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Sunwalker Saga #1

Kissed by Darkness

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Danger is always on the menu for Morgan Bailey, a sexy and street-smart bounty hunter, who prowls the dark underworld of Portland, Oregon hunting creatures of the night. Morgan’s never met a vampire she couldn’t dust or a demon she couldn't kill until she's hired to destroy a new kind of mystical the Sunwalker.

A powerful immortal once believed myth, the Sunwalker carries with him an ancient secret which, if left unchecked, will destroy Morgan’s world. Pursued by a passionate Templar Knight and the target of the local vampire clans, an ancient power is awakened within her, unlike anything she’s ever known. Morgan must uncover the truth behind her mission and about herself, before the Darkness lurking inside swallows her whole.

72k words long (280 paperback pages)

242 pages, Kindle Edition

First published January 1, 2011

About the author

Shéa MacLeod

113 books425 followers
Shéa MacLeod has dreamed of writing novels since before she could hold a crayon. She totally blames her mother.

Her favorite poem as a child was ‘Jabberwocky’, and Her favorite authors were Agatha Christie and Edgar Allan Poe. Which probably explains a lot.

After a six year sojourn in London, England, a dearth of good donuts has driven her back to her hometown. She now resides in the leafy green hills outside Portland, Oregon where she indulges in her fondness for strong coffee, Ancient Aliens reruns, lemon curd, and dragons.

Because everything's better with dragons.

Shéa is the author of the SUNWALKER SAGA (a fast paced urban fantasy series with a kick-ass heroine published by Montlake) and DRAGON WARS (a post-apocalyptic series with dragons)as well as the Cupcake Goddess novelettes.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 197 reviews
Profile Image for Dan.
657 reviews24 followers
Shelved as 'first-chapter-only'
August 19, 2014
Here's my summary of the Kindle preview:
(1) There's a vampire called a Sunwalker
(2) Morgan wants to have sex with her coworker
(3) Morgan's coworker is really sexy
(4) Morgan really wants to have sex with her coworker
(5) the Sunwalker vampire may or may not actually be evil
(6) Morgan's coworker is totally flirting with her
(7) Morgan's coworker is really very sexy
(8) Morgan really, really wants to have sex with her coworker

I like to imagine this happened as a result of some bad prereader feedback. "This Inigo guy," the prereaders were saying, "I'm just not quite getting it. Who is he, exactly? What's his relation to Morgan? How does she feel about that?" The author added more and more hints, but the prereaders just weren't getting it, so finally in a fit of sarcasm she went through and added at least one reference to sex on every page. "Is that clear enough for you now?" she asks. "Go ahead. Ask me what's up with Inigo. Ask me one more time."
Profile Image for Felicia.
Author 43 books128k followers
December 25, 2011
More vampires, but for a freshman/2.99 installment into the urban-fantasy genre, not bad. There's a lot of girl swooning over every hot guy, these books sometimes get so porny. I just imagine the roles reversed, and a guy is talking about women instead of vice versa. I know I would call chauvinist quick, but somehow total objectification of men is ok when women do it to men in these kinds of books. Not singling this one out as worse than others, just an observation.

There are some crazy twists later in the book where you might go, "WTF?!" but if you look at this as suspending disbelief-hour, you might like this. Somehow I liked it more than my brain tells me I should, and whatever, it was kinda fun!
Profile Image for Amanda.
197 reviews3 followers
January 31, 2013
If I had to review KISSED BY DARKNESS in one sentence, it would be; it is just one a been-there-done-that trip. I could see all of the 'shocking twists' coming a mile off, so ended frustrated that it took the characters so long to catch up. In summary; I ended up a bit bored reading KISSED BY DARKNESS.

As it is the first book in a series there is a lot of background setting in Morgan's life to go through, so the story is slow to get going. The bogged down pace isn't helped by the cast of unmemorable characters, two of whom annoy me; the heroine [I've just had to reread the book's blurb to recall her name] whines about things being complicated, when it's her that it making things more complicated by not telling others important stuff.

Another major annoyance is the 'romantic/sexy' angle. One of the men I'm meant to be swooning over just pisses me off - I hate seeing him turn up. Breaking into the heroine's house while she sleeps isn't cute:
A) it gives of mega 'crazy stalker' vibes - not romantic ones.
B)even though Morgan shrugs it off, it drives me crazy that he doesn't respect personal boundaries.

I'm not a Twilight loving tween, so I'm certainly not getting hot under the collor here. Romance and urban fantasy is just so easy to screw up, I guess.

Yep. I said "one of the men I'm meant to be swooning over." That means we have a case of multiple love interests. Yawn. I'm tired of reading the same old things. If there is one surefire way to turn me off a book, it's by including this tired old cliche.

We don't learn enough about the other secondary characters for me to make up my mind about them.

In summary; zzzzzzzzz...
Profile Image for Ronda.
887 reviews166 followers
May 19, 2013
I didn't know what to expect with this book, I purchased it some time ago along with the next two and they have sat on my kindle for months... Then I decided to open book 1...

I have to say, at first, I wasn't sure about the style of writing, I loved the characters instantly and I knew it was definitely my kind of book but the writing seemed slightly different from others that I've read that are similar to this... and then the story really started...

I loved Morgan and her background story - I loved Kabita too, Morgan's boss and friend... then there is Inigo, I am still not sure about this guy, he is Kabita's cousin and younger than Morgan, but that doesn't stop Morgan fancying the pants off him!! Enter Jack - now here is hot, hot, handsome and 'I wanna piece of him'!!!

Morgan slays vampires, Jack is a Sunwalker, which we think is a vampire that can walk in the daytime? Not quite... Jack is a guardian of a powerful magic amulet, that has been stolen by Darroch... and so the story is set...

I've really enjoyed this book and once I was a chapter or two into it, I decided I really like the way Shea MacLeod writes her books... I simply can't wait to get into the next one!!!
Profile Image for Natalie.
3,018 reviews173 followers
January 7, 2013
I've been trying to deny it, but I can't anymore.

I love paranormal romance. I especially love these cheap paranormal romances I can get on my kindle. They are just straight up fun.

Morgan is a great character. She is the only person, that she knows of, that lived through a vampire attack and didn't turn. She did gain some new, super-cool abilities, like seeing in the dark, sensing vampires, etc. All this means that she has become the ultimate vampire hunter and she loves her job.

Then she gets a new client - a creepy dude who wants her to track down a legendary sunwalker - a vampire with the ability to walk in the sun - that apparently stole a priceless jewel. Before she finds him, he finds her and he is nothing like she imagined.

Turns out creepy dude is the one that stole the jewel from Jack - the Sunwalker. There is something more sinister going on, and Jack is not the bad guy.

I like Morgan. She was quirky and fun - someone I think I could be good friends with. I'm hoping the other characters will be fleshed out a little more in the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Steph.
220 reviews20 followers
December 4, 2011
Freshman author writes an incredibly engaging book, that breaths new life into a dying and overwritten genre. Not to say I didn't have some minor issues with this book, but I was able to objectively allow minor issues to pass and maintain a moderate level of suspension of disbelief, in order to enjoy this book as a whole. No doubt, this author is very imaginative and isn't afraid to step out of the cookie cutter genre box that others have fallen victim to. As I mentioned, I did notice a few mistakes and had the feeling the author has yet to find her stride completely with this series. However, if and when she does get there, she will most definitely be the next big UF writer to look out for.
Danger is always on the menu for Morgan Bailey, a sexy and street-smart bounty hunter, who prowls the dark underworld of Portland, Oregon hunting creatures of the night. Morgan's never met a vampire she couldn't dust or a demon she couldn't kill until she's hired to destroy a new kind of mystical threat: the Sunwalker.

A powerful immortal once believed myth, the Sunwalker carries with him an ancient secret which, if left unchecked, will destroy Morgan's world. Pursued by a passionate Templar Knight and the target of the local vampire clans, an ancient power is awakened within her, unlike anything she's ever known. Morgan must uncover the truth behind her mission and about herself, before the Darkness lurking inside swallows her whole.
Now for the good. The author has a talent for creating sexual tension and romance, not to mention a imaginative and fresh world. And although I would not classify this as strictly a PNR, she doesn't hold back or teases her fans either. There is also a good amount of humor and a bit of sarcasm, without seeming to be trying too hard, which is not always easy to do. As the book progressed, I found myself enjoying the protagonists voice and humor more and more, and shockinly enought I definitely had some laugh out loud moments. A good use of description and grammar, makes this book an easy read. The pace is also exceptional, and is one of the reasons it kept glued throughout. And although this may be classified as just another Vamp book, it definitely delivers a fresh plot, that makes this anything but.

I had just a few minor issues, besides the ones mentioned previously. One being a lack of character & location back story. As in, random people and places are discussed with little to no back story, like they were introduced prior. Another confusion/annoyance, was the protagonist's nationality. I had no idea whether or not the protagonist was British or just a visitor at one time, even though she mentions London in passing invariably.

In summary, I give this book a big thumbs up for its creativity, humor, romance, and pure enjoyment. If you are looking for good, fast, and cheap read, that rivals some of the more well known UF writers we all know and love, then look no further.

Warning: Violence and Sexual Content.

Sunwalker Saga
1-Kissed by Darkness
2-Kissed by Fire
3-Kissed by Smoke (Dec 2011)
Profile Image for Lukas Anthony.
331 reviews362 followers
November 28, 2012
Great start to a fresh urban fantasy series.

I've been burned a lot by the urban fantasy genre in recent weeks, too many books to even mention that I haven't even bothered to finish, but I have to admit this one really did surprise me. Although I still take issue with the bad fake wig on the cover.

With books of this genre, you can tell from a few chapters in whether it's going to be enjoyable or not and this one hooks you right from the start. In truth, the main character is nothing too original, in fact she's the same 'kicking ass with sass' character that is used in countless series, but she's fun, witty and get's the job done. I actually found the real shining moments of the the book to deal with more of the supporting cast, Kabita was a really interesting character and even her slightly matrix rip off scene towards the end didn't feel as cheesy as it should have. The use of the clairvoyant and Eddie was nice too, with Bestat the cat getting a special mention, I could just picture that face.

It was nice to see the story take on a more original and historical take too. On the surface (especially when I read the description) a book involving the Knights of Templar, sacred amulets and the Lost City of Atlantis sounded incredibly over the top and cheesy to me, but it's handled well, well enough that I even wanted to hear more come the end of the story. The little comedic cliffhanger at the end was cleverly done too, and has me excited for the sequel.

If there was anything I didn't like about this novel, it was the whole insta-love/relationship/sex aspect, which is more a complaint towards the genre in general than this book specifically. While Morgan is a fun character, how many times have we read about the girl who hasn't had sex in ages, who doesn't think she's desirable but actually is, being surprised when she falls for the person she shouldn't? It's getting a bit old. This novel definitely over used the 'oh he's making me horny' trope too, like another review states, I too am surprised she can walk with all the thigh clenching she does. Also, special cringey mention has to go to the sex scene right at the end, it was so over done and layered with cheesy, overused lines that I cringed the entire way through.

Ultimately, for £1.49 on Kindle, you really can't go wrong with this book. It definitely has potential to turn into a rewarding series, if they can get passed the minor faults...and deal with the slight hiccup that i'm told is book number three. I'll definitely be picking up 'Kissed By Fire' though.

Profile Image for LadyTechie.
783 reviews50 followers
November 20, 2011
I have not been really writing full reviews lately. But, this book deserves for me to spend a few minutes giving it a more detailed review than I have been writing lately. I am not positive but I think that Sunwalker Press the author's own organization and she is self-published. I was wondering how this book would turn out. The editing on the self-published books (I think this is self-published) I have read previously are usually not very well done at all. This book had about 1 missing word and the rest of the editing was very well done. In addition, this woman tells a wonderful story.

The heroine, Morgan Bailey, is seriously kick-butt and quite funny. Morgan is best friends with her boss, Kabita, and quite close with Inigo, the other person that works with her hunting vampires. The three of them have developed a family of sorts and they support each other totally even when they disagree with decisions they make. Inigo has his own secrets and hopefully they will come out in a future book. Jack has a long and troubled past and it was very well told.

There was a few nice twists in this book and I won't say anything about them other than part of the topic was new for me so it was great. I know I have seen other books that talk about this aspect of mythology but, I have never thought I would be interested in this aspect of mythology but I was pleasantly surprised. I don't know if Shea MacCleod has not pitched to a publishing house or if being independent is what she wants. Either way, I hope the word is out there on her books because I really like them. I plan to find out if she is on Twitter so I can continue to follow her work and I have already bought Kissed By Fire.

Review can also be seen on http://ladytechiesbookmusings.blogspo...
Profile Image for Jean ~ Kindle Queen.
586 reviews39 followers
September 2, 2016
I lived in Portland, Oregon for about 4 years and now live about an hour away, so I had to check out this series. I can't resist a book set in a place I've lived. :) I was definitely pleased by the amount of Portland featured in this one.

Overall, I'm not sure how to rate this book. I really liked the world building and the background info/magic system (very different), but the love triangle and instant lust were irritating. It was also annoying that the main characters were completely oblivious to some pretty glaring clues. *sigh* But it does seem to have potential, and I like Morgan despite her tendency to constantly lust after men. She's definitely kickass, so I plan to check out Kissed by Fire (Sunwalker Saga, #2) by Shéa MacLeod .
Profile Image for Steven Montano.
Author 28 books233 followers
September 1, 2011
Morgan Bailey is one bad vampire hunter.

If you're a fan of urban fantasy or the Anita Blake novels before she went all flaky, you'd be doing yourself a disservice if you didn't check out this excellent first outing by Shea Macleod. With a likable, smarmy heroine, a fast-paced but well-balanced plot, a high level of tension and some terrific dialogue, "Kissed by Darkness" introduces to us to both a great new heroine and a fantastic new author.

It's very rare that I have trouble putting down a book. If life/work hadn't interfered with my reading schedule, I'd likely have finished this one a lot sooner. Pick this one up: trust me, you won't want to put it down.
Profile Image for chucklesthescot.
2,981 reviews126 followers
March 14, 2015
This isn't one of those books that you abandon and think 'that was rubbish'. It is not a badly written book. I actually think the author puts the story together pretty well, the book has an attractive cover and the MC is not a bitch from hell. So it does have good points going for it.

The reason I abandoned it was because it just didn't reach out and grab me yelling 'LOVE ME!' I've read a lot of books with similar plots, characters going through similar things...I just didn't really find anything that I found new and different in it to make me want to keep reading.

Plenty vampire fans will have a good time with this book so I recommend it to them to give it a try.
Profile Image for Ty Hutchinson.
Author 63 books596 followers
August 5, 2011
I like this book. I like that the main character was your everyday person. I like that she wasn't perfect and had flaws and got horny and admitted that it had been awhile. So un-hero like. Shea did a great job with Morgan Bailey. Just enough sarcasm to make her interesting but not a put off. She reminded me off a kick ass version of Daria from MTV. The plot was interesting as well. Flashbacks worked well. The vampires were treated more like roaches, allowing the Sunwalker to be the interesting monster. I highly recommend this book. It was a fun read.
Profile Image for Vero.
1,507 reviews9 followers
November 7, 2014
It was not the best I ever read, but it was entertaining.

It had a good story flow, the world-building was at least not totally run-of-the-mill, if not outright original.

It was enjoyable.

Why I won't pick up the next books in this series:
1. The pricing of the next books in relation to quality of the first book
2. The insta-lust with two guys
3. The inconsistencies
4. The reiterativeness
Profile Image for Julia Crane.
Author 68 books973 followers
September 11, 2011
I really enjoyed this story. The main character Morgan had me laughing out loud, and whats not to like about Jack? I loved the ending. The author did a great job of wrapping up the story line, but also leaving it open for the next book. Which I can't wait to read. Check this book out you won't regret it.
Profile Image for Emmalynn.
2,310 reviews24 followers
February 25, 2023
Hmmmm this was interesting. Some parts were interesting and others were just okay. The main character just wasn’t as kick butt as portrayed so that was a let down. I don’t trust Jack and she thinks with her libido around him instead of her brain. So whatever.
Profile Image for Sarah.
3,346 reviews1,236 followers
November 15, 2012
Since surviving a vampire attack several years ago Morgan has developed some new abilities that make her a perfect vampire hunter. Now working for her friends PI firm she spends her time killing vampires and demons to keep the human population safe and unaware of the danger surrounding them. Her latest case is to track down and kill a Sunwalker but everyone knows that they are just a myth though so it's going to be a pretty impossible job. Well Morgan always thought that Sunwalkers were a myth but she's about to discover how little she really knows about the supernatural and the more she uncovers the greater the danger she must face.

I love urban fantasy so I'm always excited when I come across a new series to try, particularly one where the first few books are already available because it means I won't have to wait a whole year to find out what happens next. So when I saw Kissed by Darkness on the Amazon Vine list I jumped at the chance to review it. Unfortunately if I had to describe the book in just one word the only one I can think of is disappointing. I had such high hopes but although there are signs that this could develop into an interesting series it didn't manage to impress me.

I'll start with the things that I did like and the main one was the history the author has created for the vampires. With links to the Knights Templar and the lost city of Atlantis the author has come up with something a bit different which I always appreciate. I still have questions about the world but that is something to be expected when you're reading the first book in a series. I also quite liked Jack, he doesn't particularly stand out as different to many other heroes I've read about but there is definitely potential for a crush worthy male lead there. There were a few amusing moments throughout the book and I particularly liked Morgan's friend Cordelia and her pet cat.

I think the main reason I didn't enjoy the book was because I really don't think much of Morgan. She spends half of the book talking about how kickass she is and how she has become so much stronger and faster since her vampire attack and the rest of it talking about how hot every single guy she meets is. Seriously, there was not a man in the book who didn't make her hormones go crazy (apart from the bad guy so it's pretty obvious from page one that he must be evil!). I'm all for having hot guys in the story but I don't need to hear how gorgeous they are on EVERY. SINGLE. PAGE. I get it Morgan, you have a crush on Inigo but can't go there because he's your best friends cousin - I heard you the first 10 times and saying it another 20 isn't going to make me care. While we're on the subject of Inigo all I have to say about him is ugh, he is such a creepy stalker type that I didn't find him even slightly attractive! To go back to the point about how kickass Morgan is I have to mention that if a character is constantly telling me how good she is in a fight but then never once manages to back up her claims then I find it more than a little difficult to believe her. Honestly, I didn't think she was kickass in the slightest for the majority of the book and the tiny hint at it that I did see was a case of too little too late. I don't like to call characters too stupid to live but in this case the phrase really fits, she constantly made rookie mistakes and nearly got herself killed practically every time she came across a vampire - not ideal for someone who supposedly makes a living hunting them!

Like I said Kissed by Darkness isn't all bad but I think my dislike of Morgan really coloured my enjoyment of the rest of the story. After revelations towards the end of the book I do think the series has some potential but at the moment I'm undecided about whether I'll carry on reading it. Just reading the blurb of Kissed by Fire and seeing that the story is about dragons makes me want to pick it up (I have a bit of a thing for dragons) but unless Morgan has undergone a major personality transplant I'm not sure if I can bring myself to spend more time in her company.
Profile Image for S.M. Reine.
Author 112 books1,993 followers
January 8, 2013
Morgan is the only person in the world who has survived a vampire attack. She came back from it badder and stronger than ever, but still completely normal, I assure you. Wait, what's that you say? She's actually some kind of supernatural creature, and only realizes it years after her attack? No way. I thought everyone recovered from major trauma with super-healing.

There are sunwalkers in this book. Sunwalkers are vampires who walk in the sun. Oh, but they don't need blood. They're also not mindless and crazy. Aaaand they're a lot sexier. And...basically they have nothing in common with vampires except that they live a long time. Remind me why we drew this parallel in the first place?

Kissed by Darkness has a lot of wtf moments like that. I initially wrote a long list of things that bugged me about the book for this review, but deleted them because it seemed nitpicky in retrospect. Needless to say, the quality of the writing just wasn't good enough to carry me through a lot of little quirks that took me out of the story. If you try to think about anything in this book, it just doesn't hold up--and no, ten pages of awkward expository dialogue does not fix that.

That said...even though so many things bothered me, it still succeeds at being pretty entertaining. And isn't that what really matters?

I liked Morgan's developing powers, although the cause of them was extremely vague, and I appreciate a woman who will use her cleavage as a weapon. The heroes were adequately sexy in the "quick, throw a beefcake in the book!" kind of way. The fight scenes were fun and well-paced. There wasn't enough peril for me to care about the enemies, but I'd say Morgan's internal struggles made up for it. The dream sequences were kind of a fun dip into a fantasy realm.

Side note: I think this is a personal thing, but just saying "Atlantis" makes me roll my eyes. Ahh, yes. You have Atlantean blood. That explains EVERYTHING. I don't know WHY I can't take the concept of Atlantis seriously, but the first time I came across the word, I just about put the book down. I can't imagine this will bother anyone but me. I just wanted to make note of it anyway.

In summary, my feelings on this book are mixed. I definitely enjoyed it, but so much of it made me put down my Kindle for a few seconds and think, "What the hell?" It wasn't thought provoking in the good way. I wish I could give it 3.5 stars.

Would I recommend it? Maybe, but I'm not sure to whom. Despite being a Montlake title, there wasn't much of a romance. The heroine drools over the heroes a lot and mashes lips a couple of times. (Woo! Get it, gurl.) But I don't think the mystery elements were really strong enough to appeal to most urban fantasy readers, either. If you're a fan of heroines with Lots of Spunky Agency, unsexy vampires, and Portland, you'll probably like this book.

Four stars.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Vannessa.
1,066 reviews22 followers
October 27, 2012
I ummed and arred about buying this book for a while, but after reading the reviews on here I finally took the plunge and I am so glad I did. This was a fantastic start to this series and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Morgan Bailey is a vampire and demon hunter with some slightly strange powers following a vampire attack 3 years ago that basically left her for dead. Luckily for her she was revived, but along with her survival came extra speed and strength. However, these powers are slowly beginning to develop into something more, but Morgan is not quite sure what they are nor what they mean...

Morgan works for a secret branch of the government, which acknowledges that vampires and demons and other things that go bump in the night exist, but do not yet want the wider public to know. Her team is hired by a man with a bit of power to find a Sunwalker and retrieve the "worthless" amulet he has stolen. This sounds like a fairly straight forward job and nothing that Morgan can't handle, except finding the Sunwalker and finding out what he actually is turns out to be a little harder than first thought. The Sunwalker, Jack, actually finds Morgan and he is nowhere near the league of vampires she is used to killing. He does strange things to her and makes her literally go weak at the knees when she's near him. How on earth can she kill him if she can barely keep a straight thought in her head when she's near him? There are a few twists and turns in this job and Morgan finds out a few more discoveries about herself along the way.

Morgan also has feelings for her boss' cousin Inigo and he starts to reveal little bits of possible supernatural qualities as well, but Morgan has no idea what to do about him either. It was clearly obvious they were both highly attracted to one another, but I think Morgan held off because of her friendship with Kabita. I do think it would be good if they could give it a go. Although Morgan is very attracted to Jack as well, I just don't think he is the one for her - maybe a little bit of fun (and she sure needs some of that as her libido keeps telling us!), but not for the long term. Although saying that I don't know enough about Inigo to see if they would last long term either.

I loved the plot idea of the Templar Knights and the link to Atlantis - not one I've read in a vampire book like this before. Loved the ending as well!
Profile Image for K..
4,266 reviews1,151 followers
April 22, 2016
3.5 stars. This was kind of like a weird cross between Buffy and Supernatural and Atlantis or something. IDEK. I mean, Morgan is a badass vampire hunter who developed certain powers after she was nearly killed by a vampire three years ago. She works for a PI agency that chases down vampires and demons (*cough* Angel Investigations *cough*), is friends with a psychic/seer named Cordelia, and her boss/best friend is a badass witch/demon hunter (aka a Giles/Willow hybrid). There's a mysterious loner dude who turns out to be just a wee bit older than her (Angel), and a close friend/possible love interest who has weird powers of his own that he can't/won't explain (Sam Winchester).

There were some fabulously hilarious quotes, my favourite of which was "Some days I just want to quit my job and become a professional doughnut eater". Um, YES. So between that and the characters, who were generally pretty fun, it was an enjoyable read. Though I could have done without the love triangle elements, especially Morgan's constant "oh God, he's really hot and I know I totally shouldn't, but I'mma make out with him". The shift from full blown paranormal urban fantasy to "hey guess what, Atlantis was real and you're descended from them and maybe they were from another planet" was a little bizarre, but considering I got it for 99c as a Kindle deal of the day, I think I got my money's worth.
Profile Image for Mara.
2,508 reviews254 followers
October 23, 2011
3 1/2 stars

A very nice read, a new hunter in the (early) Anita Blake sense: vamps are bad, the Feds know, lust rules :)
The world building is good, the background well explained and the kick ass heroine is good without being super woman. Mild spoiler
She has a new power she's not sure is good or is able to control. She isn't a know-all. Yes!

This is an indie author, the price is fair and the book has a minimal number of typos (I really noticed one, a name misspelled.) I would recommend trying her book. I already bought the sequel.

I'm not giving it 4 star because I can't stand hearing anymore about Morgan's libido. :D

As a side note, am I the only one who thinks that fighting your libido is good? Well at least fighting this "I stop thinking/the world stops" routine :D
Profile Image for L.M. Pruitt.
Author 44 books150 followers
June 30, 2011
Kissed by Darkness is the debut novel of Shea MacLeod and she's entered the world of urban fantasy with a bang--or better yet with a stake, Holy Water, and a slew of other weapons specially designed to take down your run of the mill pesky vampire. Combining good old fashioned sarcasm with a healthy dose of British humor, and throwing in a drop or two of hot romance, MacLeod makes pages turn fast and hearts beat faster.

If you're looking for a twist on both vampires and Atlantis, love kooky characters, and adore a hot and heavy romance, look no further. Kissed by Darkness delivers all these and more. Even better, the second book in the series, Kissed by Fire, will be following soon. Trust me, you don't want miss either of these books!
Profile Image for WereVamps.
175 reviews17 followers
July 2, 2011
This book was awesome. With a man to die for and a heroine that kicks Vamps but. I enjoy the plots twists, turns of mystery, a new breed, templar knights and atlantean myth. The sexual tension is hot. The writing style was good, and the world setting well done. I found the book to be completely original and keep me guessing. I absolutely love the mix of the different type of magical influences. It was an awesome read one I would recommend.

My rating 5 stars

Come Check out the (1st look) Giveaway, Author Interview, And Book Review at:

Profile Image for Norah Wilson.
Author 43 books418 followers
September 10, 2011
I finished Kissed by Darkness some time ago. I can't believe I haven't posted a review yet! I just popped in to review Kissed by Fire and discovered my omission. Whoops!

If you follow my on Twitter, you'll know I heart this book. :) Morgan Bailey makes a wonderful UF heroine. I absolutely loved being in her POV as she narrated this story with all its twists and turns (Atlantean myth, Templar Knights, vampires, a clandestine government agencies that hunts supernatural things...). Very fresh! And yes, I particularly enjoyed being in Morgan's skin when she interacted with the fascinating Inigo and the very hawt Jack. Can I just say, Yum!
Profile Image for mrsj.
345 reviews11 followers
February 16, 2012
I like this!
I like the story, I like Morgan Bailey.
It's kinda a fun read.
Morgan Bailey kicks ass!
She is a vampire huntress and she likes it.
I love her attitude and how real she seems to me.
At least, she is practical in her dressing when out hunting.

She is contracted by a creep who gives her the chills to find an amulet and kill the Sunwalker.
She met Jack, the Sunwalker.
Soon she realised, it is more than meets the eye.

The only problem that I have for this book is her constant mention about her libido.
Well, she explained that it has been a while since she do the deed so I will try to turn a blind eye on that. :P
Profile Image for P.J. Jones.
Author 24 books34 followers
July 28, 2011
Morgan is an awesome bad-ass vampire and monster killer. Jack, oh yum! Inigo, yummier! What I liked most about this book is rarely do I read such a compelling paranormal romance where the heroine has her choice between two delicious heroes. The author's narrative and the dialog is sharp and urbane, and the pacing is fast, which is exactly how I like my books.

I can't wait to read more of the Sunwalker Saga.
Profile Image for Samyuktha Ell.
474 reviews25 followers
December 17, 2015
OK, for starters, I didn't know this was a vampire-based story until I started reading it. I had downloaded it just seeing the positive reviews. And now I know it was great I did just that. I've got to admit the plot is quite predictable at times. But then intriguing - it is. One of those books you just don't wanna put down soon. Can't wait to read the next in the series now!
Profile Image for Jenne .
699 reviews87 followers
January 8, 2014
Pretty strong start to a series! Morgan was pretty kick butt and Jack was great! What really made this book for me was the Templar and Atlantan influence, very unique and interesting. The ending definitely leaves you wanting more and I can't wait to read book 2!
Profile Image for J.W. Ellis.
Author 15 books92 followers
January 28, 2014
Okay this one took me by surprise. I really loved this from start to finish.

Atlantis descendents.
Knights of the Templars.
Vampire Hunter.

Quite a list there, add in a kick ass heroine, and not one but two intriguing, mysterious, alpha males, Jack and Inigo

oh yes
Profile Image for Faye .
336 reviews72 followers
January 13, 2012
Loved it , a totally different supernatural story. Mix up vampires, witches, mages, hunters , add the legend of Atlantis and voila a cracker of a story.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 197 reviews

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