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Nameless #1


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Kodiak. Raven. Wolf. Ram.

Four clans. One destiny.

Seventeen-year-old Zo is a Wolf and a Healer who volunteers to infiltrate the Ram as a spy on behalf of the allied clans. She offers herself as a Ram slave, joining the people who are called the “Nameless.” Hers is a suicide mission thought to enable her to seek revenge for the death of her parents and an end to her own misery.

But after Zo’s younger sister follows her into Rams Gate, Zo must find a way to survive and keep her safe.

When Zo finds unexpected friendship in a young Ram whose life she saves, growing feelings for a Ram soldier, and an underground Nameless insurrection, she learns that revenge, loyalty and love are more complicated than she ever imagined in the first installment of this electrifying fantasy series.


First published October 6, 2015

About the author

Jennifer Jenkins

9 books276 followers
With my degree in History and Secondary Education, I had every intention of teaching teens to love George Washington and appreciate the finer points of ancient battle stratagem. (Seriously, I’m obsessed with ancient warfare. Weird? I know.) However, life had different plans in store when the writing began. As a proud member of Writers Cubed, and a co-founder of the Teen Author Boot Camp, I feel blessed to be able to fulfill both my ambition to work with teens as well as write Young Adult fiction.

I have three children who are experts at naming my characters, one loving, supportive husband, a dog with little-man syndrome, and three chickens (of whom I am secretly afraid).

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 207 reviews
Profile Image for Paula M.
556 reviews631 followers
November 23, 2015
Everybody make way! Jennifer Jenkins is here with Nameless and let me tell you, it will leave you breathless!

Oh wow. Where do I even start? This book left me speechless! I seriously don't know what to say, all I know is that THIS BOOK IS INSANELY GOOD AND YOU SHOULD READ IT! All caps. That way, you know that I am dead serious.

I keep repeating this on my review whenever I read a book from this genre: I am not a fan. Its not that I stay away, but dystopia/fantasy isn't really my thing. I'm really more of a rom-com kind of girl. But there's something about Nameless that made me want to read it. And boy! I AM SO GLAD I DID. I can't believe I almost passed this one.

The plot of Nameless is not really simple. But hang in there because that doesn't mean it will keep you from enjoying the book. It's actually the opposite. See, Nameless has clans, rich history, a terrible and wonderful world, and never ending wars. It feels like there's a lot of things happening but in truth, you will not even complain about it. Jennifer Jenkins has this magical writing powers. You will be hypnotized and the first chapter will instantly suck you in! I did not even protested, because I was happily AND hungrily following the story. Every page is making me want to know what happens next. Every page leaves me with need!

The characters in this book are all completely fleshed out! From the main character to the love interest and the side characters as well, they all have depths. They all have interesting backstories, useful roles and all of leaves a mark. Zo is everything I'm looking for in a YA dystopia heroine. She's wonderful, she's a fighter and she's flawed. I couldn't wait for more from her. I still see a lot of growing and I can't wait to witness that.

The romance was slow burn... scorching... to die for. It was full of intrigue, desire and mistrust. Its the kind of romance that will break your heart but still, leaves it with hope and FEELS. You will never run out of feels with this two. Gryphon ladies, GRYPHON! YOU HAVE TO MEET HIM Y'ALL. This man is your next book boyfriend.

I have so many things to say, so many words to write because my heart is just bursting with love for this book. But I will just tell you this: THIS IS THE NEXT BIG THING! Jennifer Jenkins' writing was always visual, so close at hand it is searing! Nameless will captivate you with its furious and excellent pacing, it will not let you go. If somebody wants a stay-up-all-night kind of book that will leave them breathless? Nameless will always be at the tip of my tounge!
Profile Image for Reynita ★ The Night Reader ★.
124 reviews1,107 followers
February 9, 2017
3.3 Stars rounded down 2 stars

There are 4 clans : The Kodiak, The Raven, The Wolf and The Ram.
The Ram are very ruthless and they don't seem have humanity in their souls and The Ram don't even sing.
The Ram have slaves, They called them " The Nameless ", The Ram have kept slaves for hundreds of years, Some are captured, Others came willingly, While most are born into the lowly title and The Ram are the strongest clan.
Zo is a seventeen years old girl and she is a healer. She is the one who volunteers to infiltrate The Ram as a spy, And to be a spy she has to disguise herself as a nameless.
she knows this is a suicide mission, But she doesn't care whether she would be alive or not.
but her little sister ( Tess ) changes her mind after she follows her without her knowing, And Zo must find a way to keep Tess safe and find a way to get Tess out of that place. But to keep her sister safe isn't easy and this mission cause her to meet an twenty years old man named Gryphon, A fearless and Strongest soldier among other soldiers.
The Ram always hate other clans especially The Wolf

The Romance

Ugh... This is why I don't want to read love triangle.
there is a guy named Gabe and he is Zo's childhood friend but Gabe falls in love with Zo and seriously, I don't know whether she loves Gabe or she just thinks that Gabe is only " Friend "
because when I read chapter...??? I even forget the chapter that I want to talk about, let me just tell you.
she let Gabe kissed her cheek and held her waist and she didn't mind at all.


God.. I don't want to read books like this again, I would be really really careful next time.

now, I'm going to talk about Gryphon and Zo.
I completely don't know about the romance between Gryphon and Zo because when I read chapter 36 or 38, zo still didn't trust him!!! after what he's done for her, she still betrayed him!!!


is it too hard to trust someone that risk his life for you!?!?!

yes it's slow burning love but this is TOO SLOW TOO SLOW

why did I give this book 3.3 stars if I disliked this book?

I still quite enjoyed this book because the Action scenes were all good but I was starving of Romance scenes and I just can't make myself likes Gryphon, he's a good man but I don't know why...I don't really like him but he made me swoon once so I think he's fine for this book and Joshua he's a good kid and I secretly wished that he would be Tess's boyfried when they grow up hahaha xD but the biggest problem is Zo because I hate her so so much.
this book disappointed me, I kept reading it because I thought there would be romance scenes on the middle part of the book, But I get NOTHING

Will I read the sequel??


Do I recommend this book to you?

umm, if you like reading books with overload action scenes and don't really like reading romance then you're gonna love this book.

Thank you very much for reading my review about this book!!
have a great day, guys!!! *blows kiss to you guys*

Profile Image for booknuts_.
808 reviews1,819 followers
February 9, 2017
Where has this been all my life? And why isn't it more popular??? wow. just....wow.

I was floored and impressed by this book. The writing, the world building, the story, the clans, the character development, just EVERYTHING! This GIF is exactly how I felt while reading it:


I couldn't put it down, Brilliant this book is brilliant and I must own hard copy of it!

ALRIGHT! So this book is about four clans the Kodiak, the Raven, the Wolf and the Ram. These clans have been at war for centuries but the Kodiak, the Raven and the Wolf all have a common enemy; the Ram. The Ram tribe is known for their ruthlessness and dislike for the other clans, the Ram feel like they are the superior clan and prey on the lesser clans in death and destruction. Those refugees left become their slaves and are treated inferior and horribly by the clan, they constantly live in fear for their lives, they even lose their names and are called "nameless."

98c94662a1d16f7814368827db7423e4.jpgZo is a girl from the Wolf clan, who has lost her parents in a raid to the Ram clan. With nobody left but her sister, Zo decides to join the allied clans an infiltrate the Ram. To do so she must become a "nameless" as well and claim herself to be a refugee and be willing to be their slave. In order to pass off as a willing refugee Zo must disguise herself because she is also very pretty and so she keeps mud all over herself to help ward off her pretty-ness. The Ram are already very suspicious of her because she looks like she belongs from the Wolf clan and the Ram HATE the Wolf. However she begs to stay even after her sister secretly follows her and is caught, so in order to protect herself, her sister and the cause she lets them know she is a Healer so they put her up to the ultimate test and if he dies...well, so does she.

I LOVED the character development in this story.I LOVED watching the characters really struggle Zo to me was best in this aspect.

The romance was perfect, it didn't overwhelm the story it was very subtle and not sure if there is a love triangle or not...hmmm

Overall: Everything about this book was freaking awesome and I can't WAIT to read book 2. And I SO plan on buy a hard copy of this so put on my shelves. oh. my word. LOOOVE!

Sexual Content: moderate
Language: mild
Violence: heavy
Drugs/Alcohol: mild

own bekah

Profile Image for Jessica.
Author 24 books5,802 followers
April 16, 2015
Got to read an advance copy of this, and thoroughly, THOROUGHLY enjoyed it! At first I was a bit wary, thinking, If this turns out to be another Hunger Games thing, Imma throw something! But Jenkins has made her own world, and has created a cast of great characters to stick in it. Really loved (or loved to hate) the characters, and really loved her writing. I don't want to ruin anything by saying more, so all I'll add is that society depicted is based on ancient Sparta, which is cool and different, and Zo (the main character) is a healer, which is an interesting job to have in a world full of guys who constantly have to prove how tough they are.

I do wish someone had told me that it was the first book in a series, though! Yeeesh! It's even worse because it's an advance copy! I'll have to wait YEARS to find out what happens next, dang it!

Profile Image for Rachel  (APCB Reviews).
333 reviews1,309 followers
September 8, 2015
Wow this one was addictive!! For fans of An Ember in the Ashes, Under the Never Sky, and The Winner's Curse, Nameless captured my attention and held it until the very end. Quick read. Slowburn romance. Great world-buildling. Awesome plot. Full review to come.
Profile Image for Damaris (GoodChoiceReading).
611 reviews228 followers
July 16, 2015
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Argh! I am going to have a HUGE book hangover tomorrow!!! :,,,,,(((((( i want a sequel nowwww!!!


FULL REVIEW 7/16/2015

I have so much to say about this book that I have no clue where to begin!

To say that I love this book is an understatement. It completely blew me away! I don’t know what I was expecting when I dived into this one, but it definitely was not what I got. It was beyond amazing!

There isn’t one dull moment in NAMELESS. There is always something happening that will keep you at the edge of your seat wanting to scream, jump… something! I literally paced while reading because I was so excited, but yet so nervous all at the same time. With each turning page, I felt like I was watching a movie, only in my head. The writing was great, the descriptions were on point, and the characters… oh man, the characters!!! There isn’t one negative thing I can say about ANY of them. Every single one of them was strong and fearless, and also very well written. They were all likable. No, LOVEABLE! Even the bad ones that you wished death upon. Jenkins has taken world building to a whole new level. It just all flowed together so perfectly, and all felt real.

Don't get me started on the romance! No, it isn't fluffy. And no, it's not all over the book. But the way it comes to light was perfect! It was nice and slow. Jenkins knew when to give a little, and then give a lot! Zo falls in love with the enemy, so imagine all the feels that comes with this. The angst, the guilt... argh! I am falling in love all over again!

I am so happy that I took a chance on it. NAMELESS is one book that you can re-read over and over again and it will still feel fresh! I cannot wait for the world to read it and fall under the NAMELESS spell. Because that’s what I feel like I am under, a spell that has me trapped in Zo's world and won’t let me out! I don’t want out!

Profile Image for Dark Faerie Tales.
2,274 reviews563 followers
October 26, 2015
Review courtesy of Dark Faerie Tales

Quick & Dirty: Amazing fantasy read that will leave you breathless and with the worst book hangover! If you are a YA fantasy lover you need to pick this one up!

Opening Sentence: Zo couldn’t remember a time when she didn’t fear the Ram.

The Review:

The Kodiak, the Raven, the Wolf, and the Ram are four clans that have been at war with each other for hundreds of years! The Ram have proven themselves to be the dominating race by teaching their clan members to be brutal warriors. The other three clans have decided to finally join together to try to take down the Rams!

Zo is a member of the Wolf clan and she has volunteered to infiltrate the Ram city by becoming a slave. She knows that her chances of survival are slim to none, but she had to do something to revenge her parents who were murdered during a Ram raid. She has come to terms with the fact that she will most likely not ever leave the Ram city alive, but circumstances change when her eight year old sister follows her into the city. Zo has to change her plans and help comes from those she least expect. Zo never suspected she would meet a Ram that would have an actual soul. One that is honorable and helps her even though she is the enemy! Maybe there is hope for this suicidal mission after all.

Gryphon is one of the best soldiers in the Ram army. He has had to work extremely hard to prove himself after the disgrace of his father. Growing up in the Ram clan is brutal but it has made them a superior race or at least that is what they are taught to believe. But the more Tristan immerses into the ways if the Ram the more he is torn between staying loyal to his people and following his own heart! Things really start to change when he meets Zo, a nameless healer that is more then she seems. Will Gryphon have the courage to do the right thing even if it deems him a traitor?

Zo is an amazing heroine that I instantly loved. She is smart, brave, loyal, caring, and witty. Volunteering for her mission is extremely dangerous, but the information she will be collecting is priceless to her people. She gladly risks her life to help others and that made me really respect her. She isn’t afraid to take chances and do whatever it takes to fulfill her mission. She makes mistakes along her journey, but she owns them and tries to make amends if she can. I found her very easy to connect with and I can’t wait to read more of her story.

I am madly in love with Gryphon. He is loyal, kind, intelligent, and gorgeous!!! He is an amazing solider and he cares deeply for his clan. His loyalty runs very deep, but he doesn’t hesitate to do the right thing, even if it means he is betraying his people. He’s not one of those people that makes rash decisions, he thinks things through and does what he thinks is best no matter what the consequences are. His relationship with Zo is sweet and slow burning. Even though they are enemies they learn to trust each other and they bring out the best in each other! Gryphon has quickly climbed the charts as one of my favorite book boys!

Nameless destroyed me in the best way possible. Do you ever get that nervous feeling where it seems like butterflies are fluttering around inside of your stomach? I felt like that the entire time I was reading this book!! I almost had an anxiety attack because I was so attached to the characters and I was worried some of my favorites were going to meet their untimely demise! I loved that the book was told from a dual POV. Both Gryphon and Zo had a unique story to tell and it added great depth to the story. The romance was subtle, but written beautifully. The plot was very intriguing and the pacing was spot on. I loved the entire cast of characters, every single one of them added to the story. Then there is the killer ending that left me dying to see what happens next. If you can’t tell from all my flailing, I LOVED this book and it has definitely been one of the best books I have read this year! Trust me when I say you should pre-order it, add it to your TBR, request it from your library, do whatever you have to do to get this book in your hands because if you are a YA fantasy fan like me you need this book in your life!

Notable Scene:

Gryphon kept his eye trained on the prisoner as he took the length of rope. The pain from his shoulder streaked through his whole body, pulsing and terrible, but he didn’t show his enemy weakness.

Blood dripped from the Wolf’s nose onto his lips and chin. He didn’t seem to be any older than Gryphon. One eye was swollen shut. A deep gash ran from cheek to chin. He stood tall, looking Gryphon in the eyes.

Gryphon couldn’t help but be impressed.

It was a shame the Wolf had to die.

FTC Advisory: Month9Books provided me with a copy of Nameless. No goody bags, sponsorships, “material connections,” or bribes were exchanged for my review.
Profile Image for nick (the infinite limits of love).
2,120 reviews1,532 followers
October 5, 2015

Holy moly, you guys!! This book was EPIC in every way and so consuming. I not only had a hard time putting the book down, but when I did have to put it down, I could not stop thinking about the characters, the world and the romance. Nameless was the sort of the book that had me reeling and salivating for the next book. Jennifer Jenkins already has a huge fan in me!

Let me talk about the characters first : I freaking loved each and everyone of them. But especially the protagonist, Zo. When Nameless opened up, Zo was attempting to get into an enemy clan's camp, the Ram, so she could help her own clan, the Wolf, spy on them. This whole selfless act really set the stage for her character development. From the get go, Zo was a character who I absolutely loved. She was noble, loving and so loyal. Her devotion and strong bond with her sister, who also found herself infiltrating the Ram camp, was one of the many strongest points of Nameless. I loved that she cared so much for her sister and was willing to do anything for her. As an older sister myself who shares a strong bond with my sister, I connected emotionally with that. Not to mention, Zo was also badass and fierce in every way. This girl was the perfect heroine that I could ask of a fantasy book like Nameless.

We're also privy to the thoughts of Gryphon, a Ram soldier, who becomes close to Zo in the book. Gryphon was a tough character at times. You're never really sure of what his intentions are at the beginning. But once he started opening up to readers and his actions and motivations became clearer, it was easy to see that he was also a loyal, kind and thoughtful hero. He struggled with guilt over betraying his clan in minor ways at times even though deep down he knew he was right to do what he was doing. At the core, he was trying to make his clan a better group and I admired that about him and his willingness to rebel for a good cause made him a lovable character. By the end of the book, I was very much in love with Gryphon! The secondary characters in Nameless were also well-developed, and I especially grew a fondness for Joshua, a young boy who Zo heals at the beginning of the book and befriended.

Besides the characters being amazing, the world building in Nameless was also fantastic. Jennifer Jenkins, through her prose, slowly explored the world in her book, giving us snippets of information to help build a bigger and more vivid picture in readers' minds. We especially got to know about the Ram in this first book, but I'm excited and hoping that we'll get to see more of the others in the next book of the duology. The plot too was exciting and thrilling in every way. Like I mentioned, I had a really hard time putting the book down and I couldn't wait to find out what dangers the characters would face and how they would overcome them. Jennifer Jenkins is an amazing storyteller, and she knew exactly how to hook readers in with her storytelling.

The slow building romance was yet another part of the book that I LOVED. It was so tactfully done. The forbidden (my favorite) part to it added so much tension to their budding relationship. Plus, it was antagonistic, because they didn't trust each other very much at first. I loved watching them get close to one another and becoming better people in the process. The romance was swoony and made me ache in a really good way. You guys, I shipped this OTP like nobody's business. The ending killed a small part of my soul, but I have faith that the author will do these characters justice and I can't wait to see what epicness she has in store for us.

Fantasy fans, do not miss out on this epic new series. It's got everything that you could ever possibly want out of a all-consuming fantasy book: fierce characters, twisty plot, stunning world building, captivating prose and my favorite, a romance that will make you want to shout out your love for the couple at the top of your lungs. Do yourself a favor, and buy this book right away.
Profile Image for starryeyedjen.
1,719 reviews1,267 followers
September 30, 2015
An ARC of this title was provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review. My thoughts are my own. This review can also be found at The Starry-Eyed Revue.

If I hadn't seen so many other bloggers raving about this book, I never would have requested it. It sounded kind of dystopian/post-apocalyptic, and I'm all but over that subgenre. But that many friends and fellows couldn't be wrong, so I took a chance on Nameless and requested a copy when the Month9 email hit my inbox.

And it was a chance not wasted. Nameless isn't perfect, but it was exhilarating and fun and completely frustrating in the best possible way. Because not only this a book about a world in which everything's gone wrong, one where war is constantly at your doorstep, but it's also a world in which there is magic. It's not in-your-face magic, but it's there nonetheless.

I immediately connected with Zo, who was ready to die for her clan in order to get the intelligence they needed to defeat their enemy. She is equal parts brave and scared, and she knows that her time among the Ram is limited, so she makes every moment count. I felt for her as she was forced to alter her course when her younger sister became a liability. I rooted for her as she was able to overcome her prejudices of the Rams and become friends with Joshua, even if doing so meant one more person she'd have to take into consideration when her mission was at stake. I stood proud with her as she battled every obstacle she was confronted with, even when it was the eventuality of her own death.

And I fell with her -- hard -- for the Ram soldier who showed hints of a conscience. Gryphon may not have immediately trusted Zo, but when she healed the young Ram he was mentoring, she proved her worth to him. Honor meant everything to Gryphon, but when all hell breaks loose, he lets go of his pride and lets his heart be his guide. He proves that he's not just a heartless soldier like the rest of the Ram, and in doing so, he proved his worth to me. Gryphon was at times violent and cold in his endeavors to overcome the shame his father brought before him, but throughout the story, he gets glimpses of why his father might have made the choices he did, and it changes Gryphon for the better.

Both Gryphon and Zo are calculating and so it takes a very long while for anything more to develop between them because of their trust issues, but when it does, watch out. And fair warning, there is another player on the field, but he's more of the she thinks of him like a brother type, so I don't see that developing into much, especially since this is only slated to be a two-book series. But, yeah...I am all about the enemies-turned-lovers story line.

Told from both Zo and Gryphon's perspectives, I can see why so many have been captivated by this story already. Nameless is fast-paced and intense, a story that sticks with you long after you've turned the last page. There were moments when I thought the dialogue or thought processes were a little immature for the characters and the situations they faced, but they were far and few between and compared little with the awesomeness of the overall story. This is one of those times where I wish I'd waited until both books were out so I didn't have to wait for the sequel, especially after that jaw-dropping ending. I can't wait to see what Jennifer Jenkins brings to the table next.

GIF it to me straight:

That was intense! And slightly painful. o_O
Profile Image for Brittany.
1,094 reviews156 followers
December 9, 2022
4 Stars ✨

Quick, easy, fast paced read!

4 clans at war for centuries, but the Ram Clan dominates the land. With its brutal treatment toward other clans, it reigns supreme above all. Zoe, a healer from the wolf clan volunteers to infiltrate the ram camp to gain information- she knows it’s more than likely a suicide mission, but she’s willing to do whatever it takes to stop the Rams from inflicting more pain on the other outside clans. She makes it to the gate, but nothing goes as planned. It turns out her little sister followed her on her mission and now she has to fight to survive. She finds an unexpected friendship with a young ram whose life she saves and an alliance with a solider she’d least expect but will it be enough to bring down the enemy?

Love the beautiful cover!

This was such a fun, clean & exciting read. I wasn’t sure what to expect, but I was pleasantly surprised. From the moment it started I was invested, it held my attention the whole way through. It was light yet action packed read that kept me entertained. I liked the characters a lot. The only thing I would have liked was more information on was the clans and the back story of how the Rams ended up be dominant , I felt like there was a few holes there but it did not take away from the plot enough to really worry about. Looking forward to the next books in the series, there is still plenty of time to get some of my questions answered.
Profile Image for Lauren.
1,179 reviews324 followers
October 24, 2015
Wow. I loved this one. I'm a sucker for these mortal enemies who fall in love stories. Such a great slow burn romance. Intense plot. And fascinating but brutal world. I'm dying for the next one now.

Review to come.
Profile Image for Rachel.
Author 2 books716 followers
October 6, 2015
Electrifying and intense and instantly and completely captivating, NAMELESS is one of those reads that will make you race through the pages to find out what’s going to happen next. With a fascinating new world to discover, one that is primitive, harsh, brutal, and intriguing new characters to meet who are fierce and determined and deadly, some of whom are cruel and others who are compassionate, you will be immediately pulled into the story and you’ll never want the journey to end.

Zo was determined to help the Allies, even if it meant sacrificing herself. While she knew she might be able to get beyond the wall of Ram’s Gate, she held out no hope of getting back out. But it would be worth it if she could discover anything about her enemy that could be used to help take them down.

She was the Allies’ best chance of getting inside. Her abilities as a Healer would hopefully make her useful enough to the Ram to keep her alive long enough to fulfill her mission. And it might have worked.

If only she hadn’t let her rage blind her, she would have known that the two people who cared most about her wouldn’t let her go so easily. While she was more than willing to risk her own life to avenge her parents’ deaths, she would never have risked her sister Tess’s life or her best friend Gabe’s.

Now with something to lose she’d have to be careful. She couldn’t take any unnecessary chances. She couldn’t risk being discovered as anything other than one of the nameless. And she’d have to find a way to do the impossible - to get herself and her sister back over the wall.

Jennifer Jenkins immerses readers into her story right from the start. There is no long lead up to Zo putting her plan into action. There is no lengthy backstory to slow the pace. She brings the action, the suspense, the intrigue from the get-go.

She keeps readers riveted by making them curious to know more about the nameless, more about what made Zo so vengeful, what made the Ram so aggressive, how they got so powerful, whether Zo will succeed or if she’ll fail. She lets her story unfold from not just Zo’s perspective, but from that of another incredibly appealing character, Gryphon, who is brave, powerful, loyal, determined, but also merciful and conflicted.

And she introduces a heartfelt romance that is not of the “insta-love” variety, she builds the foundation for a much expanded world in later books in the series, she teases bits and pieces of information about the other clans, and she reveals hidden plots, sympathizers, and allies, making for an interesting and engaging and unputdownable read.

NAMELESS is powerful and surprising and unexpected. It tackles a number of issues that mirror real-life issues that have arisen throughout the history of the world - starvation, genocide, enslavement, sacrifice, the cost of retaliation, doing whatever it takes to survive. It explores the many facets of human nature. It shows opposing perspectives, giving readers a more complete picture in order that they might be more understanding and sympathetic.

It has a number of strong characters that are immensely likable. It’s set in a world that is cold-blooded, severe, ruthless but still allows for kindness and beauty. It’s a story that is beautiful and breathtaking and one that is absolutely not to be missed.

Original GR comments:

Amazing read. LOVED the world and characters. So glad to hear this is a series. Because it's one I will totally be following to the end. The story focuses on Zo and Gryphon but it also introduces this interesting world that I can't wait to know more about in future books. And I love that this didn't have an insta love story - it totally wouldn't have felt right. Begrudging respect, reluctant sympathies, basic human decency, compassion were the feelings and emotions that ruled their stories.

It's an exciting and totally addictive read. Review TK.
Profile Image for Amber.
362 reviews111 followers
December 28, 2015

Read this now!!! Nameless is an amazing story crafted with many unforgettable characters. I LOVED this book to pieces! Please, please let there be a number two!!!! I want more Gryphon and Zo!
Nameless has a permanent space on my 2015 Favorites Shelf.

With a forbidden love trope, the slow building chemistry between Zo and Gryphon was perfection, no insta-love, which left me cheering for them until the very last page. Nameless’s cast of characters grew on me quickly, especially little Joshua. His heart was bigger than the beastly men manning the gates. As a reader, I was quickly pulled into the harsh world Jenkins created.

Zo takes on a mission that could be her last. The Allies desperately needed information that only she could provide, if they hoped to defeat the most powerful military force in the region: Ram’s Gate. Gabe, Zo’s guard tried everything to convince her to back out of the mission. He’d done so much for her and her eight-year-old sister, Tess, since they’d journeyed from the Valley of Wolves to live with Commander Laden and the Allies. Commander Laden told her she needed to look desperate if she wanted the Ram to believe her story, her lie. She’d do anything for the Cause.

“Look after Tess. Tell her I’m doing this for her. Tell her I’m doing it for our parents.”

Inside the wall, there was hundreds of acres of farmlands, mountainous forests, and enough homes to house thousands of Ram and the slaves they called “Nameless.” Zo had a goal, but it’s jeopardized as she finds her younger sister appears and is captured too. Not only did she have the burden of the mission, she had to protect her sister who followed her unknowingly. Zo’s savior was her quick thinking, telling the Ram she was a third generation healer. Zo is given a chance to prove her abilities by healing a young boy, Joshua. The Ram, notoriously known for their brutality and unwavering rules, is very unlike the other clans. Zo learned from her mom, you had to love to heal. She couldn’t see herself loving a young Ram any more than an adult Ram, but she had to try for her sister’s sake and safety. They were all horrible. But, over time, Zo grew a fondness for the young boy.

Gryphon had grown to care for Joshua like a father since the boy’s father had died before he was born, and Gryphon understood what it was like not to have a man around growing up. Gryphon had his own demons to battle, but proved his worth and given the honor of “Striker” which was given to someone with more experience. Second-In-Command. “It was a dangerous gift.” Gryphon wasn’t like his clansmen. He has a heart and perhaps it’ll be his downfall, but he has a conscience, and that I liked vs the hardcore ruthless jerk.

Rumors spilled that the Raven clan had stockpiles of grain hidden somewhere in the mountain range. Food the Ram needed if their crops didn’t produce higher yields than the last. Gryphon realized Zo saved Joshua with her healing and Joshua grew fond of Zo despite being a Ram, and it forbidden. She’s a nameless, a nobody—the very essence of slave in their eyes. Gryphon took liberties that were against the rules, but his heart won out, and feelings developed for Zo.

Dangers present themselves in various ways, such as the creepy Gate Keeper, prohibited feelings, and much more. In this harsh, cruel society, Zo, Gryphon, Tess, Joshua, and others work together undetected to regain their freedom. Everything about this book was perfection. I really liked all the characters and how Jenkins wove their stories into one beautiful compilation. With plenty of action, romantic elements and emotional attachments to the characters, I simply didn’t want this book to end. I was seriously yearning for more, and I really, really, really want to know what’s to become of Gryphon, Zo, Joshua, Tess and the others.
Profile Image for Tamara.
407 reviews25 followers
March 19, 2017
4.5 stars

I seriously loved this book! Sure I wished there was more action, but I can just smell war in the next book. I wish this author had more readers, this book deserves to be read.
Profile Image for aprilreads_andwanders.
129 reviews38 followers
July 30, 2016
4.5 Stars

Quick n dirty review- This was gooood! It was a quick read....action packed, intense, and engaging. I loved the characters to a heart wrenching degree! All of them! They were so well developed and layered and I just felt like I KNEW them. The plot definitely had depth and thought provoking themes embedded within. Where was the buzz and excitement for this one?? Or did I miss it?!?! :) if you haven't checked this one out yet I definitely recommend it! I'll be preordering Clanless...need to see what happens my lil gang!
Profile Image for Mundie Moms & Mundie Kids.
1,952 reviews208 followers
October 20, 2015
Everything about Nameless is flawless. This story effortlessly came to life, and I did not want it to end. This is a book that has a spot on my favorites book case. Jennifer Jenkins is an author I hope to read many more books from, because I'm having a book hang over right now, and I feel bad for the next book I pick up.

Read my FULL review HERE http://mundiemoms.blogspot.com/2015/1...
Profile Image for Zoey Talbon.
198 reviews100 followers
October 7, 2015
I will start off saying that I zipped through Nameless, considering my reading speed since classes started. I won't lie, though. It was definitely disappointing, but from what I've seen I seem to be the minority there. I was expecting a dangerous, heart-pounding spy mission. I was expecting this rich history between the clans and their feuding. And I didn't really get any of it.

That's not to say there wasn't any history or background given. But these "brutal war tactics" that keep them on top? I dunno, I didn't really see any of it outside of their own walls. I couldn't really see why they were on top. It's hard to explain, because they definitely are brutal - you see that in the games they play, the way they force Nameless to fight young Rams who take pride in their kill. Beatings are not uncommon, and the Nameless are slaves. There's nothing astoundingly original about it to me, and I never really felt immersed in the world, but I will say their brutality felt authentic. Which is kind of contradictory to what I just said, but I think the point I'm trying to make is that I didn't see any true reason for all this tension and fighting between clans. There appears to be food shortages and such, but I guess I didn't really see or feel the kind of despair of a shortage that would cause this magnitude of tension. DOES ANY OF THAT MAKE SENSE?

As I was saying, I wish the world-building had just been . . . more. We hardly see or even really hear about the other clans besides the Ram. How do their societies differ from the Ram? What are their people really like? What is their territory, their climate? I WANT TO KNOW.

When it comes to the characters, I mentioned earlier that I expected a lot more from the spy aspect. Still, it's interesting to see Zo hide among the Nameless, to see how she's treated differently than the others because she's a Healer. It's something that she really struggles with - using the abilities her mother taught her to heal members of the Ram, the clan she absolutely wants to defeat. And she's certainly got a lot to lose here - namely, her younger sister. I just wish there had been some more, you know, actual spying.

Gryphon, too, struggles with his loyalties. He fell a bit flat for me, but I did like how conflicted he was. He was firm but willing to bend the rules of everything he'd ever known to do what he thought was right. (Though how ANYONE ever believes that stuff is right is beyond me, but I was raised in a different world, I guess.)

As for the connection between him and Zo? It definitely didn't go too fast, and I didn't feel as if it was agonizingly slow and drawn out, either. There certainly was a connection present, and I could appreciate it, but I didn't . . . intensely ship it? I think Blue and Gansey have just ruined other YA ships for me for life. But I think it's something a lot of people would like. Somehow, despite their different beliefs, their different clans, the danger, it's a simple, barely-there romance.

Overall: The writing isn't bogged down; instead, it's light and easy and quick. I wish there had been more background on the clans and the entire world, really, and although I wasn't totally invested in the characters, I did read Nameless rather quickly and think it's a fun story. 3 stars.
Profile Image for Aila.
911 reviews32 followers
September 6, 2015
Thank you Month9Books for providing an ARC of this book in exchange for a review!

Nameless starts out with Zo, a Wolf, infiltrating the Ram clan as a spy. It’s full of action from beginning to end, and with that is also the inclusion of in-depth characters who really grow. Whether its Zo’s prejudice against the heartless Rams or Gryphon’s apathy towards his clan’s brutal ways, both these dynamic characters change throughout the book.

In the blurb above, Gryphon is the Ram soldier that Zo has “confusing feelings” for. We get to see a little of his thoughts, as this book is written in limited third person in his and Zo’s thoughts. Even though the description of the blurb highlights Zo’s character, Gryphon has an essential role that comes to light in the book. I absolutely loved his character development, and how, throughout the course of events, his eyes are opened to the cruelty in the Ram clan. The best part is the fact that he still has pride in his clan despite that. He doesn’t immediately want to start rebelling against the place and people he was raised with; instead, Gryphon wants to make the necessary changes that might benefit his clan. I found it not only realistic but also refreshing for someone to be set against their people’s traditions, but not want to separate completely away from the group.

Zo, on the other hand, was a strong and courageous heroine. She cares about her sister and throughout the book we can see instances of their love and protection. In my opinion, Zo did a superb job with spying – she wasn’t deterred by frivolous things, including a good-looking Ram soldier.

In fact, the romance in this book is pretty big, but not central. It’s definitely a slow burn as our characters come to realize their feelings and the dangers of them within the gates of the Ram clan. Both Zo and Gryphon were rational about it, and I think they would make a fantastic couple.

Many additional characters add so much flavor to this book! The nameless rebels who want liberty; the Rams who are trying to save themselves from their own clan’s customs; each of them were important to the development and plot of the story, and I enjoyed reading about them. I really can’t wait to see what the sequel brings, because I feel as if the tense situations in this book will be leading up to a big event in the next.

I really want to know more of the world! There are four clans in the story, but we only deal with two. We are given a history of what happened in the past, but I feel like there’s more to it! (Or maybe that’s just me wanting more?) Either way, I really want to explore more of the setting and the life outside the Ram’s gate in the next book.

Nameless had a wonderful cast of characters and a meaningful story that has hidden lessons within it. I would definitely recommend this for readers looking for an adventure that ends up becoming so much more!

August 2015:

Absolutely awesome! Can't wait for the next book.
Profile Image for Once.
2,344 reviews80 followers
July 6, 2015
Zo, a young Wolf, willing to go behind enemy lines if that means helping the Allies. Not wanting to live under clan rules and sick of the Ram's raids on the innocent and vulnerable Zo goes in disguised as a Nameless healer. One her way to finding information she makes unlikely friends with Joshua and Gryphon. Two Ram's who are starting to prove her wrong about everything she ever believed a Ram member to be. Gryphon, a Ram, who is only worried about getting his family's honor back and will do anything to obtain it. Until he meets Zo and gets to know her. Is he willing to give it all up for a Wolf or is he willing to fight for the Ram?

Wow....WOW, WOW, WOW! I have no words to describe how much I love this book. Jenkins writes characters who are just so easy to love, and when you love a character it makes the book so much better. And I loved all the characters. Zo, Tess, Joshua and Gryphon. Gryphon is definitely my favorite - but who wouldn't love Gryphon? Of course I do have a soft spot for our heroine, Zo.

And the romance....the one thing that usually brings me to a book because the book revolves around the romance. Nameless does not revolve around a romance, I mean...it's there, but it's not prominent. The book starts with action, adventure and danger. Slowly it evolves into a romance. And not an overpowering one either. Which honestly made Gryphon and Zo's romance that much better.

I am ready for the sequel, I cannot wait to see how Gryphon, Zo, Tess, Joshua and their group get through their next adventure!

I am so excited for everyone to read this, and I am going to recommend it to everyone I know. I hope that you read it, and I hope that you all enjoy it just as much as I did!

Full Review to come!
Profile Image for Danielle's.
Author 1 book154 followers
October 18, 2017
Zo has a mission. It may be suicidal, but she has volunteered to infiltrate an enemy clan. Her task is to gather information and avenge her parent's death. She becomes a Nameless. The Nameless are the slave people of the Ram clan.
Zo is a healer and uses her gifts to gain a position close to the clan warriors. She is focused on her task when her younger sister is captured. This was not part of the plan! She doesn't want anything to happen to her. As Zo infiltrates into the Ram's surrounding she begins to find friends. Some are less expected than others, and soon she begins to question her hatred. Maybe not all Ram's are so bad? Maybe some Nameless need her help too? Maybe there is hope for Zo and her sister.

This is a fantasy war series with a little romance mixed in. The story is continuous, therefore this is not a standalone. Book 3 has just been realised so there is plenty to sink your teeth into. I really enjoyed this book it took me a little while to get into it, but I think that was because there is a lot to explain. Everything is fantasy and the world etc has to be built up. I would definitely recommend this book and it is an easy 5-star rating.

*ARC received in exchange for a fair review*
Profile Image for Jessie.
263 reviews38 followers
June 18, 2018
I feel guilty for finishing this book when I should have been preparing for finals. OOppps...I'm a baaaaddd girl... Good job Jennifer Jenkins!

I was hanging on to every word - I just couldn't put the book down and call it a night. I had to finish it, the suspense was killing me.

The characters came alive. The world painted was just spectacular. Everything fell into the right place, no loose ends.

I wouldn't want to be born a Ram - I'm team wolf all the way!

This book deserves a higher rating.

Book 2, here I come!
Profile Image for Harlee.
210 reviews20 followers
August 26, 2015
*I received an e-ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review* Thank you Jaime for sending me this and a huge thank you to Crystal for giving me the email address to request this!
I am beyond words right now. This story is incredible! It's intense and action packed from the very beginning. I absolutely love these characters! Their troubles and conflicts are SO heavy and I am in awe over what all occurred in this book. I desperately need a sequel!!!
Profile Image for nancy (The Ravenous Reader).
419 reviews315 followers
June 24, 2015
NAMELESS is epic storytelling at its best. My mind is still reeling from the world that I have just been immersed in and I don't want to leave it. Can I please have the sequel NOW? Because I need to know what happens next but in the meantime I'm just going to re-read it again and again.

Is it that good, you may ask?

Hell yes!!! And you will think so too. Trust me.
Profile Image for Tinnie.
285 reviews1 follower
November 5, 2015
This book brought me out of my reading slump. For that, I am ever so grateful!!

It was a perfect mix of action, suspense and excitement coupled with a few heart-wrenching moments. I absolutely adored it!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 207 reviews

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