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The Hellion

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Rachel is the pinnacle of elegance, social standing, and beauty--when the wildest, most passionate flame of her youth steps into her life again. Tommy Lee is the all-time hellraiser of Russellville, Alabama, with three marriages behind him and a string of fast cars and women. The townsfolk say he will never change. But Rachel knows differently.

327 pages, Mass Market Paperback

First published January 1, 1984

About the author

LaVyrle Spencer

98 books1,478 followers
LaVyrle Spencer is an American best-selling author of contemporary and historical romance novels. She has successfully published a number of books, with several of them made into movies. Twelve of her books have been New York Times bestsellers, and Spencer was inducted into the Romance Writers of America Hall of Fame in 1988.

Spencer is known for creating realistic characters and stories that focus on families rather than only the relationship between a man and woman. These "ordinary" men and women are warm and vulnerable and are always portrayed sympathetically.[1] Her heroines tend to be a mix of fire and warmth, strength, savvy and soft–heartedness who must overcome some sort of adversity, such as pregnancy, divorce, a lengthy separation, the loss of a loved one, and then undergo a catharsis. The stories center on themes of abiding love, family ties and strength in difficult times.

In the 1980s and 1990s Spencer wrote 12 New York Times Bestsellers. Her books have been sold to book clubs worldwide, and have been published around the world. Condensed versions of many of her novels have appeared in Reader's Digest and Good Housekeeping.

She retired from writing in 1997.

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24 (1%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews
Profile Image for Mo.
1,389 reviews2 followers
March 26, 2019
I'm afraid this one did not stand the test of time. It was way too cheesy. I often read books that were written years ago and have enjoyed them but this one made me cringe.

Profile Image for Lyuda.
538 reviews170 followers
September 29, 2016
If you ever read the author before, you know Ms. Spencer is (was, since she doesn’t write anymore) a great storyteller versatile in both HRs and CRs. Her characters are often unconventional. None of her stories are alike. She doesn’t shy away from exploring difficult downright uncomfortable subject matters. I loved/ liked pretty much all of her HRs I read, but CRs were more of a hit-and-miss. This story was a miss.

Written in 1984, the book is dated with some cringe-induced non-PC moments which never less represented the times. I’ve read other Ms. Spencer’s story written at that time Separate Beds and although dated, I gave it much higher rating. Why? Because the characters were multidimensional, they were shining with realism. I was invested in their relationship, I wanted to shake them up (specially the hero) and I was rooting for their HEA.

It didn’t happen with this story. From a far-fetched premise to the relationship development that left me with more questions than answers, to not very likable main characters this second chance romance was off the mark.

Rachel and Tommy Lee were born two months apart, grew up together in a small Alabama town. They were neighbors, best friends, and then lovers. When Rachel became pregnant at seventeen, their parents arranged adoption and forced the young couple to separate. After attending separate colleges, they returned to their hometown. Rachel married another man and became exemplary town citizen and businesswoman. Tommy Lee, on the other hand, earned well-deserved reputation of the hell raiser. He married other women, fathered more children, and drank. Now, twenty-four years later, 41 year-old Tommy Lee is divorced for the third time and Rachel is a childless widow and the ill-fated couple receive a second-chance.

There were many issues that left unresolved, unexplored, not visited in this story. It was hard for me to believe that Tommy Lee, for example, can give up alcohol so easily after years of being alcoholic without any support and with no set back. The intensity of their relationship didn’t seem plausible after being apart for so long but also living so close to each other. The missing years made no sense to me. And I can go on and on…

Definitely not the story I would recommend even for Ms. Spencer’s fans.
Profile Image for Ashley.
9 reviews9 followers
December 15, 2017
3.5 Stars

Not my favorite LaVyrle Spencer, but it had several exceptional elements, and a lot of heartrending moments.

The best aspect of The Hellion is definitely the backstory that sets up the plot. Rachel and Tommy Lee quite literally grew up together, made inseparable by the bond of their parents' friendship. At seventeen they fell in love, but they were torn apart...

Now Tommy Lee is the town hellion (See that? Title). He's been through three marriages, he drinks like a fish and drives like a man with a death wish. And he's just that. On the day of Rachel's husband's funeral, Tommy Lee appears at the cemetery ready to put an end to their twenty-four year separation. But he has a lot of changes to make first.

My prime enjoyment came from our hero, Tommy Lee Gentry, and I'll give you all the reasons why I loved him:
-- I love a non-traditional hero. At the beginning of The Hellion , Tommy Lee is unwell in appearance, lethargic, overweight. He was so completely disparate from a "romance novel hero" that I almost forgot he was one! I love it!
-- He CHANGED for Rachel. I mean really changed. Not only did he clean up his act, he changed his whole diet and developed an exercise routine to win the heart of his true love. That's a man.

The main downside of this book was that it was simply dragged on for too long. Once Tommy Lee and Rachel reunited the story continued and expanded with an unnecessary amount of detail. Once I finally got to the end I was, unfortunately, kind of over the blissfulness of their union, simply because I had already been happy for them a hundred pages ago. But, nevertheless, the happy conclusion got my heartstrings a couple times. I ask for little more than that.

In short: Not my favorite, but a fantastic beginning, an interesting relationship, and an admirable man.
Profile Image for Robin.
1,849 reviews85 followers
February 22, 2015
Tommy Lee Gentry and Rachel Talmadge share a past. Twenty Four years ago, they were neighbors, best friends, and lovers. But when Rachel finds out she is pregnant, her father sent her away to have the baby and give it up for adoption. Tommy Lee and Rachel lived separate lives until now. Rachel's husband has died and Tommy Lee starts visiting her. He tells Rachel he has never stopped loving her. But his reputation for wild women and booze stops her from getting involved with him again. She warns him that his lifestyle is a problem. Can he change his life to win the woman he loves?

LaVyrle Spencer is one of my favorite authors, but this story just didn't work for me. I had a hard time believing that a budding alcoholic could just give up drinking and other bad habits at the drop of the hat with no outside help and no slips in his recovery. And, even though I liked the ending, I felt it was too neat. All family problems were resolved and everyone was happy. I like Spencer's style of writing. She always keeps me glued to the page. It just felt too fake to me. My rating: 3 Stars.
Profile Image for Season.
1,144 reviews2 followers
February 15, 2012
Not my favorite of Ms. Spencer's books, but it is a really good story, I just don't really relate to this one. The thing of all of Ms. Spencer's books is that each book is so very different, not one story is the same as another. If you are a fan of hers, you will like this one. It is a easy, quick read.
3,761 reviews9 followers
March 17, 2012
The Hellion had an intriguing start with vivid description. Unfortunately, the ending seemed pat and the resolution with Beth seemed too easy. Plus, there wasn’t any mention of the other kids, which I thought was odd.
Profile Image for Suzy Vero.
341 reviews9 followers
June 1, 2024
A wonderful and sweet second chance romance. Tommy Lee is a “three time loser at marriage, and one of the most unsavory persons in the county.” He and Rachel were sweethearts as teens and now Rachel’s husband had died.

Perhaps not as searingly emotional as Spencer’s historical romance books… but a really good read.

I particularly liked the time period, clothes, food, etc, and the setting as I could relate to it. The MCs are only a few years older than me and I also lived in a Southern state. Nostalgia!!
208 reviews8 followers
August 11, 2014
I don't know if I should mark it off as contemporary or historical since the book refers to a lot of furniture and clothing style from the eighties.
I rate it as OK because it did help me pass the time but there were a lot of issues that I found disturbing. *******SPOILERS*******
*****SPOILER ALERT*******
I did not like that the parents had so much power over the H/h especially the h even as an adult. The H/h conceived a baby but put up for adoption per both sets of parents and neither of them searched for her even after they were old enough to do so and their motivation behind it unknown. They just referred to the incident as if their baby/daughter was a lost puppy.
The h was a weak character from the beginning. Her life was always controlled or influenced by the males in her life, so I never got to know her as an individual. Perhaps she was heavily shadowed by the loss of her husband, I don't know. She even allows a teenager steal from her store even as she sees this occurring. Her explanation: she didn't want to make big deal out of it for the sake of the H. Really?????? definitely not a woman from this decade much less this year.
The H is another loser. His whole life revolves around the love he lost (h) and his way of dealing with the adoption of his daughter is to name his living daughter from his marriage the same.. Beth. He also fathered 2 boys with another woman, but he does not have a relationship with them because both are rebelling and getting into trouble. The only relationship he patches up is his daughter and the h. No mention of him ever wanting to reconcile or be a father to the boys. Really???!!!!! Plus he has addictive habits: sex, booze, and smoking. These, while I am not against them, the story portrays him as resorting to these vices because he can not handle himself and clearly is depressed. I find that weak!!!
Nope, not a book I would keep.
Profile Image for a.n..
43 reviews12 followers
January 10, 2013
This is the lowest rating I have ever given a spencer book, although it unfortunately deserved it.

I would say this book was a light read but I consider that a story that doesn't frustrate me or leave me with questions by the end of it. The ending of The Hellion was idealistic - and I have no problem with that; except for the fact that the two main characters (Rachel and Tommy Lee) who lived in same town for twenty four years and have loved each other for twenty four years, were kept apart by interfering parents, could so easily come back together by the end of the book - within a month or two of Rachel's husbands death. The solution seemed so easy the entire time, the obstacles not big enough to keep two people who seemed to love each other so much, who saw each other constantly because they lived in the same town, apart for so long, especially when they grew to adults, that it was hard to take the story seriously.

The main premise did remind me of McNaught's Paradise - where two young people in love are kept apart by an intervening father, with a baby involved and them finding each other after a long time. But that story was filled with obstacles that seemed impossible for the characters to overcome, an herein lies my main issue with The Hellion. Although I am a very big fan of Spencer's - and am more than halfway through reading all of her works - I found this story to be her laziest in terms of plot points. I was very disappointed with it, as i expect more from her.

Profile Image for Stacy.
1,127 reviews24 followers
May 3, 2013
Tommy Lee and Rachel were raised together. They lived next door to each other and their parents were good friends. When they fall in love as teenagers it was no surprise to anyone. What was a surprise to the teens was an unexpected pregnancy and a major push from their parents to keep them apart when they needed each other the most. Now they are both 41 and there are no obstacles between them except the lives they’ve lived while apart.

If you enjoyed the first paragraph I included and would like to know more about Tommy Lee, then this is the book for you. For me, the story wasn’t deep enough. Obviously, being a romance and all, Rachel’s love was going to reform the wild Tommy Lee, but unfortunately, I was never really drawn in. Somehow the two of them lived in the same smallish town for over 20 years and yet they never spoke or saw each other. The missing years made no sense to me. And I don’t think this is Spencer’s best writing. It was one of her earlier books and it did feel dated.
Profile Image for Marleen.
1,809 reviews93 followers
June 26, 2012
I really wanted to like this book better but I just couldn’t. The story-line was uninteresting, antiquated and rather thin; the dialogues too repetitive.The characters were stereo-typed and one-dimensional. I wanted to like Tommy Lee Gentry and Rachel Hollis, but to me, they were unappealing and unrealistic. This story was too predictable for a romance story - and indeed felt very much like a flimsy romance written in the eighties with no connection to today's way of thinking. I may sound harsh but I’m not really - I still intend to read everything by LaVyrle Spencer, because I know she has written solid, original and colourful romances too, and I have liked them very much.
Profile Image for Cindy.
2,578 reviews
September 11, 2007
I enjoyed this romance, but not as much as I wanted to. It was so obvious that Tommy Lee and Rachel would get back together, I kept waiting for them to get it over with. Rachel's main hesitation was Tommy Lee's reputation (which I can understand) and worry about what everyone would think (which I couldn't). Rachel's dad comes off as such a jerk, I couldn't understand why she even cared about his opinion. The story never quite built up the suspense or romantic tension it needed. Not as good as some of her others.
Profile Image for Rebecca Dean.
530 reviews3 followers
November 8, 2014
Just read this book again (summer 2013) and it is still a great book. 2 things I didn't like - the "hero" was always, always smoking. All I could think of was the smell and reuining their nice clothing and then she kissed him right after he lit up - yuk! It was the 80's so maybe everyone smoked back then.

I loved the connection beginning when they were just little ones and the romance that blossomed and the problems that arose from that - parents interference, etc.

Great book - a little too graphic of sex for me - BUT I love the way LaVyrle writes.

(Read again in Summer 2013)
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Leeann Smith.
10 reviews2 followers
January 13, 2013
I am not a big fan of romance novels but I read this on the recommendation of a friend. The story line is a bit predictible but that is not a bad thing if you love romance. What I was more drawn to was the location/setting. The story takes place in Russellville, AL so all the references to locale was familiar. I enjoyed that aspect. I think most who have always loved Harlaquin Romances novels will enjoy this book, especially if you live in northwest Alabama.
108 reviews3 followers
May 23, 2016
In this romance world of new love being "younger", this story is high school lovers who are now in their 40's, living in the same town with their lives taking definitely different courses. Loved it, couldn't put it down! I bought this older story in a book with three novels - Hellion, Separate Beds and Hummingbird. Originally published in 1984. Now reading Separate Beds and it's just as good!!!
Profile Image for Naomi.
4,733 reviews144 followers
June 10, 2010
Any book of LS is well worth the read. the Hellion was a sweet story which followed most of LaVyrle's books, yet sucked me in just like the rest of them. This is an author who I wish had never retired!
Profile Image for Karen Hogan.
896 reviews54 followers
April 20, 2013
Let me start by admitting that no one does romances like LaVyrle Spencer. In this book two former high school sweethearts meet again in their forties. Unfortunately, this book was not that good, and I had difficulty even getting into it.
Profile Image for Meggie.
523 reviews68 followers
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
October 9, 2013
I really liked all the LaVyrle Spencer books that I have read, but this one...I put it down for a month and when I picked it back up I just wasn't interested in finishing it. Maybe I'll try it again sometime? DNF.
Profile Image for Carrie.
100 reviews2 followers
March 6, 2008
One of my very favorite of LaVyrle's books. I was SO disappointed when she stopped writing her novels. I read and have all of them.
Profile Image for Erin.
799 reviews16 followers
August 26, 2009
Ha ha...I remember reading this book and thinking how corny and hokey it was....another of the "modern" day books of hers that i didn't enjoy.
Profile Image for Amanda.
545 reviews42 followers
September 30, 2009
The plot was no mystery, the conflict was formulated, and the ending got a little overcheesy hokey. But it was an okay Sunday afternoon romance read.
30 reviews2 followers
April 11, 2010
Not my favorite. It was a quick read and okay for a cute love story. You pretty much knew everything before it happened. Probably won't be interested in reading this one again.
Profile Image for Jody.
174 reviews
October 13, 2010
kind of uneventful for her, nothing more than romance which is boring to me.
Profile Image for Shannon Walker.
94 reviews15 followers
January 13, 2011
This is one of the few books I've read half a dozen times at least. It's my favorite modern romance novel.
Profile Image for Gaynell.
618 reviews
January 27, 2011
I enjoyed this book, but it was not as believable as her other books I have read. I do love that Spencer makes her H/h normal people. They don't all have perfect bodies, beauty queen/king looks, etc.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 62 reviews

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