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Lyrebird Hill

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From the bestselling author of Thornwood House

When all that you know comes crashing down, do you run? Or face the truth?

Ruby Cardel has the semblance of a normal life – a loving boyfriend, a fulfilling career – but in one terrible moment, her life unravels. The discovery that the death of her sister, Jamie, was not an accident makes her question all she’s known about herself and her past.

Traveling back home to Lyrebird Hill, Ruby begins to remember the year that has been forever blocked in her memory . . . Snatches of her childhood with beautiful Jamie, and Ruby’s only friendship with the boy from the next property, a troubled foster kid.

Then Ruby uncovers a cache of ancient letters from a long-lost relative, Brenna Magavin, written from her cell in a Tasmanian gaol where she is imprisoned for murder. As she reads, Ruby discovers that her family line is littered with tragedy and violence.

Slowly, the gaps in Ruby’s memory come to her. And as she pieces together the shards of truth, what she finally discovers will shock her to the core – about what happened to Jamie that fateful day, and how she died.

A thrilling tale about family secrets and trusting yourself...

416 pages, Paperback

First published September 1, 2014

About the author

Anna Romer

5 books238 followers
Anna Romer is an internationally bestselling Australian author of mystery and romance, both historical and contemporary, with paranormal elements – ghosts, haunted houses, and fairytales. She lives on the coast in North Eastern Australia and when she’s not writing she’s a keen gardener, knitter, bushwalker and conservationist.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 204 reviews
Profile Image for Sharon.
1,212 reviews231 followers
June 25, 2016
Ruby Cardel enjoyed living near Coffs Harbour and she especially enjoyed working in her own bookshop. The shop stocked a variety of books from new releases to second-hand books. Her relationship with her boyfriend, Rob had been going well for the last three years, but lately Ruby had felt unsettled. In fact ever since her sister, Jamie passed away years ago, Ruby hasn't felt right. Jamie's death was an accident, but for some reason Ruby has lost all memory from that year.

Would going back to Lyerbird Hill where her sister died jog Ruby's memory of that tragic day or would her death still remain a mystery to Ruby?

Lyrebird Hill is an incredible story about family secrets, romance, mystery and murder. A truly wonderful and captivating tale set in New South Wales Australia and Tasmania. I have no hesitation in HIGHLY recommending this book to anyone who enjoys a great read.
Profile Image for Pepa.
999 reviews261 followers
February 5, 2016
4 y si el peso romántico hubiera sido mayor, le hubiera dado el 5
Qué forma de engancharme.
Supongo que se podría clasificar más como una novela sentimental porque sí, drama tiene un rato.
En la novela encontraremos tres planos temporales, una historia acontecida hace mas de 100 años, otra en el pasado hace unos veinte años y otra que transcurre en el presente. Pero, al mismo también encontraremos, un par de misterios que resolver.
La autora entremezcla muy bien todas las historias desvelando poco a poco la importancia de los hechos y su influencia en el presente.
La historia del pasado es dura y real. Toca temas muy delicados como el racismo y la crueldad del hombre hacia sus semejantes.
La historia actual es menos dura, pero es la que lleva la voz cantante en la trama del suspense, pero a que también te atrapa lo acontecido en el pasado.
Muy buenas las alusiones al lobo feroz.
Buenos climax y muy buena ambientació. Descripciones detalladas que te transportan a las tierras áridas australianas, en ciertos momentos algo previsible pero sin la autora es capaz de mantenerte atrapada en sus páginas, hasta el punto que me lo he leído en muy poco tiempo
Una novela bien escrita, con traiciones familiares y amores imposibles.

Reseña completa: http://masromance.blogspot.com.es/201...
Profile Image for Brenda.
4,600 reviews2,883 followers
August 24, 2014
Living in a little cottage in the coastal town of Sawtell and working in nearby Coffs Harbour was like a dream come true to Ruby Cardel. She owned the Busy Bookworm, a bookshop where she sold rare and second-hand books alongside the newer releases and despite the advent of the digital age, her shop was doing well. She also had her boyfriend Rob, whom she’d been seeing for the past three years and was very happy with – though the years ago tragedy of her sister Jamie’s death was never far from her thoughts, she was reasonably content with life.

But the day Rob and Ruby went to Armidale to attend an art exhibition for Ruby’s mother was to be a major turning point in her life. Ruby had lost a year of memories from when her sister Jamie had died at Lyrebird Hill, and though her mother had told her it was deemed an accident Ruby was unable to recall the events of that terrible day; she bore a deep guilt at not being able to bring answers to them all. Would the reason for the accident that had taken her beloved sister ever be clear to her?

In 1898 Brenna Magavin was living in Lyrebird Hill with her brother Owen, Aunt Ivy and her father Fa Fa. During the days she would escape to the bottom of the property where an aboriginal family lived – she was friends with them all, and loved to learn about the plants and their medicinal properties. She also loved to sketch those delicate leaves; her work was intricate and beautiful. But the peace of those days was a distant memory for Brenna when she found herself travelling to Tasmania in the company of a man who was many years her senior….

When Ruby discovered a long hidden box filled with letters from Brenna, she realized their lives were entwined – for tragedy had found a way of continuing down through the years; the slight snatches of memory which were coming to Ruby were scaring her; was she ready to find out the truth?

Lyrebird Hill is a breathtaking novel, a stunningly beautiful tale with tragic secrets which were shattered like glass. Aussie author Anna Romer paints the most amazing word pictures – the blending of the two stories told by both Brenna from 1898 and Ruby in 2013 was done with ease. I found myself holding my breath and on the edge of my seat at times; the mystery and intrigue is gripping and intense. I absolutely loved this book and have no hesitation in recommending it highly.

With thanks to Simon and Schuster, and NetGalley for my copy to read and review.
Profile Image for Jülie ☼♄ .
518 reviews22 followers
February 5, 2015
Lyrebird Hill by Anna Romer

In a nutshell...Brilliant!

What a great read this was! I was held captivated from the first page to the last and wanted to savour each as the story unfolded with such gradual, yet compelling ease...this book has it all.
Anna Romer has worked magic with her brilliant way of putting together a very complex story in a smooth flowing and uncomplicated manner.

The story of a modern day family struggling to come to terms with the tragic events of its own traumatic past and how their story crosses the borders of time to show historical parallels of those events in both dimensions of time and place. Do we carry certain traits of previous generations across time?
It is told from two different time frames...historical 1890's and modern 2013...each relevant to the other, and is imbued with loads of intrigue and mystery, romance, family history, deception and lies.

The settings are the beautifully portrayed landscapes of Sawtell on the coast of Northern New South Wales, Australia and the cold but stunning countryside of Tasmania, Australia.

Sometimes where different time frames are involved in a story it can cause an [often] irritating disruption to the flow as it jumps between era's or zones...Not so with this story, the two time frames worked together in perfect unison and never once felt distracting or like an interruption. In fact I came to look forward to each new shift as, each time the story made the "subtle shift" to the other time zone, it injected another crucial piece of a puzzle so seamlessly, as if slowly peeling back the layers and gradually exposing the bigger story...towards the ultimate complete picture.
So you keep getting those "aha" or "oh dear" moments that keep you wanting more.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading this engrossing book and I look forward to recommending it to friends and fellow book lovers. It is a worthy addition to any bookshelf.
Anna Romer is an author I will definitely keep my eye on. 5★s

Many thanks to NetGalley and Simon and Schuster Australia for my copy to read and review.
Profile Image for María.
169 reviews103 followers
July 29, 2021
Pues es fácil de leer, entretiene y poco más. Alguna descripción bonita y algún secreto que no te esperas. Perfecta si buscas algo sencillo, veraniego y con cambios temporales. Sé que en unos días no me acordaré de que iba.. pero me ha entretenido en estas tardes calurosas de verano
Profile Image for Dale Harcombe.
Author 14 books394 followers
April 1, 2016
The death of her sister Jamie when she was a child leaves Ruby with questions about what really happened, since her memory has blanked it out. It has also soured Ruby’s relationship with her mother. Then her relationship with her boyfriend Rob turns out to be not all Ruby hoped, despite his words of love that eventually come after three years together. Along with Ruby’s story set in 2013 is the story of Brenna, set in 1898. The connection between them is Lyrebird Hill, Ruby’s childhood home to which she returns seeking answers to her questions about Jamie’s death. This novel had all the ingredients of a good mystery, exploration of relationships and the impact of a loss on life.
I was so looking forward to reading this book and started it eagerly. And yet it seems anticipation can sometimes can be a bad thing. Whether it was me being tired at present or the constant flipping around from one story to another and from Ruby’s current situation to her childhood with Jamie, I found it hard to settle. I’m aware a lot of the people loved this book but for me, there were things that pulled me out of the story. My attention wandered and at times it felt overwritten.
’ I tried it unlock my gaze from his, but something in those dark green depths held me captive. Was he letting me glimpse behind the mask of his face, to the true nature that dwelled beneath? And was he, in turn, seeing behind mine? I felt naked, wide open, exposed; but rather than disturb me as it should have, that brief recognition between us sent spear of fierce joy into the core of my soul. My pulse flew, crashing so violently through my veins that surely it was loud enough to wake Adele.’
Another example from later in the book, ’inexplicably I began to shake. It started tin the vicinity of my diaphragm, subtle at first, as of if I’d grown a second, tinier heart right in the middle of my body and it was beating out of time with my real heart. The little heart sped up, began to race. And then, like ripples speeding outward from the centre of the lake, the tremors took hold.’ There were other examples that struck me. Maybe because I was not fully engrossed in the novel and the characters I noticed them more than I would have if I had been fully engaged.
The ending did have me turning pages faster but even there I felt the plot was a bit unbelievable. Could be, I just wasn’t in the right frame of mind for this one, so better to read it and judge for yourself.
Profile Image for Irene.
501 reviews99 followers
April 20, 2018
3,5. Una historia entretenida y bien contada desde los paisajes de Tasmania. Secretos familiares y culpas no expiadas... lo tiene todo, aun así esperaba un poco más.., Ruby es un personaje que de más de sí.....

Buen comienzo con la autora.
Profile Image for Sarah Ruthven.
16 reviews2 followers
October 11, 2015
I will buy any novel this author writes. Lyrebird Hill is Anna Romer's second novel, and just like her debut Thornwood House, it keeps you on the edge of your seat. You can’t put it down, but at the same time you don't want it to end!
Another wonderful mystery full of unexpected twists. You'll be thinking about this story long after you've finished.
The dual narrative is so well done. The story lines are so captivating, I just couldn't decide which was my favourite timeline, flipping from modern day NSW to 1890's Tasmania. I loved them both as much as the other!
Another beautifully crafted story set in Australia by an exceptionally talented Australian writer.
Profile Image for Lena Papanikolaou.
723 reviews94 followers
August 24, 2015
Αν και γραμμένο στο πρώτο πρόσωπο (έχω πάντα ένα θεματάκι με αυτό) καταφέρνει να αιχμαλωτίσει τον αναγνώστη από την πρώτη του σελίδα.Και οι δύο ιστορίες μαγευτικές γεμάτες μυστικά και ανατροπές που έρχονται σιγά σιγά στο φως όσο προχωράς στην ανάγνωση του βιβλίου.Τίποτε δεν είναι αυτό που φαίνεται το μυστήριο η αγωνία χτυπάει κόκκινο!!Αν και καθόλου γνωστό θα έλεγα από τα καλύτερα του είδους.Τελείως κινηματογραφικό με λιτές υπέροχες περιγραφές. Καταστάσεις και χαρακτήρες τόσο ζωντανοί σε μία απρόβλεπτη και συναπαρστική πλοκή που κόβει την ανάσα!!
November 6, 2015
Ορισμένα βιβλία καταφέρνουν να σε κερδίσουν με την απλότητα και την αμεσότητα του λόγου τους, αποδεικνύοντας περίτρανα πως δεν χρειάζεται να φλυαρείς, παρά μονάχα να στοχεύεις στο ν' ��ποτυπώσεις την αλήθεια των πραγμάτων και των ανθρώπων. Ένα τέτοιο βιβλίο είναι και "Τα φτερά της μνήμης", που μας ταξιδεύουν στην Αυστραλία, στο Lyrebird Hill της Τασμανίας του 1898, και στη Νέα Νότια Ουαλία του 2013, με την αφήγηση δύο ιστοριών, που παρά που της χωρίζει περισσότερος από ένας αιώνας, συνδέονται με τρόπο μαγικό που καθηλώνει από την πρώτη μέχρι και την τελευταία σελίδα, ξεδιπλώνοντας αλήθειες, ζωές και τις μοίρες αυτών, έτσι ώστε να χαραχθούν για πάντα στην καρδιά και στο μυαλό μας. Ναι, η Anna Romer μας προσφέρει απλόχερα την αλήθεια της και μέσα από αυτήν, μας χαρίζει ένα μοναδικό ταξίδι.

Στο παρόν, Ρούμπι ζει μια καθόλα φυσιολογική ζωή, όντας ιδιοκτήτρια του βιβλιοπωλείου που κληρονόμησε από τη μητέρα της. Το μοναδικό μελανό σημείο, είναι τα κενά μνήμης που έχει μετά το μετατραυματικό σοκ που της προκάλεσε πολλά χρόνια πριν ο θάνατος της αδερφής της, και που όσο σκληρά κι αν προσπαθεί να θυμηθεί τι ακριβώς συνέβη εκείνη την ημέρα, δεν μπορεί. Η απιστία του συντρόφου της θα έρθει να ταράξει τα νερά της ήρεμης ζωής της και θα την οδηγήσει στην απόφαση να βρει καταφύγιο στο σπίτι των παιδικών της χρόνων, όπου ψάχνοντας να βρει τον εαυτό της, προσπαθεί να θυμηθεί όσα έχουν σβηστεί από τη μνήμη της. Στο παρελθόν, η Μπρένα, ξεπουλιέται από τον πατέρα της σε έναν άντρα που ποτέ της δεν αγάπησε, προκειμένου να σώσει την οικογένειά της από την οικονομική καταστροφή. Στο Lyrebird Hill, η ζωή της Μπρένα κάθε άλλο παρά ιδανική είναι, και όταν ο έρωτας θα της χτυπήσει την πόρτα, η ζωή της θα βρεθεί σε μια τροχιά που ούτε καν είχε φανταστεί.

Η Anna Romer επιλέγει την πρωτοπρόσωπη παράλληλη αφήγηση, προκειμένου να εξιστορήσει τις ζωές δύο γυναικών που αν και φαντάζουν άσχετες μεταξύ τους, κάπου συνδέονται. Τι κι αν η αφήγηση γίνεται σε διαφορετικούς τόπους και χρόνους, έρχεται η ώρα που θα συναντηθούν και η κρυφή αλήθεια τους έρχεται στο φως, οδηγώντας μας σε μονοπάτια διαφορετικά από αυτά που είχαμε φανταστεί αρχικά, καθώς κατευθυνόμαστε προς την κορύφωση του εκάστοτε δράματος που φυλάσσει καλά τα δικά του μυστικά. Και με κάθε βήμα μας στη διαδρομή αυτή, νιώθουμε το στομάχι μας να σφίγγεται όλο και πιο πολύ, παρασυρόμαστε στη δίνη των αποκαλύψεων όλο και περισσότερο, μέχρι που δεν μπορούμε να κάνουμε τίποτα άλλο από το να συνεχίζουμε να διαβάζουμε, προσδοκώντας απελπισμένα τη λύτρωση του τέλους.

Με γλώσσα απλή και κατανοητή, με τρυφερότητα και βαθιά ευαισθησία, η συγγραφέας χτίζει μοναδικά ψυχογραφήματα, αποτυπώνοντάς τα στο χαρτί με τρόπο αληθινό και ειλικρινή που είναι αδύνατον να μην σε συγκινήσει. Το παράδοξο δε, είναι πως παρά την απλότητα της γραφής της, ο τρόπος με τον οποίο μας μεταφέρει τις εικόνες των τοπίων της μαγευτικής Αυστραλίας, είναι μοναδικός. Ομορφιά και γοητεία που αποτυπώνονται με έναν λυρισμό σχεδόν ποιητικό, και που την ίδια στιγμή, καταφέρνουν να φέρουν χρώματα και σχήματα στα μάτια μας, μυρωδιές και αρώματα που αγγίζουν τα μύχια της ψυχής μας. Η Romer δεν τοποθετεί απλά την ιστορία της στην Αυστραλία, αλλά μας την συστήνει, γνωρίζοντάς μας όλα εκείνα τα στοιχεία που κάνουν αυτή τη χώρα μοναδική και ιδιαίτερη, και που όμοιά της δεν υπάρχει άλλη.

Άραγε, οι μνήμες που φαντάζουν να χάνονται στο πέρασμα των χρόνων, ξεθωριάζουν επειδή είναι φυσικό επόμενο, ή υποσυνείδητα εμείς οι ίδιοι αποφασίζουμε τι θα σφαλίσουμε στα πιο απόκρυφα συρτάρια του μυαλού μας; Μεγαλώνουμε και ξεχνάμε, ή το κάνουμε επειδή δεν αντέχουμε να θυμόμαστε; Η συγγραφέας χειρίζεται με εξαιρετικά ευφυή τρόπο την ιστορία της, καθηλώνοντας και κόβοντάς μας την ανάσα καθώς ξετυλίγει το κουβάρι μιας πραγματικότητας που κρύβει τρομακτικές αλήθειες στην καρδιά της. Με ευαισθησία, ταξιδιάρικη -ίσως και κάπως μελαγχολική- διάθεση, μας ταξιδεύει στο χρόνο και στο χώρο, εκπλήσσοντάς μας με την δύναμη ενός μυθιστορήματος που εκτός από την αγάπη και τον έρωτα, δεν διστάζει να θίξει και άλλα ζητήματα όπως ο ρατσισμός -κοινωνικός ή μη-, αλλά και την ισχύ που έχει η αλήθεια κόντρα στο ψέμα, που όταν αυτή αποκαλυφθεί, μπορεί να μας οδηγήσει στις καλύτερες ή και στις χειρότερες αποφάσεις.
Profile Image for Carol -  Reading Writing and Riesling.
1,161 reviews123 followers
August 24, 2014
My View:
Forbidden love, family secrets, murder, mystery… these themes and more are present and repeated in the dual time frames – brilliant.

Ms Romer writes with a beautiful, sweet and seductive voice. This narrative is a multi-faceted story of love, revenge, family secrets and murder that offers the reader two parallel stories that are slowly revealed in alternating chapters. The writing is lush and the settings leap out from the page in three dimensional glory. You can hear the bush come alive, you can see the vibrant colours of the flora and fauna, you will smell the smoke of the camp fires and you too will wonder if you are catching glimpses of movement, shadows moving in the corner of your mind’s eye…this is mesmerising, evocative reading.

Along with ability of being able to create wonderful settings, Ms Romer has gifted the reader two powerful female protagonists, Brenna, who lived in the late 1800’s and Ruby who lives in today’s modern world. You will grow to love these characters and many others including The Wolf (did I mention Ms Romer weaves a thread of fairy tales into her stories - in this one we catch glimpses of Beauty and the Beast or rather a Wolf in this reincarnation of the tale). There is so much to enjoy in this book it begs reading a second time to absorb more of the atmosphere and subtle details.

This is a wonderful mesmerising read on par with her earlier debut novel Thornwood House – another stunning mystery that will engage all your senses with its rich and sumptuous prose.

I loved that we just happened to be staying in the area that this book is sited - what a remarkable coincidence.
Profile Image for Jenn J McLeod.
Author 12 books131 followers
November 30, 2014
I was eager to read Anna Romer's second book. Her first one, Thornwood House, was such a great story and so beautifully told. So often I can find an author's second novel is not as good, or just another of the same. But I am pleased to say Lyrebird Hill is delightfully different, still beautifully written and I'd say even better in some respects. I think I loved the detailed snapshots of life in early Australia. Anna has such a way with words and her storytelling shines in this generational novel about the tragic, unsolved death of a sister in the present day, and a touching account of a young woman living in country NSW in the 1800's, who pays a price to preserve the family home. In her first novel I was transported to the lush and fragrant surrounds of Thornwood House and Lyrebird HIll is a hauntingly beautiful tale and the perfect balance of contemporary and historical. My kind of perfect.
Profile Image for Mack.
180 reviews28 followers
September 15, 2015
This was an enthralling tale of Ruby Cardel and the death of her sister during their childhood. Ruby has blocked the truth about what really happened on the day her sister, Jamie was killed. As the story unravels Ruby finds out that her family history evolves parallel to the story and it is a reminder how as a nation we want to ensure that we do not repeat the mistakes of the past regarding Aboriginal history.

Profile Image for Sue Gerhardt Griffiths.
1,041 reviews56 followers
August 22, 2023
Mystery, family secrets, murder, suspense and a good deal of surprising twists makes this a rather gripping read.

Listened to the audio via BorrowBox
Published by Bolinda audio
Narrated by Eloise Oxer
Duration: 14 hrs, 11 min. 1.25x Speed
Profile Image for Ioanna Xristodoyloy.
329 reviews24 followers
April 16, 2018
ενα εξαιρετικο βιβλιο...εχει μυρωδια απο βροχη και σαπια φυλλα η ιστορια μας...δεκαδες μικρα κοματια παζλ απο παρεθλον που συνθετουν την ιστορια σταδιακα χωρις να κανει ουτε λεπτο κοιλια...εχει παντα μια ανατροπη να σου δωσει ,παντα μια πληροφορια για να σε παει παρακατω...μου αρεσε πραγματικα πολυ
Profile Image for Shelleyrae at Book'd Out.
2,526 reviews542 followers
September 25, 2014

As in Romer's debut novel, Thornwood House, the past casts deep shadows over the present in Lyrebird Hill, a haunting story of family secrets, mystery and murder.

Ruby Cardel can't remember the events surrounding the tragic death of her sister, Jamie. She knows only what she has been told, that Jamie died in an accident when they were children, slipping and falling into the river that bordered their property, Lyrebird Hill and that Ruby was found nearby, bruised and disorientated, her memory of the past year gone. Though Ruby has built a life for herself, opening a bookstore in Coffs Harbour and is in a relationship with handsome self help guru, Rob, her sister's death continues to haunt her, and she is stunned when her mother is forced to confess that Jamie's death was no accident. Despite a persistent feeling of dread, Ruby decides it is time to uncover the truth about that fateful day and returns to Lyrebird Hill in the hope of finding the answers she seeks.

As Ruby tries to unravel the mystery of Jamie's death, a second narrative emerges telling the tale of Brenna Magavin. In 1898, nineteen year old Brenna was the carefree young mistress of Lyrebird Hill, owned by her father. When financial ruin threatened to force the sale of the property, Brenna agreed to marry a family friend, a peer of her father's, in exchange for the clearance of the debt, only to discover she made a deal with the devil. When Ruby discovers a tin full of letters written by Brenna buried at Lyrebird Hill she learns her family's history is blighted with tragedy, betrayal and murder and fears it is a legacy she has unwittingly perpetuated.

The dual narratives of Lyrebird Hill weave a captivating and complex tale as the mysteries surrounding Jamie's and Brenna's fate unravel. The atmosphere darkens as secrets are revealed and danger lurks. There is unspeakable violence, bitter regrets and shocking treachery but also a thread of redemption, of truth and even triumph.

The prose is lush and lyrical evoking both the landscape of Lyrebird Hill and the fraught emotions of Romer's characters. There are distinct modern gothic undertones to the story, with a hint of fairytale morality. I did find the pacing a little slow, more so in the contemporary timeline, but the stunning twists presented in the conclusion of both narratives easily compensate for the small lag.

An absorbing and atmospheric tale, beautifully told, I enjoyed Lyrebird Hill and wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.
October 20, 2014
This story will keep you awake at night wondering what is going to happen next! I love the research and mystery that Anna Romer display's in this story. Read this novel and fall in love with this Author and you will be hooked. Lyrebird Hill will be one of my all time favourites.........as was Thornwood House.
January 27, 2018
Μου άρεσε;Δεν μου άρεσε;Η απάντηση βρίσκεται κάπου στη μέση. Η κεντρική ιδέα ήταν καλή,αλλά γεμάτη κλισέ και οι ανατροπές ήταν ως επί το πλείστον προβλέψιμες. Η γραφή παραηταν ποιητική για τα γούστα μου και οι κεντρικές ηρωίδες ,εαυλωτες και ευαίσθητες μέχρι ανοησιας,με εκνεύρισαν ουκ ολίγες φορές .Ένα μέτριο βιβλίο που διαβάζεται ευχάριστα,αλλά το οποίο δεν απογειώθηκε ποτέ.Το περίμενα πολύ καλύτερο.
Profile Image for vagia.
290 reviews8 followers
August 16, 2017
Από την πρώτη σελίδα κατακτά το ενδιαφέρον του αναγνώστη, καθώς η γραφή έχει ρυθμό και ένταση.
Μυστικά και ψέμματα, μια ηρωίδα απρόσιτη και μπερδεμένη και μια αχτίδα μυστηρίου διατρέχουν το βιβλίο.
Οι εποχές εναλλάσσονται, η αγωνία εντείνεται και εν τέλει οι ηρωίδες συμπορεύονται και φτάνουν στη λύση του γρίφου με τρόπο αναπάντεχο.
Οι τελευταίες σκηνές της αναγνώρισης καθηλώνουν με την ένταση τους και λυτρώνουν τον αναγνώστη με την αλήθεια τους.
Profile Image for Πάνος Τουρλής.
2,321 reviews142 followers
February 26, 2016
Μια υπέροχη βαθιά ανθρώπινη, ρομαντική και ταυτόχρονα σκληρή ιστορία που διαδραματίζεται στη Νέα Νότια Ουαλία και στην Τασμανία της Αυστραλίας σε δύο εποχές: το 1898 και το 2013. Δύο γυναίκες, προγιαγιά και δισέγγονη, με τις δικές τους ανατρεπτικές ιστορίες, η μία αγωνίζεται για το παρόν της και η άλλη φοβάται το παρελθόν της. Από τα αξιοπρεπέστερα δείγματα γυναικείας λογοτεχνίας, γεμάτο καλολογικά στοιχεία, πολλές ανατροπές, βαθιά ψυχολογία των πρωταγωνιστών και λυρικότατες περιγραφές της φύσης.

Lyrebirds είναι τα πουλιά της Αυστραλίας που η ουρά τους μοιάζει με λύρα μουσική. Το έκτασης 4.000 στρεμμάτων κτήμα Lyrebird Hill στεγάζει χιλιάδες είδη της αυστραλιανής πανίδας και μια φυλή Αβοριγίνων. Με καταπληκτική μαεστρία, η συγγραφέας ξετυλίγει παράλληλα τις ιστορίες των δύο γυναικών με πολύ ωραία γραφή και έξυπνο χειρισμό της πλοκής. Υπάρχουν έρωτες (και μάλιστα απαγορευμένοι) αλλά παρουσιάζονται απλώς ως η αφορμή είτε για να πάρει κάποιος την κατάσταση στα χέρια του είτε ως σαθρή βάση πάνω στην οποία χτίστηκε ένα μέλλον. Δεν υπάρχουν δηλαδή έντονες και μακροσκελείς ερωτικές σκηνές, μόνο δύο ωραιότατες, σκληρές και ανατρεπτικές ιστορίες.

Το 1898 ο πατέρας της Μπρένα, ιδιοκτήτης του Lyrebird Hill, είναι τόσο χρεωμένος που δέχεται την πρόταση του Γουίτμπι να του δώσει την κόρη του με αντάλλαγμα να ξεχρεώσει. Έτσι η Μπρένα μετακομίζει στην Τασμανία κι αγωνίζεται να αγαπήσει έναν άντρα που ουσιαστικά την αγόρασε. Η Μπρένα είναι δεμένη με την οικογένεια των Αβοριγίνων που ζουν στο κτήμα της και η απομάκρυνσή της την έχει πληγώσει ανεπανόρθωτα. Σύντομα, η Μπρένα ανακαλύπτει τη σκοτεινή πλευρά του συζύγου της, που κρύβει ένα μυστικό, και ερωτεύεται τον ιπποκόμο τους, κάτι που θα επιφέρει τη θύελλα στο ήσυχο ως τότε σπιτικό τους και την Μπρένα αντιμέτωπη με κάτι που ποτέ δεν υπολόγιζε.

Το 2013 η Ρούμπι, ιδιοκτήτρια βιβλιοπωλείου από τότε που η μάνα της πούλησε το Lyrebird Hill, ανακαλύπτει ότι ο σύντροφός της την απατά και τον εγκαταλείπει. Την ί��ια περίοδο μια γυναίκα από το παρελθόν εμφανίζεται για να της θυμίσει ότι ο τόπος των παιδικών της αναμνήσεων είναι εκεί και την περιμένει: πρέπει επιτέλους να αντιμετωπίσει το παρελθόν. Η Ρούμπι, που έχει υποστεί μετατραυματικό σοκ και δε θυμάται τίποτα από την ημέρα του θανάτου της αδερφής της, αρχίζει να βλέπει ψηφίδες από τη μοιραία εκείνη μέρα και φορτωμένη ενοχές, μιας και όλα έδειχναν ότι ήταν μόνες οι δυο τους όταν πέθανε η Τζέιμι, οπότε επιστρέφει στο Lyrebird Hill και αρχίζει να σκαλίζει το παρελθόν. Με τη βοήθεια του παιδικού της έρωτα αγωνίζεται να βρει και να τοποθετήσει σωστά τα κομμάτια του παζλ. Τι πραγματικά συνέβη εκείνη τη μέρα; Γιατί σβήστηκαν όλα από τη μνήμη της; Θα αντέξει να μάθει την πραγματικότητα; Πόσο σατανικά δολοπλόκος μπορεί να είναι καποιος;

Έξυπνος χειρισμός της ιστορίας, λυρικότατες περιγραφές της αυστραλιανής φύσης, με εξαιρετικά δείγματα πανίδας και χλωρίδας που στήνουν ένα ανυπέρβλητο ατμοσφαρικό σκηνικό, ωραία επιλογή χαρακτήρων, πολλές εκπλήξεις, πολλά μυστικά που αρχίζουν να βγαίνουν στην επιφάνεια το ένα πισω από το άλλο, όλα αυτά συγκροτούν ένα καταπληκτικό βιβλίο έρωτα, περιπέτειας και ανατροπών που θα σας συντροφεύσει ευχάριστα.
Profile Image for Rowena Holloway.
Author 10 books37 followers
August 27, 2014
Anna Romer’s second novel effectively blends contemporary and historical fiction with a tense mystery to deliver a modern Gothic tale grounded in the Australian landscape.

There are gaps in Ruby’s Cardel’s memories. Gaps that mean she can’t recall the accident that killed her sister and shattered her family. At a gallery showing of her mother’s paintings – images depicting her sister’s life which conjure memories of their time at Lyrebird Hill – Ruby learns Jamie’s death was no accident. Unable to forgive Ruby for living when her favourite child died, her mother refuses to discuss it. To find the truth, Ruby returns to Lyrebird Hill. But her sister’s death isn’t the only secret lurking in the timbered walls of the old homestead. Before the truth is revealed a century-old tale of love and murder will be brought to light, and as Ruby questions her own role in Jamie’s death, danger closes in on Lyrebird Hill.

At the heart of this absorbing novel is a question: can a propensity to murder be inherited? In the opening scene the narrator reveals love has made her a murderer, and from there the motifs of familial love, loss and grief weave through both the contemporary and historical narratives. There are many layers to this novel, told from the point of view of two women separated by more than a century. Revelations about Jamie’s death and the Cardel’s life at Lyrebird Hill trickle through Ruby’s memories, and while one disclosure gets close to straining believability, the groundwork Romer lays for this storyline means the truth, when revealed, is utterly plausible. Ruby is on the passive side for a contemporary heroine, which makes her all the more realistic, and the subtle discord between her and her mother is done well. Brenna’s voice is perfect for a young woman of privilege living at the end of the nineteenth century. She has her own mystery to solve and through her we understand the history of Lyrebird Hill and her connection to the land, both central to her later choices – choices that bleed into Ruby Cardel’s life.

Lyrebird Hill is a compelling story with an outstanding sense of place. Romer’s writing is literary and so evocative of the rural Australian landscape it’s easy to hear the song of the long-gone lyrebirds, smell the eucalypts warmed by the sun and feel the lichen-pitted granite beside the quiet billabong. A fitting follow-up to her debut novel, Lyrebird Hill cements Romer’s reputation as a new talent in Australian women’s fiction.

With thanks to Simon and Schuster Australia for an ARC.
Profile Image for Amanda - Mrs B's Book Reviews.
2,088 reviews313 followers
September 16, 2014
I have fallen in love all over again with Anna Romer’s exquisite writing. Lyrebird Hill is Romer’s second book, following her debut book and my favourite read of last year Thornwood House. It is about a remote property, called Lyrebird Hill, located in Northern NSW that holds a haunting story of family secrets, love and tragedy. The story is primarily focussed on the character Ruby, in the present day, a young woman who appears to have the world at her feet. She is in a loving relationship with her partner Rob and she also owns her own business, a bookstore, that she is passionate about. However, Ruby’s seemingly idyllic life is shattered when one day she discovers that her charming boyfriend Rob is both cheating on and lying to her. This is an upsetting episode for Ruby and it begins to trigger unresolved but fleeting memories of the accidental death of her older sister Jamie many years ago. Ruby struggles to overcome the amnesia surrounding the events of her sister’s death, so she decides to return to her childhood home, Lyrebird Hill, to seek answers to that fateful day. At Lyrebird Hill, while trying the uncover her own truths, Ruby discovers a stash of old letters that holds a violent and tragic past about a long lost relative Brenna Magavin. As Ruby delves deeper into the pain and heartbreak of Brenna’s world at Lyrebird Hill over a century ago, a gradual unravelling of the circumstances of sister Jamie’s death occurs, with shocking truths exposed.
Lyrebird Hill takes the reader on a breathless journey, where the Australian landscape is described in such a way that it literally springs to life off the pages , aided by Romer’s seamless prose. There is so much that I adore about Romer’s books, I love how she effortlessly combines the elements of family secrets, old buried letters, love and tragedy wrapped up in a dual style narrative. I was utterly captivated by both the past 1898 storyline and the present day narrative. Romer’s heroines, Brenna in the past and Ruby in the present, are unforgettable and extremely well drawn characters. The plot was paced perfectly by alternating the chapters with past and present. There were some great twists to each story, which I did not see coming and the mystery in this novel kept me enthralled right until the end. Romer’s books never fail to disappoint and I have to admit that I was savouring reading this book as I did not want it to end!
Profile Image for Lisa.
116 reviews34 followers
September 2, 2014
4.5 Stars - This novel was fabulous! An incredibly beautiful tale with tragic secrets – past and present - Aussie author Anna Romer paints the Australia bush in such vivid imagery that it forces you to pause and ponder. It is so very engaging yet, as the end draws near, you become hesitant to finish it, finding it difficult to extract yourself from the mystique Romer has wrapped around your literary soul. Romer carefully presents all of her puzzle pieces, surrounded by her lush prose, and then skillfully brings them together in a clever conclusion, all while imparting some insightful 'life lessons' at the same time. She is a masterful storyteller, and truly, her prose is so exquisite you could eat it with a spoon! I eagerly look forward to any and all future releases from this exceptionally talented author - Her work is not to be missed! Please visit the blog for the full review which reveals many more highlights of this outstanding book: Great Reads and Tea Leaves
Profile Image for Kathy.
617 reviews26 followers
April 10, 2015
Very close to 5 stars so a 4.5 stars for me!

Anna Romer is proving to be an author to keep an eye on! I do really like books set in dual time periods and Lyrebird Hill has been done extremely well alternating between the 1890's and 2013 Australia set only a couple of hours from where I live! Sometimes when reading a dual time novel, you get more captivated by one time period than the other and feel like skipping ahead just to see what happens, but not with Lyrebird Hill – both stories are very well done and I enjoyed them both equally. Very much enjoyed this book and highly recommend!

Profile Image for Amanda.
289 reviews6 followers
September 3, 2014
4.5 stars!! I loved this book! Such wonderful lyrical writing and a great story that had me guessing right to the end. Then the final twist was great! I am now a huge fan of this author! The Australian setting was beautifully described and the language wasn't so colloquial that it made me cringe as some Aussie authors have.
Profile Image for Erin.
174 reviews
July 25, 2015
4.5 Stars - Loved this one almost as much as Thornwood House. It is just as intriguing, written just as beautifully and leaves you wanting more. It could have been a bit longer to bulk out each of the story lines, as I was left with unanswered questions, but perhaps that is part of the intrigue! Will definitely be reading Romer's next offering!
Profile Image for Inés.
463 reviews156 followers
February 8, 2016
En realidad 3'5,media estrella más por el final inesperado.Aunque me gustó mucho más "Una casa en Thornwood"
Profile Image for Carolyn.
322 reviews
February 25, 2017
Lyrebird Hill by Anna Romer is captivating and enthralling. It's a thriller once again just like her first book, Thornwood House which was set mostly in Queensland (which was absolutely spine-chilling).

Lyrebird Hill is a sliding doors type of story going to and fro between two different time zones. Lyrebird Hill is set in mostly in New South Wales and Tasmania. Once again, it's spine-chilling. Both stories are filled with absolutely beautiful descriptions of Australian wildflowers. It makes you want to reach out and pick them! You can capture their scent throughout the books if you imagine hard enough.

I'm looking forward to reading Anna Romer's new novel Beyond the Orchard shortly.
Profile Image for ✨Susan✨.
1,035 reviews221 followers
October 17, 2017
A single, slightly over weight, bookstore owner is living a life that she thinks she is not worthy of. She has a fiancé who is way out of her league and she thinks that her mother wishes that it was her, instead of her beautiful sister, who was killed when they were younger. She lost her memory surrounding the tragic event and when she is invited back to the property by an old neighbor she starts to have dreams about her childhood. When she goes to visit the elderly woman she is surprised to find that the kind lady has died on the very day of her return. Her memory starts to return and some of the questions she has about her current life all start to make sense. A good mystery with a good ending.
Profile Image for Yukari Watanabe.
Author 16 books208 followers
March 20, 2017
If you like Kate Morton, you'll like Romer's Lyrebird Hill, too. The mystery was a bit too predictable, and romance part is bit too simple. Still I enjoyed it very much.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 204 reviews

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