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Carlisle Cops #2

Fire and Ice

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Carlisle Book Two

Carter Schunk is a dedicated police officer with a difficult past and a big heart. When he’s called to a domestic disturbance, he finds a fatally injured woman, and a child, Alex, who is in desperate need of care. Child Services is called, and the last man on earth Carter wants to see walks through the door. Carter had a fling with Donald a year ago and found him as cold as ice since it ended.

Donald (Ice) Ickle has had a hard life he shares with no one, and he’s closed his heart to all. It’s partly to keep himself from getting hurt and partly the way he deals with a job he’s good at, because he does what needs to be done without getting emotionally involved. When he meets Carter again, he maintains his usual distance, but Carter gets under his skin, and against his better judgment, Donald lets Carter guilt him into taking Alex when there isn’t other foster care available. Carter even offers to help care for the boy.

Donald has a past he doesn’t want to discuss with anyone, least of all Carter, who has his own past he’d just as soon keep to himself. But it’s Alex’s secrets that could either pull them together or rip them apart—secrets the boy isn’t able to tell them and yet could be the key to happiness for all of them.

200 pages, ebook

First published May 25, 2015

About the author

Andrew Grey

240 books1,959 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 179 reviews
Profile Image for ~Nicole~.
844 reviews344 followers
September 26, 2023
I knew going in that this book will be problematic, this author is on my DNR list for a number of important reasons and I will mention them later because they feature in this book too (as expected ).
Having said that , I don’t regret reading this book for a single minute because Alex, that little boy made me feel so many things. I cried for a half an hour when they found him and he kept my heart for the entire time I spent reading. So yeah, I loved every minute spent with that little boy, it’s the only good part of this book .
As for the rest..everything was awful. As in every book by this author in this one we have :

*Misogynistic characters who think that women belong in the kitchen and men watching TV and waiting for the table to be set. Also women talk to much and are annoying.

*Slut shaming and/or sex work shaming (it’s in every book I’ve read by this author. His prudish and pearl clutching ideas are reflected in his every book without him realizing)
Thus , our main character, orphaned young tells the other MC how he had to sell his body in order to live. And his love interest,the man who claimed he loved him says this :

“And you didn’t catch anything? You aren’t ill, are you?”

“What? Give blowjobs to old men who paid you?” Carter snapped . [..] “You didn’t have to do that. You could have found a different way.”


“I just have one question . […] You don’t do that anymore, right?” (although he knows he’s a very appreciated and serious social worker yet he asks him if he still prostitutes himself. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣🤣)

Apart from this there were a lot of things that felt weird and even lame. Like , them claiming to love Alex and wanting to adopt him but letting the child call them Mr Donald and Mr Carter. They’re too posh to allow that child to call them Donald and Carter. Or when the child woke up because of a nightmare they sent him packing to his room to TRY to sleep because they wanted to fuck. Or Carter telling Donald “The kid is great and all but I like you more and I came here so often because of you” . And by the way, why would you call a main character in a romance Donald?? Of all the names ..Donald ? Every time I read it my brain supplied “duck” after it. 😬🤣🤣 I’m joking, it’s just a personal preference but this author’s books do have an outdated vibe usually.
Carter was a total judgmental asshole, one of the worst MCs I’ve ever encountered.
And what to say about that RIDICULOUS ending (with the long lost cousin) ??? I cracked up so hard..
So yeah, this book is bad but Alex is worth having to finish this awful book. I would advise this author to update himself to 21st century.
September 23, 2023
4.25**** stars

Other authors could’ve easily made this a 100k+ novel given the plot, events and backstories but I actually liked that this was a quick and fast paced read with enough depth to it to not dismiss the heavy topic of a neglected and traumatized child. Especially the beginning sure was a hard sucker punch to my mommy-heart.

But this book also had it’s super lovely, heartwarming moments to awww your way through. ♡

The plot is super predictable and pretty straight forward but it didn’t lessen my enjoyment at all. Police officer Carter and social worker Donald had an earth-shattering weekend-fling a year ago and now they come together into close proximity again when they not only work Alex’s case together but also come to care for him over his first weekend before he can be placed in foster care.

As predicted, the two men not only getting close to each other once again but also lose their hearts to that little boy Carter rescued. And I guess, you can think up the rest yourself too —well, except for that sweet twist at the end.

As I said, with only 200 pages it’s a quick but good read I can totally recommend. I think I’m going to take a look at the other books in the series as well. (And thank god this series got new covers, the old ones are just super cringe *lol)

Carlisle Cops Series

Book 1 - Fire and Water
Book 2 - Fire and Ice - 4.25 stars
Book 3 - Fire and Rain
Book 4 - Fire and Snow
Book 5 - Fire and Hail
Book 6 - Fire and Fog
Profile Image for Iman (semi-hiatus).
726 reviews211 followers
September 26, 2023
you can charm me anytime with children in books, but if it’s the only thing i’m looking forward to the whole time, then the romance sucks. i didn’t care about anything else happening in this book, except Alex the child. there were also lots of uncomfortable references that i hate in this book.

and….that’s about it.
Profile Image for Sandra.
4,098 reviews13 followers
October 16, 2015
This did not work for me. For many reasons. When I listen to an audio book that I don't like it's sometimes hard to parse out how much of that is due to the narrator and how much is the writing. In this case I think it was equal parts, but I don't think I would have liked this any better had I read it instead of listened. It was not terrible, by any means, but it also wasn't good.

I saw a lot of reviews complaining how hard it was to read due to the components that involved or discussed child abuse, well, I didn't have this problem. Maybe it was the narrators flat universal tone that didn't seem to change no matter what they were discussing. Maybe it was the fact that both Donald and Carter talked as if they were in an after school special. "Alex has been through so much. Being a police officer, I have to learn how to observe and read people, and I can see what a strong boy Alex is. Abuse can be hard for anyone to deal with, especially a child. Donald is right that it will take time for Alex to unlearn some of these things, but it is important for us to be there for him and support him no matter what." They both talk like this, all.the.time. And maybe I watch too many cop shows but none of the cops talked like cops. I'm not sure there was a single curse word in the book.

So I guess the dialogue was my main issue, just the manner in which everyone spoke. Donald and Carter constantly referring to the criminals as 'bad men'. Yes, that is what Alex called them, and that is what you should refer to them as when speaking to Alex. But you are an adult, and when talking to your partner or the other police officers, the term 'suspects' or 'abusers' or 'pedophiles' or 'scumbags' might be more appropriate.

Then the resolution at the last hour was R.I.D.I.C.U.L.O.U.S. and just a stupid nit-picky thing in the epilogue but since it's the last thing I was left with i can't let it go

Sooooo yeah. I've had some similar issues with this author before. And the one other book I listened to from this narrator had similar complaints. I feel bad, and maybe the dialogue contributed, but something about his voice had that inflection that made everyone sound as if they were talking to children (when actually talking to other adults). It was that public service announcement/lecturing/preaching voice. Donald even had to joke once about Carter 'preaching' to cover for and acknowledge this fact. Note to author, if you have to justify or explain the way your character is speaking, maybe just don't have them speak that way.
Profile Image for Erth.
4,040 reviews
June 11, 2022
I am an Andrew Grey fan, and once again he has delivered a brilliant book.
Profile Image for Denise H..
3,116 reviews251 followers
July 6, 2016
*** Andrew Grey brings us on an emotional ride here. *** This is heartwarmingly beautiful and a sad tale all in one. We open with the sadness, heart wrenching story of abuse found on a domestic violence call. Policeman/Computer nerd, Carter finds young Alex locked in the filthy attic room, and proceeds to get the boy help.

The mother is taken to the hospital, the bad man arrested. Here is where Donald comes to the rescue. He's the devoted, caring, social worker who knows how to help 5 yr. old Alex.

Cater and Donald have a history of a one night stand, and each has never forgotten the other. Now, Carter can find out why Donald ignored his calls, etc. last year. Through the investigation and efforts to try and find family of Alex's, the men get close, have very erotic sexy times, develop real deep feelings, and bond with each other and with little Alex. We are learning as we go about the social worker job, how the guys track the child porn/violence ring, and what will happen to these

deep, amazing characters, and the little boy.

We see the two men from the first book, and that was nice.
I cried, and was completely enamored with this story. It's a beautifully flowing tale as we have come to expect from Andrew Grey.
SPOILER: - but makes an AWESOME story.
Profile Image for llv.
2,139 reviews12 followers
December 31, 2018
Rating: 2.5 stars
I was reading along and thought the book was an okay read. Nothing special or memorable. I think the best part of the book was Alex. It was good to see him settle into his new happy life after the suffering he went through. Then at about 90% in all I could say was Really???? I don’t think there are words for how unbelievable it was that It doesn’t usually bother me when a book isn’t very realistic, but there are limits to what I’ll buy into and this crossed that line. Totally ruined the book for me. So instead of the 3 or 3.5 rating that I was originally going to give the book, I’m marking it down. The author could have gone a totally different route but chose instead to shoehorn in this unbelievable coincidence that really wasn’t needed for the MCs and Alex to find their HEA.
Profile Image for Dee.
226 reviews
November 24, 2022
Interesting read 😃

I was really getting annoyed at Donald at first but in the end I warmed up . The mystery was a bit underwhelming I guess it’s because it felt like it was just dragging, I almost skipped some parts but decided to solider on and it wasn’t really as interesting as I thought it will be. I guess my dislike of one of the MCs influenced my rating 😅
Profile Image for Mihaela.
292 reviews62 followers
June 8, 2015
Originally posted on http://mikkysworldofbooks.blogspot.fr...

Wow. Just, wow, Mr. Grey. I stand in awe.

I don’t know how to tell you how much I loved this story.

Donald has seen too much and been through so much that his heart is closed off to any kind of feelings. Everyone calls him Ice and he knows it, but he’s fine with that because it’s true. He is cold and rejects anyone who might want to get close to him since opening up his heart means giving someone the power to hurt him and he’s had enough of that. Until he meets one stubborn man.

Carter comes from a big, loud and not at all perfect family. He loves his job as a police officer but, he wants something more. He wants to be out there, with the others, patrolling the streets instead of being forever segregated behind a computer. His wish is granted but his first shift on patrol ends up badly.

Now Carter has to deal with a scared, broken child and an equally scared and broken man with whom he spent one weekend of passion, just to be frozen by his attitude and his rejection right after that.

Let me tell you this – I loved these two men from the beginning, which doesn’t always happen where I’m concerned.

Even when Donald acted as a jerk, I couldn’t help but like him.

And Carter. Oh, God. He’s so strong and fierce when it comes to doing his job but so patient and sweet when he’s around Alex and Donald.

The tenderness he shows the other man … breathtaking. There were times when I had tears in my eyes while reading because the moment was so full of emotion.

The intimate moments are so perfectly described that you’ll feel like you’ve been transported into the book and you’re living the scene yourself. I have chills running down my spine just thinking about it.

Alex. That poor boy broke my heart over and over again. As a mother of a young child myself I wanted to wrap him in my arms, hold him and protect him from everything and everyone that might harm him.

It’s sad and scary to think that there are so many children in that exact situation and they’re completely helpless.

We live in a messed up world.

This being said, if you liked Fire and Water, you are going to love this one. The series get’s better and better with every book. And now, the waiting begins for volume three.

Happy Reading!
Profile Image for Fani *loves angst*.
1,744 reviews215 followers
June 13, 2017
"I can read you like a book, and it’s one hell of a best seller."

According to GR 2 stars means a book is 'OK' and that was what this book was: OK. Nothing groundbreaking but not complete crap either. I had to skim-read it in fact, else I wouldn't be able to finish it and it was mainly to see what would happen with Alex in the end. I just don't think this author's writing style fits me, some phrases were way too corny for me and I didn't much care for Carter's character. He and Donald fall from lust to love too easily for me, the kid was sweet and troubled enough to bring them closer together and everything was wrapped too nicely in the end.

And what the heck is it with that cover??? Donald is supposed to be dark haired and the guy in the cover is blond, Carter is supposed to be a bit of a geek, with glasses and not overly muscled but the guy in the cover is built like a SEAL and as ungeek-looking as possible :(
Profile Image for Danielle  Gypsy Soul.
3,127 reviews79 followers
March 8, 2019
I could barely get through this book without rolling my eyes - no scratch that I rolled my eyes plenty of times. First of all Carter is an judgmental ass IMO. He has no idea about Donald's background but because he didn't call him after a weekend of hot sex he feels he has the right to call him names and say things like "you have no feelings," "Are you even human?" or "you're made of ice." As a lot of people know, when you work around difficult situations its important to at least be able to separate your feelings and do your job as a professional. Carter gave Donald a hard time for this and never tried to see his point. Then he would lecture him on letting people in and opening up (wait you had one weekend of sex and then nothing, and now you've spent a couple days with the guy). The dialogue was terrible - horribly stilted and unrealistic from both MC's. The police procedural parts weren't very realistic either and don't get me started on the RIDICULOUS ending.
Profile Image for Rick.
217 reviews16 followers
May 27, 2015
Damn Andrew Grey - write a book that made me cry!!!! I'm not sure how he does it but Andrew gets better and better as he writes another book - this is an emotional read for sure!!!! This is why Andrew Grey is a MUST BUY!!!!
August 31, 2018
I liked this book a lot. The child abuse part was really difficult and hard to read, but the author did a good work in writing such a delicate topic in that way.
And of course there is HEA, so nothing to worry about! The mcs and Alex were really sweet and adorable!
It works also as a standalone.
Profile Image for Gennie Gee.
117 reviews31 followers
May 27, 2015
The only thing I wanted was resolution between Carter and his dad.
Profile Image for Becky Condit.
2,377 reviews67 followers
August 17, 2016
The second book in the Carlisle Cops series will grab you by your heart and never let go. Anytime a child is involved in a crisis it's going to be difficult to be objective. Police officer Carter is finally out from behind his computer and on the streets where he wanted to be, but he's finding that one little boy, hidden in a filthy attic by a horrendous abuser, will change his life.
Child protective services is called in and to Carter's surprise the case worker is a man he had a brief hook up with and wanted more. Carter never understood why Donald stopped returning his calls and took pains to cut off all communication after their one weekend together. Now the two of them are all little Alex has as the police try to find the money man behind the disgusting videos made of the child. Carter gets in too deep and can't distance himself from either Alex or Donald.To his horror, Donald finds he is falling in love with Carter and Alex, something he cannot afford to do.
Carter's family makes an appearance. They are a wonderful, close family, even though Carter has problems with his dad. Donald's family is a mystery.
The abuse of a child is hard to read about. Mr. Grey handles it carefully with most of the horror happening off page, and just enough is revealed to make us know what the boy's life has been up to this point.
The outcome of several plot lines is very satisfying and the ending is just what the reader wishes for. Fire and Ice is a story to be savored and demonstrates the strength of Andrew Grey’s writing as well as the tenderness of his heart. Highly recommended.
Profile Image for JLOluvsbooks&dogs.
315 reviews4 followers
June 2, 2015
Well, I admit, I skimmed from 38% to 51% and then couldn't take any more and skipped to about 90% just to see how it ended, which was way too sappy. It just didn't seem like an Andrew Grey book to me or maybe it just wasn't the right timing for me to read it.
Profile Image for Serena Yates.
Author 97 books769 followers
January 12, 2016
Some people suffer more heartbreak than others, and the two men in this second book of the ‘Carlisle Cops’ series, Carter and Donald, have each had their share of difficulties to deal with. But nothing they have been through was as bad as what Alex has been through. He is only a little five-year-old boy, but he has suffered emotional and physical abuse to the point of malnutrition and complete neglect. Carter rescues him, Donald is supposed to find him a safe foster family, but as they help Alex through the first few days of freedom, both men begin to open up to each other and, very quickly, neither of them can imagine letting Alex go. There are obstacles to overcome, a “system” to deal with, and personal issues to solve, not to mention a criminal investigation into the perverted crimes Alex’s abusers have committed. As a result, this story is suspenseful, emotionally intense, and had me glued to the pages as I went from utter despair to hopeful and back more than once.

Carter is a cop. It wasn’t easy for him to make it through the academy because he is more of a nerd than a jock, but he persevered. His computer skills are still what gets him noticed first, so he has to battle for the “right” to go on patrol. And one of the times he does, he finds Alex in a horrible situation, and is soon involved far deeper than is probably advisable for his long-term mental and emotional health. To make matters worse, the social worker assigned to the case is a man he had a weekend fling with a year ago, only to be “iced” out of his life after that. Between trying to do the right thing for Alex and dealing with feelings for Donald that just won’t go away, Carter is under almost constant stress. And that is just his personal life. His job of helping investigate Alex’s abusers and the possible child pornography ring he was involved in isn’t exactly easy either.

Donald is a social worker for a reason, but he never talks about his basic motivation. There are dark secrets in his past, and he is convinced nobody will stay around if he tells the truth. As a consequence, Donald has closed himself off from all deeper human contact to protect his heart, but Carter gets under his skin. Donald fights his feelings as much as he can, but between Carter and Alex’s clear need for love and support, Donald soon reaches an impasse. I was afraid he’d break under the strain of being pulled in different directions, but Donald is not just strong enough to deal with the pressure, he is also clever enough to know when it’s time to give in – with a little support from Carter, who keeps pushing until he gets the response both of them need.

If you like stories about men with dark pasts and secrets that make happiness in the present almost impossible, if you want to find out more about the people who help abused children deal with life and what makes them tick, and if you’re looking for a read that is full of tension, deep emotions, pain, and makes you suffer before a beautiful, perfect happy ending, then you will probably like this novel as much as I did. ‘Fire and Ice’ is an emotional thriller I won’t soon forget.
Profile Image for Elithanathile.
1,882 reviews
July 14, 2017
True rating: 3.25 stars :-)!! I'd probably have rated this higher if more time had been spent on some plot lines, but some things were wrapped up so quickly and a few things felt rushed. All in all, it was a good book though :-)!!

One of my favorite quotes here (@ 79%)::

"Donald wondered what happened when Carter stopped. He looked over his shoulder, waiting for what was to come next. “Fuck me.”
“I intend to.” A snick reached his ears, and then after a few seconds, Carter teased his skin. A long finger slowly sank into him, spreading, filling. Donald groaned as Carter continued stretching him. “Is this what you want?”
“Yes,” Donald whimpered and pressed back into the sensation. Then Donald pulled away and held his breath, waiting for what he was certain to be the main event. Carter lay down next to him, guided Donald onto his side, and slowly pressed inside him.
Carter wrapped his arms around Donald’s chest, hands splayed on his skin, bringing them closer until Carter pressed against him, cock buried, joining them together. Donald had never felt so full or fulfilled.
Carter’s movements were slow and languid, thrusting deep in rhythm with Donald’s breathing. “I do love you, Donald.” Carter filled him and stilled, holding him even tighter. “You’re a dear special man. And yes, you did hear me earlier. I did tell you that I loved you and I do. You have a kind heart that you try to hide, but I see you for who you are. You’re as hot deep down as you look right now.” Carter moved slowly, deeply, withdrawing almost the entire way before sinking back inside. Donald had been with men before, God knew, but never like this. Carter touched his heart just as he touched his body. “Do you know what love is?” Carter whispered into his ear.
“This?” Donald asked, hoping like hell he was right. He’d asked himself that question a few times and had never come up with an answer because he had no frame of reference.
“No. This is making love.” Carter moved slightly, breathing into his ear. “Love is what you did earlier. Love is letting someone know who you are, the good and the bad, letting them in and taking the chance that no matter what, they will want us and care about us. That’s love. I see you for who you are.” Carter tightened his hold. “Love is never wanting to let go, touching your heart and holding it delicately in your hand. It’s sex, caresses, words, and everything in between, soothing away nightmares and holding you in the dark. It’s everything, all of that, and what I want to do with you for the rest of my life."

~ <3333333333333333333!!
Profile Image for Alex Jane.
Author 26 books174 followers
January 20, 2019
Aaaall the feels

Welp...I read this in one sitting. Could not put it down! So perfect. Damaged boys, hot lovin’s, cute kid in danger..all the things.
I had some reservations about the child abuse angle but I thought it was handled pretty well, not too graphic but not exactly glossed over either. The ending was so fluffy and sweet I think I may have developed a cavity but it was just what I was after. Loved it.
Profile Image for Esmée D'Costa.
286 reviews14 followers
November 7, 2022
I loved this book. Loved the characters. Character development. Decent plot followed through and apart from one crazy plottwist which I kinda struggled with 😂 I was hooked and couldn’t put the book down! This whole book was just emotional adorable and I was really invested in their story and adorbs Alex obvs 🥺 This special family has stolen a place in my forever faves <3

Profile Image for Risa.
448 reviews4 followers
October 16, 2018
Im zweiten Band der Carlisle Cops beweist Andrew Grey einmal mehr, dass er ein Meister der Emotionen ist.

Zur Handlung. Carter Schunk ist Polizist und Computerspezialist. Wegen seiner überragenden Fähigkeiten der Internetermittlungen sind Außeneinsätze für ihn eher die Ausnahme. Bei einer dieser wenigen Streifen wird er zu einer häuslichen Auseinandersetzung gerufen. Was zuerst wie ein Ehestreit wirkt, entpuppt sich schnell als widerlicher Fall von Kindesmisshandlung übelster Art. Nur durch Zufall entdeckt Carter auf dem Dachboden des Tatorts den vernachlässigten Alex.
Donald (Ice) Ickle arbeitet in der Kinderfürsorge des Jugendamtes. Nach außen hin wirkt er völlig gefühlskalt. Ohne diese emotionale Distanziertheit wäre er nicht in der Lage, seinen Job zu machen. Er wird zu dem Fall hinzugezogen, weil ein kleiner Junge das Opfer von brutalem Missbrauch ist. Da es Wochenende ist, kümmert er sich selbst um das verängstigte Kind. Unterstützt wird er dabei von Carter, dem Alex erstaunlicherweise vertraut, obwohl er schwer traumatisiert ist.

Carter und Donald hatten vor einem Jahr eine kurze Affäre. Die gemeinsamen Ermittlungen und die Sorge um den kleinen Alex bringen die beiden wieder näher zusammen.

Die Story hat mir sehr gut gefallen, im Mittelpunkt steht natürlich das erschütternde Schicksal des kleinen Jungen. Aber auch die langsame Annäherung von Carter und Donald war überzeugend zu lesen. Schnell wird klar, dass Ice gar nicht so kalt ist, wie er wirkt.

Die Story erhält von mir 5 Sterne und eine Leseempfehlung.

Mein Dank geht an Dreamspinner Press für das erhaltene Rezensionsexemplar.
Profile Image for Sophisticated Lady.
123 reviews26 followers
October 3, 2018
Carter liebt seinen Job bei der Polizei, auch wenn es manchmal bedeutet schlimme Dinge zu sehen. So auch in jenem Dienst, als er zu einer häuslichen Ruhestörung gerufen wird und dort Alex findet – ein Kind, das im Dachgeschoss verwahrlost leben muss und mehr als dringend Hilfe braucht. Alex‘ Mutter wird schwer verletzt ins Krankenhaus gebracht, stirbt dort aber, sodass Alex ohne Eltern dasteht. Das Jugendamt nimmt sich solchen Kindern an und Carter trifft auf Donald, mit dem er vor einige Zeit ein One-Weekend-Stand hatte und der sich dann nie wieder bei Carter gemeldet hat.

Carter überredet Donald, dass Alex bei ihm zu Hause unterkommt und nicht im Heim, bis geklärt ist ob es weitere Verwandte gibt. Donald stimmt dem widerwillig zu. Zusammen kümmern sie sich um Alex und müssen nebenbei feststellen, dass beide ihr gemeinsames Wochenende nicht vergessen konnten. Aber Donald ist verschlossen wie eine Auster und Carter weiß teilweise einfach nicht woran er bei Donald ist.

Sie beide müssen sich fragen, was sie wollen und nebenbei müssen sie sich auch noch die Frage stellen, was aus Alex werden soll.

Wie schon Band 1 hat mir auch dieser Band sehr gut gefallen. Ich mochte Carter, ich mochte Donald, aber ich liebte Alex. Alex war für mich das Herzstück dieser Geschichte und lesen zu müssen, was ihm angetan wurde, ging mir mehr als nah. Wir alle wissen, dass es Kindesmisshandlung gibt, sogar öfter als man denkt, und dann davon zu lesen ist einfach mehr als tragisch. Aber Alex ist tapfer und zu sehen wie er sich Carter und Donald gegenüber öffnet, ist dann einfach wundervoll zu lesen.

Donald selbst hat auch viele Geheimnisse und ist allen gegenüber verschlossen – um sich selbst zu schützen, wie er sagt. Aber auch Donald muss irgendwann lernen, anderen zu vertrauen und ich denke, dass da auch Alex ein ganz großes Stück dazu beiträgt. Außerdem natürlich Carter, der sich stark zu Donald hingezogen fühlt und einfach hinter diese kühle Fassade blicken möchte.

Manche Dinge in dieser Geschichte sind sicherlich relativ unrealistisch, aber da mich die Charaktere so mitgerissen haben, war mir das relativ egal, da es für die Geschichte einfach passte. Ich mochte auch Carters Familie, mit Ausnahme seines Vaters, der einfach nur zum aus der Haut fahren war. Manche Aussagen gingen gar nicht und haben mich mehr als sprachlos zurückgelassen. Trotzdem hätte ich mir da mehr Klärung erwartet, warum die Beziehung zwischen Carter und seinem Vater so schwierig ist.

Trotz allem hat mir die Geschichte aber sehr gut gefallen. Und ich bin mir sicher, wenn man Band 1 mochte, wird man auch von diesem Band begeistert sein.

Profile Image for Hart_D (ajibooks).
355 reviews9 followers
March 29, 2018
There's an episode of The Golden Girls in which Dorothy tells everyone that she hates dogs. It turns out that she was lying, and she actually loves dogs. The truth is, she once lost a dog, and she doesn't want to open herself up to that pain again. This is similar to the central conflict of this book. Donald has lost everyone in his life, so he holds everyone at arm's length (the "ice" from the title is his unwanted nickname).

But it's also the way I feel about contemporary romances. I don't read them very often, because I really do enjoy them, but so many of them make me angry. It's usually some kind of misogyny in m/m. It was mild in this book: according to Carter, all of the women in his family talk way too much, and he jokes about how it makes sense for the men in the family to avoid them. Why does anyone think that's funny? Oh, those chatty women, talking and caring about others and existing. I'm disappointed, because I was enjoying this author's books, and he had refrained from that kind of humor in the other books of his I read.

There are other major things I disliked about this book, too. I didn't like the way that Carter handled Donald's unwillingness to talk about his past, specifically that Carter eventually brought the conflict up in bed. It seemed disrespectful to me. I also didn't like Carter's reaction to Donald's big revelation. Donald had not talked to anyone about it, ever. Carter's first reaction should have been acceptance and love, and instead, he was somewhat judgmental. I didn't think it was romantic.

Most damningly, I found it very annoying how much Carter lectured Donald. Every time they had any kind of meaningful conversation, Carter started sharing his wisdom. He knew everything about life and felt compelled to tell Donald how best to live. I can't remember the last time I found a main character in a romance novel that off-putting. Usually I'm half in love with all the MCs in romance novels; yes, I am very sappy and bi. But I definitely would've kicked Carter out of bed.

Oh well. The kid was very cute and I liked all the domestic fluff. But this book was not for me.
Profile Image for Tam.
Author 21 books100 followers
June 8, 2015
I'm kind of torn. I thought the police work/social work seemed to be handed fairly accurately. Probably not perfectly (I'm not in the field) but sometimes in books you just KNOW that a conviction wouldn't hold because they interview a child without a social worker or catch some guy using techniques that would be thrown out in court in reality. So that was good.

On the other hand, Carter was kind of an asshole to Donald about his work with the kids. Assuming because the guy blew him off that he didn't care about the kids he dealt with the solution to the problem was just a bit too convenient in the end. I know we want a HEA but

As someone noted, the child abuse scenes could be difficult for some, but I thought it was pretty well covered, if a little heart-breaking at times because I know it happens in real life, not just fiction.
Profile Image for Anne.
729 reviews
July 24, 2015
Incredible, touching, heart-warming, hot and romantic read!! You just have to fall for Carter, Donald and especially Alex, the moment you meet them. It's a little dark too, but that makes the story so realistic. Little Alex just walked right into my heart and it was such a heart-warming and touching rollercoaster ride of feelings to see him grow out of this abuse he had to live through his whole short life and being happy again. And Donald struggling himself with a really bad past himself, is always at his side to get him a chance for a better life in the future. Carter makes this little group complete. Being there for Alex, too, and helping with his "geek-skills" all the way he can manage, he also has a soft spot for social-worker Donald. Will he got through to Donalds thick shield of ice he had built up around his heart? To see them together and find their way was awesome.
This story just got me and I hope to read more about the Carlisle Cops in the future...and maybe of this three awesome guys?!
Profile Image for Gabis Laberladen.
1,124 reviews
October 2, 2018
5 Sterne und noch 5 Herzchen obendrauf!

Darum geht's:

Polizist Carter entdeckt einen kleinen Jungen am Tatort und verständigt die Jugendfürsorge. Die schickt ausgerechnet Donald, mit dem Carter vor einiger Zeit ein sehr heißes Wochenende verbracht hat und der ihn seitdem komplett ignoriert. Doch zum Wohle des kleinen Alex müssen sie zusammenarbeiten. Weil Donald so schnell keinen guten Platz für den verängstigten Alex findet, nimmt er ihn übers Wochenende zu sich. Und das bedeutet auch, dass er viel Zeit mit Carter verbringt, denn der ist schnell die einzige Vertrauensperson für Alex geworden.

Meine Meinung dazu gibt’s hier
10 reviews
July 12, 2015
Enjoyed but....

This book had the potential to be so much greater. The story line was there, the characters guaranteed to be ones you care about. Most memorable stories have layers to them, moments when you sink into a characters mind, see or feel what they do. Hurt with them or laugh with them. I wanted that to happen with this book, especially given the subject matter, but that just didn't happen. Everything happens too quick, we don't see enough of what's happening underneath. It's all surface stuff. This story was missing those layers and dimensions that make you read it over and over again. It's a shame, because I believe this author is capable of so much more.
Profile Image for Tammy.
1,210 reviews31 followers
June 13, 2015
I absolutely loved this book!!! This story had 3 main characters:
Donald (the ice and damaged man) He was learning to love and to let love in and realize
he was well worth it.
Alex (an abused boy) A young boy who was trying to adapt to having stable meals and not be abused and learning to trust.
Carter (largest heart) A man with the mission to help the two men he fell in love with to bring them together with love & perseverance!
Many heart wrenching chapters to read but well worth it to get to the end!! What a feel good story this was. :-)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 179 reviews

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