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Saturn #1

American Girl on Saturn

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The summer after graduation is supposed to be that first real taste of freedom - but not for eighteen-year-old Chloe Branson. Just as that breeze of freedom is making its way into her galaxy, her secret-service-agent dad drops a meteor-sized bomb of bad news on her and her sisters. An attempt has been made on the lives of Canadian boyband, Spaceships Around Saturn, during their USA tour, and the guys have to go into hiding ASAP. The only problem? In the midst of the crisis and media frenzy, their dad volunteered to hide the guys...in their house.Six-year-old Emery is as ecstatic as any self-proclaimed Saturnite would be, but Chloe and her seventeen-year-old sister Aralie watch their summer plans crash and burn like a falling star. The SAS guys aren't happy with the situation, either. Bad boy Jules picks fights with Aralie about everything from his Twitter followers to his laundry, and heart-throb Benji can't escape Emery's fangirlisms for more than three minutes.But after the super-cute Milo kisses Chloe during a game of hide-and-seek, she finally understands what Emery means when she talks about SAS being "out of this world." If this is what Saturn feels like, Chloe doesn't want to come back to Earth.

270 pages, Paperback

First published August 29, 2013

About the author

Nikki Godwin

19 books

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Profile Image for Lex.
798 reviews150 followers
September 30, 2013
I must say that this book is not what I expect it to be. I was actually waiting for aliens and abduction and such. But this is really just a contemporary book. I know, I read the blurb but still... Anyway... This book is funny, cute, and right for all TEENS and upcoming teens.

I have dreamed of meeting my favorite bands. I even fantasized about them liking me a lot or treating me like a sister they never had and make me feel so special every single time. I think I might be like Emery who loves them a lot, but then again, I won't be bothering them every minute about every thing. LOL.

Surprisingly, this kept me so entertained. It is fun to see a famous band with regular people, if you call Chloe's family regular. Hehehe. And the guys here are like the typical guys, different personalities but they worked well with each other. I love that they have Bromance too and that the guys in the band are not sissy about it. They actually make fun of it. They are not grossed out with it that fans are making up bromance stories.

That's what I learned from being a fan of bands. Especially J-Rock. They actually indulged their fans of their fantasies. Of the bromance, they are straight guys but for the fans they do "fan service" and try to flirt with their co-members in the presence of their fans. That's something I quite liked and loved. :P

I love how they eventually liked the guys, the sisters I mean. They initially are not really a fan but as they gradually learn things about the guys in the band, they developed camaraderie, they started to like each other for their own personality. They learned that there are things people really don't know much about the Saturn guys.

I think that is something what really made me liked the story. It is how I picture things would be if someone is stuck with people in a band. If they are a fan, they'd probably be like Emery. Lol.

Love the simplicity of it. And I am most certainly looking forward for the next book, if there is. I actually do think there is a sequel. Let's all wait about it and be Team Miloe. Haha! I just invented that. :3

BTW, pretty cover. Me likey. :)
Profile Image for Sab.
299 reviews96 followers
October 1, 2013
Come check out my stop on the American Girl on Saturn blog tour and enter the giveaway to win awesome prizes!


The romance. Come on. Of course we're looking for an awesome romance. Fortunately, this book gives readers exactly that... AND MORE! (I thought I was done with the freaky fan girl stuff) Chloe and Milo had amaaazing chemistry! I love that their love story actually took time to blossom despite having only 2 weeks to get to know each other and spend time together. The first night they bonded was my absolute favorite. There's nothing better than a really cute guy flirting with you subtly while you both snack on milk and Oreos. Yep! Milk, Oreos, really cute guy... HOW CAN YOU NOT LIKE THIS? I also like how they tried to keep their relationship a secret and how they sneaked around just to get some alone time. It was sweet all around.

The humor. Most of the things that got me laughing out loud came from the youngest in the Branson family - Emery. The little Saturnite was really funny! I laughed at how she described one of the boys who smoked, Jules, as smelling like "crushed ladybugs." Or when she referred to Twitter and Youtube as "the Twitter" and "the Youtube." It was so adorable and funny! And whenever Emery would freak out and get all possessive of her favorite band member, Benji Baccarini, she'd say things that were already funny but would even be funnier because it came from a five/six year old. The other sister, Aralie, was also a blast! She's totally snarky, which I love! Whenever she'd say "Benji Bikini" I'd laugh, not because the nickname they gave him is that funny but because of how she often said it with a mocking tone. The boys were also as funny with their bromances and witty dialogues.

The fun. The boys and the girls did whatever they could to make the lockdown more fun. They hung out by the pool, played Twister (which ended up pretty nice for Chloe and Milo. Tee hee), hide and seek – you know, normal people stuff. But what’s cool about this was the fact that the boys weren’t just like anybody else. They’re celebrities! And they hung out with the girls like regular, fun-loving dudes. They even came up with this super cute surprise for the girls towards the end. That was super cool.

The boy band. I am, admittedly, boy band crazy. This book is literally one of my crazy dreams. I'm not kidding! I've always wondered what it would be like to meet and be chums with a wildly popular boy band. Reading this really gave me intense feels. I love that the girls had insider info on the guys. It's like every fan girl's DREAM... well, aside from dating/marrying someone in a boy band that is.

The hangover. And this is the part where I tell you all THIS IS A 5-STAR BOOK!!! Why? Because, dude, I got a freaking hangover and I'm pretty sure you will too! I just couldn't get enough of the Branson sisters and Spaceships Around Saturn. I want to see how their lives turn out after the lockdown. How can they possibly go back to normal after an experience like that?! How can I go back to normal after reading this?!

SO YEAH. Go pick up American Girl on Saturn. The writing's really good and the story's even better. What's not to like?

(P.S. I'm not normally this crazy, I swear)
Profile Image for Michelle.
1,312 reviews54 followers
July 27, 2013

This is how I'm feeling after reading this original, beautiful, amazing (I could seriously go on and on) novel.

Words To The Marvellous Author: Nikki, you have written a stupendous fantastic novel that all readers will sure remember forever. I loved American Girl on Saturn so very much, I can't wait to see what else you have in store for us readers. You certainly deserve an applause.

Chloe Branson sure does expect the best summer of her life, the one right after graduation. But not for long. When her secret-service-agent dad drops the bomb that gunshots were heard at her little sister's favourite boyband, Spaceships Around Saturn's concert, the boys are in hiding immediately and have no other place to stay other than at the Branson house. Soon after, the three Branson sisters and Spaceships Around Saturn are in lockdown, right in the Branson House. Little do the girls know that they are in for the summer of their lives.

Nikki, this one's for you! A boyband tribute!

I thought that Nikki's Chasing Forever Down was terrific, but boy, each novel of hers gets better and better!

I have so many things to say about this novel, and how much I adored it. Right from the moment I saw the cover, I have been going crazy to get this novel, and now when I finally have it, I am fangirling more than I expected.

Right from when I started reading this late last night, I couldn't put it down. From page 1 I knew that I will adore it and that it's a keeper. Sadly, I couldn't read this all night long, I had to get my beauty sleep so I could read this during the day, today.

This story is so different from the others, and different is good. I had to take a break from the dystopian novels, and this one was the one that met that category that you could read anytime and you'll be hooked in.

Now, the characters.

I've never seen a group of characters so impacting before.

The Branson sisters are the group of girls that I wish to know. Each of them have something special about them, and you could see that Nikki put special meaning to each of them.

My favourite Branson would probably have to be Chloe, she reminds me of myself in a way, the oldest sister of two, and the one who believes that everything happens for a reason.

I saved the boys for last, just because I WISH THAT THEY WERE REAL! I'D BE A SATURNITE FOR LIFE!

Okay. There. I said it.

I love One Direction, I really do, but sorry lads, Spaceships Around Saturn are my new favourite!

Okay, so I'm going to separate the 5 boys here, just so I can say what I like about each of them.

Tate: First of all, when Aralie kept of putting his face on Chloe's door, that was hilarious. Now, Tate was that silly goose kind of character. He's like my sister in a way, always trying to make a laugh out of anything but has a good heart.

Jules: I loved that he was the bad boy of the group, and surprisingly ended up with... He had that personality that many people long to have and I think that he'd make a good friend.

Benji: He's the Harry Styles of the group, there I said it. I imagine him as the guy who's always fixing his hair and keeps a mirror in his pocket, lol.

Noah: This is the guy that I'd love to have as a friend. He's sweet, caring, and willing. Ahh..

Milo: ASDFGHIKLASDFGHIKLASDFGHIKL. Team Milo for life! I love these type of guys, well dressed, mature, but fun and caring all at the same time. I love him sooooo much, even though I have no particular chance with him! 0%, unless there is a Milo in this world...

I loved American Girl on Saturn so much, it's one of my top favourites, definitely.

Review also appears on my blog: thatgirlybookworm.blogspot.ca

Profile Image for Melanie Schneider.
Author 23 books97 followers
September 12, 2016
Als es im gratis Kindlebücher Thread auftauchte meinte ich sinngemäß: "Das klingt wie purer Zuckerschock, bei dem man nicht zu viel nachdenken muss". Und jap, das war es auch. Da aufgrund vom Müdigkeit mein Hirn eh überfordert war mit alltäglichen Dingen kam das Buch eigentlich zur perfekten Zeit. Es war vom Setting her total unrealistisch und bediente jedes Klischee, bis auf ein paar kleinere Überraschungen, aber das war ok und es hat im Großen und Ganzen Spaß gemacht beim lesen. Weiterverfolgen werde ich die Reihe aber wahrscheinlich nicht mehr^^
Profile Image for Rachel R. (My Book Empire).
78 reviews194 followers
October 5, 2013
I CALL DIBS ON MILO!!! Haha! #IWantToBeABransonSister

Full review to come.


This is one of the most adorable stories I have ever read.
Well, first of all, it has a very pretty cover, right? I didn’t think twice about joining the blog tour for American Girl on Saturn, because I couldn’t get Milo out of my head for days!

Imagine being on a lockdown with your favorite boyband on a summer lockdown. HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!? Nikki Godwin created characters that readers will fall in love with. The craziness, the oddity of the situation, the late night sneaking out – I loved it all!!

I think Chloe’s family is a cool family. She has a dad who is a secret service agent, and a very caring mom. She also has two sisters, Aralie and Emery. Aralie is the feisty but fun girl, and the little Emery is the life of the party. Seriously, she cracks me up every single time! She is the ultimate Saturnite, the Queen of all the Saturnites and most definitely Benji Baccarini’s number one fan.

I know what it’s like to have your plans ruined, that’s why I understand why Chloe and Aralie got upset over the whole lockdown dilemma. Plus, they weren’t big fans of Spaceships Around Saturn, so they were really unhappy about the whole situation. See, what I also liked about this story is that you can really see the gradual improvement of the relationship of the boyband with the Branson sisters. Yes, at first they were bummed, but hey, there are five pretty boys currently staying at their house, how long can they just ignore them right? Plus, they’re pretty normal except for their ‘out of this world’ appearances and charisma. Some of them smoke, some also drink strawberry milk and some of them are genuinely nice too, and in SAS’ case, most of them.

MILO OHHHH MILO. From his super nice personality to his ‘awesome boy scent’ (according to Chloe) what would you NOT love about this guy? *swoons* On the other hand, Chloe is this girl who’s being bullied by her schoolmates because her ex is such a douche, but a popular and influential one. I wish that I knew about her relationship with him, even if it’s just a snippet, just so I can have an idea of what Chloe found in him even if he’s an ass.

The relationship of Chloe and Milo just amazes me. It is so pure, so natural and so realistic. I know that Milo is a boyband member and Chloe is a typical teenager, but them being together is just… effortless. And I am jealous with what they have!!! (And that is a good thing.) The sneaking out at midnight, eating oreos, talking and getting to know each other. It’s so simple, yet so endearing.
As for the other members of Spaceships Around Saturn, I was so happy with how the author portrayed them. We have the Twitter addict, Benji. The bad boy wannabe, Jules. The ladies man, Tate. The strawberry milk lover, Noah. The nice and responsible guy, Milo. I think this is the perfect mix of a boyband.

American Girl on Saturn is a swoon-worthy read that will surely make you happy sigh at times and even squeal at the Milo and Chloe moments. There were some twists and turns along the way that readers will not expect. And I’m sure just like me, you will ask crave for more of the Spaceship Around Saturn guys + the Branson sisters!
Profile Image for oliviasbooks.
776 reviews534 followers
January 22, 2016
*** 1.5 stars *** Emery bursts into the kitchen [...]. Her golden curls flap in the air as she runs toward us, hugging her Spaceship around Saturn pillow to her chest. "Do you think they'll sign it? I need a Sharpie! Chloe! I need Sharpies!" She screams the words into my face. Her eyes get all crazy, like a taxidermy laughing hyena.

"American Girl on Saturn": I don't know... The title immediately sounded appealing to me. Probably, because it reminded me of "All American Girl" by Meg Cabot, which I loved for its realistic characters and its humor in spite of the rather far-fetched set-up (a teenager saves the US president from being shot by a lunatic assassin, is invited to the White House for her bravery and begins a boy-girl-thing with the First Son). Also, the description mentioned that the heroine Chloe Branson would be annoyed to hear that five spoiled Canadian boy group members have to hide in her secret-service-parents' house turning her glorious plans for a carefree summer upside down. I usually enjoy those stories that start with a lot of fight and bickering between two opposites who reluctantly have to succumb to their mutual attraction. They are, in my opinion, extra-entertaining when the girl has the upper hand and whips the formerly hard-shelled boy into shape before he knows what is happening to him.

Well, the annoyance, the reluctance, the bickering, the attraction and the spoiled-brat-behavior (on both sides, unfortunately) were all present to some degree, but the story and the characters felt atrociously off and unbelievably fake and sweet - right from the start.

Later, when I came to read the author's acknowledgements, I understood the bigger picture, but this understanding made me feel rather cheated, betrayed. I know, that many authors write a story for themselves or for a friend or a relative (remember Twilight?) in the first place and are persuaded to pester the publishing industry afterward. Nicci Goodwin wrote "American Girl on Saturn" for her sister to remember their teenaged days, when the two of them were as boy-band-crazy as you can be, concocting all kinds of hare-brained scenarios that would put their feverishly worshipped idols into their reach - at best at reach without the opportunity to flee. I, personally, never plastered my walls with posters of actors or musicians, but I used to spend much time daydreaming. I dreamt of uncountable situations in which the boy I was crushing on could not help but notice me in an ultimately positive light. "American Girl on Saturn" is such a dream transferred one-to-one to paper: raw and unfiltered, unbearably enthusiastic and unchecked against reality both in the character and in the probability department. I can imagine what kind of fun the writing and reading must have been for the sisters. But for me, who had to fork out real money to digest the fluffy, star-struck stuff in condensed form and in huge doses? It was a paid-for eye-rolling-and-groaning-fest that could easily have been kept from happening by a big, glittery sticker warning to "Consume only, when boy-group-worship is or used to be your life."

As I mentioned, the reality-breach begins right in the beginning, when the assassination attempt on the five Canadian boy-men on American soil is declared to be a matter of national security and can only be solved by hiding the paparazzi-chased band-members inside the head-of-security's family home, which boasts a stay-at-home-mum, cleaning staff (temporarily dismissed because of the shhh-factor), a pool that conveniently cannot be seen from beyond the fence and a handful of comfortable guest suites. A home that houses the craziest and youngest fan, or Saturnite as they say, alive. That this private arrangement is the only workable solution to keep the boys temporarily of the media grid, because witness protection depends on unknown faces, sounded improbable enough. But that the whole plan depends on two teenagers and a five-year-old maniac keeping their mouths shut during social phone calls and a parentally prescribed pizza night with some extremely nosy friends, was just too much. Much too much.

Pre-schooler Emery creeped me out in a major way, anyhow. She is five. And she regularly hyperventilates on the brink of losing consciousness, she screams, she talks of marriage, she made me feel icky all over. And her parents do not show the slightest signs of being overly alarmed nor do they admit that something must have happened that shaped their baby daughter's mind into something horribly wrong for her age, promiscuous even. I remember a colleague who had to accompany her 11-year-old daughter to a Tokyo Hotel concert, were she hung out for several hours with others sharing her gruesome fate as a groupie-mom in a room especially set aside by the management for the likes of her. Even the report of infatuation-inflicted pre-teens sounded strange to my ears, but, well, there are bragging friends and afternoon television and BRAVO magazine. But little Emery? Her parents should supervise her media input and offer alternatives to star-stalking via Youtube instead of buying her merchandising and concert tickets.

And 18-year-old, immature rock chick Chloe? She quickly converts to unconditional fandom during the first eye-to-eye or elbow-to-elbow on her living-room couch: Who knew the guys of Spaceship around Saturn are actually ten times hotter in person than on Twitter?! [...] He nods toward the armrest, and I quickly jerk my arm back toward myself. He eases onto the armrest, and the scent of his body wash makes my head swim. Can you faint from awesome boy scent? [...] He never once tweeted that he smells like heaven or has eyes the color of the caramel inside of a Milky Way candy bar. These are the kinds of things girls need to know, Milo! They start to flirt, for life is short.

Naturally there are problems, but not those of the sort I had anticipated: It wouldn't even be an issue if he was just some guy from school. Then it'd be completely normal to be obsessing after a week, because I'm a girl and that's what we do do! But he is famous, and I'm nothing. The problem is - after a huge game of cat-and-mouse, that partly revolves around Chloe's explosive sister Aralie and the question who of the remaining four princes she is secretly into - miraculously solved

Too much, much too much day-dreaming and almost no realness. Creepy, icky, silly. Oh, yeah, long live Benji Bikini. Favorably far away from me, on Saturn or Pluto.
Profile Image for Lulufrances.
843 reviews83 followers
March 7, 2014
This sounds so cute and the fact that the author may or may not love One Direction...just makes me want to read this even more!


Aww man this was perfect book-escapism and simply perfect for people that have ever experienced fangirlism/all the emaooschensss....wuhuuuuuu (ergo - me)
Imagine having a boyband more or less locked up with you?! (One Direction, anyone? LOUIS TOMLINSON?!!)
I loved this book. I loved the acknowledgment section afterwards, I enjoyed every moment of reading this baby.
Profile Image for Michelle .
468 reviews125 followers
September 4, 2013

So let me try not to fangirl out on this book. I will start at the beginning.

A couple months ago I was asked to do a cover reveal for a book about these sister that had a boy band living in their house. I skipped it but I couldn't stop thinking about how cute that scenario sounded. So it took me a couple days to figure out what the name of the book was and I only figured it out because my son said something about Saturn. :) I will tell you this I am so glad I did. Not only was this a fantastic book but also Nikki is an awesome person. I absolutely adore her.

If you are or have ever been a fangirl of a band you will love this book. Half the thing she writes about is exactly what I would do if I had a boy band at my house. I can already see that this is going to be my daughter in a couple years.... god help me!!!

The story revolves around Chloe, Aralie and Little Emery. Chloe and Aralie are getting ready for summer vacation but their dad, a secret services agent, is about to ruin their entire summer. The Popular Boy Band Starships around Saturn was just shot at while performing at a concert and they need to go into hiding quickly. So the girl’s dad decides to take them in. Emery can barely contain her excitement. She is a 5 year old and a HUGE Saturnite.

On the other hand Chloe and Aralie are non-to happy. Once the boys get there everything changes and they discover these boys are a lot more than what they seem. Milo, Noah, Tate, Benji and Jules are a bunch of strawberry milk-drinking, Oreo eating, ladybug smelling, Refrigerator twittering, giggly bunch of crazy HOT guys and the girls get to spend THE ENTIRE SUMMER WITH THEM!!! They are about to be the envy of every girl on the planet and they can't tell anyone. Poor Benji can't keep away from Emery, Jules and Aralie need a referee when they are in a room together and all Chloe wants to do is get to know Milo a lot better. Can they survive the summer stuck in the house with 5 handsome and famous boys? (Why would that even be a question? WHO WOULDN'T)

I love Chloe's conversations in her own head. Its really funny and I think it's what every girl has thought of when they had a fascination with a boy band. NKOTB for me (don't judge :D). Oh Jordan you were my favorite. I'm over it now of course (maybe)...but I can still listen to the older music and fangirl out in my car or behind a pair of headphones.

All the characters where fantastic I really loved this book. I laughed a lot and realized that I'm not the only person who thinks ladybugs smell, it made me yell out loud. "Thank god I'm not the only one."

Been reading a lot of emotional books lately this was such a great, fun, light-hearted read that would make any fangirl squee with excitement. I just loved it. I loved the end and I wish it wasn't over. I wanted more. Nikki created just a great story and a wonderful cast of characters that really stick with you long after you are finished reading. You really become close to them and grow to care.

I am eager to read more from Nikki I think she is a fantastic writer and a wonderful storyteller. I can gush for hours, really I can, but for now I will leave you with this

I recommend this book to Saturn and back. If you have ever been a Fangirl for anything this book gives you a glimpse into what it would be like to spend a couple weeks with whoever that may be. Once you finish this book, I bet you will become a Saturnite too. :)

Find more reviews at http://love2readalways.blogspot.com/
227 reviews254 followers
September 30, 2013
I loved this book so much, I... just... gah! American Girl on Saturn exceeded my expectations by, like, a universe. I literally would not be separated from my e-reader while reading. And under the rare circumstance I had to set this gem of a book down I was not a happy camper, to say the least!

American Girl on Saturn's strongest aspect is the characters. There are quite a few, yet I felt like I get to know each of their unique personalities. This is quite a feat! I recently finished a novel with a lot of characters, and they got all mixed up in my head thanks to their lack of personality and originality. Thankfully, this book was the opposite!! First, we have the three sisters. Chloe Branson is our main character and I enjoyed her point of view. Her personality was very relatable!

Next we have Aralie, the middle sister. She was awesome! Not only did she have a lot of spunk, she also made me laugh several time! I smiled through her arguments with Jules and the boys. And how can we forget the adorable Emery? She is the ultimate fan girl of Spaceships Around Saturn, (and, shh don't tell anyone, but she might also like Harry Styles. Just don't tell Benji!) Emery is the ultimate annoying but cute-as-a-button little sister.

And, now, we have the member of the band! I loved Jules, Milo, Benji, Tate and Noah! I actualy loved how the whole band was portrayed. They, like a lot of famous teens, are constantly on Twitter and a few (*cough*Jules*cough*) have some oversized egos. Don't worry these egos are taken care of by the sisters, particularly Aralie. Also, each boy had their quirks. Noah doesn't talk, at all, until he has finished his glass of strawberry milk each morning! Also, they all have different personality traits. Milo is sweet, Noah is pretty humorous, and Jules is the "bad boy" etc.

Sometimes contemporary books get a bit boring to me after 50 or so pages. This was not the case for American Girl on Saturn. As I said before, the book was so addicting I didn't want to put my book down. Also, I have already re-read the book once, and I rarely books twice on my e-reader, it's a weird pet peeve. So, the fact that I re-read this book, on my e-reader, and in the span of three weeks is high praise!

Overall, this an awesome book! I would recommend this to lots of people, especially fans of bands! (I know I am going to tell my cousin about this book, as she is a big fan of One Direction. Maybe I should buy her a copy for Christmas?) Anyone in need of a cute and engaging read should look into American Girl on Saturn. And the ending is so sweet and satisfying... *sigh* I have just skimmed it while readying myself for this review and I still love it.

4.5/5 Stars
Profile Image for Nessa.
36 reviews
February 5, 2014

¡Fangirleo intenso con este libro!

AHH, no sé ni como empezar, todavía estoy un poco desorientada por mis emociones hacia este libro.

La historia trata sobre unas hermanas, hijas de un agente secreto. Chloe, Emery y Arelai están acostumbradas a los casos de su padre, así que se crearon un código para saber si el caso repercuta en ellas o no.

Vainilla: Caso que no les afecta.
Moo-llenium crunch: Desastre.

Cuando su padre las llama, les avisa que es un caso vainilla. Chloe se alivia ante eso, pero no se espera es que para ellas será más bien como Moo-llenium Crunch.

Resulta que ese mismo día en NYC hubo un intento de asesinato público para nada más y nada menos que que Spaceships Around Saturn, una banda canadiense del momento. El padre de las chicas toma el caso y propone su casa para tener a SAS en un encierro, así poder investigar el caso sin que ocurra ningún otro accidente.

Ante la invasión de hogar, Arelai y Chloe responden reacias, pero en cambio Emery, de 5 años, compartir encierro con su banda favorita es mucho, y en serio lo digo ¡Mucho! Su fangirleo es muy intenso y no deja a su amor platónico de la banda tranquilo... ni por un segundo.

Debo decir que este libro superó mis expectativas, es mucho! Juro que en un principio pensé que iba a ser estilo fanfic (los cuales con el tiempo ya odio) pero me he equivocado completamente. Me veía reflejada en cada una de estas páginas como fangirl que soy. Estoy acostumbrada a los términos en los fandoms en twitter y se que tipos de dramas y rumores se pueden formar en uno, y ver eso desde el punto de vista de Chloe en el encierro, me ha dejado pensar que a veces se vuelven patéticas por esos dramas jajajaj. Todas tenemos una fangirl en el fondo, así sea bien escondida, pero la tenemos.

Algo que me encantó en este libro ha sido la comedia, las ocurrencias de los personajes (en especial de Emery) me he reído como loca en varias escenas y les aseguro que ustedes también lo harán.

Pero algo que me gustó/disgustó fue el romance, fue una atracción completamente instantánea y siento que todo pasó muy rápido, pero no sé, a la vez pienso que fue perfecto, no me empalaga y pienso que eso está bien.

Quedé con MUCHÍSIMAS ganas de más, y solo digo que si eres una fangirl no puedes perderte este libro porque lo amarás tanto como yo lo hice.

PD: Me faltó hablar de lo encantada que quedé con SAS *O* Noah se robó mi corazón.

Saturnite se despide ¡BYE!
Profile Image for Jacob Proffitt.
3,198 reviews1,931 followers
September 15, 2015
I am really torn on how to rate this. As pure escapist teen romantic fantasy, it doesn't get much better. Chloe is a good girl done wrong and feeling the hurt of being ostracized for dumping the popular guy at school. Emotionally vulnerable and socially shaken, she enters an extended lockdown situation forcing semi-intimate (and prolonged) contact with five dreamy guys from a popular boy band. Fortunately, being a fantasy, the boys are more or less what their managers want them to appear to be--good-hearted, more or less well-adjusted, and more or less happy with themselves and their situation.

Yeah, the fantasy is laid on pretty thick here, so that the book operates as a kind of boy band fangirl dream. It is clear that Nikki Godwin has been (and still is to some extent) a fangirl herself but with enough talent to make the story still work without overt authorial intrusion or anything even resembling Mary Sue self-insertion. As part of that fantasy, too, the characters read substantially below their stated ages. Although technically 18 and 20, Milo and Chloe's relationship feels much more like a younger teen relationship emotionally. There is an innocence and freshness for both of them that seems out of place for adults moving into (if not already enjoying) adult-level independence. It's definitely a story of first-love with all the poignancy of discovery and exploration (and screwing up and trauma) that entails.

So this is a book aimed at those yearning for first love (whether in anticipation or upon reflection). If you can give it that, and simply immerse yourself in the fantasy of it, the book works incredibly well. And if you have a fondness for boy bands it's an even more compelling read.

Which is where, if I'm perfectly honest, I have to come down in strong favor of the book. I'm may not be a screaming fan of any particular boy band, but I have to admit they've always had an appeal. The youthful energy and earnest kindness projected by these bands are attractive on a somewhat primal level. As such, I was caught up in the fantasy, myself, and enjoyed reading it thoroughly. If you are at all in the mood for a first love story with interesting characters that are compellingly written, then I'm confident you'll find a good time with this book. But how well it works for you will depend rather highly on how you feel about boy bands...
Profile Image for Kelly (Diva Booknerd).
1,106 reviews297 followers
September 14, 2013
I absolutely adored American Girl On Saturn. It was funny, charming and boytatsic. It was the initially the stunning cover that drew me in, but I was following author Christina Channelle's status updates while she was reading through, and I simply had to have it... And it didn't disappoint, whatsoever. It surpassed my expectations and once I begun reading, I couldn't put it down. It's one of those titles that will cheer you up, pull you out of a book funk and leave you warm and fuzzy.

I haven't had the pleasure of reading anything that Nikki Godwin has wrote before, but I'm certainly a fan now and will be seeking out her other releases. No doubt, you'll fall in love with Spaceships Around Saturn too. I'm not afraid to declare, I'm now a fully fledged Saturnite too.
Profile Image for Renae.
362 reviews6 followers
May 14, 2017
this book was pretty much a whirlwind of fluffy cuteness most of the time. the concept was really good and executed well. loved the chemistry between the side characters and loved the relationships. the sister relationship found in the book was really touching and relatable since i have a sister myself. the scene where they just had girl talk in the treehouse was my favorites out of the book. and the saturn boys felt real close to each other and i loved it. milo was cute and chloe was adorable. real good book.
Profile Image for Kat.
283 reviews
January 20, 2014
Primero, jodidamente, ¡soy una maldita Saturnie!


¿Por dónde empiezo? ¿Por cual de todos mis sentimientos empiezo?
El libro fue algo realmente precioso, demonios, lleno de humor, amistad, amor, lagrimas, peleas y una pequeñaja del demonio que hacía de la vida de todos un lugar lleno de drama jajaja, sabes que te amo Emery.

Bueno, no sé como describir este libro, cuando leí la sinopsis supe que inmediatamente me enamoraría de él, o sea, maldita sea, saco mi fangirl interior, ¿una maldita banda super famosa oculta en tu cada? POR FAVOR, SI. Mis super sexies Benji, Jules, Noah, Milo y Tate. AY LOS AMO.


¿Qué puedo decir de las relaciones que existieron en el libro?
Milo y Chloe. MILO Y CHLOE.


Me sentí tan identificada con Chloe, porque es una chica real, ¿entienden? Es como, no sé, la autora la hizo sentir como si cualquiera de nosotras pudiéramos ser ella, oh por favor, pagaría oro.

Milo es el chico mas maduro, tierno, hermoso, divertido, jodidamente aburrido (palabras de Emery, no mías) y lo mas perfecto que ha podido haber. LO AMO TAAAANTO.
Y Chloe, oh Chloe, la adoré taaanto, se que algunas veces fue desconfiada y tal, pero entendí sus temores y ni una vez la odié, NI UNA VEZ. Es una protagonista con nota alta <3

Y hubo bromances, oh si, si si, mi corazón fangirl no lo resistió, fue tan hjsdgdjshads HUBO MALDITOS BROMANCES. Oh, Jenji, si si, el nombre del bromance de Jules y Benji. Hubo más, pero no spoileare.

Hubo muchas, muchas cosas en este libro que amé y adoré. Pero tenía tanto miedo de que acabará, me dolía el corazón de pensar que en cualquier momento los chicos volverían a su gira, volverían al mundo real.. se irían. Lloraba cada vez que lo sospechaba, no, es enserio.. es doloroso..
Y cuando realmente ocurrió..


Pero entonces todo fue bien después, y joder, llego el tan no-quiero-que-llegues-maldita-sea final..


En fin, terminé el libro y ahora no se quehacer con mi vida. Eso si, soy nueva fan de mis preciosos, preciosos chicos de Spaceships Around Saturn, soy una más de sus Saturnies<3
Y un merecido 5/5 a este precioso, precioso libro. Y joder, NECESITO el segundo libro como que YA. ME URGEEEE.
Profile Image for Rae King.
Author 1 book28 followers
February 17, 2015
If I was a boy band fangirl, this book would be the perfect description of my ultimate fantasy! After reading this book, I now have a boy band fantasy! :D

I originally rated this book 3.5 stars, but I am changing my rating to 4 stars because I can't shake all the warm and fuzzy feelings form this story.

I didn't know how I would feel about the story near the beginning. We meet a boy band that have to hide out after getting shot at during a concert. The mansion of a house that they will be staying at belongs to a family with three daughters - 6, 17, and 18 years old. The youngest girl is a fanatic over the band, Spaceships around Saturn, especially the lead singer, Benji. The older sisters don't care for the bands music and are upset that they will also be on lockdown, missing a summer trip to Cancun.

At first, I thought this was a set up for an extremely cheesy story surrounding some rich girls getting locked up with famous musicians. As the story started to progress, I found myself falling for the characters and really enjoying the plot. The boy's in Spaceships around Saturn all had vastly different and equally entertaining personalities. The sisters also stole my heart with their strong willed independence. It was an interesting look into how famous people act when they aren't in the spotlight. I enjoyed all the developing friendships, bromances, and romances between the band and the family. As the protagonist's romance played out, there were a fair bit of cheesy moments, but they were the type of moments that all girls secretly want (even the tough ones)!

I found myself seriously dreading the end of their lockdown, feeling as emotional as the characters in the book! This story definitely invokes some intense feels. If I could sum this book up in a word, it would be adorable! Because the boys are adorable, the six year old is adorable, and the romance is adorable!

I recommend this book to anyone who loves boy bands, or like me, cute romances!

I received this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Jay.
72 reviews17 followers
October 10, 2015
I just lovvvvvvvvvved this book! ( Yeah, I definitely get why Milo uses those extra v's !!). I was laughing like a maniac the entire time I was reading this book. My god. I've got stitches in my stomach from laughing so hard. Dear Emery, I adore thee. You're my youngest role model. Period. (Psst..she's just six years old :P) Poor Benji Baccarini-slash-Bikini must've been made of harder stuff than I imagined to have endured all the menace that Emery threw upon him. Milo, sigh, I could just melt in your caramel eyes. And I definitely wouldn't mind hitting on Noah either ;) Those SAS guys just stole my heart from the time I got to know them. And the Branson sisters were no less either. Chloe's sharp wit threw me into uncontrollable fits of laughter. This was a simple plot, but the way the author has narrated it, I had a hard time wiping off the silly grin that kept creeping onto my face. A great read ! I would definitely recommend it to anyone in need of a good laugh!! Kudos Nikki !! I'm definitely fangirl-ing you !!
Profile Image for Rebecca Lewis.
Author 5 books37 followers
October 25, 2013
I loved this book so much on so many levels! It was a great contemporary teen romance and I just couldn't put it down. I want to be a Branson sister on lockdown with my favorite boyband!!

I was in love with Donnie Whalberg and Jordan Knight from NKOTB at the tender age of 6, so I could totally relate with the littlest Branson sister, Emery and her undying love for Benji. I could also relate to Aralie because I was a JNCO jeans, wallet-chain wearing manic panic hair dyed teen who did not want to fall in love with Nsync, but I finally caved after seeing their first live performance on TRL in the late 90's and I still love them to this day, along with many other boybands. And, who wouldn't want to be in Chloe's shoes? To have the sweetest, cutest boyband member want to hold her hand and write songs for her and be totally adorable in a treehouse with?!

Nikki, you've done it again with another amazing story and amazing characters, congrats!
Profile Image for Nadine.
739 reviews108 followers
September 16, 2016
Nach wenigen Seiten war klar, dass das Buch recht simpel gestrickt und ganz auf die Träumereien von Teenieherzen zugeschnitten sein würde. Das fand ich ok, wenn es süß gemacht ist, kann ich jederzeit das schmachtende Teenieherz in mir zum Leben erwecken (und auf Logik pfeifen). Aaaber hier war mir einfach alles zu platt und es waren einfach zu viele Elemente eingestreut, die offensichtlich darauf abzielen sollten, sämtliche Mädchenfantasien einzubauen. So gab es auch immer mal süße Highlights, aber es fehlte einfach der Charme, um die Plattheit wirdklich niedlich werden zu lassen.
Das obligatorische Drama kurz vor dem Ende war dann albern und die eigentliche Dramatik, der Grund für das Untertauchen der Boyband im Haushalt der Heldin, hat sich dann doch etwas sehr gefällig gelöst.
2 Sterne sind eigentlich noch großzügig... aber Indie-Autoren haben es eben etwas schwerer, deshalb gab es noch einen Punkt drauf.
Profile Image for Lauryn.
68 reviews
February 23, 2016
I barely started this one and I just had to drop it. Don't get me wrong, I love cute contemporaries, but this was wayy too out of this world and somewhere else miles high above the clouds. The whole thing (well, the couple chapters I endured) was so unrealistic and made me want to roll my eyes with every sentence. It was insta-love between the main character, Chloe, and Milo and it was so dramatic from step 1. This is after what sounded like a lifetime of indignation and prejudice towards the group who by the way, made Chloe's 5 year old sister hyperventilate with excitement. I mean, really? A 5 year old, crazy in love with a boyband? I just couldn't get much further with my distaste piling on with each page I read. Yes, this is more of a rant than a proper review.

I picked this book up as a recommendation and for that recommendation, I really tried. Too bad it didn't work out.
Profile Image for Tamis Guarnero.
553 reviews84 followers
February 18, 2014

Me encanto el libro realmente al principio juzgue el libro por su nombre pensé que iba a tratar sobre algo sobrenatural pero noooooooooooooo.

Honestamente el libro es sencillo pero te atrapa inmediatamente en las primeras paginas una trama sin muchas complicaciones pero no dejar de ser Asombrosa.

Creo que la química entre todos los personajes es genial, se combinan perfectamente y el romance ♥ es perfecto.

100% recomendable :)
Profile Image for Samia Ruponti.
343 reviews
June 22, 2014
It probably would have been okay if the book was half the length of what it actually was. Downloaded this because I was looking for a feel good book, but ended up thoroughly bored. If you like your characters with substance, don't go for it.

P.S : maybe it is my ignorance (since I am not from US), but why would a random shooting at a boyband fall under secret service jurisdiction? Should it not be local police matter?
Profile Image for Steffi.
3,150 reviews175 followers
Shelved as 'gave-up'
September 11, 2016
DNF @7%

Yes, I gave up on this book at 7% or 25 pages.
The plot is ridiculous and annoying. The writing style consists of too many weird words.

I was a boyband girl myself in the 90s, so I was really expcting to like this but it wasn't my cup of tea at all.
Profile Image for Lauren.
682 reviews
March 25, 2019
Super cute (PG13) boy band romance novel. Not sure if I’ll read the rest of the books in the series but this was totally adorable and a quick read. Would recommend to anyone who likes cute, teenage romances.
Profile Image for Jamie  (The Kansan Reader).
737 reviews99 followers
September 7, 2022
This is now called Starlight.

The story starts with sisters Chloe ad Aralie coming home from a movie when their dad calls with a cryptic message. When they get home they find out their dad who is a super secret agent has offered to house the boy band Spaceships Around Saturn after shots were fired at one of their concerts. (When you find out why shots were fired, the story is a bit ridiculous.) Chloe is going through getting over guys after being labeled as “the Ice Queen” while being dumped at her senior prom. She so doesn’t want to deal with a boy band in her house. Not to mention the fact that her dad says they have to go on lockdown. That means all of her and Aralie’s summer plans come to a screeching halt.

To be fair, I would freak out if I had plans and they came to an end due to a boy band having to be stashed in my house. Now when I think boy band, I think Backstreet Boys, NSYNC, and New Kids on the Block. What the author wrote about was closer to One Direction or some other boy band that is (ahem) “hip” these days. Sorry, I had to. Who am I kidding? I am so NOT sorry.

It was a cute story but wasn’t anything super wow. It is what I call a palette cleanser. After reading a certain book, a book like this can help clean the palette and start fresh. At least it did for me.
Review to come.
Profile Image for Farrah.
1,247 reviews210 followers
October 2, 2013
Light, sweet, and so much fun! American Girl on Saturn is a book for every girl who has ever loved a boy band and dreamed of meeting them. I absolutely adored this book! It was just wonderful.

This book is every fangirl's dream. I wasn't even much of a fangirl, usually preferring fictional characters to real people (which I kind of still do). But, I have to admit, I still dreamed of meeting my favorite boyband. And, this book was the epitome of every girl's (fangirl or not) fantasy. It was fun, light, and truly enjoyable to read.

I loved how all the characters in this book were individuals. They were all distinct and loved every one of them.

Chloe was a wonderful heroine. She was a very grounded, down-to-earth kind of girl, but even she was starstruck when confronted with 5 super cute, super famous guys. She was a likable heroine that was easy to relate to. I thought she was a great character and I really liked her.

Milo was Chloe's love interest and he was SO sweet! I adored him. He was sweet and adorable and swoon-worthy. Not to mention, how super attractive he sounds. Honestly, I can't say more about him, other than that he was perfect.

The romance with Chloe and Milo was super sweet. These two were adorable together. It was the kind of cute romance that just makes you smile as you read it. I thought they were a lovely couple.

Emery was adorable. She was a super fangirl and she wasn't shy about it. She was really cute and endearing and I really liked her.

Aralie was also wonderful. She had one hell of a temper on her, but she was intensely loyal to what she loved, be it her favorite rock band or her sisters. I thought she was great.

Now, the other Spaceships Around Saturn boys.
As I said, Milo was wonderful, and the other guys were just as great.
Noah was hilarious and always made things fun. Ben was very sweet and I loved how nice he was to Emery, when he must have been annoyed from her clinging. Jules was a bad boy with an attitude problem, but he still had his shining moments and I really liked him. Tate was really cute and sweet. I liked all the the Saturn boys. I so wish they were real. For those who know One Direction, here is a nice parallel that can tell you more about the boys than I can. Milo=Liam. Jules=Zayne. Ben=Harry. Noah=Louis. Tate=Niall. I'm not sure if that's what the author intended, but it worked out rather nicely, especially for any Directioners out there :)

The plot was fast paced and I was hooked the entire way through. This book was just so much fun to read. I was literally smiling the entire way through. By the time I was done reading, my cheeks hurt from how much I smiled. This book was just so fun and light and wonderful. I really enjoyed the story and the ending was lovely. I'm so glad there will be another book about SAS because I definitely haven't gotten enough of these boys. Can't wait for book 2!

American Girl on Saturn was a super fun, light, sweet YA romance. I absolutely loved this book! It was so wonderful and just perfect. Lovers of YA romance, this is a book you'll want to pick up. And to every girl who has ever dreamed of meeting her favorite boyband, you definitely have to read this.

 photo 2_zps3b4250b0.jpg

*I received a free copy in exchange for an honest review
Profile Image for Inda.
Author 7 books41 followers
March 17, 2014
So…I am super excited to say that I have actually found another fellow author who deals in boy band romance!!! This is a HUGE thing to me because on amazon.com, the only books listed with mine are horrible, dirty rocker band stuff that has nothing to do with what my book is about. I was in despair, thinking the topic of boy bands was such a, well, undesirable topic that I was the only one who wrote about them. But guess what? I found this little beauty and the sun came out from the clouds, angels were freaking singing, and I no longer felt alone in this world of literature. You can bet both your biscuits that I liked this book. A lot.

This book is about three sisters: all of varying age, personality, and sass factor. Their summer was meant to be full of fun at Cancun and after graduation parties for Chloe, the oldest sister and the main character of the book. Her dad is in the secret service, so unusual crap effects this family regularly. The only difference is that this time, the situation includes five boys from Canada, and they are essentially stuck with each other in the house because said boys were, you know, SHOT AT! I know, twist factor ;)

Now lets get on with the characters. The five boys from Spaceships Around Saturn (aka the name of the band) are Noah, Milo, Jules, Tate, and Benji. They are an extremely popular boy band from Canada and each has a trait that I fell in love with. At first you think all are a bunch of moody hipsters that are spoiled rotten from their life style, but as the book progresses, so do the characters. I have to say my fave was Noah. Only because I really liked his personality and his relationship with one of the girls. Now don’t call me a spoiler, I’m not telling you which sister it is or the kind of relationship they have.

I know I should be a fan of the main guy, Milo, because he is the other main character in this superb book. But I think you all know by now if you read my reviews, that I like more of a bad boy in a story than the guy who wears a polo and can get in Harvard no problem. But still, I liked him a lot and the maturity he brought to the five boys; which at times was seriously needed.

Okay, so now we get to the sisters. Chloe (the oldest), Aralie (the middle child), and last Emery (the five year old baby sis). Each one was so unique in character that you can kind of relate to each of them in some weird way. Chloe is the quiet girl who got burned from a guy at school. She acts as the leader of the girls and is very mature for her age. Aralie is the kind of goth chick who listens to bands called Mutilated Arteries and makes fun of girls like her little sister, Emery, who just so happens to be Spaceships Around Saturn’s biggest fan. Chloe and Aralie aren’t fans of SAS, not even close. But with a summer, anything can change.

My Final Thoughts

I thought this book was awesomely (if that is a word) thought out and the plot was super cute and new. The characters had unique personalities that made them realistic in a way that had me fangirling like a nutcase. I definitely recommend this book to anybody who has a fandom they follow or are just a lover of romance with a bit of humor and music mixed in. I also cannot WAIT to read book two. The more SAS the merrier :)

American Girl on Saturn = 4.5 stars

To see this and the rest of my reviews, go to http://indaherwoodbooks.wordpress.com/
Profile Image for Tracey.
684 reviews446 followers
October 7, 2013
"Eventually, the sun will rise, I'll have to bleed with my butterfly brothers, and the rest of the world will get to see my blue ink, not just you."

"But here's the thing," he says. "I may bleed every single day for the world, but I bleed the most for you"

About ten percent into reading American Girl on Saturn, I was thanking my lucky stars for Nikki Godwin, the Branson family, Milo Grayson and Spaceships Around Saturn. I had been so weighed down with heavy books lately that this was just the perfect antidote to lift my heavy, weighted heart.

Chloe Branson has her summer after graduation completely planned out. But all those plans are thrown out the window when her secret service agent dad drops a bombshell. Canadian boyband Spaceships Around Saturn are touring the USA and an attempt has been made on their lives and they must go into hiding. So where will they be hiding out? With Chloe and her family. And to make matters worse, the house will be on lockdown. Chloe and her sister, Aralie are far from impressed. They are definitely not fans. But their five year old sister Emery is the biggest Saturnite ever and she's just over the moon that her favourite band are coming to stay.

I am such a fan girl for my favourite bands. Many times have I said to my husband, just listen to this song or isn't that lyric the best you've ever heard. I've even taken it so far as to get song lyrics from my favourite song tattooed on my lower back. Yep, definitely a fangirl. And reading this book had me so much in that fangirl mode.

I loved every character in this book. Chloe was so witty and fun. Her inner monologue was a crack up. Emery was such a laugh. She is the coolest five year old ever. She had so much spunk. I loved the band but my favourites where definitely Milo and Noah but I also have a huge soft spot for Benji. The way that he was with Emery was just perfect.

Milo Grayson is in my bedroom, with a towel wrapped around him over his swim trunks, looking like he just got out of a hot steamy shower. He's shirtless, and he's tinkering with my DVD player. Be Jealous Saturnites! Be Jealous!

Chloe and Milo were absolutely perfect together. Their romance was sweet and fun. I adored every minute that they spent together. I loved taking the journey with Chloe as she went from being unimpressed by the band to being a complete Saturnite. Milo has my heart. He was adored by girls everywhere but he then had these insecurities about things. I just loved how down to earth he was.

Just as Spaceships Around Saturn embedded themselves in the hearts of the Branson family, so too, they are now a part of mine!! Nikki Godwin has taken everything that I love about Young Adult and put it all together to make one perfect book. American Girl on Saturn just made me so happy. I having aching cheeks from smiling so much. If you don't grab yourself a copy of this book then you are seriously missing out on such an amazingly awesome and fun read. I can definitely see this book being my go-to every time that I want to experience that feel good swoony feeling.

5/5 I'm a Saturnite For Life Stars.
Profile Image for Dayla.
2,593 reviews212 followers
October 4, 2013
Review first appeared on my blog: Book Addict 24-7

I received a copy via Oops! I Read A Book Again Blog Tours

American Girl on Saturn by Nikki Godwin is a young adult contemporary romance that takes the teenage fantasy of being (literally) locked up with a few of the world’s most famous boys. This novel is so much fun and full of so much cuteness, that it was hard for me to put it down. Quickly paced, addicting, and romantic, American Girl on Saturn was a fantastic surprise.

Chloe, the protagonist, lives a very interesting life. Right from the beginning we can see that her family isn’t exactly normal. The first clue is probably the fact that a crisis can be labelled under one of two different ice cream flavors, and the second clue is that her father works for the secret service. Immediately, the reader is pulled into this bizarre world where certain code names can mean the difference between large disasters and minor disasters.

But despite the fact that Chloe very obviously lives a privileged life, she is still a teenager that can’t escape her past decisions. Despite her age, Chloe’s story is romantic without being overtly sexy—which was a surprise. It was kind of nice reading a romantic contemporary young adult story that didn’t veer too far into the nitty gritty of sex. The storyline was intriguing and addicting enough without having to add in any unnecessary erotica.

What makes American Girl on Saturn so entertaining was how realistic and imperfect the boyband is. Each boy has his own quirk, like any normal teenager, and comedic situations arise once Chloe’s family begins to adapt to the boys’ presence. Milo, Chloe’s love interest, is serious to a fault, while Noah, the strawberry milk addict, shows his loneliness by stating that he’s always “out of the loop”.

And that’s just two of the boys.

American Girl on Saturn was easily one of the cutest books I’ve read all year. The dialogue makes for a witty read, while Chloe’s sisters add spice and mischief to the storyline. Romance is brewing in Chloe’s house and I like that the issues faced are larger ones, rather than simple, easily solved issues.

Watching the characters grow from their experiences during their summer lock down made this novel more believable, and Chloe’s at times fangirl behavior made the novel both more realistic and funny. I loved the allusions to present day pop culture—especially when Godwin goes as far as mocking some of the popular outlets for pop culture and the idea of how addicted our society is to said outlets.

Godwin’s novel is a great read for anyone looking for a cute contemporary romance that features dreamy boys and a hint of celebrity.

If you like romance, funny and cute situations, fast-paced stories, and novels that focus on the fun of the situation, rather than what could go wrong—i.e. strict parents interrupting the fun, or unnecessary moaning about not being good enough for a guy—then you just might love this one!
Profile Image for Gabs .
488 reviews79 followers
April 21, 2015
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

This is the cutest thing that has ever been published in the history of the world. I don’t even like romance. But I read this while periodically squealing and once doing that little leg kick thing like this:


My inner fangirl was totally ignited. Can anyone tell me where I can get a Milo for myself? I would like one, please and thank you. He’s the perfect guy. I want to eat cookies with him and draw fake tattoos and get a song written for me each day I was apart from him (which sounds cheesy BUT IS LITERALLY SO CUTE I WAS DYING)

Actually, I’ll settle for any one of the guys from Starships on Saturn, because they’re all cute as heck. Noah was the most wonderful friend; and he’s fine with being stuck in the friendzone and never once complains or gets angsty about it which is freaking refreshing in this sea of stupid YA guy-friends, let me tell you. Benji Bikini Baccarini is a saint for putting up with Emery. Tate’s a total goofball. And Jules…oh god the romantic tension between him and Aralie…I can’t.

The sisters, Chloe, Aralie, and Emery, are all really cute too. They have a realistic sisterly bond, and Emery is the embodiment of a pesky little sister. One that you just can’t help loving, but still a bit pesky. Chloe and Aralie’s dynamic was especially refreshing, because they act like best friends more than the usual ‘this is my sister, I act like I hate her, but she’s still my sister’ thing that popular culture usually perpetuates.

American Girl on Saturn has cute moments, but it’s also laugh out loud funny sometimes. The number of Justin Bieber and 1D jokes in here should be applauded. The Biebs will now always be referred to by me as ‘Starships on Saturn’s Canadian Brother’—though maybe just in my head, because my family will have no idea what the h-e-double hockey sticks (HOCKEY STICKS. CANADA. UNINTENTIONAL PUN BUT I CRACK MYSELF UP) I’m talking about otherwise.

I loved that this book didn’t paint any of the guys as dousches; the dynamics between the Branson sisters and them was so much more organic and real. Aralie yelling at Jules to do his laundry, Chloe pushing Noah in a pool, the ‘twitter feed’---even the non-romantic moments in this book were fantastically adorable.

The greatest thing about this book? It’s completely character driven. There’s a plot, but not a drama-centric one. These books usually end up either “flames engulfing a whole forest fire and multiple towns having to be evacuated” horrible or really, really, good in my experience. And thankfully, American Girl on Saturn was the latter.

I was left with the feeling of “I do not want this book to end”. It was the type of story where you just want to keep reading about the characters…I want the second book yesterday. This restored my faith in YA Romance. It’s the cutest thing I’ve ever read romance-wise, hands down.
Profile Image for L.
144 reviews
October 5, 2013
I absolutely adored American Girl on Saturn! I'm going to confess that I am not a fan of boy bands (post-Westlife, 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys and South Border) but I am definitely a fan of Spaceships Around Saturn. Those boys (especially Milo and Noah) caught me, hook, line and sinker! Here is why I turned into a Saturnite... in poem form!

Spaceship into My Heart
by Louisse

I'm not really into boy bands
But these boys have traveled many lands
From Earth, Mars and now to Saturn
These boys make my ovaries burn
Nikki Godwin's writing is really good
Like, "You need to read this book, dude!"
Chloe is such a cool gal
Any guy would be lucky to be her pal
Her ex-boyfriend is a major douche
He deserved a kick in the tush
So when her dad made an announcement
They let go of their enjoyment
For Spaceships Around Saturn
They soon learned
Would be living with them
For they almost got shot at, while singing their anthem
Chloe's little sister, Emery
Was really, really excited to meet Benji Baccarni
Almost creepily so
(She almost trapped him with a lasso)
Chloe thought all was doomed
Till she met the boy with caramel eyes, that made her heart go boom
My insides turned mushy
And Aralie is really pushy
These boys threw a dart
That was actually a spaceship into my heart
I really wanted to be Chloe
'Cause Milo is sooo swoony
Tate was kinda weird
And Jules would look odd with a beard
No one really liked Jules
'Cause he was usually a total tool
But Noah was such a great guy
You could lean on him, should you ever cry
I felt really bad for Benji
'Cause Emery is really, really crazy (x2)
That needed to be repeated twice
But I really mean to be nice
Emery says Jules smells like crushed lady-bugs
Maybe he just really needs a bunch of hugs
I friggin' loved this book
Nikki Godwin has me on a hook
From her I need more, more, more
'Cause her books will never be a bore
This a great book about love, family and rockstars
Who probably own really fancy cars
And can I just mention
That Paige deserves to be poisoned
I seriously don't doubt that you will love this novel
'Cause if you don't, I will beat you with a shovel.

Yaaay! But seriously guys, American Girl on Saturn is such a fun and wonderful book that I am sure you will love. I stayed up till 3 AM just reading this book so I mean what I say! I've been reading a bunch of NA novels lately so it's really good to enter the YA world being greeted by this amazing book. I can't wait to read the second book of the Saturn series, Cross Me Off Your List, which is Noah's story. I love that guy almost as much as I love Milo who is seriously sooo swoony. *swoons*

Rating: 4.5/5

Official blog post: http://the-soul-sisters.blogspot.com/...
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