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I love you.
Three words that can make or break you.
I thought I needed to find myself. I thought I wasn’t happy. I thought I needed more out of life.
I didn’t.
I’m more lost now than I was when I left. I have no answers, just endless amounts of questions. It was only a matter of time until the truth came to light. I never imagined it would change my entire life and everything I thought to be true.
It was all a game.
Except I wasn’t a player.
I was a pawn.


The end.
Two words that have several meanings. I never thought I’d lose her. But did I ever really have her…
Or did VIP?

Can love conquer all?

WARNING: Sex/language. Mature readers only.

296 pages, ebook

First published December 3, 2014

About the author

M. Robinson

65 books6,437 followers
M. Robinson is the Wall Street Journal & USA Today Bestselling Author crowned as the “Queen of Angst” by readers around the world. Dive into her visionary world that will take you on a rollercoaster ride of emotions and leave you wanting more. She writes everything from contemporary to suspense romance and is best known for her novel, El Diablo.

When M isn’t in the cave writing her next epic love story, you will find her shopping and living on a boat in Florida with her real life pirate, her lobster, her husband Bossman. Sipping on Starbucks and hanging out with their two dogs, a German shepherd mix and a gordito Wheaten Terrier reading a good book. Or spending time with her family, who she is extremely close with.

Above all, M loves her readers more than anything and loves to connect with them! She is on all social media platforms @authormrobinson but you will find her in her happy place the most. Her VIP Reader Group on Facebook or her second favorite happy place, Instagram.

Stay connected!

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 235 reviews
Profile Image for Pam.
1,093 reviews1,048 followers
January 22, 2015
4.25 valuable stars

We find ourselves three years after the end of VIP, granted in my mind they lived happily ever after, but this book challenges what my mind has conjured up for them. Was I scared to read this, yes...my anxiety level was high because I had no idea what to expect; making my own assumptions and conclusions based on the first two books in the series.

MVP takes us on a journey of what happened from the time Sebastian found Ysa again to now, coming full circle, giving us what we need to understand that not everything is gumdrops and rainbows. Ysabelle has dealt with a lot of change, not only in her personal life, but who she truly is. Now that her rose colored glasses are no longer blinding her to the VIP life, she has to deal with the consequences.
My life ended and began when I met Sebastian Vanwell, and there I was, three years later; alone, confused, frustrated and angry.

Sebastian knows he has a lot to atone for, although he has her love, he doesn't have her trust. Wanting to move forward, while Ysa is stuck in limbo... unsure of what to do and how fast to go. She won't let him in, scared of how bad he can break her...
"Open your eyes and look at me, let me see you."

How can you move forward when you don't even know the truths about your past, blinded and tormented by demons. Inside she is still broken, a small part of her wanting to hurt him the same way he hurt her, wanting him to feel what she felt... How much can you push the one you love until it is too much, how much can you take knowing you are doing everything you can to make it right, what is the tipping point?
Can love truly conquer all or is that just in fairy tales?

MVP was a ride that I wasn't so sure I wanted to take, I'm not a fan of having my nicely wrapped box, shook up and rattled; and that is exactly what this did. I was bracing for the worst before I even read the first page, confused and unsure what the hell was going on. Not wanting to open my eyes to the reality of what has become of Ysa and Sebastian. It's crazy to think that it is the same characters, where in VIP we met "Bella", the Ysa with more power, control and strength than she knew what to do with, to MVP where we meet Sebastian's Ysa who is broken beyond repair.

My heart went out to Sebastian because he tried everything and anything to make things right, moving towards a better tomorrow only being held back by Ysa's demons. They are demon's that have haunted her since she was a little girl, and going toe-to-toe with the devil was something he was willing to do for her...little did he know it would be her who he would be fighting and it would be an unbeatable battle.

I was right to brace for the worst but even that didn't help me much... I am upset and pissed but in the back of my mind (if I am being reasonable), it was needed for Ysa to finally wake up and move on. I am fighting a battle with myself on how to go about this book, I have my own issues, which I am trying to not let it guide my rating on this book. This made me feel so much, which is the ultimate gift from the author; making it so that the characters are real to you and you are fully invested in their well being.

I'm left wondering what now, who next ... There is a spin off for Brooke & Devon (who I am still pissed at) but I am curious to see where their story will lead. Will we see more of the Madam? I guess I'll have to wait and behave.

ARC kindly provided by the author, in exchange for an honest review.

***Quotes above are taken from the ARC version of the book and may differ upon publication.

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My 5 star reviews for: VIP (VIP, #1) and The Madam (VIP, #2)
Profile Image for Alexis *Reality Bites*.
757 reviews3,664 followers
December 5, 2014
This book is rated ‘W’ for Well Done!
Genre: Romance-Erotica

NOW LIVE ON AMAZON: Buy Link: http://amzn.com/B00QJPDOEY

Never read book 1 in the trilogy, VIP but you’re curious about the series? Read my review for VIP here->https://www.goodreads.com/review/show...


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Sebastian and Ysa are slowly but surely building a beautiful life with one another. These two have been through so much both together and separate. Regardless one thing has always been clear to me; they belong together. The story since book 1 has been told in dual points of view so readers get the full measure of passion, anger, love, regret and fear.

After erecting walls as high as the empire state building, Sebastian must once again find a way to break through those walls to get to Ysa’s heart. Giving her heart to him is risky with the potential to destroy her. After all it's happened once before.

‘We hadn't said it to one another, and I wasn't going to be the one to say it first, even though I felt it in my being. He was the one…
Love is a battlefield.
There are two opponents on each side of the scale; one person moved forward, backward, side-to-side and the scale tips. In order to make it work, you have to work together. It takes two mutual parties becoming one. Communication is key. It’s the very foundation that will make or break your unity.’

Adjusting to their new life together on the island is not exactly easy…for either of them. MVP has Ysabelle swimming in some unfamiliar territory.
Self doubt.
Whenever she takes two steps forward she suddenly finds herself thrust back three steps. Feeling as though she is not enough for Sebastian, she begins to question herself and their relationship.

Her feelings of inadequacy consume her thoughts; when the timing could not be any worst one phone call alters EVERYTHING. Unable to be free of her past she is once again back at the cathouse. Only this time the circumstances are very different. Power has shifted.

Welcome to Miami
Up to her old tricks Madam seeks out the one thing she covets more than anything else. Ysabelle.

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…You’ve always been her favorite, we all know it.”
“Why do you think that is?”
“That’s like asking why the sky is blue and the sun is bright. We won’t ever get answers, Bella. She does what she wants, that’s what makes her The Madam.”
I nodded, she was right.
Except for the first time…
I wanted answers.’

Ysabelle is not the only one who wants answers. Sebastian knows that Ysa does NOT belong at the cathouse. No, she belongs by his side. For Christ-sake the woman is permanently etched in to his heart.

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MVP is very emotional conclusion to Sebastian and Ysa’s story, one I never saw coming. As a heads up I think you should know M. Robinson writes very well as an author for me because she knows no bounds. This suits my taste buds just fine. I think it’s safe to say she does not put limits on her characters. She writes according to her characters…going where they go, seeing what they see, taking what they want with a force called ownership. I like this very much!
Therefore reader beware.

THREE. BOOKS. It took three books for me to like Julia. I can’t front she came through in MVP and was very sincere with it considering…EVERYTHING. Listen, sooo much goes down in this book. My mind was spinning, it was a very emotional ride and I actually cried at one point because it was just too much to take in. My emotions came in rapid succession as the story climaxed I was sad, devastated, angry then more anger. I just could NOT breathe I held my breath so long in one particular scene.

There was a scene between Ysa and Brooke that really piqued my interest. Brooke was evasive about her past. Of course I now need answers. LOL! Alright moving on, what I loved was the connection between Seb and Ysa. It truly ran soul deep. When she cried, he cried, I cried, we ALL cried together. Also the sex was off the hook. MELT YOUR PANTIES HAWT! LMBO! No really, be prepared this book is not to be read in public people.

My Ratings
Characters-Lovable, Sexy and Flawed
Writing Style- Raw, Sensual, exciting and emotional. My preferred cup of tea
Plot/Storyline-Rich guy falls for escort and she for him, the two go through ups and downs and are trying to move forward only they are faced with many obstacles
Steam Factor-HIGH/VERY STEAMY on a scale of 1-10 I say 10++++
Entertainment Level- High, the book is UN-PUT-DOWN-ABLE
Overall- I LOVED IT! Read at your own risk!

Now go forth and read. Then come tell us about it on Goodreads!

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Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,730 followers
September 29, 2015
I have loved this series from the first page to the last! 'MVP' brings everything full-circle. This was an incredible book. It was suspenseful, touching, erotic and gripping. If you've read the first two books in the VIP series, you don't want to miss this one. If you haven't read them, you're missing out.

Ysa and Sebastian are still going strong as ever. As Ysa struggles to trust the man that broke her heart, the Madam is scheming to get her back at the Cathouse. When secrets are revealed, Ysa's world is turned upside down. Just when you begin to think that Ysa and Sebastian are going to get their happy ending, another obstacle pops up.

I loved this book!
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,360 followers
December 6, 2014
[image error]

They say love hurts, but that is not true. Loneliness hurts. Rejection hurts. Losing someone hurts. Jealousy hurts. Love can get blurred with these things. But in reality love is the only thing in this word that matters and that can cover up all the pain and make someone feel alive. And for Ysa and Sebastian the journey of finding that happily ever after is one long emotional and touching tale of rediscovering each other. It is easy to give your heart to someone but its harder to keep that love alive and burning with passion when secrets, fears, jealousy and lies can destroy not one but two lives. And so begins the tale of Ysa and Sebastian as they rediscover what truly matters in life? Will the past of their sins and mistakes continue to haunt them? Or will their journey lead them back together? Is their love worth fighting for? They say in order to know if its real love, you have to let them go and if it comes back to you then you know it was meant to be. Will one of them be coming back?


MVP by M. Robinson is one emotional heartbreaking and yet sexy story of two lovers connecting, rediscovering, and learning again. Though their love affair might not be of fairy tales, it is a love story like no order. What started out as an affair, blossomed into a love where two souls connected and intertwined as one. The hardest part of loving someone with a past is accepting their past love and life. Insecurities, doubts, and fears may have played a big factor in Ysa's turmoil of what is right and wrong, but Ysa's growth as a character has truly blossomed into a young woman rediscovering her inner strength. She may have once been a VIP but that does not define her. What defines her now is her love for her family, friends, and Sebastian. The raw emotional vulnerabilty of Ysa will capture your heart because you understand the depth of a woman trying to make up for her past mistakes especially when it came with Julia and Christian. And as for Sebastian, the love and devotion he has for Ysa was never doubted but what I truly love about this book is his strength to finally voice out his concerns and anger. Love is not watching in the sidelines but it is also making a stand. And in doing so, Sebastian has come to a crossroads in his life where he must learn that sometimes letting to is the best thing to do.


What can I say but what a sexy, emotional, heartbreaking ride M. Robinson took her readers on. I will be the first to admit, I hated Sebastian in VIP there was no ifs and or buts. I didn't like his character at all. I didn't think he was book boyfriend material. But you know what, my opinion on him changed drastically in MVP. Sebastian has truly evolved and grown as a redeemable and worthy man. I found myself liking Sebastian a lot in MVP because M. Robinson finally made readers like myself see the vulnerability and loving side of Sebastian. I love a book when an author can make you see that we are all flawed and no one is perfect. The love of Sebastian and Ysa is not perfect but what true love is. The beauty of love is not seeing the imperfection but accepting that their imperfect love is perfect for them. And for Ysa and Sebastian, their love doesn't need to be perfect but it just needs to be true.

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Profile Image for Nikki Reeves.
Author 13 books22 followers
December 9, 2014
I was actually looking forward to reading this book because the first 2 were very good and I was pulled into the story. I needed to find out how the story ended and how everything was played out. To say I was a little disappointed is an understatement. Yes I am giving this book 3 stars because we did get an ending and there was 1 part that I really enjoyed. Let’s start with the character changes in this book. I felt like Sebby and Ysa were both two different people. In the first book Sebby was never controlling or domineering in any type of way and Ysa was not a push over and as insecure as she was in this book. But I guess that’s what happens when you start a relationship based off an affair who knows. These two spent 60% of the book fighting and holding back their feelings rather than trying to make the relationship work. There were also times in this book I would read something and stop and think I have read this exact part somewhere else. It was like reading someone else’s life that I have heard and being put into the characters. I felt like these 2 people were not the Sebby and Ysa I knew from the first book. I know people change over time but not to the point of not being able to recognize the characters from the other book. Of course Madam was still the same selfish person she was in The Madam. That was my favorite part was what Ysa did to Madam. Also towards the end of the book Ysa made a huge mistake it happens and its life but what I didn’t fully understand was how Sebby said all those things to her the way he did and then she just forgave him 1, 2, 3. I understand people say things they don’t mean when they are mad but honestly most the time your true feelings come out when you are mad so I felt he truly meant some of those things. Believe me when I say they were very hurtful. I am happy that got there HEA but disappointed in the way the story unfolded
Profile Image for warhawke.
1,440 reviews2,164 followers
December 8, 2014
POV: First Person - Multiple

After two years of being apart, Sebastian found Ysabelle making a life of her own on an island with a successful bar to occupy her time. Both of them had overcome changes in their respective lives and decided it was time to give their love a second chance. They rebuilt their relationship slowly and safely.

But over time, Sebastian wanted more while Ysa wanted less while they had been omitting the truths from each other. Both of them has their own issues to overcome and forced to learn in finding a middle ground for their relationship to work.

MVP started off with a bang. After I finished the first chapter, I was so angry about what happened. Chapter 2 started with the flashback what happened a year earlier that led to the situation. It was good way to get reader’s attention and it made me want to know more.

When I first read VIP, I absolutely love Ysa. She was so strong despite what happened to her in her past. I admire her tenacity and never once that I questioned her decision with the path she took in her life.

In this book, Ysa was a different person. She was burdened with self doubt and it was putting her relationship on the line.

“What are you so scared of? The Ysabelle I know looks at fear and laughs in its face, and then she goes back and gives it blue balls.”

I missed the old Ysa, and there were points where I wanted to throw a pineapple to her head! Sebastian sacrificed so much for her but she always wonder if she was enough, if she was second choice. I find it hard to forgive the things she did.

I’ve love Sebastian since VIP, even with the choices he made then. He redeemed himself now and that made me love him even more. I know this sounds so wrong, but sometimes I wished I was a VIP just so I could find someone like Sebastian haha!

I love how we get Julia and Christian in this book and how they fit in Sebastian and Ysa’s life. I also love with what happened between Madam and Mika and how she got what she deserved. I’m not only dying to know what’s going to happen to them but also how Brooke handled her new role – a potential expansion/spin-off of this series (if it’s not already in the works).

With all that said, I have a few problems with this book. It has a lot of angst which is something I love, but Ysa’s self doubt went on too long. The first 80% of the book was basically about her doubting Sebastian’s love for her over and over again.

And when there were new potential issues came up, it was resolved too quickly (within a few pages). I believe the plot could be richer if the issues were played up more. For example the Christian issue (hot tub scene) and the Devon issue (mistake scene).

There were several repeated scenes when the POV switched. Even though it’s just a few paragraphs, I think it’s unnecessary because we didn’t actually learn anything new from it. If it was included to provide better transition between POVs, just the final dialogue would be sufficient.

There were also several facts that didn’t add up/overlooked. As far as I know (I tried scanned a few chapters quickly to make sure) Ysa never mentioned to Sebastian about who Madam really was to her and it’s a major information. They also talked about worst memory of their childhood. Later in the book it was worst memory of his life. It’s tiny details but details made a book.

The biggest issue I have with this book is there wasn’t any big new revelation. As a reader, I already knew what Madam’s big secret was from the previous book, so that was only a surprise to Ysa. Ysa did kept a secret from Sebastian but that was all towards the end of the book.

VIP is in my top two of raw/gritty book because the story was so richly told, and The Madam didn’t disappoint either with its own multi layer storyline. Because of that, it pains me to say that with MVP even though I like it, I still expected more.

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Profile Image for Tara Santiago.
374 reviews5 followers
December 15, 2014
I have so many unanswered questions....Review to come once I wrap my head around it all


Let me start by saying that I absolutely LOVED the first two books in this series. I loved all the characters, but something shifted in this book, and people were suddenly people I did not recognize. Their personalities morphed into totally different people and I was disappointed as I really loved the way they were prior.

There was a lot of tension in this book between Sebby and Ysa and I felt like they just never could get it together. There were a few inconsistencies that distracted me, and a certain thing that happened, really pissed me off. In the end, the conclusion of the story was not what I was expecting coming from the amazing writing in the first 2 books.

I just felt like this book was more based on the lives of the author and her husband, then the characters that came to fruition in her head to start the series.
Profile Image for Jen.
764 reviews117 followers
December 22, 2014
This series has taken us on a wild ride. The ups, downs, highs, low. Crazy, mind blowing madness.What a whirlwind. So much has gone on with Sebastian and Ysa. Getting to a place that would bring each of them peace, security, and a life filled with love is next to impossible with all the obstacles they’ve had in their way. They belong together.

Trying to get Ysa to trust him completely, Sebastian walks through fire to prove his love for her.

"I love you, Ysa. I always have and I always will. That's a fucking promise. I'm never going to hurt you again. I will prove that to you, even if it takes me the rest of our lives."

With all the lies told, hearts broken, and fears of the unknow, Ysa is scared. She thought her new life should be with him. Only she starts to doubt and question every decision she makes. Does she fit in, is she worth it, will Seb hurt her?

"I want so desperately to believe you..you have no idea how much I want to believe every word. My heart believes you. It always has. But my mind...it's trying."

With all she’s done in the past, she can’t seem to let go of the guilt. The way they met, the life she lived, all she’s done. She’s struggling with believing that anyone can truly love her. She thought she knew who she was, where she belonged—at first it was with VIP, but after falling in love with Seb and seeing his marriage crumble, all this self-doubt is makes her run straight back to where she started.

This story hurt my heart. Many times my eyes filled with tears and just wanted to shake Ysa so that she’d wake up and see that all she needed and deserved was right in front of her. Sebastian is just beautiful and I love him. There were times that my heart broke for him, too and I was frustrated right along with him.

We heard from Brooke, Devon, Julia, The Madam and Mika. I want more from Brooke that’s for sure. The Madam is as evil as ever and I just wanted to throat punch her. I was surprised I actually grew to like Julia since she got on my last nerve in VIP.

This book rocked my world. Definitely the best of the series. M. Robinson kicked some series a$$ and took us on a wild ride!! Do not miss this it!
Profile Image for Honey Warren.
760 reviews4 followers
December 5, 2014
"The immense emotions that we just shared and displayed took over and I wanted to carve my name into her skin. I wanted to brand her for the whole world to see that she belonged to me."

I absolutely loved this!!! I even shed some tears, which NEVER happens for me! I can't remember the last time I cried whilst reading?? It has been a while! This was such a great ending to this fab series! I was so ready for the conclusion of the Sebastian and Ysa story. There were some HOT HOT HOT scenes, really hot! Ysa really is VIP. There we several times I wanted to throw my ipad, Madam can definitely do that to you! Read this series!!!
Profile Image for Philomena Callan Cheekypee.
3,929 reviews414 followers
January 20, 2015
This is the third book in this trilogy. Make sure you read the books in order to get the most out of the series. Although I was apprehensive to start this book the author didn't disappoint me in my expectations. I thoroughly loved it. It's a great angsty and emotional read.

This was a really brilliant ending to this wonderful series. Perfect.
Profile Image for Rebecca Woodward.
276 reviews177 followers
January 5, 2016
Holy Moly!!!

One of my favorite series so far. Can M. Robinson write a story? She sure can! This part 3 is emotional you will need your tissues. Want a new series to start I highly recommend this one. She is now an automatic buy for me.
Profile Image for Bozica.
684 reviews20 followers
May 13, 2016
What a wonderful 2nd book about one of my favourite couples!!

I loved Ysa and Sebastian both individually and as a couple in VIP and couldn't wait to read more about them in MVP.

This book continues on from where VIP ended. Sebastian gets a divorce, finds out where Ysa is and moves to the Island to be with the true love of him life.But it's not all hearts and flowers and happy times. In fact this next instalment is heartbreaking and gut wrenching and a real journey of discovery especially for Ysa because Sebastian could see it all along.

Ysa was so damaged and didn't feel deserving of Sebastian or his love. She felt like a home wrecker and a whore and couldn't see beyond that. Did she belong with Sebastian and could she really be all he needed and deserved?Did she really belong with Madam and the Cathouse?

Sebastian was perfect, he was brought up in a loving family, was smart, handsome, had a great job and he loved Ysa unconditionally. He fought for Ysa and tried to get her to see what he saw and that despite their completely different upbringings and circumstances that lead them to be together they were meant to be.

When Ysa discovers all the secrets on what Madam had done, Ysa's reaction and actions made me gasp and cringe. OMG!! What would happen now??!! I couldn't read the words fast enough to find out.

Like in VIP, the connection and love between Sebastian and Ysa was beautiful. The steamy scenes were off the charts hot and I loved every word.

The secondary characters in this book are great. I loved Devon, Brooke and even Julia. I was expecting her to be a wolf in sheep clothing but she was genuinely a wonderful woman and such a great support to both Sebastian and Ysa, Not sure why Mika did what he did but I'm so glad that he did and he earned extra points for that from me. And the Madam - well she was true to form and I wouldn't expect her any other way.

The angst, the twists and the roller coaster ride all the way through the book was perfect. There was no drama for drama sake and ticked all the boxes for me.

Read this series, you won't be disappointed!!
Profile Image for Readingzmything.
613 reviews1 follower
February 12, 2015
5 Stars! What a great conclusion to Sebastian and Ysa's story. This book picks up right where VIP book 1 left off. Sebastian and Ysa are living together in the Turks and Caicos. Things are not easy as Ysa has a lot of self doubt and shame for breaking up a marriage. She is also having trouble believing that she can completely trust Sebastian. Sebastian is possessive, passionate, loving, determined and patient with Ysa. He spends most of the book trying to convince her that what they have is good and she is perfect for him.

I love the way they work things out with Julia and Christian. I felt the author did an awesome job expressing Ysa's insecurities with feeling inadequate to be a wife or mother after experiencing her past and seeing Julia with Christian. She makes a bad choice that really annoyed me. All in in all this was awesome book with lots of hot steamy sex and would definitely recommend reading it!
Profile Image for Hana.
53 reviews1 follower
April 7, 2015

3 stars.

not bad, not bad at all.

2 things that bothered me...
1. heroine's insecurities. it was just straight up annoying & i rolled my eyes every single time Ysa praised Julia and described her as perfect.
2. i just couldn't get into Sebastian saying he only loved Julia as a sister/best friend - their steamy hot scenes in the 1st book were just... too steamy & too hot. you don't f*ck someone like Sebastian f*cked Julia and view them only as a sister/best friend. i saw no difference in passion & chemistry in sex scenes between Sebastian&Julia and Sebastian&Ysa and i hated that. ALSO! their nicknames for each other were a little... creepy.

in fact, i was bothered the most by Sebastian&Julia's relationship - their moments made me SUPER uneasy and their entire relationship was just... so... borderline creepy&incestuous.

other than that, it was a satisfying read.
Profile Image for London.
725 reviews
January 4, 2015
I liked everything up until the ending. I didn't like a few things and will come back to review.
Profile Image for Donna.
1,319 reviews31 followers
March 31, 2019
Finally I have finished this trilogy and I can get back to my life. It has been on hold for days now. This book consumed me. This final book did not go the way I expected. But questions have been answered, the secrets have unfolded (well, most of them) and Sebastian and Ysa have had to work really hard for their HEA. Ysa struggled with her inner turmoil and the brainwashing she received from Madam, this really was a story of love. I just love this author. Will have to read about Brooke and Devon now.
Profile Image for Natasha.
282 reviews30 followers
December 5, 2014
5 Unforgettable Stars!

Review by Natasha Gentile

To say I was excited about this book is kind of an understatement. To say that I also wasn’t scared to read it would be a lie. I was so very scared my heart had palpitations even before I opened the book. You see I fell in love with this couple in VIP. I just wanted them to live happily ever after. I mean they went to hell and back in VIP, what more do these two have to do? I can tell you, it sure wasn’t easy!!!!

When I receive the book I asked M. one question, please tell me there is no cheating? She said no. So my heart the one that was racing, was now slowing down and I was ready to start my journey !

In this book your taken on the journey of Ysabelle and Sebastian now that they are together. It should be so easy, but let's face it all love stories have heartache!

Ysabelle, my sweet sweet crazy, independent, broken hearted beautiful girl. Why can’t you just believe. Sebastian loves you, like women love chocolate cake.

I had only ever loved one woman. From the first day that I stared into those mesmerizing and entrancing bright green eyes, I was lured in. It was a magnetic pull that capsized me to live and breathe for her and only her. She was my soul mate, the one person in this world that was made for me and only me.

Seriously, can I love this guy any more if I tried? I swear I want him, I want him all for myself, all for me, except his eyes, they are only for one person- Ysabelle.

I knew it the moment her tiny frame fell into my arms. We were meant to meet and be together, it was all for a reason; a greater purpose that I knew from the second she told me her name.


So Ysa and Seb are living together in Turks and Cacaos. She is doing what she’s always wanted to do -living in a bikini and running the third hottest hotspot in the world.

They have been apart for two years, each finding themselves and trying to figure out life, but one thing and one thing is for sure, their love for each other is never ever in doubt.

There wasn’t one place on my body that hadn’t been touched by a man or a woman, except my heart. That has only ever been touched and connected to one person.

So these two need to have their heads banged together. I swear I wanted to jump into my kindle and shake the crap out of them, then I might have attacked Sebastian, in a very naked way. Whatever.. He’s super hot.

But with all the love that he is giving her, she can’t seem to stop thinking about her past; where she came from, who she came from, the what if’s. It really makes her think, and no matter how much I hated that she was going through this, I understood. I didn’t agree with it, but I understood. While she is finding herself Sebastian is on the outside looking in just hoping that she sees him.

My legs couldn’t hold my weight anymore. I wanted to break down; I had to sit. I slouched forward as soon as my body hit the couch cushions from the overwhelming need to want to f*cking scream and rip my hair out.

Now that she’s asking all these questions and doubting herself the only thing she can do is go back to the beginning. To where she came from; the answers are there, she knows it, she feels it, but the question is, can she handle the truth? Will it make or break her, and in the end can she finally love herself and accept herself and the unconditional love from the only man that can ever complete her?

She smiled and it lit up her entire face. “I love you, too, Sebastian. I always have.”

To hear those words come out of the woman that has consumed my everyday existence for the last two years was like winning the lottery. I knew she would hide from me again. I knew we still had countless obstacles to overcome, but in that moment, she was mine again.

I loved seeing characters from VIP and The Madam intertwined in their journey, loved getting a glimpse into their lives. I also without a doubt loved the writing in this book, it is bar none, the best writing that M. Robinson has done. Great Job.
Profile Image for Three Chicks.
2,618 reviews420 followers
December 5, 2014
5 Unforgettable Stars!

Review by Natasha Gentile

To say I was excited about this book is kind of an understatement. To say that I also wasn’t scared to read it would be a lie. I was so very scared my heart had palpitations even before I opened the book. You see I fell in love with this couple in VIP. I just wanted them to live happily ever after. I mean they went to hell and back in VIP, what more do these two have to do? I can tell you, it sure wasn’t easy!!!!

When I receive the book I asked M. one question, please tell me there is no cheating? She said no. So my heart t-the one that was racing, was now slowing down and I was ready to start my journey !

In this book your taken on the journey of Ysabelle and Sebastian now that they are together. It should be so easy, but let's face it all love stories have heartache!

Ysabelle, my sweet sweet crazy, independent, broken hearted beautiful girl. Why can’t you just believe. Sebastian loves you, like women love chocolate cake.

I had only ever loved one woman. From the first day that I stared into those mesmerizing and entrancing bright green eyes, I was lured in. It was a magnetic pull that capsized me to live and breathe for her and only her. She was my soul mate, the one person in this world that was made for me and only me.

Seriously, can I love this guy any more if I tried? I swear I want him, I want him all for myself, all for me, except his eyes, they are only for one person- Ysabelle.

I knew it the moment her tiny frame fell into my arms. We were meant to meet and be together, it was all for a reason; a greater purpose that I knew from the second she told me her name.


So Ysa and Seb are living together in Turks and Cacaos. She is doing what she’s always wanted to do -living in a bikini and running the third hottest hotspot in the world.

They have been apart for two years, each finding themselves and trying to figure out life, but one thing and one thing is for sure, their love for each other is never ever in doubt.

There wasn’t one place on my body that hadn’t been touched by a man or a woman, except my heart. That has only ever been touched and connected to one person.

So these two need to have their heads banged together. I swear I wanted to jump into my kindle and shake the crap out of them, then I might have attacked Sebastian, in a very naked way. Whatever.. He’s super hot.

But with all the love that he is giving her, she can’t seem to stop thinking about her past; where she came from, who she came from, the what if’s. It really makes her think, and no matter how much I hated that she was going through this, I understood. I didn’t agree with it, but I understood. While she is finding herself Sebastian is on the outside looking in just hoping that she sees him.

My legs couldn’t hold my weight anymore. I wanted to break down; I had to sit. I slouched forward as soon as my body hit the couch cushions from the overwhelming need to want to f*cking scream and rip my hair out.

Now that she’s asking all these questions and doubting herself the only thing she can do is go back to the beginning. To where she came from; the answers are there, she knows it, she feels it, but the question is, can she handle the truth? Will it make or break her, and in the end can she finally love herself and accept herself and the unconditional love from the only man that can ever complete her?

She smiled and it lit up her entire face. “I love you, too, Sebastian. I always have.”

To hear those words come out of the woman that has consumed my everyday existence for the last two years was like winning the lottery. I knew she would hide from me again. I knew we still had countless obstacles to overcome, but in that moment, she was mine again.

I loved seeing characters from VIP and The Madam intertwined in their journey, loved getting a glimpse into their lives. I also without a doubt loved the writing in this book, it is bar none, the best writing that M. Robinson has done. Great Job.

Profile Image for Lorraine.
294 reviews3 followers
December 31, 2014
I have really enjoyed this story and I wasn't expecting to. It's a very different read to the first two books but absolutely brilliant. I love this authors style.
I so wanted everything to be alright for Ysa and Sebastian. They fought so hard for their relationship and this part of their journey is not without its hardships. Not only do they have to contend with Madam interfering with their relationship, they have Seb's son, Christian who wants nothing more than his mother and father to get back together. There is Seb's ex-wife Julia (who quite frankly drives me bonkers every time she calls him Sebby!)and her lover Anthony. They put Ysa in some really awkward situations and to top it all, Devon is still hanging around and causes unease because of his feeling for Ysa. Its all very complicated and things don't look good for this couple.
I'll be honest and say that Ysa drove me mad at times too. She came across as a spoilt brat and I thought she spoke to Sebastian pretty badly at times. Towards the end, she grew on me and I found myself routing for her more than ever.
There are so many surprises and twists in this story. It really had me hooked! I think this was my favourite of this series, which is unusual for a third book.
I loved it and if you have been following this story from the beginning, I think you will love it too. Fabulous!

Thank you again to my lovely friend Michelle Ochoa. She badgered me to finish this series, even buying me the last two books to make sure I did. Thank you Michelle, because I would have missed out if you hadn't pushed me.
December 4, 2015
1.75 Stars
MVP has not meet my expectations.Flatly speaking. After reading 1 and 2, I have expected so much from this installment! It was flowing smoothly.. Feelings overload and then pak! Ysa did something I can't get over!!!! Ahhh. Whatever reason she had, its unacceptable! I can't forgive her. I don't believe her anymore. She's the dirtiest whore ever. I feel like I've been betrayed too. When she was still a VIP, I haven't thought for a second that she's so dirty f****ng whore. In VIP and early part of MVP, I was so rooting for her. I felt her pain. But she did something, which is for me, the most unforgivable ever, and then the author wrote it like what she did is so much okay! I know that love isn't perfect! Nobody is perfect!Life is not perfect! And I'm kinda hating how the author made it like what she did is just okay, piece of candy. And another thing, the whole 80% where Ysabelle spent whining about how imperfect, how incomplete and insecure she is, is so annoying and then all of a sudden everything is resolved? Huh? Really????!!! There's never even written wherein she talked to Seb about it. I can't accept it! No proper polishing!**stomping foot here**And I think I like Julia here. I like her so much. And I hate Devon! Nobody can move forward on what happened. I don't believed it'll never be awkward.

Profile Image for Amazeballs Book Addicts.
2,811 reviews243 followers
January 21, 2015
So, I read the first two books and couldn't wait to read this one. One I got this one I initially was afraid to read it. MVP is the last book in Ysabelle and Sebastian story and I was afraid of how it would turn out. I decided after having it sit on my kindle for over a week, that it was time to read it. I was not disappointed, it's a great read. I'm not going to lie and tell you it was all rosy and great because there are a lot of things working against Ysa and Sebby.

M. Robison wrote another great story. It you haven't started thing series you should and if you have already read book one and two then it's time to read this one.

A copy was received for a review.
87 reviews13 followers
December 18, 2014
I'm not good at writing reviews. All I can say is I absolutely loved this book. I love me some Sebastian. Thanks M. Robinson for another wonderful book.
Profile Image for Carla Bulian.
1,472 reviews432 followers
November 29, 2015
Estou admirada como a autora conseguiu fechar com chave de ouro essa trilogia. Maravilhosa!
Profile Image for Sonya.
1,213 reviews7 followers
July 31, 2017
Gah!!! This woman can't write a bad book!!!! This..... Book mad me so mad the whole time... I could not believe how amazing it was! I could have slapped Ysa over the blame game... Listen women.. When you get involved with a married man he owes you NOTHING!!! Ysa went into that relationship knowing Sebastian was married. Yes they fell in love, however she knew he was married so they both were at fault but everyone wanted to only blame Sebastian... Sigh.. Even though I was so mad
over this I still was hoping and praying their love was strong enough... Man this was a delicious sit on the edge if your seat amazing read!!!!! There was a lot that made me want to slp Ysa..but my heart did hurfor her at times...a must read series....well book 1 and 3 ..I skippes book 2 Madames story..was not interested...😂
Profile Image for Rabia.
681 reviews36 followers
August 4, 2018
After so many struggles, the first book end with a nice and positive outcome. But oh boy, was it really easy to find happiness after all of things?

No. It's never easy. And this book just show us how hard to overcome some things in a relationship. How hard to build an already crumbled trust, how hard to become one when you're torn to pieces, how easy to make more mistakes when all you want to do is right...

Ysa and Sebastian endured so many obstacles, braced themselves for the better and the worst and the serie come a full circle. I loved every minute of it.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 235 reviews

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