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Keep Breathing #1

Keep breathing: Continua a respirare

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Sommersa da una montagna di bugie, cerco a tutti i costi di riemergere.
La mia vita e le mie scelte sono sempre state dettate da mio padre.
Ho dovuto lasciare l’uomo che amo per proteggerlo e ora sono costretta a sposarne uno che odio.
Pensavo di aver trovato una via d’uscita, che il mio tempo in questa gabbia dorata fosse ormai agli sgoccioli.
Poi, un giorno, Jaxson Holden torna nella mia vita, stravolgendola in un secondo.
È arrabbiato, lo capisco.
Ma non ha idea di quanto sia alta la posta in gioco – di quanto lui abbia da perdere, ora che è tornato.
Devo solo trovare il modo di resistere, mentre boccheggio in cerca d’aria quando il mio passato e il mio presente collidono.
Continua a respirare, River.
Continua a respirare.

238 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 30, 2020

About the author

Erica Marselas

15 books510 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 117 reviews
Profile Image for Dora Koutsoukou .
2,112 reviews609 followers
April 21, 2021
While this romance read was well written, it didn’t manage to keep my interest as to finish the story. Also, there were a lot of flashbacks that slightly tired me. Dnf @ 23%

Profile Image for Bella -.
124 reviews126 followers
December 3, 2020
3,40 Stars


River 27 (green eye, brunette) and Jaxon 29 (hazel eyes, blonde). They are happily in love, but because of River's schemeful -the worst kind of human- father, the drama gets included, and they get separated. Jaxon only knows as she left and never knows what actually causes the drama and feels devastated. After some time, they reunite, and the story starts.


Both MCs are likable + good couple.
River was way richer than Jax (I don't remember when was the last time I read a book where H wasn't uber-rich lol)
Jax is a perfect baker and cook.
I like both of their tattoos and what It meant.


Maybe the story could've included more angst. Because It seemed so promising on that side. (It still includes, but I wanted more) I preferred it If it was a dark read in a heavier/darker atmosphere.

I am not so fond of steamy scenes. Yes, there are good scenes. BUT, rather than the actual sex scenes, there are way too many references and implications, and at the beginning of the story, it felt a bit irrelevant and quick. I wanted to say, Wow, man, calm down…


Well, It's not a bad story. There are MEEH parts, but It is good in general.
It just didn't manage to captivate me enough.
BUT Okay I am going to be honest; there were times that I even called this book booring.
Good - average read. I am not planning on continuing with this stand-alone series.

You’re the reason I keep breathing. You’re the reason I got through all of this. You're my soul and god have I missed you...I love you. You are my air.
Profile Image for Vicky Sp.
1,456 reviews114 followers
October 18, 2021
Recensione in Review Party sulla mia pagina Bookstagram

⭐⭐⭐, 5
«Io ci sarò sempre per te, Rivs, per aiutarti a respirare», le aveva detto anni prima Jaxson.

Sembrava fosse passata una vita da quel giorno, quando a malincuore e con la morte nel cuore lo aveva lasciato. Ma allora erano stati messi in moto degli ingranaggi sui quali non aveva avuto nessun controllo e non si era potuta comportare diversamente.

Jaxson, figlio dell’acerrimo nemico di suo padre, era rimasto sconvolto dalla sua decisione, arrabbiato e palesemente deluso, ma ancora non sapeva che in realtà lei lo avesse fatto per il suo bene, anche per questo aveva pagato un prezzo molto alto, rinunciando di fatto alla propria libertà.

Dopo due anni la vita che era costretta a vivere non era quella che desiderava. Aveva dovuto vendere il suo futuro, il cuore e l’anima al diavolo per ottenere l’altisonante titolo di amministratore delegato, la villa favolosa, l’auto veloce e perfino l’appariscente anello di diamanti che portava al dito, ma erano privilegi che non aveva mai voluto.

«Ho rinunciato a tutto ciò che amavo e a cui tenevo moltissimo, per difendere gli altri dal demonio. Non mi sono mai sentita più sola in vita mia. Ormai sono solo un guscio vuoto».

Aveva dovuto stringere un odioso patto con suo padre per proteggere le persone che amava, e aveva dovuto persino rinunciare a se stessa. Ma River aveva un piano ben congeniato da portare a termine, e nulla e nessuno l’avrebbe fermata.

«Posso anche aver venduto la mia anima, ma il mio viaggio non è ancora finito. Supererò presto anche questo. Devo farcela. Devo sapere che il danno che ho causato non è stato vano».

🖋️È stata una lettura piacevole e veloce ma poco coinvolgente.

Il personaggio di Jaxon mi è piaciuto molto mentre con River, una donna che all’apparenza possiede tutto quel che si possa desiderare, ma che rinnega perché assoggettata al controllo spietato di suo padre, non c’è stata sintonia.

*Ringrazio la CE per la copia ARC
Profile Image for Vanitiromance.
540 reviews43 followers
October 22, 2021
4,5 stars
“Come puoi volermi?”

“Come posso non farlo? Ho passato anni a cercare di odiarti ma, qualsiasi cosa faccia, non riesco a dimenticare o a dimenticarti, cazzo”

“Io non ti ho affatto dimenticato. Non ho mai voluto farlo”

Appena ho letto la sinossi di Continua a respirare è scattata la scintilla. Infatti, questo libro, ha tutti gli ingredienti che mi catturano: due ex che si amano ancora, un po’ di odio, un filo di mistero e un pizzico di vendetta.

River, la protagonista, vive da sempre in una gabbia dorata, dall'esterno la sua sembra un’esistenza perfetta: ricca, con una famiglia dai sani principi alle spalle che la ama. Purtroppo per lei, nulla di quello che sembra è reale, tutto è una recita a favore degli investitori della società del padre. È proprio lui che tiene le redini del gioco, e quando qualcuno inizia a ribellarsi, trova il modo per riportarlo all'obbedienza. River conosce benissimo il meccanismo, e quando il padre si mette in mezzo nella relazione che ha con Jaxson, non le resta altro che arrendersi, perché sa che le conseguenze saranno durissime.

“Potresti raccontargli cos’è successo”

“No, è troppo rischioso, e Jaxson è il genere di uomo che si vendicherebbe. Preferisco che mi odi. È necessario che lui mi odi. Per il suo bene e per il mio.”

Combattere non porterà a nulla di buono, se non rendere tutto ancora più difficile per Jaxson. Rinuncia a lui, rinuncia alla sua vita perfetta, sperando che un giorno riuscirà a liberarsi e ricominciare da qualche parte nel mondo.

All'inizio può non sembrare, ma River, in realtà, è una grande combattente. Mi ha colpito il suo non demordere mai, nemmeno quando tutto per lei sembra perduto. Non smette mai di avere quella vena combattiva contro il padre, per ottenere un po’ di dignità. Quando Jaxson ritorna nella sua vita, sembra che il suo piano sia destinato al fallimento. Ma lei non si arrende, non vuole perdere gli ultimi pezzetti di sé stessa. In River ho trovato, finalmente, una protagonista che non si fa odiare, che sa prendere delle decisioni sensate.

“Tuttavia, le sue labbra così vicine alle mie sono pericolose, perché mi hanno subito riportato alla mente il ricordo di quanto fossero morbide e quanto fosse buono il loro sapore. Un tempo era la mia kryptonite, ma adesso spero di essere io la sua, per ottenere un po’ di giustizia.

Sarà facile spezzarla.”

Jaxson ha il dono di riuscire a superare il forte dolore che ha dovuto vivere quando River l’ha lasciato. Sapeva che qualcosa non andava, che non poteva essere vero, ma si è lasciato convincere dal rancore. Quando rivede River per lui è difficile far parlare l’odio, quando troppe cose sono rimaste irrisolte tra di loro, quando troppa passione scorre ancora solo guardandosi negli occhi e soprattutto quando tanto amore batte nei loro cuori.

Care lettrici, non sapete che bel libro che si è rivelato Continua a respirare; come dicevo all'inizio della recensione ha davvero tutti gli elementi che catturano subito la lettura.

Ogni capitolo ti regala un’emozione diversa e, soprattutto, il ritmo non cala mai, giri ogni pagina sperando nel lieto fine per i suoi protagonisti. Senza contare la caratterizzazione dei cattivi, che sono perfetti da disprezzare.
continua su https://www.vanitiromancebook.com/boo...
Profile Image for Wendy *cr8zysockbookblock*.
565 reviews194 followers
January 28, 2020

Absolutely Unputdownable! Remarkable! Phenomenal!! Erica is one of my absolute favorite authors. I totally have a fastest one-click finger in the south when it comes to her books. Barely Breathing is my new favorite book of hers (At least until her next one comes out) River and Jax’s story sucked me in from the first paragraph of the prologue and I instantly knew I was in for an emotional ride. I was lucky enough to early read this fantastic book, yet still I keep finding myself going back to certain parts of the book, because I’m not ready to let Jax and River go just yet. That’s how much these characters will stick with you.

From the outside one would think River has it all. She’s gorgeous and engaged to Harry, a successful executive that works for her company. However this marriage will be to a man chosen by her controlling father. River has been suffering under her father’s control. It’s devastating the things this woman has endured. Y’all my heart just hurts to even think about it all.

When her grandfather died leaving her to run the company, pushing her father out of his CEO position. He is livid and put a plan in place to take back control. The loveless arranged marriage to Harry is a part of that plan. She must figure out a way out of this mess and out from under her shady AF father’s thumb. In order to protect Jax, River unselfishly disappears for two years, breaking her own heart while leaving him shocked, devastated and brokenhearted and furious at her. Jax appears back into her life two years later just when she has her plans all figured out flipping her whole world on its side, will River lean on Jax for help or will she forget how to breathe and shut down?

Jax has spent the last two years broken, bitter and twisted up over one that ran away. He doesn’t know why she took off like a thief in the night , but now that he’s got his sights on her again he decides he wants revenge. He wants to punish her and bring a world of hurt her way like she did to him.

Jax is so hot y’all! Like tattoos under a business suit, smokin’ hot in the sack.GAH!! Loves his sister. Yeah! Everything about this guy is super hot. The tension that radiates off him and River. Holy god! 🔥

This book will have you hanging on the edge. Told in dual POV, going between present time and back two years ago to where their story first began. It will have you panting, swooning and fanning yourself one minute as you get caught up in their sweet and romantic whirlwind romance.

Then have you ready to chuck your beloved kindle right at the wall the very next chapter next. ( don’t worry it’s my prized possession so it’s safe. I just screamed obscenities) From one minute to the next you have no clue Wtf is happening?

Prepare yourself my friends... you won't stop reading, forget adulting or anything else until you’ve devoured every single word. River, Jax and the amazing secondary characters. I absolutely can’t wait for more from this crew. Can a person die of anticipation ?!?! I need Liam's book, like yesterday. LOL

Barely Breathing is the perfect title...Hell, I was breathless for most of this freakin book. Either panting cause of it’s sheer blissful hotness. I mean double damn!! 🔥😍🔥 or I was holding my breath in suspenseful outrage.
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐⭐⭐️- Five Stars... pssh that’s NOT nearly enough. I’m throwing in a SIXTH one! This story deserves ALL the stars! River and Jax’s story is full of angst and suspense. It’s got tension for days, frustration and heat and revenge. Plus a super hot hero with tattoos and a sexy, sassy heroine and fabulous secondary characters.
🔥🔥🔥🔥- GAAHH!! Jax and River are hotter than the seventh circle of hell my friends. Like the stuff naughty dreams are made of. So sweet dreams 🔥🔥🥵
🌪Cliffhanger Warning- Well earned HEA #Yougethappyending

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Profile Image for Rochelle.
1,614 reviews
January 30, 2020
This book has stayed with me from the very first time that I have read it. I love a good second chance romance and this was one of the best. Jaxson and River has so much emotion that I was feeling wrung out by the end of the book. I cried along with them, I yelled at them, I hated them and I loved them. I highly recommend this book. You won’t be disappointed with this selection. Believe me when I say, you will left breathless and want to read their story again and again. This story has reminded me to always keep breathing. Great job Erica. I can’t wait until Liam’s story.

I received an ARC of this book and I am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Love is in the books.
1,552 reviews37 followers
October 28, 2021

Cari lettori, come vi sentite quando vi trovate di fronte un libro dalla trama super interessante appartenente a un’autrice che non conoscete? Ecco, io vado in crisi totale perché ho sempre paura della fregatura e di rimanerci male. La maggior parte delle volte, però, da grande impulsiva seguo il mio istinto e con Continua a respirare di Erica Marselas edito Heartbeat Edizioni sono felicissima di non essermi sbagliata!

Respirare. È una cosa che si fa senza pensare. Una cosa naturale. Fino a quando la tua aria, la tua ragione di vita, non ti viene tolta, e ti ritrovi a lottare per riprendere fiato.

Continua a respirare.
È questa la frase che riecheggia nella testa di River. La frase che le ricorda sua madre, andata via troppo presto.  Parole che la aiutano a sopravvivere, a non sprofondare, a risalire in superficie perché da anni, ormai, vive nell’abisso più profondo a causa di suo padre. Lui le ha rovinato l’esistenza, l’ha resa bugiarda, meschina. River non ha potuto fare altro se non sottostare alle sue minacce, e solo per proteggere Jaxson Holden, l’amore della sua vita, colui che la faceva sentire speciale, che la aiutava a respirare. Gli ha spezzato il cuore, riducendo in poltiglie anche il proprio.
River vive le sue giornate mascherando la sua sofferenza con falsi sorrisi, cercando di andare avanti.  Ritrovarsi Jaxson davanti agli occhi dopo anni di lontananza sarà per lei uno shock: lui la detesta, chissà se dietro quello sguardo furibondo c’è ancora quel ragazzo che la aiutava a respirare…

Mi avvicino e premo la fronte sulla sua. Vengo catapultato in un tempo in cui lei era mia e, nonostante voglia odiarla, ci sarà sempre qualcosa di River che mi arriverà sottopelle.

L’elemento che mi ha spinto a leggere questo libro è senza dubbio il Second chance: adoro percepire nei personaggi il disagio, il rancore iniziale che racchiude la rabbia degli anni passati, l’orgoglio nel non voler cedere e, soprattutto, constatare quanto un amore così forte possa abbattere ogni barriera, nonostante tutto. 
Ho adorato la caratterizzazione dei personaggi: attraverso il pOv alternato sono riuscita a sentire le emozioni di entrambi, immedesimarmi e tifare per loro. 
River mi ha letteralmente spezzato il cuore. Una donna dalle ferite profonde, con i sensi di colpa alle stelle, che si odia per gli errori commessi, ma che combatte ogni giorno per raggiungere il suo obiettivo: tornare a vivere, anzi… tornare a respirare, perché da quando Jaxson non fa più parte della sua vita, boccheggia e annaspa a stento in mezzo al caos che la circonda. Mi è piaciuto tantissimo il suo personaggio; ho adorato che fosse umana, reale, con alti e bassi come tutti noi. Per una buona parte del libro probabilmente vi sembrerà l’anello debole, in realtà nasconde una grande forza d’animo che esplode soprattutto quando c’è da proteggere le persone che ama.

Per quanto riguarda Jaxson… che dire? Tanta, tanta roba! Ho perso la testa per lui. Sensuale che più non si può, con il suo ciuffo biondo ribelle e i tatuaggi che gli macchiano la pelle. Impulsivo, forte, premuroso, al suo fianco io non avrei paura di niente. È quella classica persona che si butterebbe nel fuoco per la donna che ama, che con la sua testardaggine non si sente soddisfatto fin quando non va fino in fondo. Lui è la parte lesa, il suo cuore è in frantumi e la sofferenza provata viene fuori attraverso la sua spavalderia e arroganza. Dietro quella corazza, c’è un ragazzo dal cuore d’oro che non ha mai smesso di amare la donna della sua vita.

Ne ho bisogno, voglio di più. Lui è la mia casa. Tutto ciò che ho bramato e che mi è mancato per tanto tempo. La tessera mancante del mio puzzle.

Il vero nemico del loro rapporto sarà la fiducia: dopo quello che è capitato, è impossibile ricomporre i pezzi e tornare quelli di prima. Ci sono in ballo troppe cose e troppe persone sono state coinvolte senza che lo meritassero. Saranno messi a dura prova da situazioni più grandi di loro: la storia, infatti, seppur siano presenti botta e risposta ironici e fulminanti, presenta una buona percentuale di drammaticità. In alcune scene, ero letteralmente con il fiato sospeso e l’angoscia mi divorava per quello che sarebbe potuto accadere. 
Il finale e l’andamento degli eventi è stato prevedibile, non c’è stato nessun colpo di scena o altro che mi abbia spiazzato, ciò nonostante ho letto il libro con molto interesse e curiosità perché le dinamiche narrate e i bei personaggi mi hanno catturata. 
La penna della Marselas è molto semplice, senza troppi fronzoli; scrittura limpida, scorrevole, molto pulita. Ho amato i flashback che irrompevano durante la narrazione, utili nel completare la storia e spiegare dettagli sul rapporto passato di Jax e Rivs. Sono quelli che mi hanno particolarmente emozionato, perché è lì che loro vivono un amore fregandosene del resto; c’è quella magia che aleggia attorno ai loro discorsi, una leggerezza che mi ha toccato molto. Loro, così diversi rispetto al presente, perennemente preoccupati e con il piede di guerra in agguato.
Non mancano i momenti passionali, e che momenti! Con un linguaggio ben esplicito, l’autrice ci regala anche un bel dirty talking che, ogni tanto, non fa mai male! Ve l’ho detto che Jaxson è tanta roba, vero?

Mi prenderò ogni momento con lei, perché la realtà che ancora tormenta la mia mente, quella che mi rifiuto di affrontare, è che so che forse dovrò lasciarla andare.

Ultimo, ma non meno importante, mi sono piaciuti particolarmente i personaggi secondari, i quali hanno un ruolo importantissimo nel libro. Tra questi, Sam, migliore amica e collega di Rivs, donna con gli attributi e con carattere da vendere; Liam, di cui già mi sono innamorata perdutamente – chi mi conosce, sa per la mia fissazione con i personaggi secondari. Immaginate la mia gioia nello scoprire che il secondo volume della serie avrà lui come protagonista! 
Un libro, o meglio, una serie che vi consiglio con tutto il cuore. Continua a respirare insegna come l’amore riesca a superare distanze e tempo, fidandosi l’uno con l’altro e combattendo come una squadra contro ogni ostacolo. 
Leggetelo e, nel frattempo, io attendo il mio caro Liam!

Profile Image for Three Chicks.
2,618 reviews420 followers
February 27, 2020
4.5 stars
Review by Jen Skewes

This is the first book that I have read by this author and wow!!! This is a second chance romance that is an emotional roller coaster with twists and turns, drama and angst and two characters who regardless of what happened two years ago have not been able to let go of their love.

River and Jackson were in love. They thought that they had their whole lives together. Their love for each other was the kind of love that people dream of having. Until one day it was all gone, she was gone. River ended things with Jackson and left, leaving him to wonder what the hell happened. It wasn’t supposed to be this way. One minute he was in love and looking forward to spending the rest of his life with the woman he loved and then the next minute he is left with a broken heart. What Jackson did not know was that River’s dad got in the way. She did what she had to do and did so without looking back.

Two years later and Jackson has someone how managed to get himself a job at River’s company. She has no idea until she runs into him./. She knows that he is still hurt and angry at her but at the same time she has no idea why he is here. She has a plan and she does not want Jackson involved in the crap that is her life. But he has different plans. What started out as revenge begins to turn into something else. Neither one of them have stop loving the other. It’s time Jackson knows the truth. But when he finds out what really happened will he be able to forgive her or hate her all over again?/

This book was so good! From the moment I read the prologue I was hooked. You get a glimpse of River and Jackson and know that they are meant to be but at the same time you know that everything between them is about to crumble. And from that moment I could not put this book down.

River’s life has not been an easy one. She has gone through so much pain and betrayal in her life. And right now, she has become a shell of herself, but she is strong and determined to bring her father done and get on with her life. And that is what I loved about her, the strength and determination that she showed throughout this book. She is a fighter who is feisty and smart. Jackson may have wanted to hurt her and make her feel how he felt when she broke his heart, but deep down he loved her and when he sees how vulnerable she is he realizes just how much his plan will never work. No matter what, he cannot go through with hurting the woman who meant everything to him. I loved him for that and his willingness to not only forgive but want to help, to be there for her. They had major trust issues, but you knew that these two were meant to find each other again. They were soul mates who belong together.

Barely Breathing is an emotional read that will make you feel so many feelings. I was angry, sad, frustrated at times. But I also smiled and laughed, and my heart melted when it came to Jackson and river’s love. There is plenty of drama and angst to keep you on the edge of your seat. There is so much more to this story than just a second chance story. I loved it and cannot wait for Liam’s story!!!!
Profile Image for Sian.
91 reviews6 followers
September 23, 2020
Woo hoo this was one hot romance I swear the pages started burning right off or well the phone started burning 😁. Jaxson and River's story was hot, sexy, steamy and everything a good romance book should be. Bittersweet about a couple torn apart by dreadful circumstances thanks to a bitter man.

While sad it is also heartwarming as this you watch this couple find their way back to each other. It will make you cry, it will make you scream, it will make you scream with joy but at the end of it, it will make you happy.

Barely Breathing is a beautifully written book about two lovers getting a second chance when it seems like it's all lost and they won't find their way back to each other. With some action and intrigue thrown in with it, the story has a little bit of everything for everyone and I highly recommend it.
Profile Image for Victoria Weston.
871 reviews50 followers
January 20, 2020
This book is the first book I've read by this author and this was an emotional and powerful read.

River has been through alot she met and fell in love with Jaxson 'Jax' when they were young and they had the world at their feet. Until one day things take a bad turn and River makes a decision that changes everyone's lives. After her grandfather left a stipulation in his will regarding the business.
River does not get along with her father and he hates his daughter with a passion.

Jaxson is a really good guy and River has his heart. Jaxson is always thinking about his family especially Scarlett his sister who he dotes on. When everything changes with him and River he's at a loss and he doesn't understand why it has to be this way.

This author brought these characters to life for me and I really enjoyed reading this book and reading about River and Jaxson. I could really feel for them through the pages. When River thought she was setting Jax free what she didn't realise was it actually put his heart and soul in hell.
This author has written this book fantastically and in some parts my emotions were all over the place. I was desperate to see what happens next and where the story led.

This book is told from different points of view which I always prefer. The story keeps flicking inbetween past and present to enable the reader to see what happens.

This book is a complete page turner and I just couldn't put it down and I finished this book in one sitting..
I absolutely loved this book and I cannot wait to read more from this author in the future. I will be highly recommending this book to everyone when it gets released.

Thank you to the author and publishers for allowing me to read an early copy of this book.

ARC provided in exchange for an honest review.

This book is expected to be released 30th January 2020.
Profile Image for Falling_with_the_leaves.
388 reviews31 followers
September 29, 2020
OMG this story is so freaking good! It's so addictive, the angst, the pain, the passion is just all consuming and intoxicating. River and Jaxson had me a blubbering mess, their love and painful past making me grip the edge of my seat. I am so in love with this second chance romance and its slid its way to the top of my overall favorite in this sub genre. I just can't get over it, their story is going to stick with me for a very long!
5,179 reviews14 followers
February 13, 2020
I enjoyed River and Jaxson's story! It's an interesting and captivating second chance romance. This story is an emotional read with angst, suspense, passion and good twists and turns. I really love the characters and the plot keeps you read until the very end. Definitely worth reading.
263 reviews
January 31, 2020
Such an intense read! Loved getting to know Jax and River. Such great writing that drags you into an emotional, angsty mess - it’s amazing! You MUST read this!
Profile Image for Stephanie.
1,119 reviews153 followers
Shelved as 'dnf'
February 12, 2020
DNF at 3% lol

way too repetitive already. cut back on the times you mention breathing and air and maybe it wouldn’t have annoyed me right away.
Profile Image for Cassie Ashford.
1,073 reviews8 followers
January 13, 2020
This is the first book I’ve read from this author and I’m hooked!

River and Jax are undeniably perfect together. Their chemistry is palpable. There is no denying their love regardless of what is going on with them.

This series will be amazing if you go off this first book!
September 30, 2020
This book was absolutely breathtaking!! Erica completely knocked this story out of the park! What an emotional, heart stropping, gut wrenching story that’s I’ll leave you asking what just happened?!?

This story will leave you caught up in the tale of Jax and River! Nothing else will get done.
Their epic tale wilL have you hanging into the edge of your seat, waiting for what this author brings next!! She’s become one of my faves!!

An absolute 5+ stars for this book!!
Profile Image for Jeeves Reads Romance.
1,586 reviews668 followers
January 17, 2020
A twisty, steamy second chance romance, Barely Breathing draws you in on the first page and holds your attention until the very end. Marselas' writing gets better with every book, keeping the reader guessing and building up the tension. It takes just the right second chance romance for me to even consider a 5-star rating, but this sat unwaveringly between 4 and 5 stars the whole way through.

The story follows River and Jaxson, former lovers who thought they had forever to look forward to... until River's father got in the way. In a mysterious turn of events, River was forced to break things off with Jax, take her place in the family business, and become a shell of the woman she used to be. Two years after their breakup, River comes face to face with Jax when he worms his way into her company for undisclosed reasons and neither one seems to be over how things played out. One of the biggest obstacles? The fact that Willow is engaged to another man - though not all is as it seems.

If you're looking for a second chance romance with plenty of tension, some angst, some steam, and characters you can root for, this is definitely worth a read. While we do get some brief flashbacks to help set the scene, this takes place primarily in the present with dual perspectives to get the full story. It moves quickly and there's never a dull moment. My only real complaint would be the pacing - it felt like one conversation could've prevented them two years of heartache and their inevitable reunion came too easy. That paired with an ending I neither loved nor hated, and this fell to 4 stars - though it was hovering around 5 for the majority of the book. I'm looking forward to whatever Marselas writes next, because this was a very solid read. I received an ARC via Give Me Books and am voluntarily leaving a review.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
517 reviews32 followers
September 13, 2020
This review can also be found in Currant7 Recommends

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book as an ARC in exchange for an honest and voluntary review.

Rating: 4 out of 5 stars


River Graham had to sacrifice a lot to be able to keep the ones she loves safe and she kept on suffering as readers enter the first chapter. She is a CEO to a company that is not hers but a puppet as she gets manipulated by her father into entering an arrangement marriage, destroying anything she loves dear like her mother and grandfather’s legacy.
Long gone. Away from the evil as long as I keep breathing.
— River, Barely Breathing

Jaxson Holden has been in River’s life as either a thorn and thug as per River’s father and is even responsible for some great memories with River. Too bad, due to bad blood with their parents, they are turning out to be the modern-day Romeo and Juliet of Dolson Investments.
I think my ego tried to hate you more than my heart could. It’s why I couldn’t ever get rid of it. Or hide it way.
— Jaxson, Barely Breathing

This book is in dual POV of the main characters. The flashbacks are great since they bring readers to better understand what happened and justify the main characters’ thoughts and feelings to the present. It sets a good balance on knowing where both characters stand.

I felt awful as I read through what River had to go through with her father then later with Jaxson but after her “breaking down” and having an ally, in the end, things were looking up in my mind. Jaxson and River’s shared secret, inevitably “tip the scales” to their favor in the end, even after two years later – wherein they remembered why they never “moved on” from each other. They were good together and got each other’s back.

I felt “hopeful” about what will happen between the two of them. This time around, both main characters are prepared for their own “game plan” to take back what is owed to them. Jaxson coming back to River’s life was a welcomed salvation. It gave River to strength to be brave and to seek the justice owed. He was her strength even if he didn’t know the real reason for her leaving him.

The story dives into the secrets, greed, money, revenge, and redemption. There area lot of “secrets” that led to destroying Jaxson and River at the start. A lot of gut-wrenching flashbacks and got me all worked up that is beyond the usual contemporary romance in just a few chapters in. It’s a lot of shocking revelations, deceit, and death that readers will surely get emotionally invested even before midway to the book. Readers will see how much love and sacrifices went into everything.

It later morphs into a race of finding enough evidence to free River and avoid having to marry a man who will destroy her and her spirit. I had a hard time letting go of this book since I was absorbed in the whole story on how River and Jaxson try to find a way to get her “out”. I rushed so much, in the end, to be able to find what happened. There were so many moments that I thought River is making the wrong decision, especially in the last few chapters. I’m happy that the author didn’t disappoint and brings readers to the next book with this book’s momentum.

I have to mention that the supporting characters – Liam, Sam, and Luna, all play important roles in ensuring that Jaxson and River end up with a HEA/HFA ending since they had the capability, the knowledge, and the foresight to call for help already when they felt that everything that was going on is way beyond their capabilities. They were also integral in helping Jaxson and River find each other again after so many years.

I recommend the book for readers who want a little spice to their contemporary romance life. This book has so many levels – trust, love, redemption, and justice. There were intricacies in the plot that mystery/suspense enthusiasts will surely enjoy also.
Sometimes the cracks in a broken heart can’t be mended, though there’s nothing more that I want than to glue ours back together and start over. We need to start over. He’s my prince, my last chance at a happily ever after. He makes my heart whole.
— River, Barely Breathing
Profile Image for Laura.
327 reviews21 followers
September 22, 2020
I gave up everything I loved and held dearly to protect others from evil. I’ve never felt more alone in my life.

Break-ups are never easy.

But when you’re being forced to leave them kicking and screaming...losing the inevitable fight?

When you see no other option and know deep down that you are protecting them?

That’s heartbreaking.

The pain is unreal. I’m about to be a puzzle broken up into a thousand pieces, about to be stored away for years, with one single piece missing, never to be found.

Like a well trained pet River is groomed to perfection and knows the role she has to play in order to keep everyone safe. However, River is picking the lock to her guide-cage, with every lead she gets is a step closer to cracking the lock and escaping her dreaded endless future to a man she despises and being lost to herself for good.

Until a blast from the past appears in a well tailored suit...Jaxson Holden.

River can’t lose her nerve now and must stay strong to keep her closely guarded plan- and heart- intact.

Although, it appears these two have more than just unfinished business to settle and those long forgotten feelings are about fire up!

The chill that was wrapped around us has melted away and now we’re cocooned in a heat of passion and desire.

With each clink of the lock...the devil grows nearer seeking to snatch River and keeping her within his tight grasp.

Yes, explain what the fuck I’ve been needing to hear for these last two years. Tell me what the fuck you’re hiding.

After barely picking up and mending the pieces of his broken heart, Jaxson Holden has finally got his chance to not only get revenge for his family….but to come face to face with the woman responsible for his damaged heart River Graham.

With the perfect opportunity and with everything else in his grasp, Jaxson is ready to go all guns blazing...until he uncovers the truth behind the lies and as he keeps digging the dirt just keeps on coming.

Even his feelings for River resurface...and now to hell with the consequences!

“If you ever have trouble breathing, you know where to find me for some air.”

Now Jaxson will stop at nothing to have River safely in his arms, holding on and never letting go….but with the devil breathing down their necks...will they make it or be two broken souls all alone?

He’s claiming me, and I’m going to let him. Jaxson is the only person I have ever trusted to give such power too.

Jaxson & River…<3 Oh holy hell!! What a couple….So so good! Brilliantly written, matched each other perfectly and even in the darkest of times this couple could alight one another and cling to each other. Loved them!


“Oh, it’s a fucking promise….Now, let’s get you out of these clothes.”

What a chance book read this was!! I didn’t know what to expect and I was hooked once the pages started to flip and then reading that part that makes you “click”...(you know when you think, “yes I’m going to love this”) and settle down excited for what is to come.

I really enjoyed reading this story, the turn of events, all the characters and ups and downs feeling all the emotions. I loved Jaxson overprotectiveness with his car! Added some more comedy to the character. How strong River was after everything that has happened leading her to this point. The constant motto and theme that carries on through is worked in really well.

He always knows the one thing I need to lift me up when I feel as if I’m completely falling, even if it’s at his hand.
Profile Image for The Romantic Rush Blog.
2,089 reviews921 followers
September 26, 2020
Oh Erica- what a delight! This is one of my favorite books of hers. Barely Breathing has just the right amount of dramatic tension, delightful characters, and that delicious chemistry that I love about Erica stories. This second chance story definitely made me swoon.

Jax (sexiest name ever) was her true love- the man she was meant to spend her life with , her soulmate. But River soon learned that her life is not her own, forcing her to leave Jax behind, sacrificing her happiness and her love in order to protect him. Two years later, and River is trapped in her own existence- to some, it would seem like she has everything going for her- including the great on paper fiance. But this is all a rouse- River is under the oppressive control of her power hungry father, the man who destroyed her happiness with his threats. River is miserable and controlled, until the man she left behind forces his way back into her life, now working at her company. She desperately wants to keep him away from the wreck of her life, and he’s angry, hurt, and still confused. But fate, and history, won’t be denied- and despite the time and distance and secrets ,their love is still alive. And the truth will come out- can they find their way back to each other? Can they breathe again?

I felt SO much for these characters- they are both hurt and broken down, neither truly at fault for the hurt they’ve experienced from River’s sacrifice. My heart hurt for Jax- so in love, and then so hurt, confused, and angry, driven by a need for revenge. Fortunately, he can’t deny his soulmate- cause I much prefer sexy and in love Jax. He’s so dreamy.

And River, while I hate that she doesn’t just try to figure it out with Jax, I also feel for the ways in which she’s manipulated by the person who is supposed to care for her and support her. I loved watching her reclaim herself, finding the determination and strength to not be cajoled any longer. I love heroines like her- emotional and vulnerable but also powerful, clever and strong in their own right.

Together- these two made my giddy. I was rooting for them, because from page 1 you just know they are meant to be. I normally don’t love the whole “long separation that could have been fixed with a convo” storyline approach, or even a quick resolution to that long distance, but here it worked for me- we needed to feel their distance, and their quick reconnection speaks to the power of their love for each other. They have to find their trust, but they know they love each other. They frustrated me at times, and their beginning broke my heart, but their reconnection is so sweet, so sexy, and so charming- it makes up for all the challenges they’ve had to overcome to find their way back. I love that we get to be inside both of their heads and see some snippets from the past- this brings such a richness and dynamism to their story, and really helped me FEEL their connection.

If you’ve not yet discovered Erica, please check her out! Her prose is so engaging, her stories fast paced and focused, and her characters always have such a sizzling connection. This is definitely one of her best! (4.5 stars)
1,015 reviews12 followers
January 30, 2020
Just keep breathing...

As always, I excitedly anticipate every one of Erica’s books. And this one did not disappoint! If I could, I would rate this as more than five stars!

It had me fuming with anger, giggling at little funnies here and there, my heart melting with the passion, some serious smirking with the steam, and definitely some tears. There was so much angst and hurt and betrayal. But there was also so much love, passion, connection and unrelenting friendships. My emotions were all over the place, but in a good way.

In my humble opinion, River and Jaxson were always meant to be. But life isn’t always meant to be easy. When evil (in the shape of her HORRIBLE father) intervenes, in the worst, unexpected way, her seemingly happy life came to a standstill, and pretty much turned to shite… Her absolute selflessness protects those that she loves, whilst her unhappiness and the sacrifices she made, have no bounds. My heart was breaking for her, and all those she was forced to leave behind.

As time passes, River and Jaxson are reunited and reacquainted in a way, through her job as the CEO of her late grand-father’s company. Things don’t go quite as expected, and drams of all sorts ensue.

I enjoyed the flashbacks, giving context to why certain things were happening, and why people were feeling the way they were. The other characters also play their parts well, to make this a really engaging and highly entertaining story for the two of them. I could liken it to a good versus evil kind of story.

I don’t want to give away too much detail, because I really don’t want to spoil it for any other reader. I just have to say that once I started reading it, it was hard to put down. I would (and will) highly recommend this story to others, and I cannot WAIT to see where this series goes next. What are you trying to DO to me Erica?!

I received a free ARC of this book, and am voluntarily (and happily) leaving this review.
January 13, 2020
I was granted an ARC from Give Me Books and Erica Marselas for an honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

River has been under control of her father for fear that he has the means and motive to truly hurt the one she loves and his family. In order to protect them she makes the ultimate sacrifice and leaves Jax high and dry. Fast forward 2 years and River is now engaged to Harry, her dad’s right-hand man. Since River’s father was forced out of his own company, he is determined to regain control by any means necessary. Having lived in her own personal hell for 2 years she spots the one person who has the chance to destroy her, Jaxson.

Jaxson has been searching for River for the past two years. After disappearing she finally pops up working as CEO of her family’s company. After crashing a meeting and seeing his old flame he realizes maybe getting revenge on her may not truly make him happy. Jaxson has set his eyes on a bigger prize with more to lose if he doesn’t play his cards right.

I freaking loved this book. I loved the suspense of what was going to happen next and would Jaxson and River get there HEA or forever be apart. I was not disappointed one bit and am really excited that Liam will be getting his own book soon. So happy this series is continuing and not a standalone! I highly recommend everyone read this book. It is book one in a series, but no other books need to be read before this one.
Profile Image for Ashley Olson- lovestoread08.
549 reviews16 followers
January 21, 2020
Barely Breathing switches between flashbacks and present time so if you are looking for all the answers right in the beginning then this isn’t the book for you. I will say that not everything is as it seems so it will leave you guessing and trying to piece everything together. My heart absolutely broke for River and Jaxson! This couple has been through so much and for them to be able to put the past behind them and talk things through shows just how much they still love each other and are wanting to be together! Bravo Erica Bravo!!!

Buried deep under a mountain of lies, I’m struggling for air.
My life, my choices are being dictated by my father.
I was forced to give up the man I love in order to protect him and now I must marry a man who I hate.
I thought I had found a way out.I thought my time in this gilded cage was almost over.
Then one day Jaxson Holden walks back into my life, flipping it upside down.
He’s angry, I get it.
But he has no idea how much I have to lose—how much he has to lose with him coming back.
Now I need to find a way to hold on while I’m gasping for breath as my past and present collide.
Just keep breathing, River.
Just keep breathing.
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Profile Image for Jennifer Pierson.
11.6k reviews171 followers
January 30, 2020
River and Jaxon believed they would be together forever until out of the blue, River called it off, breaking both of their hearts in the process. She then took her place in the family company while becoming a shell of her former self. Some years passed, when she comes face to face with Jax, as he’s sliding his way into her company, and instantly, it’s apparent that they aren’t over what had transpired in the past. The intense chemistry is still present, which won’t be denied for long, but there’s one big complication. River is now engaged to another man. Man, the push & pull was intense to the point of frustrating, providing a ton more angst to have me all kinds of jacked up. Especially since things were not as they appeared. That factor led to some f-bomb worthy twists, with a big side of drama since the communication aspect was a bit lacking. So, can Jax & River get past the past for a shot at the future they should have had?! Hit the one click button to find out! HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMEND TO ALL!
Profile Image for Polly Barreto.
684 reviews7 followers
February 21, 2020
Barely Breathing is a second chance standalone romance and the first book of the Keep Breathing Series. This is my first read by this author and holy cow, she has gained a new follower!

I literally could put this book down! Once I started reading about Jaxson and River, I got sucked in and I was not coming back out until I was done. I even sat my desk with my computer hiding my Kindle…that is how sucked In I got!

Jaxson and River’s story has all the feels and then some! I laughed, I cried, I wanted to kick some butt, I wanted to slap her father Jeff and Harry (multi-times I might add), had my heart torn out and put back together.

Jax and Rivs have had their lives torn apart by her evil father. The road to getting their lives and their love for one another back is long and narrow with many twists and turns.

This was a well written story and left me wanting more and seriously cannot wait until I can my hands on the next installment – Liam’s story! I highly recommend - you won't be disappointed in picking up this book.
Profile Image for Whispered Secrets.
569 reviews22 followers
October 12, 2020
Broken little girls...grow up and become stronger women...or broken women....

River has been through the fiery pits and is ready to prove to the world she is more than she seems. Her life isn’t the picture perfect scene everyone outside sees. Falling for her fathers archenemies son may be her reawakening...until her father takes that from her too.
Jaxson is falling hard for the firecracker that he’s suppose to hate. Since the moment she walked into his place of employment he knew he was caught. But he didn’t expect her to shatter his world and now now he’s out for revenge...on her and her good for nothing father who ruined his family.
I’m still reeling from this wonderful heart wrenching read. Her tears and fears will wrap around you and make you feel like you’re drowning in a sea misery. But she is strong and it’s felt in every memory, every conflict and every passionate embrace in this heartbreaking story of revenge and regret. Amazing and wonderful and words that come to mind. Read it...you won’t regret it. Or at least I didn’t!!!!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 117 reviews

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