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Erde Zwei: World's End #1

Earth 2: World's End, Vol. 1

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In the infinite vastness of the Multiverse there exists a world much like our own, with heroes and villains different from the ones we know, yet strangely familiar. Together, the heroes of Earth 2 battled the forces of Darkseid and the New Gods of Apokolips. They thought they’d won.

They were wrong.

Apokolips has returned, its four Furies of War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death unleashing unspeakable evil. And that is only the beginning. The god-planet itself is on a collision course with Earth 2, preparing to feed on all life and leave only the void in its wake.

Superman. Batman. Green Lantern. The Flash. Power Girl. Huntress. Hawkgirl. John Constantine. Mister Terrific. Mister Miracle. Doctor Fate. Lois Lane. Jimmy Olsen. Dick Grayson. Barbara Gordon. Only they can save their world-and the worlds beyond…

Writers Daniel H. Wilson, Marguerite Bennett, and Mike Johnson lead an all-star alliance of artists in EARTH 2: WORLDS’ END VOL. 1-the first chapter of the sprawling saga that will change the Multiverse forever! Collects EARTH 2: WORLD’S END #1-11.

272 pages, Paperback

First published May 19, 2015

About the author

Daniel H. Wilson

116 books1,944 followers
A Cherokee citizen, Daniel H. Wilson grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He earned a Ph.D. in Robotics from Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. He lives in Portland, Oregon.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews
Profile Image for Anne.
4,388 reviews70.2k followers
November 17, 2015
If you haven't read the first 5 volumes of the New 52's Earth 2, then this is going to read like a convoluted mess. You actually need to start with Earth 2, Vol. 1: The Gathering, and finish with Earth 2, Vol. 5: The Kryptonian.
Then, and only then, will World's End be something that is not only enjoyable, but also makes sense.


This picks up after The Kryptonian, which means that Earth 2 is crumbling under the attacks from the planet Apokolips.


The Four Horsemen have reached this earth, and the heroes are barely holding their own against the onslaught. That's not to say they aren't trying, but most of them are new to this hero gig, and Apokolips has some fo real badasses on their roster.


Since this is a different-but-similar world to ours, part of the fun of the title is running into the new incarnations of old characters. And even when they don't play a large role, seeing cameos always makes me do a little happy dance.
Wave to Wildcat, kids!


Some of the characters get a bigger role, however.
Such as, journalist and family man, Dick Grayson, and his wife, police officer, Barbara Gordon. Get your hankies out, people!
Psst. For the three of you who have been following the New 52's Constantine, his Apocalypse Road storyline intersects here.


I don't want to give too much of the plot away, but there were a few flashbacks that explained some things I had been wondering about.
Answers, FTW!


Also, this volume sees the return of Huntress (Robin) and Power Girl (Supergirl) to their Earth 2 home. It's a bittersweet reunion, to say the least.


Oh! Oh! And best of all, there are several characters that return from the dead to help fight.
Was. Not. Expecting. THAT.


All in all, I really enjoyed this one! If you've been following Earth 2, then I think you'll be happy with this edition to the story. However, I wouldn't recommend this as a jumping off place for anyone who's new to the title.
Profile Image for Shannon.
918 reviews267 followers
March 29, 2016
In this Dystopian world Earth has begun to recover from an alien invasion having lost Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. New heroes step up who seem similar to the original DC Earth heroes but they're different.

There's a lot of stories and if you start with this one you are likely going to be confused.

That said, the artwork is gorgeous and I appreciate the writers are trying to do something different for the veteran readers.

Profile Image for Lost Planet Airman.
1,251 reviews90 followers
January 13, 2021
Earth 2 universe; the forces of Apokolips have returned in force. Cities are burning and Earth's few remaining gen-now heros are on the ropes.

Ends with two major defections from the forces of Apokolips and the return of two major cast members, in the shadow of two worlds on the brink of a prophesy of destruction.
Profile Image for Gavin.
1,219 reviews90 followers
November 11, 2015
This book is a sprawling mess...and it's only volume one!

That being said, there's a certain charm to the Earth 2 peeps, including a returned Huntress and Power Girl (holla at them boobies!) from their sojourn in Regular world...they were originally Supergirl and Robin, but as Bats and Supes died in the beginning of this against Darkseid when New 52 launched, they ended up in regular world. Here they return, and think imposters are taking over...but it's Thomas Wayne and Val...el? As Bats and Supes here...old man Bats rules. I love
Thomas and his runs as Batman. Makes me wonder what Bruce would have thought...

Other than that, it's a smorgasbord of DC characters...Supes, bats, Red Tornado, GL, Flash, AquaWOMAN, hawk girl, Dr. fate, Mr. miracle, mr. Terrific, Ted Grant, Babs and Dick, missing Oliver Queen, Barda, Constantine...who may be the one from regular world...still not sure, Solomon Grundy, Lois lane, jimmy Olsen, Fury (wonder woman's daughter), Darkseid, some New Gods...

Lotsa stuff!

Convoluted mess, with moments of OK in it. Basically, after the trinity (Bruce, Clark, Diana) die to save Earth 2 from Apokolips and Darkseid, it's 5 yrs later, and the new and surviving Heroes see that it wasn't a win, but a retreat by Darkseid and co...

Cue big end of world scenario that always happens in these books...

Does anyone know if this ties in with Multiverse stuff? And the contracting of DCU?

Anyhow, I'm sure Sam would despise it, and Anne is reading it now...I think 3 is fair, but I'm happy to get to know some more about the characters if I can...I'd even try volume 2 though I'm sure it's a mess too.
Profile Image for Koen.
854 reviews1 follower
June 14, 2017
Well, this is fun!!
This is not just action packed.. It's flowing over with the buckets!! Loving it and sincerely looking forward to the next part ;)
(which i'm gonna grab in a second :p )

Profile Image for Chad.
9,138 reviews1,000 followers
June 21, 2021
This book has always felt like a 90's Wildstorm comic to me. They've turned all the New Gods of Apokolips into these generic villains. And they really didn't need to bring the 4 horsemen into this. Hasn't that been done, ad nauseam? There's one point where the Red Tornado is taken over by War, along with several other women. I've got news for you, Red Tornado is a robot. Unless War has some "mad" computer skills, this just isn't going to happen. Just because this is a comic book, doesn't mean you can't use logic. The side story with Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon seem completely pointless. I'd rather they stick with the main story of saving the planet.
Profile Image for Kyle.
820 reviews24 followers
December 24, 2015
A jumbled mess of a book which will make no sense to anyone unless they have read the entire Earth 2 series leading up to it.
I really don't understand why they are forcing Dick Grayson into the plot all of a sudden, and likewise with Constantine.
There are people dying and coming back to life on every other page, people gaining powers, people losing powers, friends one panel and enemies the next. It's farcical.
With soooo many narratives on the go at once, you just know this isn't going to end well.

Profile Image for Tomás Sendarrubias García.
901 reviews16 followers
October 3, 2021
El Fin del Mundo fue la continuación de Tierra 2, la serie en la que se habían recuperado los personajes clásicos de la JSA adaptados a la nueva situación las Nuevas 52, el panorama que se había establecido en DC después de Flashpoint, y en el que se había borrado de la continuidad a los héroes de la Sociedad de la Justicia. En Tierra 2 habíamos visto un mundo sacudido por la guerra entre la Tierra y Apokolips, guerra en la que habían muerto los grandes héroes y la propia geografía del planeta se había visto irremediablemente modificada, y habíamos visto como cinco años después de la guerra habían surgido de nuevo los héroes... mientras que se demostraba que la guerra con Apokolips estaba muy lejos de terminar.

Y es precisamente esta guerra con Apokolips en la que se va a centrar El Fin del Mundo, donde se van a cruzar varias tramas, pero todas relacionadas con el hecho de que la Tierra va a ser devorada por la propia Apokolips. Apoyándose en los héroes que se habían presentado en Tierra 2 (aunque Flash, Green Lantern, Hawkgirl y el Doctor Destino van a ver que su protagonismo mengua para pasar a manos de Val-Zod, el nuevo Batman, la Lois Lane/Tornado Rojo, y las recién llegadas Cazadora y Power Girl. Y además se va a presentar un nuevo personaje que nos va a dar una perspectiva más "humana" de la historia, y que será el periodista Richard Grayson, o sea, el primer Robin, que nos va a permitir asistir a la vida diaria a pie de calle y en los campos de refugiados aparecidos después de la guerra contra Steppenwolf y el clon de Superman.

Si bien el inicio de la guerra va a ser algo insidioso, pronto la colección entrará en una fase de destrucción masiva, con Apokolips irrumpiendo en el espacio de la Tierra y destruyendo la Luna, lo que va a provocar todo tipo de desastres naturales que irán reduciendo a lo bestia la población de la Tierra, arrasando países enteros, mientras el Parlamento de la Tierra (formado por las encarnaciones de las fuerzas naturales, como el Verde que ha elegido a Green Lantern o el Gris que alzó a Solomon Grundy), trata de resistirse a través de sus elegidos (en este tomo conoceremos a los elegidos del Azul, el Rojo y el Blanco). Y mientras Green Lantern, Flash, Hawkgirl y el Doctor Destino van a tratar de proteger la Tierra de esos desastres y el ataque de los parademonios, Batman, Val-Zod, Power Girl, Cazadora y Tornado Rojo se van a adentrar a través de Suiza en los pozos de fuego, encontrando allí algo que ha permanecido escondido desde la primera guerra de Apokolips. Y unos y otros van a tener que hacer frente a Desaad y las Furias, representadas en este caso por supervivientes de planetas destruidos por Apokolips (una tamarana, una marciana blanca, una czarniana y una habitante de Mundoguerra); mientras que otro equipo, formado por Mister Terrific, Terry Sloane, Amir Khan, Mister Milagro, Big Barda y Furia van a tratar de llevar la guerra a la propia Apokolips, para hacer frente al propio Darkseid... y sin saber que quizá hay más de un traidor entre ellos.

¿Qué es lo más impactante de El Fin del Mundo? Pues visto en retrospectiva ahora con la relectura, creo que es que en esta colección podía pasar cualquier cosa. Los personajes no tienen protección de guion, la propia Tierra como tal no tiene protección de guion. Todos hemos visto mil y un amagos de destrucción, pero también todos sabíamos que al final, de alguna manera, todo se solucionaría, ya que al final las editoriales tenían que seguir publicando sus historias. Pero aquí... No hay nada seguro. Estamos en una serie secundaria, protagonizada por un montón de secundarios en un mundo secundario. Y una de las cosas que pasaban en las Nuevas 52 era que las colecciones aparecían y desaparecían con una facilidad pasmosa, así que no había nada seguro sobre la continuidad de la colección, y todo podía ocurrir...
Profile Image for Brian Poole.
Author 2 books39 followers
June 29, 2015
Earth 2 was one of the more interesting and successful books to come out of DC’s “New 52” period. It put a contemporary spin on the cherished old Justice Society characters. The monthly series also provided a relaunch point for many of Jack Kirby’s New Gods characters. The Earth of Earth 2 was recovering from an invasion by Apokolips that resulted in the apparent deaths of their versions of Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman. Events in the monthly book featured new attacks by Apokolips that brought Earth 2 to the brink of collapse.

World’s End opens with a recap of Earth 2’s major events and backstory before launching into its main story involving a devastating new invasion by Apokolips. Characters believed dead make something of a comeback, while others are put into mortal jeopardy. Various characters go through major upheaval and the forces of Earth 2 prepare to mount a suicidal assault on Apokolips itself, which has moved into Earth 2’s orbit.

World’s End is an odd beast. Written by Daniel H. Wilson, Marguerite Bennett and Mike Johnson (from a story by Wilson), with veteran artist Scott McDaniel choreographing the action via breakdowns, the story is stuffed with characters and plots. The action shifts frequently from one story to another, rarely sticking with one path long enough for readers to dig into the meat of an action stream. Those frequent scene shifts create more the illusion of motion rather than any actual plot momentum. While the writers build on elements from the monthly Earth 2 story, World’s End often feels a bit too frenetic.

Even with some pacing and structure issues, World’s End manages to be engaging a lot of the time. Character beats don’t get a lot of room to breathe, but some still manage to land with some impact. The reunion between Power Girl and Red Tornado (i.e. her foster mother Lois Lane) especially stands out. Fury, the daughter of Earth 2’s Wonder Woman and the villain Steppenwolf, gets some nice development, and there’s some interesting stuff with New Gods Mister Miracle and Big Barda that puts a very different spin on that long-time couple. There are a lot of ideas on display in World’s End, but at least in this first part of the saga, a lot of those ideas fall into the category of “interesting” instead of “effective.”

The art approach is also a curiosity. Fans are used to these weekly series with multiple plots and characters sporting multiple artists as well. But usually, each issue features only one art team. World’s End sometimes features as many as six art teams for one 20-page installment. Only the final issue in Volume 1 sports a single art team for a whole issue. While the artists involved (including well-known names like Eddy Barrows, Jorge Jimenez, Tyler Kirkham, Paulo Siquera, Jan Duursema, Stephen Segovia, Ardian Syaf, Paul Neary and Sandra Hope, among many others) work in a fairly similar clean, classic style, there are enough stylistic differentials in some installments for the switch in teams to be noticeable. For the most part, it’s not unduly distracting, but it does seem to be an odd approach with the potential to be a hindrance. With a small army of colorists and letterers, the visuals in World’s End never quite develop any kind of distinctiveness, settling instead for a well-executed house style that gets the job done without being especially exciting.

It might seem that World’s End is being damned with faint praise. Indeed, there are worse fates for a series than to feature an ambitious, wide-ranging story that’s professionally executed. But DC makes a big deal out of its weekly series and fans expect the company to bring a bit more to these events than mere professional competence and the desire to spin a big saga.

For its importance in the run-up to Convergence, Earth 2: World’s End is probably worth checking out for fans following that event and will be of particular interest to readers of the monthly Earth 2 series. It’s hard to see it having much appeal beyond those constituencies.

A version of this review originally appeared on www.thunderalleybcp.com
Profile Image for Shannon Appelcline.
Author 25 books150 followers
April 2, 2018
World's End is built around a great idea: describe the end of a DC universe, as Wonders battle the force of Apokalypse, and tell it as a weekly series. It's epic, it doesn't hold bars, and it's a truly world changing evens.

World's End does ... OK with the idea. There is indeed the epic storytelling that was promised as well as some great surprises for the universe (although tend to be overlaid and repeated in the Earth 2 comics, which are inexplicably not included here). Unfortunately, the story is all very muddy as well.

At first I thought this was due to the short, staccato visits to various storylines, which early in the volume made it hard to figure out. However later on, those viewpoints became larger ... and the story was still muddy. So I have to suspect that author Wilson just isn't quite up to telling a story of this size.

Despite the lack of clarity at times, this is still an interesting end to the Earth 2 storyline. I'd rate it right around 3.5 stars, which as it happens is where the average is currently falling.
Profile Image for Michael Church.
613 reviews4 followers
July 31, 2017
To really appreciate this, you need to read it along with Volume 2. My review fits with that and Volume 6 of the core series. Volume 1 here does better than the rest, but that's not saying much. What starts as a run of the mill apocalypse (haha) scenario quickly devolves into a bloated, overly long, convoluted, inconsistent mess of a book.

This volume mostly escapes some of this because it's early on in the arc. The art is also rather decent to begin with. There are a couple different styles that mark different storylines. It all seems like it's moving in the right direction, even if it was a little standard. Eventually, it ends up being a completely unsatisfying conclusion to this run.
Profile Image for Paweł.
449 reviews5 followers
February 5, 2019
Gdy Darkseid obierze sobie świat za cel, nazwa jego domu okazuje się nie być przypadkowa. Bo na ten świat nadchodzi apokalipsa.
Zastępy maszkar, piekielne machiny, kolaboranci, śmierć, choroby, wojna i rozpacz przerzedzają szeregi bohaterów którzy starają się za wszelką cenę zawrócić koniec świata i ocalić garstkę ludzi, która jeszcze nie została zdmuchnięta przez siły bezlitosnych bogów jak świeczki na wietrze. Bezpardonowa walka toczy się na każdym froncie, nawet sama planeta próbuje się bronić.
Pomimo tytanicznego poświęcenia sytuacja ciągle jest beznadziejna.
Komiks trzyma w napięciu i wciąga jak Electrolux.
Profile Image for Will Brown.
486 reviews14 followers
September 18, 2021
Yep this is where the fun ends. I was fine with the Earth 2 series going dark when Tom Taylor was at the helm, since he knew how to use dire circumstances to bring out the best in the story’s characters, but now with him gone it’s just a bunch of explosions and fight scenes. There are a few good twists, such as the fate of Clark Kent and the resurrection of Alan’s boyfriend Sam, but otherwise it’s a slog to get through.
Profile Image for Paul.
307 reviews5 followers
July 28, 2022
This has been pretty good so far, but it feels like every other issue is kinda lackluster. The Grayson plot is uninteresting and boring. The Green Lantern and Parliaments/Elementals of Earth or whatever were also not that interesting. However, the rest or the heroes plots were, for the most part, better and Mister Miracle’s was by far the best.

Anyway, we get some Darkseid now so I’m happy.
Profile Image for Matt.
2,502 reviews28 followers
June 20, 2015
Collects Earth 2: World's End issues #1-11

I really, really enjoyed this story. When I picked this up, I had only read the first four volumes of "Worlds' Finest" and "Earth 2." I believe that reading each of the fifth volumes of those series would have helped me have a better understanding of some of the characters and events, but this collection did a fairly good job at catching me up. I really didn't feel lost, but I do wish I had been able to read those first.

I have liked Earth 2 from the beginning because it is set in a war-torn universe of its own, separate from most of the storytelling of the main New 52 Earth (known as Earth 0). In the past, I have compared the feeling of reading "Earth 2" to the feeling I get reading books set in Marvel's Ultimate Universe.

The official solicitation for this collection gives a list of superheroes that appear in this book, but keep in mind that many of them are alternate versions of the heroes that most people are familiar with. Here is the list from the solicitation of just some of the heroes that appear within:

"Superman. Batman. Green Lantern. The Flash. Power Girl. Huntress. Hawkgirl. John Constantine. Mister Terrific. Mister Miracle. Doctor Fate. Lois Lane. Jimmy Olsen. Dick Grayson. Barbara Gordon."

I am a big fan of having alternate versions of recognizable characters. My favorite alternates in this book are Superman, Batman, and Green Lantern (in that order).

Darkseid is the big bad of this volume, but surprisingly he barely appears in Volume 1. His presence is strongly felt, though, as his legions of Apokolips attack Earth 2 (again).

Throughout this whole book, the war rages on between Apokolips and Earth 2.
Profile Image for Joshua Adam Bain.
292 reviews6 followers
August 5, 2015
To be honest I think this is more like 3.5 stars, but I love Earth 2 so much I had to bump it up to 4.

I haven't read the last 2 volumes of the Earth 2 series leading up to this point, but along with the recap at the start of the book I was able to catch onto what's going on here. Once again the heroes of Earth 2 are at war with Apokolips. I'm not thy familiar with the New Gods lore so a lot of characters were completely new here. Some of which left me a bit confused, but I powered through anyway. It's a great story with lots of threads woven in the overall story.

The biggest complaint I would have to say is the pace. It just feels too god damned quick for its own good. Lots of plots that could have been drawn out to create more atmosphere have been ripped through like a bat out of hell. Making the story feel like it was being forced along. Because of this, a lot of the "oh snap" moments became rather lacklustre due to the fact you had to go back and re read sections to fully understand what the hell just happened. Along with this, there were so many stories going on here. Now I'm a huge fan of stories that intertwine many smaller stories, but the quick pace of each of them just hindered this enjoyment to the point of confusion.

I think I will need to read this in full concession with the full Earth 2 series to really get the most out of it. Like I said earlier, it was a really enjoyable read, but just didn't quite live up to my high expectations from its predecessor series. Back to the beginning I go!
5,870 reviews141 followers
May 8, 2018
Earth 2: World's End is a twenty-six weekly issues depicting the second invasion of Apokolips and ultimate destruction on a parallel Earth. This weekly event ran parallel and is related to The New 52: Futures End, while they don't happen in the same timeline, it was this event – the destruction of Earth 2 and their subsequent escape to the main continuity is one of the main factors that precipitated the dystopian rule of Brother Eye. This trade paperback collects the first eleven issues (1–11) of the on-going weekly event.

The series opens up with a quick review of what happened from the first invasion of Apololips to the current time just when Apokolip attempts its second invasion. Helena Wayne and Karen Starr who was trapped on Prime Earth had finally found their way home just in time to fight a second invasion, which their fathers' and Wonder Woman had sacrificed their lives to end. With no Trinity alive this time to stop the invasion – it is up to the Wonders to pick up the slack as they battle Darkseid's four Furies of War, Famine, Pestilence, and Death – not to mention an approaching god-planet intent on devouring the Earth, leaving nothing in its wake.

There is a parallel story that takes place that tells the story of Earth's destruction from the civilian point, away from the superhero fights, which is told from the perspective of the Graysons – Dick Grayson a former reporter, Barbara Gordon a former police officer and their child, whose name and hair color the writers and artist can't keep straight. John Constantine from Prime Earth also shows up here. While there is a plan in place to evacuate Earth, its implementation is far from perfect.

This weekly event, in short – is a mess. There's seems to be so many things happening at once and there is continuity problems within the series itself – it's like the writers, artists, and editors were not communicating when producing the series. It started rather strong, but towards the end of the trade paperback it starts to get messy. Granted one needs to have a quick learner curve if they enter this event cold turkey, like I did. I've been told and read in reviews that one should be acquainted with the Earth 2 series before starting this weekly event.

Although the story may be confusing to the newly initiated and unaware of what happened in the Earth 2 series – the penciling despite the multiple artists is wonderful and seems rather seamless. The illustrations and coloring seems spot on for the most part that it almost makes up for the inconsistent writing – almost.

All in all, Earth 2: World's End, Vol. 1 is a somewhat good start to the event, a tad confusing unless you know the history of Earth 2, but slightly above mediocre edition at best. It is highly recommended to read the trade paperbacks of Earth 2, before starting this event for the full impact and understanding some of the storyline of the event.
Profile Image for Krzysztof Grabowski.
1,586 reviews6 followers
September 11, 2020
Kiedy myślisz, że najgorsze masz za sobą, a tu na plecach wyrasta Ci Apokalips...

Herosi z serii Earth-2 nie mają łatwo. Od jakiegoś czasu siły zła próbują podbić planetę, ale po pierwszym stadium ataku, gdzie część z nich zginęła, powstała nowa grupa, której tym razem udało się odeprzeć wroga. Nie na długo, bowiem na niebie pojawia się złowroga planeta i rozpoczyna się siermiężny podbój. Bohaterowie łapią oddech i ruszają do boju, a do całej hałastry dołączają Kara i Helena, które wreszcie wrócił do domu.

Jak na złe koreluje się to z pojawieniem się czterech Furii, wybranek Darkseida, które mają "zmiękczyć" obronę tego świata. Ba, część składu tych dobrych pod wpływem jednej z entuzjastek śmierci na moment przechodzi na stronę zła i mamy okazję obserwować "bratobójcze" walki. Wątków tutaj mamy całą masę. Mr. Miracle wraz z Mr. Terrificiem próbują rozwiązać sprawę za pomocą technologii. Siły Ziemi pod postacią awatarów łączą siły, aby dać odpór Furiom, dzięki czemu widzimy połączone siły Zielonej Latarni i Grundy'iego (plus jakieś mackowate coś i ex-Latarni jako wicherek).

Gdzieś w tle przemyka Dick Greyson z Barbarą Gordon i córką. Główna ekipa z Thomasem Wayne'm odnajdują jednego z herosów, który miał być martwy. W pewnym momencie trzeba będzie organizować misję ratowniczą, bo ktoś zostanie porwany przez Desaada. I końcówka, gdy autor wreszcie wprowadza Darkseida. Jak widzicie, naprawdę sporo i każdemu trzeba poświecić racjonalnie chwilę.

Końcowe dwa zeszyty to coś co naprawdę może się podobać. Niestety przez wtórny początek trzeba przebrać. Niepotrzebnie też rozciągnięto pewne wątki, albo były wręcz zbędne, jak chociażby losy Babs i Nightwinga, które nie wzbudziły we mnie żadnych emocji. A co do warstwy wizualnej? Jest ona jak najbardziej poprawna, aczkolwiek nic ponad to. Bennett czy Burrows tutaj pełnią rolę rzemieślników, która sprawdza się w dynamiczniejszych sekwencjach.

To niezły tom, choć nie wydaje mi się, czy na pewno potrzebny. Czekam na drugi tom, bo finał pierwszego zapowiada wreszcie coś grubszego, ale lekki niesmak pozostaje. Oby było lepiej.
Profile Image for Hugo Emanuel.
361 reviews25 followers
May 30, 2023
Earth 2 : World's End continues the story of the characters from the Earth 2. Bare in mind this book should be read directly after Earth 2: Vol 5: The Kryptonian, as Vol 6: Collison is just a bunch of tie-ins to the main story collected here.

The concept is an interesting one: Darkseid's Apokolips is a dying planet, and therefore the New God aims to make Earth its new Apokolips. Trouble is, Darkseid and his court seem like an unstoppable force, and the Earth-2 heroes don't really seem like they are up to that challenge.

It could have been a fantastic story, with a new twist on new characters. However, it follows too many characters, some of them jump in and out of the narrative, and the story itself does a bit of an excessive and repetitive back and forth - characters become evil, then they are good, then they are bad again; Superman is alive; oh, wait, no he is not, oh wait, he is!

This type pf scaterred storytelling really becomes grating. It would have been wiser to just hand over the writing duties to a single writer, rather than two writers per issue, as they seem to have very distinct voices that don't really mesh together.In fact, one of the most engaging issues is one written solely by Daniel WIlson, which kind of seems to show this might be the problem with this book.

The artwork is also a mishmash of artist, with sometimes over 5 artists doing pencils alone PER ISSUE! Thankfully, they are all very good artists, Jorge Jiminez and Eddy Barrows in particular, but it does somewhat hurt its cohesion visually.

Despite all these flaws, I did enjoy it. But it didn't make the most of its potential.
Hopefully the last volume closes this story in a decent fashion.

Profile Image for Ronan The Librarian.
370 reviews1 follower
September 2, 2020
2.5 rounded up, but I almost went the other way.

This was a slog. The Earth-2 series was enjoyable as a nuanced alternate reality to the universe we know, but somewhere between the first issue and this it just devolved into a cataclysmic mess.
There are so many characters. Because there’s so many to focus on, none of them get the personality or development they need. So many are introduced, or just thrown in with no introduction at all, that it’s hard to follow and even harder to care. The few characters I cared about in the beginning barely appear and lost their charm. A lot of things feel far-fetched, even for a What-If story, and I think that’s mainly because the writing wasn’t smooth or convincing at all. Pacing was a mess, and I was flipping through faster and faster to get to the end.

That all sounds pretty rough reading it back, but those are the cons. While slowly falling out of my attention span, there were moments here and there that felt more enticing or like a legitimate story that would raise the book like an updraft before it went back to corny dialogue, characters acting randomly to advance the plot, or things happening out of nowhere because...comics.

The art was pretty good. It changed around a few times but was consistently decent, and was one of the reasons I continued reading. Depending on the day I could have gone with 2 stars or 3, but if there’s a reason to round up, the art is it.

In total, kind of a letdown escalation to the climax of this universe, and consequently kinda forgettable. I’m on the fence about even finishing out the series...yeeeeah probably not (but who knows).
Profile Image for Jefferson.
210 reviews1 follower
May 24, 2021
A DC, como sempre, nunca aprende com seus erros.

Ela percebe que uma nova ideia está fazendo sucesso e simplesmente defeca no que estava sendo feito. Esta Terra 2 iniciou com o James Robinson fazendo algo que pra mim não estava sendo bem escrito, mas havia ideias boas ali. Então veio Tom Taylor e escreveu 2 volumes maravilhosos desta Terra. E aí o que faz a DC?

No lugar de parar, pensar no que vem a seguir com uma história bem feita com inicio, meio e fim. Que Nada!! Cria uma continuação totalmente rasa e irrelevante. E ainda por cima cheio de Crossovers entre outras revistas totalmente desnecessários. Quer fazer uma boa história que personagens de outras séries apareçam? Então chame um bom escritor de histórias fechadas, faça uma mini-série de 6 a 12 capítulos e pronto.

Eu não sei o que a DC estava pensando nesta época. Dane-se boas histórias, o que importa é vender. Eles agiam conforme a direção do vento. Um conceito fez sucesso, então espreme isso até não ter mais suco. Depois joga fora e vamos pra próxima. Vergonhoso.
Profile Image for Clay Bartel.
558 reviews
November 25, 2020
This is more technically Volume 6 of the New52 Earth 2 storyline.

Unlike the average reader I'm constantly researching what I'm reading, what I've read and what I plan to read.

So I've known about this story for a long time so I collected and read the New52 Earth 2 Volumes 1 to 5...

Just one problem I read those volumes a good year or so ago...

Spotted World's End Volume 1 and 2 at my favourite used book store and had to buy them...

Everything came rushing back but really disjointed because it's been so long and my memory is subpar.

This was enjoyable but even with having read the Earth 2 books I was confused, though once the end of the volume came I felt pretty caught up.

I think I need to crack volume 2 first and then come back and update my star rating and add a little more content to this review.

For now I enjoyed it but don't read this if you haven't read the lead in stories of Earth 2 vol 1 to 5.
Profile Image for Brunò.
271 reviews3 followers
June 6, 2022
English/Spanish review:

That was sooooooooooo boring. I was mostly confused since for some reason someone decided to name this volume one and this is a sixth.

I don't like the whole Apokolips stuff again,again and again. That's all there is to Earth 2.
Plot here followed Green Lantern that on this version he's Green Thing but less interesting. The rest of the volume were the heroes battling the MOST boring version of the horsemen of Apocalypse I've ever seen AND Dick Grayson doing absolutelly NOTHING. That story literally makes no sense. No idea why it's such a big part of this nor even on the book.

To resume: The new heroes are really interesting. Might go back and read their origins,apart from that,this book won't offer much.


Eso fue taaaan aburrido. Estaba bastante confundido ya que por alguna razón alguien decidió nombrar este volumen uno y este es el sexto.

No me gustan todas las cosas de Apokolips otra vez, una y otra vez. Eso es todo lo que hay en Earth 2.
La trama aquí siguió a Green Lantern que en esta versión él es Green Thing pero menos interesante. El resto del volumen eran los héroes luchando contra la versión MÁS aburrida de los jinetes de Apocalipsis que ví Y Dick Grayson haciendo absolutamente NADA. Esa historia literalmente no tiene sentido. No tengo idea de por qué es una parte tan importante de esto ni siquiera que esté en el libro.

Para resumir: los nuevos héroes son realmente interesantes. Capaz vuelva atrás y lea sus orígenes,aparte de eso,este libro no ofrecerá mucho.
Profile Image for Adrian Santiago.
970 reviews17 followers
August 25, 2022
Nada fan de que los cómics sean weyes de colores lanzando rayos de colores y explosiones en el espacio, debo decir que no estuvo tan mal. Al menos no lo odié, pero todo el RELLENO de las furias y la muerte y peleas medio esquis, meh. La verdad estuvo mucho mejor el superman darks que quería conquistar el mundo para el darky.

Aquí hay otros personajes que brillan y aunque no me gustan mucho, diría que me empieza a gustar la cosmogonía y explicación del nuevo génesis, los dioses oscuros y los "motivos" de Darkseid para ser Darkseid.

En lo que falla es en retratar cosas como el "fin del mundo". Hay muchos eventos (la luna estallando y cayendo en pedazos en el planeta) que simplemente no funcionan o son explorados a una profundidad que en verdad tengan impacto en la historia.
Profile Image for Sylvester.
1,340 reviews27 followers
July 8, 2018
Continuing directly from the first series. Darkseid's four furies arrived on Earth 2 to serve him. There was a lot going on. The elements of Earth prepared their champions to battle the furies, the new heroes uncovered a cloning lab; Barb and Dick tried to survive along with Wildcat; Doctor Fate, The Flash and Hawkgirl worked with the World Army to save lives. Lastly, Fury and Mister Miracle uncovered their destiny.

It was a little bit messy, some parts made no sense as of this volume but hopefully will be resolved in the next one.
Profile Image for T-cup.
294 reviews
May 11, 2023
- Green Lantern (Alan Scott), on the coming of Apokolips.

Excellent backstory recap. Summarized the last six volumes of Earth 2 in a few pages.
The overall story is rather depressing. Particularly the refugee camps.
While I acknowledge that Thanos is clearly a knock-off of Darkseid, I prefer Thanos. Though, the version in Justice League Unlimited is voiced by Michael Ironside, and that's the only positive thing I have for Darkseid.
Very not bad. Three stars.
Profile Image for Shane.
1,379 reviews19 followers
December 22, 2023
I'm really digging this because it's no-holds-barred. Since it's not in the normal Earth, they can do whatever they want. Anyone could die at any moment and then not come back to life as often happens in comics.

The amount that is going on is giving me a sore neck, but I like it overall. I'm glad that I read the other Earth 2 stuff or I would be totally lost. But it also seems strange because some of the Earth 2 stuff was coming out at the same time this was, so I'm switching back and forth between the series hoping not to get a spoiler by reading all of one.
Profile Image for G6.
51 reviews
July 9, 2018
People have suggested to start with the earlier Earth 2 comics, but it honestly seems unnecessary after having read this. Almost everything you need to know for backstory is told in here. That said, the first volume of World's End is pretty good. The art is satisfactory, and the story moves at a good pace. I wish Alan Scott and Jay Garrick would have gotten more of a spotlight in this, but it is what it is.
Profile Image for Ming.
1,358 reviews11 followers
July 7, 2021
How did we go from the fantastic storytelling of Tom Taylor to this hot mess so damn quickly? Seriously, I've been binge reading the entire series, and I still get confused with all the jumping from random plot to random plot. There's lots of stuff happening, but none of it feels very vital, and none of it lands dramatically or emotionally, because we're just so busy skipping to the next plot point, moving from one fight to another.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews

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