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The Altogether Unexpected Disappearance of Atticus Craftsman

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Atticus Craftsman never travels without a supply of Earl Grey and his five favourite books – so he makes sure he has packed both after his father, distinguished publisher of Craftsman & Co., sends him to Madrid to shut down a failing literary magazine, Librarte

When nobody has heard from him in three months, his father knows something must be very wrong.

Do not fear, Inspector Manchego is on the case. No, not the cheese. Manchego, as in the most valiant Don Quijote de la Mancha. Lacking a horse but with hapless derring-do, Manchego gets to work unravelling the mystery of the quintessential Englishman’s disappearance.

But there to block him at every turn are the five fiery and closeknit Spanish women who run Librarte, and who’ll do anything to keep their jobs – even if it involves subterfuge, the long-lost poems of Federico García Lorca and a journey to the gypsy heart of Andalucía . . .

304 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2013

About the author

Mamen Sánchez

20 books125 followers
Mamen Sánchez is a deputy editor at ¡Hola! magazine and editor of ¡Hola! México. A bestselling author in Spain, she has published four novels. She lives in Madrid and is married with five children.

Mamen Sánchez es licenciada en Ciencias de la Información por la Universidad Complutense y ha realizado cursos de doctorado en Historia y Literatura, además de cursos de Literatura y Civilización Francesa en la Sorbona y de Literatura Inglesa en las universidades de Londres y Oxford. Es subdirectora de la revista ¡Hola! y directora de ¡Hola! México. Está casada y tiene cinco hijos.

En los últimos años ha triunfado con una serie de best sellers que mezclan de forma cautivadora y original géneros como la novela de intriga, el romanticismo, la comedia de costumbres y un personalísimo sentido del humor.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 504 reviews
Profile Image for Margarita Garova.
483 reviews221 followers
September 29, 2021
Първата ми реакция е да я каталогизирам в графата guilty pleasure, но после се сетих, че не изпитвам никаква вина от една свежа, приятна, повдигаща духа история, без претенции за изключителност, но стопляща мелахноличния есенен ден. В прочит на любимия ми глас Христо Чешмеджиев!
Profile Image for Milena Tasheva.
432 reviews274 followers
December 11, 2020
Нямам грам идея, защо си мислех, че това е някаква боза. Страшно много ми харесва, свежа, романтична и забавна, изобилстваща от литературни препратки и хумор. С глас съм се смяла на някои описания и искрено се вълнувах за съдбата на героите.

Краят с воайорстващия Толкин пресоли манджата дори и за моя вкус, но като игнорираме това, беше супер и със сигурност ще видя и другите книги на Мамен Санчес.

P.S. Искам всички книги в живота ми да ги чете Христо Чешмеджиев.
Profile Image for Susan.
2,862 reviews584 followers
December 18, 2014
This is a funny and delightful novel, with characters every bit as quirky as the title. Inspector Manchego is the bumbling detective charged with investigating the mysterious disappearance of Atticus Craftsman, whose family run a publishing dynasty. When Craftsman and Co decide to shut down one of their magazines, Atticus is sent to Madrid to speak to the employees of” Librarte” and deal with their redundancy. The magazine has five employees – Beta, a ‘literary spinster’, the ambitious and beautiful Solea, Maria, who tends to bring her children to the office, overweight Asuncion, whose husband has left her for an air stewardess and Gabriela, who spends her time trying to calculate when the time is right for her to conceive a baby. For the five women, the magazine is not just their job, but their family and, in some cases, their lifeline. When Atticus arrives – the stereotypical Englishman with his endless cups of tea – they concoct a plan to try to save their jobs.

Over the course of this book there is much to delight the reader. Endless literary references, con men, romance and mystery. I adored the Craftsman family, with father Marlow, more worried about telling his wife Moira that their son had vanished than actually concerned about what might have befallen him. Indeed, the whole cast of characters were a delight – from Atticus himself to the wonderful employees of the magazine, with all their assorted family and problems. I am so pleased this novel was translated into English and will look out for more from the very talented Mamen Sanchez (the translation was also excellent). An absolute joy from cover to cover and I hope more of her books make their way into English soon.
Profile Image for Tiago | MrsMargotBlog.
154 reviews33 followers
October 24, 2016
We entered a Madrid to Granada adventure in the middle of a gypsy culture that is able to pluck us many laughs, especially with the grandmother Remedies and with a bit of romance, mystery and something crazy to the mix, unveil the secrets gradually.
    A book that brings us a very good mood reading, unpretentious, light, the author was careful to make small chapters that makes a quick read for those people who can only read a little at a time, it's great. A written very typically European, which surprises, which is not predictable and where love and humor are always in hand.
Profile Image for Dragana.
414 reviews42 followers
August 26, 2022
Ova knjiga mi je došla u ruke u pravo vreme. Baš mi je prijala duhovita, šarmantna i bajkovita priča. Ima ovde svega....ljubavi, humora, akcije, magije, ozbiljnih i neozbiljnih priča, klišea...ali je sve tako lepo upakovano da nisam imala zamerke.

Na samom kraju imamo opise strasti i magije poput onih u "Kao voda za čokoladu" ali su mi ovde uklopljeni bolje i nisam prevrtala očima na njih.
Profile Image for Barbara (NOT RECEIVING NOTIFICATIONS!).
1,584 reviews1,145 followers
September 19, 2016
I chose to read this book because the book jacket promised: “A charming tale of culture clashes and unlikely romance; at once a humorous literary caper and a touching love story, making for a clever and delightfully different read.” Well, the promises were delivered!! This is a cleverly written silly caper, full of humor and wit. It’s author, Mamen Sanchez is a successful Spanish author and this is her first novel that is published in English. Kudos to Translator Lucy Greaves as she translated this tale with remarkable English humor.

Atticus Craftsman is a descendent of a wealthy English family who family fortunes was gained in the Publishing Industry. Atticus went to the right schools has led a relatively cushy life working for his father at Craftsman & Co. in London. At age thirty, he was living the life of a contented single man: loads of money, happy social life, girlfriends, and not a care in the world.

His father requests that he go to Madrid and close down a company owned literary magazine. Atticus is thrilled and determines this will be the way for him to make his mark on the company.

What Atticus finds is a “spicy” culture that is far removed from his milk-toast English existence. Adding to that, the Spanish literary company that he is to shut down, Librarte, is run by five passionate and resourceful women who need their jobs. These women concoct a scheme to waylay Atticus until they find a solution to the magazines perplexing financial disarray.

The madcap adventure begins. Author Sanchez displays her superb writing abilities in situational comedy and hysterically funny dialogue. She uses the British stoic demeanor as a contrast to the fiery Spanish life. Atticus’s journey is laugh-out-loud funny.

This is a captivating, enjoyable read. It’s perfect for the instances one finds his/her self in the need for an uplifting, fast paced story. I highly recommend this novel.
Profile Image for Вени.
209 reviews1 follower
October 2, 2021
История - веселушка, забавни часове прекарах с тази книга. Много добре ми се отрази свежата история.
Profile Image for Sonia.
309 reviews123 followers
June 21, 2013
Este libro ha supuesto una grata sorpresa para mí. El título y la portada de novela romántica engañan, no es lo que parece.

La felicidad es un té contigo es una novela fresca, divertida, llena de personajes estrambóticos, caricaturescos, que sin embargo encajan perfectamente, como si fueran reales y totalmente posibles en la realidad inventada por la autora.

La narración es dinámica llena de comparaciones, de metáforas encadenadas que a cada paso nos llevan a una imagen más grandilocuente, más colorida, para describir un sentimiento, un pensamiento, un instante de dicha.

La historia contiene intriga, amor, buenos y malos, humor... Te atrapa poco a poco y quieres seguir envuelta en ese universo, rodeada de esos nuevos amigos que has encontrado dentro del libro.

Si le tengo que poner alguna pega, pondré dos pequeñitas. La primera viene de la mano de los tiempos. Algunos capítulos transcurren en el tiempo actual y otros en el pasado pero esto no está claramente marcado. Sobretodo al principio es difícil saber qué está pasando cuando. La segunda viene de los últimos capítulos más allá de la resolución de la trama central de la novela. Los encontré largos por innecesarios y por tanto, un pelín aburridos.

Lee esta novela, que no te engañe la portada porque la vas a disfrutar.
Profile Image for Velina.
4 reviews5 followers
December 30, 2016
Много лека, ведра и приятна книжка. Наистина леко наивна и не блести с кой знае каква литературна стойност, но оставя приятно чувство :)
Profile Image for Ssil.
232 reviews133 followers
April 1, 2013
La felicidad es un te contigo es una novela sencilla, muy entretenida, ligera, tierna y realista, narrada en clave de humor. Pretende -y lo consigue- hacerte pasar un buen rato, que desconectes por completo de la realidad y te sumerjas en la historia de un grupo de personajes de lo más variopinto, divertido y alocado. Y entre tanto, entre aventura y aventura, cae alguna que otra reflexión, sobre el matrimonio, la amistad, el amor, la lealtad y el tiempo.

Podéis seguir leyendo en:
Profile Image for Sonya.
195 reviews8 followers
November 28, 2019
Първа среща с Мамен Санчес.. и ми хареса. Стилът на писане е лек, историята се лее по страниците и те пренася в Испания. Усещам виковете на хората по улиците, как темпераментно жестикулират, уханието на хляб и зехтин.
Profile Image for Amina Hujdur.
623 reviews28 followers
June 2, 2023
Kakvo književno osvježenje ❤️
Nakon blokade u čitanju ovaj mi je roman tako dobro došao. Preporuka za lagano štivo u kojem ćete uživati 🥰
Profile Image for Leire R..
72 reviews18 followers
April 27, 2020
Me ha hecho pasar un buen rato y era lo que esperaba. Mientras leía, tenía en mi cabeza la película "Al sur de Granada", se da cierto aire por aquello del choque de culturas.
Profile Image for Nezabravka.
136 reviews41 followers
June 26, 2015
Хареса ми. Стилът е лек, хумористичен и увлекателен – чудесен за тези, които искат да се откъснат от ежедневието и да си починат в приятната компания на книга.
Profile Image for Nevena.
Author 3 books213 followers
December 26, 2020
Не ми е ясно дали този роман е в жанра чик лит, или е негова пародия, но се смях и се забавлявах. Приятна книга, подходяща за почивк�� между две тежки.
Profile Image for vivya.
109 reviews22 followers
March 9, 2024
This book was pure happiness! The characters were so fun, so original and so lovable 💓💓💓 I laughed out loud so many times, it was emotional, beautiful, just the right amount surreal... It fills you with so much love and hope!!! 🥹 Also the absolute coolest book title ever >
Profile Image for Jenni.
801 reviews32 followers
December 23, 2015
This was a good 'want to wind down and forget everything going on in my own life' novel, it was cheesy and predictable and fast to read and definitely took my mind off things. That's the biggest problem with it too, with most characters you knew what was going to happen to them the moment they were introduced, they were so stereotypical. I did like the fact that there were a lot of women in this book, but the fact that they turned out to be the kind who needed a man to 'save' them was a big dampener. Bonus points for the literary mentions and tea. However, this is not something I would read again.
Profile Image for Abril Camino.
Author 30 books1,744 followers
September 7, 2020
Siempre es un gustazo leer a Mamen Sánchez. Diversión asegurado gracias a un humor muy particular y un dominio del lenguaje fantástico. Es de esas autoras cuyos textos son reconocibles en cualquier parte y eso es una maravilla. Ideal para pasar un buen rato leyendo.
Profile Image for Nuria.
247 reviews9 followers
December 11, 2018
lectura entretenida, ligera y divertida para una tarde tranquila
Profile Image for Eti .
458 reviews44 followers
August 24, 2024
Много сладурска история! ❤️
И то без досадното "влюбване в пръв поглед" ☀️
Много ми хареса, че случките и резултатите са логични. А не излишно напудрени и приказно-фантастични.
October 21, 2022
Тази книга ми беше в списъка от много време и знаейки, че скоро няма да стигна да я прочета, реших да я изслушам. Първоначално - WTF? - реших, че е някаква боза, пълна простотия или несполучлива пародия. Английско богато конте от важна фамилия в издателския бизнес изчезва в Испания и инспектора, върху чийто плещи се стоварва разследването се оказва пълен идиот. Нито знае как да подходи, нито от къде да започне, нито какво да предприеме, а е на завидна възраст - и човек се чуди какво е правил толкова години в полицията и дали всичко това не е някаква шега!!! На всичкото отгоре група застаряващи лелки се опитват да прикрият следите на изчезналия и се създава голяма карикатура. А родителите на изчезналия внасят още по-голямо чудене с техните съвсем пък ненормални и превзети реакции. След като се ориентирах в първоначалната ситуация и постепенно осъзнах, че е някаква по-скоро хумористична отколкото пародийна и зле скалъпена история, взе че започна да ми харесва. Имаше доста забавни моменти с идиотизма на инспектора, с подредбата на ежедневието на лелките, с изчезналия Артикус, че леко по леко усмивките сами си пробиваха път. И все пак зависи от нагласата на читателя/слушателя, защото в зависимост от неговото настроение - впечатлението към тази книга може да отиде в друга посока, а именно въртене на очи от поредната простотия. Но като цяло по-добре да се възприеме с чувство за хумор, когато английската студенина и аристократизъм се сблъска с пламенната страст на испанското фламенко, на горещата испанска кръв и на циганската жилка в някои участници в тази бъркотия. От мен 3,5*
Profile Image for Cristina.
7 reviews12 followers
May 15, 2017
Historia de misterio, amor, tragedia y cultura española. La novela, escrita en clave de humor, cuenta con unos personajes muy bien trabajados con los que el lector enseguida se identifica. La voz narradora alterna el punto de vista de distintos personajes mostrando una asombrosa capacidad de alienación con ellos y al mismo tiempo caracterizándolos.

El ritmo descriptivo de la primera mitad de la historia resulta un poco tedioso, pero a continuación la trama se agiliza y se adereza con algunas sorpresas. Sobra añadir información a la sinopsis del libro porque le restaría encanto, tiene un algo especial que solo puede entenderse al leerlo y un sabor típicamente andaluz. Se trata de una lectura muy amena que terminarás con una sonrisa en la cara.
369 reviews12 followers
March 4, 2016
A funny and delightful book filled with quirky characters that immediately win you over.

Atticus Craftsman works for his father Marlow who owns a publishing firm in England. Marlow sends Atticus to Madrid to shut down one of their magazine publications and fire all the workers at the magazine. These workers are five strong women determined to keep their jobs. The book deals with how they accomplish their end goal. Their tenacity causes some very unusual happenings - one of which is the disappearance of Atticus himself.

I received an ARC of this book from Simon and Schuster and want to thank them for it. I certainly enjoyed the read and recommend it to others.
Profile Image for Мариша.
208 reviews22 followers
January 18, 2015
С най-голямо удоволствие й давам 5 звезди :) Лек и увлекателен стил на писане, без това да отнема от съдържанието, мъдър, и същевременно ярък хумор, съчетание на земна мъдрост с южняшка страст и за подправка малко мистика. И всички съдби намират своя път - и в него има както мъдрост, така и нежност и романтика.
Е как да не й дадеш 5 звезди!
Profile Image for Babel.
2,223 reviews187 followers
April 14, 2013
Para reír a lo loco y sin restricciones, para viajar entre dos culturas antagónicas que se llevan muy bien, para tomar el té entre personajes tiernamente imperfectos que buscan lo que los alienígenas tildarían de "factor no computable": el amor que lo cambie todo. Me ha encantado.
Profile Image for Mery Ivanova.
15 reviews4 followers
June 23, 2024
Много приятна и истински забавна книга 💝
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