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Rylee Adamson #4

Shadowed Threads

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"My name is Rylee, and I am a Tracker."

When children go missing, and the Humans have no leads, I'm the one they call. I am their last hope in bringing home the lost ones. I salvage what they cannot.

O’Shea is AWOL, and Tracking him is proving to be harder than I expected.

Not to mention the small fact that I have the Beast of Bodmin Moor chasing me across Europe, in a race against the odds, and my life as the prize.

But those things are minor compared to the secrets that finally come to light.

Secrets I wish had stayed hidden in the darkness . . . .

270 pages, Kindle Edition

First published August 15, 2013

About the author

Shannon Mayer

118 books6,573 followers
A long time ago, in a galaxy far away, I was born into a family of Star Wars nuts. I have a lot of siblings (somewhere I lost count but I think there was more than could be numbered on one hand) and being one of the young padawans I was subjected to Star Wars marathons, on a regular basis. If you've read any of my books you'll see there is often a reference to said movies as a small homage to my upbringing. May the force be with you and all that jazz.

I started writing when I realized I didn't want to grow up not believing in magic, or not believing in creatures everyone else said didn't exist. That being said, I have never seen a fairy, unicorn or dragon. I had a neighbour who swore they fed the leprechauns in their garden, but I never caught the little buggers no matter how long I lay in wait. (And consequently had to help the neighbours plant new flowers to replace those I killed waiting for the leprechauns to show their faces.)

Along the way, I found my husband who is the rock that keeps me from floating away into my dreams, and we have a little boy who is the centre of our world. Living on a farm keeps us busy (as if the writing wasn't enough) and I have more than my share of stories about wrestling with cows, helping birth calves and ending up in the creek during the process, falling in the mud (we'll call it mud but we all know that on a farm, mud is rarely mud) and chasing escaped livestock in the hopes the four legged convicts don't make it to the highway.

I've taken up archery, and the goal is to move into horseback archery in time (you know, when I can hit the target on a consistent basis) and when no one is looking, I love to bake (this doesn't happen often as it's hard to keep the sweet treats in stock with two boys in the house.)

As to what's coming next for me? More stories (since those never stop inside my head, I might as well share them with all of you!) and more adventures. Pretty much, when the fancy strikes, I'll jump on it. Leap before you look I'm sure that motto was created for me.

Or was that . . . think big and dream bigger, ready, set, pull the trigger . . . yeah. That one is a good one too. But only if you have a gun. And are hunting elephants. Which is not cool because of so many reasons. Let's stick with the first one with an addendum.

Leap before you look and let your dreams carry you on their wings. And that, my friends, is me in a nutshell.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 427 reviews
Profile Image for Ronda.
887 reviews166 followers
July 2, 2021
This series just keeps getting better and better and I still can't fathom out why it has taken me so long to pick these books up!

I absolutely adore the characters, the storyline, the world that Rylee lives in and the company she keeps. I love to hate certain characters such as Faris but then there are others that have crept into that permanent place in my heart, Alex and I can't wait to get to his book!
Profile Image for Carmel (Rabid Reads).
706 reviews392 followers
July 21, 2015
Reviewed by: Rabid Reads.

Book 4, and still, my indecisiveness about this series marches on. Shannon Mayer filled in a few more of the holes that have been bogging down the RYLEE ADAMSON universe, so at long last there’s only one elephant left in the room: O’Shea. It was great to see some of the secondary characters finally starting to stand on their own two feet; however SHADOWED THREADS continued to blur the line between magical boundaries, and convenient exceptions.

Despite what the blurb says, Liam has rejoined the Scooby Gang, and by doing so the author also revealed some of her plans vis-à-vis her leading man. I have to be honest, with Rylee being the only Tracker left after Jack, the addition of Blaz—yet another invaluable secondary—and now O’Shea with his wildcard; I’m beginning to feel like this whole world is filled with special snowflakes which in turn ends up demoting all of them to average Joes.

As gung-ho as Mayer has been with her secondaries, she’s also demonstrated that she can cull without mercy. A couple of characters have already bitten it, either permanently, or by way of unforgivable actions. Regardless of the means, the latest victim was a bit of a stumper, and completely changed the direction of the main story arc. Again. All of my predictions about this series are now out the window, so I NEED to read at least one more installment.

Rylee is becoming quite the popular girl; every supe has a use for her, and it has become difficult to separate the good guys from the bad. The vampires seem to be running things at the moment, but the dragons, and witches are closing the gap, and I’m quite positive that additional factions will throw their hats in the ring soon. That being said, this novel was more about who wants Adamson, and why instead of the protagonist’s victories.

RYLEE ADAMSON is back on the upswing thanks to TANGLED THREADS.
Profile Image for Angela (Angel's Book Nook).
1,634 reviews926 followers
January 5, 2022
I’m continuing to enjoy this series and pretty much binging. I’m picking up the next book from my library. The book is full of action, emotional drama/stress, and things really do move along. The author has pretty much captured my attention and I like each of the characters and misfits that our lead picks up along the way. This one brings to light some interesting things and some hard choices for our lead.

Rated: 4 Stars

Book Order:
0.25 Tracking Magic
0.5 Elementally Priceless
1 Priceless
2 Immune
3 Raising Innocence
4 Shadowed Threads
5 Blind Salvage
5.5 Alex
6 Tracker
6.5 Guardian
7 Veiled Threat
8 Wounded
8.5 Stitched
9 Rising Darkness
10 Blood of the Lost

Profile Image for Denisa.
1,313 reviews319 followers
November 5, 2015
Yup, this series continues to surprise me.

Ok, I'll start with why I only gave it 3.5. There were some geographical inconsistencies that I didn't like (ok, they would normally piss me off pretty bad, but I like the series too much to be bothered by them as much as I should). And a couple of grammar mistakes (but maybe it's because of the edition I have, seeing that I didn't find any in the other books).
What I liked? I liked the plot twist! I really really didn't expect it, even though usually, after the first few pages, I know how a book ends. So yeah, I love being surprised. The main char doesn't surprise me anymore, her actions are beginning to be predictable (not in a bad way though) but I really really like the "friend" characters. All of them! And I liked that Rylee found a new "friend" this round.
Ah yes, and finally, after 100 books, . But I liked that it took so long, it wasn't annoying, like it usually is.
I'm curious how everything will turn out now!
Profile Image for Shelley.
5,418 reviews482 followers
September 14, 2017
*Source* BookLending
*Genre* Urban Fantasy
*Rating* 4.0

*Full Review Pending*

Wow, Rylee's pack just added another fascinating character. Want to know what the character is? DRAGON!!! ::sigh:: what a curious and fantastic addition to this series which is already steeped in a plethora of supernaturals from Alex, Pamela, Will, Deena and Eve. Issues that the book needed to address; Liam, where the hell is he? Berget, are we finally going to have Rylee use her abilities to track her whereabouts? After 10 years of not knowing, I would have been chomping at the bit to discover what really happened. Did anyone figure out the surprise before it was revealed? Actually, there was several, but the main one definitely had me guessing, and guessing correctly.. BRING ON THE NEXT INSTALLMENT STAT!!!
Profile Image for Erin *Proud Book Hoarder*.
2,652 reviews1,148 followers
June 6, 2021
The series has lost luster, I hope it improves again. It's mainly action from action scene with fight after fight, aggressive attitudes, new characters popping up out of the woodwork left and right. The O'Shea thing is frustrating at this point and dominates the book, but thankfully we have that resolution at the end. You get demented vampire time, but that's getting old to me with Faris. Pamela is a cute new character and I like her, but she seems to be the primary side character, and it's get crowded in this house. I do like the new additions though, but it seems more of a new character sidekick book rather than a plot-strong one, including building up the existing character's personalities. There's some confusing stuff happening, and a twist that's significant. I enjoyed the last quarter of the book more than the rest, it started getting better.
Profile Image for Snarktastic Sonja.
546 reviews63 followers
October 11, 2014
Rylee is adding to her menagerie. Sometimes, I feel like Shannon is trying to hard to include *every* mythical being ever conceived of. And, don't get me wrong - I loved Blaz. I have loved dragons ever since I read my first Pern novel. But, he just seems so . . . dropped in. His presence makes no sense - and his character makes no sense. Maybe all the dragon nonsense will become clear in a future episode, but right now it only leaves me scratching my head.

I found Jack actually useful - I enjoyed him - he seems to be taking the place of Giselle as a mentor to Rylee.

I am totally over Milly. When we began in the first novel, we are told that Milly is Rylee's best friend - almost a sister. Yet, we see none of this relationship - only Milly being a first class . . . witch.

Eve is growing and maturing. I adore Eve.I felt the characters of Will and Deanna are short-changed - both hold such promise - and are just dropped like a hot potato. Alex. I love Alex. I want an Alex.

But, mostly, Liam is back. Almost everything can be forgiven with Liam back.

These people form the basis of why I shall keep returning to this world: I love Rylee's passion and concern for everyone around her. I feel for the way she tries to be everything to everyone and even if she fails, her heart is *always* in the right place. The story doesn't matter so much - which child we are after of why we are after her/him - these are just vehicles to share a journey with Rylee - and her menagerie.

Ugh. I wanted to love this one. I have really enjoyed the series up until now. But, one simple thing took it from a 4 star to a 3 star - the f-word. While it has not been absent from any of the previous novels, it is prevalent in this one - as in several times on each page. I will make no bones about the fact that I *hate* that word. If you use it in conversation with me, I will hear nothing that you say after it. It is just a fact. Not intentional - it just happens. That being said, I will forgive it if used in an "appropriate manner." You thought you were battling a witch, and her entire coven shows up? Sure. I'm ok with it.

In this novel, however, every time Rylee feels something going wrong - or like it *might* go wrong - or for any reason really - she thinks, "Fword me." I mean - seriously all the time. She has absolutely no other phrase to use - only that one. I think Ms. Mayer would have found a thesaurus handy. :D This doesn't include the other times she uses it in conversation (even with little Pamela ears nearby.) Its use dragged me out of the story and journey and truly hurt my enjoyment of this novel. Its only saving grace is that it is *not* used
Profile Image for Beth.
3,135 reviews288 followers
May 9, 2014
Just as Rylee is making new and unexpected allies, so is the demon hell bent on taking over the world.

It is a race against the clock for Rylee, she must chose the man she loves or her lost family. Those around her know more than they are saying and it all is centering around Rylee and her decisions...the fate of the world lays in her hands and one wrong move can end it all.

Shadowed Threads had me clinging to the pages from start to finish... Shadowed Threads is an exciting, intense, sexy story telling. Mayer is weaving a cast of incredible characters for the coming battle, some you'd want at your back when facing these odds.

To put it simply, I loved it. Shadowed Threads is an incredible urban fantasy read.

Written by: Shannon Mayer
Series: A Rylee Adamson Novel
Sequence in Series: Book 4
Paperback: 268 pages
Publisher: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
Publication Date: August 15, 2013
Rating: 5 Stars
ISBN-10: 1492184373
ISBN-13: 978-1492184379
Genre: Urban Fantasy Romance
Find this book on: Amazon
Profile Image for Literati Literature Lovers.
1,981 reviews157 followers
August 2, 2018
Still Fresh Plots

I read a lot of books and love paranormal romances. To be brutally honest, a lot of Indie published paranormal romances wain about book three of a binge read. It’s as if the authors rely too much on made up angst and recycled plots. Luckily Mayer’s Rylee Adamson series is still fresh into book four; as she expanded her world building, fleshed our characters backstories and is still keeping it fresh in the romance area.
Simply you should read this series, so far they have all been solid four star reads. Yes I am a hard reviewer, and Mayer needs to give her characters some conversation time outside of sword slashing. Deeper connection of the characters bump a four star to a five star read. Mayer writes good character connections, just not great ones. But with book four I do see her honing her craft and learning to connect the characters more on deeper emotional levels.

I read this via kindle unlimited.
Profile Image for Carolin.
Author 1 book13 followers
September 13, 2014
I still appreciate the setting, the action and that, but it's not enough. Not enough to cover up the fact that the MC is so stupid, immature and not showing any signs to growing up. The holes in the plot is constantly covered up by the stupidness of the MC, and then I havenät even gotten to the slutshaming. Why do they have to keep slutshaming Milly? She is bat shit crazy, but that isnät because she enjoys sex, it is because she's bat shit crazy. So why do both O'shea and Rylee constantly have to keep talking her down because of her sex drive?

Having sex doesn't make a woman a less Worth woman. And it is sad that a book like this is cementing the preconceptions that many people have that a woman's Worth is depending on her sex Life.
Profile Image for Cheryl.
1,783 reviews51 followers
June 14, 2021

The child empress wasn't who I thought it was. Faris is so untrustworthy it's not funny. One minute you think he truly cares for Rylee until he is caught in all the lies.

It was so hard watching Rylee break, I needed tissues for that but the outcome was so worth it. The pack is growing.
Profile Image for Marsha.
2,994 reviews55 followers
December 23, 2013
(3.5 Stars)
Of all of the Rylee Adamson books "Shadowed Threads" was my least favorite. Don't get me wrong. I truly enjoyed the book; however, the plots seemed to ramble at times and I wanted more of O'Shea in this read.
The book is told from both Rylee and O'Shea's perspective. So, why did I initially state that I wanted more of O'Shea in this read? Well, bits of the story were told from O'Shea's wolfs perspective.

The story begins in Europe with O'Shea sinking deeper and deeper into his wolf's mind. There is only one goal and that is killing every witch he can sink his teeth into. Unfortunately, the witches do not take likely to people killing of their covens; so, they go on a wolf hunt of their very own.

Meanwhile, Rylee and her ragtag team have been staying with Jack, the Tracker. After almost three weeks, he still has not trained Rylee and she is beyond getting restless. She has decided that if he is very vulnerable now and does not want to die alone. So, she warns him that if he doesn't train her soon, she is leaving to track O'Shea on her own.

It seems O'Shea is being turned into a guardian. Another wolf steps into the picture and guides him into heading North where he will eventually meet up with his mate, Rylee. Imagine his surprise when he discovers she has a young witch with her that she is protecting. Their relationship is precarious but he soon settles into his place in the team.

This installment also introduces us to several new characters including a dragon and a few 'nasties' from the previous book are included as well including Dr. Daniels. Boy, is she begging for someone to open a can of "whup-ass" on her. Once again there is plenty of action and intrigue. Additionally, we finally find out the identity of the Child Empress and it will be a big shock.

As I stated earlier, I enjoyed this read but at times I felt that all of the action, missions, trials and tribulations were just a stalling tactic keeping the reader from the big show down. Also, the ending of this book was just way too abrupt. I found myself asking, "Really, is this it?" I hope the next book is a bit more concise.
Profile Image for Jessica Frances.
Author 27 books401 followers
December 1, 2015
Shadowed Threads is book four in the Rylee Adamson series. This one continues right off where book three left us, with our group still in London. Rylee needs answers from the only other tracker she’s ever met and in this story she is left only with more questions. I enjoyed the adventure of this one and the deepening of all the relationships for Rylee. I also liked that she showed some vulnerability and learned to ask for help. It is a first for her and showed her growth as well as how strong her relationship with Liam is. I loved how things progressed with him and I am so grateful to have the team all back together and ready to save the world. Book five promises to be another interesting continuation to this series and I can’t wait to start it. A must read for fans of this series!
Profile Image for Marianne Boutet.
1,639 reviews6 followers
July 2, 2015
I will be brief and say that this book ties up a lot of loose ends. It ended well in that the reader knows there is more to come; in the meantime our heroine and her group get a bit of a breather.
Profile Image for Daisy Delfin.
1,200 reviews158 followers
May 18, 2024
There is a Graphic Audio production of the whole Rylee Adamson Series, which includes 10 books of the series and five short stories. All this was included in my audible subscription. That's how I decided to listen to all the books and short stories. Otherwise it would have been pretty costly to listen to this production.

The first two short stories and book 1 and two were 3.5 and 4 stars. The rest of the series was a solid three stars rating.

At some point the story felt to drawn out but since I had passed the point of no return, where I just wanted to know who the stories ends I finished 15 Graphicaudio books. I think the story could have been shortened without loosing anything. From the beginning two things were predictable: One (and even more) person was Demon possessed and this person will die. And also there will be an Elemental involved, whom we meet again in book 9.

I liked Rylee and Mayer killed off some of the good guys. Two deaths were not really necessary and didn't feel right.

I would say this is a drawn out series, but okay, to listen for free in the graphic audio version. Stay away from the series if you tend to dnf series and hate it if the author kills beloved important side charcters.
Profile Image for Vicki theglambookworm.
256 reviews65 followers
April 29, 2019
Okay ya'll, this series just keeps getting better and better. By far the best installment yet. Still fun and fast paced, but hit some feels along the way. It has developed so much since book 1, and I can't believe there are still 6 to go!

So much shit hit the fan in this book, and the story line is evolving in such an interesting way. Not to mention, that Rylee and Liam have gotten some top notch character development.

This series is deffs underrated, and I cannot recommend it enough if you are looking for sonething quick, funny, and kick ass. Can't wait to see what happens next.
Profile Image for Crystal Smith.
621 reviews17 followers
February 2, 2021
This series is phenomenal! I’m listening on Graphic Audio and if’s a totally nee experience for an already amazing book. Rylee continues to persevere and gain the knowledge she needs in order to battle on. I hope she finds her peace soon, my heart breaks for her. Meanwhile Alex continues to mosey on and on... I absolutely love him, he’s got such a big heart and is hilarious. Nothing bad better happen to him! And Liam is back! Yay!
272 reviews3 followers
November 17, 2019
Good Story telling

I enjoyed that Liam is back. And that he can fight along with her.
I thought Molly was bad but Far is takes the cake.
Berget is really a pill. Evil to the core.
Profile Image for Joseph.
185 reviews13 followers
April 7, 2018
These were short, so I kept trying to get through them, to get to where this series got "good" where it earned that nearly five star across the board review. The world is actually somewhat unique, so it gave me this little glimmer of hope.

I don't see it. The writing is all over the place, the characters are two dimensional at best. I just can't make myself anymore. There's nothing here. Here's the development arc in a nutshell over the last few books.
1,494 reviews52 followers
February 20, 2023
I picked up the first book in the series, Priceless on a whim a few years ago. It was on sale for $0.79, I liked the cover and the blurb drew me in. I hadn't really read any urban fantasy prior to it but I've always loved fantasy and the idea of a more grown up fantasy grabbed me. And it was perfect. Everything I expected and so much more. I proceeded to demolish the remaining available books and Shannon Mayer has fast become one of my favourite authors. All of the books are full of fast paced, well written plots, hysterically funny lines and lots of heart. The characters worm their way under your skin until you're cheering with them at their successes and sobbing with them at their failures. Couldn't recommend the series more highly and will certainly be rereading many many times.

Profile Image for Danielle Book Boss.
697 reviews64 followers
October 18, 2015
I wanted to like this more. This series has the makings of being very strong. We have a snarky, foul mouthed heroine who is a secret softy. We have twists and turns. We have romance. But I didn't like this one as much as some others. I think it's mostly because there were a lot of random scenes. Every time I think we are on our epic journey of the book, something pops up to sideline our band of lead characters. It started getting annoying at first and I guessed about

I also don't understand how all this paranormal stuff happens pretty out in the open but they say that paranormal stuff is a secret from the human population. It just wasn't making sense to me. Also Rylee is weird to me sometimes because she was raised human (I guess?) but comes off very paranormal but perhaps she is just embracing what she naturally is? I feel like there are some continuity issues in this series for me.

I love that .

I'm going to continue reading the series but I need something to happen for this to be a memorable series.
Profile Image for Sheila Brown.
65 reviews2 followers
November 3, 2016
Shannon Mayer has wooed me! I consider myself an avid reader and know a good book. I started Rylee's adventure with a free offering and a comparison to Anita Blake. That is saying something if correct, so I had to see. Since this is my forth book in, I have to say this is an incredible series!
The story goes quickly and smoothly, no drawn out dialog like Blake books tend to do. The characters are lovable and very well written into story. I hate Milly, die already! Sorry for the slip, hehe.
I was not giving up on O'Shey, I refused to. Boy this book delivered! I was crying at the end. You could actually FEEL her pain and emptiness. Loneliness. I held my breath...and thank you Liam! You did not let me down!
Some say too many characters are piling up but I say nah. These books are so well written, they are all holding their own.
I would have one negative but it is just my preference. The sex is well written but very PG. If it was really written like a Blake book on that front, I would be in sheer heaven. Rylee has some serious action thrown her way! Throw some serious Liam on her ocassionally!
Now for the next adventure!
Profile Image for Amanda.
276 reviews3 followers
July 18, 2018
3.5 stars. This was a good addition to the series. Rylee is back as badass as ever with new additions to her “pack.” I really like the addition of Blaz and hope we see more of him in the future. Hallelujah in regards to Liam and his plot line, although I hated having to wait so far in to the book for that to happen. I figured who the Child Empress would be ahead of time, but it’ll be interesting to see how Rylee handles that in the future. And of course, Milly should go die. But lots of action and another quick read!

I do have to say the editing/proofing of this book is atrocious. There have been minor errors in the previous books, but this book was so bad with them. Words completely missing in sentences to the point of them making no sense, misspellings/typos galore. Not to mention on more than 1 occasion (I think it was about a handful of times) the text was labeled as Rylee when it was Liam’s POV and vice versa. Then there was a section about 90% in that switched between them both and didn’t even label the transitions. Such simple things that should have been caught and caused unnecessary confusion.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 427 reviews

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