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Mia's Way #1

Broken Beauty

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**Contains graphic content involving the sensitive topic of rape and its aftermath. Not intended for teens under 18.**

Sometimes bad things happen to beautiful people.

When socialite party girl Mia Abbott-Renou wakes up in a garden she has little recall of the previous night -- except that she is naked ... hurt ... terrified. Not only has she been raped, but she knows one of her assailants: the son of a wealthy politician who happens to be her own father’s political ally.

Mia wants and needs justice. Except this privileged boy has an alibi and her father forbids her from going to the police. It’s a critical election year, one that his party might lose if his image as a doting father is soured due to Mia being labeled a lush or worse, promiscuous.

Devastated at not having the support of her family, Mia finds herself in a tug-of-war with her conscience over what to do, especially since she can’t remember exactly what happened that night. Worse, the men who attacked her have hurt several other girls, and Mia may be the key to stopping them.

Mia tries to forget, until the unthinkable happens, and she’s left reeling once again until she realizes that her strength will bring healing and unlocking her memories will bring justice.


First published October 27, 2012

About the author

Chloe Adams

18 books121 followers

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Profile Image for ⒷⓞⓞⓚⓃⓔⓡⓓ.
869 reviews25 followers
January 29, 2013
My first 5 star review of 2013! I am soooooooo overwhelmed by this book. The first chapter alone I could feel my heart clench. This is the story of 17 year old Mia Abbottt-Renou. Beautiful, rich girl missing the love and affection from her politician father and French actress mother. She is living a carefree lifestyle.

At a party without her best friend Ari but with a fake id she finds herself being served drink after drink with no questions asked. She sees someone she knows, the son of one of her father's closest political colleague. A handsome college boy who pays attention to her. He asks her to take a walk with him to the "garden". Trusting, naive and unassuming she agrees.....and then her world will never be the same.....She is drugged, raped, brutalized and left for dead.

This is the story of Mia Abbottt-Renou and how her family, friends and strangers and how they will affect her life and the decisions she will need to make, to set things right. My heart goes out to Mia and what she went through. I found myself having to pause off and on while reading this book. Tears fell and my chest was tight at some point. I just could not imagine how something so terrible, so horrible can happen to someone or just anyone. But, I know it does, and my heart goes out. It's hard especially when she does not have the support of her family because their political careers and status which is more important than family. It's sad that it brings out the ugliness in people. Yet she finds real comfort in the two people in her life, someone familiar and another a stranger.

Ari her best friend, her loyalty, dedication, love and support for Mia was incredible. I can only wish that everyone can have a friend like her.

Dom, the police officer who first found Mia, he was her "rock", supportive and encouraging. He and Mia had a special bond. Someone who she found comfort in and peace of mind. I just fell madly in love with him!!!

I had to keep reminding myself that Mia was only 17 years old and Dom in his early twenties. There couldn’t be any chance that something could develop other than friendship between the two of them. Or could they?

I hoped that there would be another book to follow. And YESSSSS, there is!!!! And instead of that cliff hanger, mouth hanging, uneasiness until the next time.....I am left with a feeling of pride, belief and hope that it can only get better.

2nd book in a series of 5 is: Dom's Way. Let's just say I'm keeping my fingers and toes crossed that this will be more about Mia and Dom moving forward.

I will not say I hope you enjoy this book because of it's sensitive issue. But, I hope you will find this very well written book amazing, awe-inspiring, extraordinary just like I did.

™From My Playlist: Christina Aguilera - Beautiful
Profile Image for MELISSA *Mel Reader*.
1,416 reviews1,487 followers
January 2, 2014
(ARC provided by Netgalley)

(Recommended by Tiffany)

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Mia Abbott-Renou is the daughter of a politician and a former French actress. She lives her life in the public eye. She is in her senior year of high school and is given just about any material thing she wants. She is of little importance to her family, and only feels loved and valued by her best friend Ari. She has been friends with Ari since they were five. Her mother is a drunk and is in rehab, and her father is a selfish, career driven man who really only cares about himself.She can't stand going to her father's political functions and chooses to go to a party one night instead. At this party she is drugged, beat, and raped by two college guys. Turns out she knows one of them, and had thought he was this nice, handsome football player. His father also happens to be a friend and ali of her father's.

After she is abused by these men, she is found by two cops. They take her to the hospital and nobody comes to her but her uncle Chris who is also their family lawyer and her dad's publicist Shea. All they care about is how they will spin this, and how it will look to the public. Her father won't let anything or anyone get in the way of his reelection. Image is everything to this family, while this poor girl is alone and broken.

The only person that is really there for her through all of this is her best friend Ari, and the young cop that found her, Dom. He instantly makes her feel safe and calms her. He is a gentle, kind man. He stays with her in the hospital, holds her, and is her hero in every way. I love Dom & hope in future books after she recovers some emotionally, that maybe things can turn into something more romantic between Mia and Dom.

This series is going to be 6 short novella's. I can't wait for more in this series, and hope that Mia will continue to get stronger, ditch that crappy family, heal & find love with Dom, and get revenge on her attackers!!!

I thought this was an excellent, very well written book! It kept my interest throughout. It was heartbreaking and tragic, but very honest and real. I felt is shed light on something that unfortunately happens all the time. Not just rape, but being drugged. In my college years I had my drink drugged, but thankfully was lucky to have a friend with me who noticed something was off & took me home. Mia unfortunately didn't have a friend with her. Also, it is often someone you know, or wouldn't suspect that will drug your drink. Ladies, don't let your drink out of your sight & don't take a drink from anyone unless you saw it being made.

(Okay, rant is over,& on a happier note, did I mention I love Dom! He is a sweetie! Here are some Dom quotes! :))

-I don't recognize anyone or anything- but the brown eyes and blue uniform. I tighten my grip on the blue uniform. I won't let go. I can't let go, not until my mind is right again.

-The man with my grandfather's low voice and brown eyes is guarding me.

-I focus on the sound of his voice, which is low, calm and warm.

-Dom's face appears in my vision. His warm arms are around me.

-Dom has me clutched against him. I don't entirely want him to let go; it's the safest I've felt since last night.

-I start to wonder if he's my guardian angel.

-Dom is taller than I remember and strong. He's really handsome. I just remember his eyes were pretty and I liked how safe I felt with him.

-His smile is slightly crooked, his olive skin and dark eyebrows and hair indicating his Mediterranean background. He looks Italian or Greek with dimples in his cheeks that only appear when he smiles.

-He's the kind of person I've never had in my life.

-It's strange to think there are people out there that are the complete opposite of my family, people who want to help others and not just themselves.

-What's it like to have someone who loves you?

Profile Image for Vikki ~ *squee* lite ~.
497 reviews186 followers
January 14, 2013
Holy crap. That was all sorts of depressing. There were times that I swear the behavior of all the characters (other than Mia and Ari) made me question my faith in humanity.

There was no one that looked out for Mia. Not really. Everyone had theirs own agenda, and if helping her worked into that, they might lend a hand.

Mia was about the most naive characters I've come across in a long time Everything that happens to her, from the rape, to her treatment by her family, friends and police, rips whatever innocence she has away. As the story progresses, she learns that everyone in her life has two faces, and that they rarely show their true motivations. I was so proud of Mia for finding the strength to be her own person, something that would be hard for any girl her age, let alone one with so many outside pressures on her.

I had only one major gripe, but that may be addressed in a subsequent book.

I'm anxious to read the next book in the series. It looks like its going to be called Dom's Way, which makes me wonder if it might be from Dom's POV. Regardless, I know that I'll be following Mia's story to the bitter (or hopefully sweet) end.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,360 followers
October 17, 2013
**ARC provided in exchange for honest review.**

Broken Beauty by Lizzy Ford is a heartbreaking and painful tale and reminder of how easy an innocent life can be destroyed and shattered forever..This book is part one of a six part novella that deals with a serious issue of RAPE and coping and dealing with the aftermath of being sexual assaulted.

Broken Beauty begins in the aftermath of a traumatic and agonizing ordeal that leaves 17 year old Mia Abbott-Renou beaten, blooded and truly broken. She has no clear memory of why she is lying naked in a garden. Little pieces of her memories of the attack comes back to her in muddled and confused snapshots. As she is being questioned by the police to recount her attack, it is then that Mia realizes that one of her attacker's is the son of her father's political ally and major contributor.

In the world of her father nothing is more important than public perception and his political career. Mia's father was just a complete asshole. What father does not show up to the hospital after hearing that this his youngest daughter has been drugged, beaten, and brutally raped by two men. Instead Mia's father sends out his team of lackeys and publicists to spin the news of Mia's attack to work in his political favor.
"Daddy, why didn't you come see me at the hospital?" My voice carries a tremor of emotion in it, one I hope I could prevent.

"Mia, dear, you know I would have if I had the time. Your press conference did wonders for my polls this week. Did Shea tell you?"

My heart truly ached and bleed for Mia..She is living in an absolute nightmare everyday since her attack. She has no support from her family but only through her best friend Ari and the cop who found her, Dom. Knowing who her attacker is, she is faced with doing the right thing and telling the cops or go along with her father's advisers of not ruining his political career.

Broken Beauty showcases and depicts how Mia's life after being brutally raped has affected her well-being of moving on. Mia is no longer the carefree spirit but truly broken..it has left her emotionally scared and afraid.This book reminds us all that RAPE doesn't just go away when the bruises and scars heals. The physical scars may fade and heal but there are women who are living everyday with the constant nightmares and reminders of being violated and some of these women may never fully recover from their trauma.

I want to give thanks to Lizzy Ford for writing an emotional RAW heartfelt story and addressing a very important subject matter. Mia's story is one of many victim's story that needs to be heard. Lizzy Ford reminds us all that NO ONE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR BEING RAPED..NO ONE ASKS FOR IT. This book sheds light that no woman asked to be raped just because of what she wears, how she looks, how she acts or how drunk she is.

I look forward to reading the next novella of Mia's journey whether or not she can fully heal from this horrific ordeal.

*Due to the fact this is a six part novella, readers are left with a cliffhanger in this book*
Chloe Adams Lizzy Ford
Profile Image for Ash Wednesday.
441 reviews544 followers
April 19, 2013
Nope. Sorry. I just can't.

“Don’t ever talk to me again, Shea!” I yell. “Responsible? You wanted me to tell them it was my fault this happened? You gave them pics of what those monsters did to me! You know, what? Fuck you! I hope you get raped one day so you know how fucked up that is!”

Getting raped doesn't automatically win my sympathy (little as it was to begin with for this character), and definitely neither would this. I will never be able to find an excuse for this horribly irresponsible statement.

Deal breaker.

Challenge failed x.x
Profile Image for Paula  Phillips.
5,276 reviews331 followers
June 11, 2022

Scrolling through my kindle, I needed something to hit the spot and so grabbed an oldie book that sounded a bit edgy and had an amazing eye-catching, and striking cover. No Way Back by Chloe Adams was an edgy read as we meet Mia who attended a party without her friend and ended up sadly getting roofied and raped by not but two guys. One of them though is the son of her father's political connections as Mia's father is a Senator and quite a well-known politician. As the book goes along, we read as Mia is made to feel like it was her fault she was raped and now is being used as a political pawn guided by her father's secretary and lawyers. I liked the interaction that Mia had with the police officers Dominic and Kishia. I did have to keep reminding myself that Dom was only in his 20s and not older as there was this chemistry between Mia and Dom, I found Dom's character to seem way older than he was portrayed in the book. We learn that there have been 8 rapes committed by the people that raped Mia and except for her the others have died. Now will Mia make the right decision to stand up for those who have passed as she is the only one who managed to survive and can identify them or will she succumb to pressure and play the role of her father's political pawn to do what her family expects of her? Find out in this edgy NA read that was such a powerful read and relevant in today's #Metoo world and with the abortion bill currently.
Profile Image for Ashley Stoyanoff.
Author 19 books703 followers
September 19, 2013
Broken Beauty was a tough read. The story is about a 17 year old girl named Mia who was drugged, beaten, and raped at a party.

Mia comes from a privileged family. Her father is a politician; they have money, but as the saying goes, money can’t buy happiness. She has virtually no real family life to speak of, and to make matters worse, instead of trying to find the jerks that hurt her, her father is more focused on putting a spin on the horrific things that happened to Mia to help him win an election.

I have to admit that when I received the ARC copy and blurb from Lizzy, I was a bit leery. I’m not much for the real life stories, preferring to be sucked into a new world, but there hasn’t been a Lizzy Ford book that I haven’t liked so I decided that I needed to read it. I’m so glad I did.

Mia was so well developed in this short story that I felt as if I’d known her my whole life. I felt her pain. I wanted to reach through the pages and huge her. For the entire 78 pages, Mia was my best friend, and I ached for her every second I was reading this book.

And Dom, well, Dom was the ray of sunshine that this story needed. He was there for Mia, giving her the support that her family should have.

My only complaint about this book was the constant use of ‘Daddy’. Mia has virtually no relationship with her father and she’s also 17. It made me think of her as so much younger than she really was. But Mia wasn’t the only one referring to her father as ‘Daddy’, even grown adults were. I know it’s a silly thing, but it seemed really odd, and it was used so often that it kept pulling me from the story.

Even though I had a little complaint, this book was very well written. I felt everything Mia felt: heartbreak, fear, anger, loneliness. Lizzy wrote this story in such a way that you just can’t help but feel something on every single page.

Broken Beauty is a heartbreaking read, dealing with real life topics. Although this book may not be for everyone due to the sensitive subject, it was a good read, and I would recommend checking it out.
Profile Image for Erika Hernandez.
262 reviews11 followers
October 15, 2013
ARC provided by Netgally for my honest review

This book made me so mad because of the fact that it was so real, how a girl or women could go thru this.

Mia Abbot-Renou is a 17yr old high school student with a politician father. He pretty much chooses his career over her and so she is left by herself quite often. Mia goes to a party where she is drugged and raped by a guy she knows and his friend. When her family finds out no one goes to the hospital to help her. They care more about hiding it from the media.

The simple fact that everyone who is suppose to love and protect Mia has basically put the image of her rape under the rug so that they will be out of the public eye. They choose to make her not admit to the police the name of her rapist, that she doesn't really remember who raped her. The are either blind or choose not to see how this had affected her way of life, no one should have to go thru what poor Mia has. She know that she is doing wrong by not admitting the truth, she now know there are others not just her. One of the cops how found her is Dom she sees him as her guardian angel, hopefully with his help she will tell the truth.

Hopefully as the rest of this series of novella's are realesed she changes her mind. I can't wait for the other books, I need to read more about how this story transpires.

I really enjoyed this book, is just that many women in this world who have been raped and have political ties have been in Mia shoes, but we don't ever hear about it because like this story they try to or do in fact sweep it under the rug.

I would definitely recommend this book to my friends.
Profile Image for S.R. Grey.
Author 41 books2,145 followers
April 12, 2013
This was a well-written novel that has an important message. But it was not easy to read at times. The first chapter sets the tone for just how dark it's going to get, and that is very, very dark. Mia suffers terribly at the hands of two politically-connected boys, and then is victimized by family and friends after the attack. My heart went out to Mia and the tough choices she had to make, more or less on her own. A good story, but not a light read by any stretch of the imagination.
Profile Image for Kellie Maddox-Ward.
746 reviews519 followers
October 16, 2013
*ARC received from Netgalley*


Everything about it was a freaking awesome ride.. one I enjoyed immensely as I ugly cried...

I want NEED more... NOW
Profile Image for Kayla.
1,633 reviews65 followers
March 1, 2018
For those of you that have been following my reviews for a long time, you know I'm a bit of an ebook hoarder. I have a ton of books by a lot of different authors. Lizzy Ford is one of those authors. I have dozens of her books. Even though I have so many, I have never read any. I recently decided to pick up Broken Beauty. I really enjoyed the book.

It feels weird to say I enjoyed the book. I'm not sure enjoyed is the right word. This is in the synopsis, so I don't feel like it's a spoiler to say that the book deals with the sensitive subject of rape. I thought the author handled the subject well. She drew attention to the issues without being offensive. I think she did a good job portraying some of the situations rape survivors find themselves going through. I felt heartbroken watching Mia go through everything she did while I was reading her story. I also liked that there was zero romantic involvement in this book. Mia didn't need to lean on a guy to feel whole again. I really respect the author for that.

Speaking of Mia, I could not stand her family. I wanted to reach through my kindle, and smack the hell out of her father. I couldn't believe that he could care so little for his own flesh and blood, especially after everything she went through. Mia's mom was the best one in the family, which isn't saying much. She still didn't seem like she cared too much. She cared, but it came off as indifferent or fake more than anything else.

Broken Beauty was a powerful, moving book. It dealt with a sensitive subject in a respectful and informative way. It made the reader aware of a situation they might not normally think about because it's not relevant to them. I don't think I will be continuing this series just because this book was so hard to read. I do however recommend this book to anyone that wants to learn more about the subject.
Profile Image for Bèbè ✦ RANT  ✦.
405 reviews136 followers
July 3, 2013
No Way Back is an emotional book about rape and its aftermath. This book may disturb young readers and is not intended for those who are light hearted.

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Mia Abbott-Renou has never been close with her family because of her father’s high political status. He always wanted his children to be an asset to his reelections. Mia knew that she wasn’t cut out for that world and couldn’t wait until she turned eighteen so that she could go out to the world on her own. But she still wanted her Daddy’s attention and getting in trouble was one way.

Going to a party with fake ID was risky but she wanted to be and feel beautiful. Robert Connor, one of her Daddy’s allies’ son, was the only one she knew at the party and she finally felt hot by the way he looked at her. But by the time he introduced her to his friend Madison, she was completely drunk and disregarded the chalky pill that she tasted in her drink that Robert brought. After that it all went foggy and what she saw next felt only like a dream…

I have glimpses of my world between dark pauses. I don’t know how, but my dress is gone and so is my bra. I’m dancing among fireflies while two still gnomes sit on the edge of a founfain with a dancing fish.

After the haze is gone, Mia remembers. She remembers the way she felt when she was getting raped, how they were beating her and how something metal slammed against her head. Everyone is telling her that she is lucky to survive. But she cannot stand the memories and they haunt her in her dreams.

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At least she still has Daddy. But he doesn’t visit her in the hospital and all of the sudden she is the person who is helping him win the reelection. Is he using her to get more votes or he really cares? Mia has to figure out who is on her side and who is not.

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Thoughts. My hands are shaking while I am writing this review. Looking back at the rape scene and reading it over to find good quotes is really hard for me because it makes me feel like I’m going through all that pain and not Mia. This book was just amazing. All of the characters were pronounced and it’s interesting to see how Mia stands up to her father even when she’s scared that he will disown her. I feel really bad for her and from the beginning I had hard time reading it because it was so sad and my heart was breaking for her. Go get this book NOW. I am definitely continuing with this series to see how the trial goes and what is going to happen to her family after she turns eighteen.

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Profile Image for Adela Cacovean .
254 reviews549 followers
February 1, 2013
Read the review in both English and Romanian on my blog, where it was originally published:

I have so many things to say about this book that I don’t even know where to start from! Let’s see… What made me want to read this book was actually the fact that it was recommended to me by a author that is very dear to me, so I told myself “Why not?” and, since the ebook was free, I took the chance… or so I thought. I am an air-head sometimes, you see, and when I wanted to start reading I realised I hadn’t finished the buying process. I was very sad at that moment, but… guess what? The same person who recommended it to me told me not to worry and actually gifted the ebook to me through Amazon. So I want to thank her again for being an amazingly generous person!

Now… I remember posting about this book on my blog earlier this year, when the free offer was available, and some of you told me the cover is gorgeous, but that the girl has something weird about her eye. Well, guess what?! This is related to what happens in the book. And, if you look closely enough, you’ll notice a tear too. The attention to detail is incredible!

Mia is everything I like in a character. Her development throughout the book is amazing, from a frightened girl who wants to hide in her closet forever, to one willing to fight till the end, no matter the consequences. There is a very powerful inner struggle in her, between her wish to forget everything that happened and that of doing the right thing. I love this kind of characters!

The first thought that occured to me when I started the book, was that every single teenage girl should read the first chapter. They should know what can happen when they get drunk, accept drinks from strangers and go with them in secluded places. Yes, it is disturbing to read about rape. But it is also necessary to understand that life isn’t all milk and honey, and that you shouldn’t hide your head in the sand like an ostrich!

Apart from the rape-chapter, the rest of the book focuses on Mia’s fight to get over the incident and move on. But how can she do that when she remembers who the attackers were? She has to choose between doing the right thing (which is a very long trial) and her family. Everyone telling her what she should do, playing with her emotions and setting her up doesn’t make things easier either.

Another good thing about this book is that it’s not all about drama, it’s also about coming to terms about what is happening in your life. Everything happens for a reason and, as weird as it sounds, Mia benefits from this incident in a way that she wouldn’t have imagined. She gets closer to a part of her family, she finally understands them and will learn to slowly fall in love again, something she didn’t expect it.

As much as I loved this book, it needs a little bit of “polishing” before it’s perfect. I wanted to give it five vanilla flowers, but the typos that I found here and there, and the fact that it ended so suddenly made me go for only four. This is the first ever book signed by Chloe Adams and I can’t wait for its sequel! And if you find your way to my review, please, please, don’t stop writing! It’s in your blood and the YA literature needs more books like this one! And you, dear readers, what are you waiting for? Grab your copy of “No Way Back” and read it! Seriously!
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,082 reviews887 followers
July 19, 2014
ARC received via Net Gallery.

Broken Beauty is the first installment of a Novella Series that follows Mia and her struggle with being raped and the aftermath of the event that changes her life. As the daughter of a politician, Mia struggles with what she is feeling, what she should do and what is expected of her to ensure that her father's chances at an election aren't ruined.

This was a very emotional read. Not just because of the subject matter. It wasn't written in a graphic way that forced emotions or used words to cause you to react. It was emotional because it felt real. There is always difficulty when an author tries to capture something so real in a work of fiction. But Chloe Adams created something that felt like you were privy to the inner workings of the mind of a rape survivor. I think I had a lump in my throat the entire time it took to read this.

You can't help but want to see Mia survive this, to see her take the action that far too many are not able to do. But she comes from a family that cares more about their public image than what she went through. Her only source of support are her best friend and the cop that found her.

Chloe Adams does an amazing job capturing the emotions behind a tragic event. I loved the fact that she allowed Mia's character to find comfort in Dom more than with Keisha (the cops that saved her). Often times it is portrayed that after this type of crime that a woman can't see a man without the fear of being hurt, but with Mia, she sees Dom as a protecting figure. The fact that the author provided us with a male rather than just allowing Keisha to be the one she felt safe with was not a typical route and made it seem more realistic.

This was a hard read, and I have no doubt that the next in this six part series will be gut-wrenching. But Mia's story made me want to see how this ends for her. She is so far away from the ability to cope with what happened to her that I need to see her pull through this. I need to see her find her strength to battle for her life to exist beyond being attacked.
Profile Image for Kim.
Author 15 books246 followers
November 25, 2012
No Way Back is an intense read, and one that goes deeply and starkly into the reality of rape and the aftermath of it. This is not a light read, but one that makes you think and feel as if you were in the story itself. Honestly, it struck a personal note with me and my own experience with this and I cried just about all the way through it. I felt Mia's heartache and pain and confusion as if it were my own, in some ways reliving my own. I thoroughly appreciated the author's lack of fear when confronting such controversial themes such as rape and politics, even religious beliefs. There was certainly no lack of social issues brought up in the book, but in no way did it feel like she was trying to influence the readers beliefs. Instead, it was the telling of one girl's story.

In an odd way, Mia becomes far more likeable after she was raped, making you, as the reader, realize that she is not the stereotypical "little, rich girl" that has it easy. But really, this character was far more than that. She had her own strength, even when she didn't realize it. I also love Ari, Mia's best friend. She was exactly who I wish I had had by my side at that moment in my life.

To say I enjoyed the book might sound a little odd, considering the theme, but I did love it. It didn't sugar coat it, but showed the experience for what it was, with all the messy feelings and emotions and trauma that can go along with it. I applaud the author for that.
Profile Image for Patrycja.
639 reviews4,057 followers
October 25, 2013

Broken Beauty is heartwrenching, soul shattering read that is emotional roller coaster. This phenomenal novella will break your heart over and over again. It will also touch you in the most intimate way and make you think and feel painful things that can change your soul.

I have cried, been extremely angry and most of all I hurt for Mia. I couldn’t let myself put down this book. It left me breathless, shaking corpse filled with mix of feelings that were all over my mind. I don’t know how to really describe me and my feelings after I finished reading. This novella is incredibly powerful and compelling story that will be painfully written in my heart for the rest of my life.

This novel opened up me in new ways. I enjoyed it immensely. This story spell bounded me like no other ever has. Broken Beauty is sensual, heartbreaking story with psychological portrait of damaged and abused young woman, that left me extremely impressed. I wished it was full length book and I could enjoy it longer.
Profile Image for Zoe and the Edge.
674 reviews69 followers
July 21, 2013
I don't know what to say. I'm not a swearer. I promise. But just let me get this out.


This book made me so darn angry. The author really knew how to make me rage at the cruelty and the injustice of the whole situation.
The aftermath for Mia is nothing but hell. If I were her, I would've probably offed myself. Her father's treatment of her is absolutely, unforgivably appalling.

Mia's life completely changes after that night. It haunts her every move and thought and everything triggers her trauma.
But all is not lost. Mia's best friend Ari, never loses patience with her and supports Mia tirelessly. Mia also discovers that not all of her family members are evil bastards. This was a relief.

Dom is soothing. Just thinking about him makes me feel calmer. He is simple and good. I want to marry him.

Profile Image for Amy.
175 reviews22 followers
September 16, 2013
This book was amazing. First let me say it has to do with rape and the struggles that you go through after the fact especially in a high profile family. So if this is something you would not like to read or can not read then this is not the book for you.

The feelings and struggles portrayed in this book was amazing. I felt for Mia through the whole thing. She is strong in her own way even if she is not exactly sure what she should do. It is a struggle for anyone. I loved this book and can not wait for the next one to come out. I need to know what happens next.
7 reviews
September 14, 2013
"The bruises will heal but I will never be able to forget what happened." I can't even begin to explain how this book made me feel. I have a friend who went thru something just like this and until I read this I never thought I could imagine the way she felt. I am a fast reader, but found myself slowing down and reading every word in this book.
Profile Image for Katarina Silva.
359 reviews
November 23, 2017
For more reviews visit my Blog <3

Broken Beauty is not a book of everybody's choice. Chloe Adams wrote a impressive story that shocks you, that portrays horror and angst and makes you feel sick to your stomach, but at the same time that brings a message of strength to everyone who needs it. I need chocolate right now...


It is a small book with a story that will be divided into six novellas, and I think that it will be very frustrating to all of us readers that want justice to wait. Especially waiting with this big cliffhanger!!!!

Her father was a tool. Mia is the child of a politician that cares about nothing else but his career, that even after his daughter gets raped, still holds on to the idea of using that act to his advantage in elections... I mean, what kind of father is this? He was selfish, disgusting and so cold. I hated him, I completely felt revolted by this man who couldn't even dignified himself to go visit his daughter to the hospital, and even saying that the rape was all her fault. I never felt this bad about a character in a book before and I seriously hope that he gets a very bad ending!!!!

"Daddy, why didn't you come see me at the hospital?" My voice carries a tremor of emotion in it, one I hope I could prevent.

"Mia, dear, you know I would have if I had the time. Your press conference did wonders for my polls this week. Did Shea tell you?"

I shake my head and look down.

"You've become Daddy's-little-helper," he says with a chuckle.

I'm glad someone can laugh off my rape.


Mia knows she isn't the poster child for perfection so she's tired of trying. Mia was a troubled girl from the beginning, being sort of "spoiled" and even frivolous, but after THAT happens to her you immediately get a new side to her. You see The girl who wants love from her father or from anyone because she never truly felt loved. You get The girl that will be revolted and scared but will defy all that she was taught to believe in to stand up for herself. She goes from scared little mouse into a strong girl. I loved her.

I wanted that Dom and Keasha had more presence in the story, but mainly Dom because I know that he will be a great supporter and guardian of Mia. And possible romance? They were both characters that I really loved to see and probably the only two honest people on the whole book! Just saying...

"Anything I can do for you?" Dom asks.

"Just don't leave."

"I won't," he says. "You play sports, Mia?"

I focus on the sound of his voice, which is low, calm and warm. He sounds calm, like Grandpa, and looks like Cory. I don't feel scared around him.

Sadly this is a problem that happens a lot more than it should and the book described it so accurately that it only makes it more real and scarier and it made me so mad! The writing is addictive and fast. The story was heartfelt, sorrowful and amazing and it made the whole book a wakeup call for our priorities.

*Arc copy provided in return of an honest review*
Profile Image for Lily (Night Owl Book Cafe).
624 reviews491 followers
November 11, 2013
3.5 Stars!

Mia was raped and beaten. She wakes up disoriented and the only thing she knows is that A. Her body is in a lot of pain and B.there are flashes and voices surrounding her. Broken Beauty deals with the difficult subject of rape and it's aftermath. I have to applaud Lizzy Ford for writing about this subject. One, it isn't easy to pull off and two it's really hard to read.

I couldn't help but feel connected with Mia from the very first page and everything she was going through. Her feels where my feelings and the entire novella kept me on the edge of my seat as Mia continues to deal with the blow back. Mia is a daughter of a wealthy politician and the male who rapes her is connected to another wealthy family that her father is really good friends with. That family also happens to fuel her father's political career. To make matters worse, her mother is an alcohol who was sent to a treatment facility by her father and is unable to be there for Mia.

First of all. The book was very well written. At least I thought so. I have been sad and angry through the entire book.

I was most angry with Mia's father and Shea and Chris. Her father and Shea really do come off as kind of disgusting human beings that lack human compassion.


Here is why I couldn't stay Shea. She takes care of the publicity, so when images of her rape get leaked, Shea designs a speech for Mia to give. In the speech, she actually wrote that Mia is partly responsible for being raped. Woah... woah woah woah... Back up here. NO ONE... No one is responsible for being raped and the fact that she wanted Mia to announce that was downright disgusting. Cause now it's in Mia's head, and to top it off, she eventually is blaming herself for what happened to her.

Her father I didn't like at all either. Not only did he not come to visit her in the hospital, but he actually fed her the bullshit that raped women, can never get pregnant and refused to allow her to take the morning after pill! The sad part about all of this is the fact that there are people like that. I understand their beliefs and the fact that they believe that abortion is a sin - but I don't think I can relate or support the fact that raped victims shouldn't be allowed to take the morning after pill and live with this burden. He said God will make sure it won't happen.... I think I am speechless.


Chris, Shea and her father all wanted Mia to not mention who raped her because it would ruin her father's political career and his chance at elections. I'm sorry, but once again, that was quiet disgusting, considering how messed up Mia is and won't leave her closet because of it. So what is their answer for it? To sweep it under the rug and force the shrink on her over and over again....

The only thing that seems to be going right for Mia is her friend Ari and Dom, who both want Mia to pursue charges against the guy who raped her.

I could sit here and continue talking about all the disaster that happened in this packed little novella, but it could be all day.

There was only one more thing that bothered me that I did not notice before. At the beginning of the Blurb it says "Sometimes back thing's happen to beautiful people" which upset me a little. I know it goes with the title of the book and everything but this sentence shouldn't exist. Bad things don't just happen to beautiful people, they happen to everyone. So that alone took a whole star off for that.
Profile Image for Reading with Tiffany&#x1f98b;.
483 reviews42 followers
October 25, 2013
(ARC provided by Netgally )

This book really made me so freaking mad because of the fact that it was so raw and real for so many this is a issue that we do see every day and it’s something that is so awful something you wouldn’t wish on an enemy.

This is Mia Abbot-Renou story she is a 17yr old girl still in high school, still needing her parents love and wisdom, she has grown up with everything she has ever wanted never having to ask for anything she is used to being in the spot light with her dad being a politician, he is no father he is all about the image… and I hate him.. He chooses his career over her so she is left by herself and the employees that work for him to take care of her more often than not, her mom is a drunk and is always off in some rehab. On one awful night Mia goes to a party where she is drugged and raped and beaten by a couple of guys that she knows the problem is the main guy his family is close to her dads campaign, and she doesn’t want to cause issues for him.

She is rescued by two cops that take her to get help and don’t leave her side until they have to. When her family finds out what happens no one comes to the hospital to help her to be at her side. They care more about hiding it from the media. Mia really feels that she is all along and it would have been really bad if the two cops had left her.

When her dad sends his lawyer and publicist to her in the hospital instead of coming she really does feel like the forgotten child. Mia tells her uncle, the family lawyer who hurt her and they choose to make her not admit to the police the name of her rapist, they want her to tell them that she doesn't really remember who raped her. She knows that she is doing is not the correct thing to do especially when the DA tells her about the 7 other girls that are just like her.

Mia is really struggling to find her self and along the way Dom the male cop really seams to help her when she needs is, along with her best friend. She is also seeing a therapist and a doc for her injuries. This get interesting at the end and yes we are left hanging and wanting more.

Broken Beauty is the 1st of 6 novellas in this series, I can't wait for the other books, I need more, I need more I need more can’t wait to find out how the story ends. I can totally see Mia and Dom together.

I would definitely recommend this book to my friends.

Profile Image for Kristin Scearce.
658 reviews21 followers
November 8, 2012
Disclaimer: I was given an e-copy by the author in exchange for an honest review.

Mia is a 17-year-old girl with a fake ID, dressed to the nines, drinking at a party by herself because her friend didn't come. All of a sudden, a guy she's met before, whose Senator father is an ally of her Senator father, starts coming on to her, making her feel all pretty and wanted. Then, things turn really bad, REALLY fast, and Mia wakes up to cops standing over her, after she's been brutally raped and beaten. The entire rest of the book shows us how the legal side handles everything, how her political family takes over the "incident," and what happens to her throughout the process.

To say I loved this book might be a little weird, considering the subject matter, but then again, the subject matter IS why I loved it. Chloe wasn't afraid to really go out and attack the political world, certain ideologies that people hold (both politically and spiritually), and just the idea of rape itself. You have to admire someone who can do all that, and still pull together an amazing story.

This book really got to me, in more ways than one. Being female, it was hard to read certain sections because I could almost feel what she was going through. Even worse, I am a victim of sexual assault, and one who never said anything about it until it was too late. Mia's emotions, trying to decide if she should speak up or not, I went through all of that. While it's difficult to read, I think it's a great way of showing just how tough it is, even more so when you have a family like Mia's. The fact that there's portions of the story that take place in a Women's Center, and in a group counseling session at the Center, really provides information that could be helpful for people who have nowhere to turn. While I wouldn't recommend this book to just anybody, I would feel hard-pressed to keep it from people who've been in those situations, or family members of those people. Even though this book is fiction, there's truth in it, and that could possibly help someone who needs it, or just open someone's eyes to what really goes on in these types of cases. Thank you Chloe, for the amazing book, and I look forward to seeing how Mia's story unfolds in the rest of the series.

5 stars
Profile Image for Linda.
1,260 reviews
September 18, 2013
This is the second book about rape I've read this week. Physical abuse is a difficult topic for many, and very often controversial. Too many innocent people get hurt, and those responsible often get away with it for various reasons. Whether, like in this book, the family pressures the abused into hiding / lying about what happened or flat out does not believe them. As a parent, my children are the most important people in my life, aside from my spouse. Unlike my spouse, they are defenseless and rely on the adults in their life to love, support, and take care of them. This book reinforced the fact that people can be selfish, careless, indifferent, and cruel.

Mia gets raped by 2 guys, one of whom she knows. Instead of supporting her, her father uses what happened to her to further his political agenda, her cousin blames her, her uncle talks her out of identifying the two men responsible, and her mother abandons her. Complete strangers with more empathy do more for her than those closest to her, aside from her best friend Ari. Although Mia knows the right thing to do is to report the men, all she wants to do is forget what happened to her. She's scared, having nightmares, and feeling unloved. All very much expected reactions to being drugged, beaten, and abused. Hell, I cannot imagine what she feels like and would not wish that on my worst enemy. She is being pressured by the police to help them catch the men responsible, pressured by her family to not ruin the family name and her father's career, and pressured by her therapist to step outside her comfort zone. And just when she thinks it can't get worse, it does.

If you cannot handle reading about rape, and the emotional trauma involved, then this is probably not the book for you. Although the book does not go into details on the actual rape, Mia does experience flashbacks. I will admit that I wished the story did not end where it did, because I want to see Mia fight back...I know that it would not be easy to turn your back on your family, but I want Mia to fight for Mia....and I want more of this story now.
Profile Image for Daisy.
58 reviews2 followers
October 8, 2013
This novella truly shook my perfect little book-world.

NOTE: Heart wrenching topic, graphic descriptions of events and very emotional content. For MATURE young adults and new adults.

Mia, a 17 year old daughter of a powerful senator is dealing with the aftermath of being raped. Not only is she physically and emotionally scarred from the event itself, but she is also dealing with lack of support from her family. On top of that, her father uses this horrible tragedy to further his own career. Can it get any worse? Oh yes, it can... Thank goodness Mia is able to find some support in her best friend and another person, who in her circles, would not be considered an ally.

This book sent me on a complete emotional roller coaster. I was left speechless after reading the cliffhanger ending and just wanted to scream.

I was impressed with Mia's character. She seemed very real to me and that made it even harder for me to read about her experiences. She was mature for her age, yet very innocent, vulnerable and wanting to please. Her struggle between wanting to get justice and facing her rapist (and everything that comes with that) was very realistic as well and made my heart break for her.

I loved Dom. His dedication to Mia and to justice, and the closeness and love within his own family were presented in a subtle, yet powerful way. And I have to say, his manipulation of Mia's trust was very sneaky, but so worth the effort to open her eyes and let her see the reality of the situation.

Can't wait for the second installment!

This novella is totally worth reading and therefore truly deserving of 5 STARS.

ARC provided by NetGalley for an honest review.

Profile Image for DJ Sakata.
3,165 reviews1,769 followers
September 23, 2013
3.5 stars
Chloe Adams gave me a free ARC copy of Broken Beauty in exchange for an honest review. While at a party, where she obtained admission with a fake ID, an under-aged teenage girl from a prominent conservative political family is drugged, raped, beaten, and left unconscious in a park by two well-connected young men. One being a son of one of her father's wealthiest contributors. Her father's retinue tells her what to say and not say to the police and the press about the incident, and she is quickly trotted out in front of the press, bruised and limping, to enhance her father's campaign. She is given a prepared statement - that she doesn't read ahead of time - that has her taking partial blame for the incident, as she was drinking. Ick! Her political father does not allow her to have the morning-after pill, as he claims rape victims cannot get pregnant. She is also told not to name her attacker, as it would cause dear old dad to lose a powerful ally and contributor. She is a minor, and apparently spineless, and does what she is told. The story is easy to follow but starts to flounder a bit in the middle when her inner dialog becomes a bit tedious and repetitive, then picks up again with eye-opening twist for her. I wish someone would shake her for being so vapid. I'd also like for someone to kick her father in an area that would cause great discomfort. It's the kind of story that has stayed with me, I've thought about it for a few days after I finished reading. I want to know what happens to her and will be watching for the rest of the series.
Profile Image for  Mandy  ♥.
102 reviews51 followers
October 8, 2013
Broken Beauty is the heart breaking & gut wrenching story about rape & it's after math told through a Surviour's  eyes.


"I don't want to tell anyone. I want to forget. And I want those who hurt me to pay. But I'm terrified to remember." 

Lizzy aka Chloe did such an amazing job writing broken beauty it was raw & many times painful to read but even with so much horror it still remained heartfelt & hopeful.

"Dom is a guardian angel and not just for me. I never thought twice about police before I met Dom & Keisha. It's strange to think there are people out there that are the complete opposite of my family, people who want to help others not just themselves."

It's the kinda of story you don't simply read but feel with every fibre of your body....It takes you on a roller coaster ride of emotion which leaves you red eyed & breathless, with characters you know that you never be able to forget.

 "The Bruises will heal, but I'll never be able to forget what happened"

I know Broken Beauty isn't the type of story for everyone because of it's subject but I would still highly recommend it too anyone, like Lizzy said this is story that needs to be told & i think this is a story that defiently needs to be read.

*i received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review*
Profile Image for Kelly.
1,328 reviews532 followers
October 27, 2013
*ARC received from Netgalley*

Broken Beauty is a short novella and I loved it. Like really loved it, waiting for the next one. Chloe Adams did a great job, I'm eager to discover more books like this one. And considering the ratings, I'm not the only one to think that.

Now about the story, Mia is supposed to have the perfect life, in appearance. She's beautiful and has a famous and wealthy family. Until the worst happened. She's been drugged and raped. She knows who did this, but no one in her family wants her to fight for justice because of her father's political career. Mia is left broken, trying to heal. But without the support she desperately needs and the rapist still free and happy to do everything he wants, it's far from a perfect life. Sometimes, beauty and money aren't what matters.

It left me so pissed at her family, at those who did this to her and I wanted to scream especially at the end, but it was so worth it. I just want Mia to run away from all this with someone who loves and cares for her, or at least for her to stand up more for what she is and what she wants. It's so damn exhausting to see her being manipulated liked that.

This book really deserves to be read. It has the power to cut you deep.
Profile Image for Marisa.
415 reviews
April 14, 2013
Wow this book took me to really scary places. Political scandal, Rape, abortion, family support (or rather lack there of), and cover ups. Even being rich and coming from a powerful family, this 17 year old must endure the most painful of life's situations. She slowly realizes life is never what it seems, and that the same holds true even with those you thought you knew. My heart broke for Mia as she lives this tortured life. I loved that she was able to begin to heal in some ways and that she was able to have some people who actually understood her plight and supported her.

Thank you Chloe for taking on such controversial issues and showing us that real life situations do not always coincide with political platforms no matter how well intentioned they maybe, and that sometimes choices must be made that you'd never in your wildest dreams ever thought you would.

This took me out of my comfort zone, but I was glad I read it and look forward to the other books in this series....."Dom's Way" here I come! :)
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