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Dragon Kin #1


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First published September 1, 2004

About the author

G.A. Aiken

51 books4,368 followers
A.K.A. Shelly Laurenston

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author G.A. Aiken, Originally from Long Island, New York, lives on the West Coast and spends most of her time writing and making sure her rescued Pittie doesn’t love everyone into a coma. When she’s not writing about sexy dragons, she’s writing about sexy wolf, lion, tiger, and other fang-filled predators under the name Shelly Laurenston. Find out more about this New York Times and USA Today Bestselling authors books at www.shellylaurenston.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,892 reviews
April 14, 2020
💀 Impromptu buddy reread with my MacHalo Freaks 💀

And the moral of this reread is: Yes, dragons still do it better. And no, nothing beats bloodthirsty, batshit crazy warrior princesses. Nothing. Well Kate Daniels probably does, but she doesn't count. It wouldn't be fair on her fellow fictional characters. Anyway, I've decided that if I can't be Kate Daniels or Shanti when I grow up, I'll be Annwyl the Bloody. Why? Because this:
Do you not listen to our daily meetings about the state of your lands?” “Of course I don’t. They’re dead boring.” “Not everything can involve bloodshed, Annwyl.” “Can’t you come get me when there is bloodshed? Otherwise just leave me alone to read.”
Bloodshed, books or nothing. Annwyl, a girl after my own black withered heart.

[Original review]

This is a silly book about horny dragons, homicidal damsels in little distress, broad-chested horny hunks and batshit crazy with horny tendencies dragonesses.

They have sex share lovely moments, they have sex live in dens, they have sex fight each other, they have sex battle other dragons to reclaim their kingdoms, they have sex walk around naked a lot, they have sex argue and they sometimes have sex fall in love.

The chicks kick ass. The guys are as male as it gets. Pure, mindless dragon fun, that's what this is.

Book 2: About a Dragon ★★★
Book 3: What a Dragon Should Know ★★
Profile Image for Dija.
413 reviews225 followers
March 10, 2012
It's so embarrassingly delightful when a book I've mentally marked as nothing but porn manages to completely stun and amaze me.

Make no mistake, Dragon Actually is mostly fictional porn. But it's also a sweet, funny, and lovable story about a grumpy alpha dragon and his vicious yet vulnerable mate. And since it's been ages since I've made a list-review, allow me to make one now.

Dragon Actually managed to catch me off-guard by:

1. Making me laugh-out-loud (for real) after every other scene, which means I enjoyed this book a lot more than I was anticipating.

2. Giving me an X-rated version of Toothless for my oh-so-innocent daydreams, because it's impossible to imagine this guy doing anything besides eating fish, chasing light, and flying:

3. Ruining all other paranormal creatures for me, because now nothing but a hot dragon prince will do.

4. Creating a heroine with guts, wits, morals, and brains whom I never got annoyed with.

5. Introducing a large yet memorable cast of dragon royalty I can't wait to read more about.

6. Inserting a great short story on the unexpected love between a certain spoiled dragon queen and her scary consort, that I actually liked more than the main romance.

And finally:

7. HOT DRAGON SEX. 'Nuff said.

3.5/5 stars

For more reviews, visit my blog.
Profile Image for Jilly.
1,838 reviews6,474 followers
July 16, 2016
This book is funny. Like beware of reading it in public because you will look crazy by cracking up out loud- funny.

Nobody wants to look that crazy...

We have Annwyl the Bloody as our heroine. She meets the dragon, Fearghus the Destroyer, as she is lopping off heads of the enemy soldiers and dying herself. Fearghus saves Annwyl's life and she is living in his cave while she recuperates. Apparently, it's a nice cave, as far as cave's go. Feargus even sets her up with a bedroom, and there's an indoor cave-lake where she can swim with her dragon friend.

Yeah, not sure how comfortable I would be swimming with a dragon...

Of course the dragon and the girl fall in love. But, she has a problem. She is also falling in love with the knight that the dragon has sent to train her. This could be an awkward triangle - especially when one of them can just incinerate the other - problem solved. Luckily, though, the knight is also the dragon. He's a shifter. Thank goodness too, because if there was going to be some weird dragon-human sex, I was out. No monster-porn for me. I mean, sure, I like blue alien porn, vampire porn, and werewolf porn, but I'm waaaay above the monster-porn. Yeah, my standards are super high.

Well, it's not from me! It must be from the guy behind me..

The best part of this book is the witty dialogue. Everyone is funny and spouting out sarcastic quips, even the bad guy.

Lorcan rubbed his head. "Am I asking too much to want the little bitch dead? Am I?..All I want is for her to suffer a painful, horrifying death. And for her head to be on a spike in front of my castle. That's all I want."

Sounds so reasonable when he says it like that.

Also great is the relationship that Fearghus has with his dragon family. He and his siblings fight but they will also do anything for him. And, sure, he cut off the tail of one of his brothers and is constantly asking if he can kill his family, but hey, who doesn't want to kill their family once in a while? Especially around the holidays? Come on, admit it!

"Really, Fearghus. You need to stop asking me to let you kill our family."

Fearghus shook his head. "They just keep irritating me."

"I know. But, that's what most families do. Irritate."

But, really, everything in this story was enjoyable. It is just a super fun burrito covered in awesomesauce.
Profile Image for Cece ❀Rants, Raves &Reviews❀.
275 reviews1,192 followers
July 5, 2024
do NOT judge quality of story by its cover dammit!

Meet Annwyl The Bloody
Her past times include chopping off people's heads....

...And reading books

“Not everything can involve bloodshed, Annwyl.”
“Can’t you come get me when there is bloodshed? Otherwise just leave me alone to read.”

Bloodshed, books, or nothing! Finally a heroine with guts, wits, morals, and brains!!

She is so crazy, stubborn, snarky, fearless! And she definitely speaks her mind

“Fearghus didn’t say anything. He wanted to see her reaction. She didn’t speak for several moments. Then, “I’m freezing me tits off. Where are the books?”

Sometimes authors OVERDO these characteristics so it comes off as just annoying.... but Annywl really pulls it all together with an honest desire to help her people and kill anyone who messes with her plan of course

“And then Brastias saw the girl do something he would never forget.
She kicked the beast. Right in the knee.
Brastias and Danelin exchanged glances.
“Well, you always thought she was insane,” Brastias offered.
“I didn’t think I was right.”
“You lying toe-rag!” she yelled up at him.

And now enter the mythological creature that both inspire and infuriate her!!!!


Fearghus the Destroyer is a grumpy alpha dragon that wishes on several occasions he had just kept on napping instead of saving the crazy warrior . Something I really appreciate is the author really nailed the personality of a dragon that thinks himself above everything and everyone.

However, Annwyl drags him back into the world and even tries to recruit him to help take down her brother, Lorcan.

Lorcan rubbed his head. "Am I asking too much to want the little bitch dead? Am I?..All I want is for her to suffer a painful, horrifying death. And for her head to be on a spike in front of my castle. That's all I want!

And I friggen adored as Annwyl and Fearghus's relationship develops from disinterested strangers to forced allies to ... ekkkkkk

“Did you just throw a book at me? In my own den?”
“Yes. And I’d throw it again!”
Fearghus scratched his head in confusion. He’d never met a human brave enough—or stupid enough, depending on your point of view—to challenge him.
“But,” he croaked out, amazed, “I’m a dragon.”
“And I have tits. It means nothing to me!”

With jokes and sassy comments that had me actually cackling with glee *I love dragons wayyy 2 much*

“Higher beings, eh? It must be nice.”
“You need not feel jealous. You are much better than most humans.”
Annwyl laughed outright. And Fearghus realized how much he loved to see her smile. “Why thank you, oh mighty dragon.” She curtsied low.
“Now. Now, Annwyl. No need to curtsy. A simple nod of your head and absolute worship will be more than enough.”

Fearghus and his relationships with his family was amazing and absolutely hilarious. It was like regular sibling-teasing but to a whole new level:
Sure he cuts off the tail of one of his brothers and keeps asking if he can kill them, but doesn't that just say how much he likes them?

“Really, Fearghus. You need to stop asking me to let you kill our family.”
Fearghus shook his head. “They just keep irritating me.”

Overall a great book with excellent world-building and character development that promised more crazy adventures with the rest of Fearghus' family that I will definitely be checking out. If you like dragons and romance, then book is ABSOLUTELY for you. 10/1o would recommend
Profile Image for Jo ★The Book Sloth★.
485 reviews442 followers
March 24, 2015
This series, this series...

I love Annwyl!!! Just LOVE her. She is so crazy, stubborn, snarky and fearless. She has no brain-to-mouth filter, something that I find very attractie to my heroines. She is such a badass and she keeps getting crazier as the books progress.

Fearghus is good as well. All hot and powerful but Annwyl steals the show IMO.

Found this pic somewhere...

This book is awesome, at least I believe it is. Full of funny moments and action, without any angst and turmoil and all that boring stuff. Some would say that the emotional chemistry between the characters isn't there and it would probably be true but I love it nonetheless.

The dragon family is HILARIOUS. My favs are Gwenvael and Éibhear.

This is not much of a review but I'm too bored to write sth better!;)
Profile Image for Navessa.
449 reviews165 followers
October 21, 2015

3.25 stars

As cringe-worthy as that cover is, it does a good job of depicting what this book contains. Chesticles. Male chesticles. Male DRAGON chesticles. All up in this mofo. Because dragons are allergic to clothing.

I somehow missed that this book contains two totally different story lines. The first 60% focuses on one couple, and then BOOM, a second couple is introduced. Whereas the first couple have an actual story arc (which is filled with hilarity as well as hawt schmex), the second couple...didn't really.

It was pretty much straight dragon porn (thankfully in human form) with some growling and arguing thrown in for good measure.

So, as much fun as I had while reading this, I just can't bring myself to give it more than three stars. Because when you get right down to it, this is little more than brainless, mindless fluff.
Profile Image for Orient.
255 reviews241 followers
March 18, 2017
DNF at page 156. A dare so kindly provided by an amazing GR friend of mine: Edge of Bubble :) Luv ya sis, but one day you’ll be the death of me :D

To begin with, I’m a terrible reader when it comes to romance. There was a time when I breathed with historical romance, until it was an overload and I ran for UF and thrillers for recovery. But the romance I read was nothing compared to “Dragon Actually”.

I must give credit to the beginning of this book, it started good, with a fight, a kick-ass heroine and a dragon. I thought: Yay, what more can a girl like me want? Exactly, if the book stayed like that at least for 75%, I would have finished it with eye rolling of course, but still finished. The problem is that I received 75% of smut and only 25% of fighting and funny spices instead while I read. I think the best way to hide the flaws of a weak story is to spill some endless pages of annoying and pointless smut. If I took away all the smut, I’d get not much left and that’s a real problem.

Characters: Annwyl and Fearghus (Lord Idiot) both have awesome backstories, they are skilled in fighting, are scarred emotionally and physically, woot for that! They can proceed in a great lets-make-everything-bloody-and-gripping way as they both have potential as fighters, but instead I got interaction between Lord Idiot who is mainly ruled by his mating desires and a supposed to be kick ass heroine who thinks with her lower part. I think that both of them lacked a proper development as characters, they needed to be more multilayered. I liked other characters in the story, starting with the dragon kin, battle comrades and ending with the great villains. They weren’t fully fleshed-out, but at least they had more going on :)

It was strange for me as the final fight between good and bad happened so early in the story and I felt like I lost the little entertainment I had with this book. It was a struggle to read further.

To sum up it was a bad experience.

Profile Image for  Danielle The Book Huntress .
2,701 reviews6,444 followers
May 27, 2012
GA Aiken is a big name in paranormal romances, both under this cognomen and also as Shelly Laurenston. This was my first time reading her, and I had a positive experience.

What I liked right away about this story was the nice flow of the narrative. I was in a big reading slump where it seemed like it was harder to read books and get sucked in, and I liked how easy it was to fall into the world of this book. Aiken has some very good humor, and not afraid to make it involve some physical interactions between the characters. Along the lines of The Three Stooges and Bugs Bunny, to be clear.

I do have to say that her female characters stand out with their brash, tough nature. I liked Annwyl a bit more than Rhiannon, even though I acknowledge that both were shaped by their environment. Annwyl is the real deal when it comes to being a warrior. She didn’t earn her name of Annwyl the Bloody for no reason. Let’s just say that few will survive a sword fight with her without coming away about eight to ten inches shorter on the top. They are a good match for the heroes, meeting these big tough guys toe to toe. In some cases even more vicious at times.

The other thing I enjoyed a lot were the dragons. I liked the descriptions of them and their lifestyles, although it was quite disconcerting for them to talk so casually about eating humans and gleeful in killing them in various ways. Yeah, I know dragons probably view humans the way we do cows. But still…. Anyway, if one has a ‘what if’ about the lifestyles of the big and scaly, then Aiken will hook you up.

What I think was a bit too much for me was the graphic depictions of violence. In a way, I think it works for her, considering this harsh, brutal world of warring humans and dragons. On the other hand, I am a bit squeamish when it comes to descriptions of men getting gutted and their entrails falling out. And people getting squished to a pulp. If you can get past this, a reader will enjoy the action elements and the fact that the heroines go to battle hardcore.

Readers who like their romance on the hot and steamy side will not be disappointed. I am not into BDSM at all, but the chains that featured heavily in the second story certainly made things interesting.

Overall, quite satisfied. I liked Annwyl and Fearghus’ story a bit more, but the story of Fearghus’ parents (Rhiannon and Bercelak)’ famed courtship was very good as well. I will read more in this series.
Profile Image for Penny Well Reads.
841 reviews223 followers
October 23, 2018
Actual Rating 2.5 stars

It's fine.

The relationship development was a bit fast for me. I don't really see where they fell in love. Friendship, sure I can see that, love, no. The romance needed a deeper unfolding.
The problems, or added plots surrounding the romance were a bit absurd and underdeveloped as well and that made me lose interest in the story, even though I found the beginning interesting.

I have to say that it is nice seeing a warrior woman in a paranormal romance book. It is promising that we are seeing more and more of this models everyday. Bye-bye damsel in distress.
Profile Image for Madison Warner Fairbanks.
2,810 reviews431 followers
March 17, 2021
Dragon Actually by G A Aiken
1st book in the Dragon Kin series. Paranormal romance.
Annwyl the Bloody is a female warrior fighting to dethrone her tyrant of a brother. She has followers but her brothers forces are strong. When she meets Fearghus, a dragon, she’s impressed with his strength and hoping he can help her win battles against her brother.
Fearghus is intrigued by the human. She smells good. So after healing her and seeing her unafraid of him in his dragon form, he decides to help her improve her fighting skills. Getting her past her rage is the first step in making her unbeatable. If that means a smack of his sword on her butt, well then, that’s how he’ll play it.

I love a strong heroine and that she was willing to fight against her brother. It was sweet that she was falling for Fearghus in both of his forms.
An excellent adventure with quite a bit of humor. Not all innocent though as these are warriors but in general the fighting isn’t too gruesome. The point is made, but it’s a romance in the end.
Profile Image for Laura.
Author 14 books605 followers
April 10, 2012
I am soo disappointed with this book. It really is 2 short stories, or 1 almost-novel length story, and 1 short story.

I read the first, and refused to read anymore, so it's on the DNF shelf.

A warrior named Annwyl has spent the past 2 years trying to defeat her cruel evil brother, gaining her the nickname Annwyl the Bloody. She is almost killed in front of a dragon's lair...Fearghus the Destroyer, but he is fascinated by her, and as she heals, she falls for him. By day, a knight comes to her to help her train and learn to hold her infamous rage at bay, by night she and the dragon talk and read. She has no clue they are both Fearghus. Sounds good right?


It took me forever to find this book, and I've heard pretty good things about G.A. Aiken. (TBH I really enjoy her alter ego Shelly Laurenston's Pride series, so this was extra disappointing for me)

I almost didn't finish it.

The writing was awful, the dialogue awful and the story was stupid. I almost gave up twice, and I definitely did not read the second story. I was so so saddened that it had some potential, but really, it was poorly written. :(

I gave it 2 stars instead of 1 because the fight scene at the end was captivating. I liked Fearghus' mother the queen. Her story is the one at the end, and yet I couldn't even bring myself to read it. I don't mind sexual tension or the "I love him, does he love me?" plot, but this was so poorly done I couldn't even get into it. I liked the dragons a lot, but I won't bother reading any more of the dragon kin books, which is a shame. It was the writing style that I didn't like, as well as the lack of good dialogue. I get it was supposed to be funny, but for me, it just...wasn't.

A shame
Profile Image for edge of bubble.
251 reviews178 followers
March 10, 2017
Buddy read *more like buddy torture =p * with lovely Orient and Craig

This is the book that made me fall in love with PNR. It is a light and funny read with a nice plot. Books get way more funny and a bit more complex plotwise as the series progress.

I'll gloat talk more after buddies finish their reading =p
Profile Image for Princess under cover.
617 reviews307 followers
March 24, 2019
I quite liked this one. 4.5 rounded to 5.

The 0.5 subtraction is because Fearghus' story dragged a little toward the end. And Bercelak's story might be more like 4 stars.

Surprisingly, I enjoyed Annwyl and Fearghus the most out of the the dragon pairs I've read about. Even the ones that I haven't read about. I think it's because of the "novelty" of a woman falling in love with a dragon, while lusting for the man. This was an uncharacteristically sex-filled installment (given I've been reading backwards). I mean, there's always sex, but this one really was every other page. Tho the scenes themselves were short, there were plenty of them!! (not complaining)

I enjoyed that part the most. How she loved the dragon by night and talked to him and petted him but got down and dirty with the man by day. Being confused all the while because she wanted the man but loved the dragon.

The other stories had less of the "charm" this one has. Two dragons. A woman who knows about dragons and is too cold and logical to be impressed...

When reading Book 3, I didn't really feel like reading book 1 about F & A's story. But I really liked it! Best thus far!

Now... not sure if I want to read book 2... probably :)
Profile Image for Annie .
2,484 reviews944 followers
January 19, 2012
Clearly I am a fool for waiting so long to start this series. The first book in the series is actually two stories in one. So here are my thoughts on each:


Annwyl the Bloody is a warrior chick who simply does as she pleases. Though a mere human, she is a force, igniting passion and determination in her battalion as she leads them into possible death. Her greatest enemy is her own brother, Lorcan. A sadistic brother who gets off on suffering, Annwyl must do everything in her power to take her brother down.

While I hated Lorcan with a passion, I loved Annwyl with the same intensity. She is probably my new favourite heroine. She was mighty, strong, and with her trigger happy temper, she made this read highly enjoyable.

However, when she is injured in battle, a black dragon saves her from her demise, nursing her back to health in his den. With the help of his sister Morfyd a witch healer and dragon, Fearghus gets up close and personal with Annwyl.

Their love progresses slowly in this book. I liked how there was the distinction between romantic love and friendship, though it seems that Annwyl developed feelings far deeper than friendship with Fearghus later on.

I loved that G.A. Aiken incorporated witty banter alongside some serious asskicking. It was the perfect balance of light hearts and bloody gore.

There is also a side romance between Morfyd, Fearghus’s sister and Brastias, the general. Though we don’t actually see anything happen with them, it was nice to read their sexual tension.


In DRAGON ACTUALLY, readers are introduced to Fearghus’s mother, Rhiannon and his father, Bercelak. This short story is of how they met and fell in love.

Princess Rhiannon has a big ego. Basically, she thinks she is the shit. But when her mother tells her that her mate will be Bercelak, Rhiannon feels like she’s been bitchslapped several times. Surely this can’t be happening. She’s a princess and Bercelak is not of royal blood. But....it happens and Rhiannon finds herself in Bercelek’s quarters.

As a human.

Bercelak was interesting to read about. He was a grumpy old bastard in DRAGON ACTUALLY, but I liked his teasing tone in this book. Added to that is the fact that he’s a Dragon Dom. Yep, you read that right. And no, there’s really no such thing as a Dragon Dom. I made it up, but if anyone had to be described as a Dragon Dom, it would be B.

What can I say...chains and whips excite him!

While Rhiannon was a complete raging bitch most of the time, I thought she matched Bercelak well. This book really got its claws into me because I just want to finish writing this review so I can read the next one.

Hope this suffices. If not, then read the damn book yourself and write a better review , because really, it seems that no words can really express how much I enjoyed this read.
Profile Image for Anne.
4,388 reviews70.2k followers
January 5, 2012
4.5 stars

I see from the other reviews that this seems to be a Love It or Hate It kind of book. I'm firmly in the Love It camp. I guess it depends on what you were expecting from the novel? I was personally hoping for nothing more than brain candy, and I certainly wasn't the least bit disappointed in that regard. I thought Dragon Actually was humorous and entertaining, and the bonus story Chains and Flames a wonderful add-on to the overall experience.
Profile Image for KaleidoscopicCasey.
337 reviews165 followers
September 9, 2020
This one surprised the hell out of me. It was pushed on me by Abby because she likes to torture me is the greatest friend ever.

I would have never read this book. The cover is ridiculous and I was told it was dragon porn. Sorry, not my cuppa. But then the some of the other MacHalo ladies got in on the conversation and if you don't already know, they like their stories a little smutty sometimes. Just for the record, this is more of a shifter PNR, not at all monster porn as I was led to believe, and I am VERY thankful for that.

So anyway, I ended up reading this. And it was really fun and funny. I liked the main characters as well as almost every single side character. The sexxy times were appropriately steamy and to round out the required elements there was plenty of action and violence so it wasn't just all romance and snuggles. I may have a mild obsession with dragons so my opinion completely biased, just as a word of warning, but I really enjoyed this and immediately moved on to the next in the series.

I wasn't quite as impressed with the prequel that was included with this book, but it was free and it was still better than some other junk I've read recently so this was still a win for me.
Profile Image for UniquelyMoi ~ BlithelyBookish.
1,097 reviews1,699 followers
October 12, 2010
This rating and review is based solely on the first story in the book, Dragon Actually and will be updated when I read the second story, Chains & Flames.

Dragon Actually, the first book in the Dragon Kin series, is my first G.A. Aiken/Shelly Laurenston read and so I wasn’t entirely sure what to expect from this author. To be honest, I thought the first half of the story was OK. There was a lot of humor, but not much depth to the plot or characters at all and, truth be told, I don’t think there was supposed to be. I found myself becoming bored with the back and forth wise cracks between Annwyl the Bloody, Fearghus the Destroyer and Morfyd the Witch, and was really ready for something more. About the time I had convinced myself that skimming was an acceptable form of reading after all, and that despite what I've been telling my daughter, I would not go to hell for skimming, things really started to pick up and I became completely invested in the characters, even though Annwyl was, more often than not, annoying.

My favorite parts of the story involved the Dragon family. I truly enjoyed Fearghus, and found myself wanting him, after more than 200 years of life, to finally find happiness, even if that meant that it had to be with Annwyl. Fearghus’ family was very entertaining! I enjoyed the banter between the siblings and parents, and the childhood rivalries that carried over into adulthood. All of those stories were introduced early on in the book, but were fully developed during the final half. Again, those were the things that made this book a fun, and at times, laugh out loud, read.

The halfway mark was also about the time that we finally got to see some real depth of emotions from our hero and heroine. Ms. Aiken was able to make me feel Fearghus’ sorrow, and his longing for something he had never even known was missing from his life – love. And as things start to come together, we better understand Annwyl’s need for revenge, and her hesitancy to allow her heart to be claimed by any man. But the claiming of her body was another story. The sexual scenes in the book were very hot and plentiful.

The bottom line – Don’t let the 3 star rating discourage you from reading this book, because I feel that Dragon Kin, as a series overall, has the potential to be super, and for this reason I’m really looking forward to reading the next book in the series.

Sexual content: Vaginal and oral.
Profile Image for Seon Ji (Dawn).
1,047 reviews254 followers
February 14, 2021
This is actually 2 novellas.

Dragon Actually
The better of the two. This had a more likable hero and heroine. Unfortunately, I found the dialogue immature and irritating but overall it was a decent story filled with good paced action, love and conflict. What I didn't like was how the heroine so I lost respect for her. She also was too over the top bloodthirsty and completely unromantic.

Chains and Flames
I disliked the hero immensely, as well as the heroine. Not only is he an arrogant rake but is a total ass as well. He "supposedly" loves the heroine and yet And what the hell was up with the centaur? He's oogling her on his way to claim the h? What a jerk. Oh and lets not forget how he

Both stories are very sexually explicit, and the first, violently graphic. This is not what brought my rating down . What brought my rating down is the lack of logic in both stories.

They were somewhat entertaining, but the writing needs work. especially the dialogue aspect.
January 12, 2018
Dragon Actually: 5 stars

I really enjoyed reading about Annwyl the Bloody and Fearghus the Destroyer. She's a slightly insane warrior chick (think a beheading hardcore Xena) who has only her fellow soldiers as sort of friends. They're all mainly terrified of her, and no love in her life. Fearghus is a cranky hermit dragon who likes no one, barely one or two of his siblings. Annwyl ends up at F's cave, he nurses her back to health & thus their friendship begins. It's lovely to see these two "terrifying" people see the mushy lovey truffle center of each other. And it's humorous, as is everything by this author.

Chains & Flames: 3 - 3.5 stars
This is about Bercelak & Princess Rhiannon - Fearghus' parents. It's their romance. I liked both characters, but it wasn't something I'd reread. I definitely didn't enjoy their sexual encounters. Bercelak is into BDSM and likes to chain the ladies up. The dialogue between the two is fun. Otherwise, not really my cup of tea, romance wise.
November 12, 2018
4 stars

This story sucked me in from the start, which is a credit to the author as world building is usually a complex and cumbersome process in the first books of a series such as this. Aiken did a great job of balancing the scene setting without dragging the reader down in too much detail.

The central conflict of the story involves Annwyl the Bloody's rebellion against her half brother who has assumed the role of King upon their father's passing. Annwyl is a fierce warrior, so much so that she commands a league of men who help her fight against the cruel regime for control of the kingdom. But in the opening scene of the story, she has become mortally wounded in battle, and it appears the rebellion will fall short of its goal without her at the helm. Enter the dragon: Fearghus the Destroyer, who hears a commotion outside of his secluded dwelling where he has removed himself to for many decades in the attempt to escape the pressures of his family and society in general. Irritated that his abode has been so rudely disturbed, he exits his cave to find a battle in progress with a female warrior fighting to her inevitable death. Though he never involves himself in human battles, for some reason, this undaunted female sparks his curiosity. While the other members of the battle are fleeing at the sight of such a ferocious beast, Annwyl stands her ground, and that intrigues Fearghus enough to quickly eliminate her foes and begin to magically heal her fatal injuries.

When Annwyl awakens after many nights of being tended to by a female witch presumably in Fearghus' employ, she realizes he chose to save her, and while she knows she should fear the mighty dragon, she does not and knows she owes her life to him. She quickly develops a friendship with him, and he grudgingly becomes fond of her in return. When he suggests she train with a fierce knight to further her skills and better prepare her to face her brother, she reluctantly accepts; when the knight arrives, she finds herself strongly attracted to him, something that has never happened to her before though she has been among and in close quarters with many men for years. She struggles with her growing affection for Fearghus and the feelings that the knight awakens in her.

Overall, this was a fun, steamy, action-filled read, and I enjoyed it. The only thing that I didn't care much for was the drawn out "love triangle" --- it was a little unnecessary and unrealistic that Annwyn wouldn't catch on sooner. Also, Those flaws aside, I loved the feisty spirit of Annwyl and the persistence of Fearghus. The encounters with his family members teed it up well for future books in the series.

Plot --- 4/5
Main Characters --- 4/5
Supporting Cast --- 4/5
Steamy Level --- 3.5/5
POV --- 3rd
Violence --- Battle scenes were pretty gory
Language --- Not egregious
Profile Image for Stacey.
1,446 reviews1,139 followers
November 2, 2020
Keeping secrets to protect your heart...

I absolutely LOVE anything G.A. Aiken writes. Well, I absolutely love anything Shelly Laurenston writes too, so I have to say that anything this author writes is a winner for me. Dragon Actually was my introduction to the wonder and magic of dragon shifters. It's action-packed, funny, sexy, and very original, with characters that you question how they can not be real.

It cracks me up that such strong characters can be such scaredy cats. Fearghus keeps his true identity a secret because he's scared that Annwyl will walk away once she knows. Annwyl doesn't like the idea of being vulnerable, and while she's quite happy to show that vulnerability to a dragon, she's not up to sharing it with a man. Both of them will have to risk heartbreak if they're ever to know true happiness. Fearghus will have to share his dragon and the man before Annwyl will risk her heart.

The narrator does a fantastic job, with just the right amount of 'personality' to suit both Annwyl the Bloody and Fearghus the Destroyer. She also manages to show their strengths and vulnerabilities perfectly. Hollie Jackson is a narrator I will definitely keep an eye out for in the future.

The Dragon Kin Series is a favourite, and I will definitely listen to more in the future.

Profile Image for Wendy.
526 reviews280 followers
January 26, 2012
If I were to write a review in Annwyl's words, it would be this: Oi! This book is bloody brilliant!

Wow this book is a definite fave! Love Fearghus and Annwyll and their magical world of dragons and fierce battles. Not to mention the secondary characters are great too and I look forward to getting to know them better in the following books.

I haven't had a good laugh in a while and this book, had me giggling like an idiot! Superb!
Profile Image for Canan .
967 reviews66 followers
February 3, 2023
Varlık içinde kitap yokluğu hisseden bünyeme, çerezlik bir şeyler bakarken başladım okumaya 🤣 Akşam başlayıp sabaha bitirdim.Nedense onca çıkan kitaba rağmen ilgimi çeken bir şeyler bulamıyorum resmen.Çıtır çerez, eğlenceli diye kalmıştı aklımda. Ve hala aynı zevkle okudum. Biraz kaba bir dili var, normalde sevmem ama karakterler arası diyaloglara renk kattığı bir gerçek.

Birinci Kitap / Annwyl - Feraghus
İkinci Kitap / Bercelak - Rhiannon

Profile Image for Aileene.
243 reviews116 followers
December 5, 2018

Kate said: " One of the best dragon books. It's funny, violent, and smexy times. "

And Aileene was like:

Would Kate and this book turn skeptical Aileene into a dragon-book whore?
Or would it leave her unimpressed again and in return incinerate Kate's dragon-smut lovin' derrière?

Stay tuned.

Reading commences sometime soon.


BR with my Oz mate Ben

Recommended by a good friend - Kate. BR’ed with (another good mate) Ben.
Nowadays, finding time to read is hard. Sitting to write a review is even harder. For me anyways.

Writing a review =

This is a story of sexy dragons and bad ass warrior women who do not hesitate, they know what they want, they take what they want.

Annwyl, this chick is an insane warrior who has a loyal army to fight against her evil brother who unfortunately is the king.
They hate each others guts and both are determined to kill each other.
Anywyl is pretty bad ass. She says and do what she wants and she kills and by kills she cuts her enemies head off thus earning her other name, Anwyl the Bloody.

Fearghus is a shape shifting dragon and a warrior but keeps to himself, values his solitude and never associate himself to anything / anyone esp the wars of human.

Anwyl got badly injured in battle and was saved by, of course, none other than our dragon, Fearghus.

He healed her and let her stay in his place until atleast she gets her strength back.

He takes interest in her butt. She fascinates him with her fearless and no nonsense attitude.
Day by day, his feelings for her grows stronger and wants her to succeed on her aim to kill her brother.
So what did he do?
He enlists and sends a knight to come to train her and to use her infamous rage that makes her vulnerable to her advantage.
During night, Anwyl, no matter how exhausted she is, comes and seeks the dragon. They talk stuff and read books. She finds comfort in his presence.

Fearghus never shifted and shown her his human body. And Fearghus has a secret.
Normally, secrets do not bode well with me but this one was done in a good way that I found it funny reading their moments together.

The secondary characters are intriguing esp Morfyd. I’d like to get to know her better.

I want to give this a 5 star rating including the bonus novella (review below) but there is one thing that made me stop. Whilst I liked the plot, the characters and the flow of narrative, I find Anwyl a bit too much on being a bad ass(?),

Other things I enjoyed in this book.

1. Him calling her a wench. It was brilliant.


3. Females here are all strong (fighters or not), no blushing virgins and disadvantaged women.

4. Morfyd, Fearghus’s sister and Brastias, Anwyl’s loyal general. Their sexual tension was palpable and I want more of their story. I hope there is one.

5. The male dragons names - so fitting, so muscular, so perfectly dragon.

Chains and Flames

This is a story of Fearghus’s parents, Bercelak and Rhiannon.

I was truly hesitant to read this and was set to dislike Bercelak. Well, he was an arsehole in Dragon Actually but boy was I wrong.
He is amazing! And Rhiannon? Not so much. But warmed up to her in the end.

Rhiannon is a spoiled and rude princess. She views everyone as unworthy, if not her meal.
But not everything is going for her. Her birth mother hates her. Why? You read the book.

Bercelak or Low Born as Rhiannon calls him is the Dragon Warrior of the Dragon Queen Throne.
The dragon queen has rewarded Bercelak to his loyal service by giving her daughter, Rhiannon, to him so he could mate her.
Rhiannon couldn’t hate more her mother when she learnt this. She believes that no one should claim her let alone Bercelak.

Their story together was something I really, REALLY enjoyed reading.
To be honest, I prefer daddy Bercelak (‘s story) than his offspring Fearghus.
Bercelak is YUM. He knows how to tame, he’s patient and USES chains.

Must read to all esp Dragon fans.

Rating this 4 Kate's-dragon-smut lovin' derrière-is-safe-for-now Stars

*reads review again* *sighs*

Profile Image for Julie (jjmachshev).
1,069 reviews289 followers
August 28, 2008
Ohhh eeee! Grab a glass of water and sit down with "Dragon Actually" by GA Aiken (AKA Shelly Laurenston) and you'll laugh out loud when you're not fanning yourself. This book actually contains two related stories. I'm tagging this as erotica because of the frank descriptions and plethora of sex in the book. And boy is it good!

Annwyl the Bloody isn't really sure she likes her nickname. All she really wants to do is kill her brother the wacko, blood-thirsty king and get back to living without looking for a blade headed her way. She's become the leader as well as the heart and soul of the rebellion against her brother and killed more men than she can count. But it looks like her time has come when she's ambushed by a group of her brother's soldiers. Oh well, at least she'll go down fighting! Next thing she knows, she's in a bed, in a cave, and there's a dragon TALKING to her!

Fearghus the Destroyer likes his name. It means humans leave him alone. He's perfectly happy to sit quietly and read and -- what are those loud noises? HUMANS! OH well, he'll just step outside and give them a scare...maybe have some baked human for lunch! Just one left and it's a beautiful female!! She doesn't seem to be scared. How interesting...

I gobbled this one down in one sitting and now I'm just tapping my toes waiting for GA Aiken's next release, "About A Dragon" coming in December 2008. Aiken has done a great job of combining hot sex, humor, and the paranormal. The added bonus of the short story about Fearghus' parents is the icing on the cake. So get off your duff and go pick up "Dragon Actually" by GA Aiken. I absolutely loved it and I think you will too!
Profile Image for Choko.
1,375 reviews2,660 followers
November 6, 2015
A buddy re-read with the MacHalo Freaks... Because life is all about the DRAGONS!

" “Lorcan rubbed his head. “Am I asking too much to want the little bitch dead? Am I?” It seemed Hefaidd-Hen learned long ago not to answer certain questions. “All I want is for her to suffer a painful, horrifying death. And for her head to be on a spike in front of my castle. That’s all I want.”
― G.A. Aiken, Dragon Actually "

This is a wonderful, funny, sexy and bloody book, and OoooOO JOY, it is just the beginning!!! As always, my favorite thing about the book, apart from Annwyl, is that it does not take itself seriously - it is there to entertain, not to make us think profound thoughts and help us solve world hunger or peace in the Middle East... It just is! And I love every violent bit of it!!!

" “Do you not listen to our daily meetings about the state of your lands?”
“Of course I don’t. They’re dead boring.”
“Not everything can involve bloodshed, Annwyl.”
“Can’t you come get me when there is bloodshed? Otherwise just leave me alone to read.”
― G.A. Aiken, Dragon Actually "

What else is there to say???
Profile Image for Seyma.
742 reviews
July 16, 2019
Güldük eğlendik ama niye bu kadar uzattın ki?
Karakterlerin komik diyalogları olmasa hiç çekilmezdi devam edip,etmeyeceğim konusunda çekimserim bakalım zaman gösterecek artık..
Profile Image for Lady Heather .
1,304 reviews769 followers
January 24, 2012

OK.. now I'm kicking myself for not reading this series earlier!

I really enjoy Shelley Laurenston aka G.A. Aiken's writing. This book did not disappoint.
I loved the 'time' or 'era' that this story takes place in. I like that Annwyl (The Bloody) is very 'crass' and has no etiquette whatsoever. She has been raised by men, had to fight like a man to survive, and has to kill her only brother in order to restore justice to her kingdom.
Fearghus (the Dragon) The Destroyer is also just as crass, and stubborn, and irritable, but somehow Annwyl compliments him and makes him a better man/dragon.

..Of course Fearghus' dilemma is that He doesn't know if or how to tell Annwyl that He can 'shift' into a human, and that the 'knight' that has been preparing her for battle against her brother is really him.
And Annwyl's dilemma is that She's falling in love with the Dragon, but 'wants' the knight *wiggles eyebrows*... so she feels like she's betraying the Dragon when she 'sleeps' with the knight, but doesn't think that the Dragon and her are physically compatible.

I really enjoyed the dialogue between the two main characters, and Fearghus' siblings are hilarious!

I really enjoyed this book, and look forward to reading the next book in the series
Displaying 1 - 30 of 1,892 reviews

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