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Stay With Me

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Logan Woods just survived an attempted murder. Maybe. Left for dead in the sketchiest part of town, Logan has no idea how much time he has left. But through this disaster forms an unlikely friendship that might be worth living for.

10 pages, ebook

First published October 18, 2014

About the author

Kira Hawke

1 book50 followers
Kira Hawke is a designer and a YA LGBTQ+ author. Bookworm. Coffee addict. Nerd. INFP / INTJ. Uses they/them pronouns.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 73 reviews
Profile Image for Pearl Angeli.
651 reviews1,015 followers
January 21, 2016
If there's a story that will keep me glued to the pages from the beginning up to the end, it's Stay With Me by Kira Hawke. This short story is beautifully told, a gripping combination of terror, trauma, and vulnerability felt by the main character, Logan Woods, who is terrified of death. I find Logan's narrative and everything in this story completely immersing and heart-wrenching that the impact it has on me is so strong. Everything in this story is melancholy, with a romance doomed to fail and an ending that will surprisingly stir up such powerful emotions in your head. I believe it will be a great potential if there's more to it though.



Pearl's Book Journey (1)

Profile Image for Mirjam.
1,819 reviews111 followers
May 7, 2016


No, no, no!! Kira Hawke, just finished the story!!! Come on!!! This is not OK!!!
I am soooo distressed. F@#k!!!
Profile Image for Skye Blue ☆*~゚ლ(´ڡ`ლ)~*☆.
2,573 reviews28 followers
April 4, 2016

I'm gonna have to watch for this author in the future. 11 pages, sure got a reaction out of me. I think I'm a little afraid, of what the author could do to me with a full length novel....I might need therapy afterwards. But I'm willing to find out.

Profile Image for Karen.
185 reviews82 followers
October 4, 2015
This was one of the most interesting short stories I've ever read. It was about a dying young man who finds love in a most unlikely place and at a most unlikely time.
(A short kindle freebie with some great reviews)
Profile Image for Tehuti88.
2 reviews4 followers
September 19, 2015
I haven't had the chance to review the vast majority of the Kindle freebies I've downloaded over the past year, mainly because I haven't had the chance to even read them. And even with the few I've read, I often don't feel the drive to leave a comment. This story has been an exception.

My interest was piqued seeing it was not only in the GLBT category (a favorite of mine), but that it was also a quick read. I checked the preview and it intrigued me enough that I wanted to at least glance at the story to see how it would end. I purchased the book, but then forgot to send it to my Touch, where I tend to most easily browse stories before deleting them. Coming across it again while searching Amazon a few days later, I remembered to send it to my device and finally started to browse it...browsing turned into reading it from start to finish. And after the first page or so I was crying my eyes out the entire way. I have yet to delete this story.

The story summary gives the plot details, so I'll pass on giving those again. A subtext I noticed of this story was the idea of what it means to truly be alone, to be unnoticed, to be unimportant and invisible. The main character in the story assumes he is all of these things and is proven wrong by two people--by the man who has attacked him, and by the man who comes to his aid. So although one instance of being proven wrong has nearly ended his life, another instance has shown that he does in fact matter, at least to one other person...and sometimes that's all that makes the difference.

I too am a person who has gone through my life feeling alone, unnoticed, unimportant and invisible. Despite the violence and unpleasantness of the story, I would give almost anything for a chance at the unconditional love and concern shown the main character by a total stranger when he least expected it. Our lives can often not seem to matter as long as we feel invisible, and sometimes it takes an outside source to prove how wrong we might be. Many of us simply never get that chance; Logan's (the main character's) chance came under extreme circumstances, and when it was nearly too late, but at the very least, he did get that chance to realize that he IS in fact important, he is noticed, and his life does matter...this is a thing I wish we could all experience, even if under more mundane circumstances.

Everyone deserves to feel that they matter to somebody else. That they make a difference.

I've actually written a scenario much similar to this story (all of my work is unpublished, as I'm too afraid to seek publication), even with a gay lead character, though the outcome is much different. That's in fact my only quibble with this story, and this might be a mild **SPOILER**...I just wish it had ended differently. My heart is broken today, though not because the story is bad. Far from it; the story is excellent. It wouldn't have managed to break my heart, otherwise.

There were a couple of typos (a missing word, and a misspelled word, that I can recall), but they were small and not nearly enough to detract from the story. Even the overall quality of writing was better than can be found in many Kindle freebies.

Not only as a person who is painfully shy and lonely, but as a writer, I'm often left feeling discouraged and that not only my work but I as a person don't matter because people so rarely speak up to tell me any differently. Once in a great while when somebody does comment, they often express the belief that surely I get all sorts of encouragement from other readers (I don't), so they feel their comments can't be that important or even needed/wanted. This is so far from the truth that it breaks my heart on another level, that so many people feel their words don't, CAN'T, possibly matter. Usually, they're wrong. Sometimes it's the smallest comment that makes the biggest difference. You never know what impact you might have on somebody until you speak up or take action, as everyone in this story--Logan, his assailant, and his rescuer--did. Yes, there's always the chance the impact could be a negative one (as with Logan's attacker). But there's the chance it could be a positive one, too (his rescuer). And that impact might be just what it takes to keep somebody going another day.

So here I am typing this sappy review, suspecting that the author, due to her skills, receives more than enough comments from other people for mine to not matter that much, but taking my own advice and sending this out there anyway in the off-chance that my words could make a tiny difference, even if it's just a moment's encouragement to keep writing. I do hope you keep writing, Ms. Hawke. You made a difference for someone today. I can only hope that someday something I write can make such a difference for someone else, too, and that in return will make a difference for me.

(Crossposted to Amazon.)
Profile Image for Kit.
348 reviews262 followers
October 29, 2015
Wow. Just. Wow.

This short story was 11 pages long, and this author had me right there with Logan. I was hooked from page one and I want more!

Kira Hawke is a new to me author, and I'll be looking for more from her.

I knew going in that this was a short story, and it was just what I needed for a reading challenge I was involoved in. What I didn't expect was how *much* this author could pack into those 11 pages. She actually pulled me right into visualizing every aspect of the characters, the surroundings, and the mayhem of the story.

Logan was kidnapped, beaten, raped, stabbed and right before death, his attacker is scared off by a kind stranger. All the while, I could actually hear the sirens getting closer in my mind, begging Logan to "Stay With Me".. he had to, he deserved his happily ever after.

Does he find his happily ever after? Is it with this kind stranger or someone just as kind? Does he move past this tragedy?

Does he live?

Yes, I'll be watching for more from this author.. and hopefully more about Logan! Great foundation for a new series... if it becomes one,
Profile Image for Bee.
923 reviews208 followers
April 30, 2016
Quite The Novel Idea ~ Words from the Clouds

*squints eyes* Hmm... I see what you did there, Kira.

So this is short. It's very short. And reviewing short things like this is very tricky. Because usually I don't have many thoughts about short things. Not enough to make a complete post out of it. And I probably don't have that for this one either, but I do have thoughts to get out so we'll see how far we get.

Kira approached me on Twitter, asking if I wanted to check out this short of hers because she saw my pinned tweet. Like I said, I don't usually review shorts because, well... they're short. It's hard for me to review short stories. But this one sounded really interesting and I wanted to see how well the author could... develop a story and its characters in only a few pages. It's a great way to see if an author's writing style is your thing, in my opinion. And I was pleasantly surprised when I read this one. The story was gripping, the characters were interesting and it left me wanting so much more. I was invested in the MC's life and I found myself hoping for a happy end for him. I wanted him to be happy. Which is a really hard thing to accomplish in a story that barely reaches 10 pages. So major credit to you, Kira. Excellent job.

Do I want more of this story? Hell yeah. If Kira was to turn this into a full-lenght novel, I'd jump on it faster than you can blink. But even if she doesn't, I still want to read more of her work. If she can put so much character and story in only 10 pages, I can only imagine what she can do with a full-length novel.

So if you're ever looking for your next read, try checking this one out real quick. It's a short, quick, gripping read and it's totally worth it. Besides, it's free on Amazon, so yeah... get on that!
Profile Image for Gabi.
678 reviews115 followers
March 29, 2018
I don't know why I keep reading short stories, since clearly I don't like them. This scene was great, amazing even, but I wanted to know what happened before, and I wanted it to HAVE an after. I understand that not every story gets to have a HEA, and that's all well and good, but not for me. But other than that I liked it. :)
I didn't cry this time, but my breath got stuck in my lungs and I gave out a little sob at the end. ;<
Profile Image for Amy Spector.
Author 29 books124 followers
December 31, 2015
This was kind of beautiful.

I have a weakness for first person, and this flash fiction does first person well.

Wonderful, slow reveal and amazingly, characters and a story that has you longing for more in ten short pages.

I've already written my ending. I have a weakness for an HEA.
Profile Image for Xia and the Giant TBR.
Author 5 books197 followers
April 2, 2018
This short story had everything I love in a oneshot: dark, tragic, and packed full of emotions. I love oneshots, the darker the better, and if in 11 pages they manage to pull the emotional punch to the gut, they get a 5 stars from me.

You can feel Logan's loneliness, you can feel the tragedy of his death... a young man who had never been kissed, never been loved, never been given the chance to come out of the closet
I’d never been kissed. I never even came out of the closet—not that people couldn’t figure it out on their own. I simply hid everything away. Including myself.

We don't even meet Harris but his image comes forth through one single sentence. The Demon, the Destroyer, The Monster...
I wouldn’t have pinned Harris as the type to take what he pleased and destroy it before allowing anyone else a chance.

You know it's going to end badly, and still you get your hopes up, maybe, just maybe this version you are reading is different than all the other versions already read and reviewed.
“Stay strong, beautiful. I need you to make it through this so I can get your number, okay?”

But no... life is not filled with flowers and rainbows, so you don't get the happy ending.
I guess dying has a way of turning you into a believer. I had to let go of so many things that I’d never get to do.

I loved it! Thanks @Gabriella for the recommendation.
Profile Image for K..
9 reviews
October 27, 2014
Logan is easy to empathize with. His thoughts are clear and cohesive—all things considered. This is a love at first sight story that left me convinced, and that had nothing to do with the ending. I won't give anything away here. It's short (2.6k words), it's free (FREE), and I highly recommend you go ahead and read it for yourself.

What I will tell you is this:

Yes, this story made me cry. The pacing was well-done. The mood was right. The flow as plausible and believable as fiction can be. I held it together through most of the story... for some reason, my breakdown was slow and unforeseen and caught me off-guard. Maybe I am just emotionally squishy, but I know I wasn't the only one to shed tears.

This is the kind of short story that, once all the drama is over, leaves you feeling cleansed. Like listening to a sad song or watching a dramatic movie; it stays with you, but when it's over, so is the heartbreak. It pulls just enough to make you feel; but not so much that it becomes overwhelming or frustrating.
Profile Image for Kira Hawke.
Author 1 book50 followers
Shelved as 'my-writing'
April 17, 2017

-[Here With Me] by Susie Suh x Robot Koch
-[Saturn] by Sleeping at Last


So I wrote this story and stuff. Stay With Me was intended as an art project of sorts; to give both you and I a feel for my style. It’s intentionally short because it can get pretty dark and I only want to torture readers so much. But hey, it’s free! Hope you enjoy.

A special thanks to all readers and anyone interested in picking it up. Also, I’m sorry. Cheers! –Hawke
Profile Image for Mitsy.
413 reviews19 followers
December 30, 2014
Excellent short story about a dying young man. The ending! I love the ending.

4.5 stars because this should have been a full length novel - with the same ending. :)

Yes, I excitedly await more novels from Kira Hawke. :)
Profile Image for Diana.
304 reviews27 followers
November 28, 2014
The author needs to make this into a full novel. The writing is good and it grabs you from the start.
Profile Image for Dreamer80.
395 reviews
May 10, 2015
Loved this story. So emotional and strong. Please, tell me there is the complete story somewhere!!
Profile Image for Miri.
556 reviews66 followers
July 1, 2015
The ending!!!' Noooooo!! Hopefully this becomes a full novel.
Profile Image for Rebecca King.
7 reviews1 follower
August 16, 2015
Stay With Me is a short story written by author Kira Hawke. This short story is one moment in time told through the main character, Logan’s point of view. It tells the story of Logan’s initial survival of a brutal attack and his dying moments as his rescuer tries to save him and the ever-present knowledge that those sirens in the background are coming to save him, but will they make it in time?

I’m a very emotional reader. I have to feel an emotional connection to a character or it throws the whole story off for me. At one point, Logan is describing the actions of his mysterious rescuer and thinks, “And that made me love him.” I think that quote pretty much sums up my connection to the main character Logan Woods. The story is basically his thoughts as he’s dying, waiting on a miracle, with brief moments of what is actually happening in he story. We get a little insight on what his life is like through his thoughts of the “trivial things,” in his life like talking to the cat or if he’d ever get the courage to talk to the cute guy who makes his coffee. We see his list of the things he’d wanted to do in life, but he’d have to let go.

I enjoyed that even in his dying moments he kept true to himself on the reality of whether or not he’d actually go through with a couple of them. It brought a much-needed laugh in an intense and dark, but hopeful (I'm a happily-ever-after kinda gal so of course I'm hopeful until the character's dead and even then hope for a miracle) outlook on how things will work out for him. I found it especially entertaining how he made up these random characteristics and behaviors to make the stranger holding him to this world not so much a stranger.

He contemplates his own existence and how he feels that he “wasn’t ready to be nothing.” That was a very poignant statement that still stands out. He lived his life hiding who he was, and on his possible death realized he wanted to be something more than just a standard obituary that doesn’t mean anything to anyone except as a “trophy clipping” for the man who put him in this situation.

He goes back and forth between accepting his fate and fighting to stay alive. Of course, his “gorgeous” rescuer plays a role in that. He wants to live so he doesn’t become a “role in a story saved for psychologists.” A small gesture, maybe a flirt?, from the rescuer succeeds in making him want to fight to live, not for all the dreams of his life he’s already let go of, but for the chance to see if this beautiful man who saved him, who continues to try to save him was serious or trying to ease the last moments of a dying man.

Logan is a very likable character. His thoughts and the reasons behind them just make me love him more. I think the title is a good fit for the story because it could be what his savior is saying to Logan or what Logan is wanting from the stranger. Even the stranger, though we don’t get much of him, what we do get shows him to be a truly beautiful soul.

The story is written as a series of thoughts interrupted by moments of reality. This further shows the struggle for Logan to stay in this world. This technique pulls you into his mind and it feels like you’re brought out of the recollections right along with him as life tries to keep its hold on him. I highly recommend this story.

Points of Awesome!:
The work style of the writing, while seeming erratic, fits the story perfectly. It’s beautiful chaos, just how I imagine my thoughts would probably be if I ever found myself in a similar situation as Logan.
This is a fairly short story, but has several lines that are just brilliant.
The ending isn’t what I expected, and I won’t tell you what it is, but I think the way it was written fit in a frustratingly beautiful kind of way.
The story left me wanting more, to the point I’d seriously buy the sequel the day it came out if it were ever written… hint hint... cough cough…
Tough situations are acknowledged, they’re not gone into great detail, keeping the focus of the story on surviving the trauma and not on the trauma itself.

Points of Improvement:
There is one moment where the wording is awkward, I think a word may have been left out. It causes the reader to briefly stumble and fill it in.
I want more details...i.e. I want a sequel. From my perspective, I just want more of this story. I put this as a point of improvement because it’s frustrating how I really want more and don’t get it. Admittedly, I prefer longer works to get my fill and I realize this could also be a point of awesomeness, from an author's perspective, because it means the story struck a chord with me, and that’s what authors hope to achieve- for their readers to connect and want more. At the same time, as a reader, like I said, I just wanted more.


I gave the story a rating of 4 1/2 stars. It's offered as a free download, which is great in my book, but does not factor into my rating system. It's really well written in a manner that truly fits what is happening. I connected to the main character, which I give the author kudos because that is not always easy for me to do in a short story. This story pulls you in. The ending isn’t what I expected and elicited a myriad of emotions, which I can’t tell without giving the ending away, suffice it to say they were on both ends and scattered throughout the emotional spectrum. I really enjoyed this story and I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for m. ✨ On Hiatus ✨ .
624 reviews12 followers
January 19, 2018
This is a VERY quick read; however, Kira Hawke manages to portray such strong feelings that I immediately felt emotionally invested in the main character. I'm afraid to say more because I don't want to give anything away. Just know that this short story will probably stay with you for a little while. Like so many others, I wish that Stay with Me was longer and that I could have gotten to know the main character better, but it was nice to know him for a little while.

For more m/m romance reviews, visit Slashsessed.
Profile Image for Celestino.
330 reviews31 followers
June 29, 2017
Who clings this tightly to someone they just met? Who could possibly be that lonely?

Do not remember how I found this, but it is a short story. I read it twice. First I though "Three stars?" Mostly cuz the beginning confused me. As the story progressed I understood what was going on and on my second read I was like "Five stars, hands down." One of the saddest short stories I've ever read but so impactful. I just so wish this was developed into a full novel. I need to know more about the nameless boy and the fate of Logan (I do believe he did pass and that is heartbreaking). I also need to see the neighbor in jail ASAP.
Profile Image for Pixie.
1,227 reviews17 followers
October 30, 2015
So reading the other reviewers reviews I understand what they are saying. This is short, it’s a mere 11 pages which is clearly noted in the description. The mind blowing thing is I got a pretty well rounded description of the main character during that time. Clearly he was an attractive young gay male who was a bit shy, not closeted by clearly not out. Not confident in making advances. A virgin at the point in youth where you’re still romanticizing sex and the potential “first love” scenarios. We know this is a moment in time where he’s essentially dying after being kidnapped, raped, stabbed and left for dead under a crummy bridge after his neighbor, a man who seemed “normal”, finished violating him and discards him like trash. Fortunately for him a bystander sees and calls for help and is waiting with him during his final moments. It was wonderfully, crushingly sad. Someone going thorough “hopes and dreams” during what they knew were their last moments.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for The Celtic Rebel (Richard).
598 reviews2 followers
December 19, 2017
This was one of the best short stories I have read in quite some time. It started out a little slow, but quickly that changed and I was glued to it right to the end, just waiting to see what was going to happen. The story is beautifully written, and had a great combination of terror, trauma, and vulnerability as we saw what this young man was going through.

Hawke's writing was wonderful; she drew me into the character of Logan. She made me feel for him and want to see him make it through this terrible crisis. She made me feel his terror of death, his longing for life, his disappointments with his life. I was immersed in this heart-wrenching journey he was on between life and death. She made me feel like I felt like I was on this journey with him.

This story is dark and full of melancholy but in the end Hawke accomplished making me want more of this story. I want to know more about Logan and this mysterious stranger who was with him as he faced the possible end of his life.
Profile Image for Amanda.
Author 11 books207 followers
July 26, 2016
I was not ready for the emotions that engulfed me after reading this short GLBT work. With heavy themes and realistic dialogue, this moment in a character's life is powerful enough to literally take my breath away. This 11-page short story is free on Amazon, and worth so much more. It took five minutes to read, and I was not prepared for the emotions I would feel in such a short time.

There was a misspelling; usually I’m a stickler for works with spelling errors. In this case, the power of the story overshadowed the error.

I recommend it for readers who do not mind heavy themes, including mentions of rape and death.

I am looking forward to further works by this author so they can continue ripping my heart out in the best way possible.
Profile Image for Adina Nicc.
Author 5 books4 followers
January 24, 2015
i really liked it... i liked the way the situation was presented(i appreciate the warm feeling it gave me when i read it), i liked the way it ended because it left me with the feeling that anything could happen(it can literally go either way) and also i can't help but appreciate that the writer didn't unnecessarily stretch out the story and left the ending to my imagination (depending on the mood you can give it a happy ending or not)
Profile Image for Stephanie.
156 reviews
October 19, 2014
Flawlessly written, haunting even with as short as it is,,,what was that 20 pages ? I think we shouldn't be allowed an ending like that ! If this was a solid full novel , this would of been a perfect prologue,,,,leading into what happen after the lights went black,,,,logan wants more , he still didn't get his Tattoo, Old Photo Booth Pics, ,,,,& Macaroons
Displaying 1 - 30 of 73 reviews

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