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Superheroes Anonymous #2

Supervillains Anonymous

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New superhero Gail Godwin, the one and only Hostage Girl, is in big trouble: her nemesis Chelsea is loose, someone close to her is dead, and everybody thinks Gail did it. To make matters worse, Davenport Industries has thrown her into a prison that just happens to be full of the very same supervillains who used to kidnap her on an almost daily basis.

Outside, things aren’t going all that great either. There’s a conspiracy that runs all the way to the bedrock of the superhero community, and it’s affecting everybody Gail loves. With her friends in the crosshairs, it’s up to her to escape and get to the bottom of things. Subterfuge, crime-fighting, and running away from everybody you know should be a cinch, right?

Wrong. Gail faces off against hero and villain alike just to stay alive, and you know what they say about supervillains. If you can’t beat them…join them.

285 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 30, 2015

About the author

Lexie Dunne

6 books124 followers
Lexie Dunne is a woman of many masks, all of them stored neatly in a box under her bed. By day a mild-mannered technical writer and by night an adventuress and novelist, she keeps life interesting by ignoring it and writing instead. She hails from St. Louis, home of the world’s largest croquet game piece, and SUPERHEROES ANONYMOUS is her professional debut into the world of caped crusaders, a journey that started when her father took her and her brother to see The Rocketeer.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 86 reviews
Profile Image for Carole (Carole's Random Life).
1,919 reviews564 followers
June 28, 2015
This review can also be found at Carole's Random Life.
4 Stars!

I have a confession to make. I requested this book simply because the title and cover looked like fun and kept thinking that the only thing that could possibly be better than a Superhero would have to be a Supervillain. I didn't know a thing about this book, including the fact that this is actually the second book in a series. I hate reading a series out of order but I jumped right into this book anyway. It worked out just fine and I really ending up enjoying this story.

This story throws you into the action from the very beginning. I have a feeling that the events in the first book lead up to where this book starts but I was given all the information that I needed to keep up with the story. Gail starts out this book in a huge mess. She is accused and convicted of helping to murder one of her friends. She is injured and barely knows what is going on as she is led into the prison for supervillains, Detmer prison. It turns out that Detmer prison is more like a day spa than anything else except for the fact that Gail's roommate is determined to smack her into shape.

Before she realizes what is happening, Gail has escaped from the prison without any choice in the matter. With her group of superhero friends, she must find out exactly what is going on and try to stop the person actually responsible for the murder of her friend. Gail learns a lot about herself as she works to keep everyone safe.

This book was a whole lot of fun. I loved the pacing of the story and couldn't believe how much excitement was crammed into this little story. I love the idea of superheroes anyway and the way that they were portrayed in this book did not disappoint. I really loved the uniqueness of each of the Superheroes and I must admit that I would love to have just a few of their powers. All in all this was a pretty tame book with some Superhero violence. The main character, Gail, and her boyfriend seemed so naive that I had to double check her age to verify that they were actually adults.

I would recommend this book to others who are looking for a light read full of action and excitement. I thought that this book worked well all by itself but I do have a feeling that the first book in the series would have contained some very important background information. This is the first book by Lexie Dunne that I have had a chance to read and I look forward to reading her work in the future.

I received an advance reader edition of this book from Harper Voyager Impulse via Edelweiss for the purpose of providing an honest review.
Profile Image for All Things Urban Fantasy.
1,921 reviews618 followers
July 8, 2015
Review courtesy of All Things Urban Fantasy:

This book was entertaining, but it ran out of steam somewhere around the middle. The story picks up exactly where the first one left off, to the point where I feel that SUPERVILLAINS ANONYMOUS should have just been included in the first book, Superheroes Anonymous. I would have rather read the whole story in one go and saved myself some confusion.

Gail Godwin used to be known as Hostage Girl; her apparent “super power” was to constantly be kidnapped, to the point that no villain worth his salt would think of kidnapping anyone else. That is until a mad scientist injects her with actual superpowers… and her day gets worse from there.

Lexie Dunne writes quite well, and I enjoyed the fun descriptions of the supervillains and the snarky way Gail saw the world - she is terrible at following instructions, and she needs to learn who her real friends and enemies are. She was mostly a pleasure to follow around.

My main issue with the book is that the beginning was amazing, but it failed to keep it up. The book starts as Gail is being tossed in supervillain jail for a crime she has not committed, and the character and settings are brilliant. I wish she could have spent the whole book there, unravelling the plot from within the highly unusual jail, surrounded by the very people who kidnapped her just for kicks. Unfortunately, Gail gets “broken out” of jail, and the middle of the book feels really slow after such a high impact, colourful beginning. The end ramps up the action again, but I feel the lull wouldn’t have been so noticeable if the books had been combined.

Overall, the books are worth the read, but I would definitely read them back to back to avoid cliffhangers and confusion. Watch out for that last line, it’s a kicker!
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,418 reviews482 followers
June 23, 2015
**I received this book for free from (Harper Voyager Impulse) via (Edelweiss) in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.**

*Genre* Fiction / Fantasy / Contemporary
*Rating* 3.5-4

*My Thoughts*

Gail Godwin, aka Hostage Girl, returns in the sequel to Superheroes Anonymous. The story begins right where its predecessor left off. Gail is in big trouble. The powerful Davenport Industries, under Eddie Davenport, believes that she is an accessory to the murder of her friend, and trainer Angelica Rocha at the hands of Chelsea, the newest supervillain. Gail finds herself in the one place where she has more enemies, than friends; Detmer Maximum Security Prison for Supervillains. This is the place where almost everyone who is locked up, has tried kidnapping Gail to use in their own nefarious plans.

*Full Review Posted @ Gizmos Reviews*


*Recvd via Edelweiss 06/02/2015* Expected publication: June 30th 2015 by Harper Voyager Impulse
Profile Image for C.T. Phipps.
Author 86 books641 followers
March 1, 2019
SUPERVILLAINS ANONYMOUS is the sequel to SUPERHEROES ANONYMOUS and is the story of Gail Godwin a.k.a Hostage Girl. The Lois Lane of her universe, she was constantly kidnapped for years under the mistaken belief she was the superhero Blaze's girlfriend. Eventually, Blaze left for Florida and she ended up getting superpowers from one of the few villains who didn't get the memo. The first book was hilarious, cheeky, fun, and full of excellent satire.

The sequel opens up with poor Gail having been arrested, tried, and convicted for the murder of her friend (as well as superhero mentor) Angelica. All in the space of three days. Superhero justice is a bit on the fascist side when done by the Davenport Corporation that greases the wheels of injustice. Gail soon finds herself thrown in supervillain prison and discovers it's not what she suspected.

The joke about the fact The Detmer Correctional Institute is actually a 5 star luxury resort that caters to supervillains every whims in hopes that they don't escape and murder people is one that's both entertaining as well as goes a bit too long. While it's easy to infer why they chose this particular method of incarcerating the Lex Luthors and Jokers of the world, I would have
appreciated someone explaining it more directly.

These books are deeply entertaining and I love the characters, action, and plots of them. This one probably should have been merged with the original but I am happy to pay for all of it. Gail is a great protagonist and I actually enjoy the romance she has with Blaze. You can get away with a lot in a book with likable protagonists and a snappy sense of humor--which this book has in spades.

Profile Image for Samantha.
725 reviews31 followers
July 30, 2015
Obviously I am biased, as I've seen this book through the beginning, but this was just such a lovely, fun read. So many good plays on classic tropes & the returns of some old characters was particularly delightful. Definitely a must read for the genre savvy & superhero lovers.
Profile Image for Adriana.
3,009 reviews38 followers
September 30, 2018
Maybe it's coming into the series on book 2, but I felt like the plot was lacking in world and character building. I get saving your page count for the story you're telling now, yet there's also new readers to consider. A small explanation of what/who/where would have been appreciated.
That complaint aside... Gail is entertaining and the things she gets into get more and more outrageously fun. This makes it an entertaining, if incomplete, story.
Profile Image for Rae.
107 reviews4 followers
July 29, 2015
Welcome to SUPERVILLAINS ANONYMOUS, where prison’s actually…not that bad? Unless you count the fact that Gail Godwin’s now a prisoner convicted of murder and her new roommate is the very first supervillain ever (who even had the prison named after her; go figure, right?). And then, of course, when that same roommate helps Gail break out of the incredibly posh prison (hint: nobody breaks out of Detmer; they get kicked out, so Gail continues to be an anomaly in this world), Gail gets to run for her life living as a fugitive while the real villain behind the mess of her life (and the murder she was convicted of) is cooking up something unexpected.

Where SUPERHEROES ANONYMOUS left a lot more questions than answers, this sequel does a phenomenal job at answering them and upping the suspense and tension while keeping a firm hold on the humor that caught my attention in the first book. Gail’s as quirky as ever, even as her new superpowers continue to evolve and get her into trouble, and her loyalty to her friends land her in even deeper hot water as she runs from possibly the number-one superhero in the world and tries to clear her name. Added to the mix? She’s finally getting some answers as to why she was the one targeted by Dr. Mobius, and who’s really pulling all the strings in her life.

Hint: it’s not really who you’d expect.

This sequel gave Gail so much room to grow, and she really stepped up. Her transition from Hostage Girl to…well, she doesn’t exactly have a hero name (yet) is subtle but noticeable as she grows into her new life and faces challenges that surprise even her. Plus, the mystery. I’m a fan of mysteries, and I am totally a fan of how complex the web of lies became. Characters you wouldn’t have even thought twice about in the first book reappear here with a vengeance (and an inability to create Powerpoint presentations). In contrast, the narrative style is simple (and Gail’s commentary is on point; sometimes comical, sometimes emotional, and always natural), which means that you, as the reader, get a chance to really focus on the depth of the plot and the mystery.

And if you like incredibly bad-ass action sequences? What are you waiting for?

If you liked SUPERHEROES ANONYMOUS, you’ll love this sequel. If you haven’t read either of them, yet, but you love a light and entertaining read that doesn’t make you think too hard, that’s also full of sass, sarcasm, action and mystery? And superheroes? And origin stories (because Gail is a freaking goddess of a Superhero now that she’s sort-of getting the hang of it)? I’d really invite you to consider these. I understand that they might not quite fit everyone’s fancy, and that they’re nothing heavy, but you might still be surprised at how invested you find yourself.

Final Answer: 4.5 / 5
Profile Image for Max Z.
321 reviews
July 4, 2018
There's a lot more action and a lot less focus on romance in this one so that's a plus. Right from the start Gail is pushed into a prison with some decent and somewhat humorous prison shenanigans, then the inevitable escape happens and more action. However in the middle of the book I realized my main gripe with the character. She's very passive. Usually, someone is pushing her to do something or just plainly sets her up. There's no place in this and previous books where she has a breather to grab the control of her life which is a pity. The only significant proactive moment of hers that I can remember is when she makes the final plan to deal with the antagonist. Before that she's thrown and bossed all around by everyone.

My second problem is the amount of snark in the dialogues. Nobody can just say "Okay", everyone just HAS to make some witty banter. In case of Gail that is often detrimental to her. Banter with supervillains is awesome when you can take them on equal terms. If you end up face in the dust after each comment, that just looks silly.

I've also noticed a structural problem. The big point of the book is the conspiracy. However, the hints given prior to the reveal are pretty weak excluding the big question "Why is Gail in prison" and when the reveal comes, it's a big info dump that is mostly about the characters that you could forget about since most of them were either tangentially involved in the story previously or only mentioned. "Hey, remember that guy that works as a mayor's assistant in a neighbour city? Well, he's actually evil and wants to take over the world. True story!" There's not enough buildup to make the reveal satisfying. What's worse, the scene includes two more significant reveals for important characters. I would say this is too much, all of these need to be untangled and put into separate parts of the book. And, of course, once everything quiets down and Gail sighs and asks herself "What do I do next?", all hell breaks loose and she promptly loses the control once again.
Profile Image for Ziggy Nixon.
910 reviews27 followers
May 15, 2018
4 - 4,5 stars. Just as much if not more fun than the first book!

Full of action and intrique, I really couldn't put this book down! It's such a shame that we damn unpowered mortals have to do things like sleep and eat regularly! Lexie Dunne again creates a story that is fast-paced, tense, real and beyond enjoyable! The writing reminds me a lot of Mira Grant's work in that the characters are not sacrificed for the plot and we find ourselves sympathizing - or even the opposite of that as needed - from beginning to end. If I had any complaint, it would be that now that everyone is all powered up and ready to kick buttocks, some of the innocence of the first book is naturally lost (it's no longer 'Tales of Hostage Girl' but rather 'I Will Kick Your Ass Punk!' time)!

I will say this: 'superhero' genre books are not something I necessarily search out, but I have read a few in my days. And so far, the 'Superheroes Anonymous' story-line ranks among my all-time favorites, including Brandon Sanderson's 'Steelheart' (the first book only as that series crashed and burned horribly) and Michael Grant's immortal first 6 'Gone' books which will always be at the top of ANY list I make irregardless (no screaming please) of the genre. (aside: kindly note that Peter Clines' 'Ex-Heroes' books will be found at the opposite end of my list - superheroes and zombie tales - and are a poor comparison to the SA tales for sure!)

Can't wait to see how the finale of the trilogy comes out, especially as its already been downloaded and awaits nothing more than my own power-up to continue (crapcakes to the rescue)! But wait, what's that up in the sky? A bird? A plane? (really, people, you can't tell the difference?) Why it's the first I've seen of a 4th book coming out later this year! Ooo, now I feel all warm in my Spandex undies for sure!
Profile Image for Norell Alesse.
7 reviews5 followers
July 3, 2015
I was veeeeeeeeery tempted to give this two stars, mainly because it's half a book. I figure the two ratings could be added then averaged. This book and Superheroes Anonymous should've been one novel. The two books can't stand alone narratively and it's a shame they made readers pay twice for one book. Also, the only way either book is a remotely satisfying read is if they're read together as…you guessed it…one book.

I can't remember the last time I was so frustrated with a book. Had I been reading a physical copy and not the digital version, I'd have thrown the book at the wall several times. Dunne introduces mystery after mystery while taking too long before solving any of them. The frustration is compounded by the fact that it's written in first person and you have a heroine who's more concerned with a boyfriend she hasn't even gone on a date with, than asking important questions about the situation she's found herself in and solving the mysteries that surround her.
Profile Image for Tsubasa.
465 reviews
August 26, 2017

I enjoy reading this because of the following:
It had more action than romance
It focuses on the problems, and the main character doesn't stray just because she has a crush on a guy named Guy:)

Why I'm conflicted:
Although I like the main character, she adjusted so fast to her current situation
Not enough romance

Overall, I love how this novel because it's fast paced and the cliffhanger makes me wonder what will happen next.
161 reviews
May 21, 2017
Don't know if there is a 3rd installment in this series but if there is I won't be reading it. Hostage Girl got boring - really boring now that I think about it. Villains are usually boring, they do the same thing over and over again whether it works for them or not, and that's just stupid and boring. There are better books to read ..
Profile Image for Fate's Lady.
1,351 reviews2 followers
February 12, 2018
Loved this! Gail is past being passive and clueless. Now she's aware of her strength, has a fair amount of training, and is getting stronger all the time. If only she weren't caught up in yet another elaborate super villain scheme...
May 12, 2018
Fun Story

Hostage Girl's story is a lot of fun. Between the first and second book here you get a lot of the hijinks you expect from superhero fiction, but also a neat look at the world superheroes operate in.
Profile Image for Molokov.
510 reviews4 followers
September 28, 2018
A great fun read from start to finish. I love the concept used as to how supervillains are kept in prison (and why some of them escape). The plot is somewhat convoluted but at least the questions from book 1 are resolved.
Profile Image for Jim.
341 reviews1 follower
March 5, 2018
The direct sequel to "Superheroes Anonymous". Another great read for a lazy Sunday.
22 reviews1 follower
May 2, 2018

I have now binge read this book and the one before all in one day. I couldn't stop reading! Love these books
Profile Image for J.X..
71 reviews4 followers
March 27, 2021
Well, she's done it again. Honestly, this book only improves on the story, follows the established formula from Superheroes Anonymous.

Now if only you could stop abusing your readers with those cliffhangers... I kid, I kid. We're clearly all masochists.
Profile Image for Jill Furedy.
619 reviews49 followers
April 17, 2020
Based on the title, I expected a little more to happen at the Supervillain prison than actually happened. I wanted to meet more of the prisoners and hear more stories of their interactions both in and out of prison. The concept of the prison was entertaining, but the whole plot of Fearless and of Gail's prison break was pretty convoluted. So I didn't enjoy that. But the concept and characters carried me through fairly well. Again, like Stephanie Plum, I can see where things could get formulaic and lose my interest, but being as it's only the second book, I am still pretty forgiving of that. I already have book 3 from the library (the last handful of books on hold that I picked up before the pandemic shut everything down!), so I'm definitely continuing the series for now.
Profile Image for Wolfkin.
251 reviews27 followers
November 17, 2019
Aside from a horrible beginning, I like this book slightly more than the first. It even ends better with less of a frustrating cliffhanger. Still I'm glad I have all four books so I didn't have to wait in suspense.

I remain grateful that the book ended very well. While there's a minor surprise it doesn't feel like a cliff hanger. I am left with questions like why none of the superheroes knows about the villain day spa that is jail. It's a ridiculous premise that no one would talk about it. Treating them compassionately shouldn't be a secret anyway.
Profile Image for Indigo.
165 reviews30 followers
February 3, 2020
The fun and girl-empowered take on the superhero genre continues. Gail Godwin, now in jail for a crime she didn't commit, gets to see how the other side lives...the bad guys.

The Supervillain Jail has a certain skewed logic that makes sense if you have money to burn. The geriatric mastermind with Villain Syndrome is a puzzle that's hard to figure out.

Gail getting a girl squad in Vicki, Angelica and Kiki makes the read fun. Yet another quick but chewy bit of mind candy.
Profile Image for Larry.
302 reviews1 follower
December 8, 2023
A fun and sometimes over dramatic sequel to “Superheroes Anonymous” continues the story. While there were a few times where my suspension of disbelief was shattered and some of the plots were overly complex, it really seemed like a comic book novel, which was kind of the point. If you enjoyed the first book, you’ll like this one to - three out of five Villian Syndromes.
Profile Image for Wendy.
489 reviews2 followers
September 4, 2019
Fun read, quirky, interesting characters & good concept! Gail with her down to earth, roll with the punches attitude to getting superpowers is just fun to read. This book had a good finishing point yet still made me want to read the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Cassie.
83 reviews14 followers
March 1, 2019
DELIGHTFUL! But note to other readers: Stop at the end of each chapter if you don't have time to read a whole next one.
Profile Image for Suzanne.
502 reviews12 followers
April 13, 2019
Fun popcorn book, good enough I'm trying to find the other two in the series. A nice break from the deep stuff!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 86 reviews

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