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Faith & Fortune #2

The Truth About Fame

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My life has always been in the spotlight. Born to two famous parents and then quickly rising to "super" status in the modeling world ensured that I, Astoria "Tori" Bell, would always have my image plastered across newsstands. Unfortunately, adoring fans weren't always magnanimous and now I have a stalker on my hands.

Oddly enough, the tall, dark, and all-too handsome bodyguard hired to protect me seems more harmful than the threatening notes from the stalker. As well as his plan to flush out the danger by proposing a fake engagement.

The lines between pretend and reality blur and I have to shore up my resolves. Baggage from my past means I can't let myself be vulnerable. But the way Marcel Fox treats me has me thinking otherwise.

With a new rock on my finger and the man who put it there by my side, happily ever after seems like a possibility or is that as fake as my public persona?

The Truth About Fame is the second book in the Christian Chick Lit series: Faith & Fortune.

Kindle Edition

Published December 1, 2023

About the author

Toni Shiloh

54 books1,530 followers
Toni Shiloh is a wife, mom, and an award-winning Christian contemporary romance author. A native of Texas, she now lives in northern Virginia. Learn more at http://tonishiloh.com.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 121 reviews
Profile Image for MJSH.
1,184 reviews64 followers
July 7, 2020
"To be known, really known, was all I'd ever wanted."

I've always enjoyed Toni Shiloh's books but this book has become my favorite by the author. I didn't read the first book in Faith & Fortune series but this can be read as a stand-alone since the author explains all pertinent events from the first book. It's a heart-rending, raw, beautifully real story with sass, a hefty amount of grace and forgiveness, and a dose of suspense in the plot. If you enjoy contemporary romance, you can't miss this one!

The book is told from Tori's first person perspective and her supporting cast of Holiday and Octavia is fun as the three best friends support each other through a stalker's twisted games. Fox, her bodyguard, is a loyal and steadfast protector who has lived through tragedies but chooses to remain hopeful and faithful. He's a fantastic hero and balances out Tori's creative, bubbly, impulsive side. They both have deep hurts from their past but see each other past the defensive walls they've put up to who they really are. I loved the references to the movie The Bodyguard from the 90s that made me quite nostalgic. The suspense is well-done and the identity of the villain was a shocker to me. I can't wait to read about Octavia in the next book (and, of course, I'll be going back to read Holiday's story).

I received a copy of the book from the publisher/author via JustRead Publicity Tours and was under no obligation to post a positive review. All comments and opinions are solely my own.
Profile Image for Beth | Faithfully Bookish .
910 reviews249 followers
November 12, 2020
The Truth About Fame is as delightful as Mr. Marcel Fox himself. Teasing is always good-natured and never excessive. Big emotions and life-long commitment are gently hinted at until the timing is just right. Relationships are always built on love, faith, and everyday life.

Tori is wound a little tight at times and that's the characteristic I most identified with. From my experience, I knew she needed a steady, patient man in her life. Marcel is a perfect blend of fierce protector and down-to-earth family man. I loved watching the sparks fly between these two and seeing them navigate one another's personal and professional lives.

Shiloh delivers what could have easily been a painfully cliche storyline and injects it with faith and an incredible level of relatability. I assure you that chicks of faith from every walk of life will appreciate these characters and their pursuit of happily ever after! This series is highly recommended and lovingly placed on my favorites shelf!

I purchased print copies of this entire series and also received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. I was under no obligation to post a review. As a co-owner of JustRead Publicity Tours, I received compensation from the publisher and/or author to coordinate a promotional tour for this title. The opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Brittany .
2,545 reviews179 followers
July 19, 2020
The Truth About Fame is book two in the Faith and Fortune series. I loved book one, The Trouble With Love, and I loved book two even more! I would definitely recommend reading the series in order, because the friendships and relationships between all of the characters overlap and are very important to the stories.

The attraction between Fox and Tori has been simmering since he became her bodyguard in book one. I loved the way it began to morph into more in this story. Even though they hadn’t known each other for long, it simply worked. Tori and Fox were great main characters. I loved the way Fox was so in tune with the real Tori, and not her famous persona. It made for some very special moments in the story. The faith message was relatable and realistic, leaving me, once again, anxiously awaiting the next book in the series.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

You can read this review on my blog:
Profile Image for Ebos Aifuobhokhan.
614 reviews70 followers
June 29, 2020
Tori and Fox! The both of them kept me laughing, shaking my head at them and swooning most times. The "enemity" between them at first was just so hilarious. I loved the chemistry between them, the way each of them seemed to know what the other one is thinking. I really admired how Fox took care of her despite her occasional " rudeness" and I also loved how she choose and sacrificed to protect those dear to her.
Tori was in trouble and Fox decided to be not just her bodyguard but also to guard her heart.

This story is wonderfully romantic, swoony and heartwarming.
The Fame and Fortune series just keeps getting more interesting and captivating.

I recieved a copy of this book and this is my honest opinion.
Profile Image for Nicole.
381 reviews
July 27, 2020
Originally posted on Diversity Between the Pages and Inkwell Inspirations

4.5 stars

"Despite what most people thought, fame wasn't all it was cracked up to be."

The Truth About Fame is the second book in Toni Shiloh’s new Christian Chick Lit series, Faith & Fortune. It is recommended that the Faith & Fortune series be read in order, starting with The Trouble With Love, since the characters and storylines continue throughout the series.

In The Truth About Fame, supermodel Tori Bell finds herself with a stalker. When her stalker’s threats escalate and Tori’s friends are in danger, it is up to Tori and her handsome bodyguard Marcel Fox to find out the stalker’s identity before it is too late.

Even though best friends Holiday, Tori, and Octavia are all famous and wealthy, they have insecurities and struggles that readers can easily relate to. The Truth About Fame deals with some serious topics, but Toni Shiloh keeps the tone light and adds in humor that her readers are sure to enjoy. The banter between Tori and Marcel is perfectly done and endears me to these wonderful characters.

Toni Shiloh continues to bring a much-needed diversity to Christian fiction, and her writing is rich with beautiful messages of faith. Toni Shiloh’s novels always encourage me to dig deeper into the Scripture and reflect on my own life. I have loved every single one of her books, but I think this book might be her best one yet!

The Truth About Fame is highly recommended for readers of inspirational fiction. I can’t wait to read Octavia’s story in The Price of Dreams, which releases in August 2020.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author/publisher and was not required to write a positive review. All opinions expressed are mine.

"Maybe, just maybe, my future could be different. I could trust in a God who gave second chances. I could fall in love and trust this man with my innermost secrets and desires.”
3,445 reviews1,748 followers
September 17, 2020
Squuueeeee!!! I couldn't wait to continue Toni Shiloh's Faith and Fortune series after I read the first one last week. I already had a sneak peek at the Fox/Tori dynamics and a plot line involving a bodyguard is always a lure for me. I gobbled this one up in an afternoon and am still giddy over the banter and toe-curls.

I mean, a pretend romance that sizzles and sparks its way through the mounting tension of a lethal stalker?! Yes, please! Fox is swoony, Tori is spunky and I love that her besties have her back. And the addition of Fox's gran, Miss Etta, brings an extra richness to the story, especially where Tori's struggle with trusting the Lord comes in. Nothing like a wise woman's sage words to pierce a rebellious heart.

"You see, Tori, you don't need any defenses. The Lord will be that for you and more, If you just let Him." (p 106)

I love a story that challenges me to live my faith and Toni Shiloh has delivered another realistic rendering of one woman's faith journey.

Now I just have to get my hands on the last (sob!) book in this series, The Price of Dreams, because I need for all three besties to have their worlds -- and hearts -- put right. Already anticipating a romantical bibliophile love-fest of epic proportions. :-)
Profile Image for Staci.
2,041 reviews601 followers
December 22, 2020

Model Tori Bell has a stalker and her famous actor father hired Marcel Fox to protect her. The sparks fly between "Princess" and "Fox" as they disagree about how best to go about keeping her safe.

Loved Marcel's grandmother Miss Etta.
Profile Image for Tiffany.
380 reviews24 followers
August 31, 2020
Synopsis: My life has always been in the spotlight. Born to two famous parents and then quickly rising to "super" status in the modeling world ensured that I, Astoria "Tori" Bell, would always have my image plastered across newsstands. Unfortunately, adoring fans weren't always magnanimous and now I have a stalker on my hands.

Oddly enough, the tall, dark, and all-too handsome bodyguard hired to protect me seems more harmful than the threatening notes from the stalker. As well as his plan to flush out the danger by proposing a fake engagement.

The lines between pretend and reality blur and I have to shore up my resolves. Baggage from my past means I can't let myself be vulnerable. But the way Marcel Fox treats me has me thinking otherwise.

With a new rock on my finger and the man who put it there by my side, happily ever after seems like a possibility or is that as fake as my public persona?

The Truth About Fame is the second book in the Christian Chick Lit series: Faith & Fortune.

Review: I've been trying to lift up and support BIPOC authors, especially those in genres that usually get passed over. This book is a Christian romance and I absolutely devoured it. I personally read all subgenres of romance, but I feel this one would appeal even those who prefer books without a spiritual presence.

Why you should read this book:

1. This is an #ownvoices author in a subgenre that usually doesn't get a lot of support.

2. The characters are well developed, relatable (except for the being rich part 😂), and very loveable. It was easy to root for Tori and Fox because their banter was highly entertaining.

3. This book only has 223 pages so it's quick read with a very reasonable kindle price of $3.99.

4. There is suspense, romance, forgiveness, and so much more that it's sure to hold the reader's attention throughout.

5. This is a part of a series so you get to get updates on past characters as you read along.

Does this sound like a book you would enjoy?
Profile Image for Mikal Dawn.
Author 10 books140 followers
August 7, 2020
I don't even know what to say about Toni Shiloh, other than go read her books. All of them. Especially this series.

First person isn't my favourite, but despite this being her first series ever written in first, she's managed to pull me in! With strong female relationships and incredible character arcs, The Truth About Fame is some of her best work.

Tori and Fox will make you grin from ear-to-ear with their natural chemistry and banter. The storyline is one I enjoy (hello Bodyguard love story!), and the light thread of suspense brought an extra special something.

Shiloh is one of few authors on my must-buy list, and this sophomore book in the Faith and Fortune series just furthers that feeling!
Profile Image for Emily.
430 reviews58 followers
January 7, 2023

Here comes Toni Shiloh, making her way onto my “who needs the blurb when it’s this author that wrote it??” list!

Book 3, here we go!
Profile Image for Rosalyn.
1,119 reviews23 followers
August 14, 2020
I’ve wanted to read this series ever since I first laid eyes on the covers. I haven’t had the privilege yet to read the first one, but I read this (second) book, and just loved it!!
Toni Shiloh is a talented author, and each time i read a book she’s written I’m just reminded of that even more.
Tori is a supermodel (normally not the kind of career I’d go for) but I loved her anyway. :)
She’s being targeted by a stalker and is hiding to keep her friends and family safe.
Then there’s the hot bodyguard Fox.
I loved seeing their relationship.
Tori has some deep hurts from the past, and she has to learn how to face them and accept forgiveness.
There is so much in this story that speaks to God, His love, and forgiveness.
I loved seeing how it all played out. I did have my suspicions about the stalker...
All in all, a delight to read, and I really want to read Octavia and Holiday’s stories.
Disclaimer: I receive complimentary books from various sources, including, publishers, publicists, authors, and/or NetGalley. I am not required to write a positive review, and have not received any compensation. The opinions shared here are my own entirely. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255
Profile Image for Melissa Tagg.
Author 28 books1,586 followers
June 30, 2020
Two words: Marcel Fox 😍

Fox intrigued me in the first book in Toni Shiloh's Faith & Fortune series, so I was excited to hang out with him more in this one. Like the first book in the series, I loved the voice and wit present all throughout this story! Tori is delightfully funny while also revealing layers of depth as she grapples with life as a celebrity, the desperate need to protect her friends while luring out her stalker, and of course, both faith and romance. And once again, I was captivated by Tori's spiritual journey—it felt both believable and relatable and I so appreciated that! I think I flew through the pages of this story in just a couple of days! I love that seeds were planted for the third book in the series, too...I can't wait!
Profile Image for Ifueko Ogbomo.
Author 1 book65 followers
October 13, 2021
Spell-binding from start to finish!

Okay, Book 2 of the Faith & Fortune series definitely did not disappoint. Intriguing, suspenseful, and romantic, this was a page-turner I was compelled to finish in one sitting!

I absolutely loved Tori's journey from fear to faith to finding love. And what a love—the foxy Mr. Fox ticks all the book-boyfriend boxes! ;) Then the surprise of uncovering the villain's identity—talk about a powerful plot twist!

The Truth About Fame is another brilliant romance from Toni Shiloh, and I can't wait to read the series conclusion! 💕
Profile Image for Caitlyn Santi.
Author 4 books89 followers
July 2, 2020
Wowza, this book knocked my socks off! Toni Shiloh is one of my all time favorite authors, I've loved each and every book of hers that I've read, but The Truth About Fame has become my very favorite of her books!
I absolutely and completely loved every single moment of this book! When I first met Tori Bell and Marcel Fox in the first book in the series, The Trouble with Love I knew their story was going to be amazing, and it turned out to be everything I dreamed it would be and so much more! I love Fox, he is such a fierce protector, but also a huge sweetheart, he stole my heart at the very beginning of this book and has yet to return it to me! Marcel Fox most definitely has a spot on my list of favorite heroes of 2020! Tori is an awesome heroine, I loved getting to know her and my heart broke for her, there were numerous times I found myself wishing I could reach through the pages and give her a hug!
Everything about this book is amazing, I loved the banter between Tori and Fox, I loved Fox's grandmother and niece, I loved the fake engagement aspects of the story (especially the proposal 😍) and I loved the way the romance developed!
I adored everything about this book, but I think perhaps my favorite part of this book is the suspense element, it's SOOOO good, kept me glued to the page, and brought me to the edge of my seat, adrenaline pounding!
The Truth About Fame is an absolutely phenomenal book that I already want to re -read! It 's one of my favorite reads of 2020! I most highly recommend it! I would recommend reading The Trouble with Love first, because The Truth About Fame does contain a couple spoilers for the first book, and because you won't want to miss a moment of the awesomeness that is the Faith & Fortune series! I can't wait to read Octavia's story, The Price of Dreams!
Read this series, you won't be sorry!
(5 Stars!)

I received an ebook copy of this book from the publisher. Which did not influence my review in any way. All thoughts and opinions are one hundred percent my own!
Profile Image for noorthebookworm .
754 reviews17 followers
August 23, 2020
Reviewer Book tour.

"But I couldn't trust a God who forgave evil people.
Believing in him held no benefits for me, because I wanted revenge".

An excerpt from "THE TRUTH ABOUT FAME".

2nd BOOK
Christian Chick lit Series:

232 pages & 33 chapters long, I am so glad I read this one @tonishiloh

This is one HEA kind-of read‼️

FEW MORE LINES from the book;

Is love worth waiting for..

Are you ready for those dreams to become reality❓


'ASTORIA' TORI BELL, 27 is a super- model & daughter to FAMED actors Theo & Jackie Bell.

Like everything, FAME has its own pros & cons.

FAME- the glamour, is an illusion.

Her being in the public eye has garnered a stalker and as a result, a bodyguard.

MARCEL FOX, 33 (the bodyguard) lives with his grandmother Etta Fox & is a man of a few words.

To keep her loved ones safe, Tori needs to hide & leave the comforts that her high profile life offered..behind.

To begin, Marcel takes her to his place, to hide & be safe.

Later they fake an engagement to wart off the trouble..


soon the lines of real & fake become blurred giving rise to a twist in this story.

To know that, READ the book.


Marcel always addresses Tori as "princess" 👸‼️

He's handsome & well built & very affectionate towards his grandma.

I loved the ending.

The Ending is very crucial for me as it puts a full stop to my journey within "the book" & it should be conclusive and agreeable.


🔥It's free on KINDLE UNLIMITED, grab it now‼️

This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Sarah Monzon.
Author 25 books541 followers
April 9, 2020
Take a heaping of romance, a dash of suspense, and stir in some spiritual truths and you’ve got yourself a recipe for a good book!
Profile Image for Jackie.
30 reviews15 followers
August 24, 2020
The first thing that got me about book was the cover. It just looked so cute and drew me in right away. Then I was afraid that I would have to have read the first book in order to understand this one. However, I absolutely loved that even though it was part of a series this book stood on it's own two feet. Characters from the first book showed up, but they were a part of the story but I didn't have to know everything from the first book. It gave me major bonus points to this book because it jumped into the story right away I didn't have to know any background information and didn't take long to get to the plot points. Tori was such a wonderful well-developed character that I loved her right away. I also love the amount of dialogue in this book; the conversation moves the story instead of just being a part of the story.
Profile Image for Sydney.
1,032 reviews124 followers
July 6, 2020
Faith and Fortune book two, The Truth About Fame, is another sweet and swoony story with a bit of suspense. It’s about balancing life as a celebrity, protecting friends from a stocker, and falling in love with a bodyguard. The story is captivating and sweet with layers of faith mixed in as well. Readers will thoroughly enjoy this chick lit story.

Series: Faith and Fortune
Genre: contemporary, romance, chick lit
Publisher: Indie
Publication date: July 7, 2020
Number of pages: 223

Other books in the series:
1-The Trouble with Love
3-The Price of Dreams (coming August 25, 2020)

Disclosure statement: A complimentary review copy of this book was provided from tour groups, publishers, publicists, and authors, including NetGalley, OR was borrowed from the library, including OverDrive, Or borrowed from Kindle Unlimited OR pre-ordered/purchased for review. A review was not required and all views and opinions expressed are my own.
Profile Image for Kathryn.
104 reviews18 followers
August 21, 2020
Toni Shiloh has done it again!
I read the first book in this series earlier this year and was absolutely hooked. Now after this one? I am for sure a Shiloh fan! She writes such fun, witty romance with a bit of suspense sprinkled in. Her characters are so real and relatable and loveable. And her hero's? They're amazing!!!
Final word? If you're a romance lover, read this series! You won't regret it.

**I received a complementary copy of this book but all opinions and thoughts are my own.**
Profile Image for Nicole.
835 reviews21 followers
July 19, 2020
The Truth About Fame by Toni Shiloh is a great read! After reading the first book in this series, The Trouble With Love, I was so ready to jump into book #2. I assumed I was going to get a sweet romance about Tori and Marcel. I did get a sweet romantic story for sure, but I got so much more. I was completely unprepared for the scary tension and suspense in the later chapters of this book. There are a few chapters where I’m not sure I breathed properly while I was reading, and I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. I may have skipped ahead a few pages just to make sure everything turns out OK. Seriously, things got intense in an excellent, gripping, and nerve-wracking way!

My heart really went out to Tori. She has SO much baggage that she is carrying all by herself. And, she is trying to protect all her loved ones as best she can, but the crazy stalker in her life seems to always be a step or two ahead of her. It’s so frustrating. If this isn’t enough to have on her plate, Tori’s also struggling with her past and God’s place in her life currently. How does she justify the horrible thing that happened to her as a teen with God’s benevolence, love, and forgiveness? How does she forgive the bad guy in her life when forgiving feels like letting him get away with his bad behavior? How does she trust Marcel now, or any guy for that matter? See what I mean?! This book is WAY more than just a fluffy love story. It’s got tons of layers I just was not expecting. I love it so much.

I am keeping this review short. Honestly, it’s a book that needs to be experienced and I don’t want to accidentally spill the beans on any part of this highly engaging story. Suffice to say, The Truth About Fame is going to stick with me for a long while, and I CANNOT wait for the final book in the series to release. If you are in the mood for a super romantic, suspenseful story with very timely themes, then I highly recommend The Truth About Fame. It’s so, so good!

I received a copy of this novel in eBook form from the author, Toni Shiloh, via JustRead Publicity in order to review. In no way has this influenced my review. The opinions expressed in this review are my own.
Profile Image for Excel Andy.
168 reviews15 followers
June 27, 2020
The book cover attracted me to this book.

The plot is said from a first person narrative and I felt like a friend listening to the narrator telling me about her life.

Tori Bell is a black popular American supermodel. Her life is what I would have envied under different circumstances. She is so cool and has so many personalities you might need to keep up with.

Grab your blanket and explore the life of celebrities through Tori’s eyes.

Oh! I love Fox. What a hunk of a man he is.

How would you feel if your life is tipped off balance by a nameless and faceless stalker?
Find out more in “The Truth about Fame”.

The humour in this book can pass as a comedy for me. I enjoyed this book so much.

I love Fox. I know I have said it before but I can’t help it. I wish he was real not fictional. I was just envying Tori for having a security guy like Fox. How sweet!

I love Tori’s friends.

I wish this book can be made into a movie. So much action in the plot.

I love the bible verse Holiday texted Tori. It is one of my many favourite bible verses.

I read this book in one sitting. Toni Shiloh writes well.

I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from the author.
Profile Image for Sarah.
Author 44 books456 followers
December 3, 2020
Okay, again, Shiloh is a talented writer. I loved how she delt with some of the issues in this book a lot. Again, like in the first book, we have a Christian and a non-Christian dating because it "feels so right" having personally seen the devastating consequences of couples that thought this, I couldn't fully enjoy this story.

Shiloh is a talented story-teller that I know a lot of people will enjoy.
Profile Image for Necee.
359 reviews
July 8, 2020
“Why do you believe in a God that allows bad things to happen to good people? Innocent people?”

Romantic. Sassy. Suspenseful.

With a stalker ramping up his/her attacks, supermodel Tori decides to hide out to protect her other successful besties. This is the second book in the Faith & Fortune series and it is a spellbinding read. My favorite novel of Shiloh’s to date. I was hooked from the first to the very last page with this rollercoaster ride of suspense and romance. Shiloh kept me guessing as to who the stalker was for most of the book. I would recommend reading this series in order to get to know all the characters better. Her roommates are the best and will have you hoping for friends this awesome.

Though the first book finished on a high note, there were questions left unanswered. This book answered so much with an engaging mystery and romance. If you loved “The Bodyguard” movie, then seriously you will love this book. Move over Costner, you’ve got nothing on Marcel Fox! Get ready to swoon over this wonderfully written novel and hero.

“I promise you I will protect you with my last breath.” Heat flushed through me at his declaration. I knew it wasn’t one of love, but my body almost swooned as if he’d used those three words instead.

Oh my goodness, Marcel Fox put the hottie in this bodyguard romance! However, there is so much more to him than his looks. He has a heart for Tori that just doesn’t quit. HIs protective nature not only wants to keep her person safe, but also her heart. He has a strong desire to see her trust in God grow and I loved how his family adds a whole level of faith for Tori to ponder. Her faith journey is beautiful. She’s a strong, beautiful woman and I loved seeing how she learns to forgive, trust and becomes open to love. A novel not to be missed! One of my favorite this year!

I received a complimentary copy of this book by the author. All opinions in this review are my own and given honestly.

Profile Image for Arlena.
3,396 reviews1 follower
July 26, 2020

Title: The Truth About Fame
Author: Toni Shiloh
Publisher: T. S.
Series: Faith & Fortune Book 2
Reviewed By: Arlena Dean
Rating: Five

"The Truth About Fame" by Toni Shiloh

My Speculation:

I enjoyed reading this author's second series, 'Faith & Fortune,' that featured Tori and Fox. I loved how this author was able to bring them together and especially when the chemistry between them started coming out, what better to have Fox as her bodyguard as he was there to guard not only her but her heart. Be ready for a story that is heartwarming and romantic as these two start to fall for one another; however, there was a stalker around. I will say I wasn't surprised who that stalker was in the way he acted. Now, you will just have to pick up 'The Truth About Fame' to see how well this author will bring it all out so captivating to the readers. Oh, I liked Tori's spiritual journey as it was presented into the story to what had gone on in her life that made her struggle in her trust in God. It was so right when he meets and talks with Ms. Etta. Be ready for a series that will have a little bit of it all from 'danger, mystery, suspense, romance, and then the spiritual power of faith. I will say this story addresses what some people have to go through for fame and fortune.
Profile Image for Jessica Baker (A Baker's Perspective).
1,271 reviews72 followers
August 6, 2020
This series......wow. Shiloh has really outdone herself here. First, I feel like I'm talking with people who are my friends, and by talking I mean reading lol. But seriously, Shiloh's characters are like comfort food. You feel totally at ease reading about them, and immersing yourself into their lives. Yes they are "rich", but they don't seem it. They are just people, who happen to have money, and I can totally see myself hanging out with them on a Friday night.

Second, FOX. Oh my word. He can be my bodyguard, pretend fiancee.....just kidding, I am happily married lol. But seriously - he is so swoonworthy, and such a likable guy. In fact, he's my favorite out of the group of guys, and I even felt that way in book one when we first met him. And who goes all out for a pretend engagement? Yeah....you're going to have to read it for yourself.

This book has suspense (the stalker storyline was so interesting, and I did NOT see the culprit coming!), there is romance (get the fans ready), but there is also faith. Tori had a journey she needed to take in this book, and I loved every moment of it. I don't want to give away anything, but I will say that she's a character people can easily relate to as far as spiritual journeys go.

All in all - I think this might be my favorite series of 2020. I cannot wait to read book three!! I received a complimentary copy of this book. I was not required to write a favorable review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Vicky Sluiter.
Author 1 book82 followers
July 8, 2020
(First, I would highly recommend reading Book One, The Trouble With Love, as these books build off each other. You’ll love it!)

Book Two in author Toni Shiloh’s Faith & Fortune series gives us the story of Atoria Bell. Tori is a model whose life seems perfect, but as we know money and fame isn’t everything and her charmed life takes a sinister turn. Shiloh has done an outstanding job of writing this twist without it being macabre. Yet it is edge of the seat, page turning, good.

As in Book One, the characters are close friends who care for and watch out for each other. They are well developed and very “human”, even though they are each superstars in some way. I really like all of them and find them very heartwarming. And there’s Fox. What a guy!

I really appreciated the spiritual elements to the story. While not preachy, God is a constant thread. Seriously, if you’re looking for a book that has it all; great characters, a handsome hero, suspense, clean romance and to top it off great dialogue, then you need to get this contemporary story.

I received a complimentary copy of this book but was not required to leave a review.
Profile Image for Marylin.
1,131 reviews29 followers
May 13, 2020
This is the second book in the new series by Toni Shiloh, and it just keeps getting better and better. In the first book, we are introduced to the three wonderful ladies in this series. Each has a different talent, yet that doesn’t seem to keep them from forming a strong friendship. However, the suspense and threats from the last book keep appearing in this book, so Tori feels she needs to separate herself from her friends and housemates. Fortunately, for us, that means Fox is right there with her.
Toni Shiloh has written a story that will leave you wanting more. I know I do! The story flows with so much tension, suspense, romance, and humor. Her characters are larger than life and boy, I think I’d want to have Fox be my bodyguard! I also loved Ms. Etta; she is the kind of grandma we all need. She tells it like it is and then dishes up some loving sugar!
This is a fun series to read and I can’t wait for the next one to release.
I was given this book by the publisher which did not influence my review in any way, all thoughts and opinions are my own.
Profile Image for Stephanie.
134 reviews
June 16, 2021
As much as I loved the first book in this series, I wasn’t sure I could love the other as much. I loved this one even more than the first. So many times I wanted to climb into the pages and give Tori a big hug. Her heart was hurting, and I wanted to fix it. Thankful she has Fox for that. Oh, Fox! I wanted to climb into the pages and hug him too. Not because of hurts, though he had some of his own, but just because he was amazing. I loved the spiritual wisdom in this book. Now I look forward to the next book.
Profile Image for Andrea.
707 reviews8 followers
July 7, 2020
Exciting Story!

First, I loved this story! The relationship between Tori and Fox kept me highly entertained. I think we could all use a bodyguard like Fox 😍 We all need a Miss Etta in our lives too, sharing wisdom and faith.
I love the friendship and love between T. H. & O. They stick together no matter what.
Can't wait for the next book!

Displaying 1 - 30 of 121 reviews

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