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A straight man walks into a gay bar searching for meaning…It sounds like the start of a lousy joke. And honestly, that’s what my life is beginning to feel like. I look back at all the hateful things I’ve said and done—so many things I can’t take back—and I’m not proud. I let my ignorance steal my relationship with my youngest brother, Magnus. He and his husband, Sem, are now happily married with kids, and all I want is to be a part of their lives. But I need help to get there. Help in the form of a sweet man so open-hearted and optimistic that he’s willing to take on and teach a lost cause like me. Because I don’t know if people are truly capable of change. But the way Beau looks at me with his pretty eyes and cheeky smile, the way he openly shows me friendship, love, and affection…he sure makes me wonder, if a person can change, can they also earn forgiveness?

294 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 21, 2024

About the author

Cora Rose

28 books1,820 followers
Cora Rose loves any kind of romance and consumes way too many books each year. She currently lives in the U.S. and spends her days daydreaming about the characters inside her head.

You can email her at CoraRoseRomance@gmail.com or visit her website at www.coraroseromance.com

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Profile Image for ✨Lucy  IntheSky☄️.
956 reviews124 followers
March 22, 2024
I'm writing this review with a fucking headache from reading these 300 pages of dumbness.
The only reason I've decided to read this book is because Max is Maggie's brother and he was a real asshole in his book, so I was interested in this homophobic straight guy maybe turning his ways, I don't know, it sounded interesting, especially since Maggie and Sem were also supposed to be present in the story.

I wouldn't have rated this book, but I'm giving it 2⭐ because I did like the amount of smut, the only problem was the author left that for the last few chapters and really shoved it down our throats, chapter after chapter it was sexsexsex - instead of giving us crucial resolves this story needed - and I'm still interested in Matt's story, so there's that.

Max's fight and alienation with Maggie seemed like a pretty big deal and there was no conclusion to it in this book, no real talk, nothing, just a few moments with his kids and that was it.

The author made Max from being just inquisitive about gay men (was he really? It was a weak bi-awakening), because Max's brother is gay - to going all the way and marrying the first guy he likes, handing over his life, finances and sanity.

I'd call it an OTT romance gone wrong.

🟣 Auggie's brother Max's story
🟢 Gay/straight
🔵 It's said to be a bi-awakening but I see it more as GFY
🟠 Completely not-believable friends
🟡 Ridiculous stereotypes about straights and gays
🟣 Maggie and Sem had a really small, almost insignificant part in the story
🔵 MMCs not fleshed out, very insta everything
🌶️ A lot of smut, but in the second half of the book - getting there was a slower burn though, it's good; t/b, hinting at vers

Max wants to get close to Maggie and to do that he takes an interesting route - he goes to a gay club to check out the scene and meets Beau, the small, blonde twink that becomes his friend and introduces him to the world of gays. 🙄

“There,” he says as he grinds on me, moving me almost effortlessly to the beat. “Like this. Look at you being gay.”

“Look at you, straight man, opening your mind. Those hinges are rusty as fuck and they creak really loudly, but you’re doing it. It’s an inch, but that door is opening.”

Woooow. Straight is wrong, closed-minded and owns a manly grill, based on this story.

Max's bi-awakening was ridiculous, the gay and straight stereotypes were the basis of this story and Max not only gets a guy, he goes aaaall the way, he moves in with him after a short time seeing him - fine, but then he's very quick to marry him - sure, it happens - and when even that's not enough, he also puts his name on the deed of his house. Whooooaaaa. Now you're just talkin' crazy. Now I know that guy's been dickmatized because there's no way in hell I'm giving up half of my house for a guy I think I love after 2 months.

"Seems Beau is an amazing man, even if he’s gay."

"But when he links his arm back through mine, I feel like I’ve found my compass, my true north in this sea of gayness."

"I nod and then lean back on the couch, taking a careful sip of the hot chocolate, not wanting to smear whipped cream across my mouth like I suck dick."

And Beau? Man, he's OBNOXIOUS and pretty much everything he says is ridiculous.

“What have you been doing the past few days, Max? Playing sports, revving engines, having straight sex?”

"Maybe using my own saliva makes it less gay. Though I’m far from it. I’m the gayest gay."

“Fine. You can show me all your bro stuff, all the manly stuff you no doubt have in your place. Like saws and mufflers.”

“I love those pans. Great colors. Didn’t expect you to have those, to be honest. Kind of expected you to have like a manly grill or something.”

Even the poor dog isn't left out of this ridiculous shit.

“Beau, this bed is pink.”
“But Doggo is a man.”
“Men can like pink,” he says with a scowl and then pokes at my chest. “I happen to love the color.”
“Yeah, but you’re gay.”

Oh god, kill me now.

Their intimate moments took some time to develop and it's a cringe slow burn until they do, they go really slow for two attractive, young guys who have the whole place to themselves, but fine, Iet's say it's believable, especially since Beau is still having sex with other men while meeting up with Max and when he starts messing around more with Max, he miraculously loses his interest in others.

“Look at you,” he says with a grin. “Letting a man sleep in your bed. You’ve come a long way. Mama is proud.”

“You’ve never done anal?” he asks, and I feel my cheeks heat.
“I mean, no.”
“Not even with a woman?”
“No. That’s real gay.”

"“Oh my god, we’re— oh my fuck, we’re frotting!” He’s squealing now, and I can’t help but chuckle at his response. He’s so fucking cute."

"I don’t know how straight I am at the moment, not with the way I like frotting with Beau, but I try not to think of that."

Stop, just stop it. Stop with the weirdness already! Where do you find these characters?? Who even talks like that??

Max is really out there trying to prove something, huh? He's too quick to go for a guy and then be so serious about him. Again, this could've been an OTT sexy, funny story but the bullshit added about gay and straight men just doesn't work for me, it's too stereotypical, Max and Beau are a few-months-thing, when the frantic sex life dies down, they're gonna go their separate ways. The end. And that idiot gave him half of his expensive house. 🤦

Max marrying Beau was definitely the wrong step to go too, and also

“But how would that work? Like how do two men get married?”

Profile Image for Dani.
972 reviews115 followers
April 19, 2024
Cora Rose is like that ex you know you shouldn't go back to, but then you remember a good time and think 'hmm, maybe it'll be good again this time' but then you realise you're an absolute idiot and you need to give it up already!!!!

What drew me to this book was Max's possible redemption.

What made me want to smack myself in the head with my Kindle was the entire lack of plot YET AGAIN and the sex scenes that never fucking stop. Seriously, how are you supposed to like any of her characters when all they do is have sex, and all of their relationship or getting to know each other takes place off the page, and you're just told that it happened so believe it.

At this point why even bother naming the characters?? Just call them 'Straight' Guy and Gay Guy and be done with it. The characters no longer have any hint of a personality, you could interchange the characters from most of Cora Rose's books and it wouldn't make a blind bit of difference to the story. The only characters who have strong personalities are Emery, Colin and Ethan!!!

Literally want to pull my hair out for being stupid enough to read this!!

Ok, so the minimal things that I actually liked and made me give this more than one star:
- The nickname Bow-Tie. Too cute and I loved it.
- There's a dog
- One character has a lot of books (it isn't stated that he's a reader, maybe they are just decor props, but still I like a lot of books)
- When they weren't having sex (like 2% of the book I guess) and they were doing coupley things like buying their furniture, eating snow cones, hanging out on the porch.
- Max and anytime his niece and nephew were mentioned.

I mean looking at that list two stars is exceptionally generous...

What I really fucking hated:
- There is no actual resolution to Max and Maggie's relationship it just magically fixes itself because Max likes dick now. It's too easy and there are no conversations.
- How easily Max gets together with Beau. He was extremely homophobic and yes, people can learn and change their ways, but he's 30 and it's been so ingrained into him by his parents that I fail to believe one trip to a gay bar and reluctantly becoming co-dependent friends with a gay dude will 'cure' him of his ways
- The straight hate. I mean, really? Being straight is not inherently bad and not all straight people are homophobic arseholes, the same way not all gay people are sunshine and sequins, but according to Cora Rose that's the way of the world. I can't tell if this is to try and provoke some deeper thought about society or if it's really what Cora Rose believes to be true...
- The way Beau goes off to have sex with a million other people before they get together officially, even when he takes Max to his parents place and introduces him as his boyfriend and then he goes and has sex in the stable with one of his family's employees... It felt really shitty and I feel like Max's actual reaction would have been devastation if he was so into Beau, but no he just gets horny and decides he's definitely into dudes.
- The characters felt robotic when they were talking to each other, there's no actual conflict or tension when there are so many issues that arise where there is a huge opportunity to put some emotion into the story and have the characters really take a look at themselves, but noooooo they just fall onto each others dicks, orgasm, rinse (literally) and repeat.

The set up for Coop and Matt's book was also laughable. We find out they wake up married in Vegas and I guarantee that is the entire amount of plot that will be in their book. Save yourself the read and just read the epilogue for this book instead. All that will be added to that to call it a book is at least twenty sex scenes and a few conversations where the straight guy is mocked for being straight, but then suddenly knows gay guy is 'the one' and they must move in together and get married immediately because there is NO other choice in life. The gay guy will be an all knowing sex guru and gay tour guide who shits glitter and is sex obsessed, yet stresses multiple times a chapter that the straight guy will change their mind and get bored with them. Read it and tell me I'm wrong...

I said it before and then I went back like a dumbass, but I'm NOT reading any more Cora Rose books!!! If you see me add any to my TBR or currently reading PLEASE shout at me to stop the toxic cycle 😂😂😂😂😂😂
March 28, 2024

Another GFY book from Cora Rose. This author writes two kinds of characters: the femme "obviously gay" twink and the masculine "straight" bro-dude. Bro-dude becomes obsessed with said twink but continue to deny his sexuality, which is explained by "but who needs labels"?

I didn't care for Beau (the twink) at all. He continues to fuck other men even as he's playing house with Max.

One scene in particular had me seeing red: Beau brings Max to meet his parents, who assume Max is his boyfriend/fiancé, but Beau is such a disrespectful hoe that he fucks the stablehand where anyone walking by can see. You can't keep your dick in your pants for one weekend, dude? Gross. I'm not sure I believe Beau could ever be faithful.

I liked Max more, although proclaiming that Beau is his "non-platonic roommate with benefits" even as he's pushing Beau to move in and marry him is all kinds of fucked up.

The first half is kind of cute, with Max discovering all things gay in order to reconcile with his brother Magnus (from Sem), but once the two start fucking, there is sex on just about every page. So much sex. TOO MUCH sex.

Also, Max was supposed to apologize to Magnus and beg for his forgiveness, but as soon as Magnus responds, Max makes it all about himself and his newfound feelings for Beau.

I recently ranted in my review of another book by a different author that epilogues by definition wrap up a story. But at least that epilogue, while from the POV of a secondary character, still showed the MCs happy and in love. This one doesn't even mention Max or Beau. It's an intro/prologue to the next book featuring Max's brother Matt and Beau's friend Coop.

This "non-epilogue" trend has to end, and it has to end now.
Profile Image for Miranda.
272 reviews15 followers
August 16, 2024
4.5 stars -Cora’s books are often kind of bizarre, I liked this quite a lot, it was funny, different and sweet.

Max felt real, he was a flawed man trying to fix mistakes, his actions were loud, he really tried his best to get Magnus back in his life and it made me happy that he was forgiven.
I did get emotional when he met his nephew and niece, that was very sweet.
Beau was pure sunshine, I enjoyed how he changed Max’s life.

I liked how Max went from really confused to obsessed with Bow tie and the way their relationship happened was different and fun.
Now I need to read the second book ASAP, need to know about Matt and Coop
Profile Image for Hugo #freepalestine .
502 reviews41 followers
March 30, 2024
Okay this might be my second win by Cora rose, this Ate so bad I'm sorry!!

I did not expect to liked this considering my history with her books, and all the reviews but God my hearts is Swooning over how Max plans Their life ahead and how sure he was with Beau.

Okay bow-tie was a cute nickname ngl tho
All the weddings planned, and the teasing, the cheesy bits turns my heart into mush.
Profile Image for Renae Reads.
593 reviews554 followers
March 6, 2024
I love a redemption story, which is why Except You is perfect in every possible way. Max is a fascinating character because I was first introduced to him in Maggie's story as one of his bigoted brothers, so I was so curious about what his story could entail and my goodness was I not disappointed.

Max's story grabbed my attention immediately with his changed outlook, quest for forgiveness, and believable show of growth and shame about his past actions. His journey fully begins by meeting Beau, sharing a connection, and embarking on a sweet and innocent friendship.

Their friendship includes adopting a dog, visiting one's parents, and basically living together, which is total normal friendship behavior, while Max's complete blindness to his growing feelings is another great aspect of this story. Their undeniable chemistry, connection, and comfortability between one another made for a beautiful love story that I could not get enough of.

Beau is effortlessly charming and patient as Max comes to terms with their changing dynamics, which is an amazing aspect of this story that I adored from beginning to end.

Their love story has strong emotions, laugh-out-loud hijinks, and a fantastic slow burn where both can no longer deny their shared attraction and genuine love for one another.

So excited for Matt and Coop's story, love the premise, which will be nothing short of hilarious.
Shelved as 'dropped'
June 24, 2024
audio dropped @1%

Pity, I was actually mildly excited about this book with mc Max being one of Maggie's (from Sem) older jerk brothers. But what Zachary Zaba did with the audio, especially Beau's character, is unlistenable for me and I have to call it quits after only a few minutes.

Maybe I'll consider the ebook version another day.
Profile Image for Dani (Daniiireads).
1,480 reviews245 followers
April 20, 2024
Max, one of Maggie's hateful older brothers, realizes how badly he messed up and misses his brother terribly. Maggie has a whole life out there that he isn't a part of and it eats at Max, so much so that he decides he's gonna do something about it. Like go to a gay bar.

There Max meets Beau, who is sweet and funny, and kind enough to offer Max his help to learn more about the LGBTQ+ community. These two hit it off from the start, mostly because Beau's character is just an angel and impossible not to love, and their friendship crosses all kinds of barriers Max never expected.

Things between the two shift into more as Max gets more comfortable with himself and his changing relationship with Beau, and boy do things get steamy! Max, despite not really having a name or really knowing what's going on between the two of them, is all in with Beau, and I loved that so much. He chose Beau and never doubted that he wanted him in his life.

I got all teary eyed seeing Maggie and Sem again. They are one of my favorite couples, and their scene all together was just so beautiful. I'm so glad that Max was able to patch things up with Maggie and be included in their lives. He was seriously so precious meeting their kiddos.

The ending of this book was so freaking perfect, and that epilogue!! So excited for book 2!
Profile Image for haletostilinski.
1,366 reviews554 followers
March 24, 2024
⭐︎ 2.5 stars rounded up for a strong first half ⭐︎

Second buddy read in a row with the wonderful Lilly that didn't go quite as well as the first 😔

I'll start with the good, of which there was quite a bit at first:

✓ This really took its time at first to get Max from the raging homophobe he was in Magnus' book, to a much better person who isn't homophobic, and falls in love with a man to boot. This starts a year into Max's journey to changing. He's been going to therapy for about 6 months. He's really trying to learn and grow and change his views on gay people, little by little, which felt so realistic.

✓ Beau was wonderful at first. I never came to dislike him as other negative reviewers seemed to, but I did get somewhat frustrated with him in the second half. But in this first half he was really great, very accepting of Max, of who he used to be and the bridges he burned with Magnus because of his awful behavior. He was there for Max when no one else seemed to be, and was very sweet and kind to him.

✓ These two had great chemistry at first. Their build up was going so well. Aside from that scene of Max seeing Beau with someone else, the first half was going really well for me. Yes, I didn't like it either, and as I read the first half I was going to give maybe .5 off for that. Like did we need to see that? Fuck no. But was it before they were together? Yes, so I got past it. It could have just been mentioned, or Max sees it real quick and then leaves fast, something like that, but it wasn't the end of the world for me, as they hadn't done anything at that point.

✓ I liked the gradual unlearning with Max. He still had clearly homophobic thoughts and said some homophobic things here or there, but that again felt realistic. It wasn't just an automatic switch from homophobic to not. It was a process, as it would be in real life.

That, unfortunately, is where a lot of my positives end. I've got a lot of frustrations with the second half that brought my enjoyment of this way down:

✖︎ Where did Beau's fear of commitment come from? His parents were happily married. He had some very vague thoughts of "straight" men toying with him? Playing with him? Breaking his heart? Something along those lines, which is the closest thing I could get as to an explanation for why he was such a commitment phobe.

But if that were the case, the author should have detailed that for us so we truly understood it. Who hurt him in the past, potentially? Was it multiple men? In what ways did they hurt him and scare him off from relationships? All relationships, not just with "straight" guys, because Beau was averse to a relationship with anyone and I'm like...why? How? For what reason? It made no sense.

✖︎ I get them taking it slow with each other at first. Max is new to being with a man, he still hasn't fully let go of all the homophobia, he still has to wrap his whole head around it. I get that.

But there's slow, and then there's....slow. It takes them until past 80% to finally have penetrative sex! Why? What was the reason? Seriously, they even get to fingering and Max frots between Beau's asscheeks at one point, they're talking about fucking, and yet they...don't? I was so frustrated at that point. Like just fuck already!

It takes them forever to even move on from fucking hand jobs. I get Max maybe needing a few times to get used to it, but it felt like they just did handjobs forever. At the very least, what was wrong with Beau sucking Max off? Like come the fuck on. But once they do get to blowjobs, it was all blowjobs for what felt like ever. Then fingering, frotting, etc, and then FINALLY they fuck.

Like I get it, with someone like Max, it would take some time to get there. But THAT long? Until past 80%? Give me a break. It was ridiculous.

✖︎ Especially when Max goes from tentatively unlearning all his prejudices, easing into being with a man, to a 180 full throttle in a heartbeat. I'm talking they've only known each other about 2 months, have been together sexually/romantically even less, and he wants Beau to move in with him and marry him. (He kinda goes "I wasn't serious about marriage" but he actually 100% was serious.) It's a LOT.

✖︎ And I get that Cora Rose writes a lot of her heroes like this. Obsessed to perhaps an unhealthy degree - she's literally had her MC's do some light stalking here and there at first - and ready to go way too fast way too early. So Max wasn't totally out of the norm for her characters. But still, 2 months? And they hadn't even talked about being officially boyfriends yet! And when Beau asks Max what they are a few days later, he still can't call them boyfriends! And yet he wants to move in with him and marry him? Make it make sense!

✖︎ And maybe this wouldn't have been as bad, or felt as bad, if Beau had been on the same page. If he'd felt just as obsessed.

But I don't blame him for his actually very normal reaction. While I didn't really get his aversion to a relationship in the first place, I completely understood his unease, anxiety and hesitancy to moving in and then shortly thereafter, marrying Max.

Max honestly went WAY too fast. And honestly I would have been more fine if Beau had been on board from the jump. But he clearly wasn't. And understandably! Who moves in with someone who can't even admit they're boyfriends? (I mean admittedly, Max does later that night, but the fact that he couldn't earlier in the day, and after he had asked him to move in with him, is wild)

The thing is, this felt unequal because of the lack of obsession on Beau's end. Was he really into Max? Absolutely. And he was totally 100% falling for him. He only wanted Max, the sex was the best with Max, all of that. But obsessed to the point of moving in within 2 months and marrying shortly after? No.

And honestly, it felt like Max pushed and pressured Beau into it and realistically, how long would this last in real life? Probably not long. Which, it doesn't need to be crazy realistic or anything, but Beau didn't feel 100% committed and as obsessed for these fast steps to make sense. It was too much for me to take.

I mean, hell, Max asks about moving in and marriage before they even have penetrative sex, for fucks sake! At the very least, could they have been fucking for awhile at that point? But nope!

Just completely nonsensical, even for Cora Rose's sometimes OTT obsessed characters.

✖︎ The sex in the second half? Kinda just 'meh' tbh. Where was the heat, the steam? It was SO fast and glossed over and somewhat vague sometimes, and at other times, way too dragged out for things I didn't care about (like yet another handjob). I was ready for all the steam in the second half and it honestly, mostly, just disappointed me.

✖︎ This is mainly just a me thing, perhaps, but it felt like the verse nature of these two was forced? Now, I don't mind verse, and I actually enjoy it when done well. But ultimately I prefer strict top/bottom roles, and these two were very much in that category. Beau says he's a bottom quite clearly in the beginning. Max is a former homophobe, still in the process of unlearning all that - why would he be remotely ready for anything in and up his ass? But he adapts to Beau fingering him/rimming him real easy and it just kind of felt out of place. Like truly, they do not have to be verse, and this is one of those instances where it felt forced. No, Beau never fucks Max in this story (there's barely enough time for Max to fuck Beau lbr), but with Max liking fingers in his ass as well, stands to reason he would bottom soon. I just wasn't feeling that. Maybe one day, a long time into their relationship they could try it, but so soon? Before they've even fucked? Nahhh, no thank you.

✖︎ Matt's - Max's brother - turnaround was out of nowhere. He and Max get into a huge fight because of Matt's homophobia. Then a few weeks go by and then he's seemingly cured? Or on his way? What? Where? When? How?

And then he's just kinda fine with gay things, and bantering with Coop, Beau's gay best friend, when he and Max literally beat each other up over this issue.

Make it make sense.

✖︎ Why is the epilogue ?! Instead, it's a . Note to authors: don't do this! It's tacky and ridiculous.

Also, I think authors just shouldn't write such similar names to each other. Max, Magnus, Matt, Mitch...I literally thought Matt was Max at the end and got SO confused, let me tell you.

✖︎ Oh and finally, not only was them having a wedding in the first place super fucking rushed but then the wedding itself was SO impersonal and rushed and glossed over and I really don't like when stories do that either. Why rush them into this thing you can't even be bothered to give proper care and respect to? Just...ugh, no.

Man, in conclusion? The second half ruined a lot of this for me. The ONLY thing that saved this from getting even lower of a rating was a very well done first half. All the props to that first half. It was, honestly, almost like a different novel.

Seriously, when the first half of this book takes up 62%, but the second half is only 38%? Bad sign. It's like the author gave up 2/3 of a the way through. Just totally rushed, nonsensical, wild, ridiculous, ruinous second half.

I do NOT recommend this, soley for that horrible second half. I mean, it maybe, might be worth it for that first half alone, if you're up for it.

But the second half is such a disaster, I just don't know if it's worth it, to be completely honest.

This is, truly, my least favorite read by this author. I'll give the couple of Matt and Coop a chance, but...I'm VERY weary after this one. Just a let down, truly. Especially after the promising first half.

Ah, well...better luck next time 🫠
Profile Image for ❀ Jess ( Semi hiatus ).
689 reviews62 followers
March 24, 2024

Edit: oops a tiny bit got cut off when I tried to copy and paste from my notes app 🙈

The first 50% ⭐️
The rest of the book ⭐️⭐️
But I’m gonna’ leave this as a solid 2 because after sleeping on it I was still annoyed with myself for not just shelving it into my DNF pile.

My first intro to Cora Rose was the Unexpected series. I didn’t read them all but the ones I did read, I considered a guilty pleasure. No one enjoys possessive and obsessive MCs more than I do, when it’s mutual, of course and those books that that but that’s pretty much all it had going for me, but guilty pleasures are still enjoyable so I thought I’d get some out of this one but unfortunately this wasn’t my cup of tea.

The OTT stereotyping and constant talk about getting railed was annoying but my biggest complaint was with Beau. I don’t like the MCs being with others after meeting so the fact that Beau was constantly hooking up with guys up until 50% really bothered me.

No, I did not expect the gay man to be pining for the straight man but it bothered me that while Max was thinking about Beau and his growing affections for him Beau was out getting dick, and constantly talking about dicks.

Beau talks about not really being interested in more than hooking up, but he brings Max to his parent’s where they pretend to be dating because Beau has never brought a guy over before- and while we’re in Beau’s POV they run into an old hook up that was hinting to be wanting more from Beau and Beaus thinking about how sexy he looks and they sneak off to have sex, which Max witnesses because they’re not being quiet and apparently that’s when Max has his light bulb moment about being sexually attracted to Beau- seeing him get fucked by a guy that Max was already feeling jealous over. Real romantic right ?

Max tries to take a girl home after a date but can’t do anything with her cos he’s thinking about Beau, it’s too bad Beau never had any problems in that department, he was happy to hook up with anyone he found hot and willing, even while pretending to have Max as a boyfriend 🙄

Anyway, Beau shows up - he’s jealous of course but plays it off and Max’s date ends up being super chill and turns into a friend for Max, who he talks to about his confusing feelings for Beau.

So at around 50% is where they start their physical intimacy and thankfully Beau doesn’t continue his hook ups after that. I was waiting for a full circle moment where they’re together for real and they run into Diego ( The guy who fucks Beau while he’s pretending to be in a relationship with Max at his parent’s place 🙄) where Diego tries to make a pass and Beau isn’t all hot and bothered around him and tells him he’s not interested cos he’s fully devoted to Max for real but this never happened, which left me feeling all kinds of annoyed cos Diego works for Beau’s family and they’re going to be around each other again so it should’ve had a full moment resolution 😒

And this is my own fault for expecting more from this story even tho I know I’m already familiar with what this author offers but I was actually really invested in Max rebuilding his relationship with his brother and I was pretty giddy when Matt showed up after his fight with Max but the whole situation resolved itself a little too easily. 😕

Anyway. Will I be reading Matt’s story if I notice it release? 100% yes because I love me a ‘woke up married’ scenario but I’ll be cutting my reading short and probably shelving this author in the future if that story also has the MCs sleeping around and getting hot and bothered around others, especially Sind they’re going to be married.

So in conclusion, if you’re into the things I complained about then this story is definitely for you but for me it’s pretty far into my dislike territory with the first 50%
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jane aka Coughy019.
528 reviews96 followers
March 23, 2024
Tropes: villain redemption, bi-awakening
Feels: 2/5
Steam*: 3.5/5
Kinks: n/a
Angst: medium
HEA: yes
Pairing: MM
Triggers/potential icks/content warnings: tons of sex with OM far too deep into the book - on page and rubbed in the other Mmc's face, panic attacks, homophobia, internalized homophobia, unsafe sex (which I especially thought was irresponsible given how sexually active Beau is / how many different partners he had, not getting tested before starting things with Max, having sex with others right up until the day he has sex with Max)

I feel like I should start this with, I am a Cora fan. I love her books. Many of her books are comfort rereads that I love to revisit. But this book was an utter fail for me. Pains me to say it!

Max is 30. He is Magnus's brother, and he's been homophobic in the past. He's upset by the estrangement between him and Magnus and he wants to get him back in his life. He starts questioning the homophobic culture he was raised in, he goes to therapy, he tries to educate and improve himself. He puts in the work. That leads him to hang out at a gay bar trying to understand people, where he meets Beau, a gay man who strikes up a talk and then a subsequent friendship with him. From the beginning he's attracted to Beau, he just doesn't know himself well enough to recognize it.

Beau is 26. Out and with a very accepting family. He's never been in a relationship before, he's all about hookups. He starts up a friendship with Max kind of out of nowhere, you don't really understand what was driving his character to kind of reach out and need that connection.

I'm a huge Cora fan. But this book was not for me. I wanted to dnf but I'm too OCD to leave books unfinished and I had hope that it would quickly get better.

I'm okay with characters hooking up a lot and having a past. I'm not a prude, and I don't s*** shame. But it is a hard no for me, for it to play out the way that it did in this particular book. Beau's hookups basically took a hatchet to the love story and special connection that was developing between him and Max. I will say, it is very realistic in real life for Beau's sex life to play out the way it did. But this is a romance book. Who wants to read about a MMC constantly f******, lusting after, and even having romantic feelings for other people as the relationship and emotional connection is developing with the other MMC? And have the other MMC Max hear and see the hookups, get it rubbed in his face, when he has feelings for Beau? Definitely not slut shaming. But the way it played out is not a romance I want to read. And it seriously made me question whether Beau had deep enough feelings for Max if he could just fuck around the way he was. Even once Beau stopped having sex with other people, there were a lot of things that Beau thought and said where I really questioned his feelings for Max. I don't think Beau was a good match for Max. The book became more palatable once Beau stop hooking up with other people, but their relationship wasn't ever great to me.

This book gave me such a book hangover in a bad way. I literally didn't want to even write the review because I didn't want to think more about what happened in this book because it was so ugly. So I'm literally going to write this review and then try not to think about this book and forget about it. Most Cora books are keepers for me and constant comfort rereads. There are some Cora books that I have read like five times. This one is a never again.

My thoughts/reactions while reading this book:
- The night Beau and Max met, they spent hours together talking and bonding. Forming a connection, smiling at each other. And Beau ends the night saying he's going to go find a hookup for the night. And he does. And even from the very beginning, that just took the wind out of Max's sails, hurt his feelings, and sat in an ugly pit in his stomach.
- Over the next 2 weeks, Beau hooks up with a different person almost everyday. Every time he's talking to Max he's either just hooked up with someone, has a guy in his bed, is leaving Max to go have sex with somebody, or he's telling Max about his hookups and about how sore his ass is or how good the dick was. And yeah Max isn't in touch enough with his sexuality right away to recognize that he's attracted to Beau, and that what he's feeling is jealousy, but he sure feels hurt and like s***. It's painful to watch it play out.
- It's not even just sex. Max sees that Beau really likes some of these guys, that they make him blush, that Beau is crushing on them, has history with some of them. Beau has feelings. He's also strongly lusting after these other guys. What he feels for Max doesn't feel special at all.
- At 35%, there is on page sex between Beau and Diego, and Max sees them. Max later tells Beau that he saw it, Beau is embarrassed and says he's sorry Max saw, and Max says he found it sexy. I think Cora was trying to make Max witnessing all these things part of his sexual awakening but it was incredibly unnecessary for it to go this far and so long. I can't believe we were 35% in and this was still going on. And it was out of character for Max to make it sound like he wasn't hurt by the Diego hookup, because he was literally curled up in a ball sad after many of Beau's other hookups. It was also just so rude of Beau to hook up with Diego in this situation. He had taken Max home with him and they were hanging out as friends, and he literally ditched Max to go get railed by Diego. It's just bad form as a friend to ditch your friend in an unfamiliar place to go get laid, unless you have a really accepting friendship where this kind of thing is normal and encouraged.
- Max has been celibate for 2 years. And at the 40% mark he finally decides to try to hook up with a woman. And he couldn't get hard with her, he could barely bring himself to kiss her. To me, Beau should have gotten to that same point - other men should have stopped working for him, he should have been so preoccupied with thoughts of Max that he wanted him. It didn't have to be right away, that wouldn't be realistic. But he was actively having sex with other people right up until the very day he hooked up with Max for the first time. I wanted to see that Beau had feelings and Max was on his mind, but he wasn't. There was never a point during this book where I felt like Beau loved Max, their relationship on Beau's side always just seemed sexual plus friendship. I didn't feel like Beau deserved Max or like he was a good match for Max or wanted the same things as Max. Beau always seems like he was reluctantly dragged along into a more committed relationship then what he wanted with Max.
- fyi, first hook up at 42%. As soon as Max admitted he was attracted to Beau, they had a mutual masturbation session. First kiss wasn't until 57%.
- At the 80% mark, Max wants them to move in together. Yeah they've only been together for 2 months or so, it's early. I could have understood if they had a rational conversation. I didn't like how it played out though. I don't like that Max has to beg and seem pitiful for Beau to agree to move in. It's like Beau doesn't have equal feelings and he gives in literally to avoid an argument, we see that in his POV. I don't feel like he deserves Max, he doesn't feel as deeply. It's an unequal emotional relationship.
- At 85%, Max is telling Beau that he plans to put Beau on his house title. You really shouldn't do that at the two month mark. Max seems stupid. And the fact that Beau doesn't object makes him seem like a bit of a gold digger, he shouldn't just accept half of a house! Beau in my mind needs to contribute more to this relationship than just sex.

Things I enjoyed:
- Sem coming over to Max's house to threaten him, because he was worried about Max hurting Magnus emotionally. So in character for Sem!
- all the times Sem and Magnus interacted, their happy family
- Max calling Beau Bow-tie as a nickname
- I know Max is a past villain but he's such a sweetheart. Max is a great mmc. I wish Beau had been a more deserving book boyfriend. This book could have been so much better if Beau had stronger feelings and the Beau/Max sex lives had played out more like Caleb and Whit had in one of Cora's past books.

Some notable moments:

Aw, sweet of Max to have that tender non-sexual need to touch Beau. "Max leans his forehead against my stomach and presses his lips to my skin, something he does every time he gets me off with his mouth. It makes butterflies flutter in my stomach without fail. It’s so tender, so sweet."

Max is so sweet. "“I don’t ever want to sleep without you. Don’t make me do that again, Bow-tie,” I tell him, and he huffs a laugh. “I know, Max. I could tell by how you stood outside my bedroom door for hours.” “Not your bedroom. This isn’t your room, Bow-tie. This is a guest room and you’re not one. You’re mine. Mine. Label it whatever the fuck you want. If you want to get married, I’ll drive you to Vegas tomorrow and we’ll sign the certificate.”"

"“I kind of want a flamethrower now,” I say, and Sem hears me. “It’s a good investment.” “It is a terrible idea. Do not let him have it,” Magnus chimes in. “Pretty soon, it’s not just a flamethrower but a potato gun and homemade bomb material.”"

*FYI about steam: I rate steam based on a combination of quality & quantity. I note kink separate from steam because I don't want to underrate steamy reads that don't have much kink.

**Note about spoilers: I like to comment on the plot of a book in reviews, so I almost always mark my reviews as containing spoilers. But I try to avoid spoiling the big dramatic moments! As a reader, I personally like to know what I'm getting into before I read a book so I know more about the content and if it's to my taste/mood, so I try to give that information in my reviews for myself when I'm considering rereading and also for other readers.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Katie.
234 reviews89 followers
March 21, 2024
SO FREAKING GOOD!!!! I love everything Cora Rose writes and this is no exception. Max and Beau’s story was everything I wanted it to be and so much more. As much as I was worried it would be hard to love Max after reading Sem, he quickly won me over. And I loved to see his relationship with Maggie healing. I can’t wait for Matt’s story!!!
Profile Image for ꧁•Zakiyya•꧂.
317 reviews31 followers
June 19, 2024
Damn.... I hate that the scene with Beau hooking up with Diego in the barn really spoilt this book for me AND it's probably going to be the only thing I really remember from this...😫

And yes, while I get that since the author writes the MC who is watching this scene unfold as turned on and in no way jealous or hurt just so we're not supposed to feel hurt on his behalf .... unfortunately, it didn't quite work out for me that way... 🤷🏻‍♀️

Even though the redemption arc for Max was done really well and I absolutely LOVED him throughout this entire story ... for me, Beau was just not convincing enough.
Profile Image for Kylie.
614 reviews825 followers
August 22, 2024
4.5/5 ⭐️
3/5 🌶️

I listened to the audiobook for this and it was STELLAR! ✨🎧

I loved Beau and Max so much! They’re on the same level as my love for Sem & Maggie too, which just made this book even better because we got comes of my favorite couple! 🥹

This book had me feeling every emotion. It had it all!
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
196 reviews7 followers
May 8, 2024
Wow! Except You is one of my favourite Cora Rose books to date. There’s just something magical about a straight man meeting a gay man and getting his whole world flipped upside down. When the Morris brothers decide something, they decide it with their whole heart. The story was beautifully written and very compelling. I stayed up way too late to finish it and regret nothing. I'm going to need the next book immediately please Cora!!

We first met Max in Magnus and Sem's book (Unexpected #2, Sem) but this book can be read as a standalone. The important thing is that Max was a complete homophobic jerk to his brother Magnus when Magnus told them that he was gay. Magnus justifiably cut Max out of his life completely. Years have passed and Max misses his brother and regrets his choice. He wants to reconcile with Magnus and comes up with the brilliant idea to put himself through gay exposure therapy by going to a gay bar. Beau hits on him, gets shot down but offers to teach him about all the Gay Things. The two men strike up an unlikely friendship that slowly turns into a relationship.

I liked everything about this book including the zany side characters. Max's love for his family came through so clearly and gave me all the feels 🥰 This is a true redemption story where you feel the genuine remorse and willingness to do the work to change.

Rating: 4.5
Angst: 2/5
Steam: 3/5

I received an advance copy of this book and this is my honest review.
Profile Image for Jamie.
645 reviews107 followers
September 9, 2024
Such a fun & enjoyable book. Not quite as over the top as I usually get with this author, but still a very good light and fun book. I really like both of the characters and the possessiveness of Max. Loved seeing Sem & Maggie again too. And now all the brothers coming back into each others lives.
I really loved the set up for the next book, cant wait!
Profile Image for martina (chaos version).
614 reviews290 followers
March 23, 2024
as someone who doesn’t forgive easily i think i can say that max does deserve forgiveness.

the whole thing is kind of crazy and ott, but it’s cora’s style so i expected it.
yes, the straight guy talk is kind of annoying, but have you ever heard one of them talk? it’s pretty on point.

max went through a beautiful journey and i really think it was done well. i liked it a lot.

i’m not sure about the next book tho.
March 13, 2024
So I wasn’t so sure about this book. I’m not a huge fan of redemption stories (especially when the MC was mean to one of my all time fav characters Maggie)! But I had a friend who read it on patreon and thought I would like it so I decided to give it a try. I’m soooo glad I did as I loved it! If you are a fan of Sem or Whit you will love this story! I felt like we were back at this author’s roots with the writing that I loved!

I think the author did a fantastic job of redeeming Max! Right away I could feel how upset he was with himself for the way he treated Maggie. And to realize he started therapy and was trying his hardest to learn how to be better to have a relationship with his brother again was amazing! You could see that his thoughts evolved over time. It wasn’t just a quick oh ya I’m open-minded now. It felt incredibly real and believable.

Beau was a fun character and I loved how he never pushed Max farther than he was comfortable with and he understood what Max was trying to do and just wanted to help him. There was one part where I was extremely upset with Beau but after taking the situation through with my friend I forgave him!

These two took it nice and slow sexually which really helped with the believability. But do expect a little bit of craziness like we get in this author’s books as everything else moves really fast but again I was all here for it! If you enjoyed Sem I highly recommend this story as well as we get lots of cameos from them too!
Profile Image for Miriah.
899 reviews44 followers
July 22, 2024
Profile Image for Amy Mc Dowall.
271 reviews3 followers
March 22, 2024
Aside from the one part in this book that made me irrationally angry (fucking diego) this book was perfection!!

The redemption was incredible and I really felt Max's pain over hurting his brother (Magnes from Sem).
We all hated Max in Sem because we loved Maggie so much. I can no longer say that. Max was amazing.

The other main trope is Bi Awakening, and my goodness was it beautiful and hot and just EVERYTHING that I love about that trope. It wasn't rushed or forced.

You know an author is good when she can make me a straight women wish on all the stars I was a gay man!

It had everything we know and love from cora rose.

For sure, this series is going to be just as good as the unexpected series.
Profile Image for Amanda.
2,254 reviews93 followers
March 21, 2024
[I received a digital arc for an honest review]

Except You
is a new MM romance by Cora Rose. This is a spin-off from her Unexpected series , this is a redemption story for Maggie's brother, but I honestly think you could enjoy this on its own but for those who read Sem there is so much wonderful Sem & Maggie content , your heart will overflow. I loved seeing the future the two of made for themselves.

Max regrets his horrible homophobic behavior towards his younger brother that destroyed their relationship. He's been going to therapy and trying to change for the better. He decides what better way to get use to queer people than by going to a gay bar. Here he meets Beau who turns his world upside down. The two become fast friends and practically inseparable. Until Max realizes he has more than friendly feelings toward him and decides to make them known. It's no hardship for Beau to help Max experiment in the bedroom but is it worth it to risk his heart for a straight man.

I let out a huff of laughter and then pull him into my side, my hand resting on his hip. He feels good against me, like a puzzle piece. Like we were made for each other.

I absolutely loved Max. I love a good redemption story especially when I believe in the main characters' sincerity. Max misses his brother and will do anything to get him back in his life. He works so hard to educate himself and make himself a better person. I loved how clingy and obsessed with Beau he became right away. I loved their friendship and couldn't wait for that moment he discovers he feels so much more for Beau. Beau is a great character also, i am so glad we also got his point of view. He's sweet, energetic and has a huge heart. I loved the two of them together so freaking much. The steam is a bit of a slow burn but once it starts, Max literally can't keep him hands off him . 🔥🔥

I want him to groan for me. I want him to scream for me. Mine. My Bow- tie.

Overall, Unexpected You by Cora Rose is a bi awakening romance filled with a possessive MC, a sweet pup, sexual exploration, a fake relationship scenario, family, making amends, forgiveness , tickle fights, sleep-overs, and finding your person.

P.S. my biggest complaint is a certain scene on the farm that in my opinion was unnecessary . there had to have been a better way for Max to discover his sexual attraction to Beau.

Favorite Quotes:
Profile Image for KindleMMRomanceReader.
272 reviews27 followers
March 21, 2024
***ARC Review***

This is my honest and voluntary review for the ARC I received.

I wasn’t sure how I was going to feel about this book, considering how much Max and his family hurt Magnus in the book “Sem,” but I was pleasantly surprised. Max is working on himself and putting in the work to be less ignorant, less hateful, and more open-minded. He can tell he feels badly for how he treated his brother in the past, and it’s painfully obvious how much he wants to have a relationship with his niece and nephew.

Max (30) and Beau (26) meet at a gay club and hit it off (platonically) right from the start. They converse for hours after Beau offers to give Max as much advice as he wants. Beau is inherently kind and carefree. He is the perfect balance to Max’s anxiousness and fluctuating self-image. I love how fast these two became friends, despite being opposites. They organically complement one another, mesh well, and things flow very easily between them. A lot of the conflict is internal on Max’s part, though there is the familial conflict with Max’s family, including another brother, Matt (he had a little character arc as well).

Things take a turn as Max and Beau grow closer. Things progress at a natural pace and eventually the MCs find themselves attracted to one another and starting a physical relationship. They have chemistry in spades! Beau gives Max the space to go at his own pace, never pressuring him. Max’s growing obsession with Beau is captivating and it’s evident how much these two come to care for one another. It’s also interesting how the more “all in” Max gets, the more Beau tries to protect his heart. The pair manage to work things out and their HEA is super sweet. Their love is genuine.

In terms of other characters in the book, I loved Beau’s parents’ so much! The Magnus and Sem cameos were life giving! I was impressed by how Magnus handled opening up communication lines with Max again. Coop is a character. Matt grows. I loved the epilogue and I cannot wait for that book!
Profile Image for Shezzwah.
92 reviews5 followers
March 28, 2024
Im finding that books that have 2 characters who like each other but one keeps fuckin around with other people are a big DNF from me.
Profile Image for FictitiousRomantic.
18 reviews5 followers
March 22, 2024
Spice: 🌶️🌶️🌶️.5

Max wants to repair his relationship with his youngest brother, Magnus but this might be a journey that’s too difficult for him to take on his own. Enter Beau. Beau with his pretty eyes and cheeky smile might just be what Max needs in life!

𝐌𝐲 𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬
I don’t know how Cora seems to do it over and over again. Beau and Max’s story is everything I didn’t know I needed! Redemption stories are my bread and butter and HOLY HOTNESS was this a good one!

𝙱𝚞𝚝 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝚑𝚎 𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚜 𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚖 𝚋𝚊����𝚔 𝚝𝚑𝚛𝚘𝚞𝚐𝚑 𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚎, 𝙸 𝚏𝚎𝚎𝚕 𝚕𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝙸’𝚟𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚞𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚙𝚊𝚜𝚜, 𝚖𝚢 𝚝𝚛𝚞𝚎 𝚗𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚑 𝚒𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚜𝚎𝚊 𝚘𝚏 𝚐𝚊𝚢𝚗𝚎𝚜𝚜.

The instant friendship between Max and Beau was adorable but what was better was watching that friendship evolve into something more. Beau was always so kind and patient with Max and his struggles, it warmed my cold little heart. Beau’s kindness had me tearing up constantly! He never pushed Max, never judged him.

I honestly think I might be in love with Beau…

𝙷𝚎 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚗 𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎. 𝙷𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚒𝚝. 𝙸 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚒𝚕𝚢 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚊 𝙼𝚒𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚕 𝚘𝚛 𝙼𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚘𝚗, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚑𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚖𝚢 𝚗𝚊𝚖𝚎. 𝙷𝚎’𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚠𝚊𝚢𝚜 𝚛𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚍 𝚖𝚎.

And Max
Oh Max

It physically pained me to see him in pain. He wanted to be in Maggie’s life so badly, that his pain was bouncing off the pages. And don’t even get me started on his internal struggle with his sexuality, I will start crying right here, right now. One thing I truly truly truly loved was that we actually get to see Max struggle in a very realistic way! Most books just gloss things like that in a chapter or two but I think Cora hit the spot

“𝙸 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚋𝚞𝚛𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚕𝚍 𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚢𝚘𝚞, 𝙱𝚎𝚊𝚞. 𝚃𝚑𝚎𝚢 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚜𝚑𝚊𝚔𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚞𝚌𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚍. 𝚃𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚝 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚐𝚘𝚍𝚍𝚊𝚖𝚗 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚌𝚝.”

Overall, I think the story was paced perfectly and the characters were beyond adorable!! I can’t wait to read Max’s story!!

𝚂𝚎𝚎𝚖𝚜 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚌𝚊𝚗 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚐𝚎

March 9, 2024
We met Max in Sem and Magnus's book and I didn't like his character or any of the other Magnus brothers but meeting him here and seeing how hard he was trying to right the wrong he had done to Magnus made me love his character and Beau was such an amazing character as well.

Max met Beau at a gay bar where he had stepped foot to learn about gay people and be around them and not be weird about it, so he could be around Magnus and be a part of his family.
Beau was a sweetheart, I liked how he kinda took Max under his wings, told him all about gay people, started spending time with him and believed him when he was trying to change his perspective towards gay people.

Eventually, when they started hooking up their chemistry was hot and I loved how obsessed they were with each other. Max was very sure about Beau even when he did not know what it was. I loved Magnus and Sem here, their scenes were so beautiful, and I enjoyed them so much.

The epilogue was so surprising... I don't want to spoil it but I am so looking forward to the next book in this series.

* I received an ARC copy from Chaotic Creative Services and this is my honest review *
Displaying 1 - 30 of 370 reviews

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