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It's said that storks bring the souls of children to good, loving parents. Suzey was sent to live with her grandma after her mother, a prostitute, was murdered. Grandma tells Suzey that storks would never bring a child's soul to a whore, and convinces Suzey that she is soulless and evil. Now Suzey is grown, is married to a nice and successful man. She wants to have a normal life, wants a family of her own, but every attempt to become pregnant has ended in miscarriage. Was Grandma right? Is Suzey unable to bear children because the stork refuses to bring the soul of a child to an impure mother?

A tale of loss, longing, and madness by Shane McKenzie.

63 pages, Kindle Edition

First published December 20, 2013

About the author

Shane McKenzie

84 books202 followers

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews
Profile Image for Peter Topside.
Author 5 books1,245 followers
June 25, 2024
Now this was one hell of a psychological horror story! Suzey and Eddie go through so much pain here. Having experienced some similar circumstances personally, my heart went out to them on their struggle to conceive. The entire opening sequence, specifically, made me very uncomfortable. You spend most of this story wondering what’s really happening versus what is trauma-based hallucinations, and it makes your head spin. It is a short read, but don’t let that fool you. It’s got a great pace to it, and you just maintain a general uneasiness throughout, even to the last line of the strong conclusion. A very strong showing from an extremely talented writer!
Profile Image for Janie.
1,145 reviews
October 6, 2021
I read this book five years ago, and my Swiss cheese brain didn't remember the content, so I read it again this afternoon. Holy guacamole! This was a brutal and well-written story that had me squirming at the violent twists and turns. it's a good thing I have a bad memory, because every page was a dark surprise, and the ending was a shock. I will surely read this book again in another five years. Recommended!
Profile Image for Ian.
467 reviews73 followers
April 17, 2022
'Stork' is a sad and sombre tale involving the legend of storks and babies, but given a dark and hard-hitting greek mythological twist to unfolding events.

After being physically and mentally abused as a child by her grandma, Suzey marries Eddie, the man of her dreams, and now they are both desperately trying for a baby. But after several miscarriages Suzey is beginning to wonder whether she will ever be 'good enough' to become a mother, or will her present misfortune and despair just continue to be the case for the foreseeable future. Then again, perhaps the memories of her wicked grandma, who brought her up to become the person who she is, may have more to do with matters than meets the eye?...then again, maybe not.

Wonderfully original, this short psychological tale of horror is most definitely not one too be missed.

Rating: 4.7 pure dark stars of magical genius.
Profile Image for Slim Jones.
44 reviews8 followers
June 21, 2022
Beautifully written. Shane does a great job building the manic and sense of stress within this book. Loved the characters and their interactions.

Ending is gut retching. You can really feel it. -go give someone a hug-
Profile Image for Kimberly.
1,832 reviews2 followers
February 13, 2014
Wow! Shane McKenzie takes the fairy-tale story of a stork bringing babies to couples, and twists it into an obscene parody. There isn't a whole lot I can say about this novella without giving away the plot, so I'll focus on the writing instead. McKenzie has created some intense, memorable characters that are incredibly believable! This story grabbed me from the start and didn't let go until the brutal end. This man has an absolutely insane imagination, and I can't wait to read more from him!

Recommended to fans of extreme horror!
Profile Image for Nikki.
239 reviews19 followers
July 12, 2021
Well Crap, I wasn’t expecting that ending, but a great read nonetheless.
Profile Image for Rachael.
447 reviews24 followers
June 11, 2021
This ending of this one was brutal. Just pull out your heart and stomp on it. You will be better off.

For fucks sake. This one packs a nice little punch at the end.I mean what could go wrong with a stork and horror. A beautiful white bird and babies go hand and hand. But, do they????

Happy Reading and Splatter On.....
Profile Image for Renée.
224 reviews3 followers
June 10, 2021
Well, fuck. I can’t see through my tears to say anything more than this.
Profile Image for renee w.
223 reviews
April 1, 2022
Wow!? That was by far one of the most disturbing books I have ever read. This one will have me saying wtf?! For the rest of my life. An outstanding yet heartbreaking story.
Profile Image for Corrina Morse.
713 reviews92 followers
June 28, 2021
Woah! I don't know what I was expecting from this book, but it wasn't that!! Brutal, shocking, brilliant!! Shane's writing keeps you turning the pages and wanting more!! 5 evil storks from me!! 🖤
Profile Image for Mike.
180 reviews59 followers
January 27, 2014
The story centers around a couple trying to have a child and the Grandma. By the title you can see it brings in the tale of how the Stork delivers the baby to couples. But with Shane's stories he takes things to the extreme. Don't want to say a lot about the story and ruin it for you. But it is a very good quick read. This is the third book(Bleed On Me & Jacked)by Shane I have read and it won't be the last. If you are a fan of over the top extreme horror you should add Shane to your list. I gave Stork 4 stars.
Profile Image for Alex.
303 reviews11 followers
May 10, 2024
This was my second book by Shane McKenzie (the first being All You Can Eat) and this one was deeply depressing.

We all know the story of the stork that brings you babies, take that tale with a slight splatter-twist and you have a phenomenal book.

This was so sad from beginning to end, from the flashbacks of our main character to the gut-wrenching ending!

Profile Image for Jeremy Maddux.
Author 5 books147 followers
October 24, 2016
Ended too suddenly. Was just getting good after all the build up. Not saying this as a compliment. I'm saying Shane goofed by wrapping things up in a climax too fast. What she does with the dead stork was shocking enough to warrant five stars for me, personally.
Profile Image for Tom.
107 reviews8 followers
January 24, 2014
Great novella.It is safe to say that the future of hardcore horror is safe with people like Shane Mackenzie around.This story is brutal. I loved it.
Profile Image for John.
1,458 reviews36 followers
July 21, 2014
It was good, but I would have liked it better as an episode of MASTERS OF HORROR or FEAR ITSELF. The story is ham-handed and the character of the grandmother grossly underdeveloped, giving it a B-movie type of feel. Entertaining, yes. Well-written, yes. But the author unfortunately turns a promising psychological thriller into your typical horror-story bloodbath. Not so much scary as just depressing.
Profile Image for Nicole Rubbo.
68 reviews6 followers
March 8, 2024
After the death of her parents Suzey went to live with her abusive Grandmother. Grandma loved to read Suzey stories about storks who will never bring children to souless women Suzey being one of them. When she is grown she is in a loving and happy marriage. After numerous miscarriages Suzey starts to wonder if her grandmother was telling the truth about the stork. This novella was disturbing and sad, but a truly great read.
Profile Image for Frank.
Author 35 books125 followers
February 27, 2014
Holy Crap.

I would leave my review at those two words, but I feel the desperate need to cannonize Shane McKenzie into the grand hall of great horror writers. Having penned my favorite read of 2013, MUERTE CON CARNE, I followed up with McKenzie's novella, STORK. I am prepared to announce him as my current favorite horror writer based on those two works alone.

That's right Brian Keene, have a seat, Shane McKenzie is the new king. His writing leaves stone cold ice in my blood. My stomach churning and quesy. Every ounce of me begging for more. Never have I read horror so real. So little, if any, supernatural forces drive the terror. In the twisted mind of Shane McKenzie, we, the everyday Dick and Jane, are the real terror.

Read Shane McKenzie. Every last blood dripping, bone cracking, bile inducing ounce of his writing. All hail the new king. I stick by what I said before...

Holy crap.
Profile Image for Made DNA.
Author 21 books64 followers
May 13, 2014
Enter a young couple trying to have a child; a hidden, dark past; and psychological trauma that one cannot run from -- combine it all for a creepy, on-the-edge-of-your-seat read.

I'm a not a fan of psychological-trauma horror to honest. It sits on that level that disturbs and makes me uncomfortable. That, however, is the power of Shane McKenzie's writing. It is what also kept me turning page after page, reading to an inevitable ending that I knew I could not escape with this short story.

Dark, haunting and not for the faint of heart.
Profile Image for Douglas Castagna.
Author 9 books17 followers
January 29, 2014
Sharp and visceral. Stork has a short page length, but it is long on horror. The blood, the pain, the madness begins right away and we soon care for Suzey, who has hard a difficult upbringing by an emotionally abusive grandmother. Suzey and her husband love each other and have hopes of starting a family, but the emotional scars and damage seem to be popping back up despite best efforts. The writing is crisp and unrelenting. Another great story by McKenzie.
Profile Image for Dan Williams.
9 reviews1 follower
March 24, 2015
A crescendo of violence

This is the best short story ever conceived. Perfectly paced with a brutal, yet oddly cathartic ending. I give much praise to Shane McKenzie for this horror gem. This has usurped Abed and Jasmine and Garlic as my favorite horror shorts.
Profile Image for Roland.
331 reviews
July 16, 2020
A powerhouse of skillfully written remarkably brutal horror story.
It built steadily, the twists were paced carefully, the characters were believable, everything was well crafted except the final moments of the last scene, which was bit of a rash for me.
366 reviews52 followers
December 31, 2014
A very brutal twisted and violent story of mental illness that revolves around an insain and hate filed grandmother's fucked up version of the stork fairytale.
Profile Image for Mike.
68 reviews8 followers
June 29, 2018
A brutal, twisted, heart wrenching tale about abuse and mental illness. I have to go watch a Will Ferrell flick just to normalize after that read.
Profile Image for Samantha Hawkins.
398 reviews67 followers
July 14, 2021
"Stork" by Shane McKenzie

💥Proceed with caution in regards to this read as it is an extreme horror novella and NOT for the faint of heart💥

Suzey and her husband Eddie are desperate to become parents. But so far, their attempts at parenthood have ended mercilessly in miscarriage. These losses force Suzey to believe her terribly absuive grandma may have been right, that storks only bring babies to worthy mothers. Everyone knows that bad people don't get healthy babies. They get dead babies or in the case of poor Suzey, an empty and soulless shell. Hoping to improve their circumstances and take their minds off their current situation, Suzey and Eddie choose to move and start fresh. This sounds like a wonderful read of self discovery and parenthood but I assure you it is anything but. When Suzey becomes pregnant again the story takes off in an unbelievable direction. You'll need a strong stomach for this one guys. Enter Suzey's world, take a glimpse inside.

I picked this story up because it had some really badass reviews in a few Facebook horror groups I'm in. It most definitely lived up to its hype! I went in only knowing what people's reviews had said and McKenzie's story is both creepy and immensely dark. And for those that have read this, can we PLEASE talk about that final scene!? It left me speechless! This novella has a very "Blanky" (by Kealan Patrick Burke) type feel to it and I enjoyed it very much. 5 🌟 and I will most definitely never think of storks the same way again 🤣
March 14, 2023
Very disturbing book, a lot of triggers to watch out.

I think the author rushes a lot of the story, and i don't know maybe the characters just doesn't work for me. The backstory and the build up to the ending could have been handled better.

It's an okay book for me, not a bad book per say but nothing special.
Profile Image for Stefanie Duncan.
322 reviews22 followers
November 20, 2021
This book was recommended to me in a FB group. I was looking for something gut wrenching..

Well, this book is exactly that. Gut wrenching..

At the end it will punch you so hard that you will gasp for air and might even cry a little.

This story is effin' brilliant! Trigger warning for people that are pregnant, plan on getting pregnant, had a miscarriage...

5 Stork's - I mean stars lol
Profile Image for Alan Spencer.
Author 77 books60 followers
January 28, 2014
What a powerful novella. I enjoyed the characters, the unique situation, and the lore of the Stork. I read it fast and in one sitting. Freakin' awesome.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 32 reviews

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