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Dark Obsession #2

Never Sweeter

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Second chances are sweeter than ever in Charlotte Stein’s steamy Dark Obsession series—perfect for fans of Katy Evans—as a self-reliant college girl falls for a reformed bully who’s desperate to make up for lost time.

Letty Carmichael can’t believe her eyes when she catches a glimpse of her high school tormenter, wrestling champ Tate Sullivan, on campus. College was supposed to be her escape from Tate’s constant ridicule. Now he’s in her classes again, just waiting for his chance to make her life hell. But when Letty and Tate are partnered up for an assignment—on sex in cinema, of all things—she starts to see a kinder, gentler side of him. And when she realizes Tate knows more about sex than she could ever guess at, he soon starts making her blush in a whole new way.

Tate Sullivan is haunted by regret over his cruelty toward Letty. So when she agrees to work with him, he seizes his chance to make amends. He can’t blame her for not believing he’s for real, but soon Tate starts to break down her wall. She wants to know about passion, desire, lust—topics he is well versed in. And in return she offers the one thing he always wanted: the chance to be more than just a jock.

Letty is shocked by how sensitive Tate can be. Still, desiring him feels ludicrous. Loving him is impossible. Craving him is beyond all reason. So why can’t she stop?

262 pages, ebook

First published April 19, 2016

About the author

Charlotte Stein

108 books1,828 followers
Charlotte Stein is the RT and DABWAHA nominated author of over fifty short stories, novellas and novels. When not writing deeply emotional and intensely sexy books, she can be found eating jelly turtles, watching terrible sitcoms and occasionally lusting after hunks. For more on Charlotte, visit: www.charlottestein.net

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 734 reviews
Profile Image for Giorgia Reads.
1,330 reviews2,023 followers
April 29, 2021
3.5 stars

First half of this book was a 5+++ stars, the rest, while not bad, was just very cliche, cheesy and didn’t keep the tone and tension that was present in the first part.

Loved the writing and the slow burn quality in this (a dirtier, less plot focused slow burn - but a slow burn nonetheless - it was everything I didn’t know I needed to read).

Btw, this is not a bully romance - just mentioning it in case anyone thinks otherwise. The bullying happened in the past and is mentioned to heighten the tension and conflict in the present.

The plot wasn’t really there to be honest. It was more of a character study but with insane communication and sexual tension. Loved it!! But because it was very character focused it payed off in a major way because those two MCs were just about the hottest, most believable couple I’ve read of. Their connection comes across as very real, tangible and their chemistry and sexual tension.. pfew, I need a fan!

If only the last 40% of the book had delivered as well.. still even with that complaint, I still loved the first part enough to recommend this.
Profile Image for Isabella. R.
989 reviews1,901 followers
May 13, 2023
4 The Road Marked Forever Stars ⭐️

~Second Read.~

"This is what regret feels like when someone puts it in the form of an embrace."

Letty barely survived high school and college was supposed to be her fresh beginning. But when she encounters one of her former bullies in class she's horrified. Except this time around her bully is adamant that he's changed.

Tate royally fucked up. He tormented and hurt one of the nicest girls he once knew. Letting peer pressure and stupidity guide his actions he ruined the only chance he had. Completely remorseful, he's trying regain the trust he once burned to the ground. So, with his first act of kindness, Letty starts to see Tate in a new light.

"You don’t have to be grateful. In fact, maybe don’t ever be grateful because I don’t know how to deal with it. Let’s just say I’m really in the red, and it’s going to take me like twenty good deeds before I get anywhere close to the black. Then you can say thank you."

When paired together for a class project, Letty is devastated while Tate sees this as an opportunity to redeem himself. For every step forward, Letty takes two steps back until the truth is told. The truth where Tate has always liked the girl, admired the girl, lusted after the girl. And that actions cannot be forgotten but forgiveness can be earned.

Never Sweeter is an erotic tale of second chances, forgiveness and love so sexy that it burns up the pages. Although Tate had his groveling cut out for him, he never wavered from the task.
Profile Image for XxTainaxX Curvy and Nerdy.
1,486 reviews486 followers
April 30, 2016
I found the story absolutely captivating. At first you are appalled and disgusted by the hero and think that there's no way he's going to be able to redeem himself. Tate is a bully. Not in a small way but in a way that tortures a person for the rest of their lives. Letty goes to college two years after a really big incident and finds that Tate is there too. She's far from home so she feels like he's there to continue his bullying and is very afraid. Tate has grown a lot since they last interacted but it's all lip service if he can't show her. Somehow, they end up working on a project together and a very tentative truce forms. Things between them build into more eventually and let me tell you that process is hot as hell. But it's not the super sexy that wins me here. It's the emotional component. There is no magical excuse to make everything Tate did ok. It wasn't ok in any way. There is a piece that explains his thoughts, feelings, and drivers at the time. He really is repentant and is willing to do what it takes to see Letty happy. Some of the things he says and does will absolutely melt you. Like the heroine, you spend your reading time on high alert waiting for the other shoe to drop. The story was written well and the plot grabbed a hold and never let go. You feel her anxiety and anguish. You feel his regret and eventual love. You feel her changing heart. You feel their passion. There's this particular scene at 60% that will have you begging your honey to "take you to the library" lol :-p I really enjoyed this read. If you can keep an open mind after reading the beginning, you might discover you enjoy it as well. Safety: No OW/OM after they get together. h pushes H away once. Condoms used. No rape/sexual abuse. .

ARC received in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for NiCoLeTa E. {Addicted To Books}.
1,464 reviews85 followers
April 10, 2016
***4,5 "The bully and his victim" stars***

Wow!!! I loved this story in every aspect...
It wasn't too impressive and with very fast pace, but it kept me captivated from the first page to the last...
It was an emotional ride, a unique story about a girl who was victimazed in her high school years and about her tormentor...

It was a unique, intense, emotionally and humanly story...
I liked very much the way that the story line was moving...
The things weren't moving fast and we didn't have insta-love...
There was a natural building in this relationship... and i enjoyed it so much!!!!

I also loved both the main characters, but i will explain about them in a while...

"I just forgot I wasn't always your friend."

Well, Letty had been bullied by three boys when she was in high school and the worst of them all was Tate. She was living in constant fear and she couldn't escape them... Thankfully, their attacks were only verbally, but they were enough to inspire her absolute fear and big insecurities about herself...

But one day as they usually harassed her, the things got out of control with bad results...

"I don't know anything for sure. None of us do. That's the whole problem with the human race- our big design flaw. Pretty much everything relies on us being able to guess what someone else is thinking, and yet we hardly ever get it right. We can't possibly get it right. I could tell you a thousand times that I hate you, while one I love you was right there in my head all along."

Now, after two years from that night, Letty is starting a new chapter in her life...
She is a freshman in University, but she is still very closed as a character. She doesn't trust other persons easily, and how could she after all that she've been through???
Everything are changing when in a movie class of hers, her eyes catches Tate Sullivan.

One of her tormentors back in high school...

"There was something about the way he was behaving that set her nerves on edge. As though his awareness of her was a ghostly presence around him, invisible to everyone else but clear as day to her.
He knew she was here.
She knew he knew she was here."

Why is he there??? Her first and only thought is to torment her for once again...

And she is hating to watch behind her back all the time, but she just can't stop... Her insticts are telling her to do so.... She can't change the way she is thinking even though when Tate is reassuring her that he is not there to make her life a hell and that he will stay away from her...

"The only thing she could do was stand there, staring at him, but even that was a problem. It gave her too much time to take in a million new things about him -like how soft his gaze suddenly was and how serious he seemed. That smirking humor she had come to know so well was gone, replaced by some other weird thing she didn't recognize.
She would have called it sincerity on anyone else.
But she couldn't with him. Not now, not ever."

And yep, Tate seems to be true to his word, but when their professor are partening them together in an assignment for the "Sex in cinema" everything are changing...

They have to spend time together and Letty is expecting all the time from Tate to attack her, but he doesn't make a move...
In contrary, he is very gentle and kind to her, he is keeping his distance and he is trying to approach her in a delicate way... And that confuses Letty!!!

And the more confusing thing is that she is starting to feel differently around him, even though her fears are remaining inside of her... But this Tate is a wonderfull person that she enjoys to be around... and that frustrates her...

And the things gets more complicated when they are experiencing sexual tension while they are together in the same room and watching movies for their research...

"Other guys might come and go, but nothing would ever be sweeter than this:
Tate Sullivan saying the filthiest things, and turning them into bliss."

So, what will happen with those two???
Can Letty forget everything that she've been through from Tate and to trust him completely???
Who were the reasons behind Tate's hatred toward Letty??? Is he still playing a game toward her???

Why are they feeling a strong connection and where that could lead them???
Is there a chance for those two???

"Had anything been as beautiful as that relief?
That happiness, when she took hold of his hand?
She knew he wouldn't pull away, she knew it, she knew she had nothing to fear -and it was glorious. All of the wonder of the world was in that one moment, when she threaded her fingers through his. It was like rewriting the past, and having it stick. Like time traveling, to put right what once went wrong.
And she knew he felt it, too."

Well, as i told you before, i enjoyed so much this ride...
It had a natural development that satisfied me very much...

As it was natural, Letty had mistrust feelings toward everyone and especially toward Tate... and i liked the fact that Tate had to work so much for Letty to let him in...
But he was doing a really great job...

"I know there's nothing I can do to erase this. I wouldn't want to erase it, or act like it never happened, or pretend that it's not in your heart as well as right here under my hand. I get that this is always going to be there, saying you should doubt me. But I'm gonna work every day on making it easier for you to ignore. I want you to believe in me, and I got all the hours in the world to help that happen."

I liked the small talk in papers while they were in the library...
I liked all this sexual tension between them when they were watching movies...
I liked the small things that made Tate vulnerable and unsure of himself...

I liked how Letty was becoming a wildcat in several moments... and I liked how everything played until the end...
I also loved those e-mails at the end... I needed them!!!

"No matter what happens between us I will never make your life hell again. Mess with my head, turn me upside down, fuck seventeen guys behind my back, humiliate me in the middle of the cafeteria... it won't make any difference. I am yours now. And nothing you say or do will ever change that."

As you can understand, that book was such a great reading for me...
If you are seeking for a tender and emotionally story, this is a book for you...
In this point, i have to add that it was also hot as hell!!!

And don't you worry for being the second book in the series... It can be read as a standalone!!!
I haven't read the first book either.... but i will definetely do it!!! And the next book also...

***ARC kindly provided via Netgalley for the exchange of an honest review***
Profile Image for Jen .
807 reviews610 followers
March 7, 2016
4.25 Emotional Stars

“And what was yours? How did you think of the shit between us?”
“I don’t know. I think you want me to say a game, but that wasn’t true. It never felt like a game to me. It felt like I was trapped behind glass watching a really shitty version of myself operating my body.”

Letty Carmichael and Tate Sullivan have a history. In high school, and I do mean all of high school, Tate and his friends tormented Letty. The taunts were constant and things got so bad that at one point, Letty ended up in the hospital and spent what was supposed to be her first two years of college recuperating.

So what happens when, looking to put the past behind you, you see your tormentor for the very first time in two years?

What happens when you find yourself not only sharing a class but assigned to work together on a project?

The first 5% of Never Sweeter had me convinced there was no possible way Tate had a chance in hell of redeeming himself. I mean, come on. There are just some things you can’t come back from. The uncertainty Letty felt, not only with herself but from people as a rule, was truly heartbreaking and I’m not gonna lie, I was rooting for a junk punch from the very beginning.

As the story rolled on, Tate began to prove that the boy who made Letty’s life a living hell no longer existed. In his place was a man who not only wanted to make amends but maybe wanted a little more from Letty as well. The way he never shirked the fact he spent years being a major douchebag to her and did his best to apologize and reassure her that his intentions were genuine endeared him to me as a reader.

Letty’s trust didn’t come easy, as it realistically shouldn’t, and even when her distrust was obvious, Tate never gave up.

“I know there’s nothing I can do to erase this. I wouldn’t want to erase it, or act like it never happened, or pretend that it’s not in your heart as well as right here under my hand. I get that this is always going to be there, saying you should doubt me. But I’m gonna work every day on making it easier for you to ignore. I want you to believe in me, and I got all the hours in the world to help that happen.”

Going into this, I knew Charlotte Stein writes a decently hot sex scene and this book proved to be no exception. She found a way to realistically weave Letty’s insecurities, as well as some unexpected insecurities on Tate’s part, into some smokin’ hot sexy times. There was an unexpected sweetness to the physical relationship between these two and it managed to deepen the story.

As much as I enjoyed this, I had a few minor issues. This story needed an epilogue in the worst way and I felt the ending was waaaaay too abrupt. I’m not saying things aren’t wrapped up, it just seemed to happen at the speed of light. A little more personal background on the characters, pre-bullying, would’ve been appreciated as well.

Never Sweeter is an angsty, sweet read that I can highly recommend. Those looking for a truly dark romance may by a little disappointed, but Letty and Tate’s story left me with a smile in the end.

ARC provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Samadrita.
295 reviews5,000 followers
April 24, 2016
Usually when I read books with covers like this one, I surreptitiously add them to my 'read' list in a way that the updates wouldn't show up on the homepage and quietly move on. But after reading this one, I feel the stirrings of a change within me. I no longer have that urge to hide the fact that I read romance novels, as if it's a shameful, shallow activity and worthy of someone's contempt or ridicule.

I don't think it is, any longer. Not anymore when there are authors like Charlotte Stein, Sarina Bowen, Tamara Morgan, Jill Sorenson, Elle Kennedy and the likes writing to counter those precise stereotypes, taboos, cliches, and egregious sexual politics that have dominated the landscape of romance novels/erotica/NA/YA lit for too long. So take my advice and don't go by that ripped guy posing like an Abercrombie & Fitch model. I know the cover does not exactly inspire confidence especially when similar archetypal covers featuring unrealistically attractive Caucasian men with implausibly sculpted pectoral muscles have only added to the bulk of garbage being published these days validating rape culture. But this is not one of them. In fact, if I had a 'romance-feministy-style' (which is a terrible name btw but I'll think of something better) shelf, I would have tagged this one with that labeling. One of those few good romance novels out there - thoroughly deserving of a much larger readership than it has - to throw in issues like bullying, body-shaming, sexual double standards in movies and not solely for the purpose of creating a situation ripe for romance between our hero and heroine but to treat them as serious issues that are cause for concern in any society.

Another reason behind writing this half-baked review is to thank Jackie C. Horn of Romance Novels for Feminists. And to let the uninitiated romance-readers know, that if you are sick and tired of books recycling all sorts of blasted gender stereotypes, click on that link above. If not for her incredible blog, I would have given up on romance novels a long time ago. And it is solely because of her, that I have come across some great authors of contemporary/historical romance who are responsible for a much needed paradigm shift in the romance novel industry.

Thank you, Jackie. You are fighting the good fight.
Profile Image for Pinky.
533 reviews569 followers
April 2, 2021
Trigger Warnings:

HE HAS PRINGLE-ROLL CUCUMBER FOLKS. I REPEAT HE HAS A PRINGLE-ROLL CUCUMBER. I don't know what the hell I just read but lemme just say, I heard enough about this guy and his cucumber. Good lord save my soul.

This was a buddy read with my lovely friend Bookish Opinions . And honestly, lemme tell you, if it weren't for her, I don't think I would've survived after reading this. Ranting about books really tends to make them a lot more fun to read. We even made an alternate book plan lol, but it was a fun buddy read. This book is a bully romance and it honestly wasn't enjoyable. It was constantly recommended on Reddit and I was curious so I gave it a go and didn't like it. I'll get more into it in the spoilers but there are a lot of things that were wrong with this book. It was different but not at the same time, cliche in ways but had some things that were different.

Letty has been through hell and back, after 2 years of physical therapy, she is finally gonna start college and get her life together. But then she goes to class and sees the last person she ever wants to see. Her bully from high school, one of the reasons why she had to go into therapy. She is not ready to relive her past, in fact, she is done. She steers clear of Tate but then her professor announces that she and Tate will be working on an assignment together. And not just any assignment, their topic is sex in cinema. Yup...

Now for spoilers

That is all, stay safe folks!
Profile Image for Michelle.
944 reviews220 followers
April 24, 2016
3 Are You Scared Of It Stars!
Let me just say that I loved the first half of this book! Enemies to lovers is my thing and this started off so good!
So the 3 star rating is for that part because I didn't care for the last 40%.

Letty is being bullied in high school by Tate and his friends. She not skinny and she's a nerd and they never let her forget it. One night they go too far and run her over leaving her to fear everyone. She doesn't trust other people.
Two years later while at college Letty freaks out when she sees Tate in her class. She's scared of him. She defiantly doesn't trust him when he's trying to be nice. These two get paired up on a project and slowly become friends. Letty slowly becomes to trust Tate.
Tate was one dirty talker! Whew! But after a while to me it became too much and was kind of cheesy!
Lordy then there was soooooooo much masturbating going on between them I had to skim and skim and skim! All because he had this in his pants! YES people a fucking Pringles can!!

 photo AD8FC1FF-18CA-4D04-B005-4A60657E3F69.png_zpsmc4frnwj.jpeg

All the girls ran from it! I mean who wouldn't?? I kept picturing this...

 photo 69DAB673-82E2-44DE-B58E-D1ED5763328F_zpsx3t8ludz.jpg

Or this....

 photo F2265A92-BCD9-4D0C-9010-528B6CA2084A_zpskxirmn7n.jpg

And it had me cringing when this happened...

 photo 4A391487-4E21-430A-ABED-6643B2D34E74_zpsg1ki81yg.jpg

So you see I couldn't get past the whole Pringles can in the pants and then the fucking Mob

 photo CD808B15-5D71-49EE-8473-BEF739267EF7_zpsc2msnpew.jpg

Ugh! I should of stopped at 60%!

So if you like them HUGE and it comes with one dirty talker then you might like this one! Me I found it too OTT! I also didn't realize this was the second book in a series. I will not be reading book one or continuing though.
Profile Image for Rachel the Book Harlot.
175 reviews50 followers
Shelved as 'mood-killer'
April 24, 2016
"...the metal grille hit the middle of her body hard. Then there was just air underneath her feet. Followed by jagged rocks. And finally, bloody silence."

So apparently I'm supposed to believe that the Hero and his friends commit attempted murder against the Heroine and she forgives and falls in love with him two years later? No seriously, he and his friends literally try to kill her. They run her down with their truck, slamming into her and pushing her off a cliff where she then suffers a fractured skull. The injury was so severe that she is delayed from starting college for two years because she needs to recuperate.

Because nothing says romance like a fractured skull and several months of rehabilitation.

Isn't that a lovely message to send out into the ether? Hey Boys and Girls, don't worry too much if a person emotionally and mentally abuses you, and causes you physical injury because deep down inside they are really good and capable of change.


Look, I read and like dark, gritty romances. I can separate fiction from reality much of the time. But there are times where I simply cannot. This is one of those times.

By the way, none of this is a spoiler. The scene I refer to is in the prologue which is available in the sample on Amazon. The sample I read because I thought the blurb sounded interesting and because I've liked the author's work in the past. But this one hit all the wrong chords for me so no can do.

Profile Image for Taryn.
191 reviews247 followers
May 27, 2018

I fucking loved this book. Holy shit.

When starting this, I was really worried I would hate it. (I mean, guys. That prologue. Jesus.) I'm usually not a fan at all of a bully and their victim falling in love, but I think this story was really well done. Charlotte Stein accurately and sensitively explores the trauma and ramifications of years of bullying, which made this absolutely heartbreaking and emotional at times to read. Letty's uncertainty about herself and others, and how hard it was for her to trust people was so raw, and I found myself hating Tate at the start.

However, as the book went on and Stein developed Tate's character, I couldn't help but love him. He never shied away from the fact he was a massive fucking dick to Letty, and he tears himself up about it all the time. His efforts to apologise and reassure Letty were so genuine, and it was obvious that he had completely changed. He never tries to make excuses for his past behaviour and he tries so damn hard to do everything in his power to make it up to Letty now.

Never Sweeter has some of the hottest and most intimate sex scenes I've ever read. Letty was trying to ignore her attraction towards Tate for part of this book, and it just made everything all the more angsty. They both had insecurities that were explored through their sex scenes, and I feel this aspect made their scenes more passionate and emotional.

I do have to mention that I feel the ending was a tiny bit rushed. But, overall, I adored this book. It was angsty, sexy and emotional, and Charlotte Stein has some of the best writing I've ever had the pleasure of reading. Letty and Tate's relationship was well-developed and their conflicts and resolutions were totally realistic. If you're looking for an intense, passionate romance, look no further. Charlotte Stein is a definite new fave and I can't wait to make a dent in her backlist.
Profile Image for Gina.
1,926 reviews50 followers
December 7, 2016
* Free copy received in exchange for a review.

The blurb had me intrigued. A girl would re-meet the guy in college who bullied her in high school and they would fall in love. I was extremely curious how an author would develop the relationship. I'm even a little surprised by how much I hated this. Like really hated it. I can't even count the number of times I said "no" out loud while reading, but it was a lot. Lettie wasn't just bullied. She was almost killed, aka attempted murder. While Tate (the book's hero but certainly not mine) was an accessory rather than the main perp in the time Lettie got hit with a truck and pushed over a cliff resulting in 2 years of recovery, he still did plenty of other horrible things. Just over 200 pages was not even close to enough for me to buy their romance. Add in a penis described as a Pringles can (yep...it's really in there) and some ill placed mob angle, and I just couldn't even.... I wouldn't have finished it except I received it for a review.
Profile Image for Linh.
195 reviews54 followers
February 9, 2022
I went into this book expecting a really good grovel book, but it just fell flat for me. I know I'm in the minority, but I just didn't care for the Hero and it could be because we don't get his POV. Also, it could do with less masturbation and explaining that his manly part is the size of a pringles can....that had me rolling my eyes and skimming the book.

These reviews help convey my thoughts Naksed's review
Michelle's review

Safety Info: Maayan's Review
Profile Image for WhiskeyintheJar.
1,416 reviews654 followers
February 7, 2017
Problematic with the basic theme of boys picking on girls for not liking them but delving deeper in this particular instance with emotional range/depth written by the author. Or maybe I'm just justifying liking the story.
A bit immature with fairy tale focus on love and how this does, at times, read how I as a sixteen year old could have imagined an angst-y love story. But also had cuteness, laughter, and heartache that made the writing really compelling reading.
Also, let me not forget the hot scenes, some fantastic teasing sexual moments that perfectly hit the right tone of beginning desire and sexual feelings.
Definitely want to give this author another try but hopefully with a less NA feeling story and the problematic theme.
Profile Image for Bev .
2,077 reviews458 followers
April 25, 2016
Hmmm, I'm struggling with this review. I loved the sound of the blurb, and the prologue starts the story off with one hella bang and this is more or less where the book lost me, it was just all too vague/ambiguous.

Letty was horrifically bullied through high school by a bunch of abusive little shits, bullied to the point of attempted murder. Yet they all got away with it. Where were her parents, the school, the law enforcement when all this was going on?

Letty is left with PTSD, shit scared of her own shadow and meets up with Tate (prima-bully numero uno) in college. She's scared absolutely witless of him yet within days .... DAYS people! ..... she's studying with him and within weeks they are all over each other like a rash and then in love. This did NOT work for me, at all.

What else let the book down for me is it's all in Letty's very vague POV, so although there are clues in there early on that Tate has reformed, as the reader I needed to be inside his head. I needed proof that he actually had reformed. I needed a grovel from his POV. And I certainly needed a hell of a lot more than the little I got as to why he bullied her like he did and had to wait until the end to get this bit of info. And what I got did not in any way excuse or explain the how and why or even begin to justify his actions, nor that of his co-bullies.

Less masturbation (yeah there was a lot lol) and more on Tate, his past, his reasons and his redemption would have worked way better and upped my rating.
Profile Image for Olga therebelreader.
890 reviews760 followers
April 8, 2016
Letty was bullied throughout high school which made her feel hurt, scared, lonely, sick, embarrassed and sad. Tate was one of the boys who bullied her. Now, in college, Tate is her teammate in a film project. He had never realized the trauma he had inflicted by bullying her. Now, he only wants to help her, become her friend and make her like him. Letty is cautious, reluctant to trust him and she’s very afraid of him.

They say there is a fine line between love and hate. Both involve passion and the line is extremely thin. Is it possible to fall in love with your ‘enemy’? What happens when the person you thought you hated the most in the world, turns out to be the person you can’t live without?

I liked this story. It was a really sweet romance that started out a little slow but sure did pick up momentum along the way as things started get hot between Letty and Tate. Learning to deal with what happened in the past, dealing with it and forgiveness is a lot harder to attain. I was rooting for them to solve their issues almost from the very start. Tate truly regretted what he had done. The storyline and plot were good. The book moved at a good pace and was well written. Overall, this was a sexy, unique and quirky read.

A review copy was provided by the publisher through NetGalley.
Profile Image for BG.
509 reviews131 followers
October 18, 2021

This is such a gut wrenching masterpiece. A must read. First time I've felt that the bully was redeemed and that he tried his best to evolve into a better him.

Tate, even though made bad choices in his past was brave enough to face and accept them and try to redeem himself. He was an unbelievable and vulnerable hero who was irrevocably in love with Letty.
My heart just went out for Letty, the years of bullying had eroded her confidence and the ability to trust anybody. Their relationship together healed and boosted her self esteem.

"He tore off the paper that held her last words to him, carefully, so carefully.
Then just as carefully folded it up, and slipped that we are friends into his wallet."

P.s, It's weird how the first time I read this book was also in October. Nostalgia brought me here
Profile Image for Molly O'keefe.
Author 109 books2,125 followers
June 16, 2016
This is a seriously complicated plot line to pull off and I think if it doesn't work for you - if you don't buy Tate's regret or think Letty should forgive him - this is a no go. BUT IT TOTALLY WORKED FOR ME!!! Within five pages I was crying.
Profile Image for Heather Guerre.
Author 13 books814 followers
July 2, 2022
I shouldn't have loved this as much as I did. I don't usually enjoy super young protagonists (20 years old), definitely not into bully romance, and also not a big fan of [SPOILER:] the 80% breakup over a misunderstanding [end SPOILER] but this just worked. All of it. Tate's earnestness and obvious infatuation with Letty made me forgive him, like, immediately. And I am a professional grudge-holder who loves a protracted grovel, so if I was bowled over that easily, then that is an incredibly endearing character. Also, as with all Charlotte Stein books, the sex scenes were SO. GODDAMN. HOT.

As a slight aside: sometimes the dialogue sounded very much like how a British person thinks Americans talk based on like, John Hughes movies. But I wasn't sure if maybe that was intentional? As an homage to those movies?? Since the characters were working together on a project for their film studies class??? But it wasn't super consistent, and sometimes Britishisms snuck in there, so... I don't know. It didn't impact my enjoyment in any way. Just stuck out occasionally.
Profile Image for ❃**✿【Yasmine】✿**❃.
810 reviews655 followers
April 19, 2016

ARC received by Netgalley

Never Sweeter is a NA romance with a hint of erotica and a bunch of angst. It's slow, character driven and witty.

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I'm a huge fan of Stein, so this is totally biased. Well, not totally, I do rate honestly. The problem is, is that I love Steins books. Overall, she doesn't get the best ratings and I can't help but think that's because her style doesn't appeal to the majority, but just to the minority who adore it. So, if you haven't read her works before, I would recommend at least trying her once, give her a test run, you might just find yourself in love with her slow, sensual pace, and her kink and character driven stories.

As for Never Sweeter, one of Stein's rare full length novels... Well yes, I loved it. Letty, our heroine was bullied, horrifically in high school, she's mended for two years, both physically and mentally, until she bumps into one of her bullies on her campus. He tries to make amends with her, but Letty is left wondering if this beautiful side of himself is just a trick for the most elaborate prank.

I was pretty shocked at how heavy the bullying was in the beginning, and I was unsure how Stein was going to pull us out of it, and I didn't get that until the very end, which was completely satisfying and adorable. I loved both of the characters and their emotional journey. I liked how Stein skimmed over unneeded detail and just gave us the grit and the emotion.

Profile Image for Ira.
1,110 reviews119 followers
June 3, 2018
3.75 stars.
I had finished this book for more than a month now, but not sure what rating should I give.

The hero treated the heroine horrendously in the past, more than just bullying.
So as like the heroine’s feels, I hate him too!
But as usual, that’s not the whole story.
I like the new him, and I like the changes of the heroine too.
No excuses but we’ve got the answer why he behave like he did.
So, it was a good read, and I couldn’t stop read it until it finished!

Oh, perhaps some of you interested, not without experiences but the hero is virgin!! Hah! 🙄🤨😂

It’s a NA, dramas to be expected! 😘
Profile Image for Christine.
Author 1 book13 followers
April 7, 2018
Never made it past the premise. A young curvy woman who was brutally tortured in high school by a bunch of jocks on the wrestling team, runs across one of them in college. And the teacher assigns them to do a joint report on sex in the cinema. The boy or hero didn't just tease the heroine, he and his friends ran her over with their truck and she rolled down a cliff. Almost died. And was in the hospital for six months. They even went to trial over it.

Two years later - they start a sexual romance???

Eh. Not happening. She would have an order of protection out against him at the very least. I mean they sought her out and physically tortured, teased, and almost killed her. Hello.
Profile Image for Maggie.
731 reviews71 followers
December 3, 2017
This book was so weird! In the opening scenes the female lead is hit by a car driven by a friend of the male lead with the male lead in the car and she flies off a cliff. Then the story fast forwards a few years and the female and male leads meet again and become friends and lovers. AND THEY NEVER ADDRESSED THE WHOLE ACCIDENT OR HOW HE TREATED HER. WTF?
Profile Image for Rose.
518 reviews
May 2, 2016
3 stars!

This book is about a girl who goes to college, and one day sees her high school tormenter. This is a love story between the bullied girl, and who used to be her tormenter.

"Tate Sullivan, the guy who'd once made her attempt to cut off her love handles with a pair of scissors."

I fell for this book deeply in the beginning, the way she was bullied as well as the effects it had on her were devastating. Even friendship wise, she would be so surprised when someone was nice to her, waiting for the other shoe to drop, it's beautifully shown in the book. She's insecure in terms of her appearance, she doesn't believe people would just want to be her friend with no ulterior motive and generally doesn't view herself in a positive light.

And then, in class, she sees Tate Sullivan, and her reaction was extremely justified and again, made me feel deeper for what's happened to her.

In the beginning, I was thinking "How the hell is this guy going to make it okay?" But Charlotte Stein did things differently in this book. The bully wasn't still mean because he's interested in the girl, no no. The bully was completely and 100% different. He's changed so much and wants desperately to apologise and pay for his sins.

Tate to Letty: "Because you flinch about a second after anyone says your name. Because the look on your face when your new buddy running up is like a flower, grateful that the sun has risen again. Because you choose seats at the back without fail; you eat nothing in the cafeteria in case someone is watching. It took you twenty minutes to dare come into the gym because you knew other people like me were in there, and you will always will until the day you die. I made that happen to you Letty. I made you take the road marked 'forever wary of other human beings' instead of the one you should have taken."

He felt so much guilt and was trying to redeem himself, that you couldn't help forgive him.

It's a slow burner, their relationship and they have many hurdles to go through. Her trust of him for one, she doesn't know if she can ever trust his intentions.

"No matter what happens between us, I will never make your life hell again. Mess with my head, turn me upside down, fuck seventeen guys behind my back, humiliate me in the middle of the cafeteria ... it won't make any difference. I am yours now. And nothing you say or do will ever change that."

So why not 4 / 5 stars?

Somewhere along the way... the book lost it's spark? It began so emotionally and beautiful and somehow I feel like it turned a bit immature? I don't know why, but it felt like going from a really really good touching book, so a YA style book.

I think it began when they finally started hooking up. Some of their sexual interactions, I felt, were written in a way that I couldn't help but view the characters as young and just ... weird (whereas they're not young at all for sex, it's just I couldn't help feel like they were in this book..), I read it in my head as if they're too young. I can't pinpoint exactly what I disliked, but I couldn't get it out of my head that these characters are immature. One thing that really annoyed me and it would dampen any of their sexual experience for me:

"You're always soooo wet."

The extra o's just gyrated my nerves! I felt the sex scenes weren't written well, (not in a sense that I need descriptive super hot sex, but I felt like they were uncomfortable) Also, the things they talk about, I felt like they were kind of immature, conversations younger people would have. Considering I'm around their age, I found myself thinking that people my age don't speak like that. And I didn't really like the Pringles analogy... was just weird. I just couldn't connect with the characters after they started hanging out romantically.

The thing is, I think if I had read this is a regular YA book, which started off not as strongly and didn't impact me as powerfully as this one did, I would have maybe given it a higher rating. But considering I really felt invested in the beginning but then lost the spark soonafter, made it all anticlimactic.
Profile Image for Maayan.
Author 3 books315 followers
April 15, 2016
4 stars!
To be honest, I was a little skeptical about this book. A book about a Bully can be tricky. After the Prologue? My god. I thought, this guy is NOT redeemable. How can he make me root for him?
But oh boy, I did. I totally did. There was Tate from the past. The Bully. The asshole. The tormentor. And there is this guy... This awkward, tender, vulnerable, regretful guy. I loved Lettie. She was a strong heroine. She was very wary at first - with justice - and I think their love story moved in believable pace. They started as friends, then more. And the sex... My god! This book was HOT. The sexual tension was off the charts & it took them time to get there... And I was at the brink of pulling my hair and shouting, 'get it on already!' Lol.

Safety gang:

“ARC provided by netgalley in exchange for an honest review”
Profile Image for Thirstygirl.
237 reviews
June 6, 2022
I think this is one of those books that will stick with me for a while.

After what happens to the heroine in the beginning of the book, I was left wondering how she could forgive and have any kind of relationship with the man who previously bullied her. But the author makes it work. The story was good—angsty, even painful at times, but also filled with passion and some surprisingly sexy scenes.

I liked both the MCs. Letty was a sweet girl who was doing her best to move on with her life and overcome what she’d been through—going to college, making friends, even forgiving Tate for his part in everything. Tate had made some BIG mistakes and was tortured by what he’d done, but was determined to make it up to Letty.

I admit I was left somewhat confused as to where the “Dark Obsession” part of the title fit in. It suggests a different kind of vibe than this book actually has. I guess you could make the case that Tate’s original bullying of Letty was a dark consequence of his obsession with her…? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

There is A. LOT. of dialogue in this book between the main characters in a way that stood out. I can’t remember just reading pages of dialogue like that in any other books I’ve read recently. Which is fine, but there were times I wanted a little something to break it up—like maybe some internal thought processes, feelings, or actions. Still, I really enjoyed the story and am interested in reading other works by this author.
Profile Image for AprilMarie.
169 reviews13 followers
December 6, 2017
No. Oh my God, no. Bullied? They literally tried to kill her. What kind of Stockholm-y nonsense is this? How is this romantic or sexy? DNF'D, without mercy.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
152 reviews
January 3, 2020
Am I the only one who has problem with the writing?
Profile Image for Katie.
704 reviews19 followers
August 24, 2022
A solid read where the H has a serious amount of grovelling to do and it happens throughout the whole book.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 734 reviews

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