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غذاء الدماغ : كيف تأكل بذكاء

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وفي هذا الكتاب التنويري، لمؤلِّفةٍ عالمة بالأعصاب، وخبيرة بالأغذية التكاملية المُعتمدة، سنتعلَّم ما يجب أن تحتويه قائمة أغذيتنا.

تشير الدكتورة ليزا موسكوني، التي شمل بحثها طيفاً استثنائيًّا من الاختصاصات بما فيها غِذاء الدِّماغ، والميكروبات التي تعيش بداخلنا، والجينومات الغذائيَّة، إلى أن النظام الغذائي الذي يحتاجه الدماغ يختلف اختلافاً كبيراً عن الحاجات الغذائية للأعضاء الأخرى، ولكنَّ القليلَ منا لديه فكرةٌ عن حقيقتها. لقد جمع منظورها الإبداعي للصحة الإدراكية، بين مفاهيم لم يعرفها مُعظم الأطبَّاء بعد، ونسف تلك النصائح القائمة على العلوم الزائفة، فضلا عن تزويده بتوصيات تفيدنا في وضع خطة غذائية متكاملة.

يتضمن هذا الكتاب قوائم شاملة لما يجب أن تتناوله، وما يجب أن تتجنَّبه من الأغذية، ويضمُّ اختبارًا سيبيِّن لك موقعك على طيف الأغذية الصحية للدماغ، فضلاً عن 24 وصفة غذائية شهية تجمعت في ذهن الدكتورة موسكوني منذ طفولتها في إيطاليا. وفي الواقع، سيجعلك هذا الكتاب تحسِّن من ذاكرتك بالفعل، وتحدُّ من تراجعك الإدراكي لحدٍّ كبير، وسيخلِّصك من الاكتئاب وقلة التركيز ما حييت

First published March 6, 2018

About the author

Lisa Mosconi

18 books212 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 264 reviews
Profile Image for Jane Stewart.
2,462 reviews925 followers
July 6, 2018
I don’t know whether to give this a 2 for below average or 3 for interesting.

There were many interesting things in the book, but it lacked scientific research. Most of it felt like her personal opinion. Some of her advice follows.

All food must be organic, no GMOs. Cattle must be organic grass fed. Chickens must be raised outdoors cage free on organic food. All animals must be antibiotic and hormone free.

My understanding of GMOs: they are all different. Some corn is designed to make cattle get fatter faster. Other GMOs are trying to find a better tasting vegetable or one with more vitamins. Some GMOs are for better resistance to pests or pesticides. Some GMOs are for longer shelf lives. To my knowledge there are no studies that support the author’s recommendation to avoid all GMOs. She mentions no research.

Instead of talking about how much salt to consume she says add no more than the tip of a teaspoon for the day. But the starting point is different for people depending on whether they cook or buy prepared foods. She should talk about milligrams for the day, not a tip of the teaspoon for everyone. She also recommends avoiding the commonly bought grocery store salt because it has additives. She prefers sea rock salt and pink Himalayan salt due to more minerals and no additives. But would this be undesirable? Grocery store salt might be the only way many of us get iodine in our diet. She does not discuss iodine.

She says there is debate over how much water we need. Some experts recommend eight 8-ounce glasses per day. So that is what she recommends.

She says purified water is incapable of hydrating the brain, but she has no study or research supporting that statement.

Brain neurons:
The author made confusing statements about neurons. Early in book she said neurons are irreplaceable. Later in the book she said neurons continue to grow. And later she said a reduced calory diet promotes growth of new neurons. I was intrigued with Johanna’s review. She said the 1998 study by Dr. Fred H. Gage and Peter Eriksson found that the human brain can give rise to new neurons throughout life. They also found that exercise and cognitive enrichment can increase the brain’s ability to generate more neurons. This author made no mention of this.

Blue Zones:
Blue Zones are five regions in the world where people live to be 100. They have the lowest incidence of heart disease, obesity, diabetes and dementia. I wish the author would have given a complete list of foods consumed in each area. She did not. She mentioned a few foods in each area. I did find some of the differences interesting.

Italy: fish, olive oil, coffee
Icaria, Greece: coffee
Okinawa, Japan: fish, green tea, brown rice, soy products
Costa Rica: white rice, coffee
Loma Linda California: no coffee or tea

Americans are 8 times more likely to get Altzheimers than Indians. Although Indians have shorter lives. Some believe that curry spices (turmeric and cumin) are the reason for the lower rate of Alzheimers. But there haven’t been enough studies to prove it. A thought: none of the Blue Zones consume curry.

Norah Tocci was fine.

368 pages. Book Copyright: 2018. Genre: Health Nonfiction.
Profile Image for Bharath.
785 reviews576 followers
February 28, 2022
We have among the most complex brains among all animals, and also the most demanding as a result. This book is an important one as it brings together current research to recommend how we can eat for better brain performance and safeguard ourselves from dementia in later years. A very small fraction of dementia cases is caused due to the genes and brain health in later years is largely determined by what we eat, and also our lifestyle. This book covers all aspects holistically though the emphasis is on the diet.

This book has a wealth of information on the impact of fats, sugar, vitamins, protein on brain health. It starts off with the benefits of hydration, with plain water being the best (filtered of harmful germs but not purified which tends to remove useful minerals), with other options being coconut water, aloe vera juice or green tea. There is a detailed discussion on fatty acids – Omega 6 & Omega 3. Most of us do not get enough Omega 3 in our diet, the recommended proportion being Omega 6: Omega 3 - 2:1. Fish apparently is the best source (not an option for vegetarians like me), with there being other vegetarian options such as flaxseed, hemp seeds, chia seeds and others.

There is a discussion around the benefits of Phospholipids, Tryptophan, Phenylalanine, Choline, Vitamins, Pre- & Pro-biotics and how we can obtain these from the foods we eat. The foods to avoid finds good coverage as well especially trans-fats, sugar, processed food, etc. Glucose is vital for the brain, but processed sugar elevates the risk of diabetes, heart health and is also bad for the brain. There are, however, various natural ways to obtain the glucose we need.

There is brief coverage on other aspects of brain health –exercise, walking, sleep, relationships and other aspects of lifestyle. At the end of the book is a discussion on a few diets across the world which have been found to improve health and promote longevity. There is also a list of healthy brain foods provided as part of the book.

This is an important book to understand how we can modify our diets to improve brain health. While the foods options discussed are largely relevant to the US and the western world, it is quite possible to make suitable modifications to other cuisines as well based on the ingredients discussed.

My rating: 4.5 / 5.
Profile Image for Courtney.
24 reviews3 followers
June 2, 2018
I wanted to like this book more.

Lisa Mosconi has excellent credentials-trained in Neuroscience and Nutrition-that give her the research-backed clout to speak to the kind of food that would make our brain work better. However, while I can get behind her basic recommendations to eat more fish and vegetables because they contain goodies the brain needs to operate its best, there were other claims that I did not see any science behind. For example, her #1 recommendation is that all produce must be organic and non-GMO to the point that even frozen organic produce is better than fresh non-organic. While this is certainly a hotly contested topic, she doesn't provide any of her scientific reasoning behind this claim. Mosconi qualifies throughout that any produce is better than none at all, but her continued insistence on the ease and affordability of organic and non-GMO items is wearing by the end of the book. Not only does she not support these claims with evidence, she is alienating a large portion of the population that can see the stark difference in associated cost. At the end of the book I just found myself annoyed, skeptical, and less willing to follow any recommendations as a result.

If you follow the recommendations given, I have no doubt you will be healthier (if from nothing other than cutting our dairy and sugar). But, as with all popular science books, all claims should be evaluated on your own terms.
Profile Image for Kathleen.
1,549 reviews114 followers
March 3, 2024
Mosconi is an Assistant Professor of Neuroscience in Neurology and the Associate Director of the Alzheimer’s Prevention Clinic, Weill Cornell Medical College. Her research interests lie in using PET and MRI imaging in the early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease. Clearly, Mosconi knows what she is talking about!
All of us know someone who is (or has) suffered from dementia—particularly Alzheimer’s. It is a horrific disease that we hope and pray doesn’t visit us in our later years. Mosconi makes a strong case that we can avoid getting Alzheimer’s if we pay attention to what are brains need now.
o Less than 1% of the population develops Alzheimer’s because of a rare mutation in their DNA.
o Most forms of cognitive decline associated with brain aging is linked to diet and exercise.
o Nearly a third of Alzheimer’s cases could be prevented.
o The brain is the one part of the body most easily damaged by a poor diet.
o Our brains require a lot of energy—consuming 20% of our energy intake.
o Dehydration accelerates brain shrinkage that occurs with aging and dementia—drinking 8-10 cups of water a day can boost the brain’s performance by almost 30%.
o Omega 6s are pro-inflammatory; Omega 3s are anti-inflammatory. The balance of these two fats should be 2:1 for optimal neuron communication. Americans consume 20-30:1 causing excess inflammation that contribute to atherosclerosis, arthritis, vascular disease, autoimmune processes, tumor proliferation, and—you guessed it—Alzheimer’s.
o So—give up animal fatty foods, and start eating flaxseed, walnuts, chia, wheat germ and fatty fish (salmon, mackerel, cod).
o Don’t partake of sugar or sugar substitutes, but focus on low glycemic/high fiber foods instead.
o Mosconi is also concerned about the amount of copper in our diets. She refers to new research that suggests that the copper we ingest in our modern diet is enough to increase the chances of Alzheimer’s.
Not surprisingly, Mosconi also lists the ‘usual suspects’ in maintaining healthy brains—exercise, undergoing tasks requiring an active brain (i.e., reading, playing music) and sleep among them.
She prefers organically raised food-stuffs.
Clearly, we should all pay more attention to keeping our brains healthy. Highly Recommend.
Profile Image for Andrey Pletinka.
21 reviews6 followers
September 25, 2020
Часто ви замислюєтесь, що ви їсте? Багато того, що продають у супермаркетах містить хімічні добавки, деякі продукти ГМО, деякі транс-жири. Як розібратися, що шкідливо, а що корисно? Наприклад ви знали, що в лососі в 2 рази більше омега-3 жирів, ніж у форелі? А що дика риба, м‘ясо, птиця, більш корисні, ніж вирощені на фермі? В нас тільки розпочалося маркування ГМО, на западі вже все промарковано. Багато порад і навіть рецептів, є 3 рівня «просунотості» на шляху до здорового харчування, і мозку також. Автор дає тест на визначення свого рівня і пропонує меню для кожного. У кінці є рецепти корисних для мозку та вцілому страв. Мене книга зарядила на нові звершення у царині здорового харчування.
Profile Image for Donna.
4,241 reviews121 followers
May 23, 2023
This is Nonfiction/Health. I have mixed feelings about this one. I read this author's other book and liked it.......so with that, I was eager to read this one. I'll mention here that I didn't care for the narrator. I've heard this author on podcasts and I like her voice but I understand her wanting to have someone else do the narration...but for me, it didn't work.

My main quandry about this one is this: if someone is 100% healthy then the brain foods she encourages them to eat for brain health are not off limits and will do the body good as well. Now with that said if someone is in fact 100% healthy they probably wouldn't need to read this book.

The quandry is that if someone is chronically ill, diabetic or insulin resistent - this way of eating is not going to help overall. I kept wondering, "Can the brain be healthy if the body and gut biome are not?" I wanted her to share the reseach and studies but it wasn't offered.

Overall, I struggled with this and kept thinking that the people who can actually eat this stuff are a statistical minority...and I'm not in that minority.
Profile Image for Aloe Belascuain.
40 reviews20 followers
September 2, 2023
Booktube Review: https://youtu.be/slGhh8DQwd0?si=Q41GY...

A great guide to boost brain function

Detailed list of what to avoid and what to eat. It is just difficult for some of the recipes due to the ingredients that are not available here in the Philippines. Will try some of the equivalents or alternatives. Thanks for sharing them Dr. Lisa!
Profile Image for Marta Petrychkovych.
22 reviews4 followers
February 13, 2021
Читаючи цю книжку мені захотілося піти на італійський базар і накупити багааато смачних овочів та фруктів😅 а тепер по суті) Авторка аналізує які жири,білки,вуглеводи,вітаміни,мінерали потрібні для хорошого функціонування роботи мозку і найголовніше, як забезпечити його молодість. Ділиться рецептами страв на щодень, розказує про довгожителів та їхні дієти (хоча це не зовсім дієти, а їхній спосіб життя): Середземноморська дієта, Китайська, Індійська, обмеження калорій та кето-діє��а.

Виявляється, що менше 1% людей стикається із хворобами мозку через генетичну мутацію в ДНК, а для всіх решта 99% ризик когнітивних розладів залежить не так від генів, а швидше це пов’язано із способом життя, харчуванням та екологією.
Хвороби у старості, це не «хвороби старості», а поступово наїджені за 20-40 років протягом життя. Тому наше майбутнє у нашій тарілці 🐟
Profile Image for Eser.
24 reviews1 follower
September 11, 2020
“Let them eat caviar,” she said.

TL;DR: Sloppy science; many claims lack clear scientific evidence and are personal opinions; some parts are repetitive; the neuro-nutrition quiz needs work.

Long version:
Anything surprising about the science in this book was how haphazardly it was presented. There were quite many appalling inaccuracies. (For instance, the description of NMDA-receptor dependent long-term potentiation on page 81.) Moreover, much of the research descriptions were vague at best. I could maybe overlook the sloppiness of the science if the book had solid citations. For many claims, however, I couldn’t find relevant references in the back.

Lack of sound science coupled with the generous use of personal anecdotes rendered many passages sound like they were written by a mom-blogger, rather than by an expert in neuroscience and nutrition. Take this passage, for instance: “Typically marketed as an “internal deodorant” against bad breath and body odors, this ancient remedy [chlorophyll] has long been used to heal wounds, build new red blood cells, and improve blood oxygenation.” There was not a single scientific reference for these claims. And how does adding a few drops of liquid chlorophyll in drinking water help build red blood cells or improve blood oxygenation? Besides, can’t you get chlorophyll by eating a few leaves of spinach or parsley?

But what about the neuro-nutrition quiz in chapter 14? Given the quiz aims to gauge how our long-term nutrition trends affect our brain health, shouldn’t the answers reflect all types of diet? Therefore, instead of telling vegans, “pick the option that you would do if you were to eat meat/fish,” shouldn’t the author let them pick, “I don’t eat animal protein” or something similar? After all, vegans neither benefit from nor suffer any damages incurred by these foods, and their results should reflect the effects of their diet on their brains, not a hypothetical diet. Maybe, develop two tests, one for vegans and vegetarians and one for the rest. And why not present the quiz at the start of the book?

Moreover, the author talked about a few things on repeat, such as antioxidants and caviar. She mentioned caviar 24 times (excluding the index). Okay, caviar is nutritious, but it is also quite expensive. Similarly, the author tells the reader to consume fresh organic foods and steer clear from GMOs multiple times but doesn’t really explain why. [To be clear, I prefer organic when possible and steer clear from GMOs, but I have very clear ecological concerns.] After all, providing evidence for why readers should consume organic non-GMO would only increase the credibility of her suggestions.

In sum, if a subject expert writes a book, I expect science to be precise and any suggestions to be based on well-presented and convincing data. This book, unfortunately, didn’t deliver.
Profile Image for Karolyn Sherwood.
454 reviews35 followers
June 25, 2018
If every adult read BRAIN FOOD, by Lisa Mosconi, it might change the course of history. A non-fiction book like this, one that makes bold claims about health matters, is entirely dependent on the author's credentials. Lisa Mosconi has the right credentials: She has a duel PhD in neuroscience and Nuclear Medicine, and is a board-certified integrative nutritionist and holistic health-care practitioner; she is the associate director of the Alzheimer's Prevention Clinic at Weill Cornell Medical College/New York-Presbyterian Hospital; she was an associate professor of neuroscience in neurology; she was the director of the Nutrition and Brain Fitness Lab at NYU School of Medicine, et al. If this isn't enough for you, read more about her at lisamosconi.com.

Mosconi states on page 11: "What most people don't know is that less than 1 percent of the population develops Alzheimer's because of a rare genetic mutation in their DNA ... for the remaining 99 percent of us, the real risk is not determined by our genes." She claims Alzheimer's
is due primarily to our diet, and I believe her! I will take her advice and do what she says. The following 300 pages of the book give support for her thesis, as well as guidelines for fat, protein and carbohydrate intakes; a questionnaire to help everyone who eats evaluate their diet; recipes and lifestyle choices;and much more. This is a book that could either be shelved on a wise person's book case, or in the kitchen for easy access to the best recipes.

Additionally, Mosconi gives us advice backed by science without sounding preachy. The facts speak for themselves. She offers encyclopedic knowledge and holistic direction for every aspect of diet and behaviors on how to avoid one of the most horrific diseases known to man. I know this science will continue to evolve, so I plan to stay on top of it because my mother has Alzheimer's. With the help of Lisa Mosconi and BRAIN FOOD, I am determined to do everything I can to avoid it.

FIVE brilliant STARS
Profile Image for Olha Brailiak.
93 reviews4 followers
February 19, 2022
Погана новина #1 - з кожним роком у вас збільшується ризик розвитку хвороби Альцгеймера. І ні, це не хвороба старих, дослідження показують, що розвиватися вона починає ще у молодому віці.
За прогнозами вчених через 30 років людей з цією недугою буде втричі більше. Ліків від неї не існує і швидше за все скоро ще не буде.

Хороша новина #1 - попередити чи хоча б відтермінувати це страхіття можна за допомогою харчування і завдяки зміні способу життя. Всім дуже добре відома формула, яку вдається впроваджувати в життя одиницям.

Все просто як двері: не жерти фаст-фуд, відмовитися від смаженого і солоного, забути про магазинні солодощі і алкоголь (погана новина #2), а замінити це все зеленню, овочами, ягодами, цільними зерновими продуктами, горіхами.

Яйця, рибу і м’ясо птиці рекомендується їсти кілька разів на тиждень, навіть келих хорошого червоного вина дозволяється (о, дякую, хороша новина #2). Правда, це все обов’язково мусить бути максимально органічне (погана новина #3). Тобто яйця і мясо від курей не з птахофабрики, а з ферми, де кури не в клітці, а гуляють на свіжому повітрі і скубуть травичку; те ж саме і з рибою - вона має бути дикою.

Короче, для того, аби вийти на збалансовану і корисну для мозку дієту треба суттєво змінити свої звички. Це не так просто, але див.пункт 1.

Виглядає так, що більшість продуктів при такому розкладі у супермаркеті не купиш. Тому ідеально, звісно, знайти сертифікованих місцевих фермерів і купляти продукти в них або ж через посередників.
Не так нереально це все насправді, якщо забути про те, що звичайній людині із середнім доходом органічне м‘ясо, не кажучи про біо овочі і ягоди, як і філе дикого лосося з вод аляски тупо не по кишені. Але за поради дякуємо, звісно. Рецепти теж класні, якщо нагуглити інгредієнти.
Profile Image for Hannah Im.
1,513 reviews63 followers
July 18, 2024
I wish I could buy this book on Kindle, but it’s unavailable digitally in the US. I only buy books I know I’ll want to read again, and I knew I wanted this book before I even got halfway through it. So much information that I’ll never remember all of it. Will need to reread it many, many times. Impossible for me to eat as much as she wants - I’m a small person and it literally would be impossible for me to eat the way she suggests. It’s simple too much volume, but she has convinced me that I need to start eating fish, which is scary for me cuz I’m a vegetarian. I’ll start with lunch today and give it a try. I’ve also decided to make as many small changes as I can. I scored a 166, so while I’m “advanced,” I still have lots of work to do to be really advanced. Let’s see what happens!
Profile Image for Johanna.
454 reviews46 followers
November 27, 2017
A worthwhile book based on the latest and most trustworthy findings on brain health and Alzheimer's research. Lisa Mosconi, PhD, INHC, combines her knowledge and training in Neuroscience / Neurology and integrative nutrition and holistic health, to lead readers though the science of brain health, explaining how to feed your brain the very best foods to keep your mind sharp and significantly lower your risk for developing diseases such as Alzheimer's. This book is full of useful information, delving into the more recent field of epigenetics to reveal the power of nutrition and environmental factors over our family genetic history, and proving that our genetic expression (particularly when it comes to susceptibility to certain diseases) is not necessarily "set in stone" but may be altered by lifestyle choices we make on a daily basis. In the book, you will learn which foods are the best foods for protecting and nourishing your brain, which you should avoid at all costs, as well as the vital role of other factors like water consumption, exercise, mental stimulation, and social interaction. The book includes a wonderfully in-depth quiz to help readers learn where they currently stand on the road to brain health, pointing out what they've done right so far, and what else can be done to improve their diet and lifestyle even more. The author has also included some of the best recipes to incorporate brain-healthy foods into the diet.

As someone who is immensely interested in natural health sciences including nutrition and nutrigenomics / epigenetics, I was thrilled that I was fortunate enough to win a copy of this book through the Goodreads giveaway program. I was hopeful that the book would be more than just a basic gloss-over of brain health and nutrition facts- and I was not disappointed! There is a LOT of really solid information in this book, based on the latest in reliable scientific research (12 pages of sources in the back).

However, I chose to give the book only four stars for a few different reasons. For starters, the book is pretty heavy on the theory of evolution, making it (alongside nutritional research) the premise of the recommended dietary guidelines (to the point of some pretty outlandish, if not humorous, conjecture at certain points). Secondarily, I noted a few pieces of information that I believe to be inaccurate. For example, it's stated very early on in the book that the brain lacks the capacity to grow new neurons- however, to my knowledge, this was disproved in 1998 by Dr Fred H. Gage (Salk Institute for Biological Studies, La Jolla, California) and Peter Eriksson (Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden) "Gage and his colleagues discovered that the human brain can give rise to new neurons throughout life. He also found that exercise and cognitive enrichment can increase the brain’s ability to generate more neurons."(source https://www.salk.edu/scientist/rusty-gage/ The latter part of that statement, I think, could play a vital role in a book such as this, so I was very disappointed to learn otherwise.

Additionally, while I give the author strong marks for acknowledging that heavy metals contribute to diseases and deterioration of the brain, the book fails to make mention of the risks of vaccines in regards to brain health- (in fact, the only mention of vaccines in the book attributes the decline of disease in the modern world to their use, which was actually accomplished pre-vaccines thanks to improved sanitation and nutrition). I know this is not a book on vaccines (and I understand if the author doesn't wish to delve into this controversial topic), however I wish it would have touched on the subject because of the direct correlation that is shown between the toxins in vaccines and cognitive decline. For example, vaccines contain, in addition to numerous other chemicals deemed harmful to the brain, Aluminum and Mercury, which are both neurotoxic, often in conjunction with a chemical substance known as Polysorbate 80- the main function of which is to open the blood-brain barrier to allow other substances through (so much so that it is used in chemo treatments of individuals with brain cancers). This allows the heavy metals access into the brain, where they wreak havoc and cause inflammation and damage. Perhaps an oversight, but certainly important if we're discussing the prevention of brain disease!

Last but not least is the unfortunate, and rather horrifying, inclusion of a quote by "philosopher" Friedrich Nietzsche - the man who's nihilistic ideology inspired Adolph Hitler's "Final Solution", and spawned the eugenics movement. Whether or not the quote was itself relevant to the discussion, I think the book would be much improved by it's removal.

With that said, the book as a whole, with it's fascinating science and insight in regards to nourishing and protecting the brain through diet, is very useful, and I do recommend it to anyone interested in the subject.

I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kelly Knapp.
936 reviews17 followers
December 19, 2017
I have read books and articles claiming that playing certain games will help keep your brain strong and ward off dementias and Alzheimer's. This seemed plausible, but did not explain why these illnesses are in an upswing...some have claimed our longer lives as the culprit, however, after reading Mosconi's book, I suspect that our poor diets have much to do with the problems.

The book is very readable, and designed for the general reader, not just for other business cohorts.
Profile Image for Juliana.
29 reviews3 followers
December 7, 2019
Ця книга насичена рекомендаціями авторки, які базуються на її дослідженні мозку впродовж більше 10 років. Цікаво, що вона рекомендує вживати лише високоякісну, органічну їжу, хоча для більшості людей це неможливо. Я почерпнула багато про роботу мозку і переконалася, що харчування надважливе для організму, - воно може попередити Альцгеймера та деменцію.
Profile Image for Atefeh Eghbali.
22 reviews1 follower
January 6, 2022
Even though the writer is Italian the book is written for Americans but still very useful! Highly recommended!
Profile Image for Орися.
40 reviews4 followers
May 21, 2024
Ніби послухала мамські повчання про те, як молодь погано харчується! Ніякого цукру, солі, молочки і глютенц - і боронь боже курочка чи коровка були вирощені в неволі і нещастях перш ніж потрапили на ваш стіл. Підсумувати книгу можна фразою - «харчуйтесь як італійці і буде вам щастя (і менший ризик деменції)» (за дозвіл пити вино - дякую). Доказів на підтвердження всіх вірувань було малувато, тож беріть цю книгу чисто щоб мотивуватись переглянути своє харчування.
Profile Image for Kari Yergin.
734 reviews19 followers
July 19, 2018
Water is the most important nutrient for your brain. Start out with a big glass of water upon waking, and the day with a cup of herbal tea, and drink at least 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water each day, room temp. Also eat water rich foods like
Watermelon strawberries grapefruit cantaloupe and peaches, in that order.
Cucumber lettuce zucchini radishes and celery, in that order

Eat less than 13 g of saturated fat a day or the equivalent of three slices of bacon. I should check how many grams are in salami, eggs, hamburger, hotdog, ice cream, Greek yogurt.

Trans fats. Aim for zero! Trans fats are always in processed foods. If one serving has less than .5 g they can collect zero, FYI. But who really eat one serving? Anything that says hydrogenated has trans fats. Soybean oil, cottonseed oil, Palm kernel oil, and vegetable oil are all hydrogenated. Most spreadable butter type products, coffee creamer, margarine sticks, ready to spread frosting.

PUFA’s are good for you. Poly unsaturated fats

Veggies fruits beans nuts are the base of the Mediterranean food pyramid

Whole grains
Wild caught fish
Meat and dairy are occasional indulgences
Herbs and spices are used freely to limit the use of that. Suites are limited to Sunday treats or special occasions and are more natural and fruity than ours usually are. EVOO
Red wine.
Meals are consumed in the company of others and savored while sitting at a table.

Mind diet: Three servings of whole grains plus a salad and an additional vegetable every single day. Plus a glass of wine. Legumes every other day. And poultry and berries twice a week. Fish once a week. Limit high-fat dairy, meat, fried and sweetened

Plant-based foods should take up the majority of your plate at all meals. Whole Fruits at least once a day, whole grains and legumes at least four times a week.

Lindt Lindor dark chocolate truffles are only 5 g of fat and just about all you really need if you have a sweet craving

Brown rice with vegetables and brewers yeast to make it sort of cheesy.

Goat cheese with berries and a touch of honey for breakfast

Grilled sweet potatoes with fresh spinach salad will satisfy a sugar craving

Cereal if you must have it should never have more than 5 g of sugar per serving. Just go with the plain whole grain type and you’re good.

Brussels sprouts washed, cut in half and roasted in avo oil 350 20 min. Add sweet potatoes and coco oil

Root soup: carrots rutabaga butternut squash parsnips an onion garlic. Wash peel and cut. Sauté in coco oil. Cover w/ veggie broth. Cool over medium 20 min. Purée immersion blender. Serve with drizzle of avo oil or cilantro and coco cream dollop.

At least one cup of veggies with lunch
Mostly berries and citrus fruit. Bananas at the most once a week
Raw nuts and seeds but not flavored ones.
See you in soups and salads, yogurt and cereal. And smoothies, of course. Sunflower greR for zinc.
From peanut butter to natural almond butter
Sweet potatoes! 2-3 times week
Whole-grain two times a day. Two or more legumes every week. Buddha bowls
fish: add lox to whole-grain toast. Fish and chips made with whole-grain pretzels coding tilapia cooked in coconut oil. Canned salmon. Try anchovies, sardines, mackerel. Aim for three servings of fish a week.
Drastically reduce frequency of red meat and pork and also focus on the quality of the meet. Shoot for only 3 ounces of meat twice a week and two eggs a week. Or at the most 4 ounces of poultry and three eggs a week Have at least three days of no meat, no eggs. If you must have beef, grass fed at the most once a week, 3oz grilled and make sure to eat veggies with it.
Cheese: feta, goat, Parmesan, aged cheddar 1-2 oz per week!
Plain unsweetened yogurt 1 c a day. Full fat. Organic
EVOO. Stay away from all refined oil.
Dark chocolate and almonds when needing a sweet.
Water!! Glass of lime or lemon water for breakfast.
Cacao smoothie recipe. Cacao tea.
Sweetener: raw honey NOT pasteurized.

Overnight fasting
Be more adventurous: wild caught, Brazil nuts, goji berries.
More Organic veggies and fruits: greens
Try roasting beets.
This occasionally
More consistent nuts and seeds, raw. Toast them yourself if you want. Put on salad
PB swap for nat’l almond butter (no more than 1T)
No pasta. Ancient grains. And stuff made with them. Serve with legumes to make perfect protein.
No deli meat or bacon or processed. Crackers, ins oatmeal, spreads, ready to eat meals, frozen dinners. Sugar (instead use raw honey, real maple syrup, coconut sugar)
Try salmon roe.
Try full fat goat yogurt
Apple cider vinegar 1T and lemon in glass of water plus a little sweetener. Instead of an energy drink.

Portion size: larger lunch, smallest meal at dinner.

Try her muesli and avocado toast recipes
Profile Image for Sharon.
665 reviews23 followers
January 10, 2018
I lost 2-3 pounds reading this book! That sounds funny, but it's true. This is the best and most profound book I've read on such a subject. When it's published, several in my immediate family will receive a copy from me. And I want to give my ARC copy to another, so I'll buy one for myself. That's how much I think of the book. It's going to change my life. Today I went grocery shopping, list in hand, to a health food store I already frequent. My husband seemed spellbound and dubious.

The book is about eating in a way that creates a healthy environment for your brain and heart, and your whole body, of course. Although I've read similar books, none has motivated me like this one. I can't praise it enough. Is it for everyone? Yes. But no. The truth is, some people may read it and change nothing; you know them. They already know everything and aren't going to change. If you are interested in getting healthier in a doable way, this book might help you.

I lost those couple pounds doing only a few of the suggestions. It will take time to incorporate the things I don't already do. I was partway there already. And it's easy to see that even if you don't follow the suggestions to the letter, your entire body will benefit from changes you make at the start. Small changes work and are better than doing nothing. Much of this is easy, unless you are starting from no healthy eating, and then, it's doubly important that you do something to get healthier. There are three levels near the end, places where you might be starting from with suggestions and steps to help you get started. You find that level by taking a test, easy questions about what you do now. The test can be taken again and again, as you progress.

So gentle readers, if you care about your health and especially your brain and how to avoid dementia, Alzheimer's and more, this book might be the one that changes your life for the better. The book is pure science. It's well researched and written by an author who lives what she knows. It's written in an easy-to-read way with tables and all kinds of helpful information. Readers will learn much about the brain and workings of the body as pertains to nutrition and more. There are recipes and apparently more advice and recipes online. In my house, the book will be often referenced until I have it all memorized enough that it comes naturally.

I have ingredients now to make a couple of the recipes and they sound good and easy. There are also recipes for your sweet tooth, and some of the changes are super easy and beneficial to not only your brain but other organs. If everyone ate this way, doctors might not have as much to do!

This book came to me from LibraryThing as an ARC copy for review.

Profile Image for Melora.
575 reviews157 followers
August 23, 2019
My mom passed away about a year and a half ago after suffering horrifically from progressive nonfluent aphasia, a form of dementia. A kind neurologist advised me, while I was with her for a consultation regarding her latest brain scan, that my chances of ending up in her situation were only slightly higher than the average, but that fear, nevertheless, constantly plagues me. So I was Very pleased by Mosconi's assurance that I can dramatically reduce my chances of dementia by following her diet rules! I took loads of notes and bought seeds, nuts, oils, supplements, and caviar! That last, by the way, is, no matter What Mosconi claims, Not an affordable staple, even at Walmart. At least not for a person of ordinary means who does not live near a Russian deli. Still, I've explained to my (doubtful) husband that this stuff is an Investment, and he's a good sport.

As other readers have pointed out, Mosconi is insistent on the importance of eating organic, non-GMO foods without offering much evidence that all non-organic stuff ("non-organic" sounds silly when we are talking about food, but you know what I mean) is nutritionally bankrupt. Coffee is another place where her personal preference (espresso) seems to have been elevated with no supporting evidence, but I appreciated her giving the green light for my daily cup of Folgers. She does better when describing the harm that sugar does, which was helpful to me since sweets are a weakness for me. And I did know that red wine is supposed to offer health benefits that other wines don't, but she strengthened the case (why couldn't the healthful drink be whiskey or vodka or rum? or white wine? red wine gives me a splitting headache).

For me, this was an encouraging, useful book. For the most part her eating advice fits in with the way I already eat -- I just had to add some hemp seeds, avocado oil, CoQ10 and choline supplements, and give caviar a try (still checking the internet for those "affordable" sources she insists are out there!). Her recommendation to "fast" by going without food between dinner and breakfast made me laugh -- that's the kind of fast I can manage, and if it gives my brain time to wash away all the icky toxins that's an easy win! I suspect that readers who are already well versed in the latest nutrition advice won't find much new here, but those who, like myself, feel gripped with fear with every memory lapse, will be glad of her promises that we can stack the deck in our favor through our food choices.
Profile Image for Kvitoslava Svitlytska.
102 reviews12 followers
November 14, 2020
Згадала і освіжила в пам’яті те, що вже давно знала.
Але також дізналась багато нового про мозок та його роботу. Наприклад, мозок не може відчувати болю, тому ми не знаємо, коли щось пішло не так, чи відбулись зміни, і на старості можуть проявлятись різні розлади й деменції.
Також цікавий факт, що 95% корисних бактерій в нашому організмі знаходиться в ШКТ. Тому потрібно дбати і про шлунок, і про якість крові, і про роботу артерій, і про роботу серця, бо все це впливає на роботу мозку.

Важливо вести рухливий спосіб життя. А також мати інтелектуальну діяльність й соціальну активність в будь-якому віці.
І під час якісного сну - з мозку виводяться токсини.

Всі ми знаємо, але завжди треба собі нагадувати: пити воду (з мінералами), їсти рибу хоча б раз в тиждень, щодня споживати фрукти, ягоди, овочі, зелень, нерафіновану оливкову олію, харчуватись збалансовано, мати часті прийоми їжі, але менші порції.
Додати до раціону: горіхи, спіруліну, насіння чіа, корисні бактерії, натуральний йогурт.
Уникати: трансжирів, штучно вирощеного тваринного білка та переробленого цукру.

Цікавий факт: слово "chia" з мови майя перекладається як "сила".

Загалом книга мотивує до покращення та збагачення свого раціону харчування.
В кінці багато цікавих, корисних і оригінальних рецептів.
Profile Image for Roslyna.
103 reviews
November 22, 2021
короткий висновок з цієї книги: якщо ви хочете корисно харчуватись та прожити довге життя без хвороб - ви повинні народитись у місцевості з середземноморським стилем харчування (багато свіжої, дикої морської або океанічної риби, свіжі фермерські овочі та м’ясо), або у вас повинно бути дуже багато грошей, щоб вам усе це безперебійно доставляли кожний день свіже та високоякісне.

якщо ви живете у місті, то у магазинах усе погане (з ГМО, гормонами та хімікатами), тому знайдіть чисту фермерську продукцію, хоч вона і буде дорожча (але ж ви того варті).

усі вітамінні добавки, в основному, марна трата грошей. поживні речовини бажано отримувати з їжі, тому бігом в магазин за 85 г дикого аляскинського лосося (цей лосось у книзі авторка згадує разів 10).

алкоголь? - келих вина за вечерею.
м’ясо? - біле, фермерське, раз на тиждень.
овочі/фрукти? - як можна більше (фермерські, звичайно).
солодощі? - краще ягоди, горіхи або гіркий шоколад.
фаст-фуд/перероблена їжа? - тікай, воно тебе вб’є.

книжка не відкриває нічого нового. якщо ви хоча б трохи цікавилися темою здорового харчування, все те саме прочитаєте і тут.
Profile Image for Taras Dmytrus.
48 reviews3 followers
May 5, 2019
This book has some interesting ideas and is easy to read. Unfortunately author is so GMO phobic - and she never explains why she thinks its that bad, I am not even talking about backing it up with some science tests.
I got a feeling that some things were put as good or bad just based on authors personal feeling about it - you should not eat eggs with yellow yolk because its utterly unhealthy (if you google this there are a lot of research that prove that there is no big differences between lighter yolks and darker) but you totally can drink vine because her grandparents did. Probably there are a lot of great advices, but I was never sure anymore if this is really backed with some research or just personal and biased preference.
Profile Image for Cherei.
557 reviews65 followers
February 25, 2018
FINALLY!!! A doctor that listens to those of us with a long family history of Alzheimer's and dementia. We live in fear of losing our precious memories.. that we've seen in loved one's as they have aged. There are things that you CAN eat that will promote a healthy brain! There are also things that you do that can have a negative long lasting impact upon your brain health. The book is easy to read and understand. One that I will reference many times in the future on my path to avoiding Alzheimers.
418 reviews2 followers
August 28, 2018
I'm rating this book 5 stars because it has inspired me to provide healthier food for my family. Great scientific backing. I plan on reading this book again if I need a boost in healthy living inspiration. Working in health care, I see the influence poor lifestyle choices can have on an individual. It's hard work to constantly provide whole, healthy food for a busy family-but this book reinforces why it's worth the effort.
Profile Image for Юра Мельник.
320 reviews34 followers
February 15, 2019
Насправді всі харчові рекомендації викладені у цій книзі збігаються із рекомендаціями ВООЗ (нічого нового, та зрештою, що може бути нового у науці про харування). Хоч автор і посилається на наукові дослідження, але місцями страждає на ГМОфобію і рекламує органічне фермерство, а більшість харчових добавок називає ��імікатами.
Profile Image for Anne Libera.
1,125 reviews10 followers
April 20, 2018
Good information - not a whole lot that is new if you have read the better nutrition books in the past but inspired me to buy dandelion greens, eat more caviar, and more intentionally incorporate intermittent fasting into my schedule
Profile Image for Frederick Reed.
36 reviews11 followers
April 9, 2022
I found this book interesting and informative but also frustrating, as few of us have the time, energy, and/or money to make our diet a full time job.

I'm going to read more on this subject though and see if I can get more varied perspectives on how to support a healthy brain and heart.
Profile Image for Sara Aouichi.
142 reviews
April 26, 2018
this was one hell of an intresting reading ^^
im so going to try few things from here and put an update about it later on
Displaying 1 - 30 of 264 reviews

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