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Karma #2


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Karma, it’s what they call me and the very essence of who I am. When I died young, I was recruited by the agency that keeps the Universe running smoothly. As someone with a human past, most of my coworkers consider me inferior.

But not everyone. Something evil has been stalking me for centuries. It’s been biding its time, waiting for the moment when it will strike and it needs me to to do it.

Its methods of recruitment are tearing apart every aspect of my life. I’m slowly losing myself, both mentally and physically. I don’t know who I can count on but I'm finding out how much I'm willing to sacrifice to save the ones I care about.

320 pages, Kindle Edition

First published November 10, 2014

About the author

Donna Augustine

42 books1,292 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews
Profile Image for Choko.
1,375 reviews2,660 followers
August 18, 2017
*** 3 ***

We are binging on series with the MacHalos!

Once again, this series has a very fun premise, but the execution is lacking a bit... The story is getting darker. With her ability to see people with bad souls and deeds, Karma is having a hard time ignoring some of the horrible Humans she bumps into on the streets. I don't think I could have handled it as well as she is. At least she is settling down into her new existence nicely, making friends with her new co-workers. Her new besty is Lady Luck, closely followed by Murphy's law and Kitty, the cat lady who sends the black cats who cross the street as a bad omen. So it is devastating when one of them disappears and Karma figures that the weird horrible beings who want her to work for them, have taken her friend and are going to use her as a leverage against her...

However, even as she is giving into the demands of those fuckers, Faith, the sexy tattooed alpha male, whom she had a little taste of under the influence of Cupid, is determined to protect her from whatever she is trying to do. Karma is being bullied and blackmailed, watched every second of every day, and Faith's attempts to help her only put her and her friend's lives in bigger peril. The evil characters are trying to over take the control over the Universe, and since Karma has a way to overcome the set faiths when she tries, they really want her on their side. This takes a toll on her emotionally and physically, and an intervention by the alpha hottie is inevitable, only will that be at the expense of her friend's life?

As I said, this story is darker and better thought out, structured in a balanced way and not to angsty. All of that is great, but the characters are still very formulaic and one dimensional. I see so much potential and I am interested in the way this story ends, so I am going to continue with it, but I do wish there was more... just more! I see some hints of good details which give some individuality to Karma, the Jinkses, and even the smart gray 🐈, but there is no debt to any of them. They all feel like sketches and not completed paintings. So, I hope we get either more character development or a heck of a lot more action in the following books, because the idea deserves a better execution!

Now I wish you all Happy Reading and may you always find what you need in the pages of a good book!
Profile Image for Beige .
277 reviews117 followers
September 10, 2020
Yes, sometimes I do have a binge problem with series and it's putting a cramp in my buddy read goals for August. I'm going to try resisting reading #3 right away because this was another 2.5 star read for me.

There was more plot in this one, we learned a bit more about the 'universe' that runs all life. However, it had aspects I've read in other UF that I find annoying.

Once again I'm hopeful that the next books will be better. This author has potential but I must resist!
Profile Image for Kira.
1,262 reviews138 followers
September 4, 2017
Karma did one stupid thing after another nearly dying in the process. She was doing things that could have dire consequences for the universe and didn't even consider the impact of her actions. Trying to save her friend was a good thing but there were better ways to go about it.
Profile Image for Sherry Fundin.
2,089 reviews147 followers
September 18, 2019
First thing, I would recommend reading the Karma series in order. I started Jinxed some time after reading Karma and it took me a while to refresh my memory of where I left off. After that, though, the book took off and Karma is leading me down a twisted and dangerous path.

Karma has an attitude and it gets her in a lot of trouble. She is stubborn, mule headed, independent and determined to do it herself. She is snarky with a big chip on her shoulder. God help those who cross her when it is time to pay the piper.

The characters straddle the world between the living and the dead. That doesn’t mean they don’t like hot sex and good food. Can you kill a dead person? Do you believe in Santa and the Tooth Fairy? How about Murphy, Lady Luck, Fate? Kitty has her black cats, except for one, Smoke, who is gray now that he’s retired. Jockey has his Night Mares, which Karma will be one of the few to meet, other than us, the readers. Mother Nature, you really don’t want to piss her off.

Paddy plays an important, but somewhat, cameo role. He thinks Karma could be the one to save them and time is running out for him.

The Guardians of the doors, that allow for transport between the worlds, don’t have many friends, but Karma is one of them. She found their sweet spot and it will pay off in her times of need.

I love how everyone runs from Cupid when they see him coming. LOL Don’t want him messing with your love life…or do you?

Everything she went through as a transfer, all the confusion, Karma felt they needed a manual to make it easier for everyone. After all, humans have job description, don’t they?

Seeing Jinxed is the second book in the series, I don’t want to tell you too much, but I laughed, cringed, and raced my way through it.

Do you believe? Is there more to life and death than meets the eye? Do you want there to be more? Which role would you want to play in the world of transfers? There will be a job available, because they do retire.

The Karma series has captured me and transferred me to a place where I can have one foot in the our world and one foot in theirs.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Jinxed by Donna Augustine.

See more at fundinmental
Profile Image for Jessica.
285 reviews
August 22, 2017
~~~Machalo Buddy Read~~~

I spent the first 60% just plain annoyed at the misunderstanding and secrets being kept. Some things happen and things shift and I felt better about it. I compared the first book to a cold light beer. Now my light beer seems to be getting a bit warm and not tasting quite so refreshing. I do plan to see the series through, though. So, I'm hoping book 3 will be like pouring my warm beer in a frosty glass.
Profile Image for Rachel.
404 reviews70 followers
March 14, 2017
Reasons I love this series:
1) The slow burning romance. Yes, stuff has happened between these two, but they still aren't together! We really only get small moments at a time, but not so little that we feel deprived of a romance.
2) The characters. The jinxes are never where you expect them to be, and these little brats know how to twist an arm to get what they want (usually booze). And there's poor Cupid who is always a little left out because everyone is scared of his love potions.
3) It's funny! While it has the deep-feels of a romance novel and the beauty of a fantasy world, it still can make you laugh! See below for one of my favorite scenes.

Book 2 was a bit darker than the first, but it made me love it even more. Fate is finally starting to show his true colors and its beautiful! I would make this review longer, but I need to go read book 3.

Cutty lifted the roll of tape in his hand. "We can't tape her to the chair, so what do you guys want to do tonight?"
"I'm not his girlfriend!" They all looked at me and then decided to ignore me. I poked a finger into Cutty's chest to get his full attention. "You tape me to that chair this instant!" I tried to rip the roll of tape from his hand but he wouldn't let go.
"No!" He yanked it back and held it up above my reach. "I won't do it and you can't make me."
Profile Image for Debbie.
941 reviews79 followers
January 8, 2015
8 months ago young defense attorney Camilla Fontaine died tragically and was unceremoniously and immediately without the benefit of a manual dumped into the role of Karma, yeah the brings happiness to good deeds and punishes bad ones, The Queen of consequences, Karma. Not only is she forced along with the other misfits in the “agency” to run the Universe from their unremarkable, retro (dump) chic office building that houses the “Unknown Forces of the Universe” or UFU for short. All’s not well in the cosmos and Karma must be jinxed to keep stepping in all this galaxical doo doo because now there’s another evil doer who thinks he can do a better job of running things, Universally speaking. And just to make sure he gets his point across he’s kidnapped Kitty, aka the black cat lady to help convince Karma to help him. Now Karma would love to ask for help and she’s pretty sure sexy Fate (who she’s got the intense hots for) would come to her aid, only the new bad guys have upped the anti and she’s forced to go it alone. Survival from this new calamity is questionable at least and Karma only hopes she can stay alive and help kitty.

Donna Augustine’s page-turning fantasy, Jinxed, second in her Karma series leaves right off from the first. It’s intense and a bit darker than the first and her new foe is creepily evil. With her informative narrative she continues Karma’s story interjecting here and there side stories of her calamitous co-star’s. And she also continues the passionate but often catastrophic liaison with the very hot, sexy and intense Fate. Her characters are full-bodied and she takes the time to develop them to her readers benefit. I especially like her character growth of Karma who’s much more sure of herself and a bit of a butt-kicking superhero now. I can’t wait to see what happens in book three, Fated. I do recommend that these novels be read in order and if it’s been a while since you’ve read the first a quick refresher may be helpful. Thanks Donna Jinxed Rocks!
Profile Image for Heather.
2,321 reviews21 followers
November 5, 2019
Karma, it’s what they call me and the very essence of who I am. When I died young, I was recruited by the agency that keeps the Universe running smoothly. As someone with a human past, most of my coworkers consider me inferior.
But not everyone. Something evil has been stalking me for centuries. It’s been biding its time, waiting for the moment when it will strike and it needs me to to do it.
Its methods of recruitment are tearing apart every aspect of my life. I’m slowly losing myself, both mentally and physically. I don’t know who I can count on but I'm finding out how much I'm willing to sacrifice to save the ones I care about.

Heather's Notes
I did not like this book. I do not know why the author went this route, but the story was not about Karma. There was no Karma in this book. Nobody got what they deserved, it was just about the heroine acting like an idiot. Fortunately, Fate was there to save her from herself. The first book was so good, but this book was awful. Not the writing, that was good, just the way she thought. I feel like she went backwards instead of growing as a character. There is only one book left in the series, so I will read it (because book 1 was good), but my expectations have really gone down.
Profile Image for Nancy.
385 reviews
June 2, 2018
Loving this series! Great world building, unique, action packed, wonderful characters, unpredictable, twisted, entertaining, page-turner, a bit tragic. Took off 1 star due to gratuitous sex scenes that are tied in with a relationship that seems degrading to the protagonist.
Profile Image for Lila.
883 reviews9 followers
March 30, 2015


Unlike first book that dealt mostly with Camilla adjusting to her new existence as Karma, this one finds her in clutches of real, legitimate villain.
The book starts where first one ended. Karma is trying her best to avoid Fate, because of what happened between them, but he's having another reason to talk with her: she knows about his secret group of friends and their mission and he needs to know where her mind is about this. That puts her in the way of a dangerous man, who like Suit before him wants to recruit her for his cause. And he finds a way to do it.


Ok, I liked this book had more darker tone than first and that Karma was in serious danger. I wanted high risks for heroine.. there was so many great possibilities with entire premise of Universe and I waned it more explored.
But I just can't stand childish fits heroine has: entire book she is avoiding talking with Fate. Ok, she had reason later, but in first third of the book? I really dislike to read lack of communication as romance conflict in books, so that irked me about her character. :\
Many things about world building are still fuzzy on edges and no really consistent with what we know about first book.
Also, there was too much of telling instead of showing, especially in describing bad guys. You can't just tell us he's sadistic- you have to show us. I especially noticed this in this paragraph:

"Luke opened the door and greeted me with the usual dose of underlying sadism in his eyes I’d become accustomed to. Without any words exchanged, he told me he’d like to nail me right where I stood. With him, sexual overtures never had anything to do with sex and everything to do with power."

Please, tell me everything I should think of him, show me the way so I wouldn't conclude anything else. :\
And I still think sadistic shouldn't be used in such a casual manner to describe every bad guy because evil would do. Sadism also doesn't happen in doses.

Anyway... I liked first book more, because it was at least consistent with style and message it was trying to convey. This is wandering between " I am dark, badass uf, take me seriously" and "I am fluffy and funny, please,like me.."

Profile Image for Linda.
1,121 reviews49 followers
October 22, 2015
I'm obsessed by this story and need the next book now!

JINXED by Donna Augustine is the second book in Donna's fantastic Karma series whereas the reader is treated to Karma's afterlife story through her point of view. This sequel is a darker, much more intense installment than the first book and finds Karma in some seriously big trouble. Kitty, one of Karma's co-workers, has been kidnapped and Karma feels responsible. There's still humor - thank goodness - but there's an horrific villainous element in this one. Sadistic torture is just one of the creep's tools and I could only shudder during some parts. I hoped that Karma would rise to the occasion as she is truly an impressive kickass heroine, but she really needed help herein whether she knew it or not.

Thankfully, she has Fate in her corner. Fate is still sexy as hell, just as obstinate as before, but, this time, we are treated to a caring side of him and I like it. In Karma's words:
“To sum it up, Fate was like the Universe’s experiment in extra credit. If the rest of us were a scoop of vanilla ice cream, he was a sundae, with extra fudge and a cherry.”

I love the colorful assortment of characters in this series. In this installment, we meet Night Mares and Santa and more. Cupid is still playing his lusty tricks. The Tooth Fairy, Lady Luck, Murphy's Law, Death, the Jinxes and more from the first book return. The Jinxes are some of my favorites characters in the series for the comic relief that often accompanies their antics.

This audio was narrated by Angel Clark. She had also ably narrated the first book. As before, she delivered a solid performance. Her voice for the villains was so spot on that it gave me the chills over how evil they were. She delivered the wonderful spots of humor with aplomb. I didn't focus too much on her characterizations as the story riveted my attention. I confess to squeezing in some extra workouts as I did with the first book - so I could enjoy some more listening time.

In my opinion, there is no way you can just plunge into this book without having read the first book. You would be hopelessly lost. No big deal. Just grab the first book and delve in. You won't regret it.

Overall, JINXED is a great addition to this series. Dark forces are most definitely still threatening. I'm obsessed by this story and need the next book now. I'm so glad it's already available! I highly recommend this series to anyone who enjoys fast-paced paranormal urban fantasies!

My full review is posted at Reading Between The Wines Book Club. Please check it out here: http://www.readingbetweenthewinesbook...

4 Wine Glasses!
Profile Image for Anke Zweel.
Author 8 books97 followers
November 27, 2014
It is no secret that I am a huge fan of Karma book 1 in this series (if you read my first review you would have picked it up) So naturally I just couldn't wait to get into Jinxed see what happens. And boy was I in for a treat.

So let me first start of with saying I did my happy dance when we met "the Big guy". Serious who doesn't want to meet Santa. I will be first in line. Mother nature off course set loose a hurricane and wants to wipe out one whole continent. Death wears more colour than Fate. The Jinxes is even more devious than ever. Kitty we learn has wisdom and Lady Luck is not good at keeping secrets. Murphy we see a softer side, Crow well just have to many crows.

Then oh yeah..... Cupid is up to his tricks and poor Karma and Fate is in for a ride. Since the rest of the office is staying clear of him.

"I'd wanted to meet Santa but not anymore. What if he knew I was on the naughty list"

This time around we meet the bad guys, the ones that is also in the universe Envy and Wrath. And they play a very cruel trick on Karma to get her.

"I met Hitler"

"you tape me to that chair this instant1 I tried to rip the roll of tape from his hand but he wouldn't' let go"

Now this is one thing I can agree on with Karma, Fate sure as hell is touching her a lot for someone who isn't interested. Those two are each others Ying & Yang, Salt & Pepper, Fork & Knife. They are just made for each other. I just wish they would realise it. Everyone can see it even ME.

"to sum it up, fate was like the universe's experiment in extra credit. if the rest of us were a scoop of vanilla ice cream, he was a sundae with extra fudge and a cherry."

Going into Jinxed I had a few questions but leaving Jinxed I had even more. Will be a book three in this series?

Is Karma going to become part of the FOUR?

Were Karma and Fate lovers in one of her previous lives, why didn't they end up together that time, is that the reason why Fate doesn't want to get close to Karma?

"why did I feel like I remembered this? it was right there, a memory just out of reach. You've said that before. When?"

Just so many question that NEED to be answered.

This book and series has made me look at the "universe" in a whole different way. And when something goes wrong I would say out loud Murphy stop it, or real funny Jinxes. Luckily my husband understand me.

Jinxed is a great book to an even greater series.

I give Jinxed 5 Stars.
Profile Image for Donna Zink.
84 reviews3 followers
November 10, 2014
Amazing! This second book in the Karma series is a worthy follow up to KARMA! I’m going to start off by saying, make sure you have plenty of time to indulge once you start reading JINXED, because you are not going to want to put it down until you read the last page. Prepare to go into a much darker place with Karma in this book. Her trials in learning to working for the Universe are extremely small, when compared to an Evil that snares her in a web of nefarious plans to take over the whole show. Karma is going to have to dig deep to protect others that have become important to her.

I found the same delicious dialogue that is a trade mark of Donna Augustine in all of her books. And Karma is the type of strong female character I love to read about in a well told story. Her fellow employees that work for the Universe are a wonderful mix of iconic figures from my childhood “Cupid” and “Santa” to name a few. Ms. Augustine also creates mythical beings from such sayings as, “Lady Luck” and “Murphy’s Law”, which become close friends of Karma, and favorites of mine. Of course, there are also moments throughout the book that will have you cracking a smile and occasionally laughing out loud. Even though there was I time or two I was mad at the treatment some of the characters in the story received. But a great book will do that, engage all of a readers emotions.

All in all, the Karma series is turning out to be one of my favorites and a definite read for anyone that loves not only Urban Fantasy but a well told story with an engaging host of characters.

HIGHLY RECOMMEND to anyone 18 and older.
Profile Image for Lori.
273 reviews
November 11, 2014
Another great Story By Donna Augustine. Jinxed the 2nd book in the Karma series is even better yet. In my option the books just keeping getting more interesting. Karma has embraced who she is, not that she has much of a choice but this time around she gets dragged in by evil forces and has to either protect those she cares about most or ignore it . what do you think she'll do?
Karma is Avery strong female character who I love. She takes on this job she's trying to hid from everyone she works with, who she now is actually friends with like "lady luck", "Murphy's Law", my two favorites besides Fate of course.She's in way over her head in this book which brings about strong emotions once your caught up, which will be instantly so make sure you have time to read cause your not going to want to put this one down.
I laughed , I got passed off, I even felt really sad for her and some other characters. I don't want to give any spoilers.
You have all kinds of emotions in this book.

It's a great read. you can't pass up. If you liked the book Karma you'll love this book. It's dark, a little twisted but the outcome is awesome.
It's mostly about Karma, yes the other characters are involved to a point but your also I introduced to new characters that make up for the others not being as involved.

I can't wait for book #3.
Book one I was hooked book two I'm in totally and waiting on book #3 is torturous.

read this book. you've got it all, the dark side of the universe, the good side, trying to keep balance, the string female character, the hot guy, the great Story line. what more can you ask for?
Profile Image for Natalie.
334 reviews3 followers
January 26, 2015
Jinxed by Donna Augustine

The second instalment of the Karma series is certainly no disappointment. I enjoyed the whole thing, the storyline, the characters (loved Karma and Fate) and the writing style, Donna has a great way of writing and making the reader involved in the story and experiencing the highs and lows of the characters.

In this story, Karma has found herself the target of unwanted attention from Malokin, who wants to recruit her on his team. Knowing that Karma won’t come willingly to his “firm” he plays dirty and traps Karma and mentally manipulates her into working for him.

Malokin seems to know her every thought, isolates Karma and threatens the very people she wants to protect. The abuse that Malokin and his cronies inflict on Karma is disturbing, though in true Karma style, she still has the fight in and won’t give up until she finds a solution to the mess and takes out Malokin and his men.

Like Donna’s previous books, there are funny parts in the story as well as hot steamy scenes. And the mystery and suspense all the way through this book, even at the epilogue will leave you desperately wanting to know and read more.

I am very much looking forward to reading more and finding out answers to the mystery of Karma….

I would also recommend the Alchemy series, book 1 of The Souls Series and Book 1 of the Karma series.
Profile Image for Haidee.
135 reviews40 followers
December 11, 2014
The whole set up for this book is absolutely amazing, and even better it's original. It reminds me of the animated children's film Rise of the Guardians. I LOVE that movie. In this series we have some bigger players from Karma, The Tooth Fairy, Santa, Lady Luck, Murphy's Law, Death, Fate, Jinxes and a few others who i didn't expect which was wonderfully creative. We had Jockey who hangs out with Night Mares (horses that travel dreams), Kitty who sends black cats your way as a warning sign, and Crow who sent crows.

I have to admit i am intrigued about what Fate is. I just want to know!!!! And poor Karma. I really hated seeing her so broken and beaten. I almost decided not to finish the book because it was so bad. Luckily I persevered because i think i would have gone crazy not knowing what happened.

One of my favourites from the Unknown Forces of the Universe (the corporation of these beings) had to be the Jinxes. Three 11 year old boys who were actually hundreds of years old, with their blackmailing bargaining ways and unfiltered mouths, were hilarious.

Definitely a must read series:) I have to admit the first one was a lot lighter though. This one got a bit sad for me.
Profile Image for Buffyanna.
920 reviews37 followers
January 17, 2021
A very promising Unknown Forces of the Universe premise falls short of satisfaction in Book 2. Karma, the new transfer to the UFU team, is being stalked and blackmailed by the Big Bad. This series clearly has the silly and ironic feel of paranormal slapstick comedy, so why does the “unbelievability” of Karma’s response under pressure feel so grating? Apparently we all have standards when it comes to the quality and quantity of suspended disbelief we can handle and Jinxed just left me feeling disappointed.

Addendum for 2021 re-read:

I truly enjoyed Jinxed better the second time that I read it (for a book club read). This time, I was mentally fortified against my both disappointment over how easily the Big Bad was able to manipulate Karma and my disbelief that Fate could allow the abuse to go on for as long as it did. My re-read and knowledge of the overall story arc allowed me to better accept the clues and rationalizations. I find myself to be more empathetic to Karma’s decision-making and breakdown.
Profile Image for JadeShea.
3,161 reviews61 followers
November 19, 2018
Jinxed begins when something bad happens to a new friend of Karma's. It seems with all of her bad luck lately that she's the one who is really jinxed. In her mission to help bring back her friend, and avoid Fate at all costs, she signs up for a some things that may completely change her as a person, and not for the better. She does some pretty crazy things, and endures far worse for this friend, with no luck at all. But Fate may have to step in to help her, or hope may be lost.

Jinxed was a lot different then I thought it was going to be. I had actually read a few bad reviews about it, and I was sort of leery of it. But I really shouldn't have worried. This story just got more intense, with some good humor, and crazy new things going on. I can not wait to read the next book, and I highly recommend this series. Even if you see a bad review, I wouldn't let the keep you from this if your into some crazy morbid humor, with lots of drama and action.
Profile Image for Sheryl.
1,745 reviews39 followers
August 13, 2015
I'm really enjoying this series! This book is much darker and more intense than the first one but for some reason I enjoyed it even more than the first (even though I usually prefer light and funny). There are, however, small moments of much needed levity, which I appreciated. Do not read this book without having first read "Karma" as I don't feel it works as a standalone novel.
186 reviews1 follower
August 23, 2023
A little dark at times

Much darker book than the first in the series. I was happy with the ending, mostly. I will probably continue with the series, but will read another author to have a break.
Profile Image for SN the Viking.
410 reviews8 followers
November 29, 2014
I absolutely love this series. A solid second installment, looking forward too book 3.

5 stars
Profile Image for Heather.
34 reviews
December 21, 2015
I knew I liked those Jinxes for a reason! Karma saves a friend, kicks butt, and finally starts to be accepted.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
266 reviews2 followers
November 26, 2017

Wow I loved this book. It was a lot better than book one and so much more happens and what a story. I love a book where I have no clue what may happen, but a lot of books are pretty predictable. That doesn't mean I don't enjoy them because I have read some really great stories where I was pretty sure I knew how it would end or where it was going. This book wasn't like that really, I wasn't sure what the heck was going to happen but it sure was exciting. I also loved the fact that every one or even any one, wasn't jumping into bed every few chapters. Now don't get me wrong, I love a good love/sex scene and some books need them ( just not as often as they have them because man do some go overboard in that way) but some stories don't need it and just holding out the tension and attraction is better. I like that about this book too. So we do find out some of what is really going on kind of by the end but not everything. If so I think the next book wouldn't be as enjoyable and I can't wait now to find out what will happen next. This story is very well written, with just the right amount of humor and suspense in places with a tiny bit of well... I don't think I'd it romance really, at least not yet, but there's something there and that makes it even better. I love how the personality of the main character has grown and how she really matures more into her situation. Just a really good but different story. Each book I read kind of has a feeling to it, almost like I'm there watching. With some feeling dark and in shadow or wet and damp all the.time, or even bright and loud. This book gas one of those feelings to it. It's like I'm there and can see and feel the place they are at and sitting beside or watching everything play out. A good book does that for me and this one did it right off. I think if you like books along this genre you will love this one too just be sure you read book one first, or you will have no clue to what is going on.
Profile Image for Rebekah.
18 reviews
December 16, 2022
This is the second series I’ve read by this author, and I am not going to pick up any more. Traits of the main character and the relationship between Karma and Fate are pretty much the same as “The Tales of Xest”.

Spoilers Below.

I am so disappointed in Karma’s character. She is presented to us as a very capable, mature, and emotionally intelligent woman. All of that goes out the window in this book! She has the emotional intelligence of a 15 year old, and about as much ability to logically think as one, too. I would have bought her actions a lot more if they had kidnapped Luck and not Kitty. She was going through hell for someone she talked to twice. Noble, but not very believable.

Karma and Fate. Neither can communicate to save their lives (literally, she almost dies from her inability to communicate). She was a good lawyer, right? That takes pretty incredible communication skills. It’s the same frustrating dynamic as it was in the Xest series. I’m starting to wonder if that’s the only way this author knows how to write romance.

A rant to end this: Karma just comes off as so stupid - like she has no knowledge of how men act towards women they have feelings for. “Oh, he keeps trying to protect me and is angry when I get hurt/when other men show interest me! Why oh why??” And “All these people who know him way better than I do keep saying he is into me. Every single one of them is wrong!”
Profile Image for Dawn.
833 reviews
July 10, 2020
When her friend, Kitty, goes missing and everyone thinks she “retired” to death, Karma knows the truth. Only Karma can help her escape her capture. Yet the captors have Karma by the strings. With no way to get Kitty and knowing she can’t ask others for help, Karma is in way over her head.
1. Don’t jump into the series out of order. Read Karma first or you will be confused over what’s going on in different parts.
2. This book was awesome. I truly was at a loss for how Karma was going to pull it off. I could see her spiraling downward with no hope of getting Kitty safe and sound and getting herself out. The suspense in this book is engrossing. I couldn’t wait for the next part of the plot to thicken to see how deep her troubles went and how she was going to climb out.
3. I listened to the audiobook. The reading was superb. Different characters had different voices (same narrator, voice thrown.). The voice was a nice fit for the characters and the reading was smoothly delivered. There was one place where I suspect the editing team (or someone else maybe) failed to edit right and a sentence was cut off then reread completely. Overall, that did not affect the overall performance as I sometimes have to reread a sentence because of outside disturbances.
Profile Image for Lynnett.
684 reviews15 followers
September 14, 2018
this was a good book, but it was definitely a transition book. There was a lot of background and questions that needed to be answered. Now that we have a good idea what is going on the plot is thickening and cannot wait for Fated.

I do love the title of the book and the unfolding of the jinxes characters was so endearing. It was a long time before I knew why this book in the series was titled this way. I love that the characters are all imaginary people or ideas but that there is a more behind the scenes good/evil balance that also occurs independently among the humans.

I just wish that Charlie would have gotten some form of Karma thrown at him or even the whore he was with. I get their reasoning, but it does not make what they did right and deserve to suffer for it. Even if only public humiliation and how people view them. But I know that is small potatoes to what is coming.

Two more books and I cannot imagine what will happen next.
Profile Image for Vicki.
1,651 reviews48 followers
April 18, 2023
3.5 ⭐️
I always enjoy this author's stories, which for me kind of defy classification but this series falls somewhere in the paranormal to urban fantasy realm. I like the world concept and of course Karma and her interactions with all the various characters. I like the push and pull between her and Fate, of course. This second book's plot has one of my least-favorite things: blackmail, and the injustice of that scenario bummed me out like such things always do, and I was happy to see the resolution when it came. This middle book did feel a tad drug out, with not enough answers for all the mysteries, but that could be partially because I couldn't wait to see the other side of the blackmail plot too. I still enjoyed it as I always do, and am looking forward to what comes next for them.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 107 reviews

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