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Patricia Grace Kincaid is haunted by her past and no matter what she does, the ghosts won’t stay away. A childhood incident nearly ruined her life. A mistake that she made two years ago ripped her to shreds. She isn’t the same feisty, fearless bitch she used to be… or is she?

What will happen when the person she screwed over storms back into her life? She freaks. Is it for the reason she’s always hoped for… that Tony Lopez, the breathtakingly sexy Latino love of her life, has finally decided to forgive her? Hell no. Will he demand her complete submission? Yes. Will he make her life hell? Double yes. Will she, in return, torture him? Hell-to-the-yes. Will her past come back to haunt her? Absolutely.

Author’s warning: Including, but not limited to: a deep, dark childhood, lots and lots of cussing (as in, A LOT), a ton of fighting, maybe hair pulling, a bitch with a vulnerable side, and last, but not least, über possessive, over obsessive, crazy hot alpha males on the verge of needing therapy… and maybe a tear or two.

First published February 28, 2013

About the author

Lynda LeeAnne

10 books1,357 followers
Let's see... I'm a rookie romance author, passionate book lover, drama enthusiast, trouble maker & hopeless romantic. I'm a wife, full-time mother of two handsome little boys and step-mother to a very beautiful pre-teen. I also work a full-time 9 to 5. Writing has been a wonderful escape for me and I never realized how much fun it would be until I got started.

Lexi, baby is my first novel and I can't believe I actually finished it! When I first put fingers to keyboard, I imagined the book as a very short story, but I just kept going and going and going. Now I have the next two books outlined and it's insane! I might even have a fourth, but I'm still undecided.

I really hope you have an opportuniy to check it out.

The entire series will be fun, drama-filled, oh my gawd gasping, did that just happen asking. It will always include a very sexy alpha male and an equally sexy girl-next-door that may or may not know how to throw a punch.

​You can check out updates on my Facebook Page - Author Lynda LeeAnne or my website www.authorlyndaleeanne.com. ​I would love to hear your feeback and, if you can, please leave a review on your favorite book seller's website, my contact page or Goodreads.

It would mean the world to me to hear from my fellow friends and readers.

Lots of Love,
Lynda LeeAnne <3

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 354 reviews
Profile Image for Lana ❇✾DG Romance❇✾.
2,178 reviews13.4k followers
December 4, 2020
It hurts to know that the person you want, also wants you, but will easily find what he needs from other women if he wants to.”

Now if you follow my reviews, you'd realize just how rare it is that I would one star a book. As a matter of fact, I don't remember the last time I've done it. But when I say that Tony is quite possibly one of the most vile "heroes" I have ever read, that's saying something. Because this girl lives for a good alphahole and bully romance is my jam. But this? This book was rage inducing to say the least. Heck, I'll just let my highlights speak for themselves here. Seriously, Tony.

I love a good second chance romance, so I was instantly curious about Trish and Tony's book. Trish was such a vivacious secondary character in Lexi, Baby that I couldn't wait to see her as a lead. Tony is introduced off the pages in book one until the end. And I knew I'd be jumping straight into book two because I was dying to know what I happened.

Spoilers to follow...
Trish has some tragic history and hides a lot of pain beneath her vivacious and outrageously outspoken behavior. She's a fiercely protective bestie and in a moment of anger, she wanted to pay back the woman that her bestie's boyfriend cheated on her with in high school. To do this, she staged a photo to make it look like she slept with the woman's douchebag drunk fiancé. Tony just so happens to be the woman's brother, so suffice it to say he took the photos quite literally and dropped Trish like a bad habit without allowing her to explain anything.

Now he's back two years later after they haven't spoken because Trish's life is in danger through an unrelated event and he's determined to protect her even though he still hates her. Oh, Tony is also a manwhore that manwhored his way through wooing Trish two years ago. Because what's the best way to get a woman you want to realize she wants you? Throw all of your women under her nose to make her jealous. Duh.

What happens for 95% of the novel is one of the most toxic relationships I have ever read. And not like omg he's such an asshole I want to bang him sort of toxic. But like I hope he gets run over by a bus and will never have another woman subjected to him sort of toxic. Trish turns into a doormat. She thinks she's this fierce and sassy woman, but when push comes to shove, all Tony has to do is touch her and she forgets all about his complete douchebaggery.

Tony runs hot and cold for 99% of the book. He treats her like a whore. He wants her physically but still hasn't forgiven her nor believe her when she tries to tell him what really happened two years ago.
I’ll never forgive you. Even if there was a chance that I could believe you, I’ll never forgive you,” he declared...
“Then the least you can do is stay away from me while I’m here. I’ll stay here...”
“Mi reina, as much as I hate you, as much as I don’t trust you, I won’t be able to stay away from you.”

But when poor Trish manages to stumble onto his angry side. OMG. This man went from alphahole to douchebag in one second flat.
Like when a "punishment" goes too far and trigger Trish, this was his reaction.
Please don’t hurt me. Don’t touch me. I’m begging you.” “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Tony shouted, and I winced. Not until he threw himself away from me did I look at him. His body vibrated with rage. “You’re a fuckin’ bitch, you know that? One minute you act like you want it, the next you won’t even let me touch you. I haven’t the slightest idea why I wasted my fuckin’ time with you!” he shouted and it was too much to bear.

This story was like a bad train wreck. I know I should have looked away and DNFd but I couldn't. So I pushed myself through only to discover Tony finally pulling his head out of his ass in the last 2%. But by then it was definitely a case of too little too late. The man didn't do nearly amount of groveling to redeem himself from the sheer amount of damage that he created. Suffice it to say I wished that he was killed off and Trish ended up with Adam for her HEA because the only H that Tony deserved was Herpes.

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Profile Image for Alexis *Reality Bites*.
757 reviews3,664 followers
March 11, 2013
-mature content reader discretion is advised.
3 STARS out of 5
Genre: Contemporary Romance

'No, it was more than love. It was an out-of-control, soul-stealing, life-changing, world-rocking, universe-tilting feeling that dug itself so deep into my heart I was terrified I’d never manage to shovel it back out. I was still in love with him, but I couldn’t have him.' ~Trish

Trish took a chance at payback and succeeded. Unfortunately her heart was broken in the crossfire. 2 years later and still brokenhearted Trish finds her self back with Tony. Only this is not how she pictured it happening. Her life is in danger. And Tony refuses to let anyone take her in. He believes Trish's safety is his responsibility and his alone.

Tony was a complete alpha male and I love alpha males. The problem I had was how quickly he would turn on Trish. And although the sexual tension was thick between them...whenever he opened his mouth it seemed to dissipate into thin air.

“You’re a fuckin’ bitch, you know that? One minute you act like you want it, the next you won’t even let me touch you. I haven’t the slightest idea why I wasted my fuckin’ time with you!”

Yeah, the guy was a real prick.

My Thoughts
Sadly for me this book did not live up to the first book in the series. For some reason I did not connect with Tony, instead of being the jerk of my dreams he was just an ASSHOLE. The things he said... I would not have recovered from so easily.

Will I continue with this series? Heck yeah !!! I am looking forward to Mia and Adam's story! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE Shane and Shannon's story those two would probably burn up the pages!

Lynda LeeAnne has a style of writing I definitely enjoy she blends sexy and comedy well. And even though this book didn't do it for me I have faith the next one will!

Oh, and I LOVED the teaser with hazel eyes!! What was that all about?! Could a new series be in the works?!? ;)

Dear readers,
just because this book did not hit the sweet spot for me does not mean it won't hit yours. Everyone has different taste buds...

My Ratings
Characters- Lovable
Writing Style- Good
Plot/Storyline- Fair
Steam Factor- Medium/Moderately steamy
Overall- I thought it was okay. If you are invested in the series like me read it!!

Now go forth and read. Then come tell us about it on Goodreads!

For more reviews got to http://realitybites-letsgetlost.blogs...
Profile Image for Rose.
518 reviews
November 29, 2016
Doormat heroine, unforgivable irredeemable hero. Never reading this author. Hero with OW while being with h 3/4 book. He's verbally abusive. I felt disgusted reading this book. How could an author condone the actions done by the H ? I've stopped reading authors who condone the mistreatment of women by men.
1. I hate cheaters
2. He wasn't redeemable. I love redeemable assholes. I loved captive in the dark, underestimated etc. This was disgusting.
3. By the time he's good it's too long.
4. Public humiliation is nasty and for those people to tell the h to just get on with it? That's not realistic. What kind of friend or family tells you to let it go when they witness you being treated like a whore?
5. The heroine is spineless. He calls her a whore Slut sleeps with OW and she still has sex with him.

This isn't okay. What is the author thinking? It baffles me that woman find this H or story romantic.

153 reviews84 followers
March 1, 2013

What the fuck was that???

I hated Tony. What an asshole. He just made me want to jump inside that book and beat him senseless. He made Trish MISERABLE. Why he got her back is just beyond me.

And Trish. Gosh, Trish was NOTHING like I expected her to be.
On the first book of the "This Can't Be Happening" series (Lexi,Baby) she was a super badass, who didn't let anyone disrespect her. But in this book I hated her. She was weak, and just put up (even if she fighted with Tony) with anything that was thrown her way. ARGH!

The plot is ok, and even has some interesting moments, but besides that, the book was kind of dull.And that whole thing about cheating was super tiring.

Profile Image for Jennifer Kyle.
2,509 reviews5,352 followers
March 1, 2013
”Trish, just Trish. I love it...thank you,” I said in a tiny voice.”

I love Trish, Just Trish the character. Trish has a heartbreaking backstory so we get some insight into the horrific event that has shaped this strong, protective, feisty and loyal friend.

Trish has been a shadow of her former self since the picture incident. She sought revenge on behalf of her best friend Lexi against her boyfriend Tony’s sister Destiny by staging an incriminating photograph.

This story picks up where Lexi Baby ended. Tony is at Lexi's and Landyn’s door to see Trish after two years. He is hell bent on protecting her from a criminal/horse owner that Trish had removed from the horse racing circuit due to animal abuse. You see Trish is a vet and her specialty is horses. Tony has inherited his father’s horse farm and business and has come to protect her from Zacharias due to his threats to kill Trish.

There were other people including Adam that I wished she would have went with but she loves Tony and he is determined to keep her safe. Although he hasn’t forgiven her for the picture incident and is downright vile at times.

Trish goes with Tony and falls in love with his property along with a beautiful horse named Starla.

Speaking of Tony, I didn’t care for him at all!


He maybe gorgeous but his words were so cruel and hurtful. I don’t care if they were said out of anger and that he loves her. He was like a dog marking his territory while letting her know he doesn’t trust her or believe her about the picture incident.

Not until Lexi spills the beans out of anger does he change his tune. For me, it was just too late. I wouldn’t have forgiven him. I think I would have loved if she actually left one of the several times she said she was going to and went to Adam’s house.

This is not my story and maybe other readers will love Tony. I on the other hand, will wait and see if Tony can be the man Trish deserves.

”I’m going to make this up to you. I’m going to fix us.”

A reader does get a hea and the third book will be Adam and Mia’s story. I'm looking forward to the third book in this series.

Profile Image for Raffaella.
1,556 reviews199 followers
January 14, 2024
Avoid. She’s the most pathetic doormat of all humanity. He’s the worst double standard male chauvinist manwhore, who holds against her the fact that she posed for some pictures with his sisters boyfriend, that was a prank, but the dude doesn’t believe her when she tells him that she didn’t have sex with him and so he dumps her and proceeds to have sex with anything that moves for two years, then he takes her at his home where he has his fuck buddy to sleep with him and he keeps telling her for weeks that she’s a pathetic slut unworthy of being treated decently and only good for being fucked. And you know what? He’s right. He’s perfectly right. Because if a woman accepts all this and still tells him she loves him, well, she deserves all the shit and then some. Oh, she was a virgin at 27 and when they started dating the first time he kept having sex with plenty of women. La, my heart is fluttering! Save your money and your time and skip this exercise in humiliation.
Profile Image for Akanksha❤ Søren♰.
654 reviews2,659 followers
March 6, 2013
2.5 Stars!
The story was nice and everything, but Tony just didn't work for me.. I mean he was all Hot Alpha Male and all but still..
I would never be able to forgive or forget those hurtful words if they were spoken to me. He was cruel. I would never love such a man! :\
And Trish was totally spineless. I mean have some self respect girl. I liked her better in book1.
Profile Image for Lu Bielefeld .
4,273 reviews561 followers
December 6, 2021
3 ⭐⭐⭐ - OK decent reads.
Tony had since become closely acquainted with most of the women Trish and I knew.

But I didn’t want Tony back; it was too late for that. I tried for months to call him, to find him, to talk to him, to explain, but it was impossible. He refused to talk to me, he refused to see me, he changed his phone number, and other than having heard the horror stories of his man-whoring skills, he basically fell off the face of the planet.

Destiny: the whore whose gift in life was the ability to ruin people’s lives. Whether my ruined life was actually her fault or mine… semantics.

Anyone with a vagina knew who Tony Lopez was. He was five years older than me and had the reputation of a man-whore. I’d heard some of the stories from Lex, and knew that he had a new chick in his bed every week, and not once would he let them stay the night.

That was, until Missy walked through the door. She was the latest addition to Tony’s spank bank, but he told me he was through with her months ago. He lied to me. I felt so…crushed…defeated.

I had never felt so disrespected my life.

I should have fucked you like I did the rest. You turned out to be nothing but a whore in the end anyway,” he said, and every word dripped with bitterness.

“I’m dating her…or I was,” Tony muttered.

“It’s none of my business, Tony. You’re single. We’ve been over a long time. You were with many women before me and I know for a fact that you were with even more after me. I’m a big girl. You don’t have to explain anything.”

“Let me go,” I ordered, as I shoved at his chest. “You have some bitch stay the night with you while I’m sleeping in the other room and you have the balls to touch me now? And this morning?” The look on his face spoke volumes.

“I’ll never forgive you. Even if there was a chance that I could believe you, I’ll never forgive you,” he declared and I could have cried at the finality in his voice.

“I never treated you like a whore until you became one,” he growled.

“How the hell did you get here?” I heard Tony bark and my fork froze mid-air. I looked up and straight into Tony’s heated eyes. Then my eyes moved to the left, where BJ stood next to him.

I glanced down to see they were holding hands.

“You have no idea what’s going on between me and Bobbie Jo, but I’m not having sex with her…at least I haven’t since you came back into my life.”

And last night, he left and didn’t come in until one o’clock in the morning again. He climbed in bed, didn’t even touch me and knocked out cold. This time, he didn’t smell like alcohol, he reeked of perfume. I got up, moved to my old bedroom and cried myself to sleep.

When I took a step towards him, he shouted, “Stay the fuck away from me! I knew you were nothing but a dirty little whore!”

“You know what? I want you out of here. Get the fuck out of my house, and stay out of my life! I was only using you while you were here, but found someone better last night. You were a good fuck, but that’s about all you were good for.”

“Tony, the things you said to me…I can forgive them, but I’m not sure I can forget. But the woman you were with--” “What woman?”
Profile Image for Christy.
4,234 reviews35.1k followers
July 8, 2020
It hurts me to only give this one 3.5 stars... because I loved Lexi, Baby and I loved Trish and Tony in Lexi, Baby. I was so excited for this book, and I did like it, I just didn’t love it like I wanted to.

“I’m not breaking; I’m already broken.”

 photo TrishJustTrish_zpsec4f19c7.jpg

 photo TrishJustTrish-Tony_zps9f577f71.jpg

It’s been two years. Two years since Tony Lopez, the love of Trish’s life left her. Trish made a huge mistake, and without being able to explain, it broke them beyond repair. But something has happened. Something big, and now Tony is back in her life. But he is not the same Tony she fell in love with. And Trish is not the same either. Trying to deal with the memories of her childhood is hard. Now that she is around Tony again, her nightmares resurface. No matter what Trish says or does, Tony can’t forgive her for what he thinks she did those two years ago. He notices a big change in Trish too.

“I’m thinkin’ I want the Trish back from an hour ago. The one that fights back. The one that jumped outta my truck because I pissed her off. The one whose cute little nose flairs when she's trying hard not to lose it. I don’t like the new Trish standing in front of me.”

“She’s gone.” I whispered.

Eventually they come to an understanding, but Tony still has his moments of being an ass and treating Trish like crap. Ugh! Then something big happens. I mean huge. And it changes everything.

“I thought about you everyday, Trish. You weren’t the only one hurting.”

“Mi reina, I knew from the moment you walked into my life you were going to be trouble, but I couldn’t stay away. I’m in love with you.”
 photo a8861db4-55cf-4660-b554-4b6d67fe626d_zpscd15418b.jpg
“I’ll always love you. I’ll live the rest of my life loving you.”

Tony... I was so excited to read about Tony. But what happened to my Tony? I know he still cares about Trish, that much is obvious. But he was a dick most of the book. We all know I love my jerks, but he was mean and disrespectful for a good part of the book and it really irked me. There were times I would get really excited thinking he was coming around, then he would do something shitty again! By the end he was great, but I still had trouble looking past how shitty he was for most of the book, which sucked. I wanted to love Tony.

Trish was just not herself either. I love Trish the funny badass woman in Lexi, baby. This Trish was heartbroken and guarded. I get that, especially by looking into her past and seeing the way Tony was treating her. But I wanted old Trish back. I wanted to see her fun and feisty, but most of the book she wasn’t. I was happy on those snippets we saw of her old self.

I will forever be TEAM LANDYN... Just throwing that out there. It was good to see him and Lexi! And even though this one wasn’t as good as Lexi, Baby for me, I will most definitely be reading the next one! Love Adam!!!
Profile Image for Silv Hines.
107 reviews
August 29, 2013
What can I say...I love an alpha male...but I HATE a cheater. It ruined the entire book for me. He didn't stop cheating until almost 3/4 of the book!!!!! He did it because he didn't know the truth. BS! Hated this book. The h had no spine and was a doormat. This is the only one star I've ever given and it was well deserved. Awful. Would not recommend.
May 24, 2015

I was so so disappointed in this book and not just the book but with the main character Trish. In the first novel we met her as Lexi's Best Friend, she was fun kick as, don't task shit from anyone, talked back as good as she got.. Now it's been two years since her and Tony broke it off..

The reason they broke it off is because she had an opp. to pay back slut Destiny by taking pictures with her drunk fiance so Trish got into her bra and panties crawled into a bed with him and took pictures that is all, and all.
Tony found out and dumped her. Two years no words from, not a beep but she heard all about his whoring around now he is back to rescue from some spanish crook who wants Trish back and Trish all happy and giddy...

Let me tell you what made me sick to my stomach! Trish is 26, she has been holding on to her virginity like noone's business, Tony has called her a whore numerous times to her face, he called her a bitch, wished he never met her. Then he brought a female home, made out with her in the front of Trish and not even two minutes later Trish is sticking down her tongue down his throat. Where is your dignity girl? Then he takes her virginity? And he says I know it's been a while for you? WTF!!! This bitch doesn't even speak up. The man took something so precious from you and you don't make a sound???! Then he is still parading his women? And your still crawling into his bed? YOU GIVE WOMEN A BAD NAME!!! Then to top it off, he tells her she is a whore, he wishes her dead so one less bitch on this earth and guess what ladies? This stupid twit takes him back!! Yes sirry she took him back!

I swear I thought I read it all after Anastasia Steele, but no way! This girl went from superwoman to the dumbest stupidest thing I have seen in 2.5 seconds over some asshole.. And she forgives him.. Like a damn dog running after a bone.. When is enough, finally enough?
5 reviews8 followers
March 25, 2013
The disgusting fkd up words this man threw in her face and the fact that her friends and family kept telling Trish to just stay with him, made me sick! No way in hell would I let me friend or sister go off with this douchebag. Also I am tired of these stories where there is a perceived threat which is thwarted or handled so quickly that you can clearly call B.S on the author. I mean did you really have to cook up such a convoluted excuse to get the two back together? because clearly this was Tony using this as an excuse to take advantage of in-house vagina while still mentally abusing and manipulating her at the same time.AND HELLO CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN THIS WHOLE VIRGIN THING TO ME? PLEASE? NO BLEEDING? NO STAINS? WEIRD!! I skimmed past the sex because I wanted the reason to make this abuse worthwhile but all I found was more B.S and I'm done reading for the next couple of days. I'll save my 2.99 for a while at least.
May 21, 2014
Proceed with Caution. There will be ranting, raving and Definite spoilers.

1 What the Hell Did I Read Stars....

This quote couldn’t sum up my feelings about the book any better.
My attitude was just as dark as it was outside: black.

*********If you're thinking of reading this book, may I suggest scrolling down and reviewing some quotes I've included.************

This may possibly be one of the worst books I've ever read. Between wanting to vomit and fighting the urge to kill, this book frustrated me more than any other I've tortured myself with finishing..

Sure it started out interesting enough.. Enough to catch your attention even if you've read Lexi Baby or not, leaving subtle clues about main character Trish and her ex Tony. I'm sorry by ex I mean emotionally abusive, dicktard, asshole. I know , I know, I must sound deranged, bitter and a bit psychotic. It's true. I can't deny the lingering effects of this horrific compiled mess of something resembling a book.

I wasn't a fan of Lexi Baby but Trish's character was very likable. She was outgoing, brash but still innocent. Likable in the way she refused Tony after he would throw his conquests in front of her face. As if she would be so turned on by his STD carrying dick that her clothes would fall off and she would bow at his feet. I think not.

I guess to properly do this review I should go over a few things...

Here's what I like about the book..






Oh wait, that's right, there was nothing I liked about this book aside from vet Shane with the hot Australian accent. But even he was barely tolerable. Another cruel man with more judgement in his bones than a federal courthouse.

As for what I Did NOT LIKE... Well I don't think there is enough space for me to describe the emptiness I feel after wasting hours of my life on this book. Granted all my complaints rely solely on the repulsiveness and idiocy of both the main characters, Tony and Trish. Nope, excuse me. That's a lie, even the supporting characters should be locked up and given psych eval's stat.

In regards to the book itself. The writing could certainly use some editing. Heck, in my state of mind, the plot took forefront and the lack of proper grammar barely registered.

OK so here comes the good stuff.

Tony and Trish almost, kinda, sorta dated two years ago. They were BFF's for awhile, both hiding their feelings from one another. Blah, blah. Sure enough, they couldn't deny the attraction and after Tony ran Trojan out of business, Trish finally gives 'them' a shot. A couple months pass and the two don't even get it on. This doesn't last long, maybe a few months before an incident separates them.

Maybe separates is the wrong word. Tony loses his shit and won't listen to a word about the truth or anything. He does more than push Trish out of his life and easily portrayed the enigma of an abusive ex most book heroines run from or escape. But not Trish. No. This girl must get off on being belittled, demeaned and tormented. Hell, there's even a point where she admits to just 'going with it.'

The funny thing is as the book went on, I am shocked by how much worse it got. I went from a fuming mess to hating everyone and not even reading the sex scenes.

When we finally get his POV in chapter 27 I was ready to kill. The last thing I expected or wanted was to read anything from this asshole's POV. Like I give a shit. At that point he could have been massacred by a school of sharks and I'd want to see his remains to relish. Sick I know! 88 percent in and I hated everyone more than I thought possible, and this easily became my WORST book.

When he proposes I was nauseous. Epilogue my ass. Somebody cue the funeral music. And my last complaint: Oh my shit, her best friend, pushing her on a psycho. What is wrong with her. She’d be better off strutting nude in a corral of pissed off bulls. How could these people she calls friends think it’s acceptable to tell her to be in a relationship with someone so emotionally damaging, she’ll be lucky to not die of depression in a month.

Overall I'd have to say that never in my life have I read a book where I wanted the main characters to NOT WORK OUT. If there was ever a time i just wanted the characters to not work or the heroine to leave the hero, this is it. Takes the fuckin' cake. Tony is a miserable human being. A soulless carcass not worthy of being called a man. If I'm supposed to believe they have a HEA in their future the only thing I realistically see is a violent and verbally abusive marriage worthy of daytime television.

Here’s some of my favorites from Tony and some from Trish. Excuse me if I paraphrase a scene near the end.

"I already knew he hated me, but if I ever thought for one second he might forgive me, the look on his face told me I didn’t have a shot in hell."
– I don’t know what is wrong with this girl, really I don’t.


“You ask your fucking girlfriend to come here and stay with you. She declines and you have the nerve to come into my bed? To touch me? I’m not your whore!” I shouted. He jolted up right then, his hair a sexy mess, his eyes narrowed dangerously. He got right in my face. “I never treated you like a whore until you became one,” he growled.

He towered over me and pinned me to the bed. I didn’t think he’d retaliate, but when he captured my wrists in a tight grasp above my head, I started to panic. “You want to play rough? I’ll give it to you rough,” he growled. Keeping a firm hold on my wrists, Tony leaned over, reached down the side of the bed and pulled up a belt from the floor. I was terrified, on the verge of hyperventilating. This was too familiar. I had nightmares about this. “I’m sorry I slapped you. Please don’t do this,” I begged through the tears that clogged my throat, but Tony ignored me. “Please stop,” I whispered, my voice shaky. But he didn’t stop.

“Stop!” I screamed, my tears falling hot and heavy. I was trembling and I had no idea how he couldn’t feel it. When Tony lifted his head to look down at me, I turned my face away. “Please don’t hurt me. Don’t touch me. I’m begging you.” “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Tony shouted, and I winced. Not until he threw himself away from me did I look at him. His body vibrated with rage. “You’re a fuckin’ bitch, you know that? One minute you act like you want it, the next you won’t even let me touch you. I haven’t the slightest idea why I wasted my fuckin’ time with you!” he shouted and it was too much to bear. My tears were uncontainable. “You scared me,” I cried, but he didn’t care. “Just stay the fuck away from me until I can get rid of you."
Do you want to read this, really? This man in no way resembles what a good Book Boyfriend is all about. Hell even the dark read males have some semblance of humanity.


“Stay the fuck away from me! I knew you were nothing but a dirty little whore… You know what? I want you out of here. Get the fuck out of my house, and stay out of my life! I was only using you while you were here, but found someone better last night. You were a good fuck, but that’s about all you were good for… I don’t even know why I bothered keeping you here. I hope Zacharias finds you. Then the world will have one less bitch in it."

On that note I only want to add that she was usually always surrounded by people who had to witness her humiliation. I mean especially almost 80% in, how can anything be redeemable. Let me tell you. It never is. No one should ever be treated this way. And if it’s someone who claims to LOVE you, your fucked and a complete idiot if you take them back. Also Zacharias is the minor threat lying over her head but what does it matter if someone is trying to kill you when the one you love demolishes you and spits on your shattered form.
I won't even go into the potential danger that brings these two together again. LAME and LAMER!!

Profile Image for Izzie d.
4,199 reviews334 followers
August 21, 2020
Mega angst. Second chance romance.
Possibly unforgivable Alpha Hero.
Heroine has traumatic past that makes relationships and intimacy difficult for her.
Hero is a man whore type prior to the heroine.
He knows she is interested in him but flirts and 'sees' other women.
During separation he dates others with no commitment.
He is hurt by something he believes she has done. She did act stupidly but is not guilty of what the Hero thinks, he doesn't believe her. He is cruel to her but later, around 90%, he really grovels.
Previous couples appear.
Breadcrumbs dropped for future books in series.
I think it is the best of the 3 in the series, esp if you are looking for lots of angst.
Profile Image for Kristina.
423 reviews137 followers
September 6, 2015
- 100 STARS.

This book was rubbish. Since when is a complete degenerate asshole who demeans, degrades and screws around on the girl he "loves" for YEARs, the H? This is just pathetic!

I hate this series, it's the worst I've read. I hate how the women are portrayed as stupid doormats and the men are disgusting pigs who screw and CHEAT all over the place without any payback from their dumb arsed women! This is not what I want to read in a romance.
March 1, 2013
What the heck was that? ~,~


I was expecting a lot from this book since I liked the first one. It was too bad that the guy is such a selfish, unfeeling, cold hearted, DEAF, INSENSITIVE douchebag!

The story picks up from where the first book ended. Tony comes barging into Landyn's house and started ordering Trish to do stuff. This didn't end.. it was actually just the beginning of their effed up pseudo relationship. This was just so disappointing because I expected Trish to be the badass one. I wanted her to stand up to Tony and not let her be pushed around like some doll. I couldn't believe what I was reading at first. I mean, who the hell likes a guy that orders you around all the time and just stakes a claim without even LISTENING TO YOU. Trish explained to Tony a lot and TONY IGNORED HER A LOT AS WELL! WHAT A CERTIFIED TRIPLE HEADED JERK!! I mean, I get that he's possessive and all that. Maybe the author was trying to make him have this vibe that just didn't work out for me.

I wanted to understand where Tony was coming from, really I did... I mean, looking at his perspective, the girl he loved "cheated" on him WITH PICTURES... THAT SHE KEEPS TELLING WERE NOT TRUE!!! Still, it was so hard for him to trust the girl when he was also whoring himself before and after they were together! He just can't let it go! It would've been understandable if Trish didn't keep on explaining how those pictures came to be.... but he just was just so hung up on those FRIKKIN PICTURES that he couldn't see what's always been in front of him. His reasoning wasn't nearly enough for me. When he accepted the truth that Trish was in fact beyond innocent, it was a little to late for me to fully like his character. I already loathed him. I guess it really didn't help that his change of heart was only a few pages away from the ending. To me, he was a jerk from start to finish.

Trish was such a masochist I could just strangle her! At first, maybe it was kinda okay since she was feeling guilty... but hey, there should always be a limit to a woman's patience. It would've been better if the author gave her more backbone. It's as if Trish didn't have a mind of her own here. Form start to finish, it was TONY TONY TONY TONY. LOL.

I know that the main lesson in this story is probably giving love a SECOND CHANCE... I usually like this type of a novel, but this one...CLEARLY DIDN'T WORK FOR ME.


Would I read the next book? Yes. Hopefully it would be as good as the first one.
Profile Image for Heroesinbooks.
1,114 reviews326 followers
January 18, 2020
2.5-3 Stars
I loved 'Lexi, Baby' and I adored 'Adam,Enough Said' but I did not love this one and I think it is because of Tony 's character. He was vile in places and I struggled to find any redeeming features. He disappointed me and I really wanted to slap him for saying such awful things to Trish. I enjoyed it in places, especially the inclusion of other characters, (Lexi, Lan and ...swoon....Adam) . Important to read this one as I think it helps you see the whole picture of the characters and their lives but you could read as a standalone. This is the second in the series. Had I not read the other two I may have given another star but for me , Tony was not a beautifully flawed hero , he was a disappointing lead character and Trish deserved better.
Profile Image for Lydia's Romance.
603 reviews256 followers
January 18, 2020
3.5 Stars

Wow, very drama-llama and exactly what I'm in the mood for at the moment. Now that I've read this, I understand why some readers hated Tony; he was a prick for most of the book. But that's not why I didn't love this one. It was Trish & Tony's excessive wishy-washiness and stubbornness that bugged me. I also didn't like how Trish was so quick to forgive Tony all the time when she really shouldn't have--like probably ever. I don't know, I just didn't quite connect to this couple. However, my main attraction to this series are the OTT alpha heroes. My favorite trope. These guys in particular are "completely obsessive, completely dominant, on the verge of needing therapy." Nah, they NEED therapy or get locked up. But fictional alphas are my catnip. The badder, the better. Sorry not sorry. And Tony gets an extra brownie point for speaking Spanglish.

This is probably closer to 3 Stars than 4, but what the heck, I'm in a generous mood too. I got enough enjoyment out of it. My favorite is still book 3--I didn't read them in order.

HEA: Yes
Warning: This hero is not for the Safety Gang.
Cheating: Yes and no; it was quite messy.
Point of View: Multiple
Profile Image for Nicole.
279 reviews78 followers
May 23, 2022
Tony is still a fucking dick and I wished Trish left his ass behind 🤬😠
180 reviews112 followers
March 4, 2013
Profile Image for Ana.
367 reviews21 followers
June 27, 2017
I tried really but just couldn't rate it higher.The hero is to verbally abuse he also could have her slapping in the face it's the same.Just imagine the person that is supposed to love and cherish you is calling you a slut,whore,bitch and even wishes you dead?!? Nor he turns his back and walks away for years without even listen to you try to explain even if he's not forgiving he would want to know what happened and why.So no,the hero never loved her and this author just couldn't convince me ...sorry
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jamie  Leigh.
6,565 reviews29 followers
March 9, 2013
wow. This book was even better than the first one. I absolutely loved and I can't wait to read Adam's story.
Profile Image for *J* Too Many Books Too Little Time.
1,921 reviews3,718 followers
March 4, 2013
3/3.5 Stars!

Let me just start by saying that I loved Trish in Lexi, Baby. She was strong, she was out-spoken, she was feisty, she didn't take shit from anyone. So I was super excited for her story--Trish, Just Trish. However, after reading it I was like....

Trish....WTH happened to you?? You had no backbone in this book. You were weak. You let Tony walk all over you. And speaking of Tony...

Tony was like hot and cold. One minute he was so nice to Trish and the next he would say the most awful things. I mean, horrible unforgiveable things. Ugh, I don't know. This book was so frustrating.

Trish goes to live with Tony after she is threatened by a man named Zek. They haven't seen each other in years--and things ended pretty ugly for Tony and Trish. Their relationship was always volatile and they had trust issues. Tony thinks Trish betrayed him and cheated but he refuses to listen to Trish's story.

Depsite all of their problems, Trish and Tony have always had a strong sexual attraction to each other. I honestly thought Tony flipped his switch too quick and too frequently. They went from one day hating each other to the next day being in a relationship. I couldn't keep up.

Not to mention, Tony completely over-reacted to the Shane situation--resulting in what we all knew would happen.....

Frankly, if I were Trish I would have told Tony to get lost and would have gone and hooked up with Adam but hey, that's just me.

Profile Image for Christie«SHBBblogger».
987 reviews1,300 followers
March 2, 2013
Unfortunately this story fell short from my expectations.Tony was too much of a disappointment. He effed up one too many times and the last time was so bad I almost couldn't finish it I was so mad. I loved all the characters from book one but this just did not work for me. Tony grovelled and begged for forgiveness to Trish but he never redeemed himself in my opinion. Ugh.
Profile Image for Samantha.
38 reviews2 followers
April 18, 2013
omg omg! will Adam have a story too? please tell me he'll have a story!!
Profile Image for Kace | The Booknerd .
1,343 reviews67 followers
September 13, 2021

Honestly, at first, I was hesitant to read this one. Because when I checked this out and read some negative reviews about it… I felt kind of scared cause I loved Trish in Lexi, Baby, and scared that it wouldn’t live up to my expectations. But then I told myself to go and read it… I’m glad I did! I love a book that makes me feel that clenching feeling around my heart. I don’t care how much it hurt me. It pulled my heartstrings, and I found myself crying through a good part of the book.

The author has a way of writing heroines that it is impossible to dislike. I loved Trish in the previous book, but I loved her more in her book. She wasn’t afraid to put herself out there, knowing she could be rejected or hurt. Trish was such a complex character. But hiding behind her tough exterior is a heart needing love and someone to care and trust in her. Her struggle with the past and present and loving the one man she can never have or will never love her back was heartbreaking.
”No, it was more than love. It was an out-of-control, soul-stealing, life-changing, world-rocking, universe-tilting feeling that dug itself so deep into my heart I was terrified I’d never manage to shovel it back out. I was still in love with him, but I couldn’t have him.”
Trish has experienced so much pain and despair in her life, and I wanted her to get the happy-ever-after that she needed and deserved.

Then there’s Tony. What can I say about him? A WALKING RED FLAG! He’s the type of man that has you wanting to smack him and beat him senselessly, tell him to stop being such a blind fool. Tony runs both hot and cold at interchangeable moments. I swear the guy was all over her one minute and then completely standoffish and asshole the next. It drove me batshit crazy at times! I admit I had a love/hate relationship with Tony. I know that he could be insulting, cold, and harsh… but I really hate his habit of jumping to a conclusion! It grates on my nerves! Instead of talking things out, he automatically assumed things and insulted Trish, and I was really not okay with that.

But for some sick and demented reason, I’m a sucker for a book where the hero can be completely cruel to the heroine. Because if there’s anything I love more than a man baring his heart to his woman, it’s a man groveling for forgiveness. And I loved seeing Tony fell for Trish. Well, the truth was he’s always loved her. So we watch him stop being an asshole and find the courage and own it.

The book is quite full of emotional and sexual tension. Ms. LeeAnne certainly has a gift for writing sexual tension and some scorching and erotic scenes. And in addition to the romance, there’s also an action and bad guys to add to the entertainment, and the author manages to weave it all together effortlessly.

Overall, Trish, Just Trsih was a captivating, steamy, and delightful read. It’s going to put you on an emotional roller coaster ride filled with twists and turns, but you’re going to love the ride. And you are rooting for the hero in this book (in my case, it’s near the end); the road to HEA for these two wasn’t an easy one, but it was a journey I enjoyed taking with them. The ending was everything I could've asked for. And I can’t wait to read Adam and Mia’s book!
Profile Image for Jac K.
2,329 reviews357 followers
December 31, 2019
Trish & Tony
I didn’t like this one as much as the first book. Tony was a bit hard to take at times. At least with Landyn he always treated Lexi with respect and loved her.

This series in general is entertaining in a shallow, non-serious kinda way. The books are written very simply, and the characters are OTT and not realistic. The H’s are very caveman(y) acting. So it’s sort of written in YA format with mature topics. Each book follows the same formula.... a)couple are in love b)there is cheating-or misunderstanding of cheating c)they spend x number of years apart d) H demands they reconcile e)some crazy ex tries to kill the h

That is the outline to each book, so to enjoy the series, you must be ok with that. There aren’t surprises, the characters are cookie cutters of each other, and they all end the same. They are “light” reads, there isn’t a ton of angst, you won’t cry or have deep reflective thoughts, it’s purely for enjoyment.

Book 3 closed with a epilogue 6.5 years in the future and ties the story up nicely... but Trish and Tony are barely in book 2
Displaying 1 - 30 of 354 reviews

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