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Beautiful Mess #1

A Beautiful Mess

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What happens when you lose everyone that promised they would always be there for you? How can you protect the few pieces of your shattered heart that remain?

Olivia Adler is a woman with a troubled past. After losing her parents at the young age of six and being raised by an uncle who she lost years later, she refuses to get attached to anyone, including friends. For the past decade, she has been able to remain unattached to any man, too worried about losing someone to get too close. Until Alexander Burnham walks into her life one night and changes everything. But he has issues of his own. And he’s keeping a secret that could turn Olivia's world upside-down. Will Olivia let Alexander in enough for him to get close and protect her from a force threatening her very existence, or will she push him away, scared of letting Alexander in, in order to protect her heart?

323 pages, ebook

First published August 27, 2013

About the author

T.K. Leigh

59 books4,397 followers




T.K. Leigh, otherwise known as Tracy Leigh Kellam, is the USA Today Bestselling author of the Beautiful Mess series, in addition to several other works. Originally from New England, she now resides outside of Raleigh with her husband, beautiful daughter, three cats, and special needs rescue dog.

When she’s not writing she can be found training for her next marathon (of which she has run over twenty fulls and far too many halfs to recall), having impromptu dance parties with her daughter, or planning her next trip to parts unknown.

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Profile Image for Erica.
90 reviews
April 30, 2015
*I received this book for free from the author in exchange for an honest review*

Did I read the same book as everyone else??

I really wanted to like Beautiful Mess. I did. I liked the characters and felt it was a great back story and had a great foundation for an exciting (and HOT!) story. It started out strong, and I thought I was instantly in love. Mmm, Alex!

Unfortunately, not too far in, it fell flat. Hard on its face, FLAT. I've tried to pinpoint the issues, but it was really a combination of a lot of things for me:

1. The multiple third person POV was hard to follow, giving me whiplash at times as to whose head I was, indeed, inside. Sometimes this works, but it certainly didn't here.

2. The dialogue was few and far between. I found myself skimming, at times, and just reading the dialogue to keep a scene going. I, of course, to be fair to the author, did go back and make sure that I re-read the page(s) to make sure I didn't miss any details.

3. When the dialogue was happening, it seemed inconsistent with some of the characters. (i.e. Alex sounded like badass mercenary one minute, and Frasier Crane the next. Unfortunately, I feel Frasier's voice won out most of the time). I also felt that, as a whole, the characters dialect bounced between mid-twenties contemporary and that of characters on Downton Abbey. Pick a century, any century.

4. I've never read a book where the HERO is TSTL. Well, I have now...

Overall, I think where this book failed me was POV, inconsistent dialect, and way too many lame, unnecessarily drawn out plot lines. Here’s the deal. There is a great story here waiting to be told. I feel at the end of this book absolutely no closer to the end of the story than about 2 chapters into this book.

I think there is the basis for a great book here (probably not 3), but it’s execution was lacking for me. I’m hopeful that books 2 and 3 will improve from here.
Profile Image for Michelle.
2,102 reviews1,360 followers
March 2, 2014
**** 4.5 Beautiful "Mr. Burnham" Stars****

A Beautiful Mess by T.K. Leigh really left me a beautiful mess and I loved every moment of it. This book literally took me on a roller-coaster of emotions and I couldn’t get enough of it. From the first page to the very last page, I was hooked and could not put the book down. When I reached the last page in my kindle, literally I was screaming NOOOOO!!! A Beautiful Mess will capture any readers attention since it truly shows the love of a man who never stopped loving his first love and a woman whose tragic past continues to haunt her from truly loving and being loved.


Sarah Olivia Adler is simply a beautiful mess. For twenty-one years, Olivia has been struggling to come to grips with the reality that her parents are dead. Alone and no family for emotional support, Olivia has built these walls surrounding her heart. She keeps her distances from friends and from anyone getting too close since she has these fears that they are gonna end up leaving her. In coping with her pain and loneliness, she finds temporary solace with alcohol and sex. Olivia constantly has these dreams/nightmares reliving the tragic event of her parents death. Though the dreams are hazy, one thing remain constant in her dreams is a boy with green eyes. The only true thing that comforts Olivia is music. Music plays an instrumental role in allowing Olivia to truly express her feelings. With only a handful of true friends, Olivia finally sets her roots in Boston till one day she stumbles upon Mr. Alexander Burnham. Little did she know, Alex is the boy in her dreams with the green eyes.


Alexander Burnham is a successful business owner of a private security firm, Burnham & Associates. For twenty-one years, he has never given up on hopes of finding his first love, Olivia Deluca. For so many years, Alex thought his Olivia died alongside with her parents in a car crash but soon he finds his past staring straight back at him. The only problem is that the Olivia Deluca that he knows goes by the name of Sarah Olivia Adler and has no recollection of her past. Shocked and amazed that he finally found her, Alex makes it his mission to not lose her again. Call it destiny or fate, but when Alex and Olivia first laid eyes on each other, there was a spark and connection that was like a magnetic pull drawing them together.

The chemistry between Alex and Olivia is one of those connection that has no words. It was raw and heartfelt. After twenty years of having this empty void, it was like the heavens were finally blessing Alex and Olivia to finally get their chance to a happily ever after. Years of heartache and loss, Alex can finally hold onto the only woman who held his heart, soul and mind. For Olivia, Alex was her missing piece to the puzzle. He was the glue who finally could piece her heart together. As Alex tries to discover why his father faked the death of Olivia, he must first try to overcome the looming fear of what secrets and truths lies in the letter that his deceased father left him. Alex fears if he reveals and tells Olivia of her true identity that she will run away. Running away is what Olivia does when she fears of getting her heart broken and disappointment. The emotional attachment issues is one burden that Olivia can’t seem to shake off. As Olivia’s feelings for Alex grows strong, her fears and insecurities causes her to do the only thing that she knows which is to run away.


A Beautiful Mess was just AMAZING!!!! Ms. Leigh did one hell of a job on her debut book and I must applaud her in this well written romantic suspense thriller. This book had everything that I loved from romance, sexual chemistry, angst, suspense and mystery. I loved everything about this book and could not find one thing I would change. Ms. Leigh did a brilliant job in portraying Alexander and Olivia. Their characters were portrayed so honest and raw that you were able to feel every emotions that they evoked from sadness, happiness, love, heartache, anger and bliss. What I truly love is that all the secondary characters were key players and played an integral part to Alexander and Olivia’s story. Ms. Leigh did an excellent job incorporating them to the storyline without having them overshadow the main point of the story. Wow!!!.. Ms. Leigh knows how to write a book filled with sexual tension, chemistry, and angst. The chemistry of Alexander and Olivia was palpable from their very first meeting and I couldn’t get enough of it. I was so invested into unraveling the mystery of Olivia’s past and wanted to scream and shout to Alex to just reveal Olivia’s true identity. Literally I was up at 2 am and screaming NOOOO when I got to the last page. Luckily for me, I had Tragic Wreck on standby and yes I did start the book right away at 2am since I was dying of curiosity on what’s going to happen next. So yes, go read A Beautiful Mess. This book did not disappoint me and I can’t get enough of Alexander and Olivia.


T.K. Leigh
Profile Image for Candace.
1,179 reviews4,730 followers
November 6, 2015
Good story, but beware of cliffhanger ending!

Olivia meets Alexander when he comes to her rescue late one night, saving her from her ex-boyfriend turned would-be rapist. From that point forward, he seems to show up everywhere and the two become an item rather quickly. The two are drawn together and their sexual encounters are scorching hot!

There is plenty of mystery and suspense in this story as well. From the beginning, it is clear that Olivia's history is placing her in grave danger. The trouble is, she doesn't remember her past, beyond the glimpses of the car accident that killed both her parents when she was 6 years old, which haunt her dreams at night. She has lost everyone she's ever loved and avoids intimacy as a result.

When Alexander sees Olivia, he is reminded of the girl he loved in his youth. He never forgave himself for not being able to save her. He's spent a lifetime searching for her, unwilling to believe that she really died that night over twenty years ago.

The closer Alexander and Olivia seem to get to starting a new life together, the more things from their pasts seem to be working against them. Alexander is keeping a big secret from Olivia that threatens to tear them apart. Olivia seems to be her own worst enemy, running whenever she starts to feel close to Alexander. Although, in fairness, he didn't exactly help himself out with some of his clueless decisions either. I definitely wanted to smack him a time or two.

I expected for issues to be unresolved, knowing this book was part of a series, but I didn't expect the huge cliffhanger ending. It almost felt like a "pre-cliffhanger" if you can imagine such a thing. None of the events that I'd been bracing myself for, namely the dangerous plans concerning Olivia, came to fruition. I guess I expected a kidnapping or attack, but it never happened. So, while there was a big change, I feel like nothing has changed at all. I guess I'll have to wait until I start the next book to find out what happens. I feel like somebody just hit pause in the middle of my audiobook!

Profile Image for Jacqueline's Reads.
2,950 reviews1,523 followers
February 11, 2015

4 A Beautiful Mess Stars

I loved the plot, it was romantic and I’m a sucker for a damsel in distress storyline, but there were some parts that didn’t quiet click for me.


Alex lost his childhood best friend in a car accident. He loved Olivia, she was his everything and he has been haunted by her death for over two decades. He later rescues a woman who happens to have the same name as his childhood friend and as they get to know each other, he comes to terms that she is his best friend.

Olivia loses everyone she loves. She copes by running across the country and not keeping close friends. She likes Alex, but questions if she could ever get close to him because she is scared of heart break.

Olivia and Alex

I liked the main characters, but I did have some issues. First off, I hate storylines that have that one secret. Alex knows about Olivia’s past and he refuses to tell her because he thinks he is protecting her by not saying anything. It’s the most frustrating thing in the world. It’s what I called angst, something I am not very fond of. There are many times he could tell Olivia the truth, but he never clearly comes out.

I think the first encounter between Olivia and Alex was a bit too instant for me. I would call it a combination of insta-love / insta-lust. I understand Alex feels a very strong connection towards Olivia, but Olivia has to be crazy to respond as quickly as she does. Doesn’t she keep everyone at arm’s length?

Alex also has a letter from his father that he has never read. I am assuming the letter will be a game changer, but does he read it? No. He’s too scared. Are you serious? Just read the letter. I think if the storyline was focused more on discovering Olivia’s past, than Alex keeping it from Olivia I would have been a happier camper.


With all that said I really did like the story. I love a protecting Hero. Alex is crazy dominate, sexy and alpha. The steamy scenes were great and his love for Olivia makes me swoon. It’s the kind of love I LOVE reading in a story.

I want to be swept off my feet and feel cherished and Alex makes me feel that. I also like the back story. There’s so much mystery coming from Olivia’s past. Who is after her and why was she in a car accident? Who can she trust? It makes for a juicy read and I want to know more.

I didn’t care for the cliffy, but I’m glad I don’t have to wait too long since book 2 is out. I would recommend.

A Beautiful Mess (Beautiful Mess, #1) by T.K. Leigh AMAZON
Profile Image for Louise.
791 reviews
November 23, 2015
I received this book in exchange for an honest review. I really tried to get into this book but unfortunately I gave up at 80%. Unfortunately the main issue I have is the male protagonist, Alexander, seems to have what I can only describe as multiple personality disorder. One minute he is being sickly sweet and romantic and the next he is supposed to be dominating, but comes across as overbearing and not at all likeable! The whole referring to each other as 'Mr Burnham' and 'Miss Adler' gets a little tedious and although I don't like to use comparisons, I do feel that this book maybe trying to take some traits from fifty shades. Even one of the antagonists (Adele) in this story isn't what I would call a threat and she is swiftly dealt with each time she pops up! Another issue I had was the fact that this story is told in multiple POV and the change even happened mid paragraph. In my opinion if you are going to write in multiple POV then the change overs need to be clearly defined. I don't think all is bad with this book because there is a story in here that genuinely does have potential and that is why I left it so late to quit. I feel this may be just one of those books that a lot of people enjoyed a lot more than me.
Profile Image for Syndi.
3,279 reviews956 followers
April 3, 2022
A Beautiful Mess is not that mesmerizing. I think I can not stand the stalker behaviour from both the characters.
The plot is there but is not edited very well.

My first read by Miss Leigh. The book ends eoth cliffhanger after the big secret is revealed.
Sadly I am not going to finish this series.

2 stars
Profile Image for Dilek VT.
1,545 reviews1,598 followers
Shelved as 'nope'
September 25, 2019
Note to self:

From the reviews I have read, it sounds too messy and the heroine is frustrating as she runs away whenever she feels there is a problem. She is not a problem solver but a runner. Also, the hero keeps a secret from her way too long, and that means he is frustrating, too. PASS!
Profile Image for Jacqueline.
1,693 reviews153 followers
November 2, 2013
I didn't enjoy this. I really had to force myself to finish it. Looking at all the 5 star reviews I wondered whether we'd read the same book.

The main problem for me was the narrative style - it skipped from person to person, sometimes even within a single paragraph and we got everyone's inner thoughts - including the people who were apparently plotting against her. That removed the suspense and kind of spoiled the story for me.

Some of the dialogue felt clunky, I just couldn't hear the characters saying it. His dirty mouth was the one thing about this book that I enjoyed, but it didn't make up for some of the strange things the characters said at other times.

Then there's the letter. He's had a letter for five years that has all the answers to the life, the universe and everything in it. But, despite being an alpha male, billionaire, astute businessman who runs a security company that relies on gathering information, he doesn't open it. He thinks about it lots of times but he doesn't open it. Clearly it was supposed to build the suspense in the story, but I found it unbelievable and plain irritating.

The other infuriating thing was that this was half of the story - or even a third of a story for all I know. This book ends on a major cliffhanger and you get only questions, few answers in this. Whatever it is, I can't read any more of this narrative style - I really cannot recall ever reading anything written in this style before, it made it so hard to read and follow. I was constantly stopping to try to work out whose head we'd now moved into.
September 10, 2013
So good! My heart has just been all over the place! This was a great read...maybe one of my favorites! It had so many elements I love! Sexy billionaire, intelligent woman, great BFF....but even more it had a lot of depth to it. There was more to each character than just sex. Don't get me wrong I love the sex too...there was just more to it. I loved it and can't wait for the rest of the series.
Profile Image for Hazel *Craves the Angst Reviews*.
770 reviews291 followers
September 24, 2013
Find This and Other Reviews At Craves The Angst.

A Beautiful Mess is book one in the Beautiful Mess series and is an Adult Contemporary Romance written by T.K. Leigh. I read this as a R2R with Fifty Shades Support Group . As always, a special thank you to the mods and author for allowing me to participate.

2 Small Unsatisfied Stars!
Wish I Could Have Liked This One, But Ultimately, It Fell Flat For Me!

The Review:
This book had a lot of potential. I really thought the storyline and plot idea were good. But I had a lot of trouble getting through some of the dialogue, which at times felt a bit stale or immature and I didn’t especially like the characters.

Olivia seemed weak. She couldn’t cope or function on most days, all due to the loss of her parents which happened 21 years before, when she was six. And this was even after spending years in therapy. I understand her need to distance herself but her inability to form connections with anyone, including friendships, felt impractical and it was annoying being reminded of it after the thousandth time, of all her loss. This point was hammered home to many time in my opinion.

Then there’s Alexander. This guy is in security, is top paid in the business, is well known and listed as one of the most eligible bachelors in magazines so he’s famous, he’s a billionaire, he's supposed to be a dominant alpha male and was Navy Seal. His father was CIA yet he can’t get all the information on Olivia in one phone call? He has to get her to answer questions and fit the puzzle pieces together? He’s been thinking about this girl since that tragic day when he was eight and lost her, he’s obsessed about that day, dreamed of it and has so many questions, yet when he “thinks” he’s found her, it takes him forever to fit the pieces together, even though he knows his father helped hide people, he himself has admittedly changed peoples ID’s, helped them disappear or falsified their deaths yet he finds it unbelievable at first that she’s the same girl from his childhood?

But mostly, I didn’t understand the Adel situation. Why suffer time with someone you obviously dislike on a memorial vacation for someone you just found out was still alive and needed protection. The vacation, Adel, the country club, his ignoring Olivia’s texts, allowing pictures to go to press, especially since it had happened before... all of that made little sense. He’s this badass alpha but allows an irritating “occasional fuck”, someone he openly calls a “bitch”, to pull his strings?

I also didn’t understand his reluctance to open his fathers letter, especially once he realized it could have all the answers to what happened to Olivia. He’s been obsessed with this girl his whole life! He’s distanced himself from a life and relationships because of it. He’s centered his whole life around wanting answers to what happened that day yet he ignores the one thing that will give him the answers he’s trying to whole book to figure out? That made no sense to me. He spends over half the book gathering reports, putting puzzle pieces together, over and over again, only to verify and re-verify and then.. yes, re-verify again, who Olivia is when all he’d have to do is OPEN. THE. LETTER!

My last complaint is the multiple POV switches which would happen in the same page, sometimes in the same paragraph with no sectioning off or hint it was happening. I hated going back and re-reading a paragraph just so I could figure out who was narrating in that sentence. Also, the over usage of “this girl” or “that man” was distracting.

The Wrap Up:
I wanted to like this book. It has so much potential and the idea behind the plot was a good one, but there were too many plot holes, questionable character actions and convenient events and it all just fell flat for me. I gave up reading it on page 197 and have to list this one as a DNF.
Profile Image for Nicole.
110 reviews28 followers
August 26, 2013

This book had me on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen next. I was hooked from the very beginning. It's a story that you don't want to put down. Which as we all know doesn't happen as often as we would like, but this story satisfied all my needs.

Olivia had to grow up losing everyone she ever loved, so she never let anyone get close out of fear they would leave her or she would lose them. Not a very healthy way of living, but it worked for her. That is until Alexander came into the picture. He turned her world upside down and rocked it in more ways than one. He pushed her and made her want to run, yet at the same time opened her up to the idea of love.

Alexander is a very successful business man who lost someone very special at a young age. Deep down he felt as though she wasn't really dead so he spends his life searching for her. *SWOON* This man knows how to use words. He lost his best friend when he was 9 or so he thought she died... I can't help but love this man. He's everything you could possibly want in a book boyfriend!!! SWOON away ladies ;)

I loved the characters as well as the storyline. I was a little bummed it was a cliffhanger, but i'll be waiting as patiently as I can for the next installment. I had several emotions while reading this, yet towards the end I was more pissed off at Olivia more than anything. She had everything she could want, yet she just ran away. I hope she can open up her eyes and realize what she left behind. As for Alex, I was a little shocked at how easily he gave up once she left. For someone that was searching his whole life and finally found her, I would of assumed he'd hunt her down at any cost. *sigh*

Overall I rate this book a 5 out of 5. I highly recommend you add this to your list and pick it up once it becomes available.

Thanks T.K. Leigh for the great read.
78 reviews3 followers
December 28, 2014
DNF at 73%.
At first I really liked this book. I liked the characters and the back story. But then… I don’t know. At one point I noticed I was skimming the chapters and hoping that the book would end already. Everything was a little too predictable and over-dramatic (Adele, the letter etc). Also, Alex seemed like a complete idiot, and I hated that Alex ended every sentence with the nickname “Love”.
And as we got to know Olivia better - she runs marathons, plays every instrument there is, and volunteers at the dog center. There should have been a scene were we see how good she is with children. Then the cheesy picture would have been totally complete.
At this point I read the reviews in goodreads and found out that the book ends with a cliffhanger and all the questions will remain unanswered. After that I didn’t see any reason why I should read more because I am definitely not going to read the next books.
Profile Image for Pamela(AllHoney).
2,631 reviews373 followers
April 29, 2019
The first book in the Beautiful Mess series by T.K. Leigh. Olivia Adler lost her parents when she was only six. Twenty one years later she is living in Boston, Mass. She works in a wellness center in the Financial District. When she is attacked by an ex-boyfriend Alexander Burnham shows up to rescue her. Alexander is haunted by Olivia's eyes and is sure she is the girl he remembered from his childhood. Only that girl was dead...

The story started out good but soon fizzled for me. This might have gotten a slightly better rating had it not been for the awful ending. I considered this a tragedy and not a romance.
Profile Image for Pamela .
1,428 reviews77 followers
May 16, 2014
4.5 Stars

"A Beautiful Mess" is T.K. Leigh's debut novel and what a truly amazing read it is. I loved everything about it from the story to the complex characters, Alexander and Olivia. The chemistry Alexander and Olivia have right from the beginning is off the charts hot! I loved that the author didn't have them jumping into bed the first time they met; even better, no declarations of "I love you" within days of meeting. Instead, she continues to build the sexual tension between the two, that is so palpable, right up until they finally give in to their sexual desires. Alexander is my kind of alpha-male; not one who is over the top demanding and controlling.

"People only have to call me Mr. Burnham in the bedroom."

"I’m sure I’d enjoy the sound of you out of breath as well, just as long as it were my doing."

"I can’t wait to have that mouth on me."

"By the time I’m through sweeping you off your feet, you will be bursting at the seams, begging me to fuck you, never wanting another man inside you again."

Talk about a total turn-on. Very erotic indeed.

At the end of the novel we're given a sneak peak into Book 2, "A Tragic Wreck," and let me just say that I'm so disappointed in Alexander. Seriously? It's been a month; you're in love with the woman, and you can't keep it in your pants? Get off your high horse as you've got a whopper of a secret you've withheld from Olivia that not only concerns her, but that she deserves to know. Not to mention the couple of times you've already fucked-up early on in the relationship. Are men truly this stupid?

My biggest issue? It's part of another bloody series. Talk about frustrating at having to wait for books 2 and 3, both of which won't be available until next year. What's even worse? Knowing that others have had the privilege of having read books 2 and 3 already. Talk about unfair! Yeah, I know, I'm acting like a child. Sue me. I knew what I was getting into when it said "Beautiful Mess, Book 1." I just didn't think I'd love it as much as I did. I'm screwed as I know I'm looking forward to reading the next two novels. Seriously, I have absolutely no fucking patience when it comes to waiting for sequels to become available. My list just keeps growing and growing. And yeah, I recommend this book to all those who love a good romance.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Anna.
289 reviews75 followers
October 15, 2013
BLOG TOUR Sept 30 - Oct 04

**ARC received in exchange for an honest review**

Olivia and Alexander have more in common than it initially seemed.
Meet the duo in a story full of lust, love and intrigue, a story that leaves you just that, all beatifully messed up.

A Beatiful Mess by T.K. Leigh, the first book in a series with just the right mix of romance and suspense.

It was a rollercoaster ride from the very beginning to the very end.
I knew I'll ride the wave where it takes me - the story of living a life without closure, without the who and the why, drowning in doubt and uncertainty.
Nevertheless and most of all it was a beautiful love story.

Imagine a lifelong affection harbored and nursed in spite of all reason, outliving the inescapable trap of our existence, the death.
I can't be easy...
When push comes to the shove, will you be ready to unveil the secret you guared to keep the person you love save?

Thank you, T.K. Leigh for writing such a touching, disarming story. It made my day and will stay with me for much longer.

Profile Image for Lisa from Ohio aka: Square Granny.
805 reviews48 followers
August 16, 2015
Title: "A Beautiful Mess" - Book one in the 'Beautiful Mess' series.
Written by: T. K. Leigh
Published: August, 2013
Genre/keywords: Fiction, drama, chick-lit, romance, (HOT!) sexual situations, contemporary romance, suspense, troubled past, amnesia, loss of loved ones, security, music, band, female MC.
Read: August, 2015
Format: ebook via Kindle app (using Samsung Galaxy Tab4).

My raining: 4 "don't give up hope" stars (0-5 scale).

Brief remarks:

I was generously gifted this electronic book from the author in exchange for my honest review. THANK, TKL!

Before beginning to write my review, I read a couple of other reviews from reviewers that felt differently than I did after reading this story. Isn't it wonderful that we have a means to communicate and share this way here on GoodReads? Even though we may not agree with one another, it is so fabulous to be able to express our views respectfully and clearly and help one another understand. I just felt that way as I read through some reviews; it is just so cool to me! I'm a nerd, but I mean well! Lol :-)

So, about this book. If you've had the pleasure of reading this story, you'll already have an opinion on this first topic: the alternating POV's. It is an interesting way to write and read a story-I would guess it is VERY complicated for the author! Personally, I LIKE alternating POV, but do not see it often anymore. I guess what I like about it is it mirrors how my family and friends and I interact. We all get together and it can be one person on top of another constantly while telling the same shorty, yet the story gets told and it is sooo entertaining by the end because we ran all over the place, conversationally. I hope that makes sense? Regardless, it just isn't an annoyance to me most times.

Having said that, I feel that I was free to just enjoy the story. Our MC, Olivia, has a lot of loss and emotional issues ("baggage") and has both tried to work through and incorrectly ran from it in her past. Now that she's afraid she is falling in love with male MC Alexander, she is freaking out. Olivia has a "love 'em and leave 'em" history of "dating" until now; she tells BFF Kiera, "Now you know why I don't date. It's not worth the heartache. It's not worth this totally helpless feeling I have right now". It's really heartbreaking watching her struggle like this and I am able to relate to Olivia on a VERY personal level.

As the relationship begins and progresses and Alexander realizes his Olivia is most likely the "Olibia" from his youth, we watch him struggle with his own burden of information. It would be so terribly difficult to have to decide if/how/when one should or should not make the other person aware of this knowledge. Will knowing what he knows hurt her more? Will she be in true danger because of this knowledge? Okay first, I was irritated and thought "TELL HER DAMMIT", but as the story progressed and I thought more about it, I stopped feeling that way. I have NO CLUE how I would handle a situation like or similar to that one; I cannot decide yet if I would be able to take the potential risks and divulge all knowledge...I just don't know. Therefore, I can't let myself be mad at Alexander for not being sure I guess. Over analyze much, Lisa? Hahaa :))

In closing, I feel that this story is going to be a really good trilogy and have already purchased book two! I would have LOOOVED more in book one, but I know cliffhanger type endings are par for the course oftentimes in a series. I'm cool with it. I liked the beginning of Olivia and Alexander's story, I definitely do NOT think it us anywhere near over yet! I also liked the supporting characters (Kiera, Mo, Alex's sibs). I hope we get to know them a little more as well. I have to leave you with one more quote from the book, though. In this scene at about 80%, Olivia is discussing her fears with Kiera. It seems that Kiera feels enough is enough as she says to O, "You need to realize that your fear of getting close to people is not real. It's merely a product of choice, of thoughts that your mind has created. Get the fuck over it, Olivia, and let yourself be happy for once. Because, no matter what happens, you ARE going to get hurt in life. You can't avoid it. But it's so much better to have jumped into the ocean and gotten stung by a jellyfish, than to never have felt the saltwater between your toes at all."...then Kiera walks away. POW! Well said, K!

Thanks for stopping by as always!

Lisa (@NurseLisainOhio)
December 17, 2013

This review may contain SPOILERS.....

I am in shock as to how high the ratings for this book are. It's like the author threw together scenes from Hopeless and Fifty Shades and decided to write a book. While I was reading this book the "special agent" scenes played out in my head as a poorly acted CSI show. The lead female Olivia started off as what seemed like a strong intelligent woman and ended up as an annoyingly dumb naive girl. How many times can you seriously pass something off as mere coincidence?! Not to mention how the author gives these 6 and 9 year old children feelings of adults or maybe teenagers. I don't know about many of you but at 9 I was not in love with anything especially not a boy, gross! Lol Half way through the book I was forcing myself to finish just to find out what in the hell was inside this letter that is of such importance...is this girl some kind of outer space princess or something, only to be left with a cliffhanger and STILL no clue what the letter says!!! The last couple chapters were very repetitive in the sense that if I read one more time about "the voice" telling her to leave to gain control or about the "emptiness" in her eyes I was going to claw my own eyes out! Alexander as a character was likeable but a total bootleg version of Christian Grey. The only way I may skim through the next TWO (???) books are if they are FREE and to find out what that damn letter says!!!
Profile Image for Nancy❤The❤Bookaholic.
1,141 reviews141 followers
September 6, 2016

~~3.75 stars~~

WARNING!! This has a cliffhanger! This book is told from a third person POV. There were things in this book that reminded me of 50 Shades of Grey. The domineering man in bed , the over protectiveness, & rich, handsome man.

Olivia Adler's parents died in a car crash when she was 6 years old. She doesn't remember much. Just bits and pieces of things. And then she lost the only family she had left, her Uncle Charles. Losing so much in her life she promised herself to never get too close to anybody. She didn't want to risk the chance of losing them. Olivia only did casual hookups with no strings attached. Well that all changed the day she met Alexander Burnham. She meets Alexander when he saves her life.

Alexander is an ex-Navy Seal that has had his share of losing people he loves too. He lost his childhood best friend in a tragic car accident and his father in the line of duty. He soon finds out that there's more to Olivia then what's on the surface. He has this need to protect her. From what? He's not sure, but as he gets to know Olivia he uncovers the truth about her. After learning Olivia's secret, he can't bring himself to let Olivia know because he fears how she will react and if it will put her in more danger.

This is a quick read that unfortunately left me wanting the next book like NOW!! Good thing I only have to wait a couple months. The sequel will be released in February.

Alexander Burnham

Olivia Adler

Profile Image for Antonella ❄️☕.
242 reviews120 followers
September 14, 2013
actual rating 2.5

Didn't hate it, didn't like it either.
The premise was good, but the story never moved on. The first half was just a repetition of the same scenes, nothing really happened till the last chapters and even then it was a non-shocking end.
Good part of the plot was just a filler, what was described in 300+ pages could easily been wrote in few chapters and the whole story in just one book, certainly not a trilogy.

As for the writing it's nothing special, there're very lame dialogues and the multiples pov didn't work out imo.

I'll read books 2 and 3 just to know how things will turn out.
Profile Image for Tania.
634 reviews1 follower
Shelved as 'did-not-finish'
July 11, 2014
DNF - I liked the concept of the story but I just couldn't get past the writing. I prefer to read books told in first person so I'm very particular when it comes to reading books in third person. It just really bothered me that pretty much every other sentence, there would be a change in character POV. It just felt really messy and disorganized and it really messes up the flow of the story. I found myself constantly pausing between paragraphs to realize the story wasn't told in Olivia's POV anymore but was now Alexander's. Oh wait, it's back to Olivia again. Some parts of the story even revealed what the antagonists were thinking and that just ruins the suspense of the story!

Profile Image for Natalie.
6 reviews3 followers
July 15, 2013
I was lucky enough to beta this book. This book was a great read. The characters were very likeable. The sex scenes were hot. If you love alpha males then this is the book for you. I cannot wait for book two.

Profile Image for Terri (N.J.).
836 reviews44 followers
March 26, 2017
I don't know what happened I really liked this up until about half way. I think when Alexander whent home for the weekend things just went down hill for me. It felt as if I was reading a different book. I gave it my best shot.
Profile Image for Tiffany Readz.
1,969 reviews50 followers
October 6, 2013
A Beautiful Mess is just that, a mess of emotions from both leading characters. It is a train wreck you see coming for miles, but have to keep reading to see how it will all finally play out.

Olivia's past is as convoluted as ones past can get. She lost her parents when she was six and then her uncle who took her in died when she graduated from college. Now residing in Boston and working at a Wellness Center, Olivia is just existing. She has a good friend Kiera and dates, no boyfriends, just no strings attached sex and moving on. Olivia is scared to let anybody into her life as she doesn't want to love them and lose them like she did her parents and uncle. If she gets too close, she will run away from the attachment and just start over in a new town.

Alexander Burnham is the most eligible bachelor in Boston. He is handsome, rich, successful and has had a broken heart for over twenty years. Alexander had the chance to save the love of his life years ago when she was in a car accident with her parents, but couldn't and has regretted it ever since. As a nine year old boy, Alexander didn't know what was going on with Olivia and the car accident, but as an adult, he knows deep in his heart she is alive. Alexander has spent his entire life searching for her, he now runs his fathers successful security company and has the resources to do so.

When Alexander saves Olivia one night, he is sure he has found his girl. Not wanting to spook her, Alexander gets close to Olivia, closer than she has ever let anybody before. They become friends while trying to figure out who each other is in their minds. She will say things that make him believe she is his Olivia, and he will appear in her dreams as the little boy that tried to save her that fateful night.

I like the romance/action/suspense genre when it is done well and this book is. There is enough of everything to keep the reader interested. We are following the steamy romance of Alexander and Olivia, while trying to figure out what went wrong in her past. Besides the cliffhanger, the most annoying part in this book is the letter from Alexanders dad. He just wouldn't open it no matter how many times I yelled into my Kindle for him to do so. Let me explain, there is a letter left from Alexander's dad, and while it could possibly contain information on Olivia's past, he Just. Won't. Open. It. Drove me mad, especially when I got to the end of the book and things were such a beautiful mess for this couple.

It is a cliffhanger and I saw the next one states it will be out in 2014 which is a bummer because it's a really good story. Well written, sexy as hell and I will be waiting to see how this mess gets cleaned up.
Profile Image for MsAjay (Ms. Undercover Geek).
64 reviews4 followers
September 2, 2013
I was gifted this book for an honest review. I give A Beautiful Mess 3 ½ stars. This book had the potential to be a 4-4 ½ star book if the plot was better. The book centered around Olivia Adler a woman with a trouble past. She losses her parents at the age of six and has major attachments issues, not just with men, but her friend as well. I actually liked Olivia’s character most of the time but she was a coward at times which really irritated me. The hero in this book is Alexander Burnham or Mr. Burnham in the bedroom :-). I loved Alex to pieces. The book was well written and it flowed. I liked how the book showed both Alex’s and Olivia POV. The love scenes in this book were incredible. So I liked the characters and the writing so what happened? The plot it what happened.

The book started out strong I was intrigued. But the plot went on and on and on. I mean the plot did not need to drag out to the end of book with NO RESOLUTION. Don’t get me wrong…I love a good cliffhanger. But this was not a good way to end the book.

Olivia – I get it…her parents died when she was six years old and she has some issues, but nothing else happened in her life for her to be this messed up? I mean she is a little over the top. Her parents died like 20yrs ago. I’m not saying she should not still be hurt, but I can’t believe she has not made any progress with her issues since she was six?

Alex – His secrets were silly and unnecessary. The secrets he kept from Olivia were unrealistic because of the field he works in. He could not possibly think that keeping the truth from her would keep her safe. How is she supposed to protect herself? And the letter!! I’m not going to go into the letter because I am writing a spoiler free review, but he really has the wrong priorities when it comes to Olivia.

Lastly, I do not think that it is realistic for Alex to be put in the compromising position he was put in as a child. No way.

With that being said I will be reading the next book. I just hope the plot is stronger in the next book.
Profile Image for Kristina Sanchez.
Author 5 books238 followers
May 4, 2016
To be fair, I did not finish this book. I should have quit when the victim of an assault with heavy sexual overtones, on the night she was assaulted, started to think about how hot and sexy her savior was. She pretty quickly forgets about the fact she's been beat up by a man she'd been dating because she's instantly lusting after the savior. And said savior is, of course, saying dirty things to this complete and total stranger who had just been attacked outside of the building he owns. Because that doesn't make him creepy at all. OH, I'm supposed to find that sexy? I must have missed that part.

Authors--if you're going to subject us to rapey attacks for the sake of entertainment and titillation, would it kill you to be responsible with that? Sincerely. It could have waited a chapter for the MC to find the savior attractive. Ya know...not literally 10 minutes after her attack?

Then, the woman who in the beginning of the story was independent and doing well on her own turns into this mess of a woman who needs the man to order her around? In fact, she thinks about how she WANTS to obey him (because of course, he doesn't ask her anything, he TELLS her what she's going to do, orders for her etc etc etc). In the beginning of the story, she was being derisive because her current boy toy (the one who later attacks her) is getting too clingy. From that to, "Oh, yes, make decisions for me! I love it!" Total about face.

All of which I can generally put up with if there's a decent plot. Don't get me wrong. It's there. It's just that the over-the-top "I'm so sexy" flirtation between these two is the obvious point of this book. I got too bored with it.

Yeah, I'm out.
Profile Image for ✰ Liz ✰ .
1,374 reviews1,343 followers
March 25, 2014
This book is the beginning of a beautiful love story. I fell in love with Alexander from the first page. It was full of steam and intrigue. The cliffhanger is CRAZY....if you don't have time to jump into the next book then DO NOT READ THIS ONE....you will be clawing to get started on the next one right away!
Profile Image for Kel.
49 reviews
May 29, 2022
** I was given this book from the author in exchange for an honest review**

T.K Leigh ... My new favorite author! Fantastic read and can't wait to see what is delivered next!!
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Big Joe  Rossi.
1,767 reviews50 followers
June 30, 2017
This book had greatness potential and I feel with a little editing it would of easily been a 5 star favorite of mine. 4 stars none the less.

Olivia Adler doesnt do relationships. She has a small group of friends, tiny really. Forget about men! When one gets to close, cut! They are booted. That is until on a night her current f*** buddy turns nuts and tries to attack her outside her office building only to be rescued by a sexy stranger. Enter Alexander Burnham. A rich, sexy, businessman who deals in security.

Alexander is stunned when he looks into the eyes of Olivia after her ordeal. It is no way it can be her! See 21 yrs ago his best friend, Olibia he called her, was killed. He never believed it and now he sees it in her eyes she may be the one he is still looking for.

Slowly they date, hang out despite all of Olivia's fears of relationships. See she lost her parents when she was 6. Her Uncle Charlie the day of her HS graduation. She ran from her friends once already not able to cope with the fear of losing anyone she got remotely close too. But he is breaking down her walls little by little. Hot, dominate, caring sex will do that.

Despite his belief she is his Olibia and the girl he has been searching for he doesn't let on. Even as details start to align. Will this cost him in the end? Someone who doesn't trust easy not being told the truth from the start? We shall see.

Also, outside forces are also looking for her and a box she has or knows where it is. The man looking is known and feared by those in the know and he is looking at her and making moves to get what he needs.

Will Alexander be able to keep her safe? Will she run like she always does the closer they become? Will his neglect of telling her the truth be a major obstacle? Also throw in a letter from his deceased father that he has held onto for 5 yrs without opening, what secrets will it hold?

Now the part i didnt like was that this, while only being a 323 pg book, read like it was much longer. A lot of repetitive story telling that became a little monotonous. With a little thinning of the that and a little more character building this would be am easy 5 star. But it only gets 3.5-4 this time
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