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Home Behind the Sun: Connect with God in the Brilliance of the Everyday

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Timothy Willard and Jason Locy show readers how to discover the brilliance of God in the shadows of everyday life.

Life opens up before each of us, it beckons, it tempts, it thrills, it betrays. And what do we desire? All of it and none of it.

We’re not in this to survive, but to live. We want to experience joy in the everyday grind of work, relationships, and parenting. We want healing in our suffering. Forgiveness in the midst of our pains. Purpose through the journey. We want to break free from the temporal and live with an eternal perspective. We want to be brilliant.

In Home Behind The Sun coauthors Timothy Willard and Jason Locy invite you to step out of the shadows and into the brilliance. They want to introduce you to the God of the mysterious. A God who combats despair with joy, topples bitterness with forgiveness, and eliminates cynicism with belief and whimsy.

You’re invited home. Home, behind the sun.

230 pages, Kindle Edition

First published April 29, 2014

About the author

Timothy D. Willard

7 books26 followers

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Profile Image for Shawn.
363 reviews
July 20, 2017
Read a chapter slowly then "let your thoughts simmer." The book includes a good discussion section, for each chapter, in the back of the book, which can be used in a small group setting, a one-on-one time with a family member or friend, or just read it to yourself once you have exhausted your own reflections to see what else you might wish to contemplate.
Profile Image for A.C. Cuddy.
Author 4 books7 followers
June 17, 2014
Home Behind the Sun – Connect with God in the Brilliance of the Everyday – by Timothy Willard and Jason Locy.

“How often do you encounter the healing and beauty, the hope and the Glory of Christ? Home Behind the Sun offers us a glimpse of joy in the daily grind or work, relationships, and parenting: healing for our suffering: forgiveness in the midst of our hurts; and purpose through the journey. We can live each and every day with an eternal perspective. And we can share this light with the world around us.”

I am perplexed at how to review a book like “Home Behind the Sun”. The beauty of the words that flow on each and every page brought my heart to a place of calm and serenity. It is a book that you do not read just once. It is a book that you keep on the coffee table… a book that you share with a hurting friend… a book that you will pick up when you yourself are hurting… a book that will soothe your battered soul… or bless your joyous heart.

As the subtitle says, “Connect with God in the brilliance of the everyday” – learn to see and live in the brilliance. And by living in that brilliance we will counter perversion with truth, combat despair with joy, topple bitterness and resentment with forgiveness, eliminate cynicism with belief and whimsy, erase perversion with purity and overcome pain with healing. In this book you will learn to become a brilliance maker and share that brilliance with the world around.

These authors - Timothy Willard and Jason Locy - are wordsmiths’ extraordinaire. It is in the beauty of their stories that the brilliance of the Glory of God does shine. I am grateful just for being allowed to read it.

Click here to read a chapter of Home Behind the Sun: http://nelsonfree.com/homebehindthesun

Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book free from the publisher through the BookLook Bloggers book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255 : “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

*Reviews of this book were posted at the following locations:
Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Deeper Shopping, Goodreads, and to be featured on my blog at http://titus3.wordpress.com
Profile Image for Carter Hemphill.
400 reviews5 followers
July 15, 2019
I have mixed feelings about this book. Some of the chapters are powerful and honest and shine as amazing theological meditations. The chapter about one of the author’s difficult upbringing and relationship with his father come to mind. Other chapters come across as pretentious and less effective in making a philosophical point. Often the theological/philosophical point seems weakly linked to the author’s introductory anecdote (something observed in nature or with his children), yet the author seems quite smug about its supernatural significance. The varying quality of the chapters makes it an uneven read. Still there are some great chapter that are worth remembering.
139 reviews12 followers
July 26, 2014
While this book landed in my lap for review purposes, I could not have imagined when I opened the cover of the very first page how much it would enlighten my life. Yes, enlighten! I'm a busy wife and mom with 4 kids to juggle and sometimes I have to remind myself that it's a blessing, a gift my hard-working husband has given to all of us so I could be a stay-at-home-mom. In between the massive amounts of laundry, cooking, cleaning, more laundry, more cleaning, and oh! The dogs want a walk - again! Life is that vast walk with God and all the entertainment that comes along with it - keeping our eyes on Him and knowing each day, no matter how hectic or convoluted or busy, there is always SUNSHINE waiting at the end.

This book carries 14 informative and lovely chapters to read. Each chapter is centered around a target topic, filled with scripture and anecdotes and lovely stories from the author's daily lives with their families. I was able to see similarities and welcomed the head nods I caught myself doing with "yep, been there - I hear you." At the end of the book is a great discussion guide tool. I'd recommend this book to adult Sunday school classes where thoughtful theological discussions would be welcomed, especially among young families and parents with children.

There were parts of this book where reflection had me teary eyed. The gift we call gratitude that is sometimes overlooked should be part of our daily walk. Like the cars that are old and falling apart, yet they get us from place to place. I love the author's reflection of "we all want something more in this life." Often-times we may catch ourselves daydreaming of a better life, a better house, vacations we see in pictures and wonder if we will ever get there ... the list goes on. But truthfully, there is a gift in everything, all around us.

Read this book! You'll be enriched. You'll fall in life with your life and all it's 'pull your hair out' craziness.

Be brilliant ♥
Profile Image for Alyssa.
608 reviews69 followers
July 11, 2014
Perhaps I can just start listing adjectives to explain this book: philosophical, deep, thought provoking, poetic....and best of all? Not stuffy. I think I could firmly label this book 'Christian hipster'. Authors Willard and Locy walk us through different areas of life and show us how we can find the brilliance of God in it all. We can peel back the shadows of life and SEE God moving, living, breathing. Their chapters address seeing others as God sees them, staying surrendered to God, glorifying God in all we do, and our imagination.

Lastly, I should mention that the book includes a great discussion guide, so buying the physical copy may be worth your time. I would love to read it again with someone to discuss all of it's topics further. 'Home Behind the Sun' is not just a gorgeous cover, it is a fascinating look at beauty and brilliance, throughout all the shadows of life. I would recommend this book to deep thinkers, fans of C.S. Lewis, poetic prose, or want to read about the beauty and brilliance of God. I am rating this one with 5 stars and time will tell if it makes my ''Lifechanger'' Book shelf!

I recieved a copy of this book from the publisher via BookLook in exchange for an honest review
To see more of this review and others visit Sunrise Avenue
Profile Image for Elizabeth.
337 reviews7 followers
May 7, 2014
The title, Home Behind the Sun; Connect with God in the Brilliance of the Everyday, spoke to me. Written by Timothy Willard and Jason Locy.

I really expected to love this book but unfortunately wasn't able to get into it. I tried and tried but had to stop about half way through. The writing was excellent, the message was great. I'm not sure what my problem with it is except that at times it is too deep. The writing is too descriptive to the point that it made my head hurt at times trying to decipher it. Maybe if I was in another mood it would have been a better read for me but I wanted something to the point instead of a poetic book.
Profile Image for Faith Nguyen.
45 reviews6 followers
July 15, 2014
I won this book from a giveaway not knowing what it's about and who the author is but trusted the blog site I've followed for years. And who doesn't like free books? And I'm so glad I won because I really really loved this book. Hard to explain or describe but so thought provoking deep yet light and so poetic. A must-read!
Displaying 1 - 8 of 8 reviews

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