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Alternate Cover Edition can be found here.

The mystery enshrouding Hutton’s Bridge is as impenetrable as the fog that descended at its borders eighty years ago. Each year, three villagers enter the mist searching for answers. No one ever returns.

Then a dragon falls from the sky to the town square, dead—the first glimpse of an outside world that has become nothing more than a fairy tale to Hutton’s Bridge. Except to Tressa.

Tressa grew up with Granna’s stories of the days before the fog fell. When Granna dies, leaving Tressa without any family, Tressa ventures into the fog herself, vowing to unravel the foul magic holding Hutton’s Bridge captive.

What she discovers beyond the fog endangers the lives of everyone she loves.

314 pages, Paperback

First published December 20, 2013

About the author

Megg Jensen

37 books602 followers
Megg Jensen is a two-time USA Today bestselling author of epic fantasy.

No stranger to top ten lists on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and the iBookstore, Megg's novels have garnered millions of downloads, attracting fans from all over the world.

She lives in Chicago with her husband, kids, and two insane miniature schnauzers.

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160 (7%)
Displaying 1 - 30 of 283 reviews
Profile Image for Dana.
440 reviews299 followers
October 9, 2014
DNF @ 20%

I hate putting down stories, but at the end of the day life is just too short for bad books.

I was annoyed right off the bat with this, from the stilted dialogue to the dumb "romance" my patience wilted quickly. I do think that the concept is decent but the writing is just too amateur to pull it off. 1.5/5

I will concede that the cover is pretty though.
Profile Image for [ J o ].
1,962 reviews509 followers
March 10, 2019
It's a nice idea with good imagination, but it is executed very poorly. The story begins nicely and sets the scene for what should be an intriguing read, but sadly the terrible writing (put down the thesaurus, no one has emerald eyes) and the shoddy characterisation really dampens any enjoyment.

The romance is obvious and annoying, but there are little aspects of the way these people live that are interesting. The fog is a nice concept, but there are no little hints here and there to urge you to find out where it came from, and the plot plods along with a huge chunk of boring right in the middle.

The dialogue is probably the worst aspect of this novel, with very unrealistic conversations and it doesn't evoke the fantasy spirit that the book wants to convey. A nice idea but executed poorly.
Profile Image for Sarah Elizabeth.
4,894 reviews1,374 followers
October 18, 2014
(Source: I received a digital copy of this book for free on a read-to-review basis. Thanks to Megg Jensen, All Night Reads, and NetGalley.)

This was an okay story, but I lost interest.

Tressa was an okay character, and I felt sorry for her in the way she had lost everyone and everything important to her. I liked that Tressa found friendship in Connor and Bastian, but I wasn’t 100% happy with her relationship with Bastian considering that he was married!

The storyline in this just began to drag after a while, and I got bored. There wasn’t anything horribly wrong with the story, it just didn’t interest me and I got bored. I didn’t even really appreciate the romance because I hate cheating.
I did like one revelation that we got at the end, but mostly I was just happy to have made it through the book.
4.5 out of 10
February 2, 2014
****I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review from the author.****

For a short period of time, I was a bit turned off from the fantasy genre. I still liked it, but it was overshadowed for me by dystopian and contemporary novels. Hearing so many incredible things about Megg Jensen's books, I jumped at the chance to review HIDDEN and am so happy I did. This story was awesome and well told - not only did I love it so much I couldn't put it down, but it also renewed my interest in the fantasy genre.

The prologue drew me in right away and immediately made me want to know what was happening in the village of Hutton's Bridge. The unique plot captured my attention - why the fog surrounds the village, the fact that no one comes back once they enter the fog, and the dangers that obviously lie in wait in the fog. The mystery and suspense heightened my enjoyment of HIDDEN. I liked that the chapters were short, and the way they ended made me want to start the next right away.

I loved the characters! I wish we could have had more time with Granna, Tressa's grandmother, but her presence was so strong throughout the story it didn't seem like we had lost her. Granna was the leader of Hutton's Bridge, and though not everyone agreed with her decisions, she was revered as the oldest member of the village who had the most knowledge of the time before the fog enshrouded them. Though she was in the book for a short time, she most definitely left her mark!

Tressa and Bastian, the main characters of HIDDEN, have been through a lot of heartbreak, and I wanted them to be together. I had hope they could find their way to each other though the customs of their village were what was preventing them from becoming a couple. Tressa is brave and full of heart. She listens to her instincts and strives to save her people no matter the cost, even if it means she must sacrifice herself. Bastian is just as brave, and I love how the two of them fit together like they are meant to be together. Their love is beautiful.

I haven't read many books with dragons, and in this book, I can't stress enough how the dragon scenes were so awesome and well done. Though I knew there would be dragons, there's a huge twist revealed that was original and had me excited! I never saw it coming!

A few scenes in HIDDEN aren't appropriate for younger readers. Due to this content, it's definitely for mature readers, but the scenes are tastefully done. This is the first book I've read by Megg Jensen and won't be the last. I'm looking forward to diving into her other series but most of all, I'm excited for the second book of this series!
Profile Image for Lola.
1,753 reviews269 followers
January 2, 2014
I got a copy in exchange for a honest review

Basically I think the author has a nice idea, but for me it didn't work out. The first half was so full with plot holes, bad character descisions and lack of world building it was almost funny. The second half was a whole lot better, but it was still way out there. It just didn't make sense and it just felt like there wasn a thought out logic missing behind it. But the basic idea of the world, which we find out pretty late in the story was kinda nice.

The story is told in third person perspective from mostly two point of views. The third person perspective made it difficult to connect with the characters at first and their dumb descisions and the lack of insight in their emotions kept me from connecting with them. This book is a nice story, but I didn't care about the characters. It was just a nice story and the rest was just a fill up. The characters actions don't make sense most of the time and I sat there staring at the book a lot of time thinking "they did what?" A lot of the side characters are just there to fill up and they didn't come alive. There are a few nice side characters like Leo and Jarret, those are two of my favourite characters in this book, but beside that there just weren't any interesting characters.

The second half of the story was nicer than the first half, the pace picked up and while I still felt disconnected from the characters I did wanted to finish it and know what would happen. The ending wraps some thigns up, but there are lot of open threads left. There are some things that happen and then we never hear what happen with them again, although this could be due to the focus on only two characters, but I still would've liked to know what would happen with them at the end. It just wasn't a satisfying ending and some things seemed to go easier then they should have. There where a lot of things that I won't mention because those would be spoiling, but there are a lot of things that happen or descisions that just are weird or don't make sense.

The world building was seriously lacking. It's a bout a city in the fog and even that basic idea isn't explained well enough to make the city feel alive. How big is the city, how many people live there? Why don't they all stand up and march out there? How thick is the fog? How high is the fog? Many of these details where missing and this made the world lack sense. There where so many questions and even simple things where weird, like how could they make honey when I assume they should have less sunlight because there is a fog around their village.

To conclude: While the second half of this story was better than the first half, I just can't rate it higher than 2 stars. There are so many gaps and plot holes and some things make so little sense, it's almost funny. Also it just felt like a story that was being told, I couldn't connect with the characters and the world building seriously lacked. There where some nice ideas, but it just didn't work for me.
Profile Image for Ali.
216 reviews8 followers
May 30, 2014
I received a copy of this book from NetGalley for free in exchange for an honest review.

Where do I start with this? So many different things I liked, things I didn't.

Cover art - Check. Loved this, I have a feeling it's what initially drew me in (which is really quite terrible of me as you should never judge a book by it's cover).

Map - Check. I love a good fantasy with a map! I like to see how everything's laid out and I think it gives the reader a good sense of direction.

Now... Hidden is the first book in a series called Dragonlands, set in a village surrounded by a mysterious fog. The premise was interesting, the lifestyle of the villagers and the sudden need to find a way to lift the fog set things in motion fairly nicely.

I lacked a connection with our main female Tressa... I felt like she didn't do an awful lot to move herself on in the story. She was just kind of lucky enough to have things fall in to place. Or have someone else conveniently do it for her.
Bastian was a stronger character but again still not building that connection. What man in his right mind who is a dutiful daddy will run off and leave his child even amidst the fact he does not love her mother to chase another woman through a mysterious fog that nobody ever returns from?!

One of the better characters was a side character who didn't hang around for long... I was disappointed Leo didn't hang about!

As for the 'Dragon' element of the story... I felt there was little/no explanation or description to why they are there, where did they come from. In that aspect I was pretty disappointed that there wasn't a better quality of world building.

Something about the storyline still compelled me to read on though. I finished the book but felt extremely unsatisfied.
Profile Image for Abbie.
1,981 reviews676 followers
October 9, 2014
(I received a copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.)

Actual rating - 2.5

Hidden started out pretty good, but i lost interest.

I felt really sorry for Tressa, as she had lost everyone/everything in her life that she loved or wanted.
I should have been happy for her when she found romance, but i didn't like it at all. I hate cheating, so Tressa sleeping with a married man wasn't a romance that i could like.

The first 30% of this was quite good, but it went downhill after that. The pacing got slower, the characters weren't as likable as they first were, and i lost interest.

Overall, Decent start, but went downhill.
Profile Image for Mikayla.
493 reviews32 followers
January 24, 2016
This book has so much potential, but because of the middle of the book being slow and uneventful, I was slowed down considerably when reading this book. Though some parts were good, there was room for improvement.

For me to carry on with the series, I have to be blown away by the first book. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case. I wish it was just that little bit better an I would've carried on.

So, this book gets more of a 2.5 stars than a 3, and so far my reading this year had be uneventful.
Profile Image for Sherry Fundin.
2,089 reviews147 followers
September 3, 2019
Dragons, can never get enough of them.

The living conditions put people’s true character to the test. Such close living makes it hard to hid their true colors. The characters are vindictive, revengeful, heroic and brave. I love ’em and hate ’em.

What is the fog? Is it treacherous, benign, hiding something? What happens to those who go into the fog?

I was engrossed from the beginning. The fog had me very curious and I wanted to walk into it with Tressa. When I first started reading the book, I was looking for dragons, but once I met Tressa, it became all about her. I love her strength. Her personality demanded she do what is right, no matter the consequences. She wasn’t reckless, she felt it was her duty to her people…as if she were their leader. Bastion, her true love since childhood, meant, fated, to be together.

The longer I read, the more I find is going on. I am loving my journey to the answers. It is exciting and dangers at the same time. I was bummed when a favorite of min bit the dust, added an unexpected twist, but I love when an author doesn’t walk the usual line and isn’t afraid to kill of their characters. Not predictable and plenty of surprises. Would love to read more.

I voluntarily reviewed a free copy of Hidden by Megg Jensen.

See more at fundinmental
Profile Image for Rik.
14 reviews3 followers
August 15, 2016
With a great book, I can't wait to read more and never want it to end. With Hidden, I couldn't wait for it to end so I didn't have to read more.

The book started well enough, setting up an interesting scenario albeit with some clunky dialogue. About one-third of the way in, things dropped off dramatically. The writing - especially dialogue between characters - remained as awkward as ever, switching between 'olde worlde' and American high school student on a whim.

Key events were skipped over, with some plot-holes plugged up with an awkward, forced conversation or introduction of a random new character (usually only around for a page or so to advance the story or serve as a plot device). Action scenes seem to be written by someone with no interest in action, and sex scenes by someone not comfortable writing about sex.

Even the main character, Tressa, was disappointing. Instead of a strong female lead, she swooned over every man who so much as looked at her, and spent much of the time in key parts of the story fretting about looking after injured men around her. Every time a male character showed up, it seemed to become a new 'romantic' sub-plot.

Lesson learned: Life is too short for bad books. Only a sense of obligation led me to finishing this book. There are much better fantasy novels out there - or weak romance novels, if that's your thing.
Profile Image for Lily.
53 reviews4 followers
June 9, 2021
Rating: ✮✮.5

This book has an interesting premise, but the story was not for me. I couldn't connect with the characters and their decisions, and some of the plot didn't make sense. I was also left confused as to the intended audience.

Rounding up to 3 stars purely because I thought the idea behind it all was interesting, with the fog and whatnot.
Profile Image for Ana.
285 reviews24 followers
October 21, 2016

"He'd seen enough to know he had to suspend disbelief."

Yes, that line is actually in the book and that is exactly what I felt was being asked of me time and time again. Ironic, ey?

The book started with such an interesting premise in the prologue. A 13-year-old kid wakes up to a village where every single adult disappeared and they are now surrounded by fog. However, in general, the book was very disappointing.

It has been a while since I have read something so full of plotholes. The character and world development were just so poor. For instance, we do not even know how big the village is and then there's this thing where people resent single people for taking up resources but at the same time they want to make babies like mad - in a town where they cannot possibly expand, so what gives? Do they want more people or fewer people? Do they need more resources or are the ones they make enough for the population to increase? How do people survive? Where does everyone live? I didn't get it, still don't.

Also, we are introduced to Tressa's great-grandmother, told what happened to her parents, but not a word about her grandparents, on either side of the family. Instead, we are repeatedly told her great-grandmother is the only family Tressa has left.

As the narrative progressed, I just could not connect to Tressa nor find her story engaging. I could not even think that hey she is a teen, she makes bad decisions because nothing felt true to character. The story moved along as it was supposed to in order to achieve a certain result and, again, suspension of disbelief was required because we never get proper explanation for anything. We are told people are important to her but they just disappear from the story and it does not seem to matter.

It is so difficult to give examples without spoiling the story. I do have to mention that some of the most blatant ones were There was just so much more I could mention but I stopped taking notes. It was just pointless.

There is just so much missing from the evolution of the narrative that I could not relate or care about the characters or what happened to them.

There really isn't much I can discuss without spoiling the story. I was so frustrated. There was just so much wrong with the book.
I am rating it up because the prose was easy to follow and there were a couple of interesting things but the chopped manner in which things happened added to the clichés and sufferable character and world creation and development made it a very disappointing experience and I for one am not interested in following up on this series.

Disclaimer: I would like to thank the publisher and Netgalley for providing me a free copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.
Profile Image for Kim.
Author 15 books246 followers
January 30, 2014
Hidden is the first in a new series, the Dragonlands, and it is fantasy of epic proportions. If you have read any of her Song of Eloh Saga series, you know the kinds of worlds that Megg creates. She is genius at creating fantasy worlds and this latest word treat is no different. It is a very different world than Eloh, although just as filled with magic, intrigue, and mystery. And dragons, there are dragons!

Hidden had a fantastic set of characters, some of whom I loved and some of whom I hated. There were also others that I never quite got a handle on, but I think that is part of the fun and suspense of it all. They were all very different, with personalities all along the spectrum, and some of them were rather eccentric and colorful. Bastian and Connor, Tressa's friends from her village, were as strong and selfless as Tressa herself was and that made them easy to love. Tessa's grandmother was one of those characters that I just couldn't make up my mind about. Most of the time, I felt like her intentions were good, but there were moments later on as things were revealed that made me question that a little. Aside from the main characters, I loved Leo, Tressa's unexpected and unlikely ally and friend. He became her mentor, her friend, her teacher. He was so eccentric and rather mysterious. He was such a multifaceted character and I loved everything about him.

This is one of those reviews that may be a little vague when it comes to content. It is unavoidable because there is so much that happens that I don't want to take the chance of inadvertently giving something away that would spoil it for you. There are more plot twists and turns than you can imagine, some of which had me rereading sections, not because there was something confusing, but because I had to make sure I read it right! Just as soon as I would think that I had a handle on where the story was going, she turned the entire world upside down. I can't say how much I love that in a novel!

Things to love about Hidden...

--The characters. Love them or hate them, they were eccentric, colorful, and interesting.
--The intrigue and the suspense. There were so many twists and turns, and the author, in her usual fashion, frequently turned things upside now.
--Tressa. She was everything I want in a female hero... strong, loyal, determined, but realistic, too.

Things I wanted more of...

--Leo. What can I say? I loved him! I am going to hold out hope for a novella in the future about him.

My recommendation: This is a must read for fantasy fans. You should also check out Megg's Song of Eloh Saga, which contains both the Cloud Prophet Trilogy and the Swarm Trilogy, as well as a bridging novel between the two.
Profile Image for Sarah.
1,365 reviews166 followers
February 1, 2014
Plenty on offer for all readers:

Take a village mysteriously surrounded by a thick fog that no one can escape from, a heroine who will do anything to protect her people, and throw in some dragons and a couple of witchy-tree people, and there you have what I think is a fantasy novel that ticks all the boxes. This is the first novel I have read by Megg Jensen and I loved every minute of it.

From the start you know that Tressa, our heroine, is not someone who will shy away from protecting those she loves the most. Her journey shows one who is not deterred by what others say to her and all throughout I was rooting for her to succeed in her quest, whilst at the same time find love at last.

The narrative does break off to following different characters beside Tressa and I enjoyed reading about the action that was going on in the other locations. However, the concept of time gets quite lost in this story; as Tressa prepares for the Black Guard initiation arena-fight, Jensen barely mentions that weeks and then months have passed. I was so engrossed in the story that I did not consider how much time was passing, so think it would have been good if Jensen included this at the start of chapters where appropriate.

I really enjoyed this fantasy novel and think there is a lot to offer readers. The plot was very appealing and the fast pace meant for me, there was never a dull moment. That being said, there were a couple of weaker parts to the story, such as Henry in the final fight scene and the role that Tressa and Bastian’s “parents” play. That being said, the novel concludes with the next adventure being hinted at, so I guess my latter “complaint” will be developed later on in the story and I cannot wait to get my hands on the next instalment.

This is a great novel and I would go so far as to describe it as a ‘fantastic fantasy’. I don’t normally read fantasy books but the blurb certainly had me intrigued and I was not disappointed at all. Whilst this may be considered as young adult fiction, I think there is plenty on offer in ‘Hidden’ that all readers will enjoy.
Profile Image for Tnt Reviews.
308 reviews10 followers
March 29, 2014
I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

The town of Hutton’s Bridge is surrounded by fog. No one has ever returned after venturing into the fog. Every year, three people are chosen to enter the fog to search for answers and a way out. They never return. The dead are also cast into the fog. Hutton’s Bridge has become self-sufficient. You must have a purpose or you will be chosen to enter the fog. Families are formed in a ribbon choosing ritual. Men and women are paired by choosing ribbons. You then have three months to try to conceive. If you conceive, you are bonded, married. Tressa is convinced she’s barren. After multiple partners, she’s still unable to conceive. She’s been chosen to enter the fog. The day before she must leave, Tressa’s grandmother Sofia dies from a plague. The same day Sofia’s body is cast into the fog, a dragon falls from the sky. Now, more than ever, the town needs answers and help from the outside world. Tressa along with her lifelong friends, Connor and Bastian, set out to find those answers. What happens when they make it out of the fog? Will they be able to save their town? Will they finally get the answers they’re searching for?

This was a very well-written and extremely fast-paced book. I finished in about four hours. I just could not put it down. I loved the storyline and how different it was. I was heartbroken for both Tressa and Bastian and the roles they were forced into in Hutton’s Bridge. I was outraged at the lack of compassion the people showed in Hutton’s Bridge. They seemed to all be out for themselves. I was also shocked by the actions of the people Tressa met outside of the fog. I really don’t want to give anything away, but I will say this, don’t trust anyone you meet. I loved the ending, and the epilogue made me want to read more now. Overall, this a series that I will be following and this author is now on my must read list.

Reviewed by Tracy

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Profile Image for Michelle's Paranormal Vault of Books.
516 reviews145 followers
February 2, 2014

This book sure had me hooked on the first chapter. It was intense, and very interesting. An exciting fantasy world for sure. It’s brutal too, and had bits that to me were a bit scary. It sounded scary when describing the fog and how the village is surrounded by it, and that no one would come back alive from the fog. It’s completely blinding and there are creatures in it. Deadly ones. So, this had reminded me of a Stephen King movie I watched many years ago, called the Mist. That movie was very creepy and scary, and this book reminded me of that in the beginning, the part with the fog.

I really liked the main character, Tressa, she was such a strong girl. She had strength that was stronger than many men.
I really enjoyed the twist that got thrown at us, ones we did not see coming at all. I do not want to give anything away. So will keep this short.

I will say that the cover doesn’t do this great book justice. Just too plain for me I guess. If I would not have read about the book at the tour site I would never had looked twice as the cover didn’t catch my eye.

I highly recommend this book to fantasy lovers, or anyone who enjoys a captivating story.

5 out of 5 stars.

I was provided this book from the author for my honest review.

Profile Image for Kristina.
263 reviews
February 13, 2014
What I Loved
Tressa: My favorite type of female character, she struggles with what she must do, but when she needs to stand up and do the hardest things she gets it done. She is willing to make sacrifices for the good of her people and willing to sacrifice her happiness and self for the ones she loves. I'm really excited to see what happens to her in the next book, and I wonder what she will be doing next to save her village again.
I love fantasy, I love new and different worlds that are created and this one is confusing at first because the characters we are following don't even know or understand the world they are in. The whole deadly fog is a crazy and kinda scary concept. I'm not sure if I could do what Tressa has to do without crumbling in fear.
Although the book mainly isn't about romance, it has a wonderful touch of lost loves and romance. It was the perfect amount for this book.

Didn't Like
This is the first book in a series and now I have to wait for the next one, I wish it was in my hands right now!!

Great read for fantasy, romance and action lovers.
Profile Image for Shirley .
1,942 reviews58 followers
January 2, 2014
I received Hidden in exchange for a fair and honest review.

Oh how I have missed Megg Jensen’s fantasy books. Megg first caught my attention with her Song of Eloh Saga which includes both her Cloud Prophet Trilogy and the Swarm Trilogy. The world building in those books was full of magic and mystery. Even though I really enjoyed Shucked (her fun and adventurous Young Adult mystery) and am finishing up her Hell Bent/Heaven Sent compilation that she first wrote under the name Isobel Lucas, I missed the Fantasy aspect of her writing. I’m pretty sure that Dragonlands is going to take care of that…. in a very big way.

Hidden grabs you from the Prologue. It’s an introduction that leaves you with equal amounts of history and mystery. No one knows where the fog came from, but it controls every aspect of Hutton’s Bridge from that day forward.

Hidden also had an interesting cast of characters. Some I loved and some were easy to hate. I’ll let you come to your own conclusions on that one. Then there were the ones that I was never quite sure about. Tressa’s personality and strength were a product of her life circumstance. She was prepared to deal with whatever came her way with or without help from anyone else. Yet she was fully prepared to help anyone else who needed it. I can’t imagine growing up in the world that they lived in. They knew nothing else so it was accepted, for the most part.

Tressa’s friends were just as strong, selfless and determined as she was. I liked both Bastian and Conner. It was easy to see why they were all friends. Their dedication to the people that they loved and to each other was what made them the perfect candidates to leave Hutton’s Bridge. It should come as no surprise that once they took that first step, nothing would be the same.

The rest of this review is going to be vague, and I’m sorry for that. It’s just that so much happens from the time these three step beyond that barrier that I don’t want to spoil any of it. Some of it was predictable, some of it was jaw dropping, some of it was…. well, you get the picture. There were a few little ‘bumps’ here and there and a couple of places where I wanted to know more, but there was a lot of ground to cover, especially since this is the first book in a series. Once I got to a certain point, I couldn’t put this book down. Hidden basically had it all… plenty of action, twists and turns in the story and the characters, a touch of gore, and just the right amount of romance to keep things interesting.

Be prepared though, in true Megg Jensen fashion, no one is safe. There were moments when I had to stop and re-read what I had just read. Not because it was confusing but because I couldn’t believe what I just read had actually happened. You just have to keep in mind that ‘Authors are Evil’ and they can pretty much turn the character’s world upside down on a whim. Speaking of which… can you say ‘cliff hanger?’ Readers are left with more than one mystery at the end of Hidden. I’m not sure how I feel about how some of the characters were left, but we’ve been promised that Hunted, book two in the Dragonlands series, is coming soon. *taps foot and waits patiently*
Profile Image for Kaitlyn.
499 reviews25 followers
July 5, 2017
This has to be one of, if not the, worst books I’ve read this year.

The prose is simplistic and abuses adjectives, adverbs, and simile, and particularly tired old ones at that. There is far more telling than showing, with the two occasionally at odds with each other, showing one thing and then telling another. On the odd occasion when showing is done well, the author, not trusting the audience to get it, tells us anyway. The language of the novel can’t seem to decide what tone it wants, leaving it a tad anachronistic.

Worldbuilding is sparse, inconsistent, and uninspired. Everything about the world is derivative and uses clichés as if they were a checklist to follow rather than something to avoid or transform. Every story beat was ham-handedly telegraphed, with clumsy romance, clunky exposition, and twists that surprise no one.

It reads like the work of a teenager that just completed their first NaNoWriMo. The dialogue is artificial and stilted. Both the action and sex scenes are written as if the author has never seen either. Ever.

Characters are flat. Tressa is generic and not fleshed out. Bastian’s characterization and personal history are constantly in flux, as if the author is retconning parts of him halfway through the novel. The villains are complete cartoons with no motivation other being evil. Many of the decisions made by the characters, from the protagonists to the villains to the NPCs that show up for a few pages, are out of character or make no sense given the situation.

And did the master spy really mean it when he said a man's belly fat could be pushed up to make fake boobs? If it was a joke, it fell completely flat. If it was serious...we have bigger issues at hand.

It’s a disaster of a book.

Megg Jensen…your book…woof

Megg Jensen…your book…woof
Profile Image for Susan Heim.
Author 24 books259 followers
January 21, 2014
Tressa is a feisty character due to the events that have shaped her life thus far. She is orphaned at a young age and raised by her grandmother, who seems kindly and yet insists that three people enter the fog each year, most certainly to face death. Tressa experiences another disappointment when the young man she falls in love with, Bastian, is forced to marry another woman. With nothing to lose except her own life, Tressa becomes determined to unravel the mystery of the fog. Though married and a father, Bastian continues to love Tressa and decides to enter the fog with her, along with their friend Connor.

I could really feel the eerie, atmospheric gloom of the fog in "Hidden." I couldn’t wait to uncover its mysteries. Why was the fog there in the first place? What happened to those who entered the fog? Would it be possible to bring down the fog and free the residents of Hutton’s Bridge? Or would freeing them bring even more danger into their lives? Many of these questions are answered, and yet many mysteries remain as readers head into Book 2. There were just enough answers to leave the reader satisfied and yet enough mysteries remaining to guarantee a rush to read Book 2.

With dragons, battles, an evil queen, a spunky heroine and more, "Hidden" is exciting and enchanting. I’m excited to learn more about Tressa and Bastian’s fate, as well as that of the citizens of Hutton’s Bridge. Will their freedom come with too big a price?

Disclosure: The author gave me this copy in exchange for a fair and honest review.
Profile Image for Shelly Wygant.
1,294 reviews22 followers
May 27, 2014
This was a great start to a fantasy series. You are introduced to the characters living in Hutton's Bridge that is surrounded by fog. You get to know Tessa, Bastian and Connor as they set out in the fog to seek the adventure of the outer world. I loved the characters. You personally got to know them.

Megg Jensen captivates you from the beginning of this story. The way she describes the world so that you feel like you are there. She makes you feel like you are exploring the for right with the characters.

There were twists and turns and a lot of action in this book. I loved that it kept you guessing what was coming next. This is the first book I have read by Megg Jensen and I will definitely look into her other books.

I received a gift copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
Profile Image for Kelly Akemann.
850 reviews6 followers
May 7, 2014
I have to say I am not normally one for a dragon story. I was constantly surprised and thrilled while reading this story. Just when I thought I had things figured out, a different twist would occur. And not a twist that had me cursing the story - one that had me excited to see what else could happen. I have to say I was disappointed in my need to stop reading just to be able to attend a meeting. I really enjoy Tressa's character and that of Bastian. I look forward to the next one to see where the story unfolds to
Profile Image for Joana.
735 reviews14 followers
September 5, 2018
It started better than it ended... I really enjoyed the beginning, and then just went off the rails... and it really became not my thing... It's still a high three stars, so not all bad...

Read for free from GooglePlay, through BookBub :)
Profile Image for Megan Daws.
84 reviews
June 9, 2018
I won’t say I hated this book. I did enjoy it, particularly at first. The concept isn’t something I’ve seen before – it takes place in a village surrounded by a dangerous, possibly poisonous fog that no-one ever returns from. The villagers have no contact with the outside world and are kind of looking for a way to escape the fog but mostly just getting on with their lives, with no idea what lies within the fog or how it came to be there. I do like this premise, and I like the idea of creatures lying in the fog in wait, but I feel like the plot is weak and does no credit to the concept. Perhaps there could have been a better laid-out set of trials awaiting them in the fog, or at least a proper series of challenges to overcome to escape but the main characters just seem to get separated, get lost, stumble about a bit and then leave the fog and start to deal with the outside world.
The whole thing just seemed a bit of a let-down, they got the fog to come down after it had been surrounding the village for 80 years by asking nicely. It was just pretty uninterested. I was going to read the sequels as I have a free e-book of the whole series and there are some things that weren’t explained in Hidden that I sort of wanted to know but I find I just don’t care enough to read another 2 books.
The characters are perhaps the worst part of the book – I felt no attachment to any of them, I honestly just didn’t care about them, I almost wanted them to die just to make it a bit more interesting.
The main character is a 19-year-old girl called Tressa who I feel was supposed to be one of these strong, independent young women who fight and have love triangles, etc. – bit of a Katniss Everdeen type – but she just seemed to have no passion, or emotions at all really. She was unconvincing and I didn’t care about her.
Tressa’s love interest is her childhood friend Bastian who’s equally as dull and unconvincing as she is. His only motive or care in life seems to be following Tressa around and sleeping with her and even that doesn’t seem to inspire any strong emotions in him. What annoyed me most was that his wife was conveniently evil and nasty so as to justify his cheating on her. Completely unnecessary, I think, and a sign of the writer’s inability to imagine her own characters complexly – Bastian has to be good so Vinya has to be evil. I doubt it occurred to Megg Jensen to write her characters with both strengths and flaws – you know, make them believable?
The main enemy is Queen Stacia who’s instantly branded as evil with no real motives other than evilness. Additionally, she’s described as having lots of sharp objects in her hair that 1. seems pretty inconvenient and more likely to injure her than her enemies and 2. must be heavy. Does she have problems with hair loss as a result?
There were a few other characters that I felt had potential to be multi-faceted and inspire some emotion (positive or negative) – Leo, Udor, Adam, but they were badly written and disappointing.
I was interested in the premise and the setting and I’m generally very excited by anything that promises dragons but this was a solid ‘not great’ 2 stars. Oh well.
Profile Image for Catina Lewis.
57 reviews3 followers
February 27, 2015
Rating: 3.5 stars

(I received a copy from Netgalley, in exchange for an honest review.)

When I read the synopsis I was really really interested in the book so I had to read it. Right now I am just at a lose for words really. I liked the book, but I didn't like the book, if that makes sense. At one point I got so frustrated around 40% I just wanted to stop reading this in general, but I can't just stop reading a book I have to finish it so I know what happens just in case I do enjoy it.

In the beginning Sophia, Tressa's grandmother was only thirteen years old when all the adults in the village just up and disappeared and a strange fog surrounded them in all corners. Yeah it scared the living crap out of all the kids in the village. Every year since the fog came along they would send out 3 people to venture into the fog, and some never return. Tressa's grandma did and she told stories about everything beyond the fog. Now that she has passed away the stories passed with her. Tressa was selected to be one of the three people to venture into the fog, but before that they found out a plague is running through their village and she wants to find a cure and drop the fog barrier. Within the fog there are unknown creatures and the smell of death.

The beginning was good, once everything started to go down and Tressa ventures into the fog the pace dropped down about 20 notches. Connor ends up getting taken away and Tressa and Bastian end up meeting with their parents that left years ago. But Tressa's "father" sends them both down different paths. Which I did not understand a darn bit. Who is Tressa's so called father and Bastian so call mother. So someone turned them into dragons? But why send them both down different paths? Once everything started to pick up pace again it started to get interesting again. Tressa reminded me a whole lot of Mulan with what she did to get close to the queen.

When it comes down to the characters, I am not sure if I liked them or not. Leo was cool, and well we hardly got to know Henry :/. They weren't really interesting characters in my opinion, I feel like they were lacking something but I can't quite put my finger on it. Overall the story-line was good, characters "eh", the pace "went up and down". I do plan on reading the 2nd book to this series because I do want to know what is going to happen to Tressa and the village.
23 reviews5 followers
August 2, 2014
Megg Jensen writes an epic fantasy that has a bit of something for everyone. Tressa, the female protagonist, is an outcast in her community. She's a strong and positive role model--a protagonist that the readers will enjoy from her weak beginnings to her triumph victory. Bastian, Tressa's love interest, is a man who has his own journey. From being ruled by the village and his wife, Bastian finds the courage to break free and become the man that he is destined to be. Jensen creates all of her characters--Sophia, Connor, Leo, Udor, Stacia--with very real and understandable aspects that lead the reader through feelings of anger, joy, fear, sadness, and hope.

Although this is a fantasy story, Jensen throws in a touch of the macabre to fascinate horror fans. Fog that chews up and spits out those unfortunate enough to venture into it, a glittering braid of hair that tears a body apart, the ages old arena fighting where it's kill or be killed. Besides this horror aspect and the fantasy adventure, there's mystery and action, plus romance and the wonder of human growth and emotions.

Jensen's world building skills lead the reader through an intriguing and amazing world of magic and dragons, deadly fog and ancients living within trees. She brilliantly imagines what would happen to a village cut off from the rest of the world for decades and creates rules and regulations accordingly. Ribbons in the basket, following bloodlines to prevent inbreeding, feeding the dead into the fog, helping each other and banishing weapons are all necessities for this lonely and neglected community.

I love fantasy and this book was MORE than my normal read. A typical fantasy book relies heavily on the journey and less on the more human interactions among the characters. Jensen writes her characters to life and breathes a soul into them. Hidden was a wonderful read that kept me mesmerized and happy until the very end!

"The author gave me this copy in exchange for a fair & honest review."
Profile Image for Lady.
1,177 reviews11 followers
July 24, 2014
This series must be read in order. This is the first book.

Tressa has been unhappy ever since being uncoupled with Bastian. Even more unhappy when Vinya became with child by him after only a month. Now her Granna Sophia is dying and can do nothing. She was chosen with her friends Connor and Geoff to venture into the mist and try to find a way out and back... No one EVER comes back. She was dreading this death sentence but her Granna was supposed to be there to see her off! No one knows how the fog rose or why and with the last living person dead that was alive Before ... It all seems pointless. But her Granna was so sure Tressa would make it back... Should she go into the fog? Should she stay in the dying village?

This was an awesome distopian fantasy adventure that kept me enthralled from beginning to end! The bubble out of time was an awesome mystery and the suspense was a good foil for all the thrills and action. No one knows why things are they just have to deal with them. It was also a dystopia in the outside world just on a way larger scale. I would definitely recommend this to fantasy lovers of all degrees :) I think the distopian aspects would even satisfy most urban fantasy lovers even though this is more pure fantasy than they are used to. (Being as it is set in some other alternate world without cars or electricity) I heartily enjoyed it and can't wait to see what happens in Hunted (Dragonlands Book 2)!!!

***This series is suitable for mature young adult through adult readers
Profile Image for Maghon Thomas.
1,527 reviews1 follower
October 26, 2014
I loved this start of a new series! The world building is so full of intrigue and mystery and magic! This one will keep you glued to the pages from the start and it'll leave you wanting so much more.

So there's this big fog that surrounds the village. It's been there for so long, no one knows why it's there or how it came to be. It controls everything though. Food can't be brought in or out. People have to have their genetics traced so not to inbreed. No one gets love, you get a line breeding.

The characters are so well written. Tressa is our leading lady. She's strong and brave and she's willing to sacrifice herself for the betterment of her village. After the loss of her grandmother and love has been married by arrangement, she has nothing left to lose. But when she's ready to go out into the fog, Bastien and Conner selflessly come with her. She's loved them both her whole life, Bastien as a love and Conner as a best friend. They are awesome too. And with their depart from the village, things get crazy.

So, there's a whole world out there. Of course, there's a crazy witch who leads the people and she's a nutball. Like woah. But Tressa and Bastien find out they have family alive. And there's magic and dragons. I am hoping to see so much more on that front in the coming books.

And surprisingly, no one is safe. Not just bad guys die in here. I jaw dropped like 5 times. I was shocked. But I couldn't put the book down for anything. And there's are some beautifully evil bad guys here. I can't wait to see more! 5 DRAGON PAWS!!
Profile Image for Myra (Pieces of Whimsy).
94 reviews32 followers
April 3, 2014
Review first published on my blog, Pieces of Whimsy


This book was very different than what I'd expected and even as I continued reading the story it kept going down paths I didn't expect. I love stories that keep me guessing but unfortunately I didn't connect with story and though it did get better later on, the start left me feeling quite detached.

There were two main characters in this story and though they weren't two-dimensional, stock-standard characters, I couldn't connect with either of them. I felt the same way about the rest of the characters too, which was something that I think really stopped me from enjoying this book. Their thoughts seemed to run in the most ridiculous directions and most of the choice they made just left me shaking my head.

The other thing that really disappointed me was the world building. The world in this book had really interesting ideas but I wasn't given enough information in the story to really understand the world. I love world-building in stories, fantasy especially, and I wish there had been more.

There was a lot of potential for this story and I know that a lot of people really enjoyed it, but it just didn't tick the right boxes for me and I really struggled to engage with the story and characters. This book was loved by lots people, but I just couldn't connect.
Profile Image for Pelin.
37 reviews2 followers
April 9, 2014
I cannot explain how happy I am to have been recieved this book. It was beyond my expactation. I read lots and lots of diffrent fantasy books and after a while it gets a bit dull. Nothing seems interesting or impressing but this book was awesome in one word. I was travelling when I started this book and it was over in a day.

Our story begins at Hutton's Bridge where there's mist around the town that no one can leave or enter and the last living person that was alive when the mist wasn't there is on the dead bed. Aferwards we witness the happenings on the town and the adventures of Tressa who enters the mist.

Tressa is such a strong woman even though she was raised in a little community, it is a total pleasure to journey with her. . I don't approve all of her choices but I can understand her. Each chapter leaves you wanting more.

There was no cliffhangers which is a relief because I hate them. But there were thing that left unsaid or half. To make way to a second book probably. Not that I am complaining. The characters were deep and interesting but I believe physically there could have been more descriptions and a little bit more world building would be appriciated.

Overall this was an awesomne book every fantasy lover should read.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 283 reviews

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