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Effect #1

Ripple Effect

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Every event in our life causes a ripple effect that we never truly understand until the waters calm and everything reveals itself. It’s in that moment we truly see…

Adam Ryker, owner of Club Envy, has his rules. Relationships stay within the walls of the club. Outside of that, people are merely acquaintances. After having his heart broken, he’s not interested in the happily ever afters and white picket fences. Adam’s interests lie in his club and giving pleasure to women.

Ainsley Pearson wants to be free. She needs an escape from her life. Her best friend suggests Club Envy. From the moment Ainsley sets foot in the club, Adam decides he wants to be the exclusive one to bring her pleasure.

He wants her.

He needs her.

He has to have her.

Adam finds himself wanting more.

Will this unforeseen ripple in Adam’s and Ainsley’s lives be too much to overcome? Or will the one thing they never thought they deserved have an everlasting effect?

Ripple Effect is book one of The Effect Series.


First published October 1, 2014

About the author

Kristin Mayer

32 books758 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 68 reviews
Profile Image for Leakena Uch.
34 reviews8 followers
October 8, 2014
One of the authors I follow on FB suggested this book. I've been rather bored lately so I was eager to dig into something new. I really enjoyed this read. It was refreshing compared to all the duds I've been reading. I'm not a professional blog writer so I don't have a meaningful review to contribute. I'm just a stay at home mom who sells sex toys and likes to read smut to escape from the little cock blockers that are my loving children. Buy it, read it and get ready for book 2!
Profile Image for Beth.
765 reviews136 followers
October 12, 2014
4.5 Two Books in One Stars

Beth's List of Two Things That Are Great As One:
* Peanut Butter and Jelly
* Peanut Butter and Chocolate
* Cranberry Juice and Vodka
* Yoga Pants and Pumpkin Spice Latte
* Sex Club Setting and Suspense Novel

Kristin Mayer has successfully blended the hot world of a sex club and a suspense novel. And the results will bring you to the edge of your tantric chair.

Ainsley thinks she has moved on from her terrible childhood. Her abusive dad is now out of her life. She and her mom pretend it never happened. That's healthy, right? Her friend, Nora, convinces her to give the sex club she works in a try. Ainsley is ready to try something new. Really live instead of just being in the shadows.

Adam is the co-owner of Club Envy. He likes his life to be simple and unencumbered by relationships. He does "no strings" sex. Only. He tried for more once and was badly burned. He won't make that mistake again.

When Adam sees Ainsley he knows he has found his next "Pleasure Buddy". But can he stay on the fringes of emotion? Has he found a reason to break his own rules?

...we may redraw some lines

Both Adam and Ainsley have reasons to distrust. Distrust not only each other, but their own decisions.

Our regrets and mistakes shape us.

And the suspense....there are people in both their lives that have hurt them in past and have the ability to take away their chance at happiness. Will Adam and Ainsley lean on each other or let the past tear them apart?

...the journey of our life makes us who we are. There are sour spots, sweet spots, and scary spots.

The hot scenes are HAWT and the there are plenty of twists and plot turns. I loved the secondary characters and can't wait to read Brandt's story.

Profile Image for Sassy Southern Book Blog.
4,865 reviews266 followers
October 13, 2014
After getting his heart broke Adam closes off his heart. That is until he meets Ainsley at his club Envy. Spark immediately fly. But can they overcome their pasts to be together?

I love love love this book. From the synopsis I expected lots of heat but I didn't expect the amazing story. Most of the drama in the story is the characters internal struggles. Something I find totally refreshing. Adam and Ainsley are well thought out characters. I love how they both are flawed. It's so sweet to watch things develop between them. I would defiantly recommend this book to a friend.
Profile Image for Bookworm Betties.
254 reviews16 followers
November 4, 2014
Sometimes what you think is the good choice ends up being a wolf in sheep's clothing.

★✩★✩ 4 ½- Sexually Fueled, Emotionally Intense -Stars

~this review may contain minor spoilers~

My mind was still trying to comprehend that I had agreed to a sexual arrangement for lust and sex only. This was definitely outside of the box for me, but I needed a change in pace, something different.

Ainsley Pearson is looking for an escape from her life, after having suffered through a horrific childhood and most recently, a devastating betrayal at the hands of her now ex boyfriend, trust is not something that comes easy and she just needs a way to forget her reality, if only for a little while. At the suggestion of her only true friend Nora, she ends up at Club Envy; a sex club where she may be able to find the escape she needs without getting emotionally tied up with another person, something she very much wants to avoid. Just some hott, no-strings sex, to help her numb the pain from all that she has been through. She never could have expected how much her life was about to change.

Adam Ryker , owner of Club Envy, knows a thing or two about betrayal, which is why he no longer does relationships and lives life by a very strict set of rules. Any type of attachment he now has is strictly sexual and remains within the four safe walls of his club. From the minute he meets Ainsley, he knows he has to have her, and sets out to make himself her exclusive partner at the club. He may not want a relationship, but he does not share either. As these two embark on their sensual journey, they learn things about each other and themselves that neither one of them are prepared for or know how to handle. As lines begin to blur, and outside forces and situations come into play, they must decide if they can keep to the no-commitment rule or if they should just cut their ties and run before it's too late.

“And what do you need, Adam?”
“To fuck you hard, countless times, to be buried so deep inside you while you scream in pleasure-that's what I want out of this, Ainsley. Lust and sex, that's it.”

I was expecting a sexually charged, hott-as-hell as hell read, considering the whole sex club theme, and that's what I got... with so much more. There was a depth of emotions in this book that completely took me by surprise and I loved that the author was able to deliver that; I do love a good surprise. Adam and Ainsley were such incredibly damaged individuals, but both with a heart of gold that just needed some mending. They were exactly what the other needed, even if they didn't see that. We were also blessed with a whole slew of awesome secondary characters, most within Club Envy, and a few outside of it. And thought the sex scenes weren't the hottest thing I've ever read (some seemed a tad rushed) they were still pretty steamy. We moved at a great pace, had lots of fantastic dialogue, tons of angst and some tears, and even some surprises. All in all it was a wonderful read and a great start to a new series. I am very much looking forward to what comes next; Brandt's story should be quite interesting ;)

“Thank you for fighting for me.”
“Ainsley, you are worth fighting for.”

Check out my FULL post @ Bookworm Betties

Happy Reading xo Jenn
October 13, 2014

I loved the synopsis and was assuming there would be tons of great sex in this story if anything !! I was not let down at all !! DAMN the sex was sexilicious and more !! Adam is super hot and I fell in love with him instantly. I was expecting the typical cocky alpha male but he is so much more. A genuine good guy that despite his struggles and his fears because of his past he still was able to try and make something work. Ainsley was great as well. She was in search of something new and exciting. When her friend Nora mentioned the club/sex club she worked at Ainsley figured she would give it a try. Upon meeting Adam there was no question the sparks flew and you could tell they would be together in some way anyway they could. For the most part this story was straightforward , not a ton of drama and heartache. The struggles of their pasts came back to haunt them quite a bit and there was heartache in those memories and the way the past still overshadowed the present and future. The things I assumed would ruin them didn't happen and the things you knew would plague them did so but they were strong enough to overcome , not without some trouble , but in the end Adam and Ainsley were both strong and so full of love that it was worth the fight to get over their fears and be together. A few twists and turns had me freaking out but again they were such a strong couple and they got through things together. I never imagined Adam to be so loving and romantic but damn he was the stellar vision of perfect man !! For real I was swooning all over the place !! I loved Brandt and Nora they were great friends and great supporting characters. Both Ainsley's mom and Adam's parents were nice too I loved getting to know them. I am thrilled there is more to this series and will gladly be waiting to read !!
Profile Image for Monique Machuca-Austin.
310 reviews26 followers
October 17, 2014
Ainsley Pearson has not has the best of childhood with an abusive father and a mother who wants to pretends it never occurred, she is ready to make changes in her life. Her friend Nora convinces her to go to Club Envy, a sex club where she works at. Little did she know Ainsley was going to meet Adam Ryker, the owner of Club Envy, but Adam likes his life simple and without a ‘no strings’ sex, so he thought…being hurt in the past could he keep his emotions buried or will he break his own rules? They are two individuals fighting demons of their past, can they overcome their demons to find happiness with each other.

"...the journey of our life makes us who we are. There are sour spots, sweet spots, and scary spots."

Kristin Mayer’s novel, RIPPLE EFFECT, does a magnificent job writing a captivating story that will have you feel as if you are on an emotional roller coaster of COMPASSION, SADNESS, ANGER, DISTRUST, DECEPTION, LUST, JEALOUSY, FRIENDSHIP, SUSPENSE, HOT SEX SCENES, and LOVE. RIPPLE EFFECT will capture your attention immediately and will be unable to put the book down you will find yourself needing to ‘1-click’ will find yourself unable to walkway. Trust me you will not be disappointed!

“She was my light that brightened any dark night.”

Kristin Mayer’s novel, RIPPLE EFFECT, receives 5 AMAZING STARS!
Profile Image for Brandy Rivers.
Author 58 books662 followers
February 3, 2015
What a great love story. Both Ainsley and Adam have things in their past that still haunt them.
The journey they take to find themselves and eachother makes for a great read.
You don't want to miss this book
Profile Image for Liz.
398 reviews1 follower
December 15, 2016

I was going to count how many times the main characters said "Hey baby" or "yes baby" in this book but i thought better of it, lets just say it's a lot of times.

This book wasn't for me,

I found it boring. It reminded me of when you are younger and you really want a boyfriend and then you get one and you do all the cheesey things together because you now have a boyfriend. You drop into conversation with people "oh yeah like actually i have a boyfriend". That is this book. It was all a bit immature.

Plus how many times can you mention a freaking chair....

In the beginning i had alright kinda hopes for this book, the premise of the sex club could have had a lot of promise but nah. I am surprised it had so many high reviews

Profile Image for Gabriella.
497 reviews3 followers
May 19, 2017
2.5 Stars
I'm not sure how to rate this, because while I didn't particularly liked it, I didn't exactly disliked it either.
It just wasn't what I expected according to the blurb.
This was a NA book, and despite the blurb trying to depict a darker type romance novel it is not really. It was as cheesy, corny and cliche as you can get.
The dialogue between the H and h had me rolling my eyes more than once. Way too mushy!
Honestly the story didn't make much sense. The H is the owner of a bar that also happens to have a sex club area. You have to be a member to have access and supposedly it's very exclusive. The h is trying to become a member because she is looking to feel free and adventurous, she doesn't want attachments but she wants to have "fun". The H doesn't do relationships , he just looks for pleasure. Yet the moment this two o meet they instantly start a relationship. And from then on its just your basic NA silly angst, with a lot of corniness in it. Definitely not dark at all just OTT drama.
2,699 reviews8 followers
June 5, 2017
I've read a few other of Ms. Mayer's works, and I have to say that I didn't feel this was her best. That's not to say it was bad. It was just...fine. I liked the characters well enough, although there were some eye-rolls from time to time. The subplots with Ainsley's parents as well as Ryker's brother felt a bit over the top at times. The pacing also felt off, and it seemed like the plot dragged at times. Again, not an awful read, but certainly not her best.
Profile Image for Maria.
828 reviews1 follower
October 23, 2017
This was an unexpected surprise. It was invigorating from the beginning. Club partner Adam welcomes into Club Envy Ainsley. What was supposed to be pleasure buddies has become more. There is quite a lot that happens between these pages. Trust per usual is the main factor but there has also been deceit. This is worth reading and a page turner. Looking forward to reading Domino Effect next. Happy reading
390 reviews
July 12, 2017
This was a decent read. Didn't love it, just liked it. A little cheesy at times, but not so much that I wanted to stop reading.
Profile Image for Debbie Messenger.
431 reviews
January 13, 2019
Good read

I did enjoy this book.
Two people that had emotional past.
Use each other for sex find that they can't love without each other.
October 14, 2014
4.5 stars!

I was really, really excited about this book! I've read this author's Trust trilogy and I really enjoyed the trilogy, so I was really looking forward to starting this series! I also couldn't wait to read it after I read the synopsis and saw the cover! I really enjoyed this book! I read it in a few days and I was really drawn into the plot! Well, the plot was seriously hot lol! The plot also had good storylines and developed brilliantly! There were also plenty, and I mean plenty, of steamy, hot scenes! I have to be honest and say that I didn't think there was going to be quite so many lol! I really enjoyed the plot and I enjoyed that it had a lot in it! The only thing I will say about it, was that there weren't a lot of twist and turns! I mean, there were a few, but I felt like the plot stayed on the same wavelength and nothing really big happened!That's why I took my rating down half a star! I loved the overall plot though! The characters were amazing! Adam was the main male character and he was seriously hot! Adam had some family problems in his life, and as this book progressed, I was able to see how deep his family problems were! I mean, I could completely understand why Adam had such a hard time trying to sort things out with his brother! What his brother did was completely uncalled for! Adam was seriously hot with his love interest, Ainsley, though and he learned a lot in this book about what was really important in life! I loved Adam and his cocky, protective personality! Ainsley was the main female character and the love interest of Adam! Ainsley was kinda different to what I was expecting her to be! She was quite forward and she didn't really hold back! I liked those things about her! She also had a steamy side to her that came out quite a lot in this book! My heart did go out to Ainsley though when I heard the story of her childhood and the kind of family environment she grew up in! It had affected her a lot and her relationship with her mum had suffered too! Ainsley came a long way in this book though and she learned that what happened to her mum wasn't her fault and to let go of the past and focus on the now! I loved that this book was written from both Adam and Ainsley's point of views! It made it more enjoyable and I loved getting to see the amount of love Adam and Ainsley had for each other through both of their eyes! I'm really excited to read the next book in this series! I know that it's not going to be about Adam and Ainsley and that it's going to be about a secondary character in this book, Brandt, but this makes me even more excited to read it! I hope Adam and Ainsley make appearances in it too! You also get a glimpse into Brandt's story as the epilogue of this book was written from his point of view! The cover for this book suits the title perfectly! I love that it doesn't have any models on it and that it represents the book! Big thank you to Kristin for a copy of Ripple Effect and to Book Plug Promotions for having me on the Blog Tour!
My review will be up when it is my turn on the Blog Tour!
Profile Image for Booked  Every Night.
484 reviews25 followers
October 13, 2014


“She was my light that brightened any dark night.”

This is my favorite book that the author has written so far. I fell in love with Adam almost right away and Ainsley is a character that I could relate with. Their story is an amazing journey of love, support, friendship. Yes, they have a bumpy road but what story doesn’t?

Although you meet Adam in Promise Me, I don’t think it is necessary to read the 3 books from Kristin’s Trust Series to start this new series. Anything that a reader may have found out in Promise Me about Adam or Club Envy is explained well in this book so you aren’t missing any pieces of the puzzle.

Adam has been hurt and hurt bad. He now keeps any relationships to within the walls of Club Envy. He still keeps to monogamy but only within the Club. If he sees his Club partner outside of the club it is like they barely know each other. Most people use fake names within the club and even some where wigs and masks to keep their identity secret. This is how Adam likes his world. He is in complete control, until he meets Ainsley.

Ainsley is a good girl. She has had a rough childhood that has shaped her completely. She has scars that run deep and it affects every aspect of her life. Her relationships with her family are strained or non -existent. Her friend Nora convinces her to try Club Envy and that is how she and Adam meet. Ainsley is such a sweet person who looks out for other people more than she does herself. She is always helping Nora and her mother out with babysitting. She gives to those she loves as much as possible. She does not trust easy though.

They start off with Adam’s way of a relationship but it gradually grows to more and I absolutely love how they both handle everything. I truly fell in love with Adam and how he conformed to the new ways of his relationship and let it flow naturally.

This book introduced us to some great secondary characters as well that I cannot wait to read about their stories. Especially Brandt, it is hinted at a troubled pass that has affected his future. I can’t wait to find out the details of his story while hopefully getting more insight into Adam and Ainsley and what happens to them after this book ends.
Profile Image for Ayekah.
1,121 reviews
September 7, 2016
I liked this story about Alex and Abigail. Alex and Brandt own a bar/sex club where her bf Nora works. Nora is trying to get Abigail out of her stuck mode and so invites her to visit her at work one night where she meets Alex. Alex is enamored for sure, initially wants to be fuck buddies, because Alex has rules. His rules. He doesn't deviate from his rules because they protect him from emotional involvement due to something that happened in his past. A violation of trust. Abbie agrees to try this with Alex and then Alex starts changing the rules on her. Making them more of a couple each time. All Abbie asks is for honesty. She comes from a horrible home situation and is very guarded. She's in college, works, and helps Nora's mom with her younger sister. The girl has got her self together and what a great backbone... at long last, a female character with a backbone, not afraid to ask questions and clarify a situation. I loved that about her. We also see her vulnerable side. As their relationship grows, Alex becomes more protective and a situation occurs with Abbie's mother as well. Meanwhile Alex is also dealing with his family and his complete hate of his brother Jake, reasons you'll read in the story. His sister is a busy body, fixer and thankfully we don't see much of her. He comes to realize that Abigail is it for him and she feels the same way, although there are a few detours along the way, not of their making. One is, Alex performs a major f*** up and Abigail runs for it. She disappears completely knowing that Alex will not stop until he finds her. Long story short.... This was a great read. Quite frankly I love a book with lots of steam and great sex, but this was overdone. I skipped almost everyone because they were redundant and took up too much of the story. They were unncessary to the story line. We get a glimpse of Brandt and his story here too and I look forward to that. The epilogue is a lead in to the next book which is Brandt and Nikola.
I would recommend this book. Good story, low angst and strong characters.
Profile Image for Nikki Reeves.
Author 13 books22 followers
August 13, 2015
I absolutely love this book. I fell in love with these characters from the very first page. This story is about over-coming obstacles in life and how to find oneself again. This book brings out lots of emotion all the way through. Several times I would find myself laughing, then yelling, then trying to throw my kindle, to fanning myself and a little of everything in between.

Adam has his rules and that’s how he lives his life. He never breaks them and they are there for a reason. Adam has been burned before and now he guards his heart with his life and to Adam all women are the same. He uses them until he is finished and moves onto the next… until Ainsley. Before Adam even meets Ainsely he is attracted to her but when he actually sees her for the first time he knows she might be a game changer.

Ainsely has also suffered her fair share of tragedy and sadness. She has recently broken up with her boyfriend and is just looking for a little fun. Ainsely also grew up in a childhood that wasn’t picture perfect. She doesn’t want to end up depending on someone so she decides to try something fun. Ainsely knows that she could easily fall for Adam but she is trying her best to follow the rules.

This book is so much more than love and lust. There were times I wanted to SCREAM and throw a fit at some of the things from both Adam and Ainsley’s pasts. There are many times throughout this book Adam pissed me off SOOOOO bad. I wanted to smack him a few times. But I could also see where he was coming from. Ainsely is such a sweet loveable character and I adore her! I can’t wait to start Brandt’s story next but Adam and Ainsely will forever be in my heart!!

Profile Image for Karen Harper.
383 reviews
October 18, 2014
I don’t think I was even one-quarter of the way through reading Ripple Effect before I recommended this book to a friend and I sent her several updates and teasers while I was reading it. Ripple Effect was THAT good.
First of all, I loved all the characters, especially the main female character, Ainsley. I couldn’t imagine the pain she went through as a child. It made into the strong, yet fragile, woman she grew up to be. This quote sums it up perfectly: “Ainsley, the journey of our life makes us who we are. There are sour spots, sweet spots, and scary spots. Regardless of what spot you’re on, take it, embrace it, and live it. It’s only through our emotions that we truly know we are alive.”
But there are so many other characters to love – Adam, Nora and Brandt. Adam is one of the hot owners of Club Envy and also the other main character. He is also ‘damaged’ and this book is about how Ainsley and Adam heal each other. I can’t wait to read the next book in the Effect series because I want to know Brandt’s story.
But Ripple Effect flows effortlessly across every page. I found it very difficult to put it down and became impatient when I was interrupted by people or other things I had to do, like sleep. The housework didn’t get a look in.
I’m going to leave you with one more quote that is also memorable, at least, it is to me. “Every event in our life causes a ripple effect that we never truly understand until the waters calm and everything reveals itself. In that moment, we truly see.
I gave Ripple Effect 5 sparking stars.
Written by Karen from A Thousand Lives Book Blog
Profile Image for Red Cheeks Reads.
2,229 reviews374 followers
October 16, 2014
I enjoyed Ripple Effect by Kristin Mayer. Although it was decently long it read quickly in a The book revolves around Club Envy and one of the club’s 2 owners, Adam. Adam has very specific rules he likes to keep in place revolving around his personal relationships. While he enjoys having a monogamous sexual relationships within the walls of the club, he wants it to end there. At least he did until he met Ainsley and he starts questioning everything he thought was important.

Ainsley has been hurt in relationships and has some serious Daddy issues so she decides to follow a friends advice and join the exclusive Club Envy to relieve her desires while keeping her heart safe. What she doesn’t expect is to be instantly drawn to the sexy tattooed club owner giving her a tour. SHe knows she shouldn’t but she just can’t help but give in to her inner most desires with him.

Ripple Effect has many things going good for it. I like the characters and setting as well as it was super sexy. I think it might have been a bit sexier than my personal preference but with Adam and Ainsley getting on fairly frequently and while this might not be for me I do know a lot of people who would very much enjoy this style. There was a bit of a mystery surrounding leaked photos of the club and some side characters I very much liked and am interested in seeing where they go in future books.

If you enjoy a sexy novel in a club setting with characters who are instantly attracted to each other and have some great chemistry than this book might just be for you!

Profile Image for Christina Wade - BFD Book Blog.
1,465 reviews31 followers
October 20, 2014
at first, i didn't think i would like this book. the whole premise of joining a club to have sex just isn't my thing. and i didn't like adam at all...he seemed like a prick. and ainsley felt cheap because adam wanted to waive her membership fee so she would have sex with him...but she didn't feel cheap paying for sex??

all that aside, i did end up really liking this story and adam. there are almost 4 stories in 1 here. without giving too much away adam and ainsley decide to give a normal relationship a go...both have baggage they are bringing to the table so there is quite a bit to overcome for their relationship to flourish. adam really adores ainsley and pretty much does a 180 in the book. the angst between them is low and quickly mended, although a bit predictable.

another story in this story is ainsley and her mother's life together and their current relationship. this mini-story offered up the biggest twist and suspense in the book.

story 3 revolves around adam and his brother jake. this piece of the story again offers a bit of predictable angst. thankfully, it is quickly resolved as well.

that leaves part 4 of the story - brandt. i'm glad he is getting his story in the next book. he seems like a great guy and was a big part of this book.

other secondary characters that deserve honorable mention are nora, snake and trigger. i'm assuming we'll see more of them in future books in the series.

the writing was good and i didn't find any editing/grammar issues. overall 4 stars and i'm anxious to read the next book in the series.

Profile Image for FMR Book Grind.
2,189 reviews126 followers
November 4, 2014

Adam Ryker, owner of Club Envy, has his rules. Because of his heart being broken in the past he does the no relationships, convenient and beneficial arrangements. A tall, dark, handsome and tatted man? Yes please sign me up for whatever he is willing to give!

Ainsley Pearson just wants to escape from her life, both her past and her present. What better way to do that then to become a member of Club Envy and explore her sexual side.

Sounds easy for both of them, until they realize that what they are looking for they can find in each other. Adam takes Ainsley on a wild ride inside the rooms of Club Envy. They give each other exactly what they are looking for, until the rules change.

One of them finds themselves wanting more.

Will it be too much for them? Or will they realize that maybe they do deserve to be happy? When the past comes head to head with their present and future both will have to fight for what they want.

"Every event in our life causes a ripple effect that we never truly understand until the waters calm and everything reveals itself. It’s in that moment we truly see…"

You don't need to even think about whether or not you should read this one. READ IT! READ IT NOW! You will not be sorry that you read this. I promise that you will love it! Seriously!

Anyone know where I can find an Adam????
Profile Image for Megan.
550 reviews27 followers
October 14, 2014
I really liked this story. There was a lot of hot sex but around that was an emotional story about two wounded people finding each other. It wasn't just another book about sex with some dialogue thrown in. I enjoyed the characters and the book kept me interested from beginning to end.
Adam and Ainsley have this instant connection that make stories so good. There is an understanding of similar events in each other's past. Adam was burned before and refuses to get into another relationship...until Ainsley. Not only does Ainsley have a bad ex-boyfriend who used her but also had a crappy childhood. She was looking for something outside the box so to speak and she definitely found it in Adam. I loved their personalities. They both believe in honesty and telling it like it is. I loved their banter and also the great relationships with their friends who are awesome support.
This book had me glued to my chair and finishing the story in a matter of hours. The transition between alternate POVs was smooth and the story flowed well. I really felt connected to the characters (as evidenced by my husband when I was caught scowling at my tablet at one point). I loved this story and can't wait for the next book. 5 out of 5 stars!
Profile Image for Donna.
685 reviews5 followers
October 15, 2014
“He complied as he said, “I’ve got you, baby,”

OMG this story was incredible!! These two main characters had both been burned in love before and were not looking for complications, just sexual pleasure. So of course we know they will fall in love. But unlike other books I’ve read, it doesn’t happen overnight. It grows over some time. The story has so much more going on as well. Family drama all around, relationships between friends and work stress to name some of it, it’s a well-rounded story. Best of all it’s told from both characters points of view, BONUS!! The sex is beyond hot, it’s an inferno. My only complaint is at one point, a couple of details don’t follow through. At one point the female isn’t wearing panties and then in the next scene the male is running his hands along the top of the panties she’s not supposed to be wearing. This happened twice in the same chapter and I was a bit disappointed. I have contacted the author, so hopefully it will be fixed. Without those mistakes, it would be a 5 star book. I give this book 4 stars with 5 hands down the pants.
Profile Image for Hilda.
242 reviews4 followers
February 11, 2015
When you read that a book is going to be a sex club owner and a naive college student, you kind of have your preconceptions about what direction the book is going to take. Well, this book goes there...and beyond. It actually isn't just an overload of steamy sex scenes. There's actual content and substance to this book which is great. Ainsley's past really comes into play and gives the story a whole lot of depth. Her character and story is colourful enough to make up for Adam's, at times, somewhat predictable and almost robotic actions. Although Adam overcomes his own past through the novel, there was just something with him that didn't click with me. I didn't dislike him but I definitely didn't love him x a billion. He was more than stand-up to Ainsley and I that's what counts in the grand scheme of things. A part of me felt like Adam may have fallen too quickly...but hey, I could just be asking too much!!

I totally didn't expect what Ripple Effect delivered but I was pleasantly surprised and am totally excited for the next book in the Effect series!
Profile Image for Nicole Huffman ~ Author Groupies.
290 reviews53 followers
October 14, 2014
Ripple Effect
3.5 Groupies Stars

I enjoyed this book. It kept me involved and I needed to keep reading to find out what was going to happen next. I liked the main characters Adam and Ainsley, but I felt like I didn't really connect with them. I felt like we only got to know they on the surface and I really wanted more. I loved the plot and where we were taken in the story I just needed a little more. Their relationship and feelings developed quickly, both were hurt by past relationships and only want a fling but things got HOT and Heavy very quickly. When I say HOT, I'm mean off the charts hot, panty melting sex scenes were in abundance. I think everyone will want their own tantra chair after reading this book!! My favorite character was actually Grant he was a great friend and has some secrets and a past I can't wait to learn more about. Can't wait for his story will definelty be one-clicking it!!
Profile Image for JJ - .
417 reviews5 followers
October 19, 2014
If you like the following, you should read this book:
• Sex Clubs
• Sexy, damaged hotties who are looking for love but don’t know it
• Sweet, skittish girls looking to feel and forget
• Daddy issues
• Falling in love
• Redemption
• Retribution
• Oh, and did I mention hot sex yet?
• Yep, definitely hot sex

I enjoyed this book. It had drama, it had resolution, and it had hotness. There were some grammar/punctuation/editing issues, and Adam kinda lost his bad boy persona with his flower obsession, but he was sweet and determined to take care of Ainsley. His romanticism was a little over the top, in my opinion, but I realize the author was trying to showcase how Ainsley brought out his true, flowery self that he had been trying to forget existed. They’ve both been hurt, but they each heal because of the other. They just have to get over their pasts and stop hiding. I’ve just got one question: Where can I get a tantra chair?

Oh, and I’m looking forward to Brandt’s book.
Profile Image for Pam.
1,576 reviews15 followers
October 11, 2014
Adam is a non nonsense kind of guy. The walls he has built to keep women out are high and he hides behind them well with his arrangements at the club. He may have met his match with Ainsley.
Ainsley has not had life easy. Her experience has made her decide she is not going to put herself out there anymore. Can she keep true to her words and keep her heart out of it.
Agreeing to Adams proposal at Club Envy could be more than she bargained for. The connection is very strong when the come together. Quickly they are both consumed with a need for more. Agreements are changed and the lines start to get blurry, walls are slowly crumbling. But secrets can cause misunderstandings.
Sometimes we need those misunderstandings to help us realize how we truly feel and what we want in life. Can those misunderstandings be corrected though?
Can't wait for Brandt's story.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 68 reviews

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