megan writes a beautiful story about two people who are beautifully flawed, intelligent, funny, and special.
This book was a joy to read and I cannot wait for the next book in the series. I will read anything that Megan writes because I always feel satisfied after finishing one of her books.
Profile Image for Maria Rose.
2,556 reviews265 followers
April 2, 2016
This delightful lighthearted Christmas novella is the story of Sophronia and James. Sophronia has resigned herself to her fate of relying on a distant relative after her father passes away, leaving her without means to support herself. A chance meeting at an inn results in a sudden reprieve and some hope, when James offers her a bargain -pretend to be his fiancee for a month to appease his mother's matchmaking hopes (attending an extended holiday party with him) and in return he'll finance a small cottage for her to live a comfortable life as she chooses. It's the perfect solution to both their problems. But could this Christmas give them a gift they'd never expected?

I really enjoyed this sweetly sensual story. At the start James is quite firm in his beliefs that settling down in one place is just not in the cards for him, yet he loves and respects his mother dearly and doesn't want to let her down. Hiring Sophronia to play at being his fiancee is a stroke of luck for him - even more so when she turns out to be a charming, quick-witted, intelligent woman. In fact, if he were going to choose a wife, it would be someone like her. I loved seeing him come to terms with his feelings for her and the conflict within himself, as he realizes that his wants and desires are no longer so cut and dried. Sophy sees in James a friendly, fun-loving, kindred spirit, the life of the party but at the same time a devoted son and a generous man. It doesn't take long for her to realize that her feelings for him are becoming more involved and deciding that if this is going to be her only chance to be with him, she'll make the most of it. They share a tender love scene that reinforces their feelings for each other. They both get a wonderful Christmas gift as their planned arrangement turns into so much more. This one was a real treat to read. 4.5 stars.

Note: a copy of this story was provided by the publisher via Edelweiss for review.

This review appears as a blog post at: http://harlequinjunkie.com/review-no-...
Profile Image for Diane Peterson.
1,097 reviews88 followers
January 27, 2016
Clever, charming, enjoyable. A very cute book. If you are someone that enjoys Megan Frampton's quirky writing style (I do) you will enjoy this novella. This fake-engagement story takes place at Christmas, making for all kinds of sweetness and warmth. Sophronia is a poor relation with no good options when she accepts Jamie's offer to pose as his fiancee in order to appease his mother and get the unmarried girls off his back. Sophronia is a little stiff and repressed. In contrast, Jamie is charming and ebullient. Their interactions and verbal repartee are funny and clever. The story is short, but there is enough character development to make it a real story. If you are looking for a Christmas story with humor and charm don't pass this up.
Profile Image for Tracy Emro.
1,952 reviews55 followers
November 12, 2015
This was a delightful little holiday novella.

James aka Jamie needs a fiancé for the holidays. Not to marry, just to fool his mother and to save himself from matchmaking at the holiday house party he has promised to attend.

Sophronia just wants a cottage of her own and to do anything other than become the poor relation who takes care of the chickens and children for her cousin. Her prayers are answered in the form of a handsome stranger who asks he to not really marry him.

This was a totally charming tale of two strangers forming an alliance for their mutual benefit and getting more than either of them bargained for.

Jamie and Sophy have such chemistry between them. Their banter is delightful and very entertaining. The love scenes are warm and well written. The story is short, but doesn't feel rushed.

This is part of the Dukes Behaving Badly series - but could easily be read as a standalone. The connection to the series is very loose and you won't feel lost reading this book.

If you are looking for a fun, light hearted story where strangers become friends who fall in love - look no further!

Merged review:

4.5 stars

This was a delightful little holiday novella.

James aka Jamie needs a fiancé for the holidays. Not to marry, just to fool his mother and to save himself from matchmaking at the holiday house party he has promised to attend.

Sophronia just wants a cottage of her own and to do anything other than become the poor relation who takes care of the chickens and children for her cousin. Her prayers are answered in the form of a handsome stranger who asks he to not really marry him.

This was a totally charming tale of two strangers forming an alliance for their mutual benefit and getting more than either of them bargained for.

Jamie and Sophy have such chemistry between them. Their banter is delightful and very entertaining. The love scenes are warm and well written. The story is short, but doesn't feel rushed.

This is part of the Dukes Behaving Badly series - but could easily be read as a standalone. The connection to the series is very loose and you won't feel lost reading this book.

If you are looking for a fun, light hearted story where strangers become friends who fall in love - look no further!
Profile Image for Jennifer.
1,416 reviews143 followers
January 27, 2016
3.5 Stars

This seems to be my season for reading novellas by authors that are new-to-me. I've heard good things about Megan Frampton for awhile, but just never got the opportunity to try her. So, when I saw No Groom at the Inn on Edelweiss, I knew I had to request it. I am an unapologetic lover of holiday-themed historical romances and, while this one wasn't perfect, I enjoyed my time with it.

Lady Sophronia is in a bit of a bind. Her father's death has left her penniless so she is forced to take charity from a recently widowed cousin. The story begins with her waiting for a ride to her cousin's home at an inn. While there, she meets Mr. James Archer who is trying to figure out a way to get through a seasonal house party without ending up engaged. James and Sophronia decide to fake an engagement for the duration of the house party which will enable him to continue his nomadic lifestyle while she will gain a house and security. And, since this is a romance novel, things don't go according to plan once they start the masquerade.

This was a very cute and easy to read novella. Both Sophronia and James were well-developed and likable. I appreciated Sophronia's determination to make her way on her own and also that she isn't above accepting help when it is needed. James's inability to never settle in one spot made sense based on his upbringing and I thought it was interesting how the author showcased that aspect. The plot was fairly predictable, but the characters really made the story shine. I especially enjoyed reading about James's mother who could have been a caricature, but ended up being so much more.

Megan Frampton's writing was impressive and I was able to finish the story in one day. I will definitely be trying more from the Dukes Behaving Badly series now. If you are in the mood for a quick, fun holiday read, I recommend giving No Groom at the Inn a try.

I received a free copy of this book from Avon Impulse via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Gaele.
4,073 reviews82 followers
November 13, 2015
I’ve read this series from the beginning: it mixes some clever scenes, dialogue and intriguing characters and comes out with pure entertainment. And No Groom at the Inn is no different and perhaps even more enjoyable for the Christmas time setting.

Lady Sophronia is the daughter of an impoverished earl who has made no provisions for her after his death, and her options are limited by both station and sex. With no plans or suitors on the horizon, she receives a letter from a male cousin, taking ‘responsibility’ for her care and reputation by making her an ad hoc governess and chicken mistress. Yes, Chickens. The brashness of the tone of the letter and the dismal future it promises, she’s between a rock and a hard place.

James Archer has avoided growing moss under his feet, and the resultant commitments that entails by traveling the world. Never in one place too long, he’s received an invitation that is impossible to ignore from his Mother. The house party is bound to be filled to the brim with ‘eligible’ women, and the only way for him to avoid the problem is a rather unconventional proposition to the woman he spots at the inn.

Negotiations complete, Sophronia has the possibility of a small cottage of her very own, away from children and chickens. James has a fiancé to sport upon his arm at the party, and possesses the ability to quash his mother’s dreams in the nicest way possible. But, our couple is placed in the position of spending time together in a way that enforces the ruse.

These two are so sweet and adorable together: James is, above all, a gentleman and when he realizes just how dire Sophronia’s circumstances were, he’s got his inner rake toned down, and finds someone far more unique and interesting than he thought possible, perhaps even showing him that not all commitments are bad ones. Sophronia is not thinking in terms of a happy ever after until her cottage is available, and a husband (or anyone to curtail her own whims) is not in that plan.

Full of humor and bright conversation, several poultry-themed puns (you can almost picture the shudder upon her face) and a solid build up to friendship and true esteem, the story only gets more intriguing as James starts to fall, and tries to convince Sophronia of his true esteem. With several moments of house party antics, the warm up to Christmas and two delightful characters, this is a wonderful and entertaining story.

I received an eArc copy of the title from the publisher via Edelweiss for purpose of honest review. I was not compensated for this review: all conclusions are my own responsibility.
Profile Image for Cerian.
361 reviews80 followers
November 10, 2015
Originally published at Rookie Romance.

Our story begins with Lady Sophronia who is awaiting the coach that will transport her to a world of quiet drudgery where she would be looking after her cousin's six children and chickens. An inviting prospect indeed. When a handsome stranger proposes marriage out of the blue, albeit a false engagement, Sophronia doesn't need much convincing to take this opportunity to change her future.

First, I'd like to address our heroine's name. I love odd names, so I thought Sophronia was a brilliant name choice. It suits her as well, she's intelligent and has a rather distinguished mien. Sophronia has a very warm nature and a compassionate heart, I loved the way she treated James' mother. She doesn't sit back and let fate sweep her away but seizes the opportunity to provide herself with a different future and then when she starts to develop feelings for James she decides to seize her time with him, however short it may be.

James was an interesting hero. He's got itchy feet and can't stay in one place for any long periods of time. His interest in foreign artifacts sees him travelling the world, and escaping the fate his father had of being tied to one place. Despite this, he feels his duty as a son keenly and know his mother misses him when he travels. James isn't interested in settling down in marriage and becoming fixed in one place, until he meets Sophronia.

I loved the attraction between James and Sophronia. Neither particularly wish for the complication of feeling an attraction to the other, but it grows and becomes undeniable. I also liked that they truly come to understand each other, especially in James' case. Sophronia understands his compulsion to continually travel and doesn't try to hold him back or change his mind.

My first holiday novella of the year! I do love them. No Groom at the Inn- brilliant title- is a fun and sweet holiday novella that spins just the right amount of Christmas spirit and romance into a short story.

*I received a review copy for my honest opinion. Thank you!
Profile Image for Cris Conquers.
94 reviews7 followers
November 10, 2015
Just when Sophronia resigns herself to a fate of living with her cousin and caring for his dozens of chickens and half-dozen children, James Archer strolls into her life with a proposition that promises to give her the cottage in the countryside she's always wanted (sans poultry). The catch? She must pretend to be his adoring fiancée for a few weeks at a holiday house party packed with eligible young ladies vying for his attention. James has never wanted to marry, feeling suffocated by the mere idea of settling down in one place, but as these two grow closer and closer the lines between feigned and real love begin to dissolve.

There are few tropes I love more than fake fiancés, so this novella had me hooked from the get-go. Throw into the mix a wallflower wordsmith of a heroine and a charming, playful hero with a wonderful sense of humor and you have the makings of the perfect holiday romance. I adored the author's use of vocabulary in expressing how much Sophronia loves unusual words and how her quirky mind works. There was something so fun about the inclusion of uncommon words and possible definitions at the beginning of each chapter. I'm not ashamed to say I was stumped more than once but I had a blast trying to figure out how the word would factor into the following chapter.

I think the story was perfectly paced, and despite it being just a novella, I think all of the facets of the romance were wonderfully developed. I hate feeling like a romance is rushed to fit the constraints of less pages but Megan Frampton did a superb job of building that affection and heat that resulted in such a satisfying story. Because the author laid that foundation of friendship with sweet, teasing moments between the couple she was able to really pack on the heat in those sexy moments, making the romance so well-rounded. Whether or not you've read any of the other books in the series, NO GROOM AT THE INN is a fun, quirky, sexy historical you need to pick up this holiday season.

Disclaimer: I received this book free in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions shared are my own.
Profile Image for Bambi Unbridled.
1,286 reviews139 followers
November 11, 2015
I have just loved this whole series, each book has been fun and light-hearted and put me in a good mood. This novella was the perfect length to read over my lunch break and make me a little happier for the rest of the work day. Plus, this is the most "Christmasy" holiday book I have read yet so it really got me ready for the for the festivities to come.

Similar to the other females in the Dukes Behaving Badly series, Sophronia is a down-on-her-luck lady. Although she loved her wordsmith father dearly, he has passed away without providing for her future. This leads to Sophy being thrust on a widower cousin, who is excited to have her care for his 6 children and 27 chickens! Sophy was a delight - I loved her alliteration and linguistic musings. It was nice to see her reaching out for her own happiness as well, even when she thought it would only be temporary.

James suffers from wanderlust and is always off on exotic trips to procure artifacts and treasures... but he also has a marriage-minded mama who despairs for him to settle down. James loves and dotes on his mother, but he has no desire to tie himself to one woman or place. This leads James to a somewhat reckless fake marriage proposal to a complete stranger, our vocabularily-gifted Sophronia. In exchange for posing as his betrothed, James will rescue Sophy from a life of poultry and provide enough funds for her to purchase a country cottage.

Fate seemed to be playing a part the day James encountered Sophy at the coaching inn, because what follows is a sweet and fun love story with lots of holiday cheer. The story had great secondary characters, particularly Mrs. Archer, James' mother. I had a great picture of this somewhat cooky older woman bragging over her son and his love of "arty facts" and the like. This book can be read as a standalone if you want to get in the holiday mood, as there is no character crossover from the earlier books in the series.

I received an advanced copy of this book from Avon through Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review. 4.5 stars / 2 flames.
Profile Image for Deborah.
969 reviews4 followers
November 10, 2015
What a cute, sweet romance! And funny too!

Sophronia(what a name!) is an Earl's daughter left with virtually nothing after his death. She's on her way to live a unappealing life taking care of her cousin's six kids and their chickens-yes, chickens! While waiting in an inn for the coach to whisk her away, she's propositioned marriage by a stranger.

James Archer is a nomad. Never likes to stay in one place very long. He buys and sells artifacts the world over. He finds himself in an unwanted predicament when his mother schedules a trip over Christmas holiday he must attend. The houseparty is sure to be ripe with many single ladies looking for marriage. Not to be one bothered by such things, James thwarts his mother's matchmaking ways by producing a betrothed.

When Sophronia is propositioned by James, she's surprised. But given her impending situation of gloom, she readily accepts after a short negotiation. It's only for 1 month and then she gets a cottage of her choosing. She doesn't have to see the kids or those darn chickens! She can live alone with her maid and not require anyone's assistance! She's got to do this!

The book is very entertaining and a rather quick read! Given it takes place at Christmas time, it draws those warm fuzzies for the holiday too! There are quite a few scenes I was chuckling at-especially all the chicken references! That would make me turn the opposite way right there! I loved how James and Sophy(much better!) fell easily into their roles and found they really enjoyed each other. James was charming everyone but most of all Sophy. Pretty soon, it's not really a struggle to put on a good show!

If you enjoy holiday reads and historicals, this is your next read!

3.5 stars/3 flames

This book was gifted to me by the Jeep Diva for the express purpose of an honest review. The rating and review are solely my opinion and in no way was I compensated.
Profile Image for Pamela.
1,896 reviews15 followers
October 30, 2015
Lady Sophronia Bettesford is sitting at an inn drinking an ale and pondering where her life is headed. She has received a letter from her cousin that she must come live with him and help him manage his many children, take care of household duties, and last but not least, see to the care of his chickens. It is certainly not the life Sophronia wants for herself so she might as well enjoy a good ale before she departs for that leg of her life.

James Archer mother is determined to find him a wife and so he fibs that he is engaged. With a party coming up and his mother expecting to meet said betrothed, he is desperate. That is how James finds himself at the local inn. He lucks into meeting Sophronia there. It does not take much to convince her to take part in his charade as his betrothed. Things go smoothly at first until James starts to fall for Sophronia. How can he convince her that he wants her for his real bride?

I am ecstatic about author Megan Frampton's DUKES BEHAVING BADLY series. I love it so much that even though I am not a fan of novellas, I had to read one... NO GROOM AT THE INN. I have to say, it was just as good as any full length novel. In it we meet the delightful young heroine, Lady Sophronia Bettesford. She is bright and absolutely comical. From the minute she and James Archer meet, I could tell things were fixing to get fun. I found myself laughing at these two on more than one occasion. NO GROOM AT THE INN is entertainment at its best.
Profile Image for Kelly.
5,240 reviews203 followers
November 25, 2016
I have to admit I get a kick out of pretend couples turning into something more. Especially when the self-avowed bachelor just can't keep his eyes or his thoughts off his fake fiancee. That our heroine is intelligent and able to keep her head in any situation just makes it better.

Considering the alternative, I completely understand why Sophronia was willing to help a man she didn't know. That she had to convince Jamie's curious, doting mama and the bevy of eligible ladies being presented to him that they were a solid match couldn't have been easy, but she did it. And the more time she spent with Jamie, the more she grew to admire him.

I'm sure his impressively large biceps had nothing to do with it, either.

I loved, loved, LOVED Jamie's way of declaring himself. It was so perfectly suited to Sophy that it made me grin. From the punny title to the simmering tension, this entire book made me happy. *thumbs up all around*

-Kelly @ Reading the Paranormal
Profile Image for Fae.
1,138 reviews26 followers
November 22, 2021
2019 rating: 4 stars
2021 rating: 4 stars

When i reread books, i tend to give it a lower rating than the previous rating I gave.

But this book surprised me.

The chemistry between Sophronia and James was one of the better ones I’ve seen.

I’ve been reading some really bad books, in which I haven’t been able to really like or love the hero or the heroine. But in this book, it was very easy for me to like the both of them.

Their relationship and chemistry is so cute. They banter and joke with one another, and during their fake betrothal, they start to get to know each other better and fell in love.

I thought the pacing was good, the hero and heroine had a good and decent amount of screen time, with the party not overtaking the time they spend together.

It was a cute read but the at the back, i felt that James’ inability of staying in one place & Sophronia wanting to have James in her life could be more elaborated (maybe they could have talked about it more) before they decided to really get married.
Profile Image for Barbara Rogers.
1,681 reviews192 followers
October 9, 2015
I was fortunate enough to receive an ARC of this book -- and I loved it!

What a delightful book -- it is both sweet and funny.

Sophronia (what a gosh-awful name to give her, and the only outlandish name in the book) is a very impoverished Earl's daughter on her way to live a life of drudgery by taking care of her cousin's 6 children and his poultry. With such a wonderful future spread before her, it is hard to believe that she could be tempted into accepting a proposition by a stranger (handsome though he was) at an Inn.

James (who must have some sort of ADDHD) has just found his very loving mother has scheduled him to go to a houseparty over Christmas -- filled, of course, with marriage minded ladies. He's desperate to find a solution.

The two meet -- and a bargain is struck.

The book is filled with humorous references -- especially to poultry -- and is otherwise delightfully entertaining.

Well worth the read!
Profile Image for Donna.
444 reviews
January 1, 2016
This was a good novella and I enjoyed it. Lady Sophronia is on her way to being unpaid help at her cousin's when James Archer, adventurer, asks her to marry him. Or rather, pretend to be his fiancee at a house party to get his mother off his back. But what happens when they spend more time together?
No plot spoilers from me! A lovely Christmas novella.
Profile Image for Melissa.
2,533 reviews172 followers
December 3, 2016
Well, this was sweet and quiet. Being a novella, I feel it was too short to do the actual story of Jamie and Sophronia and their faux betrothal-of-convenience-turned-HEA justice. However, Frampton made the game of Dictionary a major plot point and part of a very swoony resolution.

A nice read for a cold evening (although I'm antsy as heck and was wishing it had a bit more action).
Profile Image for Sharlene.
985 reviews25 followers
January 1, 2017
Loved this very sweet fake engagement between strangers story. There was a quick, comfortable camaraderie between Sophronia and James, and an immediate mutual attraction building to love. And the hero loved and respected his mother, which was the initial reason for the deception!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 101 reviews

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