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The Escort #1

Gabriel's Rule

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"You said you wanted normal, Gabe. Riley is your normal."

After nearly ten years of moonlighting as a professional escort, Gabriel Maddox is good at giving women the forbidden pleasures they crave. They don’t need to know that something inside of him dies a little each time he does it or that his desperate need for cash is the only reason he can’t walk away. They just need to know that to get what they want, they have to play by his rules.

Riley Sinclair is starting over. She’s left dry, dusty Texas and her ultra conservative, fanatically religious parents and cheating, mean-spirited fiancé behind for a new life in Seattle. But one look at her stunningly gorgeous new neighbor Gabe brings back all the insecurities she’s trying to escape.

Gabe can only offer Riley pleasure but when she discovers that his perfect outside hides something terribly broken on the inside, will she risk her heart to give him what he needs?

262 pages, Kindle Edition

First published March 14, 2015

About the author

Sloane Kennedy

87 books3,400 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 144 reviews
Profile Image for Melanie THEE Reader.
358 reviews51 followers
June 26, 2024
This book had so much potential! Unfortunately, it did not give what it needed to give 😭 Full RTC.

I’m sorry. As a society we have outgrown the need for MMCs to do the whole “I’m not good enough for you so I’m going to push you away for your own good. With that said, I will also behave like a jealous freak if a guy so much as breathes near you (even if that guy is one of my best friends who’s watching out for you because I asked him to. Logic has no place here. I’m sorry.)” routine. Seriously. I’m over it. That would bug the hell out of me in in real life and it infuriates me when I see it in my romances, especially contemporary romances.

Another ick that I thought we finally banned is the "not like other girls" crap. Gabe talks about how he's attracted to the FMC Riley because she doesn't wear makeup like the other women he's dated. She wears JEANS and T-SHIRTS. She likes to go BOWLING. SHE'S DIFFERENT OK.

Gabe was just...not it 😩 Why did he treat Riley like she was a child? When she is being harassed by patrons at the diner where she works, he lashes out because he's worried about her safety. He kicks them out and basically tells Riley that she is now under his protection 😭 We finally get a scene where Riley stands up to Gabe and tells him about himself and Gabe proceeds to lecture her about the dangers of walking home alone at night:

“Is this what you want? A group of guys that will gang r*pe you in a dark alley and leave your body surrounded by trash?" THANK YOU, GABE, FOR MAINSPLAIN- I MEAN EDUCATING RILEY ABOUT THE DANGERS OF EXISTING IN THE WORLD AS A WOMAN. I'M SURE THAT RILEY HAD NO IDEA.

Reader. At this point I almost DNF-ed. Nevertheless, I persisted.

One thing I did appreciate is that while this book had shades of “her magical vagina healed my trauma,” We do have the MMC (Gabe) going to therapy at the FMC (Riley’s) encouragement, and he continues to go to therapy long-term. Riley is also in therapy. We love to see it.

I also agree with other reviewers that the third act conflict was unnecessary because it was resolved SO quickly. It's like it was added because we had to have a moment where the heroine's life was in danger. Narrator: “We did not.” But at least we got to see Bella being a very good girl 🐶 She deserves all the treats.

*Runs back into the room* AND ANOTHER THING. If it wasn't for Shane, Gabe would've never gotten off his ass and fought for Riley. JUSTICE FOR SHANE. Why did Gabe ask Shane and Logan to look out for Riley then get jealous when Shane.....looks out for Riley? Shane was literally telling Riley what a good guy Gabe was, while also giving context to his behavior (the hot and cold of it all) yet Gabe acts like he's some random hitting on "his" girl? HUH? I was actually happy when Shane was fake flirting with Riley to force Gabe to FINALLY fight for her. This book wasn't great, but I definitely want to read Shane and Logan's stories.

TW: domestic abuse, child abuse, mention of suicide, mention of rape, addiction
Profile Image for Ula'ndi Hart.
929 reviews15 followers
October 16, 2017
Overall book rating: 4.25 (Because it’s worth more than 4)
Audio Book: N/A
Book Cover: 4.5

This was a total accident; as you all know I don’t actually 99.9% do MF anymore. But I’m really pleased with myself for taking the bull by the horns in this regard.

Gabe.... Oh what can I say about Gabe? He was like a piece of really good chocolate cake. Damaged. So not perfect but yet strong. And what made him even more irresistible? Sloane Kennedy.

We can agree, or disagree – if you really want to – that Sloane Kennedy has a way of writing really yummy alpha males. Even with all their emotional baggage they just really push my buttons. Cause yeah I have a thing for alpha guys okay? And she KNOWS how to feed the craving.

Riley was just a fabulous little female gem. I enjoyed her character so much. No pathetic “safe be Batman” moments, but also not totally “feminist OD”. I like ‘strong’ characters. Strong being to a certain point though and I think the author got it right. Riley was someone I could understand and appreciate. Someone I wanted Gabe to end up with.

The friends are all good stuff of course. And because she likes to bring her characters into the other series she writes I maybe may have decided to start at the beginning and work my way through some time. This certainly made me want to. Even if I have to stomach a few MF stories inbetween.

Profile Image for Bev .
2,077 reviews458 followers
October 2, 2015
I absolutely loved the first 85% of the book. Fabulous characters, no TSTL moments, intriuging story, side characters that I am thrilled to see are getting their own books.

And then .... the wheels fell off :( There I was trying to gobble up this fabulous story knowing something big had to happen, and it did! And it was a doozy! And then I blinked and it was done. What?? NOOOOOOOOOOO!! This so desperately needed to be fleshed out, both Gabe's issues and also Riley's. I. Feel. Cheated.

The ending was also very abrupt and I am guessing that I will see more of Gabe and Riley in the following books but I am so disappointed that I did't get their full story in Gabriel's Rule.

This was easily a 4.5 star read till I was cheated, so a full star off for that.
Profile Image for Annuccia Palmeri.
1,122 reviews88 followers
June 30, 2020
4- è caruccio ma poteva essere top se i background dei protagonisti fossero stati maggiormente approfonditi.
Profile Image for Talltree.
2,081 reviews25 followers
June 10, 2016
I really liked this book about two broken people finding each other. The H Gabe was a great guy going through a lot putting his druggie mother through rehab. He was sexually abused when young by his mother when she was high and since then has rarely been able to orgasm with a woman or let them touch him. He doms them(as an escort) and ties them up.

The h is on the run from an abusive ex and controlling/neglectful parents. She is a very gentle soul and the H who is her neighbour can't help but fall for her. He is too messed up to be with her so he helps her but stays at a distance, but slowly they end up knowing each other and the H finally feels safe enough with the h that he overcomes his intimacy issues and they get a HEA. The abusive ex is dealt with and the H stops his escorting, even goes back to school and gets some therapy, so it all ends well!!

This was a sweet - with some gritty parts - and low angst and well written romance. 4 stars!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Najat.
356 reviews17 followers
February 15, 2021
Mi è piaciuto tanto, malgrado qualche clichè e gli argomenti tosti non molto approfonditi. Ma è comunque soddisfacente e coinvolgente.
Con un protagonista maschile davvero intenso e commovente, Gabe è da abbracciare forte forte💜🧡
Una bella storia d'amore e di amicizia!
Profile Image for Denise C.
781 reviews160 followers
March 17, 2021
2 Stars

After reading Four Ever and losing my mind over how amazing it was, I knew I wanted to start Kennedy's books from the beginning and read them in the "proper" order. Unfortunately, I found myself pushing to finish this book solely for that reason; otherwise, I definitely would have DNF.

I see a tremendous improvement in Kennedy's writing style and skill from this book published in 2015 to Four Ever published in 2019. Story arcs are more developed, more carefully placed throughout the book, and are slowly unraveled for the reader whereas Gabriel's Rule practically threw them at your face and ran away. I was left baffled several times at the pacing of certain events and the lack of development/execution for plot points. There were a lot of conflicts crammed into a short book and that left little to no room to develop or resolve them. The sex happened too soon, was weird, and the reason for Gabriel's issues wasn't revealed until the very end. I didn't entirely buy it and something about it was off to me. Perhaps if there had been more of a resolution, it wouldn't have come across that way. Additionally, the storyline with Riley's ex was laughably underdeveloped and resulted in a conflict that was over so quickly I blinked and it was over.

This certainly had instalove vibes but due to the issues previously mentioned, that was hardly a blip on my radar. The book could use some editing as well as it missing punctuation, had improper grammar, and perhaps it would have tidied up the plot. There were some things revealed by a side character that went basically nowhere in the plot and had a one-dimensional purpose. I found this book to be lacking a lot of things but know that Kennedy has better books out there.

Standalone - Read series in order:
Book 1: Gabriel's Rule → 2 Stars
Book 2: Shane's Fall → did not read
Book 3: Logan's Need → 2.5 Stars
Profile Image for Jo * Smut-Dickted *.
2,038 reviews499 followers
February 16, 2016
The promise of Gabe being an escort was enough to cancel out the girl cooties...and I have to say it was a very good book. A great start to a series with skillfully interwoven characters that jump out at you and beg their own stories. I'm a fan of hurt/comfort as well (must be a remnant of the Harlequin era) so this one gets a full 4 stars. For a straight MF without any kink, fetish, or slave action that's pretty high praise from me.
Profile Image for Sabrina Fornero.
1,252 reviews20 followers
July 14, 2020
💋recensione per il blog New Adult e dintorni 💋

Sloane Kennedy ci fa conoscere Gabriel, il primo protagonista della Escort Series, e la sua nuova vicina di casa Riley.

Gabe Maddox è da anni un escort presso un'agenzia che aveva adescato lui e i suoi due amici Shane e Logan tanti anni prima. Se per loro il sesso abbinato ai soldi e la bella vita sono puro piacere, per Gabe è qualcosa di contorto e malsano. Il suo cosiddetto pacchetto fantasia prevede un sesso tutt'altro che semplice, dominante di natura Gabriel cerca di compiacere le sue clienti con un godimento veloce e violento con alcune regole chiare e semplici: no baci e soprattutto nessun tocco su di sé.

Non si regala nessun piacere personale se non nella solitudine del bagno a fine prestazione, per sentirsi ancora più vuoto e più distante da una vita fatta di libertà che avrebbe voluto tanto avere.
La libertà da una madre che costituisce un passato torbido e nebuloso e un presente fatto di droghe e carcere da cui è difficile tenerla alla larga.
Quando Gabriel intravede la nuova vicina di casa, una ragazza dai tratti semplici e dall'ingenuità disarmante, non solo si sente protettivo nei suoi confronti ma nell'avvicinarla riscopre la voglia di provare a sconfiggere i suoi demoni interiori, forse con lei potrebbe essere diverso rispetto alle sue clienti, forse con lei potrebbe infrangere le sue regole ferree per provare qualcosa, finalmente.

'Non si era mai sentito così, preso da quella sensazione travolgente di essere parte di un’altra persona.'

Riley Sinclair ha viaggiato per ore in una macchina scassata da Dallas alla volta di Seattle, la sua periferia malfamata l'accoglie in un appartamento fatiscente ma lontano da una famiglia perbenista che l'ha da sempre umiliata e da un ex violento e manipolatore che vuole solo dimenticare. Pur essendo veterinaria, si ritrova in un lurido pub a fare la cameriera per pochi soldi ma indispensabili per vivere la sua ritrovata indipendenza.
Gabe, il suo vicino tutto muscoli dal fascino latino la vuole proteggere a tutti i costi e le procura un lavoro meno pericoloso e più gratificante in una tavola calda di sua conoscenza. Non sa perché ci tenga così tanto a lei ma sa che non possono essere semplici amici, si ritrova a fissarlo, a bramarlo.
L'attrazione che pensava essere solo da parte sua sta per esplodere però e mai due persone più diverse si troveranno a unirsi, a respingersi e a guarirsi a vicenda.

'Il suo istinto le diceva che non le avrebbe fatto del male, ma sospettava che avrebbe messo alla prova tutti i suoi limiti.'

Il libro è di veloce lettura, avrei gradito qualche pagina in più, i protagonisti avevano veramente tanto da dire, il passato di Gabe è molto ingarbugliato e non si è pronti alla sua fragilità, a quello che gli incubi possono rivelargli prima ancora che ne prenda coscienza direttamente.

Ci sono momenti molto intensi, dove la passione e la chimica dei protagonisti divampano ma ci sono anche scene di profonda empatia reciproca in cui si consolano e cercano di conoscersi nel profondo.
Gabe fa acquisire a Riley quel senso di adeguatezza e confidenza con il suo corpo, rendendola forte e più consapevole dei suoi pregi sia fisici che caratteriali.
È molto importante l'amicizia di Shane e Logan che riescono a colmare tutte le distanze tra i due innamorati.

'Non perdere fiducia in lui'

L'autrice è una nuova conoscenza per me ed è riuscita ad affrontare un argomento serio come quello degli abusi sessuali in modo delicato dando al romanzo una connotazione inaspettata.
Non vedo l'ora di conoscere la storia di Shane prima e di Logan dopo, sembra che il biondo e affascinante Shane abbia un debole per la sorellina di Logan.
Profile Image for Dalia.
757 reviews4 followers
June 30, 2020
Ho preso questo libro fidandomi dell'istinto. In passato ho amato quest'autrice leggendo i suoi romanzi male to male, così, ho voluto provare se sarebbe riuscita a coinvolgermi nello stesso modo anche con un romanzo classico. Ho iniziato a leggere la storia di Gabe e Riley durante un viaggio in treno che, inizialemnte, avrei voluto dedicare al sonno ma, dopo aver letto le prime dieci pagine sono stata catapultata completamente nella storia. Il nome della serie e la stessa trama vi lasciano capire che lavoro fa il protagonista ma non lasciatevi fermare solo da questo nel caso in cui fosse un vostro limite. Gabe e molto, molto altro. Un ragazzo che ha dimenticato cosa significhi amare qualcuno, che non prova nulla nello svolgere il suo "lavoro". Un'anima piena di ferite sempre aperte, sempre sanguinanti che anche quando trova la cura giusta per guarire ha paura di servirsene e di trascinare nel suo mondo oscuro anche la dolcissima Riley. Bello e intenso fino alla fine. Ora aspetto di conoscere meglio Shane e la sua storia che si preannuncia già forte.
Profile Image for Tina.
473 reviews7 followers
December 9, 2017
It has been a bad time for me to find a book that could hold my interest long enough to finish it.
So I decide to read/re-read The Escort/Barretti Security/The Protectors in it "right" order which also includes her MF books.

I liked it, maybe not one I would read again, but it was okay! It doesn't matter either because Sloane has so many other amazing books that I love to re-read!

Sloane is a MASTER in writing about broken alpha-male and Gabe is one broken man and with Riley beautiful and innocent personality it just made them perfect for each other.
Gabe had a hard time accepting that he is worth loving and even though Riley herself had some problems she had to work through, she is so strong and she doesn't give up so easily and with some help from his friends, they got their HEA.
Even though it was not the biggest epilogue we got, we get to follow them in the other books and there we see that they are as in love as they are now.

Reading Order
1. Gabriel's Rule (The Escort, #1) by Sloane Kennedy
2. Shane's Fall (The Escort Series, #2) by Sloane Kennedy
3. Logan's Need (The Escort, #3) by Sloane Kennedy
4. Finding Home (Finding, #1) by Sloane Kennedy
5. Finding Trust (Finding #2) by Sloane Kennedy
6. Loving Vin (Barretti Security, #1) by Sloane Kennedy
7. Redeeming Rafe (Barretti Security, #2) by Sloane Kennedy
8. Saving Ren (Barretti Security, #3) by Sloane Kennedy
9. Freeing Zane (Barretti Security, #4) by Sloane Kennedy
10. Finding Peace (Finding, #3) by Sloane Kennedy
11. Finding Forgiveness (Finding, #4) by Sloane Kennedy
12. Absolution (The Protectors, #1) by Sloane Kennedy
13. Salvation (The Protectors, #2) by Sloane Kennedy
14. Retribution (The Protectors, #3) by Sloane Kennedy
15. Forsaken (The Protectors, #4) by Sloane Kennedy
16. Vengeance (The Protectors, #5) by Sloane Kennedy
17. A Protectors Family Christmas (The Protectors, #5.5) by Sloane Kennedy
18. Atonement (The Protectors, #6) by Sloane Kennedy
19. Revelation (The Protectors, #7) by Sloane Kennedy
20. Redemption (The Protectors, #8) by Sloane Kennedy
21. Finding Hope (Finding, #5) by Sloane Kennedy
22. Defiance (The Protectors, #9) by Sloane Kennedy
23. Protecting Elliot (The Protectors, #9.5) by Sloane Kennedy
24. Unexpected (The Protectors, #10) by Sloane Kennedy
25. Shattered (m/m) (The Protectors, Book 11) Coming December
26. Unbroken (m/m) (The Protectors, Book 12) Coming Early 2018
Profile Image for Romance Between The Sheets.
1,175 reviews65 followers
October 30, 2015
Please note this review may contain spoilers.

When it comes to sex, Gabe has two rules: he won't kiss you and you can't touch him. To prevent any accidental touches, his willing clients are tied up with bindings he insists they bring themselves. Sounds hot, right? It is, until you realise that he's not actually into kink, but these conditions are the outcome of a deeply troubled past⎯a past that causes him to hate his job as an escort. But he needs the money it brings in to pay his bills and to replace whatever his drug-addicted mother steals from him. Riley is running away from her televangelist parents and her cheating, confidence-smashing ex-fiance, and ends up living next door to Gabe. Despite being attracted to each other, their "friendship" is strained by miscommunications and trust issues. Both have demons they need to overcome if they're going to have a chance at a happy and healthy relationship.

GABRIEL'S RULE is a story I would consider an insta-love and is told in dual POVs. I noticed that sometimes the POV would change in the middle of the chapter without any notice, which was quite confusing. The twist involving Gabe's mother was both shocking and unexpected, and certainly explained a lot. But the revelation is made just before the story finishes, so it ended up feeling rushed and unresolved, which was disappointing. Perhaps we'll hear more about it in the other two books in the series that are about Gabe's friends. But in regards to Gabe and Riley, it appears they escaped their pasts and got their HEA.

For more reviews, please visit our website: www.romancebetweenthesheets.com
Profile Image for Evie Drae.
Author 4 books141 followers
January 2, 2018
I was really excited to dive into Ms. Kennedy's series after having begun my journey with my her recent book (aka the last one in the series) by accident. However, compared to Shattered, this left quite a bit to be desired.

That being said, Ms. Kennedy has released an impressive number of books in a rather short time. I believe the difference between this book and her most recent shows her growth both in her writing style, skill, and storytelling abilities.

This book is wrought with head-hopping that makes a reader both cringe, and forces them to stop and go, "Wait, what? Whose head are we in now? Who is thinking that? HOW DID WE GET HERE?" It can be quite frustrating and is something that usually causes me to dislike a book far more than I did this one. That being said... if you can overlook that, and a couple of the overly exhaustive tropes, the story does have some fresh aspects that can keep you turning the page.

I'm thankful I read Shattered before Gabriel's Rule, because I likely would have chalked this author up as "not going to read any more of her stuff" and not continued on with the series. But I have hope because I know her writing improves drastically, as does her character building, world building, and story arc satisfaction.

Overall, this wasn't a terrible story, just a difficult read due to the writing itself. My three-star rating was generous, mostly because I know this author grows and absolutely hate giving out anything less than a three unless the piece is beyond atrocious.

Here's to hoping Ms. Kennedy steps up her game in book 2... Shane's Fall.
Profile Image for Kat.
902 reviews93 followers
February 17, 2020
2.5 stars. I went back and forth on whether to round up or down and eventually decided to round down to two.

I think me not enjoying this book is really on me. I want to read Sloane Kennedy's protectors series and she has put a recommended reading order list at the front of those books. I wanted to read chronologically and that meant reading this book. Because of that, I went into this book knowing nothing about it. I really don't like the trope of too damaged to be loved so if I had known more about this I probbaly could have known that I wasn't going to love it and prepared myself for that.

There were parts I did like. I liked Riley and I liked the side characters in the story. I am going to continue on with these books so I am hoping that because I liked the side characters in this book I'll enjoying learning more about them in their own stories.

The other thing is that this book was published 5 years ago and Kennedy had written a lot of books since then. I think I'll start liking the books more as we get closer to the present day.

I don't think this is a bad book. It's very short and very readable. I had no trouble getting through the story and like I said, there were parts that I enjoyed a lot. I just think this was a combination of this being an older-ish work and the fact that it had some tropes that I personally do not like.
Profile Image for Shelby.
3,064 reviews86 followers
May 4, 2019
I've really enjoyed some of Sloane Kennedy's books in the past, so I was really looking forward to starting this series even though it does have an escort theme which isn't my favorite. Somehow though this book just didn't do it for me, and it wasn't even the escort bit either. This book just felt like it was never really integrated with itself, it skimmed on the surface of a lot of topics and never really got deep with any of them. I liked the characters. I liked Gabriel's tortured soul and Riley's kind soul, but it felt like there were plot points here meant to expose things about these characters that felt forced into that purpose instead of organically revealing them. It didn't hook me into loving them and pulling me into their pain and fear and getting that jump that comes with watching them overcome. I left the book feeling like they had such a long way to go and that I didn't really get to see Gabriel win out over his past, but just start the journey.

So ultimately the book was good, but not great for me. The story was there to some degree but I was always left wanting more from it.
Profile Image for Mojo_Mama.
1,488 reviews761 followers
June 21, 2020
WHY did I try to finish this??? It should have been my jam, but, Jesus, the writing was so pedantic and the h so pathetic. I hate that combo. If the H is only meh and the h is so damsel and distress I want to throw my kindle...I’m done :/

DNF 85%

The 4 star I left on the next book a few years ago made me decide to read the entire series since I can’t remember book #2...hope I don’t regret it.

Yes, he still fucks clients after he meets her and is intimate with her. One OW scene was graphic. The other 3 just mentioned in passing.
Profile Image for Barb ~rede-2-read~.
3,471 reviews107 followers
December 21, 2017
Working my way through all of Sloane's books since I started the Protector's series and I promised myself I'd read them in the order she recommends. That being said, this and the next one are MF and I just can't get into MF anymore.

Don't get me wrong-- it's good and it's sexy and it's a tough, painful, hurt-comfort storyline with a HEA for the couple, but it's just not my cuppa.

**3.5 stars** on this one.
Profile Image for Atka.
261 reviews2 followers
July 14, 2020
4,5 - ja tam lubię autorkę i jej klimaty :D
Profile Image for New Adult e dintorni.
1,272 reviews93 followers
August 6, 2020

Sloane Kennedy ci fa conoscere Gabriel, il primo protagonista della Escort Series, e la sua nuova vicina di casa Riley.

Gabe Maddox è da anni un escort presso un'agenzia che aveva adescato lui e i suoi due amici Shane e Logan tanti anni prima. Se per loro il sesso abbinato ai soldi e la bella vita sono puro piacere, per Gabe è qualcosa di contorto e malsano. Il suo cosiddetto pacchetto fantasia prevede un sesso tutt'altro che semplice, dominante di natura Gabriel cerca di compiacere le sue clienti con un godimento veloce e violento con alcune regole chiare e semplici: no baci e soprattutto nessun tocco su di sé.
Non si regala nessun piacere personale se non nella solitudine del bagno a fine prestazione, per sentirsi ancora più vuoto e più distante da una vita fatta di libertà che avrebbe voluto tanto avere.
La libertà da una madre che costituisce un passato torbido e nebuloso e un presente fatto di droghe e carcere da cui è difficile tenerla alla larga.
Quando Gabriel intravede la nuova vicina di casa, una ragazza dai tratti semplici e dall'ingenuità disarmante, non solo si sente protettivo nei suoi confronti ma nell'avvicinarla riscopre la voglia di provare a sconfiggere i suoi demoni interiori, forse con lei potrebbe essere diverso rispetto alle sue clienti, forse con lei potrebbe infrangere le sue regole ferree per provare qualcosa, finalmente.

'𝑵𝒐𝒏 𝒔𝒊 𝒆𝒓𝒂 𝒎𝒂𝒊 𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒐𝒔𝒊̀, 𝒑𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒐 𝒅𝒂 𝒒𝒖𝒆𝒍𝒍𝒂 𝒔𝒆𝒏𝒔𝒂𝒛𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒆 𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒍𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒆 𝒅𝒊 𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒆 𝒑𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒆 𝒅𝒊 𝒖𝒏’𝒂𝒍𝒕𝒓𝒂 𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂.'

Riley Sinclair ha viaggiato per ore in una macchina scassata da Dallas alla volta di Seattle, la sua periferia malfamata l'accoglie in un appartamento fatiscente ma lontano da una famiglia perbenista che l'ha da sempre umiliata e da un ex violento e manipolatore che vuole solo dimenticare. Pur essendo veterinaria, si ritrova in un lurido pub a fare la cameriera per pochi soldi ma indispensabili per vivere la sua ritrovata indipendenza.
Gabe, il suo vicino tutto muscoli dal fascino latino la vuole proteggere a tutti i costi e le procura un lavoro meno pericoloso e più gratificante in una tavola calda di sua conoscenza. Non sa perché ci tenga così tanto a lei ma sa che non possono essere semplici amici, si ritrova a fissarlo, a bramarlo.
L'attrazione che pensava essere solo da parte sua sta per esplodere però e mai due persone più diverse si troveranno a unirsi, a respingersi e a guarirsi a vicenda.

'𝑰𝒍 𝒔𝒖𝒐 𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒕𝒐 𝒍𝒆 𝒅𝒊𝒄𝒆𝒗𝒂 𝒄𝒉𝒆 𝒏𝒐𝒏 𝒍𝒆 𝒂𝒗𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒃𝒆 𝒇𝒂𝒕𝒕𝒐 𝒅𝒆𝒍 𝒎𝒂𝒍𝒆, 𝒎𝒂 𝒔𝒐𝒔𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒕𝒂𝒗𝒂 𝒄𝒉𝒆 𝒂𝒗𝒓𝒆𝒃𝒃𝒆 𝒎𝒆𝒔𝒔𝒐 𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒂 𝒑𝒓𝒐𝒗𝒂 𝒕𝒖𝒕𝒕𝒊 𝒊 𝒔𝒖𝒐𝒊 𝒍𝒊𝒎𝒊𝒕𝒊.'

Il libro è di veloce lettura, avrei gradito qualche pagina in più, i protagonisti avevano veramente tanto da dire, il passato di Gabe è molto ingarbugliato e non si è pronti alla sua fragilità, a quello che gli incubi possono rivelargli prima ancora che ne prenda coscienza direttamente.

Profile Image for Melissa.
1,031 reviews34 followers
May 10, 2018
J’ai mis un petit moment avant de me lancer dans cette lecture et du coup je regrette de ne pas l’avoir commencée avant.

Riley quitte son quotidien de Dallas au Texas et décide de commencer une nouvelle vie à Seattle. En arrivant, elle va faire connaissance avec son voisin de palier Gabriel ‘Gabe’ Maddox.

Gabriel va beaucoup aider Riley pour que son installation soit moins difficile. Par contre, il va s’assurer qu’elle ne connaisse en aucun cas le métier qu’il exerce la nuit, en plus de son emploi dans le bâtiment. On va vite se rendre compte que chacun de nos deux personnages a des choses à cacher et a été brisé par la vie. Ils ont tous deux croisé des gens sur leur route qui ne les ont pas aidés et qui n’ont fait que leur donner moins confiance en eux.

Je vous laisse vous faire votre propre idée sachant que le livre est assez court et qu’il serait donc dommage de vous spoiler…

Je suis contente d’avoir enfin découvert la plume de Sloane Kennedy que j’ai trouvée fluide et agréable !

J’ai lu ce roman rapidement et j’espère que le tome 2 qui sera sur Shane, un ami et collègue de Gabriel paraîtra bientôt en français ! ♥

Profile Image for LssBookLounge.
1,223 reviews31 followers
February 10, 2023
I found this to be an okay read, but it may have been better if I waited until I was in an m/f mood. I didn’t dislike the characters or story, it was just a lot of skimming over the parts I wasn’t completely interested in. I’ll have to read it again sometime so I can give a better review.

Profile Image for Ulla LiebtBücher.
214 reviews3 followers
May 13, 2020
Auch beim X-ten Re-Read eine tolle Mischung zwischen unheimlich berührend und kochend heiß!
Profile Image for Gió Giò.
95 reviews2 followers
July 22, 2020
Carino, anche se la storia sembra qualcosa di trito e ritrito. I personaggi sono interessanti, ma meritavano qualcosa di più articolato.
Profile Image for Helen Oakes.
252 reviews31 followers
August 29, 2022
Reviewed for A Drop of Romeo...

This is a Sloane Kennedy’s entire story arc. It consists of twenty novels from four of her individual series but all the characters intermingle so Kennedy has bundled them into these volumes. I was going to individually review every novel but I really didn’t think you would want me writing twenty long reviews about how amazing these novels are - because seriously that’s all the reviews would be! For two weeks straight (would have been a lot shorter time if life didn’t get in the way!), I read these novels one after the other and I couldn’t put them down.

Three out of twenty novels are M/F pairings but the remaining seventeen are M/M or M/M/M. Kennedy does explain for those that prefer only to read M/M then you can skip the M/F ones if you really want to but as much as I love my M/M novels, I couldn’t skip the M/F ones and I wouldn’t advise that any of my M/M fans do either. Those of you that aren’t massively into the M/M I beg of you not to skip these books over. Lauren; my sister; has always stated that she wouldn’t read the M/M books on my kindle but then started reading the first novel - Gabriel’s Rules - which is M/F and I explained to her that the third one of the trilogy was M/M and she decided to give it a go anyway because she couldn’t not read the third book in a trilogy. Safe to say, she’s now halfway through the books and is just as addicted as I am. So praises to Kennedy for getting my sister to try something new and for it to be that well written she can’t put them down.

My last piece of advice (again this is thanks to my sister!) is that Kennedy provides a recommended reading list at the beginning of the novels which explains how to read the novels because it’s not as clean cut as one series after another. I followed this list whereas Lauren read it series by series and she happened to mention to me that one book she had read she only knew who some of the characters were because I had read them chronologically and we had spoken about them together. There’s two recommended reading lists: chronologically or by starting with her series called The Protectors. I did it chronologically so if anyone does it the other way by starting with The Protectors then feel free to message me and let me know how you find the read!

I couldn’t even tell you which novel was my favourite one because I would say one was my favourite out of the series then read the next one and be like... “oh this one is definitely my favourite.” I love the entire series and Sloane Kennedy is a new author on my list of authors that I sit and wait eagerly for their next release! (I followed her on facebook and twitter so I’m counting down the days!)

I know this was an exceptionally vague review of twenty novels and I apologise for that but please trust me when I tell you these novels are completely worth the read as well as the time you will need to dedicate to reading them. If you do find the time to read them then please feel free to message me so we can compare notes!
Profile Image for Sophie ARGINTARU.
821 reviews12 followers
May 10, 2018
J’apprécie beaucoup les M/M écrits par Sloane Kennedy. Je ne leur trouve qu’un seul défaut (toujours le même), ils sont trop court, ce qui nuit un peu à l’approfondissement des histoires. Ici, pour cette romance entre un homme et une femme, le reproche sera le même, surtout qu’un des aspects abordé (que je vous laisse découvrir) est très difficile. Donc, la fin sera un peu déséquilibrée, Gabe ayant à surmonter un passé plus que compliqué. Hormis cela, ce roman est comme à chaque fois très réussi. Tout commence comme une joyeuse, classique et fort sympathique rencontre entre deux êtres tous les deux blessés par la vie. Le souci principal, c’est que tout en jouant au chevalier servant, Gabe dissimule une partie peu glorieuse de son existence actuelle à Riley.

Les voici tous les deux en train de jongler avec un quotidien pas très facile à affronter tout en nouant une relation de plus en plus passionnée. Sloane Kennedy maîtrise aussi bien la légèreté, la tendresse et la chaleur de la découverte amoureuse, que les aspects dramatiques et même tragiques qui se dissimulent derrière cette apparente amourette pleine d’enthousiasme et de fraîcheur. Le contraste est saisissant, souligné par les sentiments exacerbés de nos deux héros, déstabilisés et fragilisés par leurs propres fêlures. S’invitent dans ce roman les deux amis de Gabe qui seront les prochains héros… tous deux très prometteurs. J’ai franchement hâte de découvrir leurs histoires !
Profile Image for Heather Anastasiu.
Author 8 books675 followers
March 2, 2016
I found this author by getting the third book free from one of the email lists I follow, then came back to check out the other books in the series and have been happily surprised to find myself a new author that I'm totally into. Sloane Kennedy's escort series really pulls you into the characters and their daily dramas. Each story is about a character who's deeply broken and Gabriel is no exception. Watching him work through his deep seated issues because his relationship with Riley really WAKES him up was moving and beautiful to watch - not to mention sexy as all get out! Loved it.
Profile Image for Feel The Book.
1,739 reviews53 followers
August 7, 2020
Recensione a cura di Raksha per Feel the Book

Gabe è un escort, non perché gli piaccia ma perché necessita di denaro e il suo corpo è la miglior merce di scambio.

È un personaggio estremamente complesso; un uomo dall’aspetto divino che ha vissuto un’infanzia difficile e che, crescendo, non ha mai potuto abbandonare il dolore di una madre alla deriva, totalmente persa nella dipendenza da droghe.

Tanto bello fuori quanto devastato dentro, Gabe ha un cuore immenso circondato da alte mura impenetrabili. Tutta la sua devozione è rivolta alla madre che cerca in ogni modo di aiutare. Non si rende conto di stare buttando la sua vita, rincorrendo speranze impossibili, e di lasciare dietro di sé ciò che davvero è importante.

Il destino, per fortuna, mette sul suo cammino Riley, una ragazza in fuga da una vita che la voleva più magra, più bella, più ubbidiente, più tutto.

Tra i due c’è subito una forte attrazione, ma Riley non si sente sicura di sé, teme di essere giudicata e di non superare le aspettative, mentre Gabe non è in grado di relazionarsi con una donna mettendo da parte le sue regole.

È un disastro, insomma.

Si avvicinano e si allontanano, si feriscono e poi si amano, sempre di più fino ad arrivare quasi a distruggersi.

Riley, con la sua dolcezza e tutta la sua forza, mostra a Gabe quanto potrebbe essere bella la sua vita, quanto amore potrebbe ricevere, quando amore potrebbe a sua volta donare. Ma starà a Gabe, alla fine, fare la scelta giusta: restare impantanato in un circolo vizioso che lo farà soffrire per il resto della vita o lasciarsi tutto il marcio alle spalle e ricominciare da zero imparando ad amare prima di tutto se stesso e poi coloro che gli sono accanto.

La lettura è veloce, la narrazione è scorrevole.

Il racconto è un mix di amore, odio, senso di colpa, frustrazione e tanta paura.

L’autrice conferma ancora una volta la sua maestria nel catturare il lettore e renderlo schiavo delle parole.

Editing a cura di Ash.
Profile Image for Ella.
566 reviews5 followers
August 19, 2021
Bellissimo libro 😍❤️
Adoro i libri M/M di Sloane Kennedy❤️
La Serie The Protectors è magnifica e per seguirla, mi sono dovuta leggere anche i 2 F/M 😀😉
Gabe e Riley sono due persone ferite e traumatizzate, chi scappa e chi non riesce a fuggire da un passato scioccante!
Consigliato ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Profile Image for Francesca Vallicelli.
534 reviews10 followers
April 17, 2020

Avrei dato qualcosina di più se solo non avesse accelerato nella parte finale.
Nel complesso, una storia godibile.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 144 reviews

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