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Bedding the Bachelors #3

Bedding the Billionaire

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(Alternate cover edition of ASIN B00HFCRZ2W.)

Free-spirited Lucy Conrad enjoys her friends but keeps others at a distance, especially her affluent and judgmental family…and the billionaire she once dated, Jamie Whitcomb. Despite their explosive chemistry, experience has proven she’ll never fit into his world.

Charismatic Jamie enjoys work, women, and wealth. When duty demands he take over running the family business, he jumps in full-throttle; his only regret is Lucy’s refusal to take the ride with him.

Then tragedy strikes and Lucy realizes that in order to gain custody of her orphaned niece, she must prove she can fit back into the high-society world she once rejected. The solution? Accept Jamie’s make-believe marriage proposal, and be seen as the type of mother her niece deserves. Respectable. Controlled. Willing to play the game.

With her faux-fiancé by her side, Lucy exchanges dirty martinis and leather for champagne and silk. But when the passion between Lucy and Jamie only grows greater, they have to make a choice: back away from each other and not get hurt…or risk everything for the kind of love money can’t buy.

242 pages, Kindle Edition

First published September 1, 2014

About the author

Virna DePaul

126 books979 followers
A former prosecutor, Virna DePaul writes "heat, heart, & HEA" for Harlequin and Random House. She is also a bestselling Indie author, with Bedding The Wrong Brother being a top 100 contemporary romance on Amazon with over 150 5* reviews. www.virnadepaul.com

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 48 reviews
Profile Image for Eva.
165 reviews23 followers
March 18, 2019
Loved the heroine- strong, bold, good career, confident, sexually experienced.
Love how instead of slut shaming, this book discouraged it and how showed how wrong it was.
Honestly, in the prologue, I thought the hero was a OM. LOL its because the heroine kept describing him as a nice guy so I thought he would be the boring nice, sweet guy the heroine dumps to choose the hot, "fun", womanizing, badboy billionaire. I loved how the hero wanted to wait till intercourse but the heroine wanted the sex now!

I didn't like the reason behind why the heroine broke up with the hero in the prologue. But later I learnt about her heartbreaking past so it kinda made sense, she's really afraid of being hurt which is why she does everything to keep her heart safe. I don't like it when the h pushes a perfectly nice/decent H for stupid/senseless reasons but I loved how headstrong the h is. I love how she would never comprise who she is for anymore. And i guess because of her past and completely shitty family, i guess its ingrained into her that the high society would never accept her and she refused to change herself.

And she's the first heroine i ever read about who is not a stripper but doesn't mind stripping in front of an audience of men just for fun- she actually enjoys it and finds it empowering. I personally would never- but more power to her! Each to their own. I understand why she did it then but I thought it was incredibly stupid and too impulsive considering the circumstances and what happened towards the end! Like I was totally face palming and could accurately predict how what she did would enable the very thing she is trying to avoid to happen!!! But unlike me as a reader who knows there will be HEA regardless how much the h pushes H away, I guess she truly had no intention of being with the H ever at that time.

The hero is nice enough I guess. I have nothing really to complain about him but, he was decent, definitely significantly better than those asshole, abusive, cheating heroes but nothing to write home about - idk i guess i just wasn't overwhelmed and completely bowled over for his love for the heroine.

1 star extra for the amazing heroine. The romance itself 3 stars.
31 reviews
December 14, 2016
Ok...I'm really frustrated with the heroines in this series. The first one was not so bad but but this one and the one before was just terrible. The heros were wonderful, sweet, terrific guys but the heroines came off as shallow and self-centered intead of self-empowered and strong. This one had so much potential as the hero was truly wonderful and the storyline was somewhat interesting but the heroine was the most frustrating of all of them. I almost gave up reading it so many times I can't count. If it weren't for the fact that I had gotten so far in the book and series and liked the hero so much, I wouldn't have finished this one.
Profile Image for Tina "IRead2Escape".
1,475 reviews85 followers
July 25, 2019
Bedding the Billionaire is a nice quick read that doesn't get too deep or dramatic but has enough to keep the reader interested.

Lucy was raised with money and it left her knowing one thing and that is that she never wants to be in that world again. She always wore the wrong thing or said the wrong thing. It was a constant stress that she never wanted to revisit. Falling in love with Jamie was a disaster in the making. It was fine when she thought he was just a professor like her but once she found out that he was a billionaire her world fell apart around her.

Jamie was not your typical rich guy. He didn't care about the social traps that abounded. He enjoyed the perks that his money provided but he didn't overindulge and he definitely didn't get wrapped up in social climbing. When Lucy freaked out and left him finding out about his financial situation he did what he thought was right and stepped back to give her the space she needed. After all he had a girlfriend years ago that couldn't handle his wealth and that ended tragically.

Jamie and Lucy find their way back to one another when Jamie partners with Lucy's best friend's husbands. They were always thrown back together as they would all get together often. But, when tragedy strikes Lucy's family and her whole foundation is rocked she needs Jamie and he is more than happy to step up.
Profile Image for Chessela Helm.
Author 7 books26 followers
July 8, 2017
Lucy and Jamie are another pair of great people who really, really, make each other happy. This is a great series and I enjoyed this one a lot. It was great to see the nice guy getting the girl. But don't mistake being nice for being boring in bed...
Profile Image for Miranda.
12 reviews4 followers
September 9, 2014
Bedding the Billionaire is a perfectly passionate afternoon escape! It’s a romance with unimaginable depth and the kind of love that heals all wounds.

Bedding the Billionaire is the third book in Author Virna DePaul’s Bedding the Bachelors series but can be read as a standalone. I think it’s safe to say that many have been waiting for Lucy and Jamie’s romance. Readers will not be disappointed! Lucy and Jamie bring on the heat and pack one hell of an emotional punch. One thing I love about this series is the way the author pushes her characters out of their comfort zone. Lucy is a stubborn character you can’t help but love. She has to deal with a tough situation and powerful feelings in Bedding the Billionaire. Thankfully, Jamie is there to help Lucy in her time of need. Unfortunately, she isn’t very receptive to his efforts to help her. It’s a good thing Jamie has a thick skin and determination. Jamie’s alpha instincts bring out the tenderness in Lucy showing her the true meaning of love. Bedding the Billionaire is a beautiful read and it happens to feature my all-time favorite ending!

This book was given to me in exchange of an honest review. The above opinions are my own and not influenced by the publisher or author. The review is based solely on my opinion after reading the title.
Profile Image for T.M. Payne.
Author 35 books89 followers
January 17, 2016
Book: Bedding the Billionaire (Bedding the Bachelors #3)
Author: Virna DePaul
Publication Date: 9/1/2014
Reviewed by: Tammy Payne- Book Nook Nuts
My Rating: 5 Stars

Lucy doesn't want anything more than a tryst. She always thought herself a strong woman until Jamie. He pushes her buttons in all the right and wrong ways. Jamie wants Lucy for much more than she is allowing him to have. Can he knock down her walls? When Lucy figures out Jamie is a rich boy all bets are off and she closes up even more. So they agree to be only friends until something awful happens and Lucy is so happy that Jamie is there for her. Can Jamie use this as an IN to her heart? The narrators’ voice was strong and clear. I enjoyed this story very much although I have not read the previous books in this series. But I now have them on my kindle and plan to get reading them.

I was gifted an audible copy of this book for my honest review.
Virna DePaul
Profile Image for Jenica.
1,330 reviews45 followers
January 22, 2019
I was enjoying this book throughout most of it, enough to at least give it three stars, and then our hero says he didn't let his high school girlfriend break up with him the first time he tried. And then we don't really get a satisfactory resolution with the Milly situation. It's just addressed in the epilogue and I just... No. And somehow Lucy becomes best friends with Rachel? Honestly, I feel like I disliked as much as I liked in this one. But I am glad to have finally read it.
670 reviews13 followers
October 29, 2017
The writer had some good stuff to say, but I think she bent too much to the market that she used a cookie cut plot for her series. Or maybe it was my own folly to read the 3 of them back to back. Even if they came as a box set, didn't mean you had to finish them all in one go.
Profile Image for Het.
624 reviews24 followers
September 29, 2018
Lucy is just being a bitch. It seriously made it insufferable to read. God total pain.
Profile Image for Rose.
267 reviews1 follower
October 1, 2019

I originally started reading this book/series on Radish after reading this magic moment but stopped because I had to pay way more to unlock the book through the app and just never really looked it back up. I finally decided to bite the bullet and try to complete the series (eventually)

I think this book was a little easier to swallow down as an audiobook since there was quite a bit of back and forth, and with these I tend to just skim through and figure out the ending. I know some people love this but its just not my thing. I did think there was going to be more drama on Jamie's part when it came to his "secret" and how the town/mayor were going to deal with him.

I absolutely love the characters and their personalities. Lucy was always my favorite in the first two books in the series. She is very confident, strong, and sexy. She gives no fucks other people and how they view her. She lives her life the way she wants too and teaches about being confident and women empowerment etc. I think the best thing about the book was the stripping scene and she gave a little insight into a lesson that she taught in her class on how women who chose to strip felt empowered while those who were forces into it didn't (Cant remember the exact thing but it's along these lines). Although she comes off as someone who can give a shit less about what you think of her as the story progresses you understand that not everything goes by her unfazed and you see the walls shes built and the methods she uses to keep people at a distance, especially those of a certain tax bracket.

Jamie is an absolute sweetheart. Can I have one for myself? Like come on! First off, what threw me for a loop was that he wanted to have "committed sex". I don't think I have yet to read a romance novel where the roles were reversed like this one. Having two with the sex only mindset yeah totally, but not where the hero is all about building that trust and being committed in order to have sex. Besides his wealth, the fact that hes a professor, is taking over Whitcomb enterprise, REALLLY likes Lucy, and "secret" we don't really learn much about him. Not in the same insight we received on the heroine or at least hes not as exciting. That doesn't mean I don't love him though.

Overall I liked it. Lots of hot sex and chemistry. The epilogue definitely satisfied me. I for sure want to figure out what the hell was going on with Jamie's sister and his two friends.
1 review
December 5, 2016
I am here to rant.
I hate, I literally hate, indecisive heroines who do stupid shit while being not 100% sure of themselves. And not only on the matters that just concern them, but involves other people as well. Then regretting everything and expect forgiveness because everyone has to tolarate then. I hate stupid heroines that love to make decisions on their own about matters that involve other people. I hate the heroines who decide for their partners' name but throw a tantrum if someone speaks in her name. These characters pretend to be strong while they are not and stubborn about accepting the damn feelings. I mean, a twelve year old can tell attraction we're almost in 2017 for Gods sake. But nooo, they are blinded with their stubbornnes, insecurities and "past".
I didn't like heroines in this series. Maybe the first one was okay, but last two was just not doing it for me. They are constantly pushing their partners limits and testing their patience. Everything is about them. Their problems, their wants, their needs. I just don't like characters who are stupidly blind about feelings/attractions, too hung up on small things in their past and let past have major effects in their present and by doing so, hurting people around them. In this particular book, I don't like heroines who label people and go head strong about their opinions about them, which leads them to surpass their feelings. Heroine was the only I had a hard time adjusting to, but everything else was okay for a typical romance novel.
I think I'm done.
Profile Image for Courtney.
320 reviews
January 15, 2021
3 stars, but closer to 2.5. I knew I was going to have a hard time with Lucy, I could tell from the previous books, and I wasn't wrong. She was kind of a pill throughout the book and for someone who's always pushing her friends to grow up and deal with their issues, she adamantly refuses to do so herself. Considering she was emancipated and has basically been taking care of herself completely, with no help from anyone, for 15-ish years, it was mind boggling reading her reactions to stuff.

Jamie was a total sweetheart throughout the book. He knows what he wants, he has his own personal issues, but he acts like an adult and takes a mature approach to everything. I don't know why he stuck it out with Lucy given how erratic and, frankly, cruel, she could be.

Even with a main character that grated on my nerves, this was a good book. I'm hopeful that the series picks up. The first book was amazing, but the 2nd one was awful. This one, while an improvement from the 2nd, still didn't quite measure up to the 1st.
1,404 reviews5 followers
August 21, 2023
3.5 stars
This is a fun, entertaining read. Jamie and Lucy are interesting, relatable, flawed characters. I enjoyed these two characters on screen. We didn’t get to see as much of the couples from the previous books in this one as I would have liked. While I like the main characters, there were times when I wanted to shake Lucy. I felt like her subplot (the reason she didn’t want to be with Jamie) was dragged out longer than I would have liked. There were other subplots, like the one involving her niece, that I wish we had gotten more of.
Profile Image for Gaufre.
467 reviews25 followers
July 17, 2017
07/17/2017. You can read this novel for free by downloading the boxset (books 1-3)

Mrs DePaul writes compelling characters and hot sex scenes but there is always one flaw that keep me from rating her books 4 stars. In this novel, Lucy is too indecisive and working too hard to keep Jamie away in her moments of doubt, even though the guy is everything else anyone could wish for.
625 reviews4 followers
August 31, 2018
I loved Lucy and Jamie! They were meant for each other! How the Billionaire couldn’t bag his girl because, he was a Billionaire! You’ll love the way he makes her his. Every book I read of Virna’s is just so much better but, I couldn’t pick the best between her latest books! Just curl up and read them for a sweet, sensitive, steamy story! You’ll love it!
January 8, 2019
Awe Lucy

Lucy is one of the best and most complex characters I have ever had the pleasure of reading about. She’s wild and unapologetically herself but with insecurities like the rest of us. Read her story and continue the journey through this amazing series. Awe Lucy is so cute and fabulous
Profile Image for Destinee.
2 reviews2 followers
June 7, 2019
I completely fell in love with this story. I found myself wishing Lucy would just get over her issues but I’d be lying to myself if I said I didn’t understand it. While their journey was not a path I would ever be on, I felt myself obsessed with their chemistry and their relationship. Well worth the read!
Profile Image for Fatmata Sankoh.
1,276 reviews4 followers
July 2, 2019
A good read but was a bit frustrated at times with Lucy. Jamie is a great guy (well what not to love). He is extremely rich but down to earth (a decent guy) and way easy on the eyes. Lucy comes from money too and I believe intelligent enough; so I couldn’t see how she was struggling to tell the difference between Jamie and the a***s she had previously known.
Profile Image for Ness.
407 reviews15 followers
September 14, 2017
I wouldn't hold a man's wealth against him, especially Jamie who is totally swoon worthy and cares for friends and family. He wants commitment! Is fun to be around! And is good in bed!

Lucy, get over yourself already, this guy is a keeper!

Steamy read.
Profile Image for Pilar Seacord.
541 reviews3 followers
June 5, 2019
Was disappointed in this story. Loved Jaime he was a sweetie and a hottie. Lucy was quite insecure about certain people even though she was a free spirit. Lots of sex scenes. A bit to many. It was like filler.
Profile Image for Loari Bioletto.
187 reviews2 followers
July 8, 2023
Eh. All a bit formulaic now so got bored. Typical person with an issue, hooks up with hot guy, falls in love, lots of spice, tries to break up then realizes their error at the end. Happily ever after.
Profile Image for Stace.
825 reviews
July 14, 2017
Really enjoying this series!! Well written and great characters!!
Profile Image for Cassey.
1,326 reviews4 followers
July 23, 2017
1 x annoying character who just can't make up her mind about anything = 1 x meh read.
Profile Image for Lisa.
2,079 reviews14 followers
August 27, 2018
This has been my favourite in the series so far. I found the first two very similar to an extent so this one was refreshing to read.
Profile Image for Kara (bookishskippy).
614 reviews37 followers
March 4, 2020
It was a okay read for me though i really expected more from the characters. The ending was predictable but in other words i enjoyed it.

Lovely writing😊💗
209 reviews
October 28, 2020
I've read the first 4 book of this series. I love how the author wrote the women as strong, fierce independent women but still with a softness and insecurities to the men they truly love.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 48 reviews

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