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"Yep, I'm going to have to kill her."

When my father passed away, I assumed my grieving would be as simple as closing a book and starting another. Only, he had other plans.
Leaving me his beloved tattoo shop, I’m stuck to figure out what exactly to do with it, all while being constantly reminded of him.
Selling it was the easiest option, but after hearing some of the artists elated at the idea because they swore I’d ruin it if I took over, and reading the fine print of my father’s will, I’m determined to prove them wrong.
The only problem is Fox.
He’s arrogant, self-absorbed, and rude–doing everything in his power to show just how true their words would ring.
Unfortunately for him though, I’ve never been afraid of a challenge.

Hel’s Ink was supposed to be mine, but after my mentor passed away, I learned he had other plans in mind.
Leaving the shop to someone like Janie was a bad idea. Sure she may be able to make it look good on the surface, but there is more to running this place than social media posts and some paint. We’re a family and she’s not welcomed.
Only, the longer she’s here, the harder it’s proving to believe my own words.
She’s too young for me, and far too complicated, but I can’t help but wonder what would happen if I just give in

This is the Special Edition of Fox - re-edited and with a bonus chapter at the end.

383 pages, Kindle Edition

Published March 31, 2024

About the author

D.J. Krimmer

20 books469 followers
Crowned the Queen of Banter, DJ Krimmer is known through the community for her witty, smart mouthed characters. In real life she will often say her slogan is:

“Purposely Awkward, Accidentally Funny.”

And it’s a slogan she takes very seriously.

When DJ isn't making inappropriate jokes or hiding from the worst imposter syndrome known to writer-kind, she’s weaving contemporary romance stories filled to the brim with imperfect alpha-holes and witty females whose love conquers every hurdle thrown their way.

In her books, representations of the imperfect sides of life are not hidden in the shadows, they're front and center, a reminder that everyone deserves a happy ending.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 450 reviews
Profile Image for CriSsStina.
278 reviews
April 3, 2024
This is the updated and extended version of Fox, the first book in the Hel's Ink series. I liked the first & initial version of this book. It was the book that catched me in this author's universe, and afterward, I read everything new she published.

I loved this revamped version. The cover is gorgeous. Their story is still very emotional and frustrating here and there. There are funny moments, sweet and emotional moments, and 🔥🔥 moments. They are both broken, him having huge commitment issues because of what a number his father has done on him. She's hiding under her online persona and slowly but sure she finally finds her family 🖤 in the Hel's Ink crew, Jen, Stevie, etc.

This is an age gap romance (26 h/ 43 H), with disability representation, with a grumpy pappa Fox 😂, and a lonely and misunderstood heroine, that just wants to mourn her father, and decide what to do with the half of the ink shop he left her 🥹🥰. Well, by the end, she found everything she didn't know she needed 🥹🥰.

** possible spoilers **

I maintain my opinion from the first release of this book: that pushback from his side in the last 10-15% of the book is very frustrating. I just can't understand why she forgave him so easily. Make him work! He basically shattered her heart and, of course, the great proclamation of love, and the "I'm sorry, I'm stupid bla bla bla" excuse was enough for her to forgive him and move on! Ugh, I'm quite bitter, it seems 😂.

I'm still salty about the fact that her ex-boyfriend - the wanna be influencer - didn't receive what he deserved!!! Nothing, nada, zilch! That is so not fair! What happened with all those threats from her angry fans, etc.? They just evaporated after 60% of the book 🤷‍♀️. I need some closure, haha.

Thank you for the ARC 🖤🖤

Can't wait for this author's new releases. I'm definitely going to read them all! 🖤
Profile Image for Canan .
967 reviews66 followers
February 21, 2023
Beklediğimden iyi çıktı.Şaşırdım. 😲Nedense daha amatör bir şeyler çıkacakmış hissiyatı ile başlamıştım.Buna bir de, hatta iki tane dikkat etmediğim nokta da eklenince benim için beklenmedik bir okuma oldu diyebilirim.İlki yazarın kitabın başında da belirttiği tetikleyici unsurların olacağına dair bir nottu.İkincisi ise dady eklentisi.Ups Papa Fox diyecektim. 🤣 Neyse ki kızımız Janie 17-18 bandında değil de 25 yaşındaydı. Fox ise 43.Bu konulara değindiğimize göre içeriğe gelelim.

Hel's Ink, Janie'nin babasına ait bir dövme salonu.Tony'nin kızından daha çok üstüne titrediği, sevdiği, zaman ayırdğı bir yer.Vefat edene kadar kızıyla arasında bir mesafe oluşmasına sebep olmuş. Babasının bir nevi vakit geçirdiği, beraber çalıştığı sanatçılar da çocukları gibi olunca Janie kendini dükkandan hepten uzak tutmuştur.Şimdi istemediği o salon ellerine geçmiştir.Huysuz, sinir bozucu ekiple beraber.Tam elden çıkarayım derken şahit olduğu bir konuşma yüzünden kararını yeniden gözden geçirir ve adamlara musallat olur.

Neden böyle düşündüm bilmiyorum ama tetikleyici unsurların hedefindeki kişinin Janie olduğunu düşündüm.Bir erkek karakterin ipin diğer ucunda olduğunu pek görmedim sanırım.Her ne kadar yüzeysel değinilse de Fox'un çok acı bir mazisi var.Kimse böyle büyümemeli.
Janie ise babasından alamadığı ilgi ve sevgiyi, sosyal medyada ünlenince içerik üreticisi olarak almakla yetiniyor.Bir çok arka plana göz atma imkanımız oldu kitapta.Öyle sahte ve acı bir tarafı var ki sosyal medyanın.Trendlerden eksik kalmamak-kaçırmamak...Reklam amaçlı yapılan sahte ilişkiler.Filtresiz paylaşılan bir fotoğrafa yapılan küçültücü yorumlar.En temelde bir insanın, bir başkasını yüzyüze olsa yapamayacağı şekilde, klayye başında küçültme çabasını asla anlayamayacağım.

Janie sırf kendini mutsuz hissettiği bir anda Fox'u arayıp sarılmaya ihtiyacım var demesi...Ve, bizden olmaz, sen Tony'nin kızısın, yasaksın, yaş farkı diye zırvalamalarına rağmen Fox'un ilk uçakla gittikleri iş seyahtinden apar topar eve dönmesi çok sevimli geldi bana.İki karakterinde sevilmeye bu kadar aç olup, karşısındaki kişiye karşı mesafe koyması, güvensizlikleri insanı üzüyor. Bilmiyorum belki beklentim düşük diyedir ama sevdim ben.

Yazarın eklediği ve benim değinmediğim çok güzel unsurlar var.Arka planda ki karakterler de iyi ve renkliydi bence.Değişik bir ekip oldular fikrimce.Bir sonraki Atlas'ın kitabı için çok kararsızım.Umarım o da güzel çıkar.
Profile Image for Tea&Biscuits.
157 reviews5 followers
July 6, 2024
I devoured this audiobook. Easily one of my favorite books of the year so far. Great characters, wonderful writing and fantastic spice.

Narrated in duet by Maxine Mitchell and Sebastian York. Absolute perfection. 100/5.
Profile Image for Darcy’s Good Opinion.
378 reviews1 follower
November 12, 2022
5 ⭐️ Steam: 3.5/5. Strong Language: 3/.5. Characters: 5/5. Plot: 4.5/5

Triggers: Bu!!ying, Loss of Loved One, Anxiety, Depression

Fox is the first book in the Hel’s Ink tattoo parlor series by baby Author DJ Krimmer.

Janie is a social media influencer living a seemingly carefree, glamorous life. She has all the right friends, goes to all the right places, and is seen with all the right people. Appearances can be deceiving. When her father passes away and leaves her his beloved tattoo shop, another path is opened to her. There’s just one thing standing in her way.

Fox is a gruff, tell it like it is, take no $hittake, lumbersnack (Janie’s word). He’s big, built, and bearded. He was Janie’s dad’s protege and true friend. He finds it offensive that the shop has been left to this spoiled brat. He just can’t understand why he’s equal parts repelled and attracted to her.

Their interactions are charged and heated. The chemistry between them is electric. How long can the two of them deny what is pulling them together?

This book was flat out amazing. A true enemies to lovers fiery sensation to read. It burned the pages. The tension, the banter, the build-up, the characters, everything was purely exquisite. Read DJ Krimmer - you will not be disappointed.
Profile Image for Alaine McDaniel.
373 reviews17 followers
May 12, 2024
Fox- DJ Krimmer
Narrated by Sebastian York and Maxine Mitchell

Rating ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Spice 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Narration 🎧🎧🎧🎧🎧

This book was so good. So angsty with the age gap and father’s best friend tropes, but man, DJ Krimmer did a great job with this. She is a new to me author and I definitely plan to read more of her books in the future. I absolutely loved Fox and seeing him have to not only redeem himself and grovel to get back in Janie’s good graces, but then overcome his hang up of her being her best friend’s much younger daughter.

I honestly don’t think there could have been a better pairing for these narrators. Whenever there’s a more mature mmc with a gravelly voice Sebastian is right at the top of the list of narrators I’d want to hear voice that character. And Maxine just does so well every single time. I loved them both! Job well done!
Profile Image for Shay.
204 reviews110 followers
December 24, 2022
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 5/5
🌶️🌶️🌶️ 3/5

🫶🏼Enemies to Lovers
🫶🏼Best Friends Daughter
🫶🏼Age Gap

“You had better stop being so mean to me before I fall in love with you.”

I really enjoyed this book! It was full of angst, banter, and steam. I adored the relationship between Fox and Janie.

“Son, you are already in it too deep. You ain’t getting out unscathed.”

I cannot wait for the next book!
Profile Image for Becka.
97 reviews
March 25, 2024
ARC Review:

I hadn't read the traditional edition of Fox before reading the extended edition, however D.J Krimmer is fantastic. All the characters were complex and have depth. I felt every bit of the emotional rollercoaster Fox and Janie were both on! and their ending felt very satisfying.

There were some incenses that were set up that just never really went anywhere that I still have questions about. But that doesn't ruin or take away from the book is a whole.

I really enjoyed this one and I can't wait to read Atlas!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Aleesha.
660 reviews17 followers
May 22, 2024
Sooo... I have some thoughts. I'm just gonna... list them out here, I guess.

1. Jai -- Janie's online persona annoys everybody. INCLUDING Janie. It sure as shit annoyed me. I don't really understand why this was written into the story at all. It would have been just as easy to make her a student, or an artist or hell some corporate secretary or whatever the hell 25 year olds do with themselves these days. I really, REALLY could have done without the airheaded bullshittery.

2. I have never, and I mean never, related to a character as much as I relate to Fox Simmons. Him being all sober grumpy cat at the club on Janie's birthday had me ROLLING.

3. The grief is real. Didn't expect to be crying at 5AM on a Wednesday.

4. Eew. I don't know why it's gross, because obviously they knew each other when Janie was a kid, but I don't like knowing that Fox knew Janie when she was a minor. Even if nothing untoward even remotely got close to happening, it triggers an ick.

5. As much as I wanna cheer for "imperfect" people. And as many kudos as Krimmer deserves for including people with disabilities and disorders in her works, NOT EVERY CHARACTER NEEDS A DISEASE OR DISABILITY OR DISORDER.

First, Janie has tremors--okay great. This actually plays into the storyline (what with her drawing and all), awesome inclusivity with a poignant plot point.
Then, plus-sized Ren is a type 1 diabetic. Okaaaaay, I suppose that gives us a chance to wax poetic about the injustice of a bigger person getting ragged on for being diabetic when it's not food-related and how ignorant people are ignorant.
THEN we meet Sunday Sutton, who's got epilepsy. Okay, listen. Fuck off. Now you're just ticking boxes.

Notice it's only the WOMEN who are disabled or have a disease or disorder. Why don't any of the dudes? What point is Krimmer trying to make here? Because I feel like I need to whip out my bingo card.

6. The whole "I can't be your boyfriend" thing Fox pulls for the majority of this book is really stupid, I gotta say. I don't know if it's the way it's being presented, but you can almost feel the author struggling to find reasons for these two people to not be happy together. It's giving whiplash and I can completely understand how frustrated Janie is at all the mixed signals Fox is throwing her way.

7. The height difference makes a lot of what they're doing together not make ANY sense in my head. She's 5'3, he's 6'4. If she's on her knees before him, she's gonna be blowing his kneecaps. If he's standing behind her, he's gonna be fucking her shoulder blades.

I get it. These authors all went to the Ali Hazelwood "He Big Man She Tiny Woman" convention, but y'all it does NOT make any sense.

8. Torch was a great nickname. Babydoll made me want to vomit.

9. The SECOND third-act breakup was just fucking unnecessary. It was like pulling teeth getting the two together, but when I looked down and saw that we had nearly 30% of the book left to go I just groaned and almost DNF'd. Because I KNEW what was coming.

10. It rains WAY too fucking much in this book. It's raining all the damned time. Regardless of where these people fly. And they LIVE in CALIFORNIA. It does NOT rain that often in CALI.

There were parts of this (mostly in the front half of the book, during Fox's POV chapters) that had me ROLLING. Grumpy Cat Fox is my spirit animal. But then he turns into a confused mess of a human and I about quit reading because their relationship drama was almost too much for me to care about.

The first half of this book could easily have been a 5 star read. But back half pulls this down to about 3.5 stars for me. And I'm rounding down because I had to sit through TWO break ups.
Profile Image for Kassybetweenpages.
491 reviews51 followers
November 21, 2022
Holy Hot Fox

Due to certain people in my life I immediately ran to amazon the day this book came out and devoured it in one day!

Its an age gap romance, dislike to lovers with a little bit of spice tossed in for flavor. what I really loved about this book was how the author really brought the characters to life. you could really feel the grief our fmc was trying to mask among other things she was trying to hide and what's not to love about Fox and the Crew at Hel's ink. i can't wait for book two
Profile Image for Mellovesaudiobooks.
367 reviews5 followers
August 30, 2024

Narrated in DUET
Sebastian York
And Maxine Mitchell

Possessive large tattooed man with an ink gun, and a filthy mouth, YES PLEASE! Fox has been working in Hel’s tattoo shop for years now, when the shop owner, his mentor & friend passes, the shop is left to the owners daughter, Janie. Janie wants nothing to do with the shop, it’s tainted by her past dwindling relationship with her father who has now passed and being surrounded by those memories is not what she’s interested in. But when Fox just expects her to pass it on to him, the bitterness of the stubborn man gets under her skin and now she’s ready to stay. I felt for Janie, she was a social media influencer with way too much pressure on her and on the urge of becoming canceled. She changed her lifestyle for social media and after a few days back in the tattoo shop with the men she grew up around, she started to get back to her roots and her true self. Fox came in like a broody bossy grump not open to any updates or changes in the shop and especially not ready for Janie to be around regularly. But when hate turns into passion they can’t help but gravitate towards each other. I loved the open conversations in this story, Fox may have had his walls up but the moment he saw sadness in Janie’s eyes or hurt on her face he was there for her. Their hate to passion to friendship turned into love but the moment Janie had an opportunity to grow her brand Fox didn’t want to hold her back. This is an age gap romance (17 years) with a twist of Janie’s late father’s best friend, filled either epic moments at the tattoo shop, some serious sexual tension, moments of sadness of losing a parent, while opening your life up to new opportunities as well as new friendships. It was heartbreaking for what Janie and Fox have gone through, agonizing back and forth between the two of them and beautiful for the connection they build between their friends and them.
Maxine Mitchell and Sebastian York narrated this in duet and it was nice to have Maxine back in my ears. She is able bring so much emotion out through her voice especially with the inner monologue of what Janie was going through on her own, you could not help but feel for her. Maxine was able to voice Janie’s sarcastic banter with Fox as well as the bring out her sassy confident self all while still voicing those insecurities Janie had. This is the first book I have read with a character who has trimmers and it was done so nicely, with Maxine’s gentle voice as well as Sebastian tone change to comfort as Fox, making me understand more of the stresses Janie dealt with daily. Sebastian York was the perfect narrator for Fox, he has this deep manly voice that makes you picture who Fox is, but he also has this type of voice where he’s extremely possessive and grumpy but on the drop of a dime when the moment strikes he can be caring and understanding, each time his voice changes to adapt to what Fox was going through, I could understand who fox was as a man and I fell hard for that hidden sweet side. I loved getting to know Fox and Janie throughout this audiobook and even more excited now to continue on the series and get to know the rest of the tattoo shop crew.

Thank You Blue Nose Audio for the opportunity to LISTEN and REVIEW this audiobook.

⚠️ Please check the CW/TW before devouring.
Profile Image for Kaitlyn.
211 reviews2 followers
May 6, 2024
I am obsessed with this book and was right from the beginning! Good golly I love me a big tattooed lumberjack of a man.

I absolutely adored Janie and Fox and every other character Atlas, and Ren and on my radar of need to read ASAP.

My heart broke a lot which if you follow my reviews, doesn't happen very often but this book just shattered my heart. The relationships between friends and romantic were strong and beautiful to see (when Fox finally pulled his head out of his butt)

The writing was so captivating and pulled me in so easily (with my ADHD I find I get distracted easily and it was not the case for this one) easily a 5 star for me and I will be immediately jumping into book 2
Profile Image for Emi Janisch.
46 reviews2 followers
November 13, 2022
The tattoos, the banter, the tattooed lumberjack, the cat…. I loved everything about this book. This is such a fun contemporary romance that will absolutely make you swoon. The character development is top notch, the characters are super interesting, and the tattoo shop setting is so fun and refreshing. I can’t recommend enough!
Profile Image for CYNDY.
1,146 reviews32 followers
February 7, 2023

This is what I needed right now in my life. This is my first read by this author and definitely not my last. I can't wait for more in this series.
Profile Image for Sydnee Elizabeth.
87 reviews43 followers
April 23, 2024
First a huge massive thank you to Literally Yours PR & DJ Krimmer for an arc copy of the Fox: Hels Ink audiobook 🖤 These narrators were absolutely top notch and I absolutely fell in love with Fox and Janie.

I don’t think I realized how much I needed to read a tattoo shop romance until I actually read one and omg I am absolutely flipping obsessed with this micro trope. I love finding new to me authors and falling in love with their stories, writing styles and characters and that’s exactly what happened while listening to Fox 🖤

I loved being able to put myself somewhat into Janie’s shoes as someone’s who’s covered in tattoos and loves the community and environment. I absolutely didn’t know I needed to read tattoo shop books but it totally makes sense honestly, I cannot wait for the rest of the books in this series. I already know their stories are going to be incredible *cough* *cough* atlas lol

Fox: Hels Ink was beyond engaging and had me hooked from the get go. I fell in love with the characters and with their love story, I could have listened to this audiobook forever honestly.

Tattoo shop
Tattooed mmc
Age gap (17 years)
Fathers best friend
Amazing banter
Grumpy x sunshine
Profile Image for Mikayla (What.Mik.Reads).
138 reviews4 followers
November 8, 2022
Spice – 2/5
Rating – 5/5
Tropes – dads best friend, coworkers, enemies to lovers, age gap

FOX, yes please. Sign me up. I absolutely loved this book by DJ. I enjoyed her first book closing the distance but man, THIS BOOK. I have thought about this book everyday for the past 2 weeks. I was waiting to write this review, but I couldn’t wait anymore. I loved the side characters and I’m super excited to see Derek’s story even though his is not the next. I will recommend Hels Ink to everyone. The whole story line was heartwarming and, there just aren’t words. The SPICE SPRINKLES IN IT?? Man, I loved the scene on the tattoo bench. Haha.
Profile Image for Kim Coenen.
1,414 reviews30 followers
March 3, 2024
Gisteren verscheen er weer een nieuwe veelbelovende contemporary romance bij Uitgeverij SistersPress. Ik kreeg de kans het boek vast voor verschijningsdatum al te lezen en te recenseren. De flaptekst is veelbelovend, evenals de cover. Op de lichte cover zien we twee tatoeageapparaten, bloemen en een zwarte slang. De titel is op passende wijze in het beeld verwerkt. Hierdoor is het een uitnodigende en intrigerende cover.

Het verdriet dat ik voel wanneer haar vader overlijdt is met niets te beschrijven. Ik dacht dat ik zo kon doorgaan met een nieuw leven, maar niets is minder waar. Ik erf zijn geliefde tattooshop en moet beslissen wat ik hiermee wil, terwijl ik nog volop rouw. Eerst wilde ik de shop verkopen, totdat ik de anderen hoorde roddelen dat ze verwachtten dat ik er een puinhoop van zou maken. Nu ben ik vastbesloten om het tegendeel te bewijzen. Er is alleen een probleem... Fox. Hij is arrogant, zelfingenomen en onbeschoft en doet er alles aan om zijn gelijk te bewijzen. Gelukkig loop ik niet weg van een flinke uitdaging.

Nu mijn mentor overleden is, vind ik dat ik Hels Ink had moeten krijgen. Helaas hoorde ik dat hij andere plannen had. Hij wil zijn zaak nalaten aan zijn dochter. Dit is het meest slechte idee ooit. Er komt wel meer kijken dan social media posts en verf. We waren al een familie en zij hoort daar niet bij. Hoe langer ze er nu bij is, hoe minder overtuigd ik ben van deze gedachte. Ze is jong en gecompliceerd, maar toch voel ik dingen voor haar die ik niet wil erkennen.

NB: dit boek kan worden gelezen als een standalone.

Het boek leest echt enorm vlot, snel en gemakkelijk weg. Het is ontzettend fijn en goed vertaald en het is echt een verhaal waarin je je compleet verliest. DJ Krimmer heeft een levendige, sfeervolle en vlotte schrijfstijl en weet het verhaal met haar krachtige dialogen, maar ook door haar sterke personages tot leven te toveren.

Het verhaal volgt zowel Fox als Janie. Deze twee totaal verschillende personages zijn echt zoals water en vuur. Beide zijn met veel gevoel, aandacht en finesse neergezet en ik kan me in beide personages goed verplaatsen. Doordat ze zo botsen en water en vuur zijn is het een passievol verhaal met veel spanningen en een haat-liefdeverhouding.

Het verhaal heeft een mooie, boeiende en originele verhaallijn. Het verhaal wordt goed opgebouwd en ik kan de verhaallijn en de enige diepgang die soms in de verhaallijn zit erg waarderen. De meeste romance verhalen zijn enkel richting seks en lust, maar in deze romance zit ook echt een sterk en goed verhaal dat me pakt. De onzekerheid en het verdriet van Janie en ook haar 'tic' geven het verhaal extra body. Het is echt een enemies to lovers verhaal waarbij tegen het einde echt de vonken er vanaf vliegen. Toch weet DJ Krimmer dit passievol en met gevoel te beschrijven waardoor het goed bij de rest van de sterke verhaallijn past. Met een op en top feelgood einde sluit het eerste deel af.

Fox, is een verrassend goede en mooie contemporary romance. DJ Krimmer heeft een onwijs levendige, vlotte en fijne schrijfstijl en het boeiende verhaal wist me echt te pakken. Dit heerlijke enemies to lovers verhaal kent enige diepgang en zit goed in elkaar. Ik ben echt positief verrast door het boek en ik kijk enorm uit naar het vervolg!
Profile Image for Hayley.
93 reviews5 followers
March 17, 2024
Fox & Janie forever!

Fox and Janie's story was absolutely amazing! I enjoyed every minute of it. I loved how spicy it was. I love Fox's personality. I couldn't put this book down, I can't wait to read the rest of this series!
Profile Image for Adricrisuruta.
1,693 reviews2 followers
February 5, 2024
It was an entertaining read, although the personalities of both left me with some tastelessness.
Fox's stubbornness bothered me quite a bit. It was only until he unveiled the entirety of his past that I could, in part, understand his fears and why he was reluctant to give Janie his whole heart, however, he was old enough to behave properly and control himself so as not to hurt her.
I was quite upset that Janie didn't have enough self-respect to stop all the drama that Brody and company inflicted on her, as well as receiving rejection from Fox and continuing to beg him when he did nothing but push her away.
I missed a closure of Janie burying Jai. I didn't think it was fair that she let the jerks get away with it, but what do I know about the influencer world? Little, but that little doesn't make it very appealing in my eyes if they can hurt you and tear you apart so easily and not apologize.
Luckily love triumphed and they both found a way to get through all their ups and downs.
Profile Image for Taylor.
325 reviews119 followers
January 10, 2024

You ever just know half way into a book that you’ve slept entirely too long on a series? Yeah. That’s this series for me. I don’t know why I haven’t picked these books up sooner, but I’m obsessed.

This book is:
Age gap (17 years)
Mentor’s daughter
Tattoo Artist/Social Media Influencer
Medical Disability Rep (Tremors)
And more!

Hells Ink is a tattoo shop filled with fun banter between not only the main MMC and FMC, but the other artists as well(which I love). The entire shop is basically a family. I’ve already jumped into Atlas, and I’m loving it also. Highly recommend!
Profile Image for Coco.V.
50k reviews49 followers
Want to read
May 5, 2023
🎁 Books 1 & 2 in the Series are FREE on Amazon today (5/5/2023)! 🎁
Profile Image for turningthepageswithangela.
144 reviews20 followers
May 23, 2024

Ahh, hot, bulky, bossy, tattooed cinnamon roll, sign me up!!! 🥵🤤

What a rollercoaster! I really enjoyed reading this book. However, there was a lot of pull and tug between our characters. I love enemies to lovers but sometimes the constant resentment/miscommunication between characters gets a little exhausting. I love the amount of detail that went into the story, and how often the side characters were discussed as well. This makes me feel more connected to their world, and eager to read more of the series.

Janie, a fiery, red head, high profile social media influencer, is forced to come into town when her father passes unexpectedly and she inherits his famous tattoo shop. She initially wants nothing to do with the shop, feeling that the shop meant more to her father than she did. Fox, a scorching hot, bulky, tatted up tattoo artist at Hel’s Ink (🥵), who considered Tony the late owner like a father/mentor to him, has a deep love for the shop and wants to continue the legacy. The agreement is if Janie doesn’t want the shop, then she sells to Fox. If she decides to keep it they are co-owners. There’s only one problem- Janie and Fox can’t stand each other. They loathe each other, creating so much banter!! Im such a sucker for banter between characters. Both characters endure a lot of tragedy (off page) so please proceed with caution and check trigger warnings.
Profile Image for Ana_books_and_stuff.
90 reviews2 followers
April 1, 2024
I did not read the first version of this book, but let me tell this one is just a magnificent ride on your emotions.
It trapped me so hard I could not let it go.
My heart was squeezed tight so so hard that almost burst. The roller coaster of emotions, from hanger, pure one, to swoon, sadness so deep that tears rolled my eyes.
I felt so much for Janie, these girls just wanted to be loved and feel like she belonged, and Fox was so hard headed and broken and hot and cold, that I just wanted to scream at him. I really got frustrated with him at times, because, came on man how blind and broken can you be.

But this book also has a great banter between all the characters, the side characters are great, and there is a great development of all.

This is:
Age gap (17 years)
Enemies to lovers
Mentor’s daughter
Tattoo Artist/Social Media Influencer
Medical Disability Rep (Tremors)
Possessive male

The spice in this book is fantastic and the tension between the MMC and FMC is off the charts.

I really enjoyed reading this book, and now I'm going to wait for the revamping of the second one “Atlas”.
Profile Image for Melissa .
454 reviews8 followers
August 25, 2024
4.5 stars

If you love the following tropes:

age gap, forbidden love, grumpy/sunshine, father's best friend and medical disability rep(tremors)

You will love this book!!

When Janie's father passes away he leaves his tattoo shop to her. She was planning on selling it, but after seeing the fine print on the will Janie decides to keep it. The only problem is Fox. He's arrogant, a bit rude at times and tries to show Janie that she's not cut to run the tattoo shop. Only time will tell if Janie and Fox can come to an agreement with the shop.

The audiobook was amazing! The duet narration by Sebastian York and Maxine Mitchell was outstanding. Sebastian really gave an impeccable performance. Loved his growly voice and the different tones he did for this book. Maxine showcased Janie's sunshine personality. She conveyed Janie's personal struggles with her medical disability so well. You could feel the emotional pain and discomfort Janie has been dealing with. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the audiobook!

Thank you to bluenoseaudio for my ALC copy in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Tiff.
489 reviews51 followers
July 10, 2024
This was so much fun! I would’ve read it in one sitting but my stupid brain decided it needed sleep.

I only have two complaints:
1. 43 is NOT old. It’s said to be old multiple times throughout the book and it’s totally lying to you.
2. I’m not a fan of spit.

Minus a fourth of a star for those two reasons. 4.5 Stars from me.

Fox was much more than I expected. I just want to love him and then let him have his dirty little way with me.

Janie was a strong heroine. I usually get annoyed by those, but I found her to be so much more than merely tolerable. I’d totally be friends with her in real life.

Buying this for my at home collection, and moving on to Atlas’ book! He’s a riot and I hope his story doesn’t disappoint!
Profile Image for Brandi Pitts.
Author 8 books34 followers
August 23, 2024
Fox by DJ Krimmer is a heartwarming and emotional rollercoaster that will leave you breathless.

Janie's world is turned upside down when she inherits her father's legendary tattoo shop, but her grief is compounded by the doubts of those around her. Determined to prove them wrong, she embarks on a journey to save the shop and discover her own strength.

Enter Fox, the brooding and talented tattoo artist who thought he was next in line to take over the shop. Instead, he finds himself working alongside Janie, and their initial animosity slowly gives way to a fierce attraction. But both Janie and Fox have deep scars - Janie's been betrayed by her friend and struggles with tremors, while Fox's past is marked by his father's cruelty.

As they navigate their feelings and work together to save the shop, they must confront their demons and learn to trust each other. Krimmer masterfully weaves together themes of grief, trauma, and redemption, creating a story that's both poignant and uplifting. The chemistry between Janie and Fox is palpable, and their romance is a slow-burning fire that will leave you rooting for them.

What I loved most about this book is its raw honesty and vulnerability. Janie and Fox are flawed and relatable characters, and their struggles feel authentic and real. Krimmer's writing is evocative and immersive, making it easy to become invested in their story. If you're looking for a romance that will touch your heart and soul, Fox is a must-read.
Profile Image for CriSsStina.
278 reviews
May 12, 2023
It looks like I have a new favorite series. Ink artists? Yes, please, and thank you!

The 3rd act breakup was not necessary, in my opinion. Was rushed and just stupid. But whatever, I still enjoyed them getting back together (short breakup, 2 days, or something like that).

I also think that the part with her ex-boyfriend being an ass was unresolved. I hoped she'd get revenge on him or something, but nothing happened in the end. I know this does not look like it would be something she would do, I mean, get revenge and justice, but I'm still salty about this. Hated him and all her social media 'friends'.

I will continue with this series, I'm intrigued about all other characters💜.
Profile Image for Kala.
72 reviews
March 31, 2024
This is my first official novel I have read from DJ Krimmer. I was first exposed to her work from the Love Sick Anthology. I fell in love with the story she wrote and I was itching to read more of her works. I was SO ecstatic to get this ARC that was offered by Wicked Reads Services.

Y’all. The literal list of tropes and what this book was going to be about, was all I needed to know that I would at the very least, enjoy this book. This book is about Fox and Janie. Janie is the daughter of Hel’s Ink owner Tony and Fox is Tony’s best friend and employee. Unfortunately, Tony’s passing has led to Janie and Fox to have to work closely together to determine Hel’s Ink’s future…or is it fortunately? You’ll have to read the book to find out!

As per usual, I am not a spoilers kinda girly (normally) so I will not be sharing any spoilers here today. BUT, what I can say is, the literal amount of banter these two have is insane. Fox really is the grumpy to Janie’s sunshine. It really makes their banter so enjoyable to read. They had me giggling and kicking my feet so often. And the amount of different emotions that this book has you going through…🤌 ALSO the character building. I really can’t wait to read the rest of the series in this world. Even though this book focuses on Fox and Janie, the author gives just enough info on the background characters to make you care for them. Lastly, because I love fast burns so much, I would definitely consider this a slow burn HOWEVER, I really forgot about that because of the literal banter and emotion of the book. BUT DONT GET ME WRONG the spice was *chefs kiss*.

As always, please be sure to check out the trigger/content warnings before starting this book. It does have some pretty heavy content. Please read responsibly!
Profile Image for Mikaycakes.
44 reviews8 followers
March 31, 2024
This book had me hooked by the first sentence. I had laughs, tears, and def had thrown my kindle once or twice lol. All worth it !!! I love the characters relationship especially the banter 🤣🙌🏻. The MMC is a giant teddy bear who is only nice for his girl. The FMC is very independent & doesn’t rely on anyone to achieve her goals in life. She also doesn’t let her disability stop her. I love that this was all also set in a tattoo shop setting.

If y’all are looking for banter, 🌶️, age gap, best friends daughter, disability rep etc. …. DONT miss out on this series !!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 450 reviews

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