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Heretic Daughters #1


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R.K. Lilley writing Urban Fantasy as Rebecca K. Lilley

Every head start has a price…
Seven years ago, Jillian burned just about every bridge she ever had. Being a lifelong fugitive, she’d seen it as her only chance to get away clean, but it had taken its toll.
In a world where those with supernatural powers must stay hidden from normal society, being a creature that even most of the supernatural community considered a myth did not make for an easy life. And when the ex she ran away from finds her again, it’s about to get much harder. It doesn’t help that she’s still hopelessly in love with him…

314 pages, Kindle Edition

First published October 10, 2012

About the author

R.K. Lilley

37 books12.6k followers
R.K. Lilley has been a writer since she can remember, but has held down some interesting jobs to pay the bills. For several years she was a first class flight attendant, and she always swore that she just had to write a book about it. Mixing her love of romance and all things BDSM, the Up In the Air Trilogy is her debut into the world of contempary romance and erotica. She is currently working on the final installment in the series.
You can contact R.K. at Authorrklilley@gmail.com
Visit her Facebook page to keep up-to-date on what she's working on


And check out her website http://www.rklilley.com/

R.K. also writes urban fantasy under the pseudonym: Rebecca K. Lilley

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89 (2%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 178 reviews
Profile Image for Vanessa .
307 reviews45 followers
January 7, 2013
To start, why haven't more people read this book?!

Dragons, check. Strong female MC, check. Hot romance, check. Great world building, check. Action, check. Pages turning themselves like mad, check. Staying up super late to read it, check. I could go on but I will spare you and just say read it. It's fantastic. And, when is the sequel going to be out?
Profile Image for Nadia.
568 reviews192 followers
April 21, 2017
What a big mess Breathing Fire is. I'm having the hardest time even starting this review, because I still honestly don't know what to make of the book.

I suppose the general idea was about two powerful dragon sisters being on the chase for who they are in a world full of monsters and all kinds of magical creatures, where the druids are the ones who keep account of every species and rule with an iron fist.

Dragons, druids, magic; what's not to like?!

Well for starters, the world-building left a whole lot to be desired. We get some bits and pieces here and there, but ultimately it was lacking. We were never explained how come the druids rule the magic world, how come the other magical creatures agreed with their reign over everything magical (I am having a hard time believing especially dragons were okay with that, with the way they were portrayed in the story), what happened with humans (how do they live in this world, who rules them, do they do anything else besides being pitiful and goth).
These are just from the top of my mind, I'm sure there's more.

The plot was all over the place. Random things just happened and took over the storyline time and time again, conflicts were left unresolved, things happened too easy, you were introduced to characters who were given too much importance only to be never heard of again, huge time gaps; it all affected the flow of the story and it felt like there's no continuity to it.

Jillian, the heroine had a likeable inner voice, which helped getting into the story. She could be called a strong female lead if she weren't trying too hard to be a badass, especially because she got in a lot of stupid, life threatening, situations that way. Also not the best plan maker. Case in point the reason behind her and the hero's falling out years ago. To this day, I have not heard of a stupider plan to protect yourself and your significant other. I can totally understand Dom's rage toward her. Their insta-lust had me rolling my eyes a lot, but luckily (ha!) those scenes were short and (far) apart.

For the life of me, I couldn't see what made Dom so attractive. He is because Jillian says he is. Did it manifest in any way, did he show his appeal? Not to me. Frankly, I was scared of him most of the time. Dom was all rage and growling and hard lines, acting more like a wild animal than a conscious creature. And I can get why he was mad at Jillian (remember that idiotic plan of hers?), but I needed to see his gentler side, something that'll make him more human and easier to connect to.

Lynn, Jillian's sister is there only for shows. Not that big of a character.

Dragons, druids, magic; a great idea, but poorly executed. Still, the book was fun and easy to read, which is nice I guess. But it didn't do much for me.
Profile Image for Siv Therese.
108 reviews14 followers
September 12, 2015
Everything I wanted, and needed and then some!

I love a kick ass heroine as much as anyone... And I thought I've read them all... Until Heretic Daughters came along. And oh wow! Did I read it all in one sitting...? no... did I try?? Hell f... yeah!

The book's also the reason I were late for work. That's how good it is.

I wont spoil the fun of giving any spoilers and so on, but still. To give this book any less than a 5 star, for me, is insane.

Although I'm pretty annoyed about the fact that are not a second book...yet...!! "Hrmph"!

I were shouting for Jillian during the whole book. Although some times she annoyed me, but still, a heroine should not be absolutely 100% perfect. She's strong, witty, sarcastic, beautiful, and yeah.

The secrets, desires, love interest, fighting, blood baths, dragons, slayers, mystic, and well writing just made my day. And now I'm currently dying to find a book that can compare to this one!

Thank you Rebecca K. Lilley to give me such pleasure reading your book.
Profile Image for Mindy Lou's Book Review.
2,829 reviews745 followers
July 9, 2023
Audible Review: Nicole Phillips did a fantastic job as narrator. My biggest compliant in audible books is when a female impersonates a male voice. I had no issues with Nicole's male voice or any of the other characters she impersonated. Listening to this book was just as entertaining as when I originally read it two years ago.

Story Review: Holy Cow Batman! This book was out of this world! I loved it the first time I read it and I loved it the second time I listened to the audible. It had everything I could want in a shifter book. The action was so entertaining and the side characters were just as fascinating as the main characters.

Jillian and her sister have been in hiding for years from her clan. They are dragon shifters and the males have gone insane. Jillian and Lynn are considered the last known breeders. During their time of hiding out, Jillian met and fell in love with a Druid.

The Druid's are not accepting of other races and have always conspired to come between Jillian and Dom, who is expected to become Arch. On top of that, the current Arch is threatened by Dom and will do anything necessary to take him out. Jillian knew she had to do something drastic or the current Arch would have him killed.

Jillian is pretty much everything I love in a kicka$$ heroine. She's practically indestructible and she doesn't put up with anyone's crap. She is one of my favorite heroines! The only thing I didn't like about this book and left me very conflicted was Dom. He is everything I love in a Hero. Dominant, dangerous and possessive. Even though he thinks Jillian betrays him, he never gives up his search for her. His people want her dead and he has demanded that no one hurt her.

Here's what has me so conflicted. Yes, he loves her and he's obsessed with her but he was so blind to what his people were doing to her when they were together. And then when Jillian "betrays" him, he turns so cold. He sleeps with a different women every night just to get back at her and he never really warms back up. I'm hoping the second book will see these two back together and Dom will start protecting Jillian better...even though she truly can protect herself.
Profile Image for Valentina.
71 reviews5 followers
April 20, 2014
Hmm...I'm not sure how to feel about this book because while the supernatural aspect and the plot were super interesting, the romance (if you can even call it that) was kinda bad. I felt like the issues between Jillian and Dom totally dragged on and it got to a point where I was like "come on already!" The book ended without them having made much progress, which was super frustrating and annoying. It was even worse when Jillian

Also, the sex scenes were just not good. They were short, rushed, and very cold, if that makes any sense. Dom was brutal (NOT in an abusive way) and totally unemotional. I'm sure that if we read those scenes in his POV, that we would learn that he in fact was feeling a lot but just didn't show it. Nevertheless, we didn't have that privilege and so it was mildly uncomfortable for me reading those scenes.

Jillian's fear and commitment issues were also frustrating and annoying, but understandable, I guess. I don't know why but I feel like a whole lot of nothin happened in the book, and it took a while to get to the good stuff. Also WHAT THE F*** is up with the six month time gap???!!!! That was so not ok. We went from *sigh*

Ok, so I guess I am more upset than happy with how the book turned out. Either way tho, it did suck me in and I'll still read the next book when it comes out just because I want Dom and Jillian to get their happy ending.
Profile Image for Conny.
59 reviews
October 19, 2012
I couldn't put it down. I started reading and didn't stop until I finished and still wanted more. This is a action packed fast paced ride that never slows down. The bedroom scenes were hot and wild. I loved characters the best. Mysterious Jillian is funny and sarcastic. Dom is sexy and brooding and has reasons to be that way.Sister Lynn is so funny with her group of goth followers. I hope there's more books so we can learn more about her. Jillians friends so dangerous and likable. I have not enjoyed any book more in a long long time
Profile Image for Tia .
41 reviews
February 19, 2013
It took me a while to get into this book because it took a while to understand the different beings. That said, after the first five chapters I couldn't put it down and read in one sitting. Can't wait for the next book to find out how Jillian and Dom end up.

If you read the Up in the Air series (if you haven't....get to it) this is NOTHING like it. But it is sexy amazing just in a completely different setting. You won't be disappointed.
Profile Image for Diana Ouma.
241 reviews14 followers
November 5, 2015
" Things have been too fucking calm lately. I’m ready for a storm.”


Breathing Fire has been on my to-be-read for far too long. I curse at my previous self for never having the balls to read this. Breathing Fire is a great urban fantasy novel. It encompasses all the good attributes of the genre. We are introduced into a compelling society with magic and mischief. After reading Eragon, stories involving dragons and folklore have always interested me. Breathing Fire is a cup of fresh air in the Urban Fantasy department, continuously engaging the reader.

“Kinda?” “Yes, I have a plan, kinda-ish.” “Ish?” “Ish. Worst-case scenario, I’ll have to go see Dom. But I should have it under control. Ish.” “Your confidence is inspiring-ish.”

The heretic sisters are two siblings who come from an infamous dragon line. Both sisters escaped in order to escape the brutality that is forced upon women with dragons. Being on the run for a few years leaves them apprehensive and anxious of the people around them. Especially the druids, the guards and watchers of the magical society. This all goes to hell when Jillian unintentionally falls in-love with the most powerful druid. And leaves him.

“But I suppose, in the dark, lying down, it’s all the same to you.”

Fast forward to the present, two druids enter Jillian's book store in order to retrieve their registration documents. The danger of being recorded on the public druid system is their exposure to the dragons they are running away from. In order to prevent this, Jillian takes some harsh measures to ensure that her dragon family will not find them. This means asking help from the one person who loved, now vehemently hates her... the highest ranked druid, the Arch. This is a crazy journey around Las Vegas filled with action, mischief and classic banter.

The pain was sharp and enduring. He was the only thing in my life I’d ever wanted badly enough that it made me shake like an addict.

Overall, I really enjoyed Breathing Fire . I wouldn't say it was my top urban fantasy novel ( that spot is saved for the Kate Daniels series) but it has the potential to be. I really loved Jillian; there is something about powerful, smart and driven women that makes a story more enriching. Yes, there were moments where I was pissed at her, but she remained a strong MC through out the whole novel. Her sarcastic, witty and cynical humour got to me and just made the reading experience that more vibrant. Not only that but the support characters were all complex and unique in their own way. It created a versatile world with enigmatic individuals. Excited to explore more of these character developments in the sequel.

Sometimes you have to laugh in the face of the things that scare you about yourself, or the fear alone will drive you mad.

As I mentioned previously, the plot is fast paced and hectic, which I love! However, there were some plot developments that just didn't make sense (especially in the end). This didn't necessarily detract from the novel, just something a few readers have picked up. Hoping for more action and battle scenes in the sequel as those were written in a superb manner.

“Right this way, Barbie and Ken,” Corbin said, heading resolutely towards the house. “Okay, Buffy,” I murmured to his back. He’d started the name calling, after all. He stifled a laugh. “Guess I asked for that,” he said, his voice pitched-low. “That round went to Barbie,” Christian added, helpful as always.

I urge and beg you (yes, you!) to read Breathing Fire. It was an amazing and fun-as-hell reading experience!

“Damn you,” he said roughly, kissing me with all of his pent-up rage and anger. “Damn me,” I agreed, when he finally came up for air. The storm took us yet again.
Profile Image for Ornella.
1,302 reviews82 followers
December 6, 2012
Picked this one up expecting a nice urban fantasy with druids and witches and the like. I was however NOT expecting a book about dragon shifters and how much they kickass. Although I probably should have, I mean the title is BREATHING FIRE, right? Should have told me something right there.

I loved every single aspect of this book except for the romance/sex. The characters great. The relationship between Jillian and Christian is hilarious and heartwarming. Caleb's character reminded me of Edward from the Anita Blake series, which I totally loved, and on top of being in love with all things weapon and being a sociopath, he is also a mimic, bad-ass! Actually all the characters were bad-asses. Lynn with her following of emo/punk kids was just as great and she could kick ass when she had to.

As I said my only problem with the book was the romance and the romantic interest, he was a bit too he-man and alpha male for my liking and they couldn't keep their clothes on for any period of time whenever they were in the same room. It was tolerable enough that it didn't retract too much from the whole.

This book will keep you on your toes, whether it be from the gritty, action, to the laughs, to the heart wrenching sadness, you won't be able to stop reading. I recommend this one to anyone who is looking for a real kick-ass dragon shifter with a penchant for a blood-thirsty axe (literally)!
Profile Image for Kaza.
762 reviews36 followers
December 4, 2013
I admit that the only reason I gave this book a chance was because of the Up in the Air series. It would have gone unnoticed by me otherwise. I didn't find the cover or the description all that attention worthy. However, Breathing Fire was amazing. It was half way between the Up in the Air series (because of the romance intensity and dominant behavior) and a good action filled Urban Fantasy. Since those two things are my favorite reading material it's awesome when I find them in the one book.

This was like finding an unexpected diamond in a sea of rubble.

I hope the next one will be coming soon!
Profile Image for Vieira.
658 reviews1 follower
April 24, 2015
This was so good I can't believe I just found it. The way it's written took just a short while. at first I was like wait why are they enemies? Then it would come out like a chapter after but they way they come out is real nonchalant. I loved Lillian she's brilliant but a bit jaded because she got her self in some sticky situations that she should have knew better but her inner dialoge is so funny because she knows that she was being a dumb shit. lol And Lynn was hilarious with her "followers". Lynn and Lillian are not human they are "other" and I can't tell you what they are but it's pretty cool. Christian was awesome he is totally dreamy and his and Lillian's friendship rocked. Then there is Dom the Arch of the Druids and Lillian's ex. Something went down with them because they haven't seen each other for 7 years! But when they finally meet again watch out damn it's hot!! The side characters were great. There was a lot of action with battles with Necros and some other creachures. So fun. I'm really looking forward to the next installment. There is no release date but there is a blurb!!!!

The only thing that was odd for me was

But overall I really loved this!
Profile Image for April Hahn.
1 review
January 23, 2013
To start with, I loved this book! I can tell right away that this will become one of my favorite urban fantasy series'. The plot was great-I was guessing right up to the end. The action, sex, humor-all there. I could go on and on about all of it, but instead I'll go on about my favorite part of the book. The characters! I thought for sure from the first chapter that this would be a plot driven ride, but amidst the non-stop action, there is great character development. It is one of those books where you can't decide who you like the most. Is it the main character? She's a relatable badass who keeps secrets even from her own POV. LOVE that! Is it the eccentric sister, Lynn? She's hilarious every single time she's in a scene, and we haven't even begun to learn about her! Caleb...a mimic? Yeah, it's a thing, and he's an unpredictable sociopath..friend? Definitely one to watch. What about Christian? Adore him. He just might be my favorite. Funny, but so lovable. Great BFF material. Also loved Dom, Jillian's love interest/ex. They had off the charts chemistry every time they got within thirty feet of each other. Volatile! And there were more. Loved Sloan, Cam, what the hell was up with Drake? Can't wait to see where this goes in book 2. Read this book! So good.

Profile Image for Kati.
299 reviews2 followers
March 15, 2014
4.5 stars

A very interesting and engrossing start to a new urban fantasy series by the very talented Ms Lilley. As the story unwinds we find out all about who Jillian and her sister are and why they are on the run. The writing is very good, the world building is imaginative and unique, and the secondary characters are truly wonderful. There was plenty of humor in the story as well to make it a very enjoyable read. While it is clear the story continues there is no awful cliffhanger to deal with!

The romance aspect between Jillian and Dom is unusual in that there has been a lot of water under the bridge before the book even began. They have an intense, explosive and undeniable attraction with a long history that has fallen apart by the time we start this story, leaving both Jillian and Dom with a broken heart and Dom feeling bitter and betrayed. As Dom is very, very alpha he does not deal with this well. Despite his bitterness Dom can't keep his hands off Jillian or keep from doing everything in his power to protect and help her. Even with huge obstacles between them neither Dom nor Jillian have ever truly let the other go and have very strong feelings for each other. I'm looking forward to the next book to see how things work things out.
Profile Image for Mita.
172 reviews56 followers
May 14, 2015
Really good read.
Right from the get, Breathing Fire takes over with it's wicked and clever ways and doesn't let go until it spits you out reeling.
Though there are plenty of dragon books out there, it's difficult to find one good enough to be about such awesome creatures. This book does dragons justice.
it's not just about fancy shifting or pretty scales, where DRAGON is put in the background to the drama like an after thought. Breathing Fire puts the DRAGON in drama, action AND romance with perfectly imperfect, wise-cracking, fully entertaining, and wholly nutzo characters in a story/plot/world thats more complex and screwy, twisting with emotions and fun to keep you reading page after page after page.

UNfortunately, I can't give it a five like I want to because the last couple chapters just make me do a double take and not in a good way. I can't help but feeling like there was more to the story originally but someone hacked up and pasted together a hasty ending so that they could sell a second book. Hm... we'll see. We'll see.

Still, minus those last couple chapters, I'd definitely recommend this book.
11 reviews1 follower
February 16, 2014
I just had a heart attack!
This book is.. DAMN mindblowing!

In the beginning it was all very vague, yanno? But when the story really started I was like: http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m8o..."
You have Jillian
And then you have Dom
beautiful dom

When they're together it's like waiting for a bom to explode, in a good way ;)
I'm surprised that so few people have read this book..
I can't wait for the second book, please let it come, I'm desperate for it!!


Profile Image for Alisa.
1,079 reviews1 follower
June 17, 2015
Hmm. Well I enjoyed the book tremendously. Great characters that kicked ass and the plot was full of action and intrigue. I like the history of the paranormal especially the dragons' being so dark and "bad".

A friend had mentioned that there was too much smut and I was like pfft, Ella doesn't know what she's talking about.... no, she's right.

The heroine and hero have not been together for years. He's hopped into bed with every living, breathing thing he's come across since then, his world hates her, he treats her like she's beneath him ..... yet she still feels that undeniable pull towards him and they can't stop doing the dirty every time they're together? Plus he never does anything about the Siobhan chick.

Yes, she can kick ass with her double handed axe. But she is tstl when it comes to her love life.
127 reviews1 follower
February 28, 2013
I loved it. Looking forward to book 2 (and 3 and 4). Action packed, loved the characters. This is a great start to a paranormal/ urban fantasy series. Leaves you wondering about her family, Dom, the grove, Caleb... Looking forward to the next book.
Profile Image for Zara.
235 reviews9 followers
January 12, 2020
I stumbled on this book by complete accident and decided to read it. #best decision ever.
Profile Image for Joann H (Sshh!!! I'm reading).
83 reviews27 followers
June 1, 2015

So from what I gathered from this book;

1. Hide your supernatural identity at all costs. Even when there really is no need to as those who care about you would never reveal your secret and put you in harm's way and would even die to protect you from those who wish you harm.

2. If the man with whom you are in love with life is in danger and you're being blackmailed by his bastard boss to help assassinate him or he will reveal your secret, the most logical reaction is to fake a sordid affair with his boss in order to provoke your boyfriend into killing the guy in a fit of jealous rage.

3. After doing number 2 above, instead of then explaining what really happened to your boyfriend, let him think the worst and hide out for 7 years while he turns bitter and angry, hating the evil bitch who ruined his life

4. After being found after those 7 years, still offer the man no explanation as to what really happened. Just let him hate you.

5. Have kinky sex in random places with said man.

6. After finding out that your evil abusive dragon family who want to torture/rape/maim/kill you is in town and is on to your whereabouts, trying to gather help from the powerful druids to find you, stay in town. Don't run like you have been doing for centuries.

7.Knowing that your sister is hiding a secret that may mean danger to the both of you, don't push her on the issue and try to figure out what's going on.

8. If you're a dragon, befriend a dragon slayer and help train them and feed them your blood to make them stronger.

9. Dragons can get into car chases on a busy street and land on casino roofs in Las Vegas and not a single person will bat an eye.

10. When going into battle with your evil grandfather who will surely be in dragon form and who has kidnapped your sister, only bring 3 people with you even though you could just call the head of the druids who is also your said ex boyfriend and who would surely bring a whole army to take down the bastard.


This book's plot had more holes that a sieve. There was a complete lack of chemistry between the protagonist and the love interest even with all the sex going on. Her sister was just there, and there was surprisingly no emotional interaction between sisters who have been together for centuries. The protagonist was immature and petty(there was even a cat fight). And the last two chapters were the worst I've ever read in a book. Ever.

I want my hours back, book gods!!!

Profile Image for Cathy.
472 reviews16 followers
November 13, 2014
"Breathing Fire" was another audiobook random choice. This is the first book in a series, but so far the only volume available is this one, which was first published in 2012. It was a pleasant surprise. Falls within the paranormal genre with an interesting world building, although I would have liked the author had explained more about the different species that were appearing. Although the story is very focused on dragons and Druids seemed to me that it needed more information on these tribes, and on society in general.

The book has interesting characters. Jilian is a kick-ass female lead that is in constant flight because of her refusal to submit to the moral standards of her family. She wasn’t as likable as I would like but I could understand throughout her history her posture in the world. I could not understand however how she knew so little about dragons since she lived with her older sister. The sister never told her anything?

Dom seems to be an interesting character, but I felt I missed a lot of this character by the narrator of the book being only Jilian. I also considered the fact that all the scenes in which Don and Jilian interact had a sex scene limited the development of the two characters. It is true that there was already a great past history between the two of them, and I can understand that there is a great chemistry, but would it be necessary so many descriptions of rushed, crude and devoid of romance sex scenes? I think not.

Finally, this is undoubtedly the first of a series, but still no sequels came out so far (and I believe that there are still no dates), which may be a deciding factor in purchasing this book. Because although I liked the story, there’s a final cliff-hanger.
Profile Image for Someone's Peas.
140 reviews25 followers
November 25, 2014
I'm completely high on this book right now, I just finished it in 3 hours.

I haven't read a paranormal series that was this much fun in a while, and it's very different from the other dragon stories I've read so far. If you like paranormal fantasies and are looking for something a little different, I would definitely recommend trying this book. I'm surprised there aren't more ratings, but god do I need the second book now or what. Ugh. The ending is really a cliffhanger but it's sort of..urghghgh just gimme book 2 right now!

I should mention I usually don't go for books about dragons as they don't typically interest me much, but I loved the parts of this book where Jillian and her sister Lynn show their dragon sides! The Chinese dragons really interesting too, since they don't usually show up in traditional dragon fantasy books.
Profile Image for Emmi.
781 reviews50 followers
June 28, 2020
Overall rating: 4.5 stars

If I'd realised the next book wasn't out I wouldn't have read it yet. I did really enjoy it but kinda feels like I only got half a story. The 'epilogue' wasn't an epilogue at all, it was just the progressin of the story after a 7 month time gap. There were so many parts of this that weren't explained properly or looked like they were going somewhere but didn't. Hopefully the next one will pick up on these bits if/when it's finally released. I did enjoy it regardless though, just wait to see if the next one materialses if you're still thinking of reading it.

Genre: Urban Fantasy/Paranormal
Plot: 8/10
Ending: 2/10
Writing: 9/10
Hero: 8/10
Heroine: 9/10
Steaminess: 7/10
Feels: 7/10
Humour: 5/10

Recommend: Yes but not until next book's finally released
Re-read: Yes ^^
Read more from author: Usually
Profile Image for Dallison.
1,072 reviews10 followers
September 21, 2023
FANTASTIC, KICK ASS NEW SERIES. When is book 2 coming out.
Loved it..... DRAGONS YUMMY!!!!

Book 2 is finally out. About to re-read book one before jumping into book 2

I enjoyed the bid book even more. The he second time around. Can’t want to reach book 2.
6 reviews9 followers
November 13, 2012

The best I've read I'm a while it's full of sexy, rough,and hilarious characters. Once you start reading you can't stop. I'm looking forward reading more from this author.
81 reviews1 follower
April 22, 2017

This book was definitely worth reading in one sitting. I couldn't put it down. The chemistry between the characters was charged from beginning to end. The storyline was unique and different. I can't wait to read the next in the series.
Profile Image for Kim.
616 reviews48 followers
August 21, 2017
I will do this review in the morning but I will say R.K. Lilley is one of my favorite authors, and I didn't put two in two together, until about 5 minutes ago when I was searching for the next book.

5 years is kind of scary, but from my research, I can't find much information on the next book, so fingers crossed
Profile Image for Nereid.
1,371 reviews21 followers
June 25, 2013
I absolutely loved this book and I don't read many about dragon shifters but I could not put this book down. I was hooked from the first few pages and Jillian was such a snarky kick ass woman who was hiding a deep dark secret. Not only was she and her sister Lynne from a family of ancient dragons, they were both on the run. They befriended a motley crew of paranormals and I just adored Caleb who loved to blow stuff up, had an affinity with guns and he seemed to be everywhere which was great in a crisis. Then there was Christian, how ironic considering he was a dragon slayer yet completely unaware that his best friend and her sister were his arch enemies, talk about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer. As for Dom, well that is a twisted love story if ever there was one. Jillian decided not to bow out gracefully and burnt all of her bridges behind her. She made sure the relationship crashed and burned in a spectacular manner and I kind of felt sorry for her as her heart was in the right place, it was for the right reasons but it was just the way she went about it. Despite the fact they couldn't keep their hands off each other when they crossed paths, I can't see a "happily ever after" in their future but never say never.

When her past finally catches up to her, Jillian will make a choice that will change her world forever. New alliances will be formed with old foes returning and she will have to take a stand. Heaps of action and plenty of twists to this tale. This series is now my new favourite, I just hope the author writes the second book soon as I am dying to know what happens next.
Profile Image for Harriet.
407 reviews5 followers
April 28, 2014
4.5* - Intriguing setup

So much is unknown and as each part of the puzzled unravelled you get more tied into the story. The tempestuous relationship between Dom and Jillian is so gripping, can't wait for the next one.

My only qualm about the books is that it's a "series". There are books that are a series, and each book is a complete story. Take Harry Potter, take Eragon by Christopher Paolini. There's more than one book, but each book can be read stand-alone, of course it's much better when you have the previous background, and you know all the characters in the previous books, but the plot is a complete one. Then, in the age of e-books, publishing isn't taken as seriously, anybody can 'publish' their books, and whole stories are chopped up and sold separately to make more buck. This is a novel-length book, but it's not a complete story. It leaves as many questions as it answers. Even though we do get most of the gist through Breathing Fire, it's still not completel, it only leaves us enough setup, and not enough plot for a complete book.

Having said (ranted) all that, Rebecca Lilley does a wonderful job with characters, with her previous books, and with this one. I'm engrossed in everything between Dom and Jillian, and intrigued about Sloan and Cam (however little that came through in the last book, hope this there is a separate novella for them). It gives promise of a good book. I almost wished I hadn't read this one until the second one came out. But when I first read it I thought it was a standalone novel. Even with all that, I've re-read it 3 times, and each time I get more impatient for the second one.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 178 reviews

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