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Love Letters to a Serial Killer: Thriller | Die ungewöhnlichste Liebesgeschichte des Jahres – herzzerreißend, abgründig, tödlich

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Verliebt in einen Serienkiller

Genervt davon, ihre Freundinnen mit deren Ehemännern und Kindern in die Vororte verschwinden zu sehen, findet Hannah in einem Internet-Forum für True-Crime eine aufregende neue Beschäftigung. Die Community hat es sich zur Aufgabe gemacht, die Morde an vier Frauen aufzuklären, die in einer Schlucht außerhalb von Atlanta abgelegt wurden. Als ein gutaussehender Anwalt namens William wegen der Morde verhaftet wird und sich die Beweise für seine Schuld ebenso schnell häufen wie die Leichen, beginnt Hannah, ihm Briefe zu Vor Wut, aber auch, weil eine seltsame Faszination von ihm ausgeht. Und plötzlich schreibt William zurück … 

352 pages, Kindle Edition

First published June 25, 2024

About the author

Tasha Coryell

4 books136 followers

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Profile Image for Cara.
438 reviews823 followers
June 21, 2024
Love Letters to a Serial Killer written by Tasha Coryell was like nothing I have ever read before, this is the type of thriller where after you finish reading you say "what the actual fuck?" I have never read a book by Tasha Coryell before, but after being sucked into this story, I will definitely be reading anything else she writes. Love Letters to a Serial Killer is a THRILLING thriller. I obviously wanted to read this book because of the pretty pink cover, but my goodness this book was a wild roller coaster ride. I went from being in a chokehold to screaming my head off because of the twists and turns. This book was twisted, creepy, thrilling, messed up in all the best ways possible. This book is everything you would expect a thriller to be like, but at times the dialogue was super cringey, but nonetheless it was a super interesting story that kept me hooked from beginning to end. I never thought I would ever pick up a book like this one, but the popcorn was popping. The pretty cover will definitely have you fooled because there is absolutely NOTHING pretty about this book, it's so twisted. Although this book deals with murder, it's not gruesome in any way, so you don't need to worry about all the gore and blood. I can't recommend this book enough, please do yourself a favor and mark your calendars for June 25th, 2024.


"👿Discovering an active serial killer was like discovering a monster in the closet- something that generated mass fear and paranoia despite the rarity of their existence👿".

"😭One of the greater injustices of having a body was how much it physically hurt to be sad. I could cry one day and wake up the next morning with my face still swollen from tears😭".

"💔I think there's something broken inside of you that makes you hurt people this way. Stop trying to blame the world around you and take responsibility for your actions💔".

Our female main character Hannah works for a non-profit organization, but soon loses her job because she's not getting anything done, basically her head isn't in the game. Hannah is not a relatable character in any way, I felt no connection to her whatsoever. Hannah is manipulative, impulsive, and obsessive with things she should have just kept her nose out of. In Atlanta, Georgia, William Thompson is arrested and accused for killing four women and dumping their bodies in the exact same ravine. William is interning to be one of the best lawyers at his father's law firm, so why would an ordinary man just spiral out of control and start killing innocent women? After Hannah hears word of this case, she starts writing William letters while he's in prison, and he actually responds back. As William and Hannah communicate through letters, they form a relationship. When William gets on the trial stand, Hannah drops everything she's doing to take a little trip to Georgia to support William. In Georgia, Hannah aligns herself with other crime junkies and starts reading up on rumors posted on this form on social media. Hannah gets obsessed with this case and can't focus on anything else.

When a fifth woman's body is found while William's on trial, the jury has no reason to find William guilty, so basically he's now a free man. I didn't like Hannah at all, she couldn't even make any rational decisions on her own, but I appreciate her for looking into the deaths of these five women. I think it was super weird that Hannah and William fell in love while communicating through letters while he was rotting in prison, I don't know, it's just a bit weird for me, but I guess you only live once. It broke my heart when Kelsey, Anna Leigh, Kimberly, Jill, and Emma's family members would just break down telling the stories of their loved ones. I didn't expect to get so choked up reading a thriller, but I definitely shed a few tears here and there. Although, I didn't like Hannah, I felt like she kept the story more interesting, because she was just so irrational. When William gets released from prison, he has supporters but he also has people who think he should rot in prison, basically like every other murder case that happens, people have supporters, but they also have haters who think they committed crimes without actually following the story. Like I said before, don't let the pretty cover fool you, this book is anything but pretty in my opinion.
Profile Image for Jamie.
330 reviews278 followers
May 29, 2024
I've read a lot of books with broken, neurotic main characters, but this one really takes the cake. I'm not a psychiatrist (although I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night), but I'm guessing a real-life Hannah would be diagnosed with a personality disorder or two. At the very least, though, she certainly has some extremely questionable decision-making skills and needs to develop a modicum of self-respect.

But, anyway, Love Letters to a Serial Killer was an interesting read. I can't exactly say that I enjoyed it, but I also couldn't stop turning the pages. I saw the twist coming from the very first chapter, and I guessed the “who” of the twist as soon as that person was introduced, so don't expect Agatha Christie-level twists and turns here – it's really kind of predictable. But, at the same time, it's kind of like watching a train wreck that you're powerless to stop and incapable of looking away from.

I mean, I think we've probably all wondered about those women who fall in love with serial killers while they're in prison. What possesses them to desire men who are literally murderers? This novel gives the reader a look into the mind of “one of those women” and it's rather fascinating. I'm sure that some of these “couples” go on to lead incredibly happy lives together (at least as happy as things can be when one of you is in prison, anyway), but I don't think I'll ever truly understand it.

Oh, and the characters? We've already discussed Hannah, but don't expect the rest to be any more likeable (or sane). Pretty much every single one of them could benefit from some heavy-duty therapy (and, in some cases, lots of jail time). The accused serial killer is perhaps the most well-adjusted person in the book, if that says anything about the level of dysfunction that we're talking about here.

So, yeah. Love Letters to a Serial Killer has a somewhat predictable plot and lots of badly-behaved characters, but yet it's still completely engrossing. Where does that leave me rating-wise? I dunno. Three stars, I suppose? It's not fantastic literature, but if you enjoy “true” crime-type thrillers with a heavy dose of bad decisions, you might just enjoy this one.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group for providing me with an advance copy of this book to review. Its expected publication date is June 25, 2024.
Profile Image for megs_bookrack.
1,894 reviews12.6k followers
September 15, 2024
Love Letters to a Serial Killer is like nothing I have read before. This one is truly in a category all of its own, and the more I think about it, the more I think I enjoyed it!

This story follows Hannah, who in her 30s, finds herself in a rut. Her job is a bore, she feels disconnected from her soon-to-be-married best friend, and the guy she's been in love with has moved on to someone else.

Hannah is lonely. She needs a change. When four women are killed in Atlanta, apparently by an active serial killer, Hannah discovers True Crime forums. She's immediately hooked into the energetic community of online sleuths.

When a handsome lawyer, William, is arrested for the crimes, Hannah's interest quickly becomes obsession.

Captivated by the case, Hannah decides to write William a letter as a way to air all of her frustrations and anger. What harm could come of it? It feels like a great way to express herself, and no one else will ever know anything about it.

Unexpectedly, William writes back. His letters are surprisingly charming and he seems so interested in her. It's hard to reconcile his beautiful letters with the horrible monster the world is claiming him to be.

As mentioned, this whole thing has become an obsession of sorts for Hannah. It takes over her life. After losing her job for poor performance, she decides to leave her life behind and head to Atlanta to attend William's trial.

The trial is a media frenzy, but in spite of the chaos, Hannah attends each and every day. She ends up befriending some other attendees and eventually begins to feel more at home there than she ever did in her old life.

When a 5th-woman is murderer while the trial is underway, it throws everything into question. How can William be the guilty party, if women are still being murdered the same way while he's locked up?

With this huge development, and the prosecution having nothing more than circumstantial evidence against him, the jury has no choice but to find William not guilty. Guess who he calls upon after?

That's right. Hannah. The two move in together and officially become a couple. Everything is great. William is so supportive of her, she doesn't even have to get a new job.

All the more time for investigating him, because Hannah still suspects William could be a serial killer, acquittal or not.

Honestly, Love Letters to a Serial Killer is an odd little story. Even though I didn't like Hannah, or her bonkers choices, I still found it to be ridiculously compelling.

I could not stop reading!

I feel like this one is going to garner some strong opinions upon its release, and I'm definitely interested to read them all. I found it to be completely original and wickedly fun, but it definitely tackles some taboo topics.

It did take me a minute to commit to the story. Hannah seems so desperate in the beginning. It annoyed me. I thought to myself, no wonder she is going to fall for a serial killer. She was just looking for any attention AT ALL.

Once it got to the point where she discovered the forums though, I was hooked. Then there was the letters! Was she nuts? He hadn't even gone to trial yet. She was thinking he'd be locked up forever, but that's never guaranteed.

Her choices were just a string of, WTF, Hannah?!?, moments, and I was eating it up.

As it goes along, it gets more and more wild. The family gets involved, other people, and then their relationship. OMG, I just, I'm not really sure how to sum up my thoughts on it.

It's sick, it's twisted, it's slightly deranged, but I liked it. Hannah is like the Carole Ann Boone of the Romantic Thriller genre.

Thank you so much to the publisher, Berkley, for providing me with a copy to read and review.

This is an incredibly memorable one for me and I can't wait to get more from this author!
Profile Image for Kaceey.
1,298 reviews4,070 followers
March 24, 2024
Talk about falling for the proverbial bad boy!

Hannah is floundering. A dead end job. Friends fading away as their own lives fall nicely in to place. And most painful, being ghosted by her most recent boyfriend- though he never liked to label their relationship. (Well of course he didn’t!)🙄

Looking for a new direction, or at least something to occupy her time, she happens on an online forum dedicated to a murdered woman in Georgia. As more victims are identified, a suspect, William is taken into custody.

As Hannah’s obsession with the case ramps up she decides to write to William in Jail. Why not right? What harm can it do? But what happens when he responds!?😳

Overall, a fun thriller. Having just finished binging Prison Brides so this was right up my alley!

And yes, I had the same reaction. Screaming at Hannah as I did the women on the show, “what did you think was going to happen!?” 💁🏻‍♀️

If you’re looking for something different and a bit out of the box this would be a good fit!

Thank you to Berkley Publishing via NetGalley
Profile Image for Chantal.
836 reviews725 followers
July 4, 2024
The highlight of this book was definitely the trial part. However, Hannah, the main character, wasn’t very likable. The author tried to show her struggles with self-worth and constant nagging to explain why she wrote to Will in prison, but I just couldn't connect with her. The plot idea was good, but I felt Will's letters needed more psychological depth. They were too mild and loving, lacking the persuasive edge they needed but the nice little twist did give me a bit of closure and answered many questionable choices.
Profile Image for Lindsey♡ (Semi-Hiatus).
141 reviews163 followers
July 23, 2024
"I didn't plan to fall in love with an accused serial killer. Nevertheless, my wrists and ankles are bound to a chair, and I can blame only myself."

Hannah, the FMC, works for a nonprofit organization and lives a pretty lonely and boring life. After the man that she was casually hooking up with ghosts her, Hannah spirals down a hole of self-loathing. When multiple girls come up murdered, Hannah decides to join a forum that follows the investigation, simply to keep herself busy. Initially out of curiousity, Hannah starts writing letters to the man expected of being a serial killer. Then that curiousity turns into an obsession. What happens though when the man accused of being a serial killer is found innocent and only has eyes for you?
"It was possible that I'd always wanted violence and not love. Or maybe I'd intertwined those things so closely that it was impossible to seperate them.

I don't know what was in this book but it was so addicting and I could not put it down. Granted the FMC at times annoyed me beyond belief. I seriously think she is insane in a disturbing kind of way. Her actions were unbelievable and at times I found myself yelling at the book wondering, "What is wrong with you?" However, the overall plot concept was very unique and intriguing and I could not stop reading it. Before I started reading this I said that I wanted something a little different and that is exactly what this book delivered.
"We chase after things that we know aren't good for us just so that we can say that we did it."

Thank you to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing Group for access to this arc in exchange for an honest review.

Pre-Read Reveiw:
Love letters to a Serial Killer?
Romance or Thriller?
Needing something a little different to dive into. This one sounds really entertaining, so let's see what it brings to the table.✨❤️
Profile Image for Casey Reads ✨.
293 reviews161 followers
March 19, 2024
Hannah, the FMC, becomes obsessed with a serial killer after hearing about a few bodies that are found in the same area. She spends all her time on a forum researching the killings until it completely takes over her life and she loses everything else. She then starts writing letters to the accused killer in jail. She even drops her whole life to attend the trial.

My thoughts: the FMC Hannah has some sort of serious mental issues. She is obsessive, impulsive, and needs professional help. She is NOT a likable main character. Do not expect to resonate with her in any way. But also, I could NOT stop reading. She was such an interesting main character. I don’t think she ever made a rational decision once in this book.

I actually know someone this desperate and obsessive in real life and the whole time I was reading it I was thinking “is this really what goes on in her mind?” It was definitely very interesting to read.

Even though serial killers and murder are a main topic in the book, it is not gruesome in my opinion. The book is more focused on Hannah’s behavior.

The ending was a wild ride, but I enjoyed it.

To be honest, I feel like this book isn’t meant to be taken fully seriously. It is supposed to be a fun ride with a crazy narrator in my opinion. I think some of the bad reviews took the book the wrong way?

Read an advance copy for free in exchange for an honest review- thanks to Berkley & NetGalley.
Profile Image for Nilufer Ozmekik.
2,681 reviews53.9k followers
January 24, 2024
Tasha Coryell ventures into risky territory with an unconventional love story that sparks heated debates about what lures women to serial killers.

Meet Hannah, a directionless young woman in her early thirties, dissatisfied with her dead-end job at nonprofit organizations, unable to secure promotions, and perpetually seeking her parents' approval. Unlucky in love, she becomes self-deprecating after being dumped by men she never intended to date in the first place. Stuck with fluctuating body weight, a small apartment adorned with thrift shop finds, and a former friend who abandoned her for a boyfriend, Hannah's discontent takes a surprising turn when she joins a true crime forum aimed at solving the cases of three women in Atlanta. All three victims share a common connection: romantic involvement with the charming, well-coifed, competitive lawyer, William Thompson. The women were discovered in a ravine, naked, drowned, and lifeless.

As Hannah actively uses social media to seek justice for the victims, she decides to write a hate letter to William, convinced he won't respond. To her surprise, he does, setting off a chain of events that could change Hannah's life forever—resulting in job loss, a road trip to Georgia to attend the trial with fellow William sympathizers, and an unexpected transformation in William's role in her life, becoming a confidant, priest, therapist, and lover.

Why is Hannah drawn to William? Is it a desire for the spotlight, an attempt to tame the beast, a quest for a drama-free relationship, or an avoidance of the relationship dramas she's experienced before? Is she simply falling for a bad boy and trying to suppress this desire by delving into the mystery of why he killed those women? Or does she genuinely believe in the possibility of his innocence? One thing is certain—she has no idea she's playing with fire, akin to a moth drawn to a flame.

I wish the blurb didn't reveal William's acquittal and the deaths of four women, major spoilers that, in my opinion, dampen the curiosity of readers. Until the last third, we believed there were only three victims. The final twist is somewhat foreseeable, and in my opinion, rewriting the book's synopsis to conclude with Hannah's participation in the trials would generate more interest in the main mystery.

Despite not being particularly fond of Hannah, I appreciate her motives, which differ slightly from women clinically diagnosed with "hybristophilia," a paraphilia involving sexual interest and attraction to serial killers, also known as "Bonnie and Clyde syndrome."

The author courageously delves into a thought-provoking, contentious real-life topic. While my interest waned during the trial parts, the author thankfully picked up the pace in the last third, concluding with a bizarre resolution. At times, I found myself questioning which character is more mentally disturbed—Hannah or William.

In conclusion, the intriguing topic, unreliable yet layered characterizations, and a satisfying conclusion earn the book a rating of 3.5 to 4 serial killer stars. However, I believe the book's synopsis reveals too much and should be urgently revised to attract more crime thriller enthusiasts.

Many thanks to NetGalley and Berkley Publishing for generously providing this digital review copy in exchange for my honest thoughts.

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Profile Image for Lit with Leigh.
622 reviews7,756 followers
September 28, 2024
Welp???? Lmao. What fked me up the most was the fact he dj-ed her clit after she pissed herself.
Profile Image for Surajat Debbie.
171 reviews66 followers
August 28, 2024
4.4 ⭐️ Women, I thought, should be able to look however they wanted and still be considered worthy of love. That didn’t stop me from judging myself and my inability to conform.

How Tasha Coryell managed to write such a deeply complex, chaotic, unhinged, yet scarily relatable female character needs to be studied. Hannah Wilson, I loved and hated you equal amounts through this journey…please, see a therapist 😭

This book did exactly what I needed to do - and that was to deliver a good dark humoured mystery. I think the twist was slightly predictable but the story itself was solid enough for me not to mind.

post read review below:

The story starts off with present day Hannah Wilson in a really tough and scary situation. Naturally, we want to know how she got herself into this sticky predicament, and chapter one picks up in the past, showing us all of Hannah’s terrible decisions that led her to a relationship with an alleged serial killer.

From the beginning, you can kind of tell that Hannah’s response to danger is not normal and quite problematic. She fears danger, but also desires the potential attention she would garner whilst being in close proximity to it. She centres herself in a toxic way. For example - instead of simply fearing death and wondering if her loved ones would be okay when she’s gone, she fantasises about how people would mourn her. And is also self obsessed enough to hope the world crumbles if something ever happened to her. What is the world if I’m not in it?

What I loved about this story was the strange way I was able to empathise with Hannah. I would have never imagined myself understanding those women who fall in love with killers in prison. But Hannah is COMPLEX. Her life and story is TRAGIC, and she was constantly let down by men and society in general. Now, she was DEFINITELY guilty of choosing the wrong men (I’ll let you all be the judge of the ex guy in his 30s who has no money and is in a ‘punk band’😭). But still, she didn’t deserve the treatment she received. And when she originally writes to alleged killer, William Thompson, telling him how awful he is and how she can’t believe someone could be so evil, she did NOT expect him to genuinely write back and give her that thrilling attention she’d always wanted. After all Boyfriends who were serial killers were still boyfriends. 🤷🏾‍♀️ (Hannah’s words not mine).

There are several elements of mystery, with regards to if William really did kill all those women, if he was working alone, if it was his rich suspicious dad Mark etc. The initial twist(ish) at the end was oookkkaaayyyyy. And I kind of clocked it BUT, by then I was simply invested in Hannah’s story and if she was going to do better at any point…spoiler alert there is no character development in this book 😭😂 and I kind of loved it for that. But it also left me a little sad?

The final twist on the last page though? I almost threw the book on the floor because SERIOUSLY?! . Tasha Coryell really said no to any sort of development or life progress for Hannah. It was chaos in the beginning and chaos in the end. Gotta love the consistency I guess 😭😭😭

One of my fav quotes to wrap this all up:

This was not to suggest that being murdered and being shunned by a man I wasn’t even in a real relationship with were equivalent, but to say it was a bad time for a lot of us. 🥲


Took an accidental break from reading….hoping a good mystery gets me in the zone 🤞🏾🫣🔪
Profile Image for Jenny.
276 reviews368 followers
March 25, 2024
Overall rating: 3,5 stars

Hannah is feeling totally fed up after getting ghosted and watching her friends drift off to the suburbs. But fear not, because she stumbles upon a true-crime forum that's all about solving the mystery behind the murders of four women in Atlanta. And guess what? This handsome lawyer named William gets busted for the crimes.

Now, Hannah isn't one to sit back and chill. Oh no, she starts writing letters to William as a way to let out her pent-up frustration and rage. At first, it's like therapy for her, you know? But then, surprise surprise, William writes back! And that's when things take a sharp left turn into Crazytown.

"Love Letters to a Serial Killer" had me hooked, no doubt about it. But did I enjoy it? Well, that's a tricky one. Hannah is not exactly the most likable character. In fact, she might just give the killer a run for his money in the crazy department.

The story's got some decent twists and turns, even if it does drag a bit in places. If you're into delving into the minds of those "women who love killers" and you're down for a unique story that's equal parts fascinating and unsettling, give this book a whirl. It's not your typical love story, that's for sure, but it'll definitely keep you on your toes!
Profile Image for Tammy Niraula.
153 reviews35 followers
July 2, 2024
I am severely disappointed by how much I didn't like this book. Unlikable characters, very predictable and I hated the story and the ending! I have never wished a book would be over as much as I did while reading this one. This book just wasn't for me.
Profile Image for Kelly (and the Book Boar).
2,674 reviews9,123 followers
June 20, 2024

I’m going to steal from Rotten Tomatoes and certify this one as fresh.

When Hannah’s most recent soulmate ghosts her and her BFF gets engaged, Hannah takes her obsession with true crime to a whole different level and starts looking for love in all the wrong places. Specifically, as a pen pal with a suspected serial killer who has been charged with murdering four women and dumping their bodies in a ravine. What’s the harm, right? I mean all signs point to a conviction so it’s not like she’s actually at risk of being victim #5. That is until an actual fifth body is found while William is on trial which obviously makes him not guilty, he gets released and is ready for his happily ever after with his new girlfriend. Then it becomes a question of did he or didn’t he . . . or maybe more appropriate, will he or won’t he?

Simply put, this was a lot of fun. From the “Burn Book” style of cover art to the new take on “romance” in your 30s, I had a ball. The whodunit won’t be much of a shocker, but this made for a most enjoyable day out on the deck soaking up some unseasonably warm weather here in flyover country.

ARC provided by the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Dennis.
907 reviews1,853 followers
May 24, 2024
First and foremost, how incredible is this cover for LOVE LETTERS TO A SERIAL KILLER? @berkleypub really slays the game when it comes to covers, seriously. Now, this review will be controversial because the reviews for this book are legitimately all over the dang place, and for good reason. I totally understand why this book is getting mixed reviews, but honestly, doesn't that make reading and discussing books more fun?

LOVE LETTERS TO A SERIAL KILLER stars a hopeless romantic young woman named Hannah. Hannah is having a series of bad dates after being ghosted by her situationship, but her biggest passion is following true crime online investigators in forums to discuss what's going on with their crimes. When Hannah decides to write William Thompson, a good looking serial killer arrested for the murder of multiple women, she wants to give him a piece of her mind, but when he responds in a manner she doesn't expect, the two of them engage in a relationship. Hannah knows this is risky, I mean he's a possible serial killer, but the two have such a magnetic chemistry that she doesn't want to give up. Is Hannah drawn to him because she's lonely and wants a connection? Is she truly attracted to him or wants to try and see if she can "change" him? Is he truly guilty? Everything is up in the air, but when Hannah gets in too close with William, her life will be changed forever.

This book is so unhinged, bookstafam. I think because of my divorce I related to Hannah more than I wanted to and enjoyed this book more than I expected. Dating in 2024 is not what it was in 2014 when I was last single, I WILL TELL YOU THAT. This book is a slow-burn, and less thriller than you'd expect. It's more of a satirical social commentary on dating and relationships in the dating app world. I had a blast with this book, but understand why some may not. Go into this book with no expectations and I think you might be surprised.
Profile Image for Rachel (TheShadesofOrange).
2,611 reviews4,012 followers
June 16, 2024
2.5 Stars
I find the topic of when “falling in love” with incarcerated serial killers to be mind boggling and thus fascinating. However I realized that this book is not dealing with those psychological aspects. Which is fine.

My challenge is that this book is all build with a punchline that deflates the hold build. I don't want to spoil the ending but I would argue that the ending spoils the book. It was a letdown which made this cutting topic, flat and soft.

Disclaimer I received a copy of this book from the publisher.
Profile Image for Ashley (wickedreads).
365 reviews1,284 followers
June 15, 2024
I know it was on purpose but she was so annoying. Always making herself the victim and nothing is ever her fault and the privileged mindset frustrates me so much
Profile Image for Mandy White (mandylovestoread).
2,419 reviews699 followers
June 7, 2024
Love Letters to a Serial Killer.. tell me more!! I just had to read this one,, serial killer books are some of my favourites to read (I know, I know, what does that say about me!) This was a darkly funny and twisty read, with an accused murderer who was more likeable than the main protagonist. Hannah was a very strange character and I really did struggle to warm to her or understand her motivations. But I really did enjoy this book, it was different and clever in many ways.

Hannah is in her 30’s and really unsatisfied with her life. She lives in a crappy studio apartment, hates her job, her boyfriend has dumped her and her best friend is slipping away from her as she plans her wedding. Hannah finds herself drawn into the murder of women in Atlanta, and gets sucked into a rabbit hole on a true crime forum, which then leads her to start writing letters to the man accused, William, a handsome lawyer. The pair exchange letters and she finds herself falling in love with him. She attends every day of the trial, trying to get close to his family and find out if he really did do it.

Thanks so much to Orion Publishing for my advanced copy to read. Publishes on July 4th.
Profile Image for Marisha (MarishaReadsALot).
680 reviews37 followers
March 27, 2024
Thank you Berkley for the gifted copy.

As we all know, every book is not for every reader, and unfortunately that was the case with this one for me.

I found the female main character, Hannah, completely insufferable, hypocritical, and irredeemable. She will talk about how "in love" she is with her accused serial killer boyfriend and in the same breath go on to say the victims of his alleged crimes deserve justice. As a character she made no sense and I found her absolutely exhausting.

There were also certain times this book felt written for the male gaze. The line "Before she was murdered, Kelsey Jenkins was a bartender. She had the right look for the profession, with big boobs and a tiny waist." really gave me pause. It's disappointing that a line like this would be written by a woman.

The ending of the book also wrapped up incredibly quickly, and it left a lot to be desired for me.
Profile Image for Kristy.
1,203 reviews158 followers
May 26, 2024
3.25 Stars

I mean if the title and cover don’t already give it away, the main character is nutty. The synopsis says too much and there isn’t much to add that isn’t there. In the real world, I would be saying we need to find a mental health professional for Hannah. In this fictitious one, I was repeating WTFs and uttering “you’re batshit crazy” while laughing as I turned the pages. This book, and this character, are obviously not meant to be taken seriously, and that is what made it so fun.

I received an advanced copy through Netgalley in return for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jessi Colio.
74 reviews
June 3, 2024
I hate rating things low, so it almost pains me to rate this a 1-star. But upon reflection, I reeeeally didn’t like this book. Spoilers ahead!

Our FMC, Hannah is annoying, unreliable and desperately needs therapy. She has a hard-on for being murdered in the midst of an ongoing serial killer case. She becomes obsessed with William, who is on trial for multiple murder. They write one another and magically a “relationship” evolves (in essence, William feels guilty about shit from his past and Hannah just needs attention).

Once all of the characters are introduced, it’s obvious who the killer is. He is arrogant and it’s not a surprise when things are revealed to be twisted. Jealousy is a bitch.

But the two things that sealed the 1-star for me:
1. “I’ll let you f*ck me if you let me live.” Followed by her having the best orgasm of her life because *danger.*

2. She ends up pregnant by one of the brothers (who knows which). This made me irrationally angry.

Nope. Nope. Nope. 👎
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Keila (speedreadstagram).
1,534 reviews128 followers
February 11, 2024
QOTD: Do you read the book blurb before diving in? Or do you go in blind?

Hannah loves true crime and takes to writing a handsome lawyer arrested for killing four women.

Things are going well for Hannah until William, the lawyer, writes back.

The writing soon becomes an obsession. When William is found not guilty, he calls Hannah and the two quickly fall into domestic bliss. Except Hannah can’t quite shake a lingering feeling that William might be guilty.

The synopsis of this book certainly drew me in and had me intrigued. A woman who writes a potential serial killer while he’s on trial then moves in with him once he’s acquitted.

This book wasn’t exactly your normal thriller. For me it was a rather light read, not one that you can really take seriously at all. I found Hannah to be whiny and a bit insufferable, and well, rather unlikeable. I wish she would have had some more redeeming qualities so I could have been drawn into the story more, though, she did seem exactly like the type to be drawn towards a (potential) serial killer.

I found the pacing of this book to be a tad uneven which was frustrating. The last third or so of the book did fly by and the pace quickened up, however when the “twist” was revealed I was disappointed. I’m not one to guess, or want to guess, the twist, so I was saddened to realize that this one played out exactly as I thought it would.

I do think for a debut novel this book has a lot of promise and it will be interesting to see what this author comes up with next!

Thank you so much to Berkley Publishing Group @BerkleyPub and Netgalley @Netgalley for this e-arc. All thoughts are my own.

3.5 stars from me

#berkleypub #loveletterstoaserialkiller #netgalleyarc #berkleybooks #lightthriller #serialkillerbooks #booksaboutserialkillers
Profile Image for scthoughts.
280 reviews51 followers
July 3, 2024
That might’ve been the equivalent to experiencing a failed lobotomy.
Profile Image for Maria.
308 reviews292 followers
June 27, 2024
This is the book equivalent of sitting by someone who is cleaning out their bellybutton on public transportation. It's uncomfortable, you're confused by their choices and a little disgusted.
Profile Image for hollyreadit.
415 reviews350 followers
May 16, 2024

I read this book in one sitting because I absolutely could not put it down! Hannah was cray cray and I was here for it! She was unapologetically herself even when herself was in love with a serial killer. I kind of figured everything out early on, but that didn’t stop me from completely devouring this book and that ending was EVERYTHING. All my true crime obsessed ladies/gents out there, this ones for you!
Profile Image for ❊ maddie kay ❊.
75 reviews27 followers
April 4, 2024

I have some thoughts about this one. This was one of my most anticipated reads and I'm sad to say that it felt like a little bit of a letdown. Usually, thrillers that involve serial killers or the "do they have the right guy" trope are really fun... and right up my alley. This one, however, felt quite bland and repetitive. In addition to that, it was incredibly predictable and I had the entire plot figured out the second someone other than the main characters was introduced.

Diving in a little bit deeper now: I actually enjoyed a bit of this book. I liked the delusional main character to an extent - though her shtick got old very fast. I really liked the unreliable feeling that I got from reading her perspective... it just felt very surface level and I think it would've been fun to see that aspect of the story expand past what it was. The delusion was repetitive and really didn't add as much to this story as I was hoping it would.

I also found the vocabulary usage in this book to be quite pretentious. I don't think I have ever looked up the definition of SO many words for one book. While I know there is supposed to be an air of sophistication in parts of this book, the main character (who happens to be the one narrating this entire book), makes it a point to show us that she is clearly not of that level of sophistication. So the usage of such vocabulary seems very out of place.

Aside from that, there are three things that really sunk my rating:

1. the "thriller" aspect, or lack-thereof : This felt like more of an attempt at dark romance more than anything else. While yes, there was mystery involved at some points, it seemed a lot more focused on dark and sexual obsession with murder/being murdered. I don't mind a little bit of smut in my reads, this one just seemed to have a bit too much for a book whose genres were listed as "general adult fiction" and "mystery/thriller."

2. the pacing: Why does everything of any importance happen within the last 30 minutes of this book? It kind of felt like everything and nothing was happening at the same time. I wouldn't say this book was slow, but I was worried toward the end that it wasn't going to wrap up as nicely as I would like it to... and I was correct in that assumption. It was rushed and last minute.

3. the twist and ending : As I stated earlier, this was incredibly predictable. You could see the twist coming a mile away even if you are not an avid thriller reader. Everything about it felt lackluster and bland - with the smut thrown in, just to give some sort of shock factor.

Unfortunately this one was just not for me. Which is a bummer because the premise was so good... until it wasn't.

Thank you to Berkley, Tasha Coryell, and Netgalley for the gifted copy of this book.

Profile Image for Chelsea | thrillerbookbabe.
599 reviews884 followers
May 20, 2024
What in tarnation. Thank you to Berkley for this wild book. It was about Hannah, a girl who becomes obsessed with a true crime case. She learns about the four murders that handsome lawyer William commits, and deep dives into the case. She joins forums online, talks to everyone she knows about the case, and starts to write him letters as an outlet for her rage. She is very surprised when he writes back, and seems normal.

The letters become more frequent, and Hannah becomes more obsessed. When she loses her job, she decides to drive to where the trial is held to support him. She becomes enamored with his family, following them around and trying to figure out if William is innocent or guilty. But then a fifth woman is killed, and Hannah realizes there is more going on than meets the eye.

Thoughts: This book was deranged. I understand being obsessed with true crime and the way our society turns horrific crime into entertainment. We have all sorts of shows and podcasts dedicated to consuming other people’s tragedy. Hannah embodied this unhealthy obsession, and took it much further. This story was compelling and I couldn’t stop reading it. I had to know what was going to happen next, and if Hannah was really as delusional as she seemed to be.

The author did a good job of describing “those women” who fall in love with serial killers and have an unhealthy obsession. I couldn’t stand Hannah, and found her the most delusional character of them all. That’s saying a lot compared to a rich privileged family and a man in prison for killing multiple women. The ending was odd and strange and unsatisfying, but somehow fit the rest of this story. 3-stars
Profile Image for buket.
847 reviews1,251 followers
June 27, 2024
lmaoo i guess i’m not build for thriller😭😭😭 i usually read the ending of the books to be prepared but i guess you can’t do that in thrillers? because now i know the killer and there’s no purpose of reading this because i lost all my interest😭😭😭dumbest person alive💔
Profile Image for Louise ❀ (Semi-Hiatus).
83 reviews4 followers
July 6, 2024
Love Letters to a Serial Killer is one of those books where you go “woah” and wonder what you just read, but in the best way.

Hannah isn’t happy with her life. Her FWB just ghosted her, she didn’t get the promotion, she hates her job, her studio apartment is expensive with bad neighbours, and with her wage she’s barely scraping by. She hears about a woman who has gone missing in Georgia and joins a forum online dedicated to finding her. When her body is found in a ravine, Hannah and the others in the forum decide to investigate themselves. When more women’s bodies show up in the same ravine, they suspect a serial killer is active in the area. When a suspect is identified and arrested, Hannah writes to him in anger. What she doesn’t expect is for William to write back, and for the two to fall in love.

So, I think Hannah is INSANE. Her actions throughout this whole book had me going “girl, stop”. She becomes absolutely obsessed with William while also insisting she isn’t one of ‘those girls’ who are obsessed with true crime and fall in love with killers, when she’s literally that girl. I honestly didn’t like Hannah, although she was interesting as a character, but I think that was kind of the point? I feel like disliking Hannah made my reading experience better for me to be honest. Her character isn’t the kind of unlikable that stops you reading, it’s more the kind of unlikable where you know their behaviour is insane and you can’t look away. Like a train wreck. Props to the author for delving into the mind of an obsessive, chronically online, ‘I can fix him’, serial killer groupie type - I think you nailed it!

Anyways, I don’t want to say too much and spoil this because the twists and turns in this book are wild and I think it’s best to go in blind. This is definitely a 5 star read for me, I had a great time and I’ve literally already recommended it to someone and will definitely recommend it to others.

Trigger and Content Warnings:
Murder (obviously lol. Off page, mentioned)
Torture (mentioned, off page)
Animal cruelty (mentioned, off page)
Cheating (on and off page)
Mentions of a difficult upbringing
Drug overdose (mentioned, off page)
Online bullying and harassment
Obsessive behaviour
Unprotected sex

**Please check trigger warnings before reading. Look after yourself, your mental health is important. You are loved and you matter**
July 1, 2024
I want to be special in death as I was never able to be in life.

Story 🌟🌟🌟

I would've said I consumed true crime as much as any other ordinary American woman, which was to say quite a bit. We were obsessed with our own impending deaths, imagining danger in even the tamest of scenarios.

Did you ever think about what drives women to fall in love with murderers/convicts?
Like the defenders of Ted Bundy (women themselves, can you believe that?) for example.
Hannah is lonely. She has an unfulfilling job, her friendship with her best friend slowly dies out (because she got a boyfriend) and she feels like she let her dreams be on hold.
But then she finds an obsession: a murder case. After a while a suspect gets taken into custody and his name is William.
And you know what Hannah does? She writes him letters. First hateful and judgmental, but then he writes back and they start to become pen pals and more.

I need to be honest: wtf was this ending. Weird af.
I thought it was a good interesting concept and I enjoyed it even though I had a feeling about the murderer (and was right - woooohooo!).
Would I read it again? Definitely not.
Was it fun? Kinda.

Characters 🌟🌟🌟

I've never been a good secret keeper. The whole fun of obtaining secrets is figuring out who to tell them to.

Hannah is extremely lonely. So lonely that’s she starts writing letters to a murder suspect. After just a hunch of interest from him she gets obsessed. She lives for his letters, for the case. For him and the possibility that he could kill her.
William was a good letter writer and I kinda liked him.

Relationships 🌟🌟🌟🌟

I want you to listen when I tell you that I'll never be able to go on a date again without thinking of you.
Every moment I will wonder whether he wants to love me or murder me. What kind of relationship can come from that?

I would’ve dated William too. (Don’t judge, read the book if you’re curious why)
I love the concept of love letters. I wish love letters or letters in general were still a thing.
I mean, receiving nice messages in either way is amazing, but having something in your hand just hits different.
I would’ve loved if the letters wouldn’t have been integrated into the text of the book. Like, I love when letters get a new page/new chapter. It makes them stand out even more.

Writing 🌟🌟🌟🌟

For all my feminist posturing, I can never fully get away from this desire to please men. I'm not even sure what it would look like to fully please myself. All the moments in which I have loved myself most have been through someone else's gaze.

Even though I thought the story is weird, the writing itself was really good. Not only did they show us a good portion of Hannah’s thoughts and feelings, it was nicely paced and felt fluent, even though it had a lot of parts that didn’t need to be in there.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 2,087 reviews

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