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Citrus #4

Citrus, Vol. 4

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True Confessions

Ever since their first kiss, Yuzu can't stop thinking about Mei, her stern sexy step-sister. Now Mei seems to have done a total one-eighty, ignoring Yuzu at every turn and giving her the cold shoulder.

Yuzu can't understand why Mei is acting so distant but she decides to try and patch things up with her step-sis while on a school trip to Kyoto. However, she's not the only one who has her eye on Mei. Sara, a vivacious girl with boundless energy, happens to bump into Mei and falls in love with her at first sight. To make matters worse, Sara's twin sister, Nina, is willing to do whatever it takes to ensure that Sara gets what she wants. Can Yuzu fix things between herself and Mei, or will the twins break up their bond for good?

180 pages, Paperback

First published July 18, 2015

About the author


43 books207 followers
Name (in native language): サブロウタ

After watching Sailor Moon anime, she started drawing at the age of 7.

Influences when she was young: CLAMP (Card Card Captor Sakura, X), AMANO Kozue (Aira, Aqua), WATASE Yuu (Fushigi Yugi), SUGISAKI Yukiru (1001 Knights).

Got into the yuri genre through "Pretty Cure" (especially the chapter 8).

Strength: drawing close-up facial expressions and hair arrangement.

Weakness: drawing small pictures.

Among the sources used as inspiration for her work: watching movies, reading manga, doujinshi, erotica artwork targeted for male audience (like NARUKO Hanaharu's manga).

Her drawing tools: PC, Wacom Cintiq24, program ComicStudio, pencils.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 87 reviews
Profile Image for Malum.
2,571 reviews159 followers
March 14, 2019
I am quickly losing interest in this series. The main conflict revolves around 2 silly points: first, all of the characters act like they have split personalities. They chase after something until they get it, then they act like they don't want it anymore, which makes them lose it and thus chase after it again. Second, nearly every other woman is a lesbian who is madly in love with one of the main characters and tries their hardest to pull them away from the other main character.
Profile Image for MC.
614 reviews67 followers
December 29, 2019
Volume Four of this great manga finally, FINALLY ended up with a big step forward. It happened with a unique conclusion though. We see that the major resolution Yuzu made in an effort to help Mei was not wrong so much as taken too far. We also meet new characters whose main use is to screw up Mei and Yuzu's relationship. Sigh

Okay, the art was beautiful as always. Yes, I know I critiqued it early on. But that is because I was so awed by the sort of "brush-stroke beauty", if you will, of some other manga that I discounted this one. The art here really is exquisite, and show great details, both for the characters to show them beautiful, dignified, so forth, and also for comedic moments.

I am so excited at the developments coming on, but hope Sabuto after this point spends some time on something other than new characters solely for the point of coming between the two girls. After two volumes of this, it gets annoying.

Can't wait for the future volume in a few months.

Rating: 4.5 Stars.
Profile Image for James DeSantis.
Author 17 books1,176 followers
December 31, 2018
Citrus remains my guilty pleasure and a fun way to close out my 2018.

So what's it about? Well, we know already. Two sisters now living together and falling for each other. Don't worry though, they are Step-sisters. If we can accept it in game of thrones and real brother and sister, this should be easier to digest. This volume mostly revolves around Yuzu finally getting brave enough to tell Mei how she feels. This time though she might have to break her friends heart, who she finds out, is also in love with mei. A three way triangle? WHAT WILL HAPPEN!?

Good: Listen, half the readers reading this want to see the two hot girls kiss, so you do get some of that. The comedy hits actually more often than not. I mean it's cheesy and silly but it a cute way. I also thought the time when they finally decide to go out was like a "fucking finally' moment.

Bad: The art is great except for the character designs. I can't tell who is who half the times, and it makes it hard to keep up with who is who and their situation. I also think the whole volume could have been done in two issues instead of 4...

Overall, cute and fun as always. The sexual scenes are the big driving factor but the character development starting to grow and the humor are actually fun. Well, on to the next. A 3 out of 5.
Profile Image for Max.
870 reviews25 followers
January 3, 2024
Trashy guilty-pleasure yuri manga. Read them all in one day, wouldn't re-read. The relationships are toxic and problematic. The drawings are beautiful though, loved the art style.
Profile Image for ReadingTabz.
230 reviews4 followers
February 9, 2023
Such an amazing series. This book continues where vol 3 ended. And is just as amazing as the last 3. Love everything about this series.
Profile Image for Blue Forest.
228 reviews27 followers
July 27, 2022
Pasando al inicio de éste cuarto tomo, se retoma el final del tercero y es que Mei, confundida con sus sentimientos y toda la ayuda que Yuzu le ha dado para comunicarse con su papá la tiene vuelta loca, además que la presión que ha metido Matsuri a lo largo del volúmen pasado no ayuda y ahora Mei quiere agradecerle a Yuzu de una forma más íntima que por mucho que le agrade la idea a Yuzu, ella siente que algo no anda bien, algo no encaja y por esa misma razón rechaza el ofertón. Algo que sorprende en demasía a Mei, dado que no se esperaba una negativa al corazón expuesto, ahora lo vuelve a cerrar y por su puesto que esto provoca que nuestras protagonistas se vean envueltas de nuevo en el problema del corazón.

Por otro lado se acercan las festividades de año nuevo y ambas la pasan distanciadas, pero se acerca el viaje escolar al cual Yuzu llega tarde y gracias a ello conoce a una Sara, una chica demasiado agradable que parece apoyarla en su relación amorosa a pesar de no saber de quien se trata. Por su parte Sara ha conocido a una chica hermosa que parece ser la persona de su destino y Yuzu estará más que encantada en apoyar la relación.
Nina, hermana de Sara se sumará a la ecuación pero buscará restar a Yuzu en todos los planes que se hagan puesto que se ha dado cuenta que la persona del destino de su gemela y el amor de Yuzu son la misma persona y Nina no permitirá que Sara se haga a un lado.
Con todo esto, increíblemente ni Sara ni Yuzu se darán cuenta de que comparten un amor platónico y ambas intentarán dar pasos apresurados para ganar el corazón de su persona. Todo apoyándose desde la distancia y desde la ignorancia.
Mientras Sara avanza a pasos agigantados, Yuzu dará sus mejores movimientos atrevidos e inoportunos que le darán cierta ventaja al hacer sonrojar a nuestra querida Mei.

Como siempre, Himeko queda a un lado porque tantas pretenciones confunden a Mei y le imposibilitan tener una reunión adecuada. Además de que Harumin, sin saber lo que le sucede a Yuzu intentará tener el mejor viaje de todos pero la compañía no será quien ella espera. Éstas dos juntas no sé que van a provocar y no sé si debería empezar a shippearlas.

Llegado el final del viaje, Mei acepta uns cita, Sara está muy contenta y Yuzu está a punto de declarar sus sentimientos de la forma más firme y directa. ¿Quién llegará a tiempo?

*Alerta spoilers*

Ahhhhh!! Una vez pasado toda la tensión, yo estoy que grito de alegría, parecía que Mei no sentía nada y que era pura situación carnal pero noooo.
Se nota que Mei requiere mucha atención y eso provocaba que se fuera con cualquier persona que la necesitara, pero por una vez fue madura y fue capaz de darse cuenta de sus propios sentimientos hacia Yuzu y ¡lo lograron! Por fin ambas se confesaron y ahora se sabe que ambas se gustan. Esto pinta el inicio de una relación o por lo menos de una confesión que dará lugar a muchas citas para formalizar una relación.
Profile Image for Alexis U.
321 reviews58 followers
February 14, 2017
I am conflicted.

On the one hand I loved meeting Sara and Nina. And this volume wasn't so drama filled as I expected it to be. And Yuzu and Mei finally came to an understanding (but I am super uncomfortable with how everyone is so cool with how Mei has this obsession with being "needed." It feels so unhealthy and that's not being discussed at all.)

On the other hand I guessed from the very beginning that a lot of the depth of Mei's character was going to be pushed aside to get to the romance and so far I'm disappointed that I'm right. This series introduced her past abuse and abandonment issues in volumes 1-2 but both 3-4 have done next to nothing about them (with the exception being the panel where the Loli girl tells Mei she can't keep using Yuzu to make herself feel better, and the part where Mei finally acknowledges she is deeply fucked up.)

I don't really WANT more high school shenanigans. I want less action and more emotional depth. And I'm disappointed that I was right that this series (so far) is not taking advantage of that side of the story.

So yeah. Still the same addictive quality with beautiful artwork and compelling characters, but all the good things that distracted me from the super problematic bits are slowly fading away.
Profile Image for Julieta Steyr.
Author 13 books24 followers
September 18, 2016
La puntuación por series es directamente proporcional a los números de entregas que mantienen a los espectadores dándoles lo mismo de siempre. Esa sería la regla general en mi mente.
Este tomo es todo sobre la excursión e introduce dos nuevos personajes, ¿pero tiene algo de novedoso? Para nada. ¿Y lo que sucede compensa lo poco novedoso? Para nada. La trama decae cada vez más y más a medida que avanza, sin aportar novedades y siempre con los mismos conflictos. Ah, sí, sigue con hermosos dibujos pero nada más.
Profile Image for Soobie is expired.
6,730 reviews131 followers
November 25, 2022
Sono indietro di quattro volumi da recensire... Come al solito, naturalmente!

Tra tutti i volumi letti finora, questo è sicuramente il più debole. Non avevo nemmeno capito che all'inizio venivano introdotte due nuove personagge che servono solo a prolungare la tortura... volevo dire, a prolungare la lettura.

Perché Lei prima vuole Lei^2, poi non la vuole più, poi torna a volerla e si dichiara... E quell'altra? Il nulla più totale!

Va beh, l'unica consolazione è che si legge alla svelta.
Profile Image for TC.
101 reviews22 followers
January 4, 2016
After thinking the series was getting better, this volume came along and reduced quite a bit of character and plot development into a ridiculously short set of ever-more-unlikely events, introducing two new characters who were fun in themselves, but whose importance to the story was disproportionate to who they were and how they were introduced. I'll keep with the story of course but I'm caring less and less about our main characters, who weren't all that interesting to begin with.
Profile Image for Tatiana Alejandra de Castro Pérez.
613 reviews25 followers
June 1, 2021
Está claro que, aunque la historia se alargue un tanto, estoy bastante enganchada a está serie.

En el cuatro tomo aparecen Sara y su hermana Nina con más problemas para la relación entre Yuzu y Mei, o eso parecía al principio. Me gustan las dudas de las protagonistas, ya que las hacen más humanas, y que siempre tenga un lugar especial en la serie la amistad con otros personajes.
Profile Image for Casey Anderson.
797 reviews21 followers
February 1, 2017
I feel like we are getting to know the side characters better than the main characters. I'd like a little more in depth of Mei and Yuzu. I feel like I don't know them any better than I did in say, the 2nd book. Still...it's enjoyable.
Profile Image for Anna Sorensen.
228 reviews4 followers
September 17, 2020
Nina and Sara are super cute. Getting introduced to them kind of threw me off because of how different they were drawn but once I found out they were twins I was able to make sense of it. I hope we get to see more of them in the future. But my ladies! They actually had a single healthy conversation about their feelings for once and I am living. They were pushed into it and it was the best thing to happen to those stubborn girls. I am really excited for the next volume because there can be some actual development (or so I hope) and maybe less skirting around each other. WIth the ending of this volume though things are about to get messed up. One good thing happens and something has to come and make problems, I love it but it hurts.
Profile Image for Atalinay.
420 reviews20 followers
October 23, 2022
Putting aside the unhealthy relationships and assault from the very beginning (woof), this is just a bit dull, repetitive, and the resolutions are lacking. So far I don't really have morbid curiosity to see how it ends. It feels like we are circling back to the same moments/confession.

The story would benefit from having plot and relationships that don't involve the central couple/romance. This is quite a popular yuri, so I'm curious about it, but there are better things out there. Better written and more consensual.
Profile Image for Rereader.
1,392 reviews156 followers
March 11, 2019
As much as Nina’s interference bothered me, I do understand where she’s coming from. Her desire to help her sister’s love life comes through as she confronts her sister’s decision, but I do understand her. As someone who would do anything for her sister, that was the most relatable thing in this entire series. Sara was adorable and very mature for her age, but I appreciated her straightforward, generous personality. I’m glad Yuzu finally figured out how to reach Mei by actually paying attention to Mei’s feelings, so that was good. The tug of war between Mei and Yuzu in regards to expressing their love has been kind of exhausting but at least there has been some payoff. Onto the next volume!
Profile Image for Ruta S..
418 reviews20 followers
May 7, 2019
Sara gerçek bir insan olsa çok güzel ama çok fantastik olurdu, şimdiye kadar ki en sevdiğim karakter olduğunu söyleyebilirim sanırım.

Bu ciltte Nina'ya çok gıcık oldum başlarda ama sonlara doğru Sara ve Nina arasında geçen konuşmadan sonra kızgınlığımın yerini anlayış aldı. Ben de beni bu kadar düşünen bir kız kardeş isterdim sanırım.

Cildin ikinci bölümünün sonunda telefonun içine girip Mei'ye yumruk atmak ve "Kendine gel!" diye bağırıp çağırmak istedim ama ayıcıkların tatlılığı yine öfkemi dindirdi.

Daha yeni mutlu olmaya başladılar, umarım Harumi'nin ablası ortalığı karıştırmaz.
Profile Image for Nami.
680 reviews10 followers
June 9, 2019
¡Llegó la hora del viaje escolar! Como era de esperar, nuestra querida Yuzu no llega a tiempo y deberá viajar por su cuenta. No todo es tan malo, en el camino conoce a Sara, una chica de otra escuela que se encuentra en su misma situación y que tiene el mismo destino. Durante el viaje, ellas se hacen muy amigas y, al hablar de sus desventuras románticas, deciden apoyarse la una a la otra. No tardarán mucho más en no darse cuenta de que las cosas no son tan sencillas cómo parecen. ¿Qué tendrá más peso para ellas, el amor o la amistad?
Profile Image for Fugo Feedback.
4,566 reviews160 followers
July 16, 2017
Todos los capítulos de este tomo están dedicados a plantear, desarrollar y resolver un conflicto que se podría haber contado en la mitad, sobre todo teniendo en cuenta lo predecible del final.
Aun así, los personajes se siguen haciendo querer y el dibujo es tan bonito que la lectura resulta de lo más grata igual.
Ahora, a esperar otra eternidad hasta el tomo 5, me temo.
Profile Image for Sara De Vault.
21 reviews2 followers
July 17, 2019
Not a whole lot to say about this volume. The girls went on their school trip. Some other girl falls for Mei and asks her out before Yuzu can tell Mei how she feels. But they break up and Yuzu finally gets to tell Mei. And what do you know? I think Mei and Yuzu might actually be dating by the end of it. Now that things have progressed with them I’m interested to see where it goes.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Samantha.
352 reviews19 followers
April 25, 2020
Olha, eu aumentei um pouquinho a nota pelo final e pelo desenvolvimento da relação da Yuzu com a Mei, porque todo o rolê de passeio escolar + 2 personagens novas + a Mei aceitando namorar uma menina que ela tinha conhecido naquele mesmo dia foi tão ???

Tipo, eu gostei das irmãs, até, mas elas apareceram de uma forma tão repentina que sei lá, não deu nem pra entender direito.
Profile Image for Birdtrovert.
200 reviews1 follower
January 8, 2023
Not a fan of this volume. Felt like the pacing was really quick? And while I like Nina and Sara I just feel really shocked by how quick the story was told? Like Sara asks out Mei (they barely know each other) and then they break up and Mei is like "i dont want to lose you"???? Pacing is a bit off for this volume. But I'm going to keep reading because it's a guilty pleasure
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for M..
187 reviews
August 3, 2017
Si pudiera poner el sonido de un suspiro harto lo haría.
De nuevo otro rival amoroso cuyo amor desaparece al final del volumen. Y que seguramente no va a volver a aparecer tanto, lo cual es una pena porque al contrario de la vice presidente y la chica de los auriculares, Sara me caía bien y su hermana no estaba tan mal.
Mei sigue tan dura como siempre. Quiere o no quiere a Yuzu?
Sigo leyendo nomás porque dentro de todo es un yuri respetable, no hizo falta que se la re violaran a Yuzu para que esta se enamorase.
Hubo un avance bastante grande (eclipsado por el hecho de que de nuevo metió rivales) esperemos que en el próximo volumen estén las cosas más claras con Mei y se dejen de romper las bolas con esto de que son "hermanas" (hermanastras...) y hagan cosas de pareja de una buena vez.
Profile Image for Mark.
2,312 reviews200 followers
September 23, 2018
Well, this has really turned around from its first volume. Those covers are ridiculous but it’s getting a lot better and what looks like a total rehash of last volume goes in an interesting direction. Not the best yuri ever, but better than you’d expect.
165 reviews1 follower
June 3, 2019
Es muy estresante ver como se les dificulta aceptar sus sentimientos la una a la otra. Y lo malo es que siempre andan apareciendo personajes nuevos que pueden evitat que haya algo.
Pero bueno a esperar el otro volumen a ver qué les espera a las hermanas.
Profile Image for Emma Stallwood.
554 reviews1 follower
November 5, 2020
I do love the characters in the manga and the do they, don't they of their love story. However by volume 4, I really expected them to have gotten somewhere apart from holding hands and a few kisses. This is obviously a yuri manga meant for teenagers, not adults.
Profile Image for Jelena Ajdarevic.
370 reviews20 followers
December 2, 2020
I do like how authors and artists on the project kept things respectful, unlike some other yuri centric mangas, and painted a beautiful, heart rendering love story followed with real life issues and struggles all of us encounter. Mei and Yuzu are a beautiful balance to each other!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 87 reviews

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