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Deception Trilogy #2

Tempted by Deception

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My husband. My villain.

We started with death and blood.
We started with games and carnal pleasure.
Adrian and I shouldn’t have been together.
He’s wrong.
I’m wrong.
What we have is the epitome disaster.
Yet, it’s impossible to stop.
My husband will either destroy me or I’ll destroy him.

This book is part of a trilogy and is not standalone.

348 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 8, 2021

About the author

Rina Kent

49 books40.2k followers
Rina Kent is a USA Today, international, and #1 Amazon bestselling author of everything enemies to lovers romance.
She's known to write unapologetic anti-heroes and villains because she often fell in love with men no one roots for. Her books are sprinkled with a touch of darkness, a pinch of angst, and an unhealthy dose of intensity.
She spends her private days in London laughing like an evil mastermind about adding mayhem to her expanding universe. When she's not writing, Rina travels, hikes, and spoils cats in a pure Cat Lady fashion.

You can find her below!

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Profile Image for lila ⋆.
150 reviews2,449 followers
August 4, 2024
just gonna be explaining my rating with a series of quotes (spoiler alert!!)

“Would you rather I go back to Kristina and marry her?”
“W-what? What does she have to do with anything?”
“It’s either you or her, and if you play stubborn and say I should go to her, I’m going to make you watch me marry her, then fuck her to put an heir inside her.”

my reaction: 😲😲😲

i hated the fact that he had a fiancée anyway but the fact that he threatened this?? especially after the way he previously acted like he didn’t know her in front of kristina?? i’m revolted. i feel so repulsed.

The question must be written all over my face, because Adrian grabs my hand and leans over to whisper in harsh words, “Go ahead, Lia. Make the foolish choice if you’re ready to bear the consequences. But understand this, I’m never letting you go. I’ll make you watch me with Kristina every night before I fuck you. She’ll have to adopt your child as hers, too, because I will not allow my offspring to be treated as a bastard. So what’s it going to be? A wife or a mistress?”

i wanna kill adrian right fucking now. i’m never gonna forgive him or like him because he said this.

“You are my wife, Mrs. Volkov, and I will whip and fuck that fact into your body until you act like it.”
Swish. Slap.
Swish. Slap.

if i don’t hear another “swish, slap” in my life i’ll be happy.

“After that, I will keep you in a room and use you as my fucking slut. Is that what you want?”

shut the fuck up, man. the fact that he called her “whore” and “slut” so many times makes me question so much.

“If you do, if I find out you’re so much as entertaining that idea, I will lock you up in a fucking cell and forbid you from seeing Jeremy ever again. He’ll be raised by someone else and you’ll lose all access to him.”
“No…no…” I sob. “Not that…don’t take away Jeremy. He’s my only light.”

what the fuck is wrong with him. i’m never gonna forget the fact that he actually threatened her with taking away her baby.

They despise me because I took Kristina Petrov’s rightful place. They think I tricked Adrian into marrying me by getting pregnant, that I’m a shameless gold digger and without any notable origins. Adrian has never negated that, and I don’t have the state of mind to defend myself when no one believes me.

ADRIAN NEVER DEFENDED HER EVEN AFTER THEY GOT MARRIED? and he “loves” her? oh adrian. you fucked up bad. especially after the whole cheating plot (where lia pretended to cheat) because i was just scoffing out loud at that point.

and just one (1) good quote i found from the hoards i collected:

“And don’t smile at her.”
“That would be impossible. I’m not you, Boss. I can’t stop myself from smiling when she does it…” he trails off when I glare at him. “But I will try.”

yan is so precious i adore him. he made this book for me (along with baby jeremy)

to sum up: this entire book was pointless and unnecessary. i hated it.
Profile Image for Lilyya ♡.
448 reviews2,730 followers
March 4, 2024
4.5 stars

*Thinking I won’t write a review after finishing the book* Also me:

"You asked when I’d be done. The answer is never. I’ll never be done with you, Lenochka."

"Who’s who? " Was clearly the mantra for the second, twisted book in the Deception Trilogy. Whereas the previous book in this mad series was kind of gory and giving a paranormal atmosphere, this one took a soft/ less-scary path..? considering RK usual style it was drawn as a normal romance .

The book retraced Adrian’s and Lia 6 —eventful— years of marriage from their very first encounter until the point of origin that collapsed Adrian’s steady house of cards and brought Winter —the homeless doppelganger— in the picture.

"Why was your mother the villain?”
“Villains don’t need reasons. "

Thankfully all the questions left behind in the first book were answered! But I still have mixed feelings toward Adrian’s sociopath behavior. Admittedly, he is painted as a strategist, but his weakness was Lia, so he acted like a spoiled child at times. I don’t consider it as a contradicting aspect of the storyline, but some things he did and said should have been more questioned and harshly judge by me. but here I’m defending him He had an ugly childhood featuring a tyrannic mother and a self-centered father. I’m giving him the benefits of the doubt and see how he behaves in the last book.

" I love him.
I fell in love with the devil despite his monstrous nature “

Ah Lia… My poor Lia, she was already facing a lonely existence tied with a chronic depression even before she lined her life with a mafia member, who was accessory obsessed with her.
She put up with a lot, learned a lot and the final revelation broke her but she was a warrior through and through, just for her child; she fought tooth and nails. Sadly it was irrevocable, she bounded her life to a devil, how could she even thought about freeing herself from his hold and his cruel world without paying the price?

"This is the first time I’ve felt like I have a family again.
Lia and Jeremy.
If I have to destroy the world and everything in it to keep them safe, so be it."

I’ll surely repeat myself but I’m genuinely impressed with how well orchestrated the chronology of the events is! And how every shadowed thoughts and question marks from the previous book were properly clarified. We have glimpses of the truth here and there, it was an addicted and twisted read, I cried a lot! But I’m intrigued and kinda excited for the final part.

"What does that mean?”
“What does what mean?”
“Bright light.”

My lips part, not believing he just called me that. Surely, it must be a play of my imagination. “You think I’m a bright light?”
“That’s what I said.”
“But you think I’m lonely.”
“That doesn’t make you gloomy. A rose shines brighter alone than when it’s in a field. "
Profile Image for Val ⚓️ Shameless Handmaiden ⚓️.
1,963 reviews33.8k followers
June 28, 2021
4 Stars...

And reserving the right to possibly upgrade later...lol...

I really enjoyed this. The stuff that was confusing about book one was explained in this book and things started to come together and make sense...well, mafia romance book sense, anyway.

More than anything, though, I just love Adrian and how completely obsessed he is with Lia. It's one of my favorite unhealthy relationship dynamics and I am so here for it.

Already started book three...
April 5, 2021
Back to the beginning!

“There’s also a nook in her bedroom, right over her vanity, where it would be the perfect spot to insert a surveillance camera.
She’s right. I am a stalker.”

The following ratings are out of 5:
Romance: ❤️💙💜💛❤️
Heat/Steam: 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Story/Plot: 📙📕📗📙📘
World building: 🌎🌏🌍🌎🌍
Character development: 😌🤓😤😳🤯

The heroine: Lia - Adrian’s wife. She somehow lost her memory and became a different person. She has nightmares of being trapped in a small dark place and she can’t seem to overcome her past. She was a ballerina prior to marrying Adrian.

The Hero(es): Adrian - He is a Bratva King and answers only to Sergio, the Pakhan. Lia saw him commit murder and is afraid of him. He is ruthless and immoral and can’t seem to keep his mind off Lia. He is in the information business for the Mafia. He has a network of hackers and spies that can get him all the information he needs on his enemies, his partners and also on Lia.

The Love Story: This book goes back to the beginning, before Winter became Lia. It has flashbacks to both Adrian and Lia’s childhoods, but begins just prior to their first meeting. Both of them are damaged by their pasts.

This was the steamiest book so far and I love that some of the intimate scenes are told from Adrian’s point of view. I like it when we get to hear the innermost thoughts of both of the main characters, especially during love scenes. This book had some huge reveals as usual in Rina Kent books. Many came out of left field and I do love when a book is not predictable.

Adrian is a bit overbearing in this book but I like how Lia fights back when he is that way about something important to her. She shows that she is not about to let him trample over her. She is a ballerina so she is small, thin and delicate compared to his tall muscular stature, but she is strong willed and smart.

The various storylines were so good. I sometimes find it hard to believe how well some authors can end up merging many different story arcs to end up flowing so well into one conclusion that melds them all together seamlessly. Rina Kent does it so well and is able to add plenty of steam into the mix to make a book that has everything you could want.

I voluntarily read & reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts & opinions are my own.

Profile Image for Mareeva.
382 reviews8,902 followers
January 4, 2022
3.2 stars

Okay I'm sorry. I promised myself I'll take a break from complaining for just one damn second. I said I will not be the stingy shit who focuses on one little detail.


Pardon the outburst. Anywho Lenochka is the diminutive way of saying Elena (Lena for short).

“What does that mean?”
“What does what mean?”
“Bright light.”

And meanwhile the name Elena does signify bright light, it still has nothing to do with Lia🙂. It is not a nickname you can give just anyone. Dude basically renamed her.

Could easily confirm that the names in this series are a disaster (to my Russian ears).

With that in mind -I am saying this as a person who can't bother giving a shit about 99% of heroes- Adrian can call me by any damn name he pleases and I'll run to him on all fours🐶

“You asked when I’d be done. The answer is never. I’ll never be done with you, Lenochka.”

Profile Image for Elisa ♡.
667 reviews1 follower
May 14, 2021
DNF at 70%
So... my problem with this book was the hero. If you read my review for the previous book, I was super excited to read book 2, but I couldn't even finish it.
Adrian (the hero) was so mean! all the time saying ''you're mine''. I don't mind that, but in this book, there were times where she was crying and he was forcing her to say that she was his. The part where I dnf she was so sad for the way he treated her, and you know what he did? he wiped her until she said she was his, and she didn't so he kept wiping her, even though she was CRYING the whole time.
Profile Image for Mampi.
60 reviews15 followers
April 8, 2021

The book seems so unrealistic.Honestly,the last book was very abusive,but as we saw that Lia lost her memory and seemed to enjoy when Adrian beat the shit out of her with belt,I thought may be they had a very happy and kinky marriage in past and Adrian was just trying to bring her memories back.
No that's not the case.From the 2and book it's clear that their relationship was always based on abuse and blackmail.He treats her like a pet,forces himself on her life and when she fights back he beats her and they have sex.
And the Heroine is so dumb and annoying.I hate sex crazed nymphs who completely throws their brain out of the window when she sees an attractive man no matter how dangerous he is.But here she was not even attracted to Adrian,she was shit scared of him.That made it so stupid that she was soooo ready to stop sleep with him when he was blackmailing her to be with him by threatening to kill her every 10 seconds.
If you want to show that A girl will want to sleep with a monster who killed a person with his bare hand in front of her and told her he will kill her if she talks about it and kept stalking her,then you will have to make it realistic by giving build up.And In stories of Villains they will have to have at least some redeeming qualities,at least for the Heroine's sake.But Adrian remains same from the beginning to end.He keeps treating Lia like shit and everything has to be how he likes.He neither cares about lia,nor loves her.He only wants to keep her.
No point of showing his childhood when he treats her wife the same way.And isn't it so hot to beat the shit out of your wife with a belt regularly when she is pregnant?
May 18, 2021

Damn, just from looking at the book cover I knew I was getting myself into something crazy look at Adrian’s eyes



Tempted by Deception takes us back in time to where Lia & Adrian first met as we see the beginning of their relationship…. I wish that I could say that this book was told in dual POV…. It’s mostly told in Lia POV, I wish at times we could get more of Adrian’s thoughts

We see another side of Adrian… there are so many secrets & so many lies told in this installment, but one thing for sure is, that we got, small glimpse into Adrian’s childhood & what we seen was no laughing matter, no it was scary as hell

Holy guacamole there are so many twists and turns that only made me want the next book even more

Another Cliffhanger:!
Man holding match

Deception Trilogy: Reading Order
#0.5 Dark Deception
#1 Vow of Deception
#2 Tempted by Deception
#3 Consumed by Deception

⬇Always remember⬇

📚 💖 Hope you enjoy this read 💖& also always keep in mind this is just my opinion+ Also I wouldn’t never discourage anyone from reading this book.

Profile Image for han.
40 reviews29 followers
September 24, 2024
i was literally on the edge of my seat the entire time. the angst and miscommunication killed me
Profile Image for lulu ☆ (studying).
77 reviews705 followers
September 6, 2024
જ⁀➴ 3.25 stars


these cliffhangers are getting so frustrating.

im starting a new club js for adrian volkov !!!!!! #adrianvolkovhateclub
Profile Image for Abstract ♥ Books.
1,237 reviews1,715 followers
January 30, 2022



Web-Photo-Editor It feels like I’ve sold my soul to the devil. Worse, I actually married him.”

Star Rating : 4.5/5 Stars

POV : Dual

Cliffhanger : YESSS

Hero : Adrian Volkov

Heroine : Lia Morelli

Pace of the story : Moderate

Angst Rating : 7/10

Heat Rating : 9/10

Triggers Involved : *will update after release because of spoilers

Plot Summary :
Adrian and Lia are back!!! I won't say anything about what happened in this book at the risk of giving away any spoilers but holy shit, no one is prepared for this book. Seriously, no kidding, it's absolutely Marvelous.

Overall Opinion :
Ohh God , the amount of digging I have done for this series so that I could figure out what the hell is going on, I could solve real life mysteries by now. You thought that the first book was a mess???!!! Haha babe, you have literally no idea what is coming your way. No other series has consumed me this much!! I completed this book about 2 days ago but I needed some time to actually digest, what did I just read?!!!!

Also, you guys thought that Jonathan was kinky?? I will give you some hints here for you to decide who is the new king in town now-

Web-Photo-Editor Are you going to be a good slut or a good girl, Lia?”

Web-Photo-Editor His voice lowers as he whispers near my ear, “Now, count.”

Web-Photo-Editor These tears are only mine, aren’t they, Lenochka?”
“And they always will be.”

It's an utter mindfuck. By the starting you'll be like, am I reading the same series as before?! By somewhere in the middle you'll be like - I finally have some answers and by the end those 'answers' will be in the flush and you'll be back to square one. Confused as fuck that is. Also, the cliffhanger in this book? I won't say anything but pray for your well being when you encounter that ending.

Rina said that we'll be needing her 'all the best' to get through this book but nahhhh, this time you're gonna need shit load of prayers to get through this book. To actually accept that what you read just happened and still, no matter what you do, the ending will leave you absolutely dumbfounded.

Web-Photo-Editor It’d be wise to not provoke me. I dislike it and I’ll make sure you dislike it, too.”

From the moment I finished this book, the only thing on my mind has been I NEED THE NEXT BOOK RIGHT NOW!!!! I kid you not, I even tried meditation to get my mind off it, but damn. I am totally gone for this series. I absolutely loved Royal Elite. Those characters are my babies, but ADRIAN?! I think the Deception trilogy just became my Top favorite read by rina! Even above the ‘Royal elite’ series that is!

The storyline is absolutely phenomenal. Rina will give you crumbs of hints of what is happening and by the time you think you have it all figured out, she will pull the rug from beneath your feet again. So yeah, my blessings are with you when you read this book, because YOU WILL NEED THEM!!!!

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Profile Image for Flor ❁ (HIATUS).
235 reviews58 followers
November 8, 2021
3.5 ✨

Thank u so much Natasha for reading this with me 🖤 (who was my first Buddy Read too) Unfortunately this book wasn't what we expected and we're still confused 😵

I really liked the first book, this one was a bit repetitive and disappointing, I enjoyed it, but still doesn't answer my doubts about Winter / Lia mystery. In this second book we know how Lia and Adrian met and their story before what happened in the first book in this series.

Profile Image for Samantha (bookgramsaga reviews).
737 reviews898 followers
January 3, 2024
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (6th reread)

Adrian in a nutshell according to Lia:
‘’He’s cold to the world, but not to me’’

Safety gang:
- No cheating
- OM drama (H thinks it)
- OW drama (barely)
- Dub con
- R*pe scene (this is again a dream the h has that never happened or happens)
- S*icidal thoughts
- Mental illness
- Unexpected pregnancy
- Mention of child loss
- Mention of child abuse
- Violence/d*ath
- Cliffhanger





This entire book is 100 percent concentrated on their past. How they met, how they got married, how Jeremy came to be, why they are so distant, why Lia decided to switch lives with Winter and much more.

''You called me a disaster, but this is the true disaster, Lia. You and me''

A lot of the mystery of book 1 is explained and fleshed out in this book.
We are introduced to Lia the prima ballerina. Not the homeless woman who we grew to know. I honestly liked the way Adrian and Lia ‘’met’’. He murders someone and she’s there by accident. We also find out the real reason why he wanted to for quite some time in the beginning get answers from her. Her father. The Don. Holy twist. I remember the first time I read this book on how insane I found that, I just assumed Luca was the connection Adrian needed to find out about but no – Lia is the Don’s illegitimate heir.

''I'll worship each of your scars until you're able to face them, Lenochka''

Despite whom Lia is, Adrian still wanted her for reasons beyond her connections to the Italian mob boss. You witness his sweet and caring moments and how much he is obsessed over her and how her safety is so important to him. How he would BURN the world before anyone hurts her.

''Lia isn't the other woman. She's the woman.''

He went as far as losing some of his power he holds in the Bratva after marrying her and rejecting Igor’s daughter. That engagement was not at all one of love or desire. He agreed to it before he ever met Lia and was only doing it to unite more power and because the Pakhan wanted it. Once he found Lia he made a plan to get out of it and he did BUT that scene where she finds out is heart-breaking. You also get his POV right after and how badly he wanted to run after her but couldn’t make her interesting for everyone and in order to protect her he would be indifferent to her and that keeps her out of reach of prying eyes and questions that might arise. Also, because if they dug deep enough they would know who her father is.

''Have you ever loved me, Adrian?
because I loved you. And it's killing me every day''

A lot happens in this book and there is so much to dissect. Once thing we do know is that despite their strained marriage they never stopped wanting each other in the darkness of their bedroom. Lia admits to being in love with him, but she believes he doesn’t love her especially after the first escape attempt when Jeremy was just born. Despite what she believes Adrian is absolutely without a doubt faithful to his wife. He also believes she does not love him; he doesn’t say he loves her, but you know he does. Even Yan says they are both blinded.

''He'll never look at me the way I secretly look at him when he's not paying attention. And that hurts more than I care to admit''

She tells him she cheated (a lie) after she found out the truth about his initial interest in her and tells him she cheated on him and Adrian loses his mind. They spend weeks apart (same house but he doesn’t touch her). He is hurt and heartbroken that she would cheat on him BUT his solution isn’t ‘’Oh let me go and cheat on her to get back at her’’ nope, it’s ‘’I’m going to find him and kill him then f*ck you in his blood’’.

Also, fun fact about the BIG document ‘’Winter’’ gets in book 1 to study about the Bratva was revealed to have been created by Lia back when she got married and she created it with the help of Ogla in order to not embarrass Adrian at events.
Profile Image for annie 🇵🇸.
279 reviews613 followers
January 8, 2024
3 stars

❝I took your hand before, Adrian, and you smothered me with it. I’d rather die quickly than slowly.❞

I want to give Lia a big hug because she suffered so much! I thought I'd hate her, and even though I do prefer the Winter version of Lia, she freaking broke me! I nearly sobbed because she suffered so much! This book is way too toxic, and It revolves around the past events.

• Adrian and Lia first met when she saw him killing someone, and he immediately became obsessed with her. He pursued her, and out of fear, she let him enter her life. Everything was going okay, and they went into a routine together until Lia got injured and lost her career as a ballerina!

PAST SCENE (age 24-30)

I truly like Lia, the way she cowered from Adrian at first makes sense, but when she found out that he's engaged, she still gave in to him. I mean, he started fucking her, and she gave in, but she could've let her anger rule over her lust! When she fell and broke her Tibia and lost her career, I swear I felt pity for her. It was haunting, considering what she suffered, and she decided to end her life. I actually like how Adrian was there to stop her, and she took his hand. He took care of her for weeks, was patient and nice with her. He even broke off his engagement.

❝I’ll worship each of your scars until you’re able to face them, Lenochka.❞

Everything was going great. Adrian was still hot and cold in the past scenes. I felt bad for him because of his past and obvious traumas, but it all went downhill, and I became so mad when he forced Lia to marry him while she was barely recovered and even found out that SHE'S PREGNANT! He wanted to make her pregnant just so he could marry her, and it was messed up. I didn't even feel mad at Lia because she was completely numb and was slowly dissociating from her life, and Adrian manipulated her so much at that moment!

Lia still gave him the cold shoulder and silent treatment. Rebelled in the only way she knows, and he was still ruthless. He did care for her and went over the top with his aftercare methods or protecting her, but he was suffocating her. He tried to make her comfortable, but she was in depression because Adrian was still closed off, and she was always a depression patient.

❝You’re torturing each other and it’s painful to watch.❞
❝How can I torture him when he doesn’t care?❞

There's enough miscommunication to last a lifetime, and after Jeremy was born, I just still couldn't with their POVs. Adrian felt left out and obviously thought of himself as right. He thinks he's protecting Lia, and even though he can't care for her the way she wants, he's still doing everything. But when she attempted to escape, he just lost it and closed off. Something between them was ruined that day.

4 years later (Age 28 - 34)

Things went too bad, Lia's mental health became bad, and she just wants Adrian close, but he wasn't giving in to her. He just became cold, and Lia was spiraling out of control slowly! Adrian knew she's unhappy, but he wasn't doing anything and still made sure she's scared enough that she never leaves him. That is until she got so frustrated she told him that she cheated on him, and he completely distanced himself. He acted like he didn't care, and though during every conflict, they still had a sexual attachment, he just stopped caring for her like he used to before. But he obviously protected her. AND NOW THAT IS, UNTIL SHE ESCAPED AGAIN AND JUMPED OFF THE CLIFF.

I'm super mad at Adrian, and I thought hating Lia would be easy because she's kind of a doormat, but ffs she's not! She obviously has super mental health issues, and Adrian cared for her in his ways because he wanted her close, but they just have so much miscommunication that everything went bad! Too bad, and they both lost many years! I hate Adrian for suffocating Lia and manipulating her so much! She's not wrong to think that because of him, Jeremy's life is in danger, and it's obvious she just couldn't cope with his world! 😭

I HAVE SO MUCH TO SAY, BUT AAAHH, I'M FREAKING SAD FOR LIA. THIS BOOK MADE ME SOB TOO MUCH, AND IT'S REALLY FREAKING BREAKING! Jeremy's scenes are cute, and I really enjoyed his scenes, but now I truly understand why he called Lia a ghost!

❝Going somewhere, Lia?❞

Ahhh, felt bad for Lia in this scene, truly. 😭✋🏻

I just want Adrian to become better in the next book and give Lia everything! He shouldn't be closed off.


Vow Of Deception – 4 stars
• Tempted By Deception – 3 stars
Consumed By Deception – 3.5 stars
Profile Image for Pinky.
533 reviews569 followers
July 21, 2021
Trigger Warnings:

Well damn, this book wasn’t as crazy as the last book, it’s a lot slower but things really pick up near the end. I can’t really get into detail since it’ll spoil the first book but you will have to read the first book in the series to read this (it’s not a standalone series). The first book is Vow of Deception, this book follows what happens in the first book, well kinda (I can’t say much cuz spoilers). It’s a lot more depressing and this book isn’t as exciting as the first book IMO. I would give this 3.75-4 stars. I am super thankful to Apoorva for recommending this series because it is definitely bloody amazing, I was just frustrated while reading this. This series is a dark mafia romance series so there is a lot of disturbing content that isn’t for everyone, so avoid this if that stuff bothers you. It didn’t bother me as much since the characters were tolerable, I don’t find it as dark as other mafia books I’ve read but then again, I haven’t read many mafia romance books. There are a lot of miscommunication problems in this book and I know that can be a pet peeve for many so again, if that bothers you, avoid this book. But other than that, I highly recommend this series even if the second book isn’t that great. The twists and turns are bloody crazy.

I wanna jump into spoilers now

Anyway, that is all, I am off to read the next book! Stay safe folks!
Profile Image for buket.
847 reviews1,251 followers
August 3, 2024
some boys
take a beautiful girl and
hide her away from the rest of the world💔

this was absolutely the worst, i know in my darkest nightmares adrian will come at me and say “that’s one, lia” and then start spanking😃
Profile Image for Anne 'E'.
74 reviews7 followers
April 15, 2024
This series honestly feels RKs best work
Profile Image for aleksandra.
662 reviews2,905 followers
March 13, 2023

"This is the first time I’ve felt like I have a family again. Lia and Jeremy. If I have to destroy the world and everything in it to keep them safe, so be it."

"I’ll worship each of your scars until you’re able to face them"

The ending literally made this entire book worth reading. The second book takes us back and shows us how Adrian and Lia met. Honestly, I was surprised because I thought the story would be followed from the first book, but I kind of liked that the author showed us how they meet.

The first 50% was quite slow, and I had the feeling that I was reading about a completely different person because Lia was a bit different from the first book. After reading further, I realized that she would begin to shape her character and become the Lia she was in the first book.

The romance between Lia and Adrian started kinda based on a lust, but after reading we will find out why it actually started.

I really love Lia, she is a really strong character who does not give up after a hard childhood.

Spoiler: I honestly understand perfectly well why she wants to run away from her husband, firstly because after she lost her dream ballerina career, she was pushed into a completely different world, and at the worst moment she finds out that she is pregnant and Adrian forces her to marry. She had no one and she was struggling with depression, I totally understand why she couldn’t handle this. But girl, how could you think that you can easily run way from your husband who is basically obsessed with you and knows almost everything about you. It was obvious that Adrian would recognize you from your clone.

Adrian aka the love of my life, I totally get the hype about him, he is totally obsessed with Lia, he is taking care of her and I was stupidly smiling during his interactions with his son Jeremy.

After 60% in the book, the plot started to get really interesting, that's why my 4 stars. I’m gonna binge read the last book.
Profile Image for moonlight ☾ [semi-hiatus].
688 reviews1,436 followers
November 9, 2021
THIS WAS SO GOOD?? i honestly loved the romance here, unlike book one where everything intrigued me except the romance lol. seeing how adrian and lia met was everything and i loved their banters. i could personally feel their chemistry more in this whereas i didn't care much about it in the previous book. even tho this was more of a throwback to the past story line, i loved how so many questions were answered. my main one had been who was the "other Lia"? how fated it was they met in a bathroom sjshgd. this seems to be ppl's least fav in the trilogy and, although i can understand why, i ate up the drama. lia's decisions and thoughts did annoy me at times but it didn't take away my enjoyment from the book at all and, whereas i had a love/hate relationship with adrian in the previous book, he had my whole heart in this one. ♡

brb omw to read the third book. 🏃🏼‍♀️💨
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for ApoorvaReads.
543 reviews389 followers
January 27, 2023
REREAD 27 JAN’23: 3.25 stars

FIRST READ 10 APRIL’21 : 3.75 stars ⭐️

What just happened i-
I can’t wait for another month😭
Profile Image for Nazanin.
1,182 reviews781 followers
May 7, 2021
3.75 Stars

Told in dual POV, 1st person, it’s the second installment in the "Deception Trilogy" and has to be read in order. Tempted by Deception takes us to the beginning, to how, where, and why Adrian and Lia met. It answers some of the questions and now I��m curious what’s gonna happen next, now that everything's been become clear, what would be the decisions! I hope they both come around… All in all, I enjoy it and hope you like it as well!
Profile Image for She-who-must-not-be-named .
180 reviews1,497 followers
December 22, 2021
I couldn’t stop reading this. At all. I have no hesitation in claiming this book as a masterpiece. My heart is in pieces right now and tendrils of excitement are making their way through my veins at this very moment (3 AM). My eyelids are so droopy right now but I’m contemplating reading the third book. The AUDACITY
Profile Image for Bibi.
1,287 reviews64 followers
July 11, 2021
Okay, Rina Kent can spin a story. I was glued to the screen and read all 3 serials in quick succession.
Profile Image for Grecia Robles.
1,629 reviews425 followers
March 5, 2022

Es casi imposible hacer un review de este libro sin spoilers, voy a tratar.

Los eventos narrados en este libro ocurren 6 años antes, de como inició la relación de Adrian y Lia y a la vez va confirmando teorías y dándoles explicación.

La relación de Lia con Adrian me pareció turbulenta, obsesiva y TÓXICA, Chernoby corto se queda.

Lia me desesperó mucho, no me cayó muy bien pero entendía su comportamiento y parte tenía razón.
Adrían también me desesperaba y es que era tan cerrado, sus acciones eran “buenas” pero parecían malas.

El suspenso y la intriga del porque del final de libro pasado mantenía leyendo y esos plot twists OMG!!
Profile Image for kat.
520 reviews238 followers
August 28, 2022
reread, augustus 2022 · 2.5 stars.
read, april 2021 · 4 stars.

❛You asked when I’d be done. The answer is never. I’ll never be done with you, Lenochka.❜
Profile Image for Jen.
1,655 reviews1,117 followers
July 21, 2021
Oh wow!!! What a mindf*ck of a story this was!!! In this second book of the trilogy, we are given a lot bigger of a picture of what actually happened in book one! Now that we are all caught up on what really happened, the conclusion is going to be one hell of a book! Of course we have been left with a big cliffhanger and I’m dying to read the next book immediately!!!

I really don’t want to give any little detail away, because readers should definitely go into this trilogy blind!! The best part about the trilogy is that it’s all completed and you can read it all right away!
I will warn that this is a dark suspense story and it isn’t a lovey dovey story! Adrian is an anti-hero and his methods are hardcore! He may love his wife but at this point, all we have seen is his possessiveness, a lot of anger and he basically comes across as a major asshole!!! There is a tiny piece of him that is soft at times… but it is buried very deep inside of him!!!
I can’t wait to see what direction this story is going to go!!! I’m moving on right away!😁
Displaying 1 - 30 of 4,063 reviews

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