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Goodreads Choice Award
Nominee for Best Fantasy (2015)
My name is Larkspur, and I am an Elemental.

My people use the power of the earth to sustain life and defy our enemies. I should be at my father's side as a royal princess. But as a half-breed, bastard child, that isn't going to happen.

I've been accused of attacking the queen, my wicked stepmother, and my life is suddenly on the line. I have only two options left to me: banishment, or training to become one of the King's Elite Guards, an Ender.

Option one will kill me.

Option two is meant to break me, but it's the only way to survive.

Did I mention I have no power like the rest of the elementals, and my connection to the earth is worth next to nothing?

Could things get any worse? Of course they can. Welcome to being an Elemental

242 pages, ebook

First published March 31, 2015

About the author

Shannon Mayer

118 books6,573 followers
A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I was born into a family of Star Wars nuts. I have a lot of siblings (somewhere I lost count but I think there was more than could be numbered on one hand) and being one of the young padawans I was subjected to Star Wars marathons, on a regular basis. If you've read any of my books you'll see there is often a reference to said movies as a small homage to my upbringing. May the force be with you and all that jazz.

I started writing when I realized I didn't want to grow up not believing in magic, or not believing in creatures everyone else said didn't exist. That being said, I have never seen a fairy, unicorn or dragon. I had a neighbour who swore they fed the leprechauns in their garden, but I never caught the little buggers no matter how long I lay in wait. (And consequently had to help the neighbours plant new flowers to replace those I killed waiting for the leprechauns to show their faces.)

Along the way, I found my husband who is the rock that keeps me from floating away into my dreams, and we have a little boy who is the centre of our world. Living on a farm keeps us busy (as if the writing wasn't enough) and I have more than my share of stories about wrestling with cows, helping birth calves and ending up in the creek during the process, falling in the mud (we'll call it mud but we all know that on a farm, mud is rarely mud) and chasing escaped livestock in the hopes the four legged convicts don't make it to the highway.

I've taken up archery, and the goal is to move into horseback archery in time (you know, when I can hit the target on a consistent basis) and when no one is looking, I love to bake (this doesn't happen often as it's hard to keep the sweet treats in stock with two boys in the house.)

As to what's coming next for me? More stories (since those never stop inside my head, I might as well share them with all of you!) and more adventures. Pretty much, when the fancy strikes, I'll jump on it. Leap before you look I'm sure that motto was created for me.

Or was that . . . think big and dream bigger, ready, set, pull the trigger . . . yeah. That one is a good one too. But only if you have a gun. And are hunting elephants. Which is not cool because of so many reasons. Let's stick with the first one with an addendum.

Leap before you look and let your dreams carry you on their wings. And that, my friends, is me in a nutshell.

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237 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 778 reviews
Profile Image for MaryKate.
137 reviews2 followers
April 4, 2015
This one was alright, but the story moved so fast that it felt like nothing was explained well. The characters were inconsistent and confusing....it was really hard to get behind them and root for them. The MC kept switching between a "doormat" and a "stubborn warrior" type of person. I HATED that she kept going back to her jerk boyfriend (and sleeping with him) because she "felt bad" or "was trying to give him a chance". I mean really!?!? Have some self-respect and dump him already!

With that being said, the story itself actually had an interesting premise, but it could have been written better.
Profile Image for Carmel (Rabid Reads).
706 reviews392 followers
December 15, 2015
Reviewed by: Rabid Reads.

My desire to one-click Shannon Mayer’s Elementals grew with every RYLEE ADAMSON installment I read until Larkspur’s character was officially introduced in several novellas as well as book 9 which also happened to be the point where I finished playing catch-up on that particular story line, and what ultimately prompted me to take-up RECURVE. This title unfolds thirty some years prior to PRICELESS, so if you were hoping for continuity (like I was), you’ll be bummed at first, but happily that feeling will be short lived.

There are a couple of treasured series about Elementals that already call my shelves home therefore I had a few minor concerns about world-building overlap. Mayer quickly demonstrated why this was her rodeo though by adding a fifth power type to the customary four, channeling certain aspects Fae royalty, and having one of her RYLEE ADAMSON secondaries throw his lot in with Lark’s. There was also a slight variation to her half-breeds that helped to further differentiate her style, and a handful of unique concepts which were one-of-a-kind.

Larkspur didn’t immediately emanate “Urban Fantasy heroine” like this author’s previous female lead did, but in a lot of ways this was a more robust book 1 due to a number of reasons. The flashbacks were vital in setting the tone and in establishing the Big Bad, and the Enders training played an important role in expediting Lark’s evolution from Seeder to Princess. By the wrap-up, the protagonist had already made great strides, most of which were accomplished with minimal to no powers, so now that the magical block is toast, things should heat up significantly.

No characters have felt the weight of Mayer’s axe yet, other than the usual collateral damage; however, picking who to ship for wasn’t exactly straightforward. Allies transformed into foes, and villains into friends at every turn, so identifying who’ll survive this author’s machinations is anyone’s guess. I liked Ash quite a bit, and Granite was pretty copacetic too… until he wasn’t. Cassava’s still at large, and we’ve only examined Earth in any amount of detail which means that THE ELEMENTAL SERIES is just getting started.

Shannon Mayer has me even further in her thrall now thanks to RECURVE.
Profile Image for Maraya21 (The Reading Dragon).
1,768 reviews257 followers
August 26, 2018
⚡ Read for the KU Shitathon 2018 Challenge™ over at the MacHalos

1.5 Stars

Uhm... Yeah... There are so many things for me to bitch about here, although the book fits the spirit of my Shitathon well! Small comforts were one can find them I guess (ヅ)

So. There were a lot of things not mentioned and/or explained, most everyone is a dick, the heroine might very likely be schizophrenic or have multiple personality disorder along with being an idiot, the hero was Waldo as I had no idea who the fuck he was and the villain(s) was Zod from "Man Of Steel" - destructive enough yet an idiot(s).

This book, in a few gifs:

The Heroine:

The Hero:

The Villain:

The Plot:


◼ Book: #6 -- Week: 12/08 - 25/08 ◼
Profile Image for Chelsea.
1,639 reviews46 followers
May 24, 2016
More reviews available at my blog, Beauty and the Bookworm.

This is a confusing book because I'm not sure exactly what it was supposed to be and I'm not sure that Mayer knew, either. It definitely falls into the "paranormal" category (I categorize paranormal as fantasy that takes place in the "normal" world, and it may or may not be urban--this is not) but beyond that, it's kind of a mess. The plot follows Lark (short for Larkspur) a bastard princess of the Earth Elementals who...apparently live in the redwoods in California during the 1970s/1980s. I'm not exactly sure why the time period was so significant; Mayer makes a point of telling us the period, but it doesn't play into the plot at all. Anyway, Lark's a bastard and, when she's ten, sees her mother and her baby brother murdered by her father's wife, Queen Cassava. (Side bar: All of the elementals have weird names that I guess are supposed to correspond to their element. Why an elemental queen who lives and has apparently always lived in California would be named after a tuber native to South America, I am not sure.) Lark's memories are then wiped and her significant earth powers bound, leaving her as a weakling for the rest of her life up until the story.

Obviously, the plot follows Lark as she struggles to regain her powers and her memories (the memories happens quickly; the powers does not) and stop Cassava from wreaking further havoc. Along the way we get to meet Coal, Lark's on-again, off-again boyfriend; Granite, the head of the Enders, which are kind of like the bodyguards/black ops of the elemental world; Ash, an Ender specifically in the employ of Cassava; and Griffin, a weird shapeshifter/something that lives on the edge of Elemental territory. There's also a prophecy involved. Of course.

Okay, so here are the confusing bits. The humans of the world and the elementals don't seem to have much to do with each other, but do work together? This isn't really ever explained, just mentioned in passing. So do humans actually know about the elementals or not? And the elementals seem like they're just humans with super powers? Are they or aren't they? The difference is never explained. Lark and the other elementals talk like they're modern-day teenagers, which they're not. The entire plot of the book is pretty much laid out in the first few pages with the flashback, so what's the point of all the mystery later on, all the to-ing and fro-ing? What, exactly, is Ash's role? Originally it seems like he might develop into a love interest (because Coal clearly isn't a long-term love interest for the series) especially a little later into the book, but that never happens. How does Griffin fit in to everything? He's an outcast, not an elemental, but he can shapeshift--which is something that only the strongest elementals can do. Lark can only access her powers in life-or-death situations, except when she can access parts of them all the time, and can't access them at all in life-or-death situations.

The story jumps from one point to another without much in-between, and it really feels like Mayer didn't think out her plot beforehand--she just went with it, and never went back to see if it needed adjustments in plot or pacing, which it does. As soon as something happens, it's completely discarded, never to come back and affect the rest of the plot. It's full of contradictions and things that could have easily been better fleshed out, but weren't. The time period and setting appear to be deliberately chosen but have absolutely no impact on the plot other than to confuse things further. I think this had a strong core to it, but it's way too much of a hot mess to be a great work over all.

2.5 stars; a good premise, because what's not to like about a princess fighting for her place and becoming a total badass in the process, but it needed way more work than it got before being published.
Profile Image for Natalie.
3,018 reviews172 followers
April 9, 2015
Larkspur is an elemental with no elemental powers. She's a daughter of the king, but isn't allowed to live with him because she has no magic. That makes her basically useless and she's suffered for it her whole life.

She finds herself a place as a member of the guard and she is determiend to earn her keep. There is a deadly plot underway, though, and it will take Larkspur pushing herself further than she ever has to save the day.

I quit reading the Rylee Adamson series, but I think this series has more potential. I like Larkspur more than Rylee and the plot is more interesting.

The problems I had were as follows:

1. Plot Holes The very first scene in the book is a "dream" that Larkspur has which we were all told pretty soon is not a dream. As a child Lark had powers. Why does no one remember that? How did every person conveniently forget that she used to be powerful? There was nothing in the story that led us to believe it was possible for the enemy to make the whole village forget.

2. Ash His side of the story didn't seem to make any sense to me. I get that he

3. Lark's sudden fighter skills. For reals? She's a planter and then within two months she's some top notch fighter? That seemed exceedingly unrealistic to me and I found it rather annoying.

All complaining aside, I still had fun reading it and I'll continue on with the series.
Profile Image for Emmeline (The Book Herald).
387 reviews45 followers
July 9, 2015
so yea, i think i loved this book.

Dear Shannon Mayer, this book was awesome. I read your Rylee Adamson series and while i will say that i read most of it, i wasn't a ginormous fan. This one...this one was amazing!!!

Okay let's talk plot.

"Madness is a place where I hide from those who would silence me."

Larkspur is a royal Princess who is held in disdain.
None will acknowledge her as a member of the royal family due to her lack of elemental power.
Useless. a shell of an elemental. worthless.
Or is she?
The Queen of the Elemental seeks for power at all cost, more is never enough...any who stand in her way will die.
Larkspur being accused of trying to assassinate the Queen, now faces banishment, when another thing is proposed.
Make her an Ender they say.
Make her a protector and defender of the family who is trying to kill her.
Larkspur's life was in danger before, but now, she faces more arduous odds.
Can she survive the training or will she die under the heavy yoke of secrets she discovers?

"Maybe not today, but today is not tomorrow, and tomorrow may prove to be the day your world changes."

side note- When this book started, i had a bit of a double take thinking 'oh this is a new adult book' that's because there was some language and sexual situations. However, after those first couple of pages, the book deviates back into the realm of young adult...and that's when everything goes epic. I think the author did this to appeal to two different groups. Well played Mayer, well played.

I loved this book, i feel obsessed with knowing what the heck is going to happen to Larkspur.

The suspense. the villain. the hero. the world-building. the fantasy!

Now you guys know I'm a fantasy nut, and this one made me a happy munchkin for sure.

this story is all about the integrity of the oppressed, the bravery of one who is hated. The epitome of the unsung hero.

I happen to love that. Larkspur is not the best at everything, she struggles, but she never, ever gives up. Especially when it comes to her family, even though that family has spurned her love all her life.

She's the kind of heroine i like reading about.

Okay, now I know what the next question is.

Love interest anyone?

Now, it starts off with one, but this story is by.no.means all about a romance. I actually really enjoyed that. There is the possibility of one, and it might happen. But this story is all about epic fights against evil, the beautiful but frightening world of the elemental, the characters are way too busy to focus solely on falling in love.

That being said, we do get a swoon-worthy, slightly dark and brooding male character who could become the love interest. I guess we'll just have to tune in and keep reading this series! I certainly will!

like I said...well played Mayer, well played.

I think you should read this.
It really was such a pleasure to read.

Mayer's writing is almost addictive, not even kidding. Remember how I said i wasn't a ginormous fan of the Rylee Adamson series but i read most of it anyway? It's because that woman knows how to suck you into her world and haunt you with her characters until you have no choice but to keep reading! seriously!


Stay wonderful my lovelies!

-The Book Herald

tweet me @thebookherald
Profile Image for Mlpmom (Book Reviewer).
3,098 reviews396 followers
October 14, 2017
After seeing so many glowing reviews for this series and repeatedly getting it recommended to me, I finally took the plunge and gave this series and author a try.

I wish I could say that I loved this read, or even that I liked it, but the truth is, I feel very indifferent about it.

For whatever reason, from the very beginning, I had a hard time connecting to the story line and the characters itself.

The writing isn't bad nor the story line but yet I just couldn't get into the heart of the story. The urban fantasy lover in me was screaming to like it and excited in the beginning to maybe find a new series to devour and love but it sadly, just didn't happen for me.

I won't, however, give up on this author because like I mentioned, the writing wasn't bad this maybe just wasn't the series for me.
Profile Image for Jeanny.
1,968 reviews164 followers
April 13, 2015
I read this book bc i was interested in the protagonist Larkspur. That is what kept my interest throughout the first 1/2 of the book. It's pacing was slow & the fact I knew Shannon Mayer's work & was introduced to Lark in a Rylee Adamson novelI made me stubbornly refuse to DNF the book. I would recommend if you're not familiar with SM or the world this story takes place read the original series Priceless (Rylee Adamson, #1) prior to starting the spin off with this book.

I continue to find Lark an interesting protagonist & the first book in a series is always tricky. I'll give Shannon Mayer a reprieve & hold out hope book two in the elemental series is more entertaining. This book contains no romance & has a cliffhanger ending.
I rate this book 3 stars
Profile Image for Denisa.
1,313 reviews319 followers
January 29, 2020
3.5 Oh, how I've missed this author!

I've been meaning to read this series for ages now, don't know why I put it off for so long.

It's fun and cute and fast-paced, just like all of Mayer's series. For now, it's a pretty light read, really relaxing and nice to have.
The characters are interesting and, although predictable, fun.
The story itself has a lot of potential and I have a feeling I'll like Lark in the long run.
Profile Image for Wyrdness.
498 reviews36 followers
April 24, 2015
2.5 stars.

The middle bit of this was fairly fun in a sort of not very deep, actiony suspense-lite kind of way, but the prologue was heart-breaking and the last 25% turned in to needlessly stupid actionfest

Then the ending was a complete let down because despite saving the day nothing much really changes for poor Larkspur

Despite everything I kind of liked the character of Lark, or at least felt sympathetic to her, but she didn't make it easy by being a major doormat throughout the whole story. I was exceedingly unimpressed when she goes back to a lukewarm-at-best relationship with a guy who puts her down at every chance because she feels guilty . Guilt is a poor foundation for a relationship, especially when the guy is a bit of a wanker. Plus I'd think she'd have bigger issues to deal with what with a world full of evil and her being one of only a handful of remaining, semi-trained, guardians for their entire realm.

Overall I'd say this had some cool ideas and I may be persuaded to pick up a sequel, but in the end there wasn't really anything about this story that stuck in my mind and would make me want to re-read it again. Also though these are marketed as adult books there seems to be a strange YA like vibe to the writing that I can't quite put my finger on. Maybe that's just because everything moves so fast and doesn't linger on anything, especially emotions, particularly deeply though.
Profile Image for Jinxy.
116 reviews6 followers
August 7, 2022
3.5 stars... Very simple, but engaging fantasy book.

I was hesitant to start this book as many of the top reviews were not promising. However, I decided to jump in since I’ve had my eye on this book for awhile... and I’m glad I did!

I suspect a lot of the disappointment for other reviewers comes from expecting this to fall into a similar space to what people have come to expect from the fantasy genre due to many of the well known series greats... complex storylines, complex characters, and rich worldbuilding.

To put it plainly, it’s not that sort of book. This book is very simple in its storytelling and characterizations. For me, I think that’s what was enjoyable about it. Those epic fantasy books have their place, but sometimes I just don’t want to work so hard for a good story, you know?

I found the storyline and worldbuilding to be fleshed out enough to give a good base to the events of the plot. Hopefully, it will be expanded on as the series progresses, but for the first book I thought it was sufficient. I quite enjoyed the overall premise and it kept me captivated and intrigued throughout all the plot happenings.

The characters are mostly where this book stumbled, I think. The heroine was likable and tenacious. She was able to pull herself through some difficult situations without falling into the “whiney brat hero/ine” trope. She just kept moving forward and trying her best. I admired her strength. However, there wasn’t a lot of insight into her motivations. And I felt more time could have been spent on exploring how each of these events were affecting her emotionally. This was true for most of the characters in the book... only hints of emotions and brief glimpses of motivations. It made it hard to fully understand why the events of the book were happening the way they were happening.

Moral of the story... An easy and simple read with a likable heroine and an engaging plot. Don’t read if you’re expecting a complex fantasy book. I would recommend for people just looking for an enjoyable fantasy book that they don’t have to think too hard about.

**Side Note: There was no romance in this first book, however, it looks like there is a set up for a male lead for the future books.
Profile Image for Dale Pearl.
362 reviews29 followers
November 11, 2015

I picked up Recurve by Shannon Mayer because it is a Goodreads nominee for best fantasy novel 2015. This is not fantasy, this is YA fantasy. Also, if this book wins the award it will imply that 2015 had slim offerings for excellent fantasy.

This book wasn't bad. I have most definitely read worse. This book isn't good either. Recurve leaves plenty to be desired.

The Good

Innovative setting between the real world and the hidden world of fairies and elementals.
Fast paced story. If this is the only book that you are reading then you will easily finish this in a single setting.
Good action scenes.

The Bad
The protagonist is self loathing.
Gratuitous use of sex, makes the main character appear even weaker.
The antagonist comes off as something pasted in from a Disney cartoon.
The plot is very predictable and reads out like every other YA novel on the market.
Not enough character development. Quite possibly the biggest issue with this book.
Disappointed with the world building as this is an excellent concept, unfortunately, the world reads out lacking in any details to give much substance to the reader.

I would be iffy on reading any further books in this series. Life is to short and I have to many books that I believe will provide greater entertainment.
Profile Image for Vero.
1,507 reviews9 followers
June 27, 2015
Good start to a new series! I like that this is a bit different from the usual PNR.
For example, the heroine has a hot, sex-based relationship with a guy who definitely won't be her long-term mate/partner.
And the heroine herself - she is kind of powerful, but not all-powerful.
She is rightly doubtful that she will be strong enough to battle the evil queen.
The world-building is original as there is a "human world" kind of beyond - so that this is like an alternative universe, but embedded in this world.
Kind of hard to explain. But it was good :-)
So far I really like this.
Profile Image for Tamara.
407 reviews25 followers
June 18, 2016
The story and idea was interesting, yet there was zero world development and the book lacked character development. Also, the dialogue was childish.
Profile Image for Elin.
52 reviews
August 17, 2015
I liked this far more than I expected. I weren't that excited about reading it (i actually avoided starting it) but it was a more pleasant experience than I had previously thought.

I liked the main character. I liked that she wasn't a virgin, which is an annoying theme in most of the other YA books, and that being sexually active as a woman wasn't shamed or strange in any sense. I liked the minor characters - Ash in particular - but also Fern, Raven (loved him although he is mentioned less than 10 times), Griffin, Blossom and a bunch of others. Sadly also Mal who, accordingly with my curse of liking minor characters that die, died.

But of course, I had some issues as well;

- The using of "bitch" and "whore" used frequently to adress the "bad" women in this book. Yes they were not good, and they certainly deserved all hate and other bad things that came of their actions, but to have the main character call other women degrading words (used against women) made me kind of pissed off. Especially the scene were Lark is attending dinner with her father and says that Belladonna "looks like a human's painted whore" for wearing a dress that is tight and "left nothing to the imagination". STOP THE SLUTSHAMING, especially between women, we get that enough from men as it is, thanks.

- The fact that Lark went back to Coal in the end. Okay I get that she is guilty about chopping his hand of, but he was (is) an ass and honestly, he didn't let her go save their people. Drastic situations calls for drastic measures. I don't think it will last long but I guess she will have great sex in the meantime.

- Granite being a "bad" guy. Honestly?

- The unrealistic way Fern managed to survive and adapt in the human world. They talked about that as if no one could ever live there and also Lark had difficulties even eating human food? And yet Fern, who was described as not the brightest in the bunch, managed to get an apartment, go to the grocery store, cook, pay bills and a lot of other stuff that even humans have difficulties doing.

- Larks friendship with Cactus. Or Cactus the character overall. They hadn't seen each other for 15 years and yet they acted as if they hadn't parted at all? He was a strange character as well, I can't put my finger on it, put something was certainly off. i don't know if it was because he couldn't be trusted or that he was just plain stupid but the way he interacted with Lark and Ash in the Pit was bugging me a lot.

- I have very strong issues with main characters being super special or "chosen" etc and that all they do is perfect and all they say is just the right thing and they practically shit rainbows. I thought that was going to be the case with Lark as well, and well, she is a chosen one, but not in a way that obviously annoyed me. She made mistakes, everyone didn't like what she said, she didn't solve everything herself or perfect and it was at least somewhat realistic. The few things that did bugg me about her being the chosen was that 1) she was at once (without any previous training except lifting rocks and digging soil) perfect as an Ender. All her training went super well and she had very good stamina etc etc 2) she was of course her father's favorite child. Honestly that isn't a good thing, neither for her character or her father's, and why wouldn't he love his other kids? Raven for example (who isn't his child though) is a perfectly normal person with perfectly normal values, why is Lark so much more special? Favoritism of kids (a kid who is always the main character) will always bugg me a lot for it is very unrealistic. 3) only she could stand up to Cassava and, after a month of training, managed to defeat two Enders (who had been Enders for a very long time). There is a lot of other reasons and senses I got from reading but as they are hard to put down in words this will suffice.

- That Lark could use mind-control once or twice but, in times of need, didn't. She did it and kind of knew she could and then she suddenly stopped using it? Why even have the power, or not bothering to explain why she can/can't use it at different times?

- Larks on/off relationship with Ash. This isn't anything romantic, but more how she one second describes him as the only one she can rely on and the next she barely considers him a friend. I can see why she didn't trust him, he was a tool of Cassava after all, but the dismissal at the end, when he is no longer under Cassavas influence, has helped her gain power and get the fire, and has saved her life multiple times (and seen his memories of when her mother and brother died) and has gotten somewhat close, she leaves him (after almost dying) in Griffins care. "Ash and I may not be friends, but he'd helped me as much as he could while still being under Cassava's power, and i didn't want him to die". I'm not sure why she is explaining all this, it seems almost as she is convincing the reader (herself?) as to why she saved him, but with all the things he has done for her I thought it out of place. Also that they are not friends? I would think him very much a friend after going through that together, especially without Cassava's power being over him anymore.
Also when Lark was training to be an Ender, one second her and Ash were fighting and the next she was showing him how she could see what power the elementals were going to use? She didn't even tell Granite about it but someone she constantly fight and obviously dislikes she do?

That got a bit longer than expected but all in all, I liked it enough to be looking forward to reading the second installment.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Denise.
6,995 reviews123 followers
July 30, 2023
So many glowing review and I just... didn't get into this at all. Too formulaic, and neither plot nor characters felt sufficiently developed. The best I can say about it is that it was a quick read.
24 reviews
November 27, 2015
This shit is shallow as a kiddie pool, but it's decently written fun action with a lady protagonist and Fern's role in the latter pages of the book made me feel better about the otherwise atrocious role women play in this book (they're all one dimensional comically evil villains. Except for the pure tragically deceased mother and I suppose the benevolent-yet-unknowable mother goddess, can't forget her. The rest are minor characters who play no real role except, again, Fern.)

Seriously evil sister, evil stepmother, the men who do bad things are all excused because they were controlled by or otherwise in the thrall of the previously mentioned evil women, and I don't know. Left a bad taste in my mouth by the end. Also seriously, why does Coal keep cropping up, just when I think the protagonist smartened up suddenly he's back, like three times. Kill me.

Anyway 2 stars, it was definitely ok. And I'm getting the sequel so I clearly didn't hate it.
Profile Image for Denise Grover Swank.
Author 127 books5,712 followers
March 22, 2015
I love Shannon's Rylee Adamson series and I was worried her new series wouldn't live up to Rylee--boy was I relieved when I not only LOVED RECURVE, but I think I love it even more. (Now I feel disloyal to Rylee.)
Profile Image for Kristy.
4 reviews1 follower
April 18, 2015
I wanted to like this one, it had a good beginning... but it was too poorly written. I got as far as halfway before giving up.
Profile Image for RuthAnn.
490 reviews20 followers
October 26, 2015
Completely not what I was expecting. I thought I was getting urban fantasy and this was not. Still a decent read.
Profile Image for Cali Teer.
145 reviews41 followers
March 7, 2017
fun quick read, I will be continuing with this series because it was interesting enough to keep me on the hook and I'm also hoping that Lark and Ash will get together later on in the series.. I seriously want that to happen.

I also really enjoyed Larkspur, she had drive and guts and did what needed to be done and wasn't the typical "special snowflake" that seems to be the go-to when writing books now a days. She was flawed and looked at as useless and never had anyone helping to make her life easier but that only pushed her to succeed and prove everyone wrong.
Profile Image for Jessica Frances.
Author 27 books401 followers
April 24, 2016
Wow! I am in awe of Shannon Mayer and what she has created with this new series. It was incredible, addictive and I honestly couldn’t stop reading once I started. I loved the world building, Lark has to be one of my favourite heroines ever and this story was so intriguing. I don’t read a lot of fantasy stories, but this felt special. It was fast moving and action packed. I often found myself holding my breath and I can’t wait for more. This is most definitely one of my favourite reads for the year so far and no doubt will remain right at the top of that list for the remainder of the year. A must read for fantasy fans and if you love the Rylee Adamson series by Mayer, then you will definitely love this one too.
Profile Image for Runningrabbit.
1,385 reviews97 followers
September 21, 2015
A bit slow to get to the point, but OK, although there were things that could have gone in a different direction at times that might have lifted the story.

To give this story my ultimate rating, I will cough up that I put this down for months before I picked it up again...
Profile Image for Minni Mouse.
761 reviews1,045 followers
May 20, 2017
DNF at 55%.

This didn't stand out to me one way or the other too much until we find out through Ash's memories that sixteen-year-old Belladonna pretty much raped him. Not cool and borderline gratuitously done.
Profile Image for Kristi.
Author 12 books309 followers
November 6, 2017
NOTE: As I'm an urban fantasy author I no longer rate other Urban Fantasy series. If I've posted them here you can be certain I enjoyed them and recommend giving them a shot!

Recently I made a return to urban fantasy, one of my all time favourite genres, after a very long spell submersing myself in decidedly non UF reading. Recurve, by Shannon Mayer, coincidentally ended up on my radar when I also decided to try Kindle Unlimited (out of curiosity) and my other interest in trying more indie authors (also out of curiosity).
So how did it go? By the end of the weekend I'd made it to book four.

Shannon's series is typical urban fantasy fare - a woman, named Larkspur, is a unwary chosen one for her species of magically gifted elementals (similar to elves or fairies) even though she is shunned by the very people she is asked to save. It's the kind of starting point that a hundred other urban fantasy series have started from and the plot follows a similarly predictable urban fantasy format: chosen one does battle with dark forces and we are introduced to a world of supernatural politics and a handful of potential love interests.

But man is it ever done well - and readable! Despite having a good idea where the plot is going I couldn't put these down. The world is imaginative and the characters interesting despite following a UF formula. Shannon's writing is so engaging I couldn't put it down.

Who is this for?: Love urban fantasy and don't mind some light romance? then give the samples a try.

Pass?: There is no way around it- this series is formulaic. That's not a bad thing. A lot of readers want urban fantasy, which this series popularity and Shannon's sales show. Another author and I likely would have put this down, but Shannon is such an incredibly engaging author I found myself unable to put this down.

From Amazon: “My name is Larkspur, and I am an Elemental.”

My people use the power of the earth to sustain life and defy our enemies. I should be at my father's side as a royal princess. But as a half-breed, bastard child, that isn't going to happen.

I've been accused of attacking the queen, my wicked stepmother, and my life is suddenly on the line. I have only two options left to me: banishment, or training to become one of the King's Elite Guards, an Ender.

Option one will kill me.
Option two is meant to break me but is the only way to survive.

Did I mention I have no power like the rest of the elementals, and my connection to the earth is worth next to nothing?

Could things get any worse? Of course they can.
Welcome to being an Elemental.
Profile Image for Spax.
217 reviews10 followers
April 27, 2017
Mildly interesting but rather predictable. Quite a few wtf-moments regarding how some of the magic work. I never felt like I was getting into the story as I was reading, everything was super fast paced. Won't continue the series.
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,634 reviews926 followers
August 31, 2021
A nice introduction to the Elemental world. I read the Rylee Adamson series first and this novel starts way before Rylee is even born. It features Larkspur who we meet in Elementally Priceless when she is no longer with her race. She has a good head on her shoulders and I like her.

Rated: 4 Stars
Displaying 1 - 30 of 778 reviews

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